Spelling suggestions: "subject:"establishments"" "subject:"stablishments""
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APPFOROAlva Alva, Jorge Andres, Castillo Velasquez, Susana Luisa, Cruz Aquino, Nickol Alessandra 10 October 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto presenta la viabilidad de la ejecución del modelo de negocio de un software integrado de reconocimiento facial, que mide el aforo de establecimientos, mediante un motor de búsquedas, Appforo dirigidos a los segmentos B2B y B2C, en relación a la investigación realizada en Lima Metropolitana de las personas entre las edades de 18 a 25 años, y empresas de los sectores de restaurantes, farmacias, boticas y otros establecimientos públicos comerciales.
A partir de la investigación realizada permitió validar el modelo de negocio e identificar aquellos aspectos que era necesario reestructurar, este proyecto se pondrá en marcha durante el 2021, por lo que se establecieron proyecciones comerciales, teniendo en cuenta el macroentorno, microentorno, entre otros aspectos. Asimismo, se desarrolló el plan de Operaciones, Financiero, de Marketing, de Recursos Humanos y de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial. Al respecto, dentro de cada plan se determinó las estrategias a usar, el presupuesto asignado, en qué tiempo se realizaría y con qué frecuencia.
En ese sentido, se estimó como resultado, que el proyecto requiere iniciar con una inversión de 30 mil 780.18 soles, con lo que obtendremos beneficios netos de 295 218.85, 512 462.89 y 912 675.67 soles en el primer, segundo y tercer año. / This project presents the feasibility of executing the business model of an integrated facial recognition software, which measures the capacity of establishments, through a search engine, Appforo aimed at the B2B and B2C segments, in relation to the research carried out in Metropolitan Lima of people between the ages of 18 to 25 years, and companies in the sectors of restaurants, pharmacies, drugstores and other commercial public establishments.
Based on the research carried out, it allowed to validate the business model and identify those aspects that needed to be restructured, this project will be launched during 2021, for which commercial projections were established, taking into account the macro environment, micro environment, among other aspects. Likewise, the Operations, Financial, Marketing, Human Resources and Corporate Social Responsibility plan was developed. In this regard, within each plan, the strategies to be used were determined, the budget assigned, in what time it would be carried out and how often.
In this sense, it was estimated as a result that the project requires starting with an investment of 30, 780.18 soles, with which we will obtain net benefits of 295 218.85, 512 462.89 y 912 675.67 soles in the first, second and third year. / Trabajo de investigación
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The Impact of Covid-19 on the Service Sector: Evidence From Privately Owned RestaurantsKryvoruchenko, Sofiya M. 21 April 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Portafolio de la experiencia durante el Internado Médico en el período junio 2021 a febrero 2022 en los establecimientos de salud: Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo, Hospital María Auxiliadora, Policlínico Chorrisalud y Centro Médico FesaludAdauto Sedano, Luz Jazmín 24 February 2022 (has links)
Objetivo: describir las características clínicas, tratamiento y el pronóstico de diferentes casos clínicos revisados durante el Internado Médico en el período junio 2021 a febrero 2022 en los establecimientos de salud: Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo, Hospital María Auxiliadora, Policlínico Chorrisalud y Centro Médico Fesalud.
Metodología: se realizó un estudio descriptivo y analítico de casos clínicos acumulados de diferentes establecimientos de salud y de los que considero obtuve los aprendizajes más significativos. Estos establecimientos fueron el Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo y el Hospital María Auxiliadora, estos son establecimientos estatales de categoría III-1; también, del Policlínico Chorrisalud y el Centro Médico Fesalud, los cuales pertenecen a establecimientos privados de categoría I-3. Los casos se obtuvieron de las especialidades de Ginecología- Obstetricia, Cirugía - Especialidades, Pediatría – Neonatología y Medicina Interna.
Resultados: se describen 30 casos clínicos, de los cuales el 50 % provienen de establecimientos de categoría III-1; mientras que, el otro 50 % han sido recopilados de los establecimientos de categoría I-3. Durante la práctica clínica se pudo observar las fortalezas y limitaciones de cada establecimiento. Además, se pudo prestar atención a los aciertos, fallos y posibilidades que tenía el personal de salud de cada establecimiento.
Conclusiones: en conclusión, este trabajo demuestra la preparación de un interno de medicina antes de llegar a ser buen médico bajo tres premisas. Primero, tiene presente que trata personas con enfermedades y no solo enfermedades; segundo, demuestra sus capacidades académicas para tratar y manejar las enfermedades de sus pacientes; y por último desarrolla liderazgo para saber trabajar en grupo en beneficio del paciente. / Objective: to describe the clinical characteristics, treatment and prognosis of different clinical cases reviewed during a Medical Internship between June 2021 to February 2022 in the following health providers: Dos de Mayo National Hospital, María Auxiliadora National Hospital, Chorrisalud Clinic and Fesalud Medical Center.
Methodology: a descriptive analysis and study of accumulated clinical cases from different health centers was carried out. Cases were selected based on the author’s criteria according to which were considered to contribute significantly with medical training. These establishments were Dos de Mayo National Hospital and María Auxiliadora National Hospital, categorized as III-1 per state legislation. Chorrisalud Clinic and Fesalud Medical Center, both private establishments, shared I-3 category. The cases will be collected from the specialties of OB-GYM, Surgery (general and specialties), Pediatrics, Neonatology and Internal Medicine.
Results: 30 clinical cases were described, from which 50% were retrieved from III-1 category centers and the remaining 50% collected from category I-3 establishments. It was possible to observe the strengths and limitations of each establishment during clinical practice. In addition, it was possible to pay attention to the successes, failures and possibilities that the health personnel of each establishment possessed.
Conclusions: in conclusion, this portfolio exemplifies and supports three important arguments for a medical intern to have before graduating. First, keeping in mind to treat the patient as a whole and not just an isolated illness; second, to demonstrate academic ability in treatment and management of said patient’s illness; lastly to establish leadership and knowing how to work as a team for the benefit of the patient. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional
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Storskalig turismutveckling på en värdefull plats : En enkätstudie om utvecklingen av naturområdet Skutberget i KarlstadHolmer, Albert, Karlsson, Oliver January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka värdet av en plats och hur det kan påverka lokalbefolkningens inställning till storskalig turismutveckling och nyetablering. För att besvara syftet har naturområdet Skutberget i Karlstad valts ut och etableringen av Muminvärlden utifrån frågeställningarna: Hur värderas naturområdet Skutberget som plats? samt Vad har invånarna för inställning till etableringen av en Muminvärld på Skutberget? I studien testades även fyra olika hypoteser där hypotes 1 och 2 ämnar besvara frågeställning 1 medan hypotes 3 och 4 kopplar an till frågeställning 2. Studien grundar sig på följande fyra teman: värdet av en plats, planeringsperspektiv, friluftsliv samt destinationsutveckling. Dessa teman utgör också studiens teoretiska ramverk. Studien har använt sig av en kvantitativ metod där en enkätstudie har varit det valda tillvägagångssättet för insamling av data och kritisk realism är studiens vetenskapsteoretiska förhållningssätt. Utifrån hypoteserna har enkäten strukturerats i verktyget Survey & Report och den insamlade data sedan har analyserats i SPSS för att komma fram till ett resultat. Resultatet visar tydligt på att Skutberget som plats har ett stort värde för Karlstads invånare och att det råder en skepticism mot etableringen av Muminvärlden. Detta diskuteras närmare i analyskapitlet som sedan övergår i en slutsats med förslag till framtida forskning. / The purpose of this essay is to study the value of a place and how it can affect the local residents’ attitudes towards a large-scale tourism development and a new establishment. To fulfill the purpose, the nature area Skutberget in Karlstad Sweden, has been selected and the establishment of the Moomin inspired theme park. The questions for this study to answer is: How is the nature area Skutberget valued as a place? and What are the local residents’ attitude towards establishing a Moomin inspired theme park at Skutberget? The study also tested four different hypotheses in which hypothesis 1 and 2 intend to answer question 1, while hypothesis 3 and 4 relate to question 2. The study is structured with topics as: the value of a place, the planning perspective, outdoor life and destination development. These themes also form this study’s theoretical framework. The study has used a quantitative method where a questionnaire was chosen as a method for data collection and the study is based on the notion of critical realism. The survey has been constructed in Survey & Report and the collected data has been analyzed in SPSS to compile the results. The results clearly show that Skutberget has a great value for the local residents’ and that there is a skepticism towards the establishment of the Moomin inspired theme park. This is discussed in more details in the analysis chapter, and to conclude the study discusses conclusions with suggestions for further research.
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Use of information and communication technology (ICT) and e-commerce in small remote hospitality establishments in KwaZulu-NatalNkosana, Tenson January 2016 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements For the degree of Master of Management Science: Tourism and Hospitality Management, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2016. / The advent of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) coupled with sophisticated network channels and applications have unveiled new avenues for small organizations and those in the hospitality industry must be included. However, there is limited industry specific research activity on the impact of adoption and utilisation of ICTs on business specifically with regard to the hospitality industry in developing countries.
This report records the findings of an analysis into ICT and e-commerce adoption and use in small remote hospitality establishments in the Natal Midlands of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The research used a mixed methods approach involving questionnaires, observations and interviews. The participants were drawn from three case areas namely Curry’s Post, Nottingham Road and Lions River. From each case area, two restaurants, two wedding venues, two lodges and two curio shops participated.
The findings indicate that most establishment acknowledged the need to adopt and utilise ICT and e-commerce. The links between ICT adoption and level of business success were marked. The challenges to adoption and utilisation of ICT were found to centre on cost, owners’ lack of familiarity with ICTs, and a corresponding lack of ICT skills amongst staff. The inability of imported software packages to suit local needs also emerged as a significant issue. Recommendations involve targeted sponsorships of ICT courses, language accessibility initiatives, and adaptation of software packages to local needs, along with advantages in starting small and adopting more sophisticated ICT as the business grows. / M
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Balancing water scarcity and economic development in the city of WindhoekIionga-Gaoses, Lorraine 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDF)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The need for economic development is a pressing reality for many developing countries.
Developing cities with a high urbanisation rate in water-scarce regions face tougher conditions
in meeting their development targets according to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Creating a balance between water scarcity and the need for economic development is of the
utmost importance if such regions are to grow.
The City of Windhoek experienced this firsthand when Ramatex Textile was introduced. The
Government of Namibia did everything in its power to secure Ramatex’s operation in Windhoek.
Windhoek, however, is known for being a water-scarce area. This created competition amongst
the different water users, and future establishments of such water-intensive factories became
This research report studies the extreme case of Ramatex’s establishment and gives guidelines
on future handling of such water-intensive establishments. The study also gives an example of
how to make decisions using Multicriteria Decision Making tools, specifically the Analytical
Hierarchy Process method using Ramatex’s information. The judgement values given in the
MCDM process are fictitious and do not represent the true views of any of the stakeholders. The
process was only conducted to demonstrate that such tools can be used to aid decision making.
Surveys and workshops need to be conducted to solicit the true reflections of the stakeholders
involved in any envisaged development projects. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die behoefte aan ekonomiese ontwikkeling is vir baie ontwikkelende lande ’n neerdrukkende
realiteit. Ontwikkelende stede met ’n hoë verstedelikingskoers wat in waterskaars landstreke
geleë is, kom voor groot uitdagings te staan om hul ekonomiese ontwikkelingsdoelwitte volgens
die Millennium-ontwikkelingsdoelstellings te bereik. Die daarstelling van ’n balans tussen
waterskaarste en die behoefte aan ekonomiese groei is van kardinale belang indien sulke stede
wil groei.
Windhoek, die hoofstad van Namibië het eerstehandse ondervinding hierin opgedoen met die
opening van die Ramatex-tekstielfabriek. Die regering van Namibië het alles binne sy vermoë
gedoen om die tekstielfabriek se bedrywighede in Windhoek te beskerm. Windhoek is egter
bekend vir sy waterskaarste, wat tot mededinging tussen die verskillende waterverbruikers gelei
het, en ook daartoe aanleiding gegee het dat toekomstige waterintensiewe ondernemings
bevraagteken is.
Hierdie navorsingsverslag ondersoek die besluit vir die oprigting van die Ramatex-tekstielfabriek
en gee riglyne vir die toekomstige hantering van soortgelyke waterintensiewe ondernemings.
Die studie gee ook ’n voorbeeld van die gebruik van multikriteria-besluitnemingsinstrumente om
besluite te neem, met spesifieke verwysing na die analitiese hiërargieproses deur die gebruik
van inligting aangaande Ramatex. Die beoordelende waardes in die multikriteriabesluitnemingsproses
is denkbeeldig en verteenwoordig nie die ware standpunte van enige van
die belanghebbendes nie. Die proses is bloot uitgevoer om aan te toon dat soortgelyke
instrumente in toekomstige besluitneming gebruik kan word. Opnames en werksessies moet
gehou word ten einde te verseker dat alle belanghebbendes se insette en menings
aangaande toekomstige ontwikkelingsprojekte in ag geneem word.
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Estudo sobre resíduos sólidos em postos de combustíveis, funilarias e estabelecimentos de lavagem automotiva no município de São Carlos, visando indicadores de sustentabilidade / Study on solid wastes in gas stations, car body repair and painting shops and car wash establishments in São Carlos city, to compose sustainability indicatorsNeves, Anne Alessandra Cardoso 06 August 2010 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo levantar dados básicos para posterior composição de indicadores de sustentabilidade, em postos de combustíveis, funilarias e estabelecimentos de lavagem automotiva no município de São Carlos, tendo em vista a busca de soluções para questões sociais, ambientais e econômicas que garantam sustentabilidade nesses tipos de empresas. Foram feitas visitas com entrevistas e aplicação de questionários em cada estabelecimento, coletados resíduos sólidos industriais em quatro estabelecimentos de cada tipo de empresa e em seguida caracterizados esses resíduos. Para a classificação de resíduos foram feitos ensaios de lixiviação e solubilização. Os produtos mais utilizados nas empresas estudadas foram classificados como classe I-perigosos. Apesar disso, os resíduos coletados foram classificados como não perigosos, classe II A - não inertes, possivelmente devido à dissolução dos produtos perigosos. Com base no tratamento dos dados obtidos determinaram-se alguns indicadores que, por vezes, mostraram-se mais eficientes quando analisados em conjunto com outros. Ao se confrontar Indicadores de Consumo com Indicadores de Produção, por exemplo, pôde-se prever a dimensão de lucros e prejuízos sociais, financeiros e, sobretudo ambientais do empreendimento. Constatou-se a partir da análise de indicadores estudados que nas empresas em questão, existe falta de investimentos em pesquisas e tecnologias que garantam desenvolvimento sustentável das mesmas. Existe também carência de investimentos em capacitação de funcionários que busque melhorias na qualidade, no meio ambiente, sociais e na segurança dos trabalhadores, e assegure assim o desempenho sustentável das empresas em foco. / The aim of this research was to raise basic data for composition of Sustainability Indicators in gas stations, car body repair and painting shops and car wash establishments in São Carlos city, in order to find solutions to social, environmental and economical issues. This would ensure sustainability in these businesses. Visits were made with interviews and questionnaires application in each establishment, industrial solid wastes were collected in four establishments of each type of enterprise and then these wastes were characterized. The wastes classification was made by chemical tests. Most products used in studied enterprises were classified as class l-hazardous products. Nevertheless, the collected wastes were classified as non-hazardous waste, class II A- non inert, possibly due to the dissolution of hazardous products. Some indicators have been developed from processing of obtained data. Sometimes indicators proved more efficient when examined together with others. When Consumption Indicators are worked with Output Indicators, for example, the dimension of profits and losses from social, financial and above all environmental area can be provided to the venture. Indicators showed investment in researches and technologies, as well as in training for improvements in quality, environment, social and workers safety would ensure sustainable development in the enterprises.
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Os Congressos Nacionais dos Estabelecimentos Particulares de Ensino (CONEPEs) e a hegemonia da iniciativa privada na educação nacional (1964 -1985)Scarfoni, Eduardo Norcia 03 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-07-11T12:46:15Z
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Eduardo Norcia Scarfoni.pdf: 2041208 bytes, checksum: f127bcd024fbb90b9082e6581a8e3884 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-11T12:46:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Eduardo Norcia Scarfoni.pdf: 2041208 bytes, checksum: f127bcd024fbb90b9082e6581a8e3884 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-07-03 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This research aims to analyze the proposals made by the leaders of private teaching establishments, from the annals of the National Congress of Private Educational Establishments (CONEPEs), in the period of the civil-military dictatorship brazilian (1964-1985), showing their positions, tactics and counter strategies on educational issues. Those guys treated often as a uniform and cohesive group in reality was diverse, consisting of, since members of Churches (Catholics and Protestants) to entrepreneurs without religious ties. Despite the concept of distinct society built consensus from CONEPEs with the intention to enforce their interests in national education. Internal tensions, agreements and breaks are evidenced in the historical process of the congresses, central objective of this work / Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar as propostas apresentadas pelos dirigentes de estabelecimentos particulares de ensino, a partir dos anais dos Congressos Nacionais dos Estabelecimentos Particulares de Ensino (CONEPEs), no período da ditadura civil-militar brasileira (1964-1985), evidenciando suas posições, táticas e estratégias de enfretamento sobre as questões educacionais. Esses sujeitos tratados muitas vezes como um grupo uniforme e coeso na realidade era diverso, composto por, desde membros de igrejas (católicos e protestantes) até empresários sem vínculos religiosos. Apesar da concepção de sociedade distinta construíram consensos a partir dos CONEPEs com a intenção de fazer prevalecer seus interesses na educação nacional. As tensões internas, acordos e rupturas são evidenciados no processo histórico dos congressos, objetivo central deste trabalho
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As funções da pena e o sistema penitenciário brasileiro: em busca de novas alternativasMartins, Fernanda Rocha 03 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:34:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Fernanda Rocha Martins.pdf: 1092270 bytes, checksum: e323954adb4b73be61bec0380187e7d7 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-02-03 / It treats the present work about the Brazilian prison system and hence the establishments intended to serve the sentence of imprisonment, a more serious sanction that can be imposed, in the Brazilian legal system, who performs a behavior not tolerated by the rest of the community. Well, the study of prisons and their (correct) functioning necessarily lead to the study of law to punish the state and own imprisonment. Now what legitimizes the state to segregate one of its members and interfere with their way of life, imposing the restriction of certain legal rights? What do you want the state to impose a prison sentence, in other words, to segregate an individual for a certain period of time, conscious of his return to the bosom of society? Well, this thesis is dedicated, in its first two chapters, answer these questions and establish what function pen in a democratic state. From there, it becomes possible to analyze the Brazilian prison system: if the prisons are intended to serve the sentence in prison, they must necessarily be structured to achieve the function of this same penalty. The Chapters 3 and 4 are intended, in this sense, to demonstrate the current reality of the prison system, if it lends itself to the fulfillment of the function that it is intrinsic and, if not, it is possible to design public policies aimed at achieve this very purpose. / Trata o presente trabalho acerca do sistema prisional brasileiro e, portanto, dos estabelecimentos destinados ao cumprimento da pena privativa de liberdade, sanção mais grave que pode ser imposta, no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, a quem realiza uma conduta considerada intolerável pelo resto da comunidade. Pois bem, o estudo dos estabelecimentos penais e de seu (correto) funcionamento conduz necessariamente ao estudo do Direito de punir do Estado e da própria pena de prisão. Ora, o que legitima o Estado a segregar um de seus membros e interferir em seu modo de vida, impondo a restrição de certos bens jurídicos? O que pretende o Estado ao impor uma pena de prisão, ou seja, ao segregar um individuo por determinado período de tempo, consciente de seu retorno ao seio social? Bom, a presente dissertação se dedica, em seus dois primeiros capítulos, a responder essas questões e estabelecer qual a função da pena em um Estado Democrático de Direito. A partir daí, possível se torna a análise do sistema prisional brasileiro: se os estabelecimentos penais são destinados ao cumprimento da pena de prisão, eles devem necessariamente estar estruturados de forma a alcançar a função desta mesma pena. Os capítulos 3 e 4 se destinam, neste sentido, a demonstrar a atual realidade do sistema prisional brasileiro, se ele se presta ao cumprimento da função que lhe é intrínseca e, em caso negativo, se é possível a elaboração de políticas públicas que visem a alcançar essa finalidade essencial.
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Prendre et trouver sa place : discours hétéronormatifs et pratiques hétérosexuelles dans un cruising bar de MontréalLebrun, Aurélie January 2003 (has links)
In the 1980s and 1990s, lesbian and gay politics and queer theory problematized the concept of heteronormativity in order to denounce and call into question the normative system that privileges and rewards heterosexual identities and lifestyle. However, conceptualisations of heteronormativity have failed to destabilize heterosexuality as a norm. In this thesis, I argue that the concept of heteronormativity is insufficient to subvert the heterosexual system because it fails to acknowledge the complexity of heterosexual identities. Far from being uniform and homogenous, heterosexuality is organized as a hierarchical system. The regulation of heterosexuality is ensured by heterosexual masculine and feminine gender identities within which the acquisition of privilege and power depend on many variables and criteria. / I argue that the regulatory effects of these discourses are constantly challenged in practice and that to overcome the limits of the concept of heteronormativity we have to investigate the practices and arrangements of heterosexual masculine and feminine gender identities. Moreover, we have to observe heterosexuality in 'place', specifically in places other than the home or workplace that do not reproduce the hegemonic heteronormative division between the public and private spheres. Because, if heteronormative discourses police spaces according to specific norms, heterosexuality is practised everywhere. / To do so, I went to a heterosexual cruising bar in Montreal, Le Minuit, where the clientele is typically single (divorced or never married) and 39 years old. The discourse of the 'cruising bar' label is significant in two ways. First, it gives a striking representation of what is perceived and constructed at the founding moment of heterosexuality: the meeting of women and men. Second, the discourse of the cruising bar, because of the specific characteristics of its clientele, illustrates non hegemonic heterosexuality. In Quebec, the discourse surrounding the label 'cruising bar' brings to mind images of 'losing' heterosexual identities that are seen as inadequate and lacking. In this sense, the label 'cruising bar' is heteronormative since it also defines, by default, its opposite---'winning' identities that are privileged. In the face of contemptuous discourses that devalorize their personal experiences, the patrons of Le Minuit engage in a process of reconstruction. During the interviews, informants would incessantly go back and forth between the norms and their own experiences in an attempt to both conform to and detach themselves from heteronormative discourses. At the Minuit, informants, night after night, in becoming regulars, distance themselves from their negative perceptions about 'women in bars' and men in bars, perceptions they acquire long before going out. / In order to understand heterosexuality and end its privileges we have to know how heteronormativity organises, produces and reproduces itself. Therefore, it is necessary to observe how heteronormativity organizes gender identities in everyday life. It is equally important to reveal that there are multiple perceptions and experiences of the arrangements that define heterosexual practices, which can simultaneously conform to and confront heteronormative discourses. To know heterosexuality, we must observe and listen to those who, though marginalized, are in fact at the heart of heterosexuality; those who through incessant efforts to achieve norms take part in their maintenance.
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