Spelling suggestions: "subject:"equivalence"" "subject:"quivalence""
631 |
Optimal Designs for Calibrations in Multivariate Regression ModelsLin, Chun-Sui 10 July 2006 (has links)
In this dissertation we first consider a parallel linear model with correlated dual responses on a symmetric compact design region and construct locally optimal designs for estimating the location-shift parameter. These locally optimal designs are variant under linear
transformation of the design space and depend on the correlation between the dual responses in an interesting and sensitive way.
Subsequently, minimax and maximin efficient designs for estimating the location-shift parameter are derived. A comparison of the behavior of efficiencies between the minimax and maximin efficient designs relative to locally optimal designs is also provided. Both minimax or maximin efficient designs have advantage in terms of estimating efficiencies in different situations.
Thirdly, we consider a linear regression model with a
one-dimensional control variable x and an m-dimensional response variable y=(y_1,...,y_m). The components of y are correlated with a known covariance matrix. The calibration problem discussed here is based on the assumed regression model. It is of interest to obtain a suitable estimation of the corresponding x for a given target T=(T_1,...,T_m) on the expected responses. Due to the fact that there is more than one target value to be achieved in the multiresponse case, the m expected responses may meet their target values at different respective control values. Consideration includes the deviation of the expected response E(y_i) from its corresponding target value T_i for each component and the optimal value of calibration point x, say x_0,
is considered to be the one which minimizes the weighted sum of squares of such deviations within the range of x. The objective of this study is to find a locally optimal design for estimating x_0, which minimizes the mean square error of the difference between x_0 and its estimator. It shows the optimality criterion is
approximately equivalent to a c-criterion under certain conditions and explicit solutions with dual responses under linear and quadratic polynomial regressions are obtained.
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Covering Sequences And T,k Bentness CriteriaKurnaz, Guzin 01 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation deals with some crucial building blocks of cryptosystems in symmetric cryptography / namely the Boolean functions that produce a single-bit result for each possible value of the m-bit input vector, where m> / 1. Objectives in this study are two-fold / the first objective is to develop relations between cryptographic properties of Boolean functions, and the second one is to form new concepts that associate coding theory with cryptology.
For the first objective, we concentrate on the cryptographic properties of Boolean functions such as balancedness, correlation immunity, nonlinearity, resiliency and propagation characteristics / many of which are depending on the Walsh spectrum that gives components of the Boolean function along the direction of linear functions. Another efficient tool to study Boolean functions is the subject of covering sequences introduced by Carlet and Tarannikov in 2000. Covering sequences are defined in terms of the derivatives of the Boolean function. Carlet and Tarannikov relate the correlation immunity and balancedness properties of the Boolean function to its covering sequences. We find further relations between the covering sequence and the Walsh spectrum, and present two theorems for the calculation of covering sequences associated with each null frequency of the Walsh spectrum.
As for the second objective of this thesis, we have studied linear codes over the rings Z4 and Z8 and their binary images in the Galois field GF(2). We have investigated the best-known examples of nonlinear binary error-correcting codes such as Kerdock, Preperata and Nordstrom-Robinson, which are -linear codes. We have then reviewed Tokareva&rsquo / s studies on Z4-linear codes and extended them to Z8-linear codes. We have defined a new classes of bent functions. Next, we have shown that the newly defined classes of bent, namely Tokareva&rsquo / s k-bent and our t,k-bent functions are affine equivalent to the well-known Maiorana McFarland class of bent functions. As a cryptological application, we have described the method of cubic cryptanalysis, as a generalization of the linear cryptanalysis given by Matsui in 1993. We conjecture that the newly introduced t,k-bent functions are also strong against cubic cryptanalysis, because they are as far as possible to t,k-bent functions.
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An Arcsin Limit Theorem of Minimally-Supported D-Optimal Designs for Weighted Polynomial RegressionLin, Yung-chia 23 June 2008 (has links)
Consider the minimally-supported D-optimal designs for dth degree polynomial regression with bounded and positive weight function on a compact interval. We show that the optimal design converges weakly to the arcsin distribution as d goes to infinity. Comparisons of the optimal design with the arcsin distribution and D-optimal arcsin support design by D-efficiencies are also given. We also show that if the design interval is [−1, 1], then the minimally-supported D-optimal design converges to the D-optimal arcsin support design with the specific weight function 1/¡Ô(£\-x^2), £\>1, as £\¡÷1+.
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An Arcsin Limit Theorem of D-Optimal Designs for Weighted Polynomial RegressionTsai, Jhong-Shin 10 June 2009 (has links)
Consider the D-optimal designs for the dth-degree polynomial regression model with a bounded and positive weight function on a compact interval. As the degree of the model goes to infinity, we show that the D-optimal design converges weakly to the arcsin distribution. If the weight function is equal to 1, we derive the formulae of the values of the D-criterion for five classes of designs including (i) uniform density design; (ii) arcsin density design; (iii) J_{1/2,1/2} density design; (iv) arcsin support design and (v) uniform support design. The comparison of D-efficiencies among these designs are investigated; besides, the asymptotic expansions and limits of their D-efficiencies are also given. It shows that the D-efficiency of the arcsin support design is the highest among the first four designs.
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D-Optimal Designs for Second-Order Response Surface Models on a Spherical Design Region with Qualitative FactorsLee, Chuan-pin 04 February 2010 (has links)
Experiments with both quantitative and qualitative factors always complicate the selections of experimental settings and the statistical analysis for data. Response surface methodology (RSM) provides the systematic procedures such as the steepest ascent method to develop and improve the response models through the optimal settings of quantitative factors. However the sequential method lacks of exploring the direction of the maximum increase in the response among the qualitative levels. In this dissertation the optimal designs for experiments with both qualitative and quantitative factors are investigated. Focused on the second-order response surface model for quantitative factors, which is widely used in RSM as a good approximation for the true response surface, the approximate and exact D-optimal designs are proposed for the model containing the qualitative effects. On spherical design regions, the D-optimal designs have particular structures for considering the qualitative effects to be fixed or random.
In this study, the exact D-optimal designs for a second-order response surface model on a circular design region with qualitative factors are proposed. For this model, the interactions between the quantitative and qualitative factors are assumed to be negligible. Based on this design region, an exact D-optimal design with regular polygon structure is made up according to the remainder terms of the numbers of experimental trials at each qualitative levels divided by 6. The complete proofs of exact D-optimality for models including two quantitative factors and one 2-level qualitative factor are presented as well as those for a model with only quantitative factors. When the qualitative factor has more than 2 levels, a method is proposed for constructing exact designs based on the polygonal structure with high efficiency. Furthermore, a procedure for minimizing the number of support points for the quantitative factors of exact D-optimal designs is also proposed for practical consideration. There are no more than 13 support points for the quantitative factors at an individual qualitative level.
When the effects between the quantitative and qualitative factors are taken into consideration, approximate D-optimal designs are investigated for models in which the qualitative effects interact with, respectively, the linear quantitative effects, or the linear effects and 2-factor interactions of the quantitative factors or quadratic effects of the quantitative factors. It is shown that, at each qualitative level, the corresponding D-optimal design consists of three portions as a central composite design but with different weights on the cube portion, star portion and center points. Central composite design (CCD) is widely applied in many fields to construct a second-order response surface model with quantitative factors to help to increase the precision of the estimated model. A chemical study is illustrated to show that the effects of the qualitative factor interacts with 2-factor interactions of the quantitative factors are important but absent in a second-order model including a qualitative factor treated as a coded variable.
The verification of the D-optimality for exact designs has become more and more intricate when the qualitative levels or the number of quantitative factors increase, even when the patterns of the exact optimal designs have been speculated. The efficient rounding method proposed by Pukelsheim and Rieder (1992) is a model-free approach and it generates an exact design by apportioning the number of trials on the same support points of a given design. For constructing the exact designs with high efficiencies, a modified efficient rounding method is proposed and is based on the polygonal structure of the approximate D-optimal design on a circular design region. This modification is still based on the same rounding approach by apportioning the number of trials to the concentric circles where the support points of the given design are standing on. Then a regular polygon design will be assigned on the circles by the apportionments. For illustration, the exact designs for a third-order response surface model with qualitative factors are presented as well as those for the second-order model. The results show that nearly D-optimal designs are obtained by the modified procedure and the improvement in D-efficiency is very significant.
When the factors with the levels selected randomly from a population, they are treated as with random effects. Especially for the qualitative effects caused by the experimental units that the experimenter is not interested in, one should consider the model with random block effects. In this model, the observations on the same unit are assumed to be correlated and they are uncorrelated between different units. Then the mean response surface is still considered as second-order for quantitative factors but the covariance matrix of the observations is different from the identity matrix. In the fourth part of this dissertation, the locally D-optimal designs on a circular design region are proposed for given the value of the correlations. These optimal designs with the structures based on the regular polygons are similar to the D-optimal designs for the uncorrelated model.
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Source-channel coding for closed-loop controlBao, Lei January 2006 (has links)
<p>Networked embedded control systems are present almost everywhere. A recent trend is to introduce wireless sensor networks in these systems, to take advantage of the added mobility and flexibility offered by wireless solutions. In such networks, the sensor observations are typically quantized and transmitted over noisy links. Concerning the problem of closed-loop control over such non-ideal communication channels, relatively few works have appeared so far. This thesis contributes to this field, by studying some fundamentally important problems in the design of joint source--channel coding and optimal control.</p><p>The main part of the thesis is devoted to joint design of the coding and control for scalar linear plants, whose state feedbacks are transmitted over binary symmetric channels. The performance is measured by a finite-horizon linear quadratic cost function. The certainty equivalence property of the studied systems is utilized, since it simplifies the overall design by separating the estimation and the control problems. An iterative optimization algorithm for training the encoder--decoder pairs, taking channel errors into account in the quantizer design, is proposed. Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate promising improvements in performance compared to traditional approaches.</p><p>Event-triggered control strategies are a promising solution to the problem of efficient utilization of communication resources. The basic idea is to let each control loop communicate only when necessary. Event-triggered and quantized control are combined for plants affected by rarely occurring disturbances. Numerical experiments show that it is possible to achieve good control performance with limited control actuation and sensor communication.</p>
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Μελέτη και εφαρμογές πλάσματος επαγόμενου από laser στην αέρια και συμπυκνωμένη ύληΜιχαλάκου, Αμαλία 21 July 2008 (has links)
Η ολοένα αυξανόμενη ανάγκη για γρήγορες, αξιόπιστες και εύκολες στην χρήση αναλυτικές τεχνικές, οι οποίες μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν εντός και εκτός εργαστηρίου, έδωσε ιδιαίτερη ώθηση για ανάπτυξη τεχνικών που να πληρούν τις παραπάνω προϋποθέσεις. Η Φασματοσκοπία Πλάσματος Επαγόμενου από laser (Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy-LIBS), λόγω των σημαντικών της πλεονεκτημάτων, έχει προταθεί ως μια τεχνική για στοιχειακή ανάλυση υλικών, ανεξαρτήτως της κατάστασής τους (στερεή, υγρή ή αέρια). Κατά την τεχνική LIBS, η ατομοποίηση και η διέγερση των ατόμων του υλικού γίνεται σε ένα στάδιο, ενώ δεν απαιτείται προετοιμασία του δείγματος. Έτσι, τα τελευταία χρόνια η τεχνική LIBS είναι η πιο διαδεδομένη αναλυτική τεχνική βασισμένη στα laser.
Στην παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή η τεχνική LIBS εφαρμόζεται σε δυο διαφορετικά πεδία έρευνας: στις φλόγες υδρογονανθράκων-αέρα και στην μελέτη πολυμερικών/πλαστικών δειγμάτων.
Στις φλόγες υδρογονανθράκων-αέρα, η φασματοσκοπία πλάσματος επαγόμενου από laser χρησιμοποιήθηκε για τον καθορισμό του λόγου ισοδυναμίας (φ), ο οποίος εκφράζει την αναλογία καύσιμου προς οξειδωτικό μέσο, σε φλόγες αέριων και υγρών υδρογονανθράκων μέσω των λόγων των εντάσεων των φασματικών γραμμών του υδρογόνου, H, οξυγόνου, O, και άνθρακα, C. Μέσω αυτής της συσχέτισης, πραγματοποιήθηκαν χωρικά αναλυμένες μετρήσεις του φ σε προ-αναμεμιγμένες φλόγες υδρογονανθράκων-αέρα διαφορετικής γεωμετρίας, οι οποίες παρείχαν σημαντικές πληροφορίες για την δομή της φλόγας.
Επιπλέον, η τεχνική LIBS χρησιμοποιήθηκε για την ανίχνευση υδρατμών στον αέρα και σε φλόγες υδρογονανθράκων-αέρα και έγινε φανερό πως οι υδρατμοί προκαλούν σημαντικές αλλαγές στην δομή και τα χαρακτηριστικά της φλόγας, ενώ μέσω των φασματικών γραμμών του υδρογόνου, H, οξυγόνου, O, και αζώτου, Ν, οι υδρατμοί μπορούν να καθοριστούν ποιοτικά.
Σε ότι αφορά τα πολυμερικά/πλαστικά δείγματα, η τεχνική LIBS μπορεί να αποτελέσει μια σημαντική μέθοδο για την ταυτοποίηση πολυμερικών δειγμάτων, οπότε στην συνέχεια, έγινε μελέτη των χαρακτηριστικών του πλάσματος που δημιουργείται κατά την ακτινοβόληση πολυμερικών/πλαστικών δειγμάτων και πως αυτά επηρεάζονται από τις ιδιότητες της δέσμης laser καθώς και από το περιβάλλον. / The continuously increasing needs for fast, reliable and easy to use analytical techniques operating remotely and in situ, under laboratory and/or field conditions have boosted considerable research efforts towards the development of novel analytical techniques satisfying these requirements. In that view, Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) has been proposed as an efficient tool for elemental analysis of various types of samples exhibiting several attractive advantages. LIBS is a laser based spectroscopic technique which permits the simultaneous atomization and excitation of the sample in one step, without requiring any sample preparation. In addition, LIBS operates successfully with all kinds of samples while the results are obtained within few seconds. Because of these advantages and its attractive simplicity, LIBS has become rapidly the most popular laser based analytical technique.
In this work, LIBS is used in two different fields: the study of combustible hydrocarbon-air mixtures and the study of the created plasma in polymeric samples.
In hydrocarbon –air flames, LIBS was applied for the determination of the local equivalence ratio in different hydrocarbon (gaseous and liquid) -air mixtures. In particular, it is shown that the ratio of the intensities of atomic spectral lines of H, C and O, emitted from a laser induced spark in the gaseous mixture, can be used for the rapid and accurate determination of the local equivalence ratio. There are also obtained spatially resolved equivalence ratio profiles in laminar premixed flames of different geometries (Bunsen type and impinging flames), which are used in order to reveal and quantify important flame structure features.
Additionally, it is shown that LIBS can be used for the detection of humidity in air and in hydrocarbon-air flames. The results obtained showed that humidity causes significant changes in flame characteristics, and through the atomic spectral lines of H, N and O, humidity can be qualitatively be determined.
In polymeric samples, LIBS technique is used for the identification of polymers and plastics for recycling purposes. Due to the importance of this application, the properties of the plasma created are extensively studied. It is shown that plasma generation and expansion is effected by the laser properties (laser energy, laser pulse) and by the environmental conditions (pressure).
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The Likelihood Ratio Test for Order Restricted Hypotheses in Non-Inferiority Trials / Der Likelihood-Quotienten-Test für geordnete Hypothesen in NichtunterlegenheitsstudienSkipka, Guido 25 June 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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The validation of two burnout measures in the South African earthmoving equipment industry / A.M. le RouxLe Roux, Anleri Martha January 2004 (has links)
The objectives of this study were to validate the Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey
(MBI-GS) and the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI), to determine the construct equivalence
and item bias of these instruments for employees in an earthmoving equipment industry in South
&ca of different language groups, to determine the correlation between the MBI-GS and the
OLBI, and to investigate the relationship between burnout and various demographic
characteristics. A random sample of 326 employees in an earthmoving equipment industry of
eight provinces in South Africa was taken. The MBI-GS, the OLBI and a biographical
questionnaire were used as measuring instruments. Cronbach alpha coefficients, inter-item
correlation coefficients, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients and exploratory factor
analysis were used to analyse the data
The results showed that three factors of the MBI-GS and two factors of the OLBI exist for
different language groups. Exploratory factor analysis with target rotations confirmed the
construct equivalence of the three factors of the MBI-GS and the two factors for the OLBI for
different language groups. No evidence was found for uniform or non-uniform bias of the items
of the MBI-GS or the OLBI for different language groups. Results indicated that no differences
with respect to levels of burnout exist between various demographic characteristics.
Recommendations were made for further research. / Thesis (M.Com. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2005.
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L'écrit électroniqueSenécal, François 08 1900 (has links)
Les technologies de l’information entraînent de profondes transformations dans nos façons d’apprendre et de socialiser ; de lire et d’écrire. Ces changements ne sont pas sans conséquence sur de nombreuses institutions, juridiques ou non. Créées au fil du temps et adaptées à une réalité qu’elles avaient internalisée, elles doivent aujourd’hui comprendre et s’adapter au changement.
L’écrit est une de ces institutions. Sa place dans le droit civil est le fruit de centaines d’années de cohabitation et le droit y a vu un allié stable. Mais autrefois facilitateur, l’écrit devient obstacle alors que les technologies de l’information, affranchies du papier, sont utilisées dans des situations juridiques. Comment adapter la notion d’écrit – et celles de l’original et de la signature – alors qu’il n’est question que de données abstraites sous forme numérique ?
C’est là l’objet de ce mémoire. Suite à une étude de la notion d’écrit dans le temps, de son affirmation à son bouleversement, nous étudierons les outils juridiques (traditionnels ou récents, comme les principes de neutralité technologique et d’équivalence fonctionnelle) à la disposition du droit civil pour constamment s’adapter à des situations changeantes. Enfin, dans une perspective plus pratique, nous verrons le traitement qu’ont fait divers législateurs, de l’écrit électronique. Nous terminerons par une analyse plus précise des dispositions québécoises relatives à l’écrit électronique. Les principes étudiés dans ce mémoire sont susceptibles de s’appliquer à d’autres situations similaires. / Information technology has completely modified our way of learning, socialising, reading and writing. These changes have also affected numerous institutions. Developed over many years and adapted to a reality they internalised, they now have to understand the nature of the changes taking place and adapt to them.
The legal concept of “writing” is such an institution. Its place in the realm of civil law is the result of hundreds of years of cohabitation. The legal system has found a great ally in “writings”. However, although “writing” has been seen as an enabler in the past, the use of information technologies in legal circumstances has turned it into an obstacle. How are we going to adapt the notion of writing – and those of original and signature – when talking about digital data ?
This is the topic of our thesis. Following a historical study of the concept of “writing”, from its inception to its current state of crisis, we will analyse the legal tools made available to civil law (whether they be traditional or recent, such as the technological neutrality, and functional equivalence principles) in order to adapt to a constantly changing technological landscape. On a more practical level, we will study how different legislators have addressed electronic documents. Our study will conclude with an analysis of Quebec legislation pertaining to electronic documents. The principles studied in this thesis should be applicable to other similar situations.
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