Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ouro"" "subject:"puro""
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Les politiques européennes de promotion de la démocratie: une analyse des rôles du Parlement et de la Commission dans les cas tunisien et marocain, 2006-2012 / European democracy promotion policies: an analysis of the Parliament and Commission's roles in Tunisia and Morocco, 2006-2012Mouhib, Leila 26 March 2013 (has links)
Partant du constat de la constitution de la promotion de la démocratie comme enjeu des relations internationales et de politique étrangère, la présente recherche s’interroge sur les politiques menées en la matière par l’Union européenne dans le cadre des relations avec ses voisins méditerranéens, particulièrement le Maroc et la Tunisie. L’analyse se concentre sur l’Instrument européen pour la démocratie et les droits de l’homme, sur la période 2007-2012.<p>L’objectif est de comprendre et d’expliquer les pratiques des différents groupes d’acteurs impliqués dans ces politiques, au sein de la Commission (DG Relex/SEAE, DG Devco, délégations) et du Parlement (sous-commission DROI).<p>La position défendue est la suivante :les pratiques européennes de promotion de la démocratie au Maroc et en Tunisie sont fonction de l’identité des groupes institutionnels qui les mettent en œuvre. Pour chaque groupe institutionnel, peuvent être mis en évidence des normes, intérêts et ressources qui contribuent à défendre et renforcer l’identité institutionnelle. Dès lors, des pratiques qui peuvent paraître incohérentes au premier abord (pourquoi agir au Maroc et pas en Tunisie ?pourquoi créer l’IEDDH et, parallèlement, évincer l’objectif de promotion de la démocratie de la coopération bilatérale avec la Tunisie ?) prennent tout leur sens lorsqu’on parvient à restituer la fonction sociale qu’elles assurent.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Harmonisation européenne du crédit hypothécaire: perspectives de droit comparé, de droit international privé et de droit européen / European harmonization of mortage backed loans from a perspective of comparative law, private international law and european lawVan den Haute, Erik 02 October 2008 (has links)
La réalisation du marché intérieur européen par une meilleure intégration des marchés financiers est aujourd’hui devenue une réalité. L'objectif est toutefois loin d'être atteint en matière de crédit hypothécaire, nonobstant de nombreuses initiatives européennes. Compte tenu de ces difficultés et du postulat selon lequel il serait impossible d'harmoniser le droit des suretés immobilières en raison de leur ancrage culturel et national, une proposition alternative consistant dans la création d'une sûreté immobilière commune (euro-hypothèque), venant se superposer aux systèmes nationaux, a été formulée depuis un certain nombre d'années. La recherche analyse dans un premier temps la réalité du postulat précité à la lumière du droit comparé et conclut qu'en réalité, les différents systèmes trouvent non seulement leur origine dans un modèle identique, fondé sur le caractère accessoire de la sûreté, mais ont en outre connu une évolution similaire au cours de ces dernières années. Il apparaît que ce modèle constitue la meilleure base pour toute harmonisation européenne. Après avoir examiné l'interaction avec le droit international privé, sous l'angle de la protection du consommateur, et le droit européen, sous l'angle de la question de la compétence communautaire et du principe de subsidiarité, des pistes sont proposés pour opérer un rapprochement des législations nationales relatives au crédit hypothécaire. La proposition consiste à intégrer dans un seul instrument juridique contraignant (une directive européenne) les différentes propositions permettant d'opérer un rapprochement des législations nationales à trois niveaux :celui de la sûreté immobilière et de la publicité foncier, celui du contrat de prêt et enfin, celui relatif à la procédure de réalisation de l'immeuble. / Doctorat en droit / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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European payment instruments: Institutional determinants of an efficient POS payment mixPietrowiak, Annett 14 April 2014 (has links)
This thesis sheds light on the functioning and characteristics of payment systems to serve as a foundation for understanding the drivers for higher payment system efficiency. Its central goal is to develop insights into the determinants of collective payment choice suitable to lower payment costs to society. So far, the institutional environment, as potential important influence on the payment instrument mix, has not been focused on in the literature. Therefore, particular emphasis is laid on the empirical analysis of the impact of institutional factors on the share of card payments on consumer spending at the point of sale (POS). For this, a unique panel data set is constructed covering the eight most important European payment markets ranked by non-cash transaction volumes. The empirical results allow formulating conditions necessary to achieve a more efficient payment mix. They also form a basis for the assessment of related policy measures with a focus on the SEPA project in terms of their efficiency enhancing effect. Future research could possibly build upon the panel data collected.:1 Introduction
1.1 Payment behaviour in selected European countries
1.2 Research question and approach
2 Foundations: Payment systems and markets
2.1 Functioning of payment systems
2.1.1 Payments, market participants and payment system
2.1.2 Payment instruments and methods
2.1.3 Clearing and settlement arrangements
2.1.4 First observations on obstacles to payment systems development
2.2 Network character of payment markets
2.2.1 Theories of networks
2.2.2 Demand-side network effects in payment markets
2.2.3 Two-sided markets and payment cards
2.2.4 Supply-side economies of scale and open access to infrastructure
2.2.5 Obstacles to payment system development
3 Efficiency of payment systems
3.1 Research on payment infrastructure costs
3.1.1 Efficiency of interbank retail payment systems
3.1.2 Efficiency of intrabank payment processing
3.1.3 Factors influencing infrastructure efficiency
3.2 Research on payment instrument costs at the POS
3.2.1 Methodology and classification of the literature
3.2.2 Estimates of payment costs at the POS
3.2.3 Indicative efficiency ranking of payment instruments
4 Research on payment instrument choice at the POS
4.1 Data sources and categorisation of payment choice determinants
4.2 Price characteristics of payment instruments
4.3 Non-price characteristics of payment instruments
4.4 Transaction attributes
4.5 Constraints on payment choice
4.6 Developing an institutional view of payment choice
5 Empirical analysis: Institutional determinants shaping the POS payment mix
5.1 Two-step modelling approach
5.2 Panel construction and exploration of key data series
5.2.1 Panel data collection and overview of variables
5.2.2 Card usage and cash holding
5.2.3 Payment card diffusion and POS terminal density
5.3 European card schemes and markets
5.3.1 Institutional data collection
5.3.2 Description of European card markets
5.3.3 Overview of institutional data series
5.4 Payment decision
5.4.1 Development of the model and possible extensions
5.4.2 Discussion of the regression results
5.4.3 Diagnostic tests
5.5 Sourcing decision
5.5.1 Diffusion of payment cards
5.5.2 Density of POS terminals
5.5.3 Cash holding and availability at ATMs
5.6 Conclusions: Institutional determinants of payment choice
5.6.1 Linking empirical and theoretical analysis
5.6.2 Route for further research
6 Prospects for an efficient European payment mix
6.1 Objectives for establishing a European payment markets
6.2 SEPA for cards regulatory framework
6.2.1 Regulatory ecosystem
6.2.2 Regulatory framework set by European authorities
6.2.3 Standardization industry initiatives
6.3 Remaining obstacles for an efficient payment mix and outlook
6.3.1 A–1: Credit- and debit-based payment mechanism
6.3.2 A–2: Multilateral settlement: Access, settlement assets and methods
6.3.3 A–3: Statistical properties of variables
6.3.4 A-4: Unit root tests
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Les stratégies de l'euro-syndicalisme sectoriel: étude de la coordination salariale et du dialogue social / Euro-trade union sectoral strategies: study of wage coordination and social dialogueDufresne, Anne 13 December 2006 (has links)
The main contribution of my thesis is the analysis of substantial empirical material that I have collected from Community trade union actors. My analysis focuses on the institutional strategies of the sectoral European trade union federations and their implications for the Europeanisation of wages policy. I have demonstrated that the development of European coordination processes of national collective bargaining, particularly at sectoral level, has contributed to reviving the concept of collective bargaining and professional relations in the European Area, which until then had been covered in the literature by the social dialogue. I have identified three obstacles to collective negociations at a European level: the “depoliticised” wage in the economic partnership, employers identified as the “lobby partner” in the sectoral social dialogue, and the difficulties encountered in the Europeanisation of trade unions.<p><p>L’apport majeur de notre thèse est l’analyse d’un matériel empirique conséquent que nous avons collecté auprès des acteurs syndicaux communautaires. Notre analyse se concentre sur les stratégies institutionnelles des fédérations syndicales sectorielles européennes et sur leurs implications en matière d’européanisation de la politique salariale. Nous avons démontré que le développement des processus de coordination européenne des négociations collectives nationales, en particulier au niveau sectoriel, peut contribuer à renouveler la conception de la négociation collective et des relations professionnelles dans l’espace européen jusqu’alors appréhendée dans la littérature par le dialogue social. Nous avons identifié trois obstacles à la négociation collective européenne :le salaire « dépolitisé » dans le partenariat économique, le patronat devenu « partenaire-lobby » dans le dialogue social sectoriel, et la difficile européanisation syndicale.<p><p><p> / Doctorat en sciences sociales, Orientation sociologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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La mise en oeuvre de l'accord d'association en Algérie - Union européenne dans les perspectives du respect des droits de l'homme. / The implementation of the Algerian-European association agreement in the perspective of the respect of human rights.Lattouf, Ziad 07 January 2011 (has links)
L’accord d’association Algérie-Union Européenne, paraphé à Bruxelles le 19 décembre 2001 et entré en vigueur le 1er septembre 2005, fonde un partenariat en matière des droits de l’homme. Déclenché par la Déclaration de Barcelone du 27 et 28 novembre 1995, il fournit aujourd’hui le modèle le plus complet pour une meilleure mise en œuvre réelle et effective des droits de l’homme dans le cadre des accords d’associations. Inspiré, d’une politique euro-méditerranéenne qui a pour objectif la promotion et la protection des droits de l’homme, tel qu’énoncée dans la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme, inspire les politiques internes et internationales des parties et constitue un élément essentiel pour la mise en œuvre de l’accord d’association Algérie-UE. Y’a-t-il une réelle mise en œuvre de l’accord d’association Algérie-Union Européenne dans les perspectives du respect des droits de l’homme ? Et quels sont les moyens mis en place? / The Algerian-European association, signed on 19 December 2001 in Brussels and enforced on 1 September 2005, represents a partnership in terms of human rights. Sett off by the Barcelona Declaration of 27 & 28 November 1995, it nowadays serves as the best model for a genuine implementation of human rights in the field of assocation agreements. Inspired by Euro-Mediterranean policy whose objective is the promotion as well as protection of human rights, as stated in the universal declaration of human rights, it affects the parties, domestic and international policies and represents and essential element in the implementation of the Algerian-European association agreement. Is there a genuine implementation of the Algerian-European association agreement in the perspective of the respect of human rights? And what are the means used for that propose?
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Missionarischen Konzepte der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten in Deutschland unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Jahre 1992-2005 = The understanding of mission among Seventh-Day Adventists in Germany, with special reference to the years 1992-2005 / The understanding of mission among Seventh-Day Adventists in Germany, with special reference to the years 1992-2005Gattmann, Heinz-Ewald, 1952- 31 October 2008 (has links)
Text in German, with German and English summaries / As a regionally-led church-body the German Seventh-day Adventist church (SDA) has
nonetheless the unanimously agreed goal of spreading the gospel in the whole republic. The
different regional administrative bodies however, have not consistently or nationally
documented their evangelistic efforts.
It is therefore the aim of this study to understand the theology of SDA mission between
1992 and 2005. Commencing in 1875, with the first overseas missionary's arrival, the mission
theology of the German SDA-Church will be roughly sketched through 1990. The following
enquiry deals primarily with the various levels of SDA-leadership, with Adventist print media,
institutional work and special mission-conceived events.
Generally, statements concerning missiology will be studied with regard to their content
and meaning. In particular cases quantitative data will be considered and evaluated. This will
lead to fundamental data, apt to answer the following questions:
- How do Adventists define the term mission?
- Do German Adventists dispose of missionary concepts or an overarching mission
- Do they take up the challenge of self-reflection concerning their mission in order to
enhance success?
The individual objects and questions studied in this thesis are structured to be evaluated
at the end of each chapter. Questions raised will be attempted to be answered satisfactorily.
The result of this study is the unveiling of several strengths and weaknesses of the
Adventist understanding of mission in Germany. It is therefore the goal of this study to enhance
further discussion by pointing to relevant facts. Initial starting points could be seen in the
conclusions drawn, thereby rendering mission efforts of the German SDA church more
effective. / Die Freikirche der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten in Deutschland ist keine zentral gefuhrte
Kirche. Sie hat aber das ubergreifende Ziel den eigenen Glauben in der ganzen Republik zu
verkundigen. Verwaltungstechnisch gliedert sie sich in verschiedene Bereiche und Ebenen, die
allerdings keine einheitliche Dokumentation ihres missionarischen Engagements vorhalten.
Forschungsgegenstand dieser Arbeit ist deshalb das missionstheologische Verstandnis
der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten (STA) in der Zeit zwischen 1992 mid 2005. Ausgehend von
1875, dem Jahr der Arbeitsaufhahme adventistischer Missionare in Deutschland, wird das
Missionsverstandnis der deutschen STA uberblickartig bis ins Jahr 1990 skizziert. Die sich
anschlieBende Untersuchung befasst sich mit den verschiedenen Leitungsebenen der STA, mit
den adventistischen Printmedien und Institutionen sowie am Thema Mission ausgerichteten
konzeptionell arbeitenden Sonderveranstaltungen.
Im Einzelnen werden die jeweiligen Aussagen zur Mission auf ihre inhaltliche
Ausuchtung und Bedeutung hin untersucht, in ausgewahlten Fallen werden auch quantitative
Daten einbezogen und ausgewertet. Dadurch entsteht ein grundlegender Datensatz, der es
erlaubt, nachstehende Frage zu beantworten:
Wie verstehen die STA den Begriff Mission?
Verfugen die STA in Deutschland uber missionarische Konzepte oder eine ubergreifende
- Stellen sich die STA der Aufgabe der Selbstreflexion, um ihre Missionsanstrengungen
zu verbessern?
Die vorliegende Arbeit ist so angelegt, dass die jeweiligen Untersuchungsebenen und
-gegenstande am Ende des entsprechenden Kapitels einer Beweitung unterzogen werden, sodass
die aufgeworfenen Fragen gesichert beantwortet werden konnen.
Als Ergebnis der Untersuchung zeigen sich Starken und Schwachen des adventistischen
Umgangs mit dem Thema Mission in Deutschland. Ziel dieser Albeit ist es deshalb, durch
Benennung von Fakten zu einer weiterfuhrenden Diskussion anzuregen. Erste Ansatzpunkte
dafur sind in den sich ergebenden Sclussfolgerungen zu sehen, die darauf abzielen, das
missionarische Engagement der Freikirche effizienter zu gestalten. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)
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The church's ministry to the sick in a black South African contextManala, Matsobane Jacob 30 November 2006 (has links)
The high value of good health in Africa and the serious threat to life posed by diseases that plague the African continent including South Africa, are highlighted in this thesis. The question whether the church in South Africa as a stakeholder in human development in Africa, contributes meaningfully to the continental and national vision of "a better life for all" or "good health for all" is posed and an attempt made to answer it. Operating from the Western world-view, the Hervormde Kerk in Suidelike Afrika (HKSA) is found not to be contributing meaningfully to the realisation of the African vision of "good health for all".
Resistance to cure and healing by means of Western medicine and pastoral care and counselling as well as a lack of spiritual and numerical growth in the HKSA are identified as consequences of the imposition of exclusively Western Christian theological formulations on the African church.
The assumption underlying this thesis is that ministry to the sick in the African mainline churches should recognise the role played by supernatural forces in the belief systems of Africans regarding health and illness. This assumption is based on the fact that theological formulations are socially influenced and constructed.
Following Zerfass' methodological model, this research examines the principles underlying the ministry to the sick in the HKSA and the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika (NHKA); highlights the core African beliefs with regard to the health and illness discourse and practice; points out the shortcomings of the current ministry to the sick in the HKSA.
The findings of the investigation into the theological tradition and the results of the exploration of the literature on the African context are brought into the critical dialogue. On the strength of findings of the critical dialogue between the church's traditional theological theory and the results of the exploration of the literature on the African context, the church's healing ministry is recommended as a necessary part of the church's official task in a black South African context. / Practical Theology / D.Th. (Practical Theology)
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The appropriation of African traditional healing by the Zionist Churches: a challenge to the mission churches in Gaborone ”Botswana”Matsepe, Shale Solomon 30 November 2004 (has links)
The Zionist type of churches under the African Independent Churches have proven to be a force to be reckoned with against the more organized ecclesiastical movements (in particular the Mission Churches). This can be seen in their emphasis around matters related to culture and its methods of healing. As s result this led to the migration of people from the mission churches to these churches and threatened their existence in Botswana. The mission churches have been experiencing the decline in their membership to the Zionist churches because of the lack of openness to the cultural and the value systems of Batswana in Botswana. Mission churches were left with an option of doing introspection and finally acknowledging their failures to contextualise their theology and Christianity among the people they serving. Mission churches ended up opening their doors to the needs of their members. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th. (Church History)
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考量信用風險下之海外可轉債評價 / Pricing Euro-Convertible Bonds with Credit Risk吳岱恩, Wu, Tai En Unknown Date (has links)
本文將模型運用至兩檔台灣公司所發行的海外可轉債,發現理論價格傾向於高估,但是理論價格與市價極為接近,尤其當以最小平方蒙地卡羅法評價時。另外本文也針對發行條件和模型中各個變數作敏感度分析,其中重要的是發現股票波動度、股票與匯率間相關係數在海外可轉債評價中扮演重要的角色。 / The number of Euro-convertible bonds issued has highly increased in the early 2010s. However, the related literature is barely found. This paper studies the pricing models of this investment product. Euro-convertible bonds are complex instruments affected by the credit risk of the issuers, the dynamic process of stock prices, the term structure of the interest rate and the movement of the exchange rate in the same time. Accordingly, building the ECB pricing model is a hard work.
This paper presents a model considering the dynamic credit risk and jump in stock price process to make valuation more precise. Another advantage of models in this paper is use of stochastic interest rates for both local and foreign so as to make the model more staying with the real world. The other advantage is taking the correlation between each random variables into account. For pricing the Euro-convertible bonds, the numerical methodologies used in this paper are three-dimension binomial tree and least squares Monte Carlo approach.
For purpose of assessing the performance of the model, two Euro-convertible bonds issued by Taiwan companies are chosen as samples and the difference between the theoretical price and market price during its issue period are provided. The results demonstrate that in spite of pretty slight overestimation, the least squares Monte Carlo simulation does a better job.
In addition, this paper performs several kinds of sensitivity analysis to have in-depth understanding about the models. The consequence shows that the volatility of a stock return and the correlation between stock and exchange rate play a central role in ECB valuations.
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Evropská měnová unie / European monetary unionKužílek, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this work is to analyze the success of European monetary integration and it's contribution to countries, who's economics are, no matter if for the long lasting difficulties or recent transformation, likely to be called hazardous. In the first part, the work concerns itself with the very conception of the idea of European monetary integration and it's development, over the final form of the project, it's accomplishment up till current problem and challenges. The second part is an analysis of chosen countries who belong in the category named above. With this countries I will try to analyze the effect that joining the monetary union had on their economy. In the end I'll summarize the acquired knowledge to evaluate the effect of the common currency on the chosen group of countries.
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