Spelling suggestions: "subject:"0nvironmental impact assessment"" "subject:"byenvironmental impact assessment""
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Aplicação da abordagem sistêmica para análise da efetividade da Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental no Brasil: um estudo para os Estados de São Paulo e sul de Minas Gerais / Application of the systems approach to analyze the effectiveness of Environmental Impact Assessment in Brazil: a study in the states of São Paulo and South of Minas GeraisMaria Rita Raimundo e Almeida 17 December 2013 (has links)
A Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental (AIA), uma ferramenta internacionalmente difundida e estabelecida, apresenta limitações em relação à influência que exerce sobre as decisões tomadas, que sugerem um baixo grau de efetividade para o instrumento. Nesse contexto, a análise de sua efetividade tem sido realizada a partir de diferentes abordagens, com prevalência de estudos focados em procedimentos específicos e/ou partes do processo de AIA, ou, ainda, orientados para a verificação do cumprimento de critérios ou diretrizes para sua aplicação. Diante de sua complexidade, sugere-se, então, que tanto a AIA quanto os fatores intervenientes em sua efetividade sejam compreendidos a partir de um enfoque mais amplo, que considere as relações existentes entre as etapas do processo, seus componentes e atores envolvidos. O desenho da pesquisa realizada se orienta por elementos desenvolvidos no campo da Teoria Geral dos Sistemas e, como tal, assume que as diferentes relações entre os componentes de sistemas complexos fazem emergir propriedades que condicionam o seu próprio funcionamento. Adotando-se como objeto de estudo os sistemas de AIA e licenciamento ambiental implementados nos estados de São Paulo e Minas Gerais (Sul de Minas), o presente trabalho é voltado para a identificação e discussão dos fatores intervenientes na efetividade da aplicação dos instrumentos envolvidos, a partir de um enfoque sistêmico. Dentre as ferramentas sistêmicas existentes foi escolhida a Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) conhecida por fomentar o aprendizado dos atores envolvidos e aplicada a sistemas não quantificáveis como a AIA para identificar as lacunas e propor ações para melhoria destes dois sistemas. Os resultados obtidos permitem apontar diferenças na organização e capacidade de resposta dos sistemas estudados, concentradas na estruturação do órgão ambiental, na definição do escopo, nas janelas de participação, na quantidade de atores envolvidos nas arenas de decisão e no tempo de trâmite dos processos. As principais limitações identificadas para os dois sistemas estão em consonância com o que aponta a literatura internacional, que incluem a participação, a consideração de alternativas para o projeto, a avaliação de efeitos cumulativos e a influência de fatores externos na tomada de decisão. A abordagem utilizada apresentou-se como interessante para avaliar os sistemas de AIA, contribuindo para um melhor entendimento de sua organização e funcionamento. / Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), an internationally widespread and established tool, has limitations with respect to its influence on decision-making, suggesting a low degree of effectiveness for the instrument. In this context, its effectiveness analysis has been carried out from different approaches, with a prevalence of studies focused on specific procedures and/or parts of the EIA process, or even targeted for the verification of compliance with criteria or guidelines for its implementation. Given its complexity, it is suggested, then, that both the EIA as intervening factors in its effectiveness are understood from a broader approach that considers the relationships between the steps of the process, its components and actors involved. The design of the research is guided by elements developed in the field of General Systems Theory and, as such, assumes that the different relationships between components of complex systems are emerging properties that determine its own functioning. Adopted as the study object the EIA and environmental licensing systems implemented in the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais (Sul de Minas), the present work is focused on the identification and discussion of the factors involved in the effectiveness of the application of the instruments involved, based on a systemic approach. Among the existing systemic tools was chosen the Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) known to foster learning of the actors involved and applied to non-quantifiable systems like EIA to identify gaps and propose actions for the improvement of these two systems. The results may point out differences in the organization and responsiveness of the studied systems, concentrated in environmental agency structuring, in the scope, in the participation windows, in the number of actors involved in the decision arenas and in the processes time. The main constraints identified for the two systems are in line with the international literature points, which include participation, consideration of project alternatives, the assessment of cumulative effects and the influence of external factors in decision-making. The approach presented as interesting to evaluate the EIA systems, contributing to a better understanding of its organization and operation.
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Avaliação de impactos ambientais transfronteiriços na região Amazônica: revisão de estudos de caso / Transboundary environmental impact assessment in the Amazon basin: study case reviewAngela Nayibe Moreno Torres 11 August 2014 (has links)
Processos acelerados de globalização induzem a exploração intensiva de recursos naturais em grande escala e a construção de megaprojetos que muitas vezes transpassam as fronteiras dos países. Neste contexto, a Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental Transfronteiriça (AIA-T) se converte em uma ferramenta essencial da gestão ambiental, pois tem o potencial de apoiar a tomada de decisões que podem afetar mais de um país e assim contribuir para evitar conflitos internacionais. Contudo, a implementação desta ferramenta ainda encontra muitos desafios, por tratar de temas delicados e complexos como as relações internacionais ou a soberania dos estados. No contexto mundial, apenas a União Europeia apresenta um marco normativo claro e bem estabelecido para aplicação da AIA-T de projetos, restando às demais regiões um longo caminho a ser percorrido. A América do Sul passa atualmente por um intenso processo de integração física baseado em um amplo programa de investimentos denominado \"Iniciativa para a Integração da Infraestrutura Regional Sul-Americana\" (IIRSA), que vem promovendo alterações ambientais significativas em toda a região, sobretudo no âmbito dos países amazônicos, sem contar com um arcabouço institucional que assegure a avaliação dos impactos transfronteiriços e a sua incorporação aos procedimentos de aprovação e implantação dos projetos associados. Sendo assim, a presente pesquisa de Mestrado visou investigar a existência de marcos institucionais e metodológicos que pudessem fornecer suporte para a aplicação da AIA-T nos países amazônicos e avaliar sua proximidade com os princípios e boas práticas desta ferramenta em nível mundial. Através de revisão bibliográfica, documental e estudos de caso, os resultados encontrados indicam que a AIA-T deve integrar os procedimentos de tomada de decisão que envolvem os países amazônicos, de modo a assegurar o cumprimento dos compromissos internacionais já assumidos em torno da proteção do ecossistema amazônico e o gerenciamento adequado dos impactos ambientais transfronteiriços. / Intensive natural resources exploitation has been accelerated at large scale by globalization processes in the last years, and its impacts might overstep political boundaries. In this scenario, the transboundary environmental impact assessment (hereafter TEIA) has become an integrated approach and essential tool for international environmental management, supporting decision taking processes with the potential to prevent cross border conflicts. Nonetheless, the implementation is still challenging due to the political and social complexity of international relationships and sovereignty of the countries involved. Hitherto just the European Union has been consolidated a clear normative framework in the implementation of TEIA. Conversely in South America this framework is not clear, due to the lack of institutional structure to set up an appropriate environmental assessment scheme, despite that nowadays several megaprojects have been established under the denominated \"Iniciativa para la Integración de la Infraestructura Regional Sur-Americana\" (IIRSA) – the South-American regional integrative infrastructure initiative- and serious pervasive effects associated in the environment have been recorded, being more notorious in the Amazon region, due to the inherent vulnerability of this biome. In this context, the present master dissertation discussed from a comprehensive literature and policies review and study cases, the institutional and methodological framework as the normative base of the TEIA, as well as to assess good practices for environmental impact assessment of development projects in countries within the Amazon biome. In overall TEIA must integrate the decision taking procedures of countries with influence of the Amazon biome in order to guarantee fulfil previously undertaken international agreements that protect the Amazon ecosystem, and the suitable management of environmental impacts at frontiers, and consequently to prevent future scenarios of international dispute.
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For the Good of Society:public participation in the siting of nuclear and hydro power projects in FinlandStrauss, H. (Hannah) 13 September 2011 (has links)
This thesis addresses the conceptual and institutional framework of current planning and assessment processes for large-scale energy projects in Finland. In particular, recent proposals for nuclear and hydro power projects are described and theoretically discussed in regard to the procedural capacities that allow for public participation. It is argued that because of ill-defined purposes of public participation and an institutional bias towards conflict-free siting processes, opportunities for participation have little relevance in terms of the overall aim of rendering decisions legitimate. Rather, participatory procedures exhibit a strong ritualistic character within a legalistic atmosphere, thereby excluding political argument whenever citizens are encouraged to engage. A normative account of the welfare society – expressed in Finland through the notion of the overall good in energy decision making – advocates reflection on current practices against the background of conceptualisation of political engagement in planning and decision making.
In addition, it is argued that despite efforts to strengthen local government and administration, public institutions appear to refrain from engaging in the planning process. This vacant space is filled by private institutions, though these lack a political mandate for their activities. Thus, this thesis argues that instead of increasing the legitimacy of procedures and decisions, the opposite is taking place through a weakening of public institutions and representative functions.
More generally, it is emphasised that the participatory imperative has to be considered a paradigmatic shift that requires reflection. The thesis discusses the influence of academic scholars on the formulation of a “participatory turn” that has produced an understanding of underlying expectations towards participating citizens in planning and assessment processes. Based on a review of theoretical outlines of reasonable and rational discourse, it is stated that these notions neglect important motivational factors and reinforce the exclusion of citizen participation in political struggle. / Tiivistelmä
Tämä väitöskirja käsittelee laajojen energiahankkeiden nykyisten suunnittelu- ja arviointiprosessien käsitteellistä ja institutionaalista rakennetta. Erityisesti kuvataan ja tarkastellaan teoreettisesti viimeaikaisia ydin- ja vesivoimahanke-esityksiä suhteessa menettelytapojen kykyyn ottaa huomioon kansalaisten vaikutusmahdollisuudet. Osoitetaan, että epämääräisten julkisen osallistumisen tavoitteiden ja yksipuolisen sijoitusprosessien konfliktittomuutta suosivan institutionaalisen suhtautumisen vuoksi osallistumistilaisuuksilla on vain vähän merkitystä päätösten legitimoinnin tavoitteen kannalta. Legalistisen ilmapiirin vallitessa osallistavat menettelytavat näyttäytyvät pikemminkin luonteeltaan ritualistisina, ja tähän liittyen poliittiset argumentit jätetään huomiotta aina, kun kansalaisia rohkaistaan vaikuttamaan. Normatiivinen kuvaus hyvinvointiyhteiskunnasta – joka Suomessa ilmaistaan energiapäätöksenteossa yleisen hyvän käsityksen kautta – vaatii nykyisten käytäntöjen uudelleenarviointia suunnitteluun ja päätöksentekoon liittyvän poliittisen sitoutumisen käsitteellistämisen taustaa vasten.
Lisäksi osoitetaan, että huolimatta yrityksistä vahvistaa paikallista hallintoa, julkiset instituutiot näyttävät olevan haluttomia sitoutumaan suunnitteluprosesseihin. Tämän vapaan tilan täyttävät yksityiset instituutiot, vaikka niiden toiminnalta puuttuu poliittinen mandaatti. Siten tämä väitöskirja esittää, että menettelytapojen ja päätösten legitimiteetin lisäämisen sijaan on julkisten instituutioiden ja edustuksellisten tehtävien heikkenemisen kautta käymässä päinvastoin.
Yleisemmällä tasolla painotetaan, että osallistava imperatiivi täytyy ymmärtää paradigmaattiseksi muutokseksi, joka vaatii pohdiskelua. Väitöskirja käsittelee akateemisten tutkijoiden vaikutusta ”osallistavan käänteen” formulointiin, joka on vaikuttanut käsityksiin suunnittelu- ja arviointiprosesseihin osallistuvista kansalaisista. Järkevän ja rationaalisen diskurssin teoreettisten yhteenvetojen uudelleen tarkastelun perusteella todetaan, että nämä käsitykset jättävät huomiotta tärkeitä motivaatioon liittyviä tekijöitä ja vahvistavat kansalaisten osallistumisen sulkemista poliittisen taistelun ulkopuolelle.
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A conceptual analysis of environmental justice approaches : procedural environmental justice in the EIA process in South Africa and ZambiaTowela Sambo, Pamela January 2012 (has links)
This study argues that the basis of all environmental justice variations is the consideration of fairness, equity and justice in the environmental processes that resolve environmental problems. A Procedural Environmental Justice Model (PEJM) has been developed for the purpose of evaluating the procedural environmental justice content of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) legislation in South Africa and Zambia. EIA as a tool for mitigating adverse environmental impacts arising from development activities aims at identifying, predicting, evaluating and mitigating the bio-physical, social, and other relevant effects of development proposals prior to major decisions being taken. This makes it an apt case study for evaluating how procedural environmental justice works. The PEJM developed in this thesis is important because it can be used as a mechanism for evaluating how procedural environmental justice works in practice. Apart from developing the PEJM, this research provides an in- depth evaluation of procedural environmental justice and proceeds, in a novel manner, to focus on South Africa and Zambia. The concept of environmental justice originates from the civil liberties campaigns of the 1960s and the more recent Environmental Justice Movement in the United States. It was historically concerned with widespread distributive inequalities which manifested as discrimination mainly on the basis of race and economic status in environmental matters. In more recent years, environmental justice concerns have become more profound owing to the diversity and gravity of global environmental problems such as global warming and climate change, natural resources depletion and widespread air and water pollution. The effects of these global environmental problems have been predicted to affect inhabitants of developing countries more than those of the developed ones, thereby emphasising procedural environmental justice concerns.This research shows that in the present day environmental parlance, environmental justice should be increasingly used to connote inclusiveness in addressing global, national and grassroots environmental problems. There has been a distinct tendency to move beyond the traditional description of environmental justice as being distributive, or primarily concerned with the allocation of environmental advantages and disadvantages. This is due to the realisation that distributive environmental justice aspects are inadequate in addressing historical and present day environmental challenges. This research emphasises that environmental justice incorporates procedural, corrective and social aspects of justice. The promotion of inclusive participation or procedural environmental justice transcends all conceptions of the concept. Therefore, in order to promote environmental justice, environmental legislation must focus on procedural features that incorporate effective public participation mechanisms.
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Análise do tempo de tramitação de processos de licenciamento ambiental: estudo de casos de termelétricas no Estado de São Paulo / Analysis of proceeding period on environmental licensing processes: a case study on thermal power plants in Sao Paulo stateGraziela de Toni Aguilar 14 July 2008 (has links)
Os procedimentos de licenciamento ambiental (LA) têm sido criticados pelos agentes econômicos, notadamente por aqueles ligados ao setor energético, por entenderem que a agilidade na análise dos processos de viabilidade ambiental de empreendimentos encontra-se aquém ao esperado. Com o objetivo de analisar a interferência de alguns fatores ligados aos procedimentos de LA sobre o tempo total de tramitação dos processos, foi realizada revisão documental de processos que tramitaram no estado de São Paulo, entre 1998 e 2007, para a instalação de usinas termelétricas a gás natural, com potência superior a 10 MW, e que obtiveram a licença ambiental prévia (LP). Foram obtidos dados quantitativos e informações qualitativas que permitiram verificar que os fatores número de solicitações de informações complementares feitas pelos órgãos ambientais ao empreendedor, número de impactos ambientais identificados no estudo de impacto ambiental (EIA) e número de condicionantes constantes na LP expedida não apresentam uma relação com o tempo de tramitação dos processos. Outros fatores como deficiências no estudo ambiental e a inadequação do local proposto à instalação dos empreendimentos, dadas as restrições ambientais, aparentemente apresentam maior interferência sobre os tempos de tramitação. Diante disto, destaca-se a necessidade de, previamente ao licenciamento, serem elaborados estudos específicos voltados à apresentação de alternativas locacionais que considerem critérios ambientais e critérios econômicos com o mesmo nível de importância para a tomada de decisão. Tais estudos, servindo como base de referência para a escolha da melhor localização para instalação de empreendimentos, tendem a reduzir o tempo total de tramitação dos processos de licenciamento. / The procedures for environmental licensing (LA) have been criticized by economic agents, especially by those connected to the energy sector, because they believe that agility on analysis of the processes of enterprises environmental viability is less than what was expected. In order to analyze the interference of some factors related to LA proceedings on proceeding period, the processes documentary review was held and transited in São Paulo State between 1998 and 2007 for the installation of natural gas thermal power plants with emitted preliminary environmental permit (LP) and output exceeding 10 MW. Quantitative data and qualitative information were obtained which allowed the confirmation that the factors number of requests for additional information made by environmental agencies to the enterprise, number of environmental impacts identified in the environmental impact statement (EIA) and number of constraints in the LP emitted have no relation to the proceeding period. Other factors such as shortcomings in the environmental study and inadequate the proposed site for the installation of enterprises, given the environmental restrictions, apparently show greater interference on the proceeding period. So, there is a necessity, prior to licensing, of being drawn up specific studies focused on the presentation of located alternatives to consider environmental and economic issues with the same level of importance for the decision. Such studies, serving as point of reference for choosing the best location for setting up of enterprises tend to reduce the proceeding period of the licensing processes.
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Subsídios para o desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Informações Ambientais aplicado ao licenciamento ambiental no Estado de São Paulo / Subsidies for the development of an Environmental Information System applied to the environmental licensing in São Paulo StateLoretha Almeida do Nascimento 14 August 2012 (has links)
O licenciamento ambiental é um instrumento da política ambiental de caráter preventivo de proteção ao meio ambiente, estruturado em torno de procedimentos administrativos que tratam da localização, instalação, ampliação, alteração e operação de empreendimentos ou atividades que utilizam os recursos ambientais, consideradas efetiva ou potencialmente poluidoras ou que possam causar degradação ambiental. A avaliação de impactos ambientais (AIA) está acoplada a este procedimento, analisando a viabilidade ambiental de projetos e fundamentando uma decisão a respeito da implantação de atividades. Para tanto, verifica-se a necessidade de uma quantidade relativamente extensa de dados que permitam a elaboração de um diagnóstico ambiental, para fins de análise dos impactos associados ao empreendimento em questão. Sistemas de Informações ambientais (SIA) são ferramentas que possuem um grande potencial para receber, analisar e gerar informações que subsidiem as distintas etapas do licenciamento ambiental. Nesse contexto, a presente pesquisa de Mestrado procurou verificar a aplicabilidade de um SIA como ferramenta de auxilio à tomada de decisão e ao gerenciamento das atividades associadas ao licenciamento ambiental no estado de São Paulo. Por meio do estudo do processo de licenciamento e AIA implementado no estado, entrevistas com potenciais usuários e levantamento bibliográfico foram estabelecidos os requisitos necessários e demandas a serem supridas pelo sistema, bem como quais seriam os potenciais benefícios do uso desta ferramenta, que orientaram o desenvolvimento de um protótipo. A pesquisa traz a discussão de aspectos críticos que envolvem o foco do trabalho: o gerenciamento da informação no licenciamento, a participação do usuário ao longo do processo de desenvolvimento do sistema, a integração de geotecnologias e, por fim, o levantamento de outros pontos fundamentais a serem considerados ao longo do desenvolvimento e implementação de um SIA voltado para o licenciamento. / Environmental licensing is a policy\'s instrument which prevents a protection of the environment. It analyzes the location, installation, expansion, modification and operation of projects or activities that use environmental resources and that may effectively or potentially cause pollution or environmental degradation. The environmental impact assessment is associated with this procedure, analyzing the environmental acceptability applied to projects and serving as a basis to the decision-making process. An extensive database is necessary to develop an environmental diagnostic and analyze the impacts of the projects. Environmental Information Systems are tools with great potential to receive, analyze, generate and disseminate information to support the steps in the licensing process. In this context, this dissertation verifies the applicability of SIA as a tool to support decision-making and management activities related to licensing in the Sao Paulo State. By means of the study of the licensing process and EIA implemented in the state, interviews with potential users and the literature on the subject requirements and demands were established to be supplied by the system. The potential benefits of using this tool, which would guide the development of a prototype were also analyzed. The research raises the discussion of critical issues: management of information in licensing, users participation throughout the system development process, integration of geotechnologies and other key questions to be considered during the development and implementation of an EIS to environmental licensing.
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Análise da etapa de delimitação do escopo em processos de avaliação de impacto ambiental no estado de São Paulo / Analysis of the scoping phase in environmental impact assessment in São Paulo stateFlávia Risse de Mattos Barretto 06 August 2012 (has links)
A Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental é um instrumento que auxilia o processo decisório, a elaboração de projetos e propostas de desenvolvimento, e que oferece campo para a integração de valores associados à sustentabilidade e ao desenvolvimento sustentável. Para que a avaliação de impacto ambiental seja efetiva, deve estar embasada na delimitação das questões prioritárias, bem como em respostas adequadas e necessárias aos tomadores de decisão, em um processo conhecido como scoping. A delimitação do escopo de um Estudo de Impacto Ambiental (EIA) tem como principal objetivo definir os estudos considerados adequados para a correta avaliação dos impactos potencialmente significativos relacionados a um projeto, orientado pelo diagnóstico preliminar de suas áreas de influência. Diante da necessidade de avaliar a efetividade dessa etapa dentro do quadro geral da AIA praticada, o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a etapa de delimitação do escopo de estudos de impacto ambiental de processos de Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental ocorridos no Estado de São Paulo, utilizando-se como marco referencial a promulgação da Resolução SMA 54/2004. A fim de estudar o processo de scoping no estado de São Paulo, nos termos da regulamentação vigente e com base nas melhores práticas preconizadas para este instrumento, foram analisados 34 processos de licenciamento ambiental que tramitaram na Secretaria de Meio Ambiente do Estado de São Paulo (SMA/CETESB), para diferentes tipologias de empreendimento. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a estrutura preconizada para o scoping no estado, ainda que seja potencialmente diferenciada em relação aos demais estados do país, não tem assegurado a formulação de Termos de Referências concisos e focados nos impactos significativos dos empreendimentos, pouco contribuindo para a efetividade das avaliações de impacto. / The Environmental Impact Assessment is an instrument which helps in the decision making, the elaboration of projects and development of proposals, also offers a way for the integration of values associated with the sustainability and sustainable development. For the environmental impact assessment to be effective, it should be based on delimitation of priority issues, as well as responses appropriate and necessary to the decision makers, in a process known as scoping. The main objective of the EIA scoping is define the studies considered suitable for the correct evaluation of potentially significant impacts related to a project, directed by the preliminary diagnosis of their areas of influence. Considering the need to evaluate the effectiveness of this step within the overall framework of the EIA carried, the aim of this study was to evaluate de scoping phase in environmental impact statement of Environmental Impact Assessment processes occurred in São Paulo State, under the current regulation and based on best practices recommended for this instrument. The study evaluated 34 environmental licensing process which were proceed through the Secretary of Environment of the São Paulo State (Secretaria de Meio Ambiente do Estado de São Paulo - SMA/CETESB), with different development typologies. The results obtained showed that the structure recommended for the scoping in the São Paulo State, although it is potentially different than the other states in Brazil, it hasnt ensured the elaboration of Terms of Reference concise and focused on significant impacts of the projects, with few contribution to the effectiveness of environmental impact assessment.
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PUERTO RICO POWER SYSTEM TRANSITION TO RENEWABLE ENERGYSofia Paola Espinell Gonzalez (9970334) 14 January 2021 (has links)
<p>Puerto Rico’s lack of effective and affordable energy substitutes after Hurricane Maria resulted
in a mortality increase of 4,970 residents (Verma, Murray, and Mamdani, 2018). Puerto Rico’s
Island dependency on electric power and no energy substitutes available have provoked a risk to
human life after catastrophic events. The problem was measured by comparing Puerto Rico’s
reliance on fossil fuels with accessible and economical renewable energy options. Solar
photovoltaic (PV) technologies are the optimum alternative to transition from fossil fuel usage to
renewable energy. Previous research has demonstrated the impact of using solar panels instead
of an electric grid due to the constant solar radiation throughout the year. The analyzed data and
projections showed a reduction in fossil fuels and carbon dioxide emissions by implementing
solar photovoltaic technologies. The installation of PV systems in landfills, household roofs and
transitioning to solar public lighting positively impacts the atmosphere carbon dioxide emissions.
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Djuren och naturens värde mot grön energi : En analys av miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar inom vindkraft för prioritering av djur ochnatur jämfört med andra intressen / Animals and nature's value against green energy : An analysis on environmental impact assessment’s in wind power on their prioritising ofanimals and nature compared to other interestsAhlin, Nina January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur Miljökonsekvensbeskrivnings (MKB)dokument på vindkraft prioriterar djur och natur jämfört med andra faktorer, för dennauppsats grön energi. Grön energi i dagens samhälle värdesätts högt då det är steg närmare enhållbar framtid. MKB dokumentens syfte är att lyfta fram konsekvenser som sker till följd aven åtgärd/verksamhet. Men MKB dokument har lång väg att gå då det finns brister iprocessen. Dessa brister beror till viss del på en avsaknad av fungerande teoretiska ramar förMKB utredningar, och dels på hur beställare och författare till MKB dokumenten påverkas avsin omgivning. I uppsatsens fall den rådande kulturen och hur samhällets syn på människansrelation till naturen och djuren är. Resultatet av uppsatsen blev: Djur och natur får ofta ståtillbaka för mänskliga intressen som värderas högre. Exempel på dessa intressen är merförnybar energi, konsekvenser för människor och deras samhälle i form av begränsadframkomst på området. En förändrad landskapsbild. Oljud, skuggtimmar och iskastning. / The purpose of this essay is to research how Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)documents for wind power prioritises animals and nature compared to other factors, for thisessay it is green energy. Green energy in today’s society is valued high for a more sustainablefuture. EIA in Sweden has the purpose to show the consequences of an action/operation. ButEIA documents have a long way to go, because there are shortcomings in the process. Theseshortcomings are partly due to the lack of proper theoretical frameworks for EIA, and in partdue to how the authors and those who request an EIA document are affected by their society.In the essays case the dominant culture and society’s view on the relationship between manand nature and the animals there. The result of the essay is: Animals and nature often gets tostand back in the face of human interest, which is valued higher. Examples of interest are,renewable energy, consequences for humans and society in the form of limited access to thearea. A changed landscape picture (ethical value), noises, shadow hours and ice throwingfrom the rotor blades.
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Miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar: detaljplaner och social hållbarhet : En kvalitativ studie om hur sociala aspekter lyfts fram i miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar för detaljplaner / Environmental impact assessments: detailed development plans and social sustainability : A qualitative study about social impacts in environmental impacts assessment, detailed development plansGustafsson, Ebba January 2020 (has links)
Årligen genomförs tusentals miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar (MKB) i Sverige i samband med fysisk planering. Social hållbarhet utgör en grundpelare för hållbar samhällsutveckling. I mån om att uppnå det inom fysisk planering krävs metoder för att mäta, utvärdera och förutspå sociala aspekter av utformandet. Miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar besitter en särställning genom att vara den enda metoden som utifrån detta är reglerad enligt lag för att beskriva sociala konsekvenser. Tidigare forskning har riktat kritik mot miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar i form av att de snävt inkluderar sociala aspekter. Studiens syfte var att undersöka i vilken utsträckning sociala aspekter tas hänsyn till i strategiska MKB: er för detaljplaner. För att uppfylla studiens syfte har en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med deduktiv ansatts tillämpats. Ett granskningsschema användes för att analysera fem utvalda MKB-dokument i relation till tidigare forskning och teoretiskt ramverk. Det teoretiska ramverket grundas i politisk ekologi, miljörättvisa, demokrati och deltagande. Resultat bekräftar kritiken som tidigare forskning riktar mot MKB: er. Människor visades återkommande presenteras som en homogen grupp och identifierades inte utifrån olika sociala förutsättningar. Hänsynstagande till sårbara grupper varierade även inom respektive MKB. Studien visar också på att granskade MKB: er inte utvecklar i vilken utsträckning de tagit vara på det demokratiska verktyget samråd. Avslutningsvis visades det vara möjligt att dra slutsatsen om att MKB: er besitter en stor potential till att främja ett socialt hållbart samhälle. En möjlighet som medverkare i dess utformning bättre bör utnyttja. / Thousands of environmental impact assessment (EIA) are implemented in Sweden every year. Social sustainability is one of three stakeholders of a sustainable society. Considering physical planning in the society required methods such as measure, evaluate and predict social aspects has been proved to be important to achieve social sustainability. EIA are today the only method that are regulated by Swedish laws with the aim to include social aspects. Previous research has criticized EIA for its narrow definition and implementation of social aspects. The aim of this study is to examine how social aspects are included in EIA: detailed development plans, to achieve this a qualitative study has been used. Five EIA documents have been analyzed against an own designed examination. The social aspects which has been found in the documents has also been analyzed through the study’s theoretical framework which includes theories as political ecology, environmental justice, participation and democracy. Main findings of this study proved to be consistent with previous research criticisms to EIA. People are observed to be presented as a homogeneous group in EIA documents and differences in social conditions and capacity are not being considered. The main findings also include that consideration about vulnerable groups could differ between the EIA documents. Another notable finding from this study is that EIA don’t show how they achieve to implement public consultation. Finally, it is possible to conclude that the EIA have a great potential to contribute to a socially sustainable society - An opportunity that EIA developers should take better use of.
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