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Les contributions épigénétiques et génétiques dans l’expression des variants phénotypiques essentiels pour l’interaction : Schistosoma mansoni / Biomphalaria glabrataFneich, Sara 11 December 2014 (has links)
La variabilité phénotypique est définie par la capacité d’une espèce donnée à produire des variants phénotypique à partir d’un seul génotype, sous l’influence de l’environnement. L’origine de la variabilité phénotypique constituait un débat entre les scientifiques jusqu’à l’heure actuelle. Il était généralement admis que les variations génétiques seraient la seule source de la variabilité phénotypique. Cependant, les études récentes montrent que des variations épigénétiques pourraient être une source alternative pour les variants phénotypiques, sans modifier la séquence de l’ADN. L’épigénétique est l’une des composante du « Dual inheritance system », une théorie qui évoque l’existence de deux systèmes d’héritabilité : la génétique et l’épigénétique. Dans les interactions hôte / parasite, les parasites exercent des pressions sélectives sur leurs hôtes et vice versa, conduisant à une véritable course aux armements entre les deux partenaires. Une telle interaction nécessite une adaptation rapide où chaque partenaire doit évoluer sa capacité d’exprimer de nouveaux variants phénotypiques. Schistosoma mansoni est un parasite humain responsable de la bilharziose intestinale. Cette maladie est classée au second rang mondial selon l’OMS. Le schistosome se caractérise par un cycle de vie qui est complexe nécessitant le passage par deux hôtes : l’hôte intermédiaire Biomphalaria glabrata et l’hôte définitif qui pourrait être l’homme ou les rongeurs. Nous nous sommes intéressés au cours de la thèse à l’interaction de S. mansoni avec B. glabrata. Cette thèse avait pour objectif de montrer l’implication des modifications épigénétiques dans la production des variants phénotypiques dans un contexte de coévolution de l’interaction entre S. mansoni et B. glabrata. Les deux principaux buts c’étaient : (i) Déterminer le poids relatif épigénétique / génétique dans l’expression des variants phénotypiques chez le parasite. (ii) Initier l’investigation autour des mécanismes épigénétiques chez l’hôte. Les résultats de nos travaux ont montré que les modifications des histones constituent en effet une origine des variants phénotypiques chez S. mansoni. Ces variants phénotypiques exprimés sont à la base d’une meilleure fitness voire d’une virulence pour le parasite. Finalement, l’étude de l’héritabilité des modifications épigénétiques a montré une transmission qui ne respecte pas les lois mendéliennes. En ce qui concerne B. glabrata, nous étions les premiers à mettre en évidence la méthylation de l’ADN chez ce mollusque. Au niveau du génome, 2% des cytosines totales sont méthylées. / Phenotypic variability is defined by the capacity of a given species to produce phenotypic variants from one genotype under the influence of the environment. There is several thinking about the origin of phenotypic variability. It was generally assumed that the genetic variations are the sole source of phenotypic variants. However, recent studies show that epigenetic variations can provide alternative source for phenotypic variants without change in DNA sequence. Epigenetic is one of the two components of the « Dual inheritance system », theory that evokes the existence of two inheritance system: genetics and epigenetics. In host / parasite interactions, parasites exert selective pressures on their hosts and vice versa, leading to a genuine arms race between both partners. Such interaction requires rapid adaptation where each partner has to evolve the capacity to express new phenotypic variants. We propose that epigenetic variations play an important role in the genesis of phenotypic variability. Schistosoma mansoni is a human parasite that causes intestinal schistosomiasis. Thisdisease is ranking second in the world according to the WHO. Schistosome is characterized by a life cycle that is complex requiring passage by two hosts: the intermediate host Biomphalaria glabrata and the definitive host that could be humansor rodents. During the PhD project, we are interested to the interaction of B. glabrata with S. mansoni. This PhD project aimed to show the involvement of epigenetic changes in the production of phenotypic variants in the context of coevolution of the interaction between S. mansoni and B. glabrata. The two main goals were: (i) To determine the relative weight epigenetic / genetic in the expression of phenotypic variants in the parasite. (ii) To initiate the investigation of epigenetic mechanisms in the host. The results have shown that histone modifications are indeed a source of phenotypic variants in S. mansoni. These phenotypic variants are the basis for better fitness and / or virulence of the parasite. Finally, studying the heritability of epigenetic changes showed a non-mendelian transmission. For B. glabrata, we were the first to highlight the DNA methylation in the snail. 2% of total cytosines are methylated in his genome.
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Rôles des mécanismes épigénétiques dans la régulation de l’expression de gènes impliqués dans l’invasion de cellules tumorales. / Role of elastin peptides in epigenetic regulation of cell proliferation- and invasivity-related genes in human tumour cellsPoplineau, Mathilde 07 December 2012 (has links)
Les propriétés invasives des cellules cancéreuses sont liées à des modulations importantes de l’expression de gènes. Des protéases doivent être exprimées afin de permettre la dégradation de la matrice extracellulaire (MEC), l’activation protéolytique de protéines matricielles et la libération de facteurs de croissance, de cytokines, de récepteurs et de molécules d’adhérence. Parmi ces protéases, les métalloprotéinases matricielles (MMPs) jouent un rôle crucial dans la dégradation de la MEC et dans le remodelage tissulaire observéau cours de l’invasion tumorale. L’émergence de thérapeutiques anticancéreuses basées sur des stratégies épigénétiques nécessitent d’évaluer leurs effets sur les propriétés des cellules tumorales. Ce travail a pour objectif d’analyser les effets de modulateurs épigénétiques (un agent hypométhylant de l’ADN et des inhibiteurs d’histone désacétylases (inhibiteursd’HDACs ou HDIs)) sur l’expression des MMP-1, -2 et -9 dans la lignée cellulaire de fibrosarcome humain HT1080. Dans un premier temps, il apparaît que l’agenthypométhylant de l’ADN, la 5-aza-2’désoxycytidine (5-azadC), augmente l’expressiongénique et protéique des MMP-1, -2 et -9. Ces modifications de l’expression sont associées à (i) une déméthylation globale de l’ADN et (ii) des modifications de la supra-organisation chromatinienne correspondant globalement à une chromatine moins condensée. De plus, la5-azadC est capable d’accroître les propriétés invasives des cellules par l’intermédiaire,notamment, d’une augmentation de l’expression de la MMP-1 par un mécanisme transcriptionnel. Cette augmentation de la transcription implique le recrutement du facteurSp1 et un remodelage chromatinien au niveau du promoteur du gène de la MMP-1.Néanmoins, une déméthylation totale de ce promoteur n’est pas nécessaire à cette induction. De manière complémentaire, le traitement des cellules HT1080 par différents HDIs révèle le rôle potentiel d’HDACs dans la régulation de l’expression de la MMP-1. Un HDIà large spectre, la trichostatine A (TSA), est capable de moduler l’expression de la MMP-1 et la texture nucléaire, mais uniquement après déméthylation préalable de l’ADN par la 5-azadC. Par contre, l’HDI spécifique des HDACs de classe I, le MS-275, est capable d’induire, à lui seul, l’expression génique et protéique de la MMP-1. Cette expression génique requiert un remodelage de la chromatine et le recrutement de l’histone acétyltransférase p300 au niveau du promoteur du gène de la MMP-1. L’ensemble de ces résultats suggèrent que des mécanismes épigénétiques jouent un rôle crucial dans le contrôle de l’expression de laMMP-1 dans les cellules HT1080, influençant ainsi les propriétés invasives de ces cellules. / Invasive properties of cancer cells require critical changes in gene expression. Proteasesmust be expressed for the degradation of the extracellular matrix (ECM), the proteolyticactivation of matrix proteins and the release of bioactive molecules such as growth factors,cytokines, receptors and adhesion molecules. Among these proteases, the matrixmetalloproteinase (MMP) family members play a crucial role in the ECM breakdown andremodeling of tissues during tumor invasion. The introduction of epigenetic strategies in thetherapeutic arsenal against cancer led to the need to evaluate the effects of suchtherapeutic approaches on cell behavior. Here we focused our attention on the effects ofepigenetic modulators, a DNA hypomethylating agent and histone deacetylase inhibitors(HDAC inhibitors or HDI), on the expressions of MMP-1,-2, and -9 in the human HT1080fibrosarcoma cell line. First, we showed that the DNA hypomethylating drug 5-aza-2’deoxycytidine (5-azadC) increases MMP-1, -2, -9 expressions both at the mRNA andprotein levels. These changes in gene expression are associated with (i) a global DNAdemethylation and with (ii) modifications in chromatin supra-organization which globally correspond to a more decondensed chromatin. Moreover, 5-azadC is able to increase theinvasive properties capability of the HT1080 cells mainly via MMP-1 transcription-dependent expression. This enhancement of transcription occurs through (i) Sp1 recruitment, (ii)chromatin remodeling and (iii) in absence of full demethylation on the MMP-1 genepromoter. Using different HDIs reveals that HDACs could potentially play a role in MMP-1expression. The pan-HDI trichostatin A (TSA) act in synergy with 5-azadC and is able tomodulate MMP-1 expression and nuclear texture, but only after DNA demethylation. Incontrast, the HDAC class I inhibitor, MS-275, which display additive effect with 5-azadC, isable to induce, alone, MMP-1 gene expression through chromatin remodeling and p300recruitment to its promoter. These data suggest that epigenetic mechanisms play a crucialrole in MMP-1 expression control in HT1080 cells thus influencing the invasive potential ofthese cells.
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Etude de la complexité des éléments Cis-régulateurs chez les mammifères en utilisant des approches à haut débit / Study of cis-regulatory elements complexity in mammals using high-throughput approachesGriffon, Aurelien 02 June 2015 (has links)
La régulation des gènes est à l’origine de la diversité cellulaire en permettant aux cellules de se différencier et de se spécialiser. La régulation génique repose largement sur l’existence de séquences d’ADN non codantes dans le génome, appelées "éléments cis-régulateurs", qui vont permettre de recruter de nombreux facteurs de transcription afin de former d’importants complexes (nucléo)protéiques qui vont agir sur le niveau de transcription des gènes. Ce recrutement est notamment contrôlé par des modifications épigénétiques. Le développement des techniques de séquençage et des méthodes d’analyse bioinformatiques permettent d’intégrer de grandes quantités de données pour étudier le fonctionnement des éléments régulateurs. Dans un premier temps, l’intégration de l’ensemble des données ChIP-seq disponibles dans les bases de données nous a permis de créer un catalogue d’éléments régulateurs putatifs chez l’Homme. L’analyse de ce catalogue nous a alors mené à caractériser ces éléments et à mettre en évidence la complexité combinatoire des facteurs de transcription. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons réalisé une étude basée sur l’analyse des éléments régulateurs impliqués dans la différenciation précoce des lymphocytes T chez la souris. Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence deux niveaux de complexité impliqués dans la régulation des gènes : le premier est basé sur la combinatoire des facteurs de transcription au sein des éléments régulateurs et le second repose sur la combinatoire des éléments eux-mêmes. Finalement, nous avons développé une nouvelle technique d’analyse quantitative et à haut débit de l’activité régulatrice de régions génomiques chez les mammifères. / Gene regulation is responsible for cell diversity by allowing cell differentiation and specialisation. Gene expression regulation relies mainly on the existence of non-coding DNA sequences in the genome, called "cis-regulatory elements", which recruit numerous transcription factors to form (nucleo)protein complexes which act on the gene transcription level. This recruitment is controlled in particular by epigenetic modifications. The rapid development of sequencing technologies and bioinformatics methods makes possible the integration of large amounts of data to study regulatory elements. First, the integration of ChIP-seq data for all transcription factors available in public databases has allowed us to create an extensive catalogue of putative regulatory elements in the human genome. The overall analysis of this catalogue led us to further characterize these elements and to highlight the high level of combinatorial complexity of transcription factors in the genome. Secondly, we conducted a more specific study based on the analysis of the regulatory elements involved in the early differentiation of T-cells in mice. This study provided an opportunity to highlight two levels of complexity based on regulatory elements and involved in gene regulation: the first rests on the transcription factor combinatorial in regulatory elements and the second is based on the combinatorial of elements themselves within loci. Finally, to validate experimentally the regulatory elements, we have developed a new quantitative and high-throughput technique to assess the regulatory activity of genomic regions in mammals.
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Análise da função dos microRNAs na regulação da expressão de DNMT3B/Dnmt3b e MECP2/Mecp2 / Analysis of microRNAs function in the regulation of DNMT3B/Dnmt3b and MECP2/Mecp2 gene expressionClaudia Regina Gasque Schoof 30 January 2012 (has links)
A metilação do DNA em mamíferos é uma importante modificação epigenética, sendo essencial no silenciamento de DNAs repetitivos, de regiões que sofrem imprinting genômico e no estabelecimento do cromossomo X inativo em fêmeas. Existem 5 tipos de DNA Metiltransferases, tendo a DNMT3B um importante papel na metilação de novo. A MeCP2, por sua vez, é uma proteína capaz de reconhecer sítios de DNA metilados e recrutar proteínas responsáveis pela desacetilação das histonas. Isto provoca alterações na conformação da cromatina, impedindo a transcrição gênica. Alterações nos padrões de expressão de DNMT3B e na metilação do DNA encontradas em diferentes tipos de tumores, e a temporalidade de expressão de Dnmt3b e de Mecp2 durante ondas de desmetilação e de metilação que ocorrem no início do desenvolvimento embrionário, podem auxiliar na identificação de fatores envolvidos no estabelecimento e manutenção do padrão de metilação do DNA, os quais ainda são pouco conhecidos. Por sua vez, uma nova classe de pequenos RNAs, os microRNAs, envolvidos com a regulação da expressão gênica pós-transcricional, têm grande importância na manutenção do estado diferenciado de diferentes tipos celulares. Trabalhos recentes demonstram também que há alterações nos padrões de expressão de microRNAs entre tecidos normais e tumorais. Assim, é objetivo deste trabalho a identificação de possíveis miRNAs envolvidos na modulação da expressão dos genes DNMT3B/Dnmt3b e MeCP2/Mecp2 em diferentes linhagens de células normais e tumorais, bem como, em células tronco embrionárias humanas e murinas submetidas à diferenciação. / DNA methylation in mammals is an important epigenetic modification, playing an essential role in the silencing of repetitive DNA, in genomic imprinting and, in females, the establishment of X chromosome inactivation. There are 5 DNA metyhltransferases, and one of them, DNMT3B has an important role in de novo methylation. MeCP2, by its turn, is a protein capable of recognizing methylated DNA sites and of recruiting proteins responsible for histones deacetylation. This causes alterations in chromatin conformation, therefore inhibiting gene transcription. Changes in the expression patterns of DNMT3B and in DNA methylation are found in several types of tumors, and temporal expression of Dnmt3b and Mecp2 during global demetyhlation and de novo methylation waves, which occur in early embryonic development, could give a better understanding of the factors involved in the establishment and maintenance of DNA methylation patterns, which are still largely unkown. Additionally, a new class of small RNAs, the microRNAs, involved in the post-transcriptional gene silencing, has great importance in maintaining the differentiated state of several cell types. Recent studies have demonstrated alterations in miRNAs expression patterns between normal and tumor tissues. Thus, the aim of this work was to identify possible miRNAs involved in the modulation of Dnmt3b and Mecp2 RNAs in different normal and tumoral cell lines, as well as in human and murine embryonic stem cells and their respectively differentiated embryoid bodies.
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Recrutamento do complexo repressivo polycomb 2 pelo RNA não codificador longo antissenso ANRASSF1 modula a expressão do gene RASSF1A e a proliferação celular / Recruitment of polycomb repressive complex 2 by intronic long noncoding RNA ANRASSF1 modulates RASSF1A expression and cell proliferationBeckedorff, Felipe César Ferrarezi 24 September 2012 (has links)
O gene supressor tumoral RASSF1A tem sido associado com redução da proliferação celular em diversos tumores. Sua expressão é regulada por eventos epigenéticos que envolvem o complexo repressivo polycomb (PRC2), no entanto os mecanismos moleculares da modulação do recrutamento deste modificador epigenético para este locus ainda são desconhecidos. Neste trabalho identificamos e caracterizamos ANRASSF1, um RNA não codificador longo (lncRNA) intrônico unspliced, que é transcrito na fita oposta do gene RASSF1A, em várias linhagem celulares e tecidos, e se liga a PRC2. ANRASSF1 é transcrito pela RNAPII, possui cap-5´ e cauda poli-A, além de localizar-se no núcleo e possuir uma meia-vida em média quatro vezes menor comparada com outros lncRNAs ligados à PRC2. A super-expressão ectópica de ANRASSF1 reduziu os níveis de RASSF1A e aumentou a taxa de proliferação em células HeLa, enquanto seu silenciamento provocou efeito oposto. Essas mudanças nos níveis de ANRASSF1 não afetaram a abundância da isoforma RASSF1C em nenhuma das condições. A super-expressão de ANRASSF1 provocou um grande aumento tanto da ocupação de PRC2 como da marca de histona repressiva H3K27me3 especificamente na região promotora RASSF1A. Nenhum efeito da super-expressão de ANRASSF1 foi detectado na ocupação de PRC2 e na histona H3K27me3 nas regiões promotoras de RASSF1C e de outros quatro genes vizinhos, incluindo dois genes supressores tumorais bem caracterizados. Além disso, foi demonstrado que ANRASSF1 forma um híbrido de RNA/DNA e recruta SUZ12, um componente do PRC2, para o promotor de RASSF1A. Notavelmente, foi detectado pelo ensaio de RNase-ChIP que a degradação de ANRASSF1 diminui a ocupação de PRC2 neste promotor. Esses resultados demonstram um novo mecanismo de repressão epigenética do supressor tumoral RASSF1A, envolvendo um lncRNA unspliced antissenso, onde ANRASSF1 reprime seletivamente a expressão da isoforma de RASSF1 que sobrepõe o transcrito antissenso de modo local e específico. Considerando uma perspectiva mais ampla, nossos resultados sugerem que outros lncRNAs intrônicos unspliced não caracterizados no genoma humano podem contribuir para uma modulação epigenética local e específica de cada região em que os lncRNAs são transcritos. / Tumor-suppressor RASSF1A gene down-regulation has been implicated in increasing cell proliferation in several tumors. Its expression is regulated by epigenetic events involving polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2), however the molecular mechanisms modulating recruitment of this epigenetic modifier to the locus remain largely unknown. Here, we identify and characterize ANRASSF1, an endogenous unspliced long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) that is transcribed from the opposite strand of RASSF1 gene in several cell lines and tissues, and binds to PRC2. ANRASSF1 is transcribed by RNA Polymerase II, 5\'-capped, polyadenylated, displays nuclear localization, and has on average a four-fold shorter half-life compared to other lncRNAs that bind PRC2. ANRASSF1 ectopic overexpression decreases RASSF1A abundance and increases the proliferation rate of HeLa cells, whereas its silencing causes opposite effects. These changes in NRASSF1 levels do not affect RASSF1C isoform abundance. ANRASSF1 overexpression causes a marked increase both in PRC2 occupancy and in histone H3K27me3 repressive mark specifically at the RASSF1A promoter region. No effect of ANRASSF1 overexpression is detected on PRC2 occupancy and on histone H3K27me3 at the promoter regions of RASSF1C and of four other neighbor genes, including two well-characterized tumor suppressor genes. Additionally, we demonstrate that ANRASSF1 forms an RNA/DNA hybrid, and recruits SUZ12, a PRC2 component, to the RASSF1A promoter. Notably, depletion of ANRASSF1 disrupts SUZ12 occupancy on RASSF1A promoter as measured by RNAse-ChIP assay. Together, these results show a new mechanism of epigenetic repression of RASSF1A tumor suppressor gene involving an antisense unspliced lncRNA, in which ANRASSF1 selectively represses expression of the RASSF1 isoform overlapping the antisense transcript in a location-specific manner. In a broader perspective, our findings suggest that other non-characterized unspliced intronic lncRNAs transcribed in the human genome may contribute to a location-specific epigenetic modulation of genes.
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Toward the identification of cancer/placenta epigenetic switches / Vers l’identification d’interrupteurs épigénétiques cancer/placentaNordor, Akpéli 22 November 2016 (has links)
Les cellules placentaires portent un génome différent du génome maternel, puisque 50% de leurs gènes proviennent du génome paternel. Cependant, comme les cellules cancéreuses après la transformation néoplasique, elles réussissent à envahir les tissus de leur hôte, échapper à son système immunitaire et induire une angiogenèse afin d’établir la grossesse. Les cellules cancéreuses et placentaires arborent aussi une différence majeure : alors que de tels mécanismes typiques des cancers sont incontrôlés dans les cellules cancéreuses, ils sont spatialement et temporairement contrôlés dans les cellules placentaires saines. Ainsi, le recherche sur le « concept cancer/placenta » – l’utilisation du placenta pour mieux comprendre le cancer – peut aboutir à l’identification de biomarqueurs et d’approches thérapeutiques innovantes en oncologie, tout comme en gynécologie-obstétrique. Par exemple, les efforts de recherche portant sur l’expression des gènes CGB, codant pour la sous-unité ß de l’hormone chorionique gonadotrope humaine, dans les cellules cancéreuses et placentaires a mené au développement d’un biomarqueur largement utilisé pour la prise en charge de multiples cancers. Il est aussi intéressant de noter que ce même biomarqueur est aussi utilisé pour le dépistage d’aneuploïdies fœtales. De même, le clonage d’INSL4, codant pour le précurseur du peptide placentaire précoce ressemblant à l’insuline (pro-EPIL), dans des cellulaires placentaires précoces, a mené au développement d’un biomarqueur faisant actuellement l’objet d’études cliniques. Avec l’émergence de l’épigénétique, des études de la méthylation de l’ADN, la caractéristique épigénétique la mieux comprise, ont montré que les loci de gènes CGB et INSL4 sont hypométhylés dans les cellules cancéreuses et placentaires ; ce qui pourrait refléter l’hypométhylation globale caractéristique de ces deux types cellulaires. Par conséquent, le projet doctoral présenté dans cette thèse a exploré les modifications des paysages épigénétiques des cellules placentaires au cours de la grossesse et des cellules cancéreuses au cours de la transformation néoplasique. Ce projet a contribué initialement au développement d’un test d’immunoanalyse qui détecte l’hCGß de type II, spécialement codée par un sous-groupe de gènes CGB et détectée dans le sérum de patients atteints de cancers non-placentaires et de trisomie 21 fœtale. Ce test d’immunoanalyse, avec un test similaire développé pour la détection de pro-EPIL, a aussi été utilisé pour des études de preuve de concept précoces quant à l’effet de la méthylation de l’ADN sur l’expression de l’hCGß de type II et de pro-EPIL dans des surnageants de culture cellulaire. En fin de compte, ce projet a mené à la première comparaison directe et pan-génomique de la méthylation de l’ADN dans des cellules cancéreuses au cours de la transformation néoplasique et dans des cellulaires placentaires au cours de la grossesse. Cette étude a porté sur des données, disponibles publiquement, générées à partir de biopsies de 13 types de tumeurs, de villosités choriales (tissus placentaires) et d’autres tissus sains. Elle a également porté sur des données originales générées par nos soins à partir d’échantillons placentaires uniques : des cellules cytotrophoblastiques isolées de villosités choriales ex vivo. Toutes les données inclus dans cette étude ont été générées sur une plateforme de puces à ADN pour la mesure de la méthylation au niveau de 485 512 sites CpG pour chaque échantillon. En combinant, des logiciels innovants reposant sur la puissance d’algorithmes de lissage statistique et sur un solide rationnel biologique, cette étude a ainsi contribué à l’identification de motifs d’hypométhylation à l’échelle du mégabase distinguant les cellules placentaires du début de la grossesse de celles de la fin de la grossesse tout comme ils distinguent les cellules cancéreuses des cellules normales. (...) / Placental cells carry a genome different from the maternal genome, as 50% of it originate from the paternal genome. However, like cancer cells after neoplastic transformation, they successfully invade their host tissues, escape its immune system and induce angiogenesis in order to establish the pregnancy. Cancer and placental cells also display a major discrepancy: while such hallmarks of cancer mechanisms are uncontrolled in cancer cells, they are spatially and temporally controlled in healthy placental cells. Thus, research on the “cancer/placenta concept” – the use of the placenta to better understand cancer – can lead to innovative biomarkers and therapeutic approaches in oncology as well as in gynecology and obstetrics. For example, research efforts on the expression of the CGB genes, encoding for the human chorionic gonadotropin beta subunit (hCGß), in cancer and placental cells have led to the development of a biomarker widely used for the management of various cancers. Interestingly, this same biomarker is also used for the screening of fetal aneuploidies. Likewise, the cloning of INSL4, encoding for the precursor of the early placenta insulin-like peptide (pro-EPIL) in early pregnancy placental cells, has led to the development of a biomarker currently investigated in the clinical setting. Following the rise of epigenetic, studies on DNA methylation, the most well understood epigenetic mark, showed that the loci of CGB genes and INSL4 are hypomethylated in cancer and placental cells, which may reflect a global hypomethylation also characteristic of these cells. Therefore, the doctoral project presented in this dissertation had explored modifications in the epigenetic landscape of placental cells throughout pregnancy and cancer cells throughout neoplastic transformation. This project initially contributed to the development of an immunoassay detecting type II hCGß, specifically encoded by a subset of CGB genes and detected in the serum of patients with non-placental cancers and fetal Down Syndrome. This immunoassay, along with another one directed to pro-EPIL, was also used for an early proof of concept study regarding the effect of DNA methylation on the expression of type II hCGß and pro-EPIL in cell culture supernatants. Ultimately, this project led to the first direct genome-wide comparison of DNA methylation in cancer cells throughout neoplastic transformation and in placental cells throughout pregnancy. It included publically available data generated from biopsies of 13 types of tumors, chorionic villi (placental tissues) and other normal tissues. It also included original data generated from unique placental samples: villous cytotrophoblastic cells isolated ex vivo from chorionic villi. All datasets were generated on a microarray platform measuring DNA methylation at 485,512 CpG sites in each sample. Combining innovative software that leverages the power of statistical smoothing algorithms and a strong biological rationale, this study thus contributed to the identification of megabase-scale patterns of hypomethylation distinguishing early pregnancy from late pregnancy placenta cells as they distinguish normal from cancers cells. Strikingly, the affected genomic regions encompassed genes related to hallmarks of cancer mechanisms such as epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), innate and acquired immune response, and hypoxia. Taken together, these results suggest the hypothesis that patterns of DNA methylation might contribute to “cancer/placenta epigenetic switches” allowing placental implantation and neoplastic transformation when turned “on”, while preventing the placenta to degenerate into an aggressive tumor when turned “off”.
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Intrauterine Exposure to Cigarette Smoke Is Associated with Increased Ghrelin Concentrations in AdulthoodPaslakis, Georgios, Buchmann, Arlette F., Westphal, Sabine, Banaschewski, Tobias, Hohm, Erika, Zimmermann, Ulrich S., Laucht, Manfred, Deuschle, Michael 20 May 2020 (has links)
Background: The appetite-stimulating hormone ghrelin is a fundamental regulator of human energy metabolism. A series of studies support the notion that long-term appetite and weight regulation may be already programmed in early life and it could be demonstrated that the intrauterine environment affects the ghrelin system of the offspring. Animal studies have also shown that intrauterine programming of orexigenic systems persists even until adolescence/adulthood. Methods: We hypothesized that plasma ghrelin concentrations in adulthood may be associated with the intrauterine exposure to cigarette smoke. We examined this hypothesis in a sample of 19-year-olds followed up since birth in the framework of the Mannheim Study of Children at Risk, an ongoing epidemiological cohort study of the long-term outcome of early risk factors. Results: As a main finding, we found that ghrelin plasma concentrations in young adults who had been exposed to cigarette smoke in utero were significantly higher than in those without prenatal smoke exposure. Moreover, individuals with intrauterine nicotine exposure showed a significantly higher prevalence of own smoking habits and lower educational status compared to those in the group without exposure. Conclusion: Smoking during pregnancy may be considered as an adverse intrauterine influence that may alter the endocrine-metabolic status of the offspring even until early adulthood.
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Slumpen och Guds försyn : Ett försök att karaktärisera slumpbegreppet / Chance and God's providence : An attempt to characterize chanceSöderlind, Lennart January 2020 (has links)
Why is there a phenomenon of chance in the created world? There are many different probability distributions and does that point at different ideas of chance? Given that God has created the whole universe, why is chance an element of that universe of ours? Does He use chance as a mechanism for His providence? There is a common apprehension of the laws of nature, that they are statistically attained in an asymptotic behaviour over a long period of time. The laws of probability are likewise evolved in the same fashion, as shown in the paper. The universe seems to be lawfully constructed according to both natural laws and probability laws. It is a clear conclusion to regard chance as an intrinsic concept of the world. But, why are there so many ideas of chance despite this common feature of the world? Next section in the paper addresses the many conceptions of chance and works out an idea of how to look at these conditions. The paper results in a presentation of a hierarchy, where different events with their probability distributions might be gathered to some more common properties of chance. The question rises if God is working on that higher level of hierarchy. This paper has come to a conclusion that, because there are that many ideas of chance and that many probability distributions, we might lack the idea of chance.
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Impact of Bodyweight on Tissue-Specific Folate Status, Genome Wide and Gene-Specific DNA Methylation in Normal Breast Tissues from Premenopausal WomenFrederick, Armina-Lyn 09 July 2018 (has links)
Obesity has reached an epidemic level in the United States. A number of epidemiological studies have established obesity as a critical risk factor for postmenopausal breast cancer (post-BC), whereas a reverse association holds prior to menopause. A significant scientific gap exists in understanding the mechanism(s) underpinning this epidemiological phenomenon, particularly the reverse association between obesity and premenopausal breast cancer (pre-BC). This study aimed to understand how folate metabolism and DNA methylation informs the association between obesity and pre-BC. Fifty normal breast tissue samples were collected from premenopausal women who underwent reduction mammoplasty. We developed and measured the breast tissue folate by a Lactobacillus Casei microbiological assay, and the DNA methylation of LINE-1, a biomarker of genome-wide methylation, and the promoter methylation and gene expression of SFRP1, a tumor suppressor, were measured by pyrosequencing and real-time PCR. We found a high BMI is associated with increased folate level in the mammary tissue, with an increase of 2.65 ng/g of folate per every 5-unit increase of BMI (p < 0.05). The LINE-1 DNA methylation was significantly associated with BMI (p < 0.05), and marginally associated with folate concentration (p = 0.087). For the 8 CpG sites analyzed in the promoter region of the SFRP1 gene, no associations were observed for either BMI or tissue folate (p > 0.05), although a high expression of SFRP1 was observed in subjects with high BMI or high folate (p < 0.05). This study demonstrated that, in premenopausal women, obesity is associated with an increased mammary folate status, genome-wide DNA methylation and SFRP1 gene expression, indicating that the improved folate and epigenetic status is potentially responsible for the reverse association between obesity and pre-BC. More studies are warranted to further understand how obesity mediates pre-BC via altering folate metabolism and DNA methylation.
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Gene Therapy for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: An AAV Mediated RNAi Approach for Autosomal Dominant C9ORF72 Associated ALSToro, Gabriela 28 March 2019 (has links)
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a terminal neurodegenerative disease that affects motor neurons causing progressive muscle weakness and respiratory failure. In 2011, the presence of a hexanucleotide repeat expansion within chromosome 9 open reading frame 72(C9ORF72) was identified in ALS patient samples, becoming the major known genetic cause for ALS and frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Carriers of this mutation present reduced levels of C9ORF72 mRNA, RNA foci produced by the aggregating expansion and toxic dipeptides generated through repeat-associated non-ATG translation. These findings have led to multiple hypotheses on the pathogenesis of C9ORF72: 1) Haploinsufficiency, 2) RNA gain-of-function, 3) RAN Translation, and 4) Disrupted nucleocytoplasmic trafficking. Due to lack of treatments for this disease, we have pursued an AAV-RNAi dependent gene therapy approach, using an artificial microRNA (amiR) packaged in a recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV). After validating our in vitro results, we advanced to in vivo experiments using transgenic mice that recapitulate the major histopathological features seen in human ALS/FTD patients. Adult and neonate mice were injected through clinically relevant routes and our results indicate that AAV9-mediated amiR silencing not only reduced mRNA and protein levels of C9ORF72 but also the expansion derived toxic GP dipeptides. Although our amiR is not targeting the expansion itself but exon 3, we illustrate here that the evident dipeptide decrease is achievable due to the presence of aberrant transcripts in the cytoplasm containing miss-spliced Intron-HRE-C9ORF72 species. These encouraging results have led to the continued testing of this treatment as a therapeutic option for C9ORF72 - ALS patients.
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