Spelling suggestions: "subject:"equivalence"" "subject:"quivalence""
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Comparabilité entre modalités d’évaluation TIC et papier-crayon : cas de productions écrites en français en cinquième secondaire au QuébecDiarra, Luc 11 1900 (has links)
Au niveau méthodologique, ce travail innove en combinant plusieurs moyens d'observation complémentaires sur le processus d'écriture et sur le processus de correction. Les observations qualitatives ainsi recueillies sont retranscrites en les combinant selon l'ordre chronologique d'apparition, puis elles sont traitées et analysées sous le logiciel QDA Miner. / De nos jours, la compétence à écrire ne se limite plus aux habiletés développées dans l’usage du papier-crayon traditionnel. Le traitement de texte est omniprésent et tend à devenir indispensable à l’individu dans les situations authentiques d’écriture. Évaluer la compétence à écrire uniquement sur la base de productions manuscrites suscite alors des interrogations pour des raisons d’authenticité et de validité dans la perspective de Messick (1989). Des études ont du reste révélé que les élèves habitués à l’ordinateur ont de meilleures performances en modalité informatisée (traitement de texte) qu’en modalité manuscrite (Russell et Haney, 2000). Il convient cependant de mieux connaître les deux modalités d’évaluation, l’une par rapport à l’autre. Le processus d’écriture est-il modifié chez le scripteur ? Les conditions de passation sont-elles équivalentes? Faut-il désactiver les correcticiels? Le processus de correction se déroule-t-il de la même manière chez l’enseignant ? Les deux modalités d’évaluation conduisent-elles à des résultats équivalents ? Ce sont là des questions de recherche au centre du présent travail qui a pour objectif de faire une comparaison entre modalités d’évaluation manuscrite et informatisée à l’aide de productions écrites d’élèves de cinquième année secondaire au Québec. Le cadre théorique repose sur deux concepts-clés : processus d’écriture et évaluation de l’écrit.
La méthode adoptée est à la fois quantitative et qualitative. Deux tâches d’écriture déjà retenues à l’épreuve unique d’écriture en français du MELS ont été utilisées pour administrer respectivement un test en modalité informatisée et un autre en modalité manuscrite à 127 élèves provenant de deux écoles. Dans la première, il s’agit d’un programme ordinaire avec accès aux TIC. Les correcticiels y étaient désactivés. Dans la deuxième, il s’agit d’un programme favorisant particulièrement les TIC dans l’apprentissage. Dans ce groupe, les correcticiels étaient accessibles. Trois scripteurs étaient observés en modalité informatisée et deux en modalité manuscrite. Les moyens utilisés (verbalisation et caméra vidéo pour les deux modalités, capteur d’écran en plus pour la modalité informatisée) permettaient de recueillir des observations sur le processus d’écriture. En outre, pour recueillir des observations sur le processus de correction, grâce à la verbalisation et une caméra vidéo, deux enseignants étaient observés en cours de tâche en modalité de correction papier-imprimé, un autre correcteur en modalité de correction à l’écran et tous les trois en modalité papier-manuscrit. Des observations qualitatives sur les stratégies d’écriture et de correction étaient ainsi collectées puis retranscrites. Les scores attribués par les mêmes correcteurs en appliquant la grille de correction du MELS aux 254 copies (127 manuscrites, 77 imprimées et 50 à l’écran) ont été analysés.
D’abord, l’analyse des observations recueillies sur le processus d’écriture révèle des stratégies déployées exclusivement en modalité informatisée et des stratégies qui y sont plus fréquentes. Ces stratégies relevant de sous-processus différents, la fréquence de leur déploiement en modalité informatisée implique des va-et-vient plus fréquents entre sous-processus distincts lorsque le scripteur utilise le traitement de texte. On peut alors déduire que le caractère récursif du processus rédactionnel est plus marqué en modalité informatisée.
Ensuite, les résultats de l’analyse des données sur le processus de correction révèlent que : 1) Le correcteur identifie non seulement les erreurs, mais aussi les éléments pertinents positifs, ce qui remet en cause les cadres conceptuels antérieurs focalisés sur la détection des seules erreurs; 2) La modalité de correction n’a pas d’effet sur les stratégies d’identification d’éléments pertinents, mais les stratégies de rétroaction varient d’une modalité de correction à l’autre.
Enfin, au niveau de la comparabilité des scores, l’analyse statistique suggère que : 1) La modalité de production et le programme de formation ont un effet; 2) l’activation des correcticiels a un effet positif faible alors que leur désactivation a un effet négatif important. / Writing skills are no longer limited to those developed in performing paper-and-pencil tasks. Word processing is ubiquitous and becomes indispensable in writing authentic situations. In Messick (1989) perspective, writing assessment that is based on handwritten documents raises authenticity and validity problems. For instance, some studies have revealed that students who use to write with a computer perform better in word processing test conditions than on handwriting conditions (Russell and Haney, 2000). We need to better understand the impact of using a computer for a test as opposed to administering paper-and-pencil test: Is the writing process modified? Are the testing conditions equivalent? Should spell and grammar check software be disabled? Is the assessment process different when the reader has to rate in different modes of presentation - handwritten essays or word processed essays that are either printed or displayed on the screen? Do both assessment methods lead to equivalent results? The purpose of this study is to compare Grade 11 Quebec students’ writing assessments based on essays written with a computer versus handwritten essays. The conceptual framework is built on the concepts of Writing process and Writing assessment.
The approach is both quantitative and qualitative. Two writing tasks previously used in the Grade 11MELS French writing exam were used to administer a test with a computer and a paper-and-pencil test. The sample consisted of 127 students from two schools. In the first school, students are enrolled in a regular program with access to ICTs and the spell and grammar check software was disabled. In the second school, ICT use is fully integrated in teaching and learning. In this group, the spell and grammar check software was available. Three writers were observed in the computer mode and two in the handwritten mode. Observations on the writing process were collected in three ways - verbalization and video camera for both modes, screen capture added in computerized mode. In addition, to collect data on the assessment process, the three teachers were observed during the rating task by two means (think-aloud and video camera) in different modes of presentation: two assessed a set of paper essays, one a set of paper that were displayed on the screen and three a set of manuscript essays. Qualitative observations on the writing process and the assessment process were collected and transcribed. Quantitative data consisted of scores given by the three raters using the MELS correction grid. 254 essays (127 handwritten, 77 word-processed and printed, 50 word-processed and displayed on the screen), were analyzed.
First, the analysis of the qualitative data on the writing process revealed that some strategies from different writing sub-processes involved in word processing are used exclusively or more frequently when the writer uses a computer. Their application means moving more frequently between different sub-processes when the writer uses the word processor. Therefore, the writing process is more recursive with word processing.
Then, the analysis of the quantitative data on assessment process revealed that : 1) the teacher not only identifies errors and problems in text; he also identifies positive features in the essay. This is important because previous frameworks focused on the errors detection; 2) The difference in the mode of presentation does not influence rater’s strategies in the detection of relevant features.
Finally, as far as the comparability of scores is concerned, the statistical analysis revealed that: 1) Both the way an essay is produced (word processing or handwriting) and the type of program influence the outcome; 2) Enabling the spell and grammar check software seems to has a small impact whereas disabling it has an important impact.
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Le formalisme du contrat électronique dans l’ASEAN : définition et interprétation des notions d’écrit et de signatureHel, Sambath 05 1900 (has links)
Plus de dix ans après la mise en place du projet d’harmonisation du droit du commerce électronique, l’ASEAN, « The Association of Southeast Asian Nations » rassemblant dix États membres en Asie du Sud-est, n’arrive toujours pas à doter chacun de ses États membres d’une législation harmonisée en la matière.
Dans cette optique, nous tenterons, pour contribuer à cette harmonisation, de démontrer la situation problématique relative au droit du commerce électronique dans six des dix États membres de l’ASEAN où, en plus de leur non-uniformité législative, les textes nationaux régissant le formalisme du contrat électronique demeurent difficiles à comprendre, à interpréter et donc à appliquer ; ce qui cause parfois des erreurs interprétatives voire l’oubli total de ces textes. Cette expérience n’est pas unique dans l’ASEAN, car l’on trouve également de similaires situations dans d’autres juridictions, telles que le Canada et les États-Unis.
Pour pallier cette rupture entre la loi et la jurisprudence, nous proposons une quête d’une méthode d’interprétation comme une piste de solution qui nous semble la plus pertinente au regard de l’état des textes déjà en vigueur et de l’objectif de l’harmonisation du droit du commerce électronique dans l’ASEAN. Parmi les méthodes interprétatives très variées, nous arrivons à identifier la méthode contextuelle, aussi large soit-elle, comme la méthode la plus pertinente eu égard aux caractéristiques particulières du formalisme du contrat électronique, à savoir l’écrit et la signature électroniques. Nous proposons donc une grille d’analyse de cette méthode composée de contextes juridique, technique et social, qui aideront les juristes, surtout les juges, à mieux saisir le sens des textes et à leur donner « une meilleure interprétation » en faveur de l’objectif de l’harmonisation du droit dans l’ASEAN. / More than ten years after the implementation of the harmonization project of e-commerce law, ASEAN, "The Association of Southeast Asian Nations" gathering ten Member States in Southeast Asia, is still not able to provide each of their Member States with a harmonized legislation in this respect.
In this context, we try, in contribution to this harmonization, to demonstrate the problematic situation on e-commerce law in six of the ten ASEAN Member States where, in addition to their statutory non-uniformity, these national laws governing the formalism of electronic contract are difficult to understand, to interpret and therefore to apply; sometimes causing interpretative errors or total neglect of these texts. This experience is not unique to ASEAN, because there are also similar situations in other jurisdictions such as Canada and the United States.
To address this disconnect between the law and jurisprudence, we propose a search for a method of interpretation as a possible solution that seems most relevant to the state of the texts already in place and to the objective of harmonizing of the electronic commerce law in ASEAN. Among the wide variety of interpretive methods, we are able to identify the contextual approach, as large as it is, as the most appropriate method regarding to the particular characteristics of the formalism of electronic contract, namely the electronic writing and electronic signature. We propose an analytical method that consists of legal, technical and social contexts that will help lawyers, especially judges, to better understand the meaning of the texts and to give them a "best interpretation" in favor of the objective of harmonization of law in ASEAN.
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The neural basis of a cognitive mapGrieves, Roderick McKinlay January 2015 (has links)
It has been proposed that as animals explore their environment they build and maintain a cognitive map, an internal representation of their surroundings (Tolman, 1948). We tested this hypothesis using a task designed to assess the ability of rats to make a spatial inference (take a novel shortcut)(Roberts et al., 2007). Our findings suggest that rats are unable to make a spontaneous spatial inference. Furthermore, they bear similarities to experiments which have been similarly unable to replicate or support Tolman’s (1948) findings. An inability to take novel shortcuts suggests that rats do not possess a cognitive map (Bennett, 1996). However, we found evidence of alternative learning strategies, such as latent learning (Tolman & Honzik, 1930b) , which suggest that rats may still be building such a representation, although it does not appear they are able to utilise this information to make complex spatial computations. Neurons found in the hippocampus show remarkable spatial modulation of their firing rate and have been suggested as a possible neural substrate for a cognitive map (O'Keefe & Nadel, 1978). However, the firing of these place cells often appears to be modulated by features of an animal’s behaviour (Ainge, Tamosiunaite, et al., 2007; Wood, Dudchenko, Robitsek, & Eichenbaum, 2000). For instance, previous experiments have demonstrated that the firing rate of place fields in the start box of some mazes are predictive of the animal’s final destination (Ainge, Tamosiunaite, et al., 2007; Ferbinteanu & Shapiro, 2003). We sought to understand whether this prospective firing is in fact related to the goal the rat is planning to navigate to or the route the rat is planning to take. Our results provide strong evidence for the latter, suggesting that rats may not be aware of the location of specific goals and may not be aware of their environment in the form of a contiguous map. However, we also found behavioural evidence that rats are aware of specific goal locations, suggesting that place cells in the hippocampus may not be responsible for this representation and that it may reside elsewhere (Hok, Chah, Save, & Poucet, 2013). Unlike their typical activity in an open field, place cells often have multiple place fields in geometrically similar areas of a multicompartment environment (Derdikman et al., 2009; Spiers et al., 2013). For example, Spiers et al. (2013) found that in an environment composed of four parallel compartments, place cells often fired similarly in multiple compartments, despite the active movement of the rat between them. We were able to replicate this phenomenon, furthermore, we were also able to show that if the compartments are arranged in a radial configuration this repetitive firing does not occur as frequently. We suggest that this place field repetition is driven by inputs from Boundary Vector Cells (BVCs) in neighbouring brain regions which are in turn greatly modulated by inputs from the head direction system. This is supported by a novel BVC model of place cell firing which predicts our observed results accurately. If place cells form the neural basis of a cognitive map one would predict spatial learning to be difficult in an environment where repetitive firing is observed frequently (Spiers et al., 2013). We tested this hypothesis by training animals on an odour discrimination task in the maze environments described above. We found that rats trained in the parallel version of the task were significantly impaired when compared to the radial version. These results support the hypothesis that place cells form the neural basis of a cognitive map; in environments where it is difficult to discriminate compartments based on the firing of place cells, rats find it similarly difficult to discriminate these compartments as shown by their behaviour. The experiments reported here are discussed in terms of a cognitive map, the likelihood that such a construct exists and the possibility that place cells form the neural basis of such a representation. Although the results of our experiments could be interpreted as evidence that animals do not possess a cognitive map, ultimately they suggest that animals do have a cognitive map and that place cells form a more than adequate substrate for this representation.
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Terminologie z oblasti výtvarného umění ve velkém překladovém slovníku / Terminology in Visual Arts in a large bilingual dictionaryKučerová, Daniela January 2014 (has links)
This given thesis addresses the terminology of Visual Arts in the large bilingual dictionary and provides a reflection on the problem of terminology. The thesis is divided into two parts: theoretical and practical. The theoretical part gives definitions of language for special purposes, language for general purposes, term, terminology, synonymy, equivalence or terminological dictionary. The second part of the thesis analyses the given dictionary entries of the Visual Arts from the linguistic, terminological and lexicographical point of view in the large bilingual dictionary.
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Origamis et groupes de permutation / Origamis and permutation groupsZmiaikou, David 08 September 2011 (has links)
Un origami est un revêtement du tore T2, éventuellement ramifié au-dessus de l'origine.Cet objet a été introduit par William P. Thurston et William A. Veech dans les années 1970.Un origami peut être vu comme un ensemble fini de copies du carreau unitaire qui sont collées par translations. Ainsi, un origami est un cas particulier d'une surface de translation,un élément de l'espace des modules de surfaces de Riemann munies d'une 1-forme holomorphe.Un origami O avec n carreaux correspond à une paire de permutations (σ, τ ) Є 2 Sn X Sn définie à conjugaison près. Le groupe Mon(O) engendré par une telle paire s'appelle le groupe de monodromie de O. On dit qu'un origami est primitif si son groupe de monodromie est un groupe de permutation primitif. Il y a une action naturelle du groupeGL2(Z) sur les origamis, le stabilisateur de O pour cette action est le groupe de Veechdésigné par GL(O). Le groupe de monodromie est un invariant des GL2(Z)-orbites.Dans le chapitre 3 de la thèse, nous montrons que le groupe de monodromie de tout origami primitif à n carreaux dans la strate H(2k) est An ou Sn si n ≥ 3k + 2, et noustrouvons la borne exacte quand 2k + 1 est premier. La même proposition est vraie pourla strate H(1; 1) si n =/= 6. Dans le chapitre 4, nous considérons les origamis réguliers,i.e. ceux pour lesquels le nombre de carreaux est égal à l'ordre du groupe de monodromie.Nous construisons de nouvelles familles d'origamis intéressantes et cherchons leurs strates et groupes de Veech. Nous estimons également le nombre de GL2(Z)-orbites et strates distinctes des origamis réguliers ayant un groupe de monodromie donné. Afin de trouver une borne inférieure pour les origamis alternés, nous prouvons que chaque permutation dans An quifixe peu de points est le commutateur d'une paire engendrant An. Dans le chapitre 6, nous étudions une propriété de sous-groupes de PSL2(Z) qui est liée à la propriété d'être le groupe de Veech d'un origami. / An origami is a covering of the torus T2, possibly ramified above the origin. This objectwas introduced by William P. Thurston and William A. Veech in 1970s. Un origami can beviewed as a finite collection of copies of the unitary square that are glued by translations.Thus, un origami is a particular case of a translation surface, that is, an element of the moduli space of Riemann surfaces equipped with a holomorphic 1-form.An n-square origami O corresponds to a pair of permutations (σ, τ ) Є 2 Sn X Sn defined up to conjugation. The group Mon(O) generated by such a pair is called the monodromy group of O. We say that an origami is primitive if its monodromy group is a primitive permutation group. There is a natural action of group GL2(Z) on the origamis, the stabilizer of O for this action is the Veech group denoted by GL(O). The monodromy group is aninvariant of the GL2(Z)-orbits.In the chapter 3 of the thesis, we show that the monodromy group of any primitive n-square origami in the stratum H(2k) is either An or Sn if n ≥ 3k + 2, and we find the exact bound when 2k + 1 is prime. The same proposition is true for the stratum H(1; 1) if n =/= 6.In the chapter 4, we consider the regular origamis, i.e. the origamis for which the number of squares equals the order of the monodromy group. We construct new families of origamis and investigate their strata and Veech groups. Also, we estimate the number of distinct GL2(Z)-orbits and strata of regular origamis with a given monodromy group. In order to find a lower bound for alternating origamis, we prove that each permutation in An which fixes few points is the commutator of a pair generating An. In the chapter 6, we study a subgroup property of PSL2(Z) that is related to the property to be the Veech group of an origami.
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Senseur inertiel à ondes de matière aéroporté / Airborne matter-wave inertial sensorGeiger, Remi 17 October 2011 (has links)
: cette thèse porte sur l’étude d’un accéléromètre à ondes de matière fonctionnant à bord d’un avion effectuant des vols paraboliques et permettant des expériences en micro-gravité (0-g). Un interféromètre à atomes de 87Rb refroidis par laser, et dont les états quantiques sont manipulés à l’aide de transitions Raman stimulées, constitue l’élément physique du capteur. Lors de la conception du dispositif expérimental, un effort particulier a été apporté au choix d’une source laser transportable, stable, et robuste. Nous démontrons pour la première fois le fonctionnement aéroporté d’un senseur inertiel à ondes de matière, à la fois en 0-g et durant les phases de gravité des vols (1-g). Nous proposons une technique combinant le signal de l’interféromètre à celui d’accéléromètres mécaniques auxiliaires pour effectuer des mesures au dela de la dynamique intrinsèque du capteur atomique. Nous expliquons comment bénéficier du haut niveau de sensibilité de l’interféromètre dans l’avion, et indiquons des voies d’améliorations significatives de notre dispositif pour le futur. En 0-g, nous montrons une amélioration de la sensibilité de l’accéléromètre jusque 2 x 10-4 m.s-2 à une seconde, et étudions une réjection des vibrations de l’avion à l’aide d’un interféromètre à quatre impulsions Raman. L’objectif de notre projet consiste en un test du principe d’universalité de la chute libre avec un double accéléromètre à atomes de 87Rb et de 39K. Notre système laser double-espèce emploie des composants optiques fibrés aux longueurs d’onde de 1.56 et 1.54 μm, ainsi qu’un doublage de fréquence pour obtenir la lumière utile à 780 et 767 nm pour le refroidissement et la manipulation des deux atomes. Nous étudions théoriquement la sensibilité d’une mesure de leur différence d’accélération en tenant compte des vibrations de l’avion, et précisons comment une résolution de l’ordre de 10-10 m.s-2 pourra être atteinte dans le futur avec notre expérience aéroportée. / This thesis reports the study of a matter-wave accelerometer operated aboard a 0-g plane in ballistic flights. The acceleration measurements are performed with a cold 87Rb atom interferometer using stimulated Raman transitions to manipulate the quantum states of the atoms. When designing the instrument, we took special care to make the laser source transportable, robust, and stable. With our setup, we demonstrate the first operation of a matter-wave inertial sensor aboard a plane, both in 0-g and during the gravity phases of the flights (1-g). Thanks to additional mechanical accelerometers probing the coarse inertial effects, we are able to detect acceleration fluctuations much greater than the intrinsic measurement range of the interferometer. We explain our method to benefit from the full sensitivity of the matter-wave sensor in the plane, and suggest significant improvements of our system for the future. In 0-g, we show the enhancement of the accelerometer sensitivity up to 2 x 10-4 m.s-2 in one second, and investigate a rejection of the vibrations of the plane with a four Raman pulses interferometer. The goal of our project is to perform a test of the universality of free fall with two atom accelerometers using 87Rb and 39K. The laser system for the two-species interferometer is based on fiber optical components at wavelengths of 1.56 and 1.54 μm, and optical frequency doubling to generate the useful light at 780 and 767 nm to cool and manipulate the atoms. We study theoretically the sensitivity of the differential acceleration measurement by taking into account the vibrations of the plane, and discuss how a resolution of the order of 10-10 m.s-2 could be achieved in the future with our airborne experiment.
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Owner Occupied Housing in the CPI and its Impact on Monetary Policy during Housing Booms and BustsHill, Robert J., Steurer, Miriam, Waltl, Sofie R. 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The treatment of owner-occupied housing (OOH) is probably the most important unresolved issue in inflation measurement. How -- and whether -- it is included in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) affects inflation expectations, the measured level of real interest rates, and the behavior of governments, central banks and market participants. We show that none of the existing treatments of OOH are fit for purpose. Hence we propose a new simplified user cost
method with better properties. Using a micro-level dataset, we then compare the empirical behavior of eight different treatments of OOH. Our preferred user cost approach pushes up the CPI during housing booms (by 2 percentage points or more). Our findings relate to the following important debates in macroeconomics: the behavior of the Phillips curve in the US during the global financial crisis, and the response of monetary policy to housing booms, secular
stagnation, and globalization. / Series: Department of Economics Working Paper Series
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As traduções indireta e direta de Kinkakuji, de Yukio Mishima, para a língua portuguesa / The indirect and direct translations of Kinkakuji, by Yukio Mishima, into PortugueseTanaka, Shiho 26 September 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar duas traduções para o português da obra literária japonesa Kinkakuji, escrita por Yukio Mishima (1925-1970) e publicada em 1956, para fazer considerações sobre a tradução indireta e a interferência da versão intermediadora entre o texto-fonte e o texto-alvo, sob o ponto de vista do conceito de equivalência. Tratam-se da tradução realizada por Eliana Sabino (1988) a partir da versão em inglês por Ivan Morris (1959) e a tradução direta do japonês feita por Shintaro Hayashi (2010). Para esse objetivo, primeiramente, apresentamos um perfil geral de Mishima e suas obras; o romance Kinkakuji, considerando o seu contexto de criação e avaliação de críticos; e de um conceito de tradução indireta e diversas visões a respeito. Além disso, faremos uma apresentação da tradução da literatura de Mishima em português, nas tradições de tradução da literatura japonesa no Brasil. Será feita a análise cotejando as traduções acima referidas e o trabalho original em japonês, visando identificar as transformações ocorridas que impeçam os leitores da tradução de compreender o sentido da obra original. Como resultado, concluímos que tais deformações ocorrem na tradução indireta com maior frequência, mas ocorrem também na tradução direta, dificultando a transmissão do universo do romance elaborado pelo autor. Os resultados nos ajudaram a perceber que a tradução em inglês causa a deformação do texto original de certa forma e influi inevitavelmente na tradução indireta em português, porém, a tradução em inglês não é a única razão desta deformação. Na tradução direta em português, apesar de identificarmos alguns casos de deformação, observou-se que o tradutor teria se preocupado com a manutenção do estilo de estrita do autor do texto original, além do sentido textual. Podemos dizer, nesse caso, que o tradutor conseguiu produzir um texto mais próximo, sob o ponto de vista de manutenção da equivalência, daquele ao qual o leitor da obra em japonês tem acesso. / The work aims to analyze two translations of the Japanese literary work Kinkakuji, written by Yukio Mishima (1925-1970), published in 1956. to carry out a consideration of the indirect translation and of how much the intermediate version interferes between the source text and the target text, from the standpoint of the concept of equivalence. The selected translation into Portuguese are by Eliana Sabino (1988), who translated from the English version by Ivan Morris (1959), and the direct translation from the original text in Japanese by Shintaro Hayashi (2010). For this purpose, I introduce Mishima and his works; the novel Kinkakuji, considering the context in which the author wrote it and its critical reception; and a concept of indirect translation, as well as various views on it. In addition, I present the translation of Mishimas literature into Portuguese, in the translation tradition of Japanese literature in Brazil. I carry out the analysis by comparing the translations with the original work in Japanese to identify the transformations that have prevented the readers of the translations from understanding the sense of the original work. I reached the conclusion that such deformations occur more frequently in the indirect translation, but also in the direct translation, hindering the transmission of the universe developed by the author in the novel. The results allowed me to realize that the English translation causes deformations in the source text in a certain way and that it inevitably influences the indirect translation into Portuguese, but the English translation is not the only reason for this. In the direct translation into Portuguese, although I identified some cases of deformation, I noticed that the translator was concerned with maintaining Mishimas writing style, not only in the textual sense. In this case, it can be affirmed that the translator has been able to produce a text that is closer, from the point of view of maintaining the equivalence, to the one to which the reader of the Japanese work has access.
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Controle contextual com o procedimento go/no-go com estímulos compostos / Contextual control with the go/no-go procedure with compound stimuliModenesi, Rafael Diego 19 April 2013 (has links)
O Controle Contextual é descrito a partir de (a) uma contingência de cinco termos (Sx-Sc-Sd- R-Sr) em que o estímulo contextual (Sx) exerce controle condicional sobre as discriminações condicionais e (b) permite que um estímulo participe de mais de uma classe de equivalência sem que haja a fusão das classes. O matching-to-sample é o procedimento mais utilizado para investigar o controle contextual. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar se o procedimento go/nogo com estímulos compostos, no qual não é possível identificar as funções condicional e discriminativa, produziria classes de equivalência que compartilham estímulos. Se estas classes fossem produzidas, apenas uma parte da definição de controle contextual (b) seria atestada. Seis universitários realizaram uma tarefa nas fases de treino na qual respostas aos compostos A1C1, A2C2, B1D1, B2D2, X1Y1, X2Y2, X1A1B1, X1A2B2, X2A1B2, X2A2B1 eram seguidas, intermitentemente, por 10 pontos e respostas aos compostos A1C2, A2C1, B1D2, B2D1, X1Y2, X2Y1, X1A1B2, X1A2B1, X2A1B1, X2A2B2 não eram seguidas de consequências. Os estímulos eram formas abstratas. Para se atestar o estabelecimento do controle contextual, os participantes deveriam responder aos compostos Y1C1D1, Y1C2D2, Y2C1D2, Y2C2D1 e não deveriam responder aos compostos Y1C1D2, Y1C2D1, Y2C1D1, Y2C2D2. Este padrão de respostas indicaria a formação de quatro classes de equivalência que compartilham estímulos: X1A1B1Y1C1D1, X1A2B2Y1C2D2, X2A1B2Y2C1D2, X2A2B1Y2C2D1. Quatro dos seis participantes apresentaram desempenhos indicando que é possível estabelecer o controle contextual a partir do procedimento go/no-go com estímulos compostos, sem especificar diferentes funções (e.g., discriminativa, condicional e contextual) para os estímulos envolvidos nestas discriminações. Em função desses resultados, parte (a) da definição de controle contextual mais recorrentemente empregada pode ser questionada / Contextual control is described from (a) a five-term contingency in which the contextual stimulus (Sx) exerts conditional control over conditional discriminations (Sctx Sc Sd R Sr) and (b) allows one stimulus to participate in more than one equivalence class, without merging them into one. Matching-to-sample is the mostly employed procedure to investigate the contextual control. The presented study aimed to evaluate whether a go/no-go procedure that present stimuli in the same manner, without specifying any different stimuli functions, would produce equivalence classes that share stimuli. If equivalence classes could be established with this procedure, only one part of contextual control definition (b) would be met. Six undergraduate were submitted to a task in Training Phase in which responses to A1C1, A2C2, B1D1, B2D2, X1Y1, X2Y2, X1A1B1, X1A2B2, X2A1B2, X2A2B1 compound stimuli were intermittently followed by 10 points, and responses to A1C2, A2C1, B1D2, B2D1, X1Y2, X2Y1, X1A1B2, X1A2B1, X2A1B1, X2A2B2 were not. Two or three abstract forms composed compound stimuli. In Phase III, to certify the establishment of contextual control participants should respond to Y1C1D1, Y1C2D2, Y2C1D2, Y2C2D1 compounds and did not respond to Y1C1D2, Y1C2D1, Y2C1D1, Y2C2D2 compounds. This pattern of responses also indicates the formation of four equivalence classes: X1A1B1Y1C1D1, X1A2B2Y1C2D2, X2A1B2Y2C1D2, X2A2B1Y2C2D1. Four of six participants showed the establishment of contextual control using a go/no-go procedure that do not specify any specific functions for the stimuli. These results indicate that part (a) of the contextual control definition currently used can be questioned
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Construção dos números reais via cortes de Dedekind / Construction of the real numbers via Dedekind cutsPimentel, Thiago Trindade 03 September 2018 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é apresentar a construção dos números reais a partir de cortes de Dedekind. Para isso, vamos estudar os números naturais, os números inteiros, os números racionais e as propriedades envolvidas. Então, a partir dos números racionais, iremos construir o corpo dos números reais e estabelecer suas propriedades. Um corte de Dedekind, assim nomeado em homenagem ao matemático alemão Richard Dedekind, é uma partição dos números racionais em dois conjuntos não vazios A e B em que cada elemento de A é menor do que todos os elementos de B e A não contém um elemento máximo. Se B contiver um elemento mínimo, então o corte representará este elemento mínimo, que é um número racional. Se B não contiver um elemento mínimo, então o corte definirá um único número irracional, que preenche o espaço entre A e B. Desta forma, pode-se construir o conjunto dos números reais a partir dos racionais e estabelecer suas propriedades. Esta dissertação proporcionará aos estudantes do Ensino Médio, interessados em Matemática, uma formação sólida em um de seus pilares, que é o conjunto dos números reais e suas operações algébricas e propriedades. Isso será muito importante para a formação destes alunos e sua atuação educacional. / The purpose of this dissertation is to present the construction of the real numbers from Dedekind cuts. For this, we study the natural numbers, the integers, the rational numbers and some properties involved. Then, based on the rational numbers, we construct the field of the real numbers and establish their properties. A Dedekind cut, named after the German mathematician Richard Dedekind, is a partition of the rational numbers into two non-empty sets A and B, such that each element of A is smaller than all elements of B and A does not contain a maximum element. If B contains a minimum element, then the cut represents this minimum element, which is a rational number. If B does not contain a minimal element, then the cut defines a single irrational number, which \"fills the gap\" between A and B. In this way, one can construct the set of real numbers from the rationals and establish their properties. This dissertation provides students who like Mathematics a solid basis in one of the pillars of Mathematics, which is the set of real numbers and their algebraic operations and properties. This text will be very important for your educational background and performance.
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