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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att skapa förutsättningar för god praxis kring internationell medarbetarmobilitet : En systemutveckling av ett processtödjande informationssystem vid IKEA

Svensson, Daniel, Svenningson, Razmus January 2006 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats grundar sig på vetskapen om att stora internationella företag har uttryckta strategier för att flytta medarbetare internationellt. Uppsatsen grundar sig också på ett uppdrag av IKEA. Syftet är att utveckla en prototyp för ett gemensamt centralt datoriserat informationssystem som kan stödja internationella medarbetarmobilitetsprocesser. Vidare är syftet att hitta förutsättningar för god praxis kring internationell medarbetarmobilitet.</p><p>Uppsatsen innehåller empiriska studier vid IKEA, Ericsson och Alteams Group. Tillsammans med våra teoristudier använder vi de empiriska resultaten för att diskutera kring hur företag kan använda gemensamma informationssystem för att stödja medarbetarmobilitetsprocesser. En prototyp för lagrings- och presentationsskikt av ett gemensamt informationssystem</p><p>utvecklas åt IKEA.</p> / <p>This paper based on the knowledge of that big international companies have strategies for mobilizing co-workers, crossing nation borders. It is also based on an assignment from IKEA. The purpose is to develop a prototype for a central computerized information system, which can support the process of mobilizing co-workers internationally. Furthermore the purpose is to find ways to create conditions for good praxis in international mobility of co-workers.</p><p>Our empirical work includes studies at IKEA, Ericsson and Alteams Group. We use the results from the empirical study together with our theoretical studies to discuss how companies</p><p>can use central computerized information systems to support the process of mobilizing co-workers. We also develop a prototype of a central computerized information system for</p><p>IKEA.</p>

Foreign direct investments in developing countries : the case of Ericsson in Mexico and Vietnam /

Atik, M. Talha. Tran, Hung. Vieyra, Cristhian. January 2008 (has links)
Master's thesis. / Format: PDF. Bibl.

Att skapa förutsättningar för god praxis kring internationell medarbetarmobilitet : En systemutveckling av ett processtödjande informationssystem vid IKEA

Svensson, Daniel, Svenningson, Razmus January 2006 (has links)
Denna uppsats grundar sig på vetskapen om att stora internationella företag har uttryckta strategier för att flytta medarbetare internationellt. Uppsatsen grundar sig också på ett uppdrag av IKEA. Syftet är att utveckla en prototyp för ett gemensamt centralt datoriserat informationssystem som kan stödja internationella medarbetarmobilitetsprocesser. Vidare är syftet att hitta förutsättningar för god praxis kring internationell medarbetarmobilitet. Uppsatsen innehåller empiriska studier vid IKEA, Ericsson och Alteams Group. Tillsammans med våra teoristudier använder vi de empiriska resultaten för att diskutera kring hur företag kan använda gemensamma informationssystem för att stödja medarbetarmobilitetsprocesser. En prototyp för lagrings- och presentationsskikt av ett gemensamt informationssystem utvecklas åt IKEA. / This paper based on the knowledge of that big international companies have strategies for mobilizing co-workers, crossing nation borders. It is also based on an assignment from IKEA. The purpose is to develop a prototype for a central computerized information system, which can support the process of mobilizing co-workers internationally. Furthermore the purpose is to find ways to create conditions for good praxis in international mobility of co-workers. Our empirical work includes studies at IKEA, Ericsson and Alteams Group. We use the results from the empirical study together with our theoretical studies to discuss how companies can use central computerized information systems to support the process of mobilizing co-workers. We also develop a prototype of a central computerized information system for IKEA.

Analysis and implementation of a call simulator for Mobile@Home at Ericsson AB / Analys och implementering av en samtalssimulator för Mobile@Home, Ericsson AB

Larsson, Rasmus, Wikström, Edvard January 2004 (has links)
Mobile telephony technology like GSM made portable telephony a possibility. The arising and development of the Internet made a revolutionary change to communication and interchange of information. Bluetooth wireless technology revolutionizes personal connectivity by providing freedom from wired connections. Combining these technologies together brings the concept of Mobile@Home of Ericsson. Mobile@Home is a fixed-mobile convergence concept using the fixed network to carry present and future mobile services (e.g. voice, video, mail and Internet access) all the way to the home or office. By combining the high bandwidth of the fixed access network with the wireless technology of Bluetooth, Mobile@Home makes it possible to deliver high bandwidth to the mobile phone. Mobile@Home requires a Bluetooth enabled mobile phone and a Bluetooth enabled HBS (Home Base Station), placed at the home or office. By means of fast IP access (ADSL, cable modem etc.) the HBS connects into the standard mobile core network through a HBSC (Home Base Station Controller). The purpose of this thesis is the generation of simulated traffic between the HBS and HBSC and to analyze its behavior. This primary involves generation of signaling through an internal protocol, provided by Ericsson, for management and call control, and generation of GSM EFR (Enhanced Full Rate) voice streams over the RTP (Real Time Protocol) protocol. The simulation will consist of both the HBS and MS (Mobile Station). A set of HBS: s with attached MS will call one another through the HBSC. In this assignment only the GSM signaling will be considered because of time and scope limitations. The goal is to validate the RTP traffic generated towards the HBSC. Parameters like packet loss, packet delay and erroneous packets will be analyzed.

Market challenges of incumbent telecom companies entering Internet-of-Things (IoT) ecosystems and organizational implications : A case study

Floriano, Sergio January 2018 (has links)
The Internet-of-Things (IoT) brings machine-to-machine communication to a global scale together with new business scenarios and inter-relationships. If compared to previous communication technologies, IoT transforms the traditional value chain and creates a different business ecosystem. In this scenario, incumbent telecom companies are taking the role of technology enablers to enter the market. These companies are trying to find ways to generate new value propositions and to position themselves along the IoT-specific value chain. To do that, incumbents need to overcome a number of external and internal challenges. The purpose of this research is to investigate those challenges from the perspective of an incumbent telecom company via a case study carried out at Ericsson. This Thesis is built on the theoretical foundations of innovation management and business model innovation. The research behind is based on academic literature, opinions from industry experts, market analyses, and qualitative data collected from several interviews and online resources. The outcome from this study remarks some major external and internal challenges faced by incumbents. From the internal perspective, the challenges are related to enable the structures within the company to make possible the development of IoT as a radically new business area. On the external side, the main challenges shift from entering the market and position themselves in the new IoT value chain, to the development of unprecedented relationships, innovative value propositions and a new business paradigm. In order to do that, companies need to understand the unexplored IoT ecosystem, find needs and opportunities via partnerships and develop joint business models. This work provides specific data to complement the scarce literature around the topic of IoT business models and challenges for incumbent companies. It offers practical help to guide managers to understand the nascent IoT market, to define adoption strategies and to find their way through the emerging ecosystems.

Reflexe severského objevení Ameriky / Reflexion of the Norse Discovery of America

Novotná, Markéta January 2014 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the reflection of the discovery of America by the Norsemen, and does so in three steps. Firstly, the approach to and the significance of the Norse voyages to America in the medieval materials, and especially in the Vinland sagas, are presented. This part is accompanied by a general introduction into the sagas. Secondly, the situation in the 19th century is introduced. In this period a lot of scientific works as well as works of art aiming at the Norse voyages to the New continent arose. The factors that led to this increased interest are explored, e.g. national movement in Scandinavia. Thirdly, the contemporary reflexion of the Norse discovery of America is analyzed (particularly its influence on works of art, society, politics and scientific research). The methodology used in this thesis is discourse analysis, which points out to the changing reflexion of the given topic.

Etude théorique, conception, réalisation et essai préliminaire d'un moteur à air chaud à pistons liquides / Theorical study, design, realization, and preliminary test of a hot liquid pistons engine

Ndame Ngangue, Max Keller 20 February 2019 (has links)
Un moteur Ericsson est un moteur alternatif à apport de chaleur externe fonctionnant selon un cyclethermodynamique de Joule. Ce type de moteur est particulièrement intéressant pour la valorisationde certaines "sources chaudes" (l'énergie solaire, la biomasse, les effluents gazeux chauds...).Dans cette thèse, une configuration innovante de moteur est proposée. Celle-ci permet d'une part,de s’affranchir du problème d’étanchéité autour des pistons des moteurs Ericsson, par l'usage despistons liquides en lieu et place des pistons mécaniques et d'autre part, de simplifier le système dedistribution mécanique des moteurs conventionnels par l'usage de soupapes commandéesparticulières, dont l'ouverture est déclenchée par contact avec le piston. Ce type de moteur estadapté pour la production d'électricité de petite puissance (jusqu'à... 10 kW).Trois lois différentes de commande des soupapes du cylindre de détente du moteur à air chaudproposé sont étudiées et leurs influences sur la conception et les performances énergétiques dusystème sont présentées. En raison de la masse importante d'eau dans le système, un modèle quiprend en compte la dynamique des colonnes de liquide est développé. Ce modèle permet de prédireles performances d'un premier prototype expérimental.Un prototype de machine de détente a ensuite été conçu et réalisé dans notre laboratoire. Uneprésentation du prototype et du banc d'essai est faite, et les résultats d'un essai préliminaire sontprésentés. Malgré le caractère préliminaire de ces résultats, ils sont très encourageants car d'unepart, ils n'ont pas révélés de problèmes techniquement délicats à résoudre, et d'autre part ils ontpermis de tirer de nombreux enseignements pour la suite des travaux à mener sur le prototype. / An Ericsson engine is a reciprocating external heat input engine operating on a Joule thermodynamiccycle. This type of engine is particularly interesting for the valorization of certain "hot sources" (solarenergy, biomass, hot gaseous effluents ...).In this thesis, an innovative engine configuration is proposed. This allows, on the one hand, toovercome the problem of tightness around the pistons of Ericsson engines, by the use of liquidpistons instead of mechanical pistons and on the other hand, to simplify the mechanical distributionsystem of conventional engines by the use of particular actuated valves, whose opening is triggered by contact with the piston. This type of motor is suitable for the production of electricity of smallpower (up to... 10 kW).Three different valve command laws for the proposed hot air motor expansion cylinder are studiedand their influences on the design and energy performance of the system are presented. Due to thelarge amount of water in the system, a model that takes into account the dynamics of the liquidcolumns is developed. This model makes it possible to predict the performances of a firstexperimental prototype.A prototype of the expansion machine was then designed and built in our laboratory. The prototypeand the test bench are presented together with the preliminary test results. Despite the preliminarynature of these results, they are very encouraging because, on the one hand, they have not revealedany technically difficult problems to be solved, and on the other hand they have made it possible todraw many lessons for the further work to be done lead on the prototype.

End-to-End Application Billing in 3G / End-to-End Application Billing in 3G

Chaudry, Kashif, Karadza, Elma January 2002 (has links)
<p>We have 3G on the doorstep but nothing seems to attract ordinary people to this technology. To attract the mass market the telecom industry must show something beyond high bit rates. They must show how ordinary people can take advantage of this new technology. This is done by showing the possibilities of the new technology and by demonstrating applications that it will handle. The telecom industry must convince the telecom operators to invest in this technology and the only thing that matters to them is how much revenue they can make by adopting the upcoming technology. </p><p>To convince the operators industry must show how the operators can charge for the new types of applications that will be introduced soon. This is the main reason why this Master's Thesis has been conducted. The purpose of this thesis is to provide a demonstration to Ericsson's 3G lab in Katrineholm in the form of an IP application with a billing solution. This thesis describes the migration from 1G to 3G and examines existing and future billing strategies as well. </p><p>The IP application is an application that uses progressive streaming in order to stream multimedia content to a PDA connected to a 3G phone. This application is platform independent because it is placed on leading Web servers, Apache and IIS. </p><p>The billing application consists of a number of steps. The first step is logging, which is performed by the Web server on which the streaming application is placed. The second step, processing and billing, is performed in the BGw, which is Ericsson's mediation tool, and the SQL server.The third step is displaying the bill, which is done by using ASP to create an active HTML page.</p>

Exekveringsmiljö för Plex-C på JVM / Run-time environment for Plex-C on JVM

Möller, Johan January 2002 (has links)
<p>The Ericsson AXE-based systems are programmed using an internally developed language called Plex-C. Plex-C is normally compiled to execute on an Ericsson internal processor architecture. A transition to standard processors is currently in progress. This makes it interesting to examine if Plex-C can be compiled to execute on the JVM, which would make it processor independent. </p><p>The purpose of the thesis is to examine if parts of the run-time environment of Plex-C can be translated to Java and if this can be done so that sufficient performance is obtained. It includes how language constructions in Plex-C can be translated to Java. </p><p>The thesis describes how a limited part of the Plex-C run-time environment is implemented in Java. Optimizations are an important part of the implementation. </p><p>It is also described how the JVM system was tested with a benchmark test. </p><p>The test results indicate that the implemented system is a few times faster than the Ericsson internal processor architecture. But this performance is still not sufficient for the JVM system to be an interesting replacement for the currently used processor architecture. It might still be useful as a processor independent test platform.</p>

Framtidsstudier i stora organisationers långsiktiga planering : analysmodell och fallstudier

Ehliasson, Kent January 2005 (has links)
<p>People use a variety of means to orient themselves towards the future. A more organised approach to handling the future known as "futures studies" is often used in a variety of contexts including long-term planning within large organisations. In the effort to enhance the quality of such studies, there have been arguments for better methods (which makes sense), but methods may not be the most important aspect in the production of futures studies. Greater theoretical awareness in the substantive questions upon which the study is based is more important. To that end, the intent of this dissertation is to infuse a keener awareness of fundamental assumptions in futures studies and contribute to increasing their quality.</p><p>One objective of the dissertation is to formulate a method or procedure to analyse the futures studies of large organisations, apply it to two empirical cases and thereafter analyse its strengths and weaknesses. The method I discuss and develop extensively in this work consists of an analytical framework that focuses on three aspects of each future study: its architecture, its relationship to a few of the key future issues of our time and its assumptions regarding our views on society, humanity and technology. A second objective is to systematically study future documents from two large organisations and attempt to clarify motives, orientation, methodology and distinguishing characteristics in their future processes. The cases I have chosen are the Swedish Armed Forces and the telecommunications company Ericsson, which were both in a period of transition around the mid 1990s.</p><p>The dissertation shows how the method has been used to bring to the fore and clarify central ideas in futures studies, identify ambiguities and fuzzy thinking and to show and expose more covert assumptions. The analysis also illustrates that certain aspects of the model have been observed in the empirical material, other ideas are found to a lesser extent and certain perspectives are entirely absent. The paper stresses that the model developed has both strengths and weaknesses, but the overall assessment is that it was well-balanced and maintains appropriate depth in relation to desired efficiency. The study shows that the analytical method is relevant and adequate to understand and describe the direction and content of futures studies and in so doing enhance their quality.</p>

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