Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ssd"" "subject:"dsd""
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Undervisningens fokus för hållbar utveckling : ”Lärare i förskoleklass upp till årskurs 3” / The focus of education for sustainable development : Teachers in pre-school class up to grade 3Melker, Camilla January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att ta reda på vad lärare fokuserar på vid undervisning för hållbar utveckling i No-ämnena för förskoleklass upp till årskurs 3. Avsikten är att ta reda på hur de intervjuade lärarna tolkar hållbar utveckling i läroplanen och om de undervisar för att få med de tre dimensionerna; ekologisk, social och ekonomisk hållbarhet, samt vilka svårigheter och möjligheter lärare ser med undervisning för hållbar utveckling i No-ämnena. Undersökningens resultat har framkommit utifrån semistrukturerade intervjuer av lärare som undervisar i dessa årskurser. Resultatet visar att nästan samtliga lärare i studien undervisar för hållbar utveckling, samtidigt som de får med de tre dimensionerna; ekologisk, social och ekonomisk i undervisningen. Det är bara en lärare i studien som mestadels undervisar utifrån den ekologiska hållbarheten. Den största svårigheten som framkom var att själva begreppet hållbar utveckling är för komplext för de yngre eleverna att förstå och den största möjligheten handlade om ämnesövergripande undervisning och praktiska aktiviteter, eftersom de yngre eleverna lättare förstår på det sättet. / The purpose of the study was to find out what teachers focus on when teaching for sustainable development in science for pre-school class up to third grade. I used semi-structured interviews to find out how teachers interpret sustainable development in the curriculum, if they teach to bring the three dimensions; ecological, social and economic sustainability together, and how they faced the difficulties and opportunities related to sustainable development education in science. The result showed that almost all of the teachers in the study teach for sustainable development, whilst at the same time with the three dimensions; ecological, social and economic in teaching. There was only one teacher in the study who mostly taught on the basis of ecological sustainability. The main difficulty that emerged was that the very concept of sustainable development was too complex for the younger students to understand and the main possibility was about interdisciplinary education and practical activities, because the younger students more easily understand that way.
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Development of ESD paperboard laminate : A material study with focus on coating and designLarsson, Rebecka January 2021 (has links)
Due to the rapid development of technology, electrical products are being shipped all over the world. The electronic components have gotten greater in capacity but are smaller in size, making them sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). ESD packaging protects sensitive components from electrostatic discharge and electrical fields. There are different types of packaging solutions depending on the sensitivity of the product. Rigid packaging of insulating paperboard, impregnated with a thin, conductive carbon layer was used in this study. The conductive material is supposed to lead the static electricity away from the product, to the packaging which is insulated, where it safely can discharge. The inside of the packaging, normally dressed in a foam to protect the device inside, is supposed to be replaced with paperboard. The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate whether or not an ESD-packaging can be created by coating a paperboard with a dispersion containing nanographite and nanocellulose. Solid Bleached Board is a paperboard made by the mill Iggesund Paperboard, used for graphical products and packaging of high quality. Paperboard is made from cellulose, an environmentally sustainable raw material from the forest. Classifications of materials used in ESD packaging-solutions are divided into how quickly electricity moves through the material. Carbon is normally within the range of 10^2 to 10^6 Ω for sheet- and volume resistance. Maximal charge and maximal electrical discharge of the packaging are by standard not supposed to exceed 100 V and 50 nJ. Two different nanographite dispersions with different binders (polyvinyl alcohol and cellulose nanofibres) have been made. These have been coated onto the paperboard using a bench-coater. Measurements of ESD- and paperboard-properties have been performed onto the paperboard. The measured values were within the range of what was considered acceptable to be able to create an ESD packaging. The prototype was designed materially with solid bleached board, coated with a dispersion made of 220g nanographite, 22g cellulose nanofibres and 3791g water with a solid content of 8,2%. The design has been developed with the company's existing packaging in mind together with information about the already existing ESD packages. The results from the measurements show that it is fully possible to create and produce ESD-packaging, but needs further testing after this thesis. Societal, ethical and environmental aspects have been considered during the entire study. / På grund av den snabba tekniska utvecklingen transporteras elektriska produkter över hela världen. Elektroniska komponenter har fått större kapacitet men är mindre i storleken vilket gör dem känsliga för elektrostatisk urladdning (ESD). ESD-förpackningar skyddar känsliga komponenter från elektrostatisk urladdning och elektriska fält. Det finns olika typer av förpackningslösningar beroende på produktens känslighet. Styva förpackningar av isolerande kartong, impregnerade med ett tunt, elektriskt ledande kolskikt användes i denna studie. Det ledande materialet leder den statiska elektriciteten bort från produkten, till förpackningen som är isolerad, där den säkert kan urladdas. Förpackningens insida, som normalt är klädd med ett skum för att skydda produkten inuti, är tänkt att ersättas med kartong. Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka om en ESD-förpackning kan skapas genom att bestryka ett kartongark med en dispersion innehållande nanografit och nanocellulosa. Homogen helblekt kartong (Solid Bleached Board, SBB) är en kartong tillverkad av pappersbruket Iggesund Paperboard, som används för grafiska produkter och förpackningar av hög kvalitet. Kartong är tillverkad av cellulosa, ett miljövänligt och hållbart material från skogen. Klassificeringar av material som används i ESD-förpackningar är indelade i hur snabbt elektricitet rör sig genom materialet. Kol ligger normalt inom intervallet 10^2 till 10^6 Ω för yt- och volymresistans. Maximal uppladdning och maximal elektrisk urladdning av förpackningen ska inte överstiga 100 V och 50 nJ. Två olika dispersioner med olika bindemedel (polyvinylalkohol och cellulosa nanofibrer) har tillverkats. Dessa har bestrukits på kartongen med en bänkbestrykare. Mätningar av ESD- och kartong-egenskaper har utförts på kartongen. Mätdata låg inom det intervall som ansågs vara acceptabelt för att kunna skapa en ESD-kartong. Prototypen, sample B, är designad materiellt med homogen helblekt kartong, bestruken med en dispersion gjord av 220g nanografit, 22g cellulosa nanofibrer och 3791g vatten med en torrhalt på 8,2%. Designen har utvecklats med företagets befintliga förpackningar i åtanke tillsammans med information om de redan existerande ESD-förpackningarna. Resultaten från mätningarna visar att det är fullt möjligt att skapa och producera ESD-kartong, men det kräver ytterligare tester efter denna studie. Samhälleliga-, etiska- och miljöaspekter kommer att beaktas under hela studien.
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Phasengleichgewichte in komplexen Modellsystemen aus Phenolen, Kohlenwasserstoffen und WasserMartin, Antje 02 July 2014 (has links)
Die experimentelle Charakterisierung von Phasengleichgewichten (Flüssigkeit-Dampf und Flüssigkeit-Flüssigkeit) erfolgte in binären und ternären Systemen aus aromatischen bzw. aliphatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen, Phenolen und Wasser. Die Trübungstitration diente der Bestimmung von Flüssigkeit-Flüssigkeit-Gleichgewichten, auftretende koexistierende flüssige Phasen wurden analytisch charakterisiert. Mit Hilfe der dynamischen Methode erfolgte die Bestimmung der Flüssigkeit-Dampf-Gleichgewichte.
Die Modellierung der binären Systeme und die Vorausberechnung der ternären Systeme erfolgten mit den Aktivitätskoeffizientenmodellen NRTL und UNIQUAC. Weiterhin wurden die Berechnungen mit der von Elliott, Suresh und Donohue entwickelten Zustandsgleichung (ESD) durchgeführt, welche einen die assoziierenden Wechselwirkungen berücksichtigenden Term beinhaltet. Ferner wurden mit der Gruppenbeitragsmethode UNIFAC die untersuchten binären und ternären Systeme vorausberechnet.
Beide Aktivitätskoeffizientenmodelle können bei der simultanen Modellierung der verfügbaren Phasengleichgewichtsdaten für nahezu alle betrachteten binären Systeme mit sehr guten Ergebnissen überzeugen. Bei der Modellierung mit der Zustandsgleichung ESD müssen deutlich höhere Abweichungen akzeptiert werden.
Die Ergebnisse der Modellierung der binären Systeme lassen sich nicht adäquat auf die Vorausberechnung der ternären Systeme übertragen. UNIQUAC Modell und Zustandsgleichung ESD zeigen im Mittel die geringsten Unterschiede zwischen vorausberechneten und experimentellen Phasengleichgewichten. Deutlich höhere Abweichungen treten im Mittel bei Verwendung des NRTL Modells bzw. der Gruppenbeitragsmethode UNIFAC auf. Die Annahme, mit Hilfe der expliziten Berücksichtigung der Assoziation mit Zustandsgleichung ESD eine deutliche Verbesserung bei der Vorausberechnung entsprechender Phasengleichgewichten zu erzielen, konnte lediglich für Flüssigkeit-Flüssigkeit-Gleichgewichte in Systemen mit aliphatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen bestätigt werden. / The experimental characterizations of phase equilibria (vapor-liquid and liquid-liquid) were determined in binary and ternary systems containing aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols and water. Liquid-liquid equilibria were measured by turbidity titration. The compositions of coexisting phases were determined with analytic methods. The vapor-liquid equilibria were determined by the dynamic method.
The correlation of the binary systems and the prediction of the ternary systems were performed with the activity coefficient models NRTL and UNIQUAC. Furthermore the calculations were realized with an equation of state (ESD) developed by Elliott, Suresh and Donohue, which contain a term for association. Additional predictions of investigated binary and ternary systems were performed with the group contribution method UNIFAC.
Both activity coefficient models convinced with satisfactory results by the simultaneously correlation of the available equilibria data for almost all investigated binary systems. The correlations with the ESD equation of state were performed with higher deviations. A transfer of the results of the binary correlations into the ternary predictions is not possible. The UNIQUAC model and the ESD equation of state performed on average with minor deviations between predicted and experimental phase equilibria. Higher deviations were calculated using the NRTL model respectively the group contribution method UNIFAC. Only liquid-liquid equilibria in systems contain aliphatic hydrocarbons indicates improved prediction results based on the consideration of the association.
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Untersuchung der Phasengleichgewichte in Systemen mit assoziierenden KomponentenKlauck, Mandy 09 October 2009 (has links)
Die Phasengleichgewichte (Flüssigkeit-Dampf und Flüssigkeit-Flüssigkeit) der binären, ternären und quaternären Mischungen bestehend aus Wasser, Toluen, Anilin und Cyclohexylamin wurden experimentell bestimmt und modelliert bzw. vorausberechnet. Die Bestimmung der Flüssigkeit-Dampf-Gleichgewichte erfolgte mit Hilfe der dynamischen Methode, die dafür notwendige Mess- und Regeltechnik wurde erweitert und modernisiert. Die Flüssigkeit-Flüssigkeit-Gleichgewichte wurden durch Trübungstitration und Analyse der koexistierenden Phasen bestimmt.
Die Beschreibung der binären Systeme und die Vorausberechnung der Mehrkomponentensysteme erfolgte mit den Aktivitätskoeffizientenmodellen UNIQUAC und NRTL und der Zustandsgleichung, entwickelt von Elliott, Suresh und Donohue (ESD). Die ESD-Zustandsgleichung enthält neben einem Attraktions- und einem Repulsionsterm auch einen Term, der assoziative Wechselwirkungen explizit berücksichtigt.
Die Beschreibung der binären Systeme gelingt mit den getesteten Modellen sehr gut. Dabei werden mit den Aktivitätskoeffizientenmodellen bessere Ergebnisse erreicht als mit der ESD-Zustandsgleichung. Diese Bild kehrt sich bei der Vorausberechnung der Mehrkomponentensysteme um. Bei Verwendung der NRTL-Gleichung treten deutlich höhere Abweichungen auf als bei Berechnungen mit der ESD-Zustandsgleichung bzw. der UNIQUAC-Gleichung. Die Erwartung durch explizite Berücksichtigung der Assoziation mit der ESD-Zustandsgleichung einen deutlichen Vorteil in der Vorhersage von Phasengleichgewichten in Systemen mit assoziierenden Komponenten zu erhalten konnte in den untersuchten Mischungen nicht eindeutig bestätigt werden. / Phase equilibria (vapor-liquid and liquid-liquid) of binary, ternary and quaternary systems consisting of water, toluene, aniline and cyclohexylamine were determined experimentally and modeled resp. predicted. Vapor-liquid equilibria were determined by the dynamic method, the necessary measuring and control systems were extended and modernized. Liquid-liquid equilibria were investigated by turbidity titration and analyses of coexisting phases.
The calculation of the binary systems and the prediction of the multicomponent systems were performed with the activity coefficient models UNIQUAC and NRTL and the equation of state developed by Elliott, Suresh and Donohue (ESD). The ESD equation of state includes beside an attractive and a repulsive term a term for explicit consideration of associative interaction.
The description of the binary systems succeeded very well with the tested models. Better results were achieved with the activity coefficient models than with the ESD equation of state. These findings are inversed in the case of prediction of multicomponent phase equilibria. On application of the NRTL equation the deviations are notable greater than with the ESD equation of state or the UNIQUAC equation. The expectation to get a significant advantage in prediction of phase equilibria in systems with associating components with the ESD equation of state could not be answered definitely.
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Lärare sår ett frö inför framtiden : En intervjustudie med SO-lärare inom åk 4–6 med fokus på hur de undervisar för att främja hållbar utveckling / Teacher planting a seed for the future : An interview study with social science teachers in grades 4–6 with a focus on how they teach to promote sustainable developmentBlixt, Beatrice, Nyyssönen, Mathilda January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap om vilka förmågor och kunskaper som grundskollärare inom SO-ämnena anser är viktiga att främja genom undervisning för hållbar utveckling, i år 4–6. Syftet är vidare att belysa hur de beskriver att deras undervisning skapar möjlighet för eleverna att utveckla dessa kunskaper och förmågor. Det ingår i skolans uppdrag att förmedla kunskap och respekt för vår gemensamma miljö. Forskning som berör hållbar utveckling och undervisning i skolan har historiskt sett främst genomförts med inriktning på förskolan, grundskolans senare år och gymnasiet. Inom årskurs 4–6 är forskningen begränsad, vilket är en anledning till att denna studie genomförts. De tre selektiva miljöundervisningstraditionerna; den faktabaserade, den normerande och den pluralistiska används som ett teoretiskt ramverk för denna studie. Genom en kvalitativ undersökning i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer av sju behöriga SO-lärare i årskurs 4–6 besvarade studiens tre forskningsfrågor. En tematisk analys genomfördes på det insamlade materialet och resulterade i tio teman som sorterades in under överrubriker. Resultatet visade att faktakunskaper, medvetenhet, framtidstro och en förhoppning om att så ett frö för framtiden är något som lärarna vill ett deras elever ska få med sig. Att utgå från samtal, diskussioner och temaarbeten var metoder som ansågs kunna möjliggöra att eleverna får med det som lärarna anser viktigt. Elevers värderingar, tidsbrist och anpassning av innehåll utifrån elevernas ålder ansågs försvåra undervisningen. Trots dessa svårigheter är detta ett ämne som engagerar många elever, vilket ses som en möjlighet i undervisning för hållbar utveckling. Slutligen konstateras att de slutsatser som dras i forskning för hållbar utveckling inte alltid verkar överensstämma med läroplanens innehåll vilket i förlängningen påverkar både undervisningen och vad eleverna får med sig från undervisning för hållbar utveckling. / The purpose of this study is to contribute knowledge about which abilities and knowledge social science teachers in primary school consider important to promote through teaching for sustainable development, in grades 4–6. The purpose is further to highlight how they describe that their teaching creates opportunities for students to develop these skills and abilities. One way to enable action is through education. It is also part of the school's mission to convey knowledge and respect for our common environment. Historically speaking, research concerning sustainable development and teaching in schools has mainly been focused on pre-school, the later years of compulsory school and upper secondary school. Within grades 4-6, research is limited and that is one reason that lies behind this study. The three selective environmental education traditions; the fact-based, the normative and the pluralistic were used as a theoretical framework for this study. Through a qualitative investigation in the form of semi-structured interviews of seven qualified social science teachers in grades 4-6 from four different municipalities, the study's three research questions were answered. A thematic analysis was carried out on the collected material and resulted in ten themes. The themes were sorted under three headings. The result showed that factual knowledge, awareness, faith in the future and a hope to plant a seed for the future are some things that the teachers want their students to develop. Conversations, discussions and theme work were methods considered to enable the students to develop what the teachers considered important. Pupils' values, lack of time and adaptation of content based on the pupils' age were considered challenges. Despite these challenges, sustainable development engages many students, which can be seen as an opportunity in teaching for sustainable development. Finally, it is stated that conclusions drawn in research for sustainable development do not always seem to correspond with the content of the curriculum. Which in the long run affects both how teachers chose to teach for sustainable development and what students learn from it.
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Investigating opportunities for Service Design in Education for Sustainable DevelopmentKuzmina, Ksenija January 2014 (has links)
This research investigates opportunities for Service Design in Education. The focus is on a particular type of change happening within education that of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) where Service Design has little presence and limited knowledge. This research has been carried out through grounded theory and contextualised in English institutions of primary education. As a result it identified Service Design as an approach to enable transformational change within educational institutions that seek to move towards ESD. To establish the basis for the research, a literature review has been carried out on Service Design, the vision of ESD and its application in the context of English schools. As a result, Service Design capability to re-design services at organisational level was linked to the gap in normative re-educative change processes towards ESD in English schools. The rest of the research sought to build on these findings. In-depth case studies with five primary schools and a cross-case analysis have been carried out to establish an understanding of ESD change at organisational level. It focused on elements relevant to normative re-educative change processes, which included social and personal norms and values residing within organisational systems. From the case studies, principles, concepts and processes were identified that enabled schools to engage with ESD at the deepest level. The knowledge derived from the case studies was further developed in order to relate the ESD phenomenon to Service Design. Service thinking and organisational change theory were applied to develop a Sustainable Education as a Service Model (SES MODEL) to understand ESD as a phenomenon in a service system. A SES Model was presented back to Service Design community. The sense-making of ESD was undertaken with seven service design practitioners by conducting semi-structured interviews during which they explored the SES Model. The outcome of the interviews showed the model to build service designer s capacity to engage with ESD, while the use of the model showed that designers could envision using it at a normative re-educative change level. The research shows that ESD is a new concept, which is relevant to Service Design. It therefore offers opportunities for further service design research and practical applications.
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Nature-connectedness and motivation for pro-envrionmental behaviour : A study among higher education studentsHogenboom, Thalassa January 2019 (has links)
World-wide concerns about human impact on the environment have led to the in 2015 formalizedParis Agreement and the global Sustainable Development Goals. All generations are needed toachieve these targets. Thus, young people need to receive appropriate, sustainability-focusededucation. Even though higher education institutions respond to this demand, students still lackmotivation for sustainable actions. To increase knowledge about this issue, I investigatedmotivation for pro-environmental behaviour in combination with nature-connectedness - a factorthat has not yet been linked with it. In a sample of 208 students, I analysed the correlationsbetween the connectedness to nature scale (CNS) and the motivation toward the environmentscale (MTES). I found correlations, meaning that students who were strongly connected tonature, tend to be more motivated to engage in pro-environmental behaviour as well. However,this does not imply a causal relationship. I also found that students in programs with a main focuson environmental topics scored higher on the CNS and (most categories of) the MTES than otherstudents, and females scored higher than males. Most of the overall mean scores were alignedwith previous research. However, there is still space for improvement and more research needs tobe done. Thus, I recommend future research to use the CNS and MTES in student populations.Moreover, I advise higher education to provide each student with Education for SustainableDevelopment (ESD). It could be beneficial to focus on critical thinking and active, experientiallearning in ESD, possibly with the usage of outdoor education.
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CMOS LNA Design for Multi-Standard ApplicationsMuhammad, Wasim January 2006 (has links)
<p>This thesis discusses design of narrowband low noise amplifiers for multi¬standard applications. The target of this work is to design a low noise ampli¬fier(LNA) for DCS1800 and Bluetooth standard frequency bands. Various designs for narrowband multi-standard LNAs have been studied and a new design for tunable multi-standard LNA has been presented and designed using accumulation mode MOS varactors.</p><p>As this design includes on-chip spiral inductors, the design, modelling and layout of on-chip inductors have been discussed briefly. The tool used for this purpose is ASITIC.</p><p>Also ESD protection techniques for RF circuits and their effect on LNA per¬formance has been discussed.</p><p>Finally fully differential LNA has been designed in O.35um AMS thick metal CMOS process using Cadence SpectreRF. The design also includes ESD pro¬tection at the input of LNA.</p>
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University of Gävle Environmental Performance After ISO 14001 CertificationReflected by Students’ Environmental AwarenessBandoophanit, Thianthip, Ye, Lupeng January 2010 (has links)
<p>Environmental problems are seen as the first priority that all countries try to find as a solution to be more sustainable. These issues arise due to the lack of our responsibility to the world. Researchers agree on that the starting point in changing our society to be green is to increase environmental awareness (Jiang et al., 1999). Several sectors accept this idea like UNESCO which focuses on education as a tool to promote sustainable development (UNESCO, 2002).</p><p> </p><p>Following UNESCO, our study investigates university students’ environmental awareness. The Authors hope that the outcome not only reflects university performance, but also helps to develop the environment in the future. Hence, the authors selected the University of Gävle or HiG, as a case study because it is a best practice in Environmental Management System (EMS). Moreover, HiG received the ISO 14001 certificate and it has a continuous improvement program (Sammalisto, 2007, p.69). </p><p> </p><p>The study was started by reviewing research literatures concerning Environmental Management System (EMS), Sustainable Development (SD), Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Environmental Awareness. The authors found that there are few studies talking about students’ awareness in universities after being awarded ISO 14001. Notice that the research was seen only from environmental perspective (Flint, 2004).</p><p> </p><p>To answer research questions, two surveys were adopted. The first part focused on teachers and officers (or staffs) who work on environmental issues. While, the second part focused on the students which were divided into Swedish and international.</p><p> </p><p>The research outcomes indicate that HiG has a good EMS performance supported by annual environmental audits, regular policy revision and the attempts to minimize non-conformities. Conversely, when the authors pointed at student awareness, it shows that students have insufficient environmental knowledge. Moreover, some students have lower environmental awareness and act in a less ecological friendly way. Nevertheless, a knowledge problem was also found among several university staffs. This is because of the lack of communication about environmental issues inside the staffs community and lack of environmental education for students.</p><p> </p><p>Whatever the university situation is, there are some groups of staff and students eager to develop themselves and their university. This point of strength could be the best driving force. It can push the university forward until the university reaches sustainable development and it brings the aware graduates into society.</p>
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University of Gävle Environmental Performance After ISO 14001 CertificationReflected by Students’ Environmental AwarenessBandoophanit, Thianthip, Ye, Lupeng January 2010 (has links)
Environmental problems are seen as the first priority that all countries try to find as a solution to be more sustainable. These issues arise due to the lack of our responsibility to the world. Researchers agree on that the starting point in changing our society to be green is to increase environmental awareness (Jiang et al., 1999). Several sectors accept this idea like UNESCO which focuses on education as a tool to promote sustainable development (UNESCO, 2002). Following UNESCO, our study investigates university students’ environmental awareness. The Authors hope that the outcome not only reflects university performance, but also helps to develop the environment in the future. Hence, the authors selected the University of Gävle or HiG, as a case study because it is a best practice in Environmental Management System (EMS). Moreover, HiG received the ISO 14001 certificate and it has a continuous improvement program (Sammalisto, 2007, p.69). The study was started by reviewing research literatures concerning Environmental Management System (EMS), Sustainable Development (SD), Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Environmental Awareness. The authors found that there are few studies talking about students’ awareness in universities after being awarded ISO 14001. Notice that the research was seen only from environmental perspective (Flint, 2004). To answer research questions, two surveys were adopted. The first part focused on teachers and officers (or staffs) who work on environmental issues. While, the second part focused on the students which were divided into Swedish and international. The research outcomes indicate that HiG has a good EMS performance supported by annual environmental audits, regular policy revision and the attempts to minimize non-conformities. Conversely, when the authors pointed at student awareness, it shows that students have insufficient environmental knowledge. Moreover, some students have lower environmental awareness and act in a less ecological friendly way. Nevertheless, a knowledge problem was also found among several university staffs. This is because of the lack of communication about environmental issues inside the staffs community and lack of environmental education for students. Whatever the university situation is, there are some groups of staff and students eager to develop themselves and their university. This point of strength could be the best driving force. It can push the university forward until the university reaches sustainable development and it brings the aware graduates into society.
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