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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Affeldt, Marco Aurélio Feltrin 25 July 2013 (has links)
The nursing homes are places for residency conference elderly. These sites are for people with advanced ages who want or need support and protection. The study aimed to meet the space asylum, aging and everyday life experienced by elderly Shelter Spiritualist Oscar José Pithan in Santa Maria-RS. The research used the qualitative method, taking as reference the phenomenology. Population aging is occurring at the global, national, regional and local level, but the number of institutionalized elderly is still proportionately small. Through the study, we found that there is heterogeneity in the understanding and experience aging in a nursing home. Some seniors wanted to be inside the asylum, as demonstrated joy and contentment, others had aversion asylum space. Research has shown that people who live in a nursing home watching time and space in a way somewhat different society, realizing the time as something slower, slower than society is accustomed to experiencing. The daily life of the elderly is somewhat rhythmic, regulated by schedules that define the time to get up, eat, bathe, receive visits or to be medicated, but some seniors attempt to modify this routine, this routine with the different activities that are used . When interviewed the elderly, it was noticed that, when dealing with the subject age, most are considered to be living a good phase of life, despite the abandonment of some familiar and some of these seniors are presenting poor health. With regard to age of the elderly for the institution there is a reason homogeneous, ie, were presented several motivations for joining them at the shelter. / As instituições asilares são locais para a residência coletiva de idosos. Esses locais são destinados às pessoas com idades avançadas que desejam ou necessitam de amparo e proteção. O estudo teve o objetivo de conhecer o espaço asilo, o envelhecimento e o cotidiano vivido pelos idosos do Abrigo Espírita Oscar José Pithan em Santa Maria-RS. A pesquisa utilizou o método qualitativo, tendo como referencial a fenomenologia. O envelhecimento da população está ocorrendo em âmbito global, nacional, regional e local, porém o número de idosos institucionalizados ainda é proporcionalmente pequeno. Através do estudo, foi possível verificar que há uma heterogeneidade no entendimento e no sentir o envelhecimento dentro de uma instituição asilar. Alguns idosos desejavam estar dentro do asilo, pois demonstravam alegria e contentamento, outros apresentavam aversão ao espaço asilar. A pesquisa demonstrou que as pessoas que moram em uma instituição asilar observam o tempo e o espaço de uma forma um pouco diferente da sociedade, percebendo o tempo como algo mais devagar, mais lento do que a sociedade está acostumada a vivenciar. O cotidiano dos idosos é um tanto quanto ritmado, normatizado por horários que definem a hora de se levantar, comer, tomar banho, receber visitas ou de ser medicado, porém alguns idosos tentam modificar esta rotina, esse cotidiano com atividades diferentes as que estão acostumados. Quando se entrevistou os idosos, percebeu-se que, ao se tratar do assunto velhice, a maioria se considerava estar vivendo uma fase boa da vida, apesar do abandono de alguns familiares e de alguns desses idosos estarem apresentando a saúde fragilizada. No que se refere à ida dos idosos para a instituição não há uma razão homogênea, isto é, foram apresentadas várias motivações para o ingresso deles no abrigo.


RENATA MAIA CORDEIRO 14 November 2017 (has links)
[pt] Este estudo propõe uma análise sobre quais práticas pedagógicas e recursos estão sendo utilizados nas salas de atividades da Educação Infantil na construção de noções temporais pelas crianças. Tem como objetivo investigar os materiais didáticos que favorecem o desenvolvimento da temporalidade pela criança na sala de atividades. Assim, é tomado como objeto de estudo o ambiente escolar e os materiais didáticos relativos à construção das perspectivas temporais das crianças da Educação Infantil de escolas públicas do município do Rio de Janeiro. Considerando que o tempo é uma criação humana, podemos constatar que a reversibilidade temporal é uma construção (PIAGET, 2002), e que as crianças não nascem com perspectivas temporais prontas, mas estas devem ser apresentadas e formadas ao longo de suas vidas. E a escola, nesse contexto, possui um papel essencial. Através da observação das salas de atividades, dos recursos e materiais didáticos presentes nas unidades de Educação Infantil e da entrevista com as/os professores, este estudo adentrou no universo da construção das noções temporais, considerada elemento principal para a compreensão da organização espaço-temporal do mundo em que vivemos e da causalidade histórica. Concluímos que ainda são escassos os materiais e as atividades voltadas para o desenvolvimento temporal, entretanto quando há um trabalho mediado e consciente do educador, as crianças realizam inferências, apresentam uma linguagem temporal mais adequada e conseguem estabelecer ordenações (ideia de sequência), e relações entre o antes e o depois, ou entre o passado e o presente. / [en] This study proposes an analysis about which children are using pedagogical practices and resources in the classrooms of Early Childhood Education in the construction of temporal notions. It has as objective to investigate the didactic materials that favor the development of temporality by the child in the activity room. Thus, the school environment and the didactic materials related to the construction of the temporal perspectives of children in the public schools of the city of Rio de Janeiro are taken as the object of study. Considering that time is a human creation, we can see that temporal reversibility is a construction (Piaget, 2002), and that children are not born with ready temporal perspectives, but these must be presented and formed throughout their lives. Moreover, the school, in this context, plays an essential role. Through the observation of the classrooms, resources and didactic materials present in two early childhood classrooms from different schools, and the interview with the teachers, this study entered into the universe of the construction of the temporal notions, considered the main element for the understanding of the space-time organization of the world in which we live and historical causality. We conclude that there is still a shortage of materials and activities focused on temporal development, but when there is a mediated and conscious work, children make inferences, present a more adequate temporal language, and manage to establish order of events (the idea of sequencing), as well as relations between the before and after, and between the past and the present.

Ageing in place:potentials and restrictions – a case study of the living environment for older people in Oulu

Kondo, S. (Shigehiko) 01 December 2015 (has links)
Abstract The political principle concerning services for older people in Finland emphasises home care. The public authority set the national targets concerning service provisions and attempts to encourage the older population to remain in their own homes for as long as possible. In this regard, the national government employs a typical sociological or gerontological concept, known as ageing in place. Although the structure of social and health care services significantly shifted to domiciliary services in the 1990s, Finland is still considered to maintain relatively institutionalised welfare programmes. Due to continual ageing and pressures to reduce expenditure on social services, it still remains unexplored as to what extent encouraging ageing in place is realistic from the aspect of the living environment. This study is conducted as a single case study focusing on sixteen local districts in the city of Oulu. The forty-three projects researched, covering all categories, namely residential homes, sheltered housing and rental accommodation for older people, and ranging from central location to suburban districts, are systematically analysed using the building permits and the collected data in addition to the researcher’s neighbourhood surveys. The collected data are primarily analysed in quantitative manners and measured in multi-disciplinary ways. The outcomes of the analysis overall suggest that the living standards of all the housing projects studied here do not necessarily help older residents to cope with every possible environmental problem while real meanings of diversity among the projects studied are considered to be rather limited regarding the aspect of the possible lifestyles of residents. The degree of the realisation of ageing in place depends on the definition of the concept adopted by the various stakeholders (national and local authorities, developers, service providers, older people). The realisation of ageing in place seems to require wider and deeper discussions. Discussion of the ageing-in-place concept points to a lack of preventative objectives which aims at minimising services by providing appropriate living settings for older people instead of pursuing the best combination of care services and accommodation. There are special roles which only housing facilities can address. / Tiivistelmä Poliittisesti Suomessa painotetaan vanhusten palveluissa lähtökohtaisesti kotihoitoa. Viranomaiset ovat asettaneet valtakunnallisia tavoitteita palvelujen tarjoamisesta vanhuksille ja pyrkivät edistämään vanhusten kotiasumista niin pitkään kuin mahdollista. Tässä mielessä valtio toteuttaa ageing in place -toimintamallia, joka on laajalti vakiintunut sosiologian ja gerontologian konsepti. Vaikka sosiaali- ja terveydenhuoltopalveluiden rakenteet siirtyivät 1990-luvulla merkittävästi kotipalveluiden suuntaan, Suomea pidetään edelleen maana, jossa hyvinvointipalvelut ovat suhteellisen laitoskeskeisiä. Johtuen väestön etenevästä ikääntymisestä ja paineista vähentää sosiaalipalvelujen kustannuksia, on vielä epäselvää missä määrin ageing in place -mallin edistäminen on realistista asuinympäristön näkökulmasta. Tämä tutkimus toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksena, joka keskittyi kuuteentoista Oulun kaupunginosaan. Tutkittuja neljääkymmentäkolmea kohdetta, jotka edustivat erilaisia vanhusten asuinkategorioita, siis vanhainkoteja, tehostettua palveluasumista ja ikääntyneiden vuokra-asumista, ja olivat sijoittuneet niin keskustan alueelle kuin lähiöihin, analysoitiin systemaattisesti käyttäen avuksi rakennuslupia, kerättyä dataa ja tutkijan naapurustokyselyitä. Näin kerättyä dataa analysoitiin pääasiassa kvantitatiivisesti ja mitattiin monitieteellisin menetelmin. Analyysin lopputulokset viittaavat yleisesti ottaen siihen, että tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastelluissa asuinrakennuskohteissa asumisen taso ei välttämättä auttanut ikääntyneitä asukkaita selviytymään kaikista mahdollista asuinympäristöä koskevista ongelmista, ja toisaalta asukkaiden erilaisten elämäntyylien kannalta rakennusten välisten erojen nähdään olevan todelliselta merkitykseltään varsin rajoittuneita. Ageing in place -mallin toteutumisen aste riippuu siitä, miten eri tahot (valtion viranomaiset ja paikalliset viranomaiset, kehittäjät, palveluntarjoajat, vanhukset) kyseisen konseptin määrittelevät. Vaikuttaa siltä, että ageing in place -mallin toteuttaminen edellyttää jatkossa laajempaa ja perusteellisempaa keskustelua. Ageing in place -konseptia koskevassa keskustelussa ei ole nähtävissä sellaista ajattelutapaa, jossa pyrittäisi minimoimaan palveluiden määrä tarjoamalla vanhuksille sopivanlaiset asuinolosuhteet, vaan sen sijaan keskustelussa on keskitytty etsimään parasta hoitopalveluiden ja asumisen yhdistelmää. On kuitenkin tiettyjä ongelmia, joita voi ratkaista vain sopivilla asuinympäristöillä.

Writing about everyday beauty in a northern village:an argument for diversity of habitable places

Rautio, P. (Pauliina) 25 October 2010 (has links)
Abstract The two rhetorical approaches to Finnish Lapland are the mythical and the miserable produced in the realms of tourism and politics respectively. The locals comply with neither. In this research the notion of beauty is used in seeking to understand how life is perceived as good-enough by particular villagers of a remote northern village. The scope of this research is novel theoretically and methodologically. The combination of everyday life aesthetics and education outside of institutional art education is rare and the method of data collection, collective correspondence, is created for the purposes of this research. Education is approached in this research as our perpetual growing in everyday life. Education and aesthetics receive support from sociology and human geography as well as environmental ethics. The theoretical frame leans on Ludwig Wittgenstein's notions of language use: language is woven into the actions of ordinary life, used not only to describe but to act on and transform the world. The objectives of this research in brief are to 1) complement art-centered definitions of the notion of beauty, 2) argue for the significance of diversity of habitable places, and 3) to contribute positively to the prevailingly negative research rhetoric on life in northern Finnish villages. These objectives are tackled with research tasks unfolding as descriptive, interpretative and methodological respectively: 1) of what kind is perceived beauty in everyday life led in a small northern village? 2) What is the significance of considering beauty in everyday life? 3) What kind of data does correspondence yield on perceived beauty? There are four women participating in this research. They exchanged letters on the topic of everyday beauty once a month for a year. Together they comprise a group that varies in ages, education, employment, family structures and the length of stay in the village. What they share is a view of their home village as a good-enough place to live in. The main data consists of 44 letters supplemented by 10 interviews. The letters have been read as one correspondence and as four individual sets of letters. Recurring themes, the temporal and spatial evolving of them as well as the performative aspects of writing have been addressed. Beauty has been found to reside in an iterative linguistic process rather than fixed in objects or even themes. Beauty articulates condensations of significant relations the perceiving individual holds in her life. As such beauty in everyday life is relational, active and pertains to steering of one's life. The ability to relate to the environment in which you live in a personally meaningful and creative way is found to be facilitated by an environment of diversity. Rather than keeping the rural North habited I argue for ensuring that it is habitable for those who wish to live there. This means realizing that people craft good-enough lives in different ways relative to their everyday life environments. / Tiivistelmä Lapista puhutaan kahdella tavalla, joista kumpikaan ei tavoita täysin lappilaisten itsensä arkikokemusta: Lappia värittää paikkana joko myyttisyys tai kurjuus. Näitä kahta kuvaa ylläpitävät pääasiassa turismi ja politiikka. Tässä tutkimuksessa käytetään ilmausta "kaunis" yritettäessä ymmärtää elämää pohjoisessa pienkylässä riittävän hyväksi koettuna. Tutkimus on sekä teoreettisesti että metodologisesti monitieteinen ja uutta luova. Arjen estetiikan ja kasvatustieteen yhdistäminen taidekasvatuksen sisältöalueen ulkopuolella on harvinaista. Tutkimuksessa on käytetty aineistonkeruumenetelmänä kirjeenvaihtoa, ja erityisesti sen kollektiivista muotoa, joka on kehitetty tätä tutkimusta varten. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan kasvatustieteen avulla arkeen kietoutuvaa kasvua ihmisenä. Sosiologia, kulttuurimaantiede ja ympäristöetiikka täydentävät kasvatustiedettä ja estetiikkaa. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys nojaa Ludwig Wittgensteinin huomioihin kielen käytöstä arjessa. Kieli on kietoutunut arjen toimintoihin ja on käytössä paitsi maailman kuvaamisessa myös sen muuttamisessa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteet ovat lyhyesti: 1) laajentaa "kauniin" taidemaailmaan nojautuvaa määrittelyä, 2) argumentoida ihmisen elinympäristöjen monimuotoisuuden puolesta sekä 3) täydentää lähtökohtaisesti positiivisella tutkimusotteella pohjoisen pienkylien elämästä tuotettua pääosin negatiivista tutkimusretoriikkaa. Tavoitteita lähestytään kolmella tutkimustehtävällä, jotka jakaantuvat kuvailevaksi, tulkinnalliseksi ja metodologiseksi. Tutkimustehtävät ovat: 1) minkälaista on kaunis pohjoisen pienkylän arjessa? 2) Mitä merkitystä on kauniin pohtimisella arjessa? 3) Minkälaista aineistoa kirjeenvaihto tuottaa kauneudesta? Tutkimukseen on osallistunut neljä naista. Jokainen heistä on kirjoittanut kirjeitä kauneudesta arjessaan ja vaihtanut kirjeitä kerran kuussa vuoden ajan. Naisten iät, koulutustaustat, työllisyystilanteet, perherakenteet sekä kylässä asuttu aika vaihtelevat. Heitä yhdistää näkemys kotikylästään riittävän hyvänä asuinpaikkana. Tutkimuksen pääasiallinen aineisto koostuu 44 kirjeestä, joita täydentää kymmenen haastattelua. Kirjeaineisto on luettu sekä yhtenä kirjeenvaihtona että neljänä osana, kunkin osallistujan kirjeet erikseen. Kirjeistä on tavoiteltu toistuvia teemoja ja näiden ajallista ja tilallista muotoutumista. Lisäksi kirjoituksia on pohdittu harkittuina esityksinä. Kaunis on todettu jatkuvaksi itseään korjaavaksi kielelliseksi prosessiksi sen sijaan, että se olisi paikantunut kiinteästi esineisiin, asioihin tai edes teemoihin. Arjen kaunis kiinnittyy kunkin elämässä merkityksellisiin suhteisiin. Kielellisenä prosessina kaunis ilmentää aktiivista ja luovaa toimijuutta ja liittyy elämän ohjailemiseen. Monimuotoisuus tukee kykyä muodostaa ja tiedostaa merkityksellisiä ja luovia suhteita elinympäristöön. Sen sijaan, että tutkimuksessa argumentoitaisiin pohjoisten kylien asuttamisen puolesta tutkimus esittää että pienkylien asuttavuus tulisi turvata sellaisille jotka haluavat asua kylissä. Tämä edellyttää ymmärrystä siitä, että ihmiset tekevät elämästään riittävän hyvää laadullisesti eri tavoilla erilaisissa ympäristöissä.

Personers erfarenheter av dagligt liv efter en Gastric ByPass-operation : En narrativ analys av bloggar / Persons' experiences of everyday life after a Gastric ByPass surgery : A narrative analysis of blogs

Westher, Elina, Wester, Victoria January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Fetma är ett hot mot folkhälsan och har ökat snabbt de senaste årtiondena. I Sverige utförs många operationer mot fetma vilket kan minska sjukdomsföljder samt ge en förbättrad livskvalitet. Det finns olika typer av överviktskirurgi där gastric bypassoperationen är den vanligaste. Hälsa är sammankopplat med självuppfattning vilket är av betydelse för de personer som väljer att genomgå en operation. Egenvård används för att bibehålla hälsa i det dagliga livet. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva personers erfarenheter av dagligt liv efter en gastric bypassoperation. Metod: Den metod som användes var narrativ analys av sex bloggar skrivna av kvinnor. Resultat: Ur analysen av datamaterialet framträdde tre kategorier; anpassa till en ny vardag, svårigheter att leva ett normalt liv och medaktör i den fortsatta planeringen med sju underkategorier. Slutsats: Studiens resultat har genererat information som med fördel kan användas för att förstå hur personer som genomgått en gastric bypassoperation erfar det dagliga livet. Denna kunskap kan hjälpa sjuksköterskor till att få en djupare förståelse för dessa personer, kunna tillämpa patientcentrerad vård och därmed bedriva en god omvårdnad. / Background: Obesity is a threat against public health and has grown rapidly the last decades. Many surgeries against obesity are done in Sweden which may reduce disease outcomes as well as providing an improved quality of life. There are different types of obesity surgery where gastric bypass is the most common. Health is connected to self-perception which is important for those who choose to undergo surgery. Self-treatment are used to maintain health in daily life. Objective: The aim of this study was to describe people´s experiences of everyday life after a gastric bypass surgery. Method: The method used was a narrative analysis of six blogs written by women. Result: Three categories emerged from the analysis; adjust to a new daily life, difficulties to live a normal life and co-actors in the continued planning with seven subcategories. Conclusion: The study’s results have generated information that can be advantageously used to understand how people who have undergone a gastric bypass surgery experiencing daily life. This knowledge can help nurses to get a deeper understanding of these people, be able to apply patient-centered care and therefore operate good care.

Sufiland - Everyday life with the living dead in Upper Egypt

Brusi, Frédéric January 2015 (has links)
This paper describes how everyday muslims with no formal (or weak) affiliation to sufi brotherhoods in Upper Egypt practice and relate to sufism as a grand scheme or larger islamic tradition. The thesis highlights the importance of islamic sainthood in everyday religion, whereby the saintly dead are regarded as acting intermediaries between the divine and the worldly realms. Saints, holy people and blessed places are given agency through divine blessings, thus allowing villagers to partake in a larger islamic tradition through the mediation of– or cult connected to saints. This paper intends to demonstrate that an islamic concept of sanctity in muslim environments does not only exist historically, but is central to the contemporary religious landscape of Upper Egypt.

Des frontières du corps aux frontières de l'identité : l'expérience d'une vie au quotidien avec des incapacités motrices majeures / From the boundaries of the body to the frontiers of self : the experience of everyday life with severe motor impairments

Beyrie, Adeline 21 October 2013 (has links)
Les incapacités motrices lourdes engendrent des situations de handicap au cours desquelles l’autonomie du corps et du sujet sont bousculées. Les attendus et les évidences du corps valide sont suspendus. Ne pouvant plus agir directement sur elle-même ou sur son environnement, la personne en situation de handicap doit passer par l’intermédiaire d’un dispositif d’aide polymorphe constitué à la fois d’aides humaines et techniques. Au cours de chacune des interactions avec ce dispositif, les limites entre soi et l’autre, entre l’intérieur et l’extérieur, se brouillent.A partir de trois enquêtes ethnographiques réalisées auprès de personnes en situation de handicap vivant à domicile, la recherche doctorale a pour objet l’analyse de cette expérience corporelle. Dans une première partie, la thèse montre que la singularité de cette expérience repose sur le principe d’une distribution du corps, alternant entre déconstruction de soi et renégociations empiriques des frontières à partir de la définition d’une intimité. La recherche distingue ensuite trois formes possibles d’une existence au quotidien avec des incapacités motrices. Chacune d’entre elles se traduit par unedistribution singulière des frontières de l’identité / Severe motor impairments generate disability situations in which the autonomy of body and of the subject are disrupted. Expectations and taken-for-granted attitudes regarding the valid body are challenged. No longer in capacity to act directly on themselves or on their environment, persons with disabilities must interact with polymorphic help devices consisting of both human and technical aids. In these interactions, limitations between self and others or between inside and outside are blurred.Based on three ethnographic studies conducted with persons with disabilities living at home, the doctoral research aims at analyzing their specific corporal experience. The first part of the dissertation analyzes the experience of people with severe motor impairments as an experience of a distributed body, alternating between self-destruction and empirical negotiations of body frontiers with reference to intimacy. The second part distinguishes three forms of the experience of everyday life with severe motor impairments, which result in different distributions of the frontiers of self


GUSTAVO DO NASCIMENTO LOPES 26 March 2010 (has links)
[pt] O desenvolvimento do capitalismo toma de assalto a cidade, promovendo a implosão/explosão do urbano (Lefebvre 1999). O automóvel, objeto técnico fundamental nesse projeto de transformação do urbano, ao mesmo tempo em que se desenvolve, cria a sua própria dependência. Estamos convencidos, com auxilio da bibliografia analisada nesta dissertação, mas com destaque para Lefebvre, que tal processo não pode ser analisado sem se levar em conta a produção e reprodução do espaço, nem sem a correlata transformação da vida cotidiana. Diante da atual crise ambiental e/ou urbana, emergem defensores da bicicleta como alternativa à (i)mobilidade urbana centrada no automóvel. Mesmo o Estado, historicamente o ator social que comandou a adaptação das cidades ao automóvel, com conseqüências sociais ainda mais graves em sociedades periféricas como a nossa, promove, mesmo que timidamente, o seu uso. Analisamos, então, como foram desenvolvidas as políticas de incentivo ao modal cicloviário na metrópole do Rio de Janeiro (1990-2009). Também levantamos discursos, propostas e fundamentalmente práticas de movimentos sociais acerca do tema, com destaque para a bicicletada carioca. Ao final comparamos estas representações e as colocamos em sua tensão dialética. Acreditamos desta forma poder, mesmo que timidamente, contribuir com o debate acerca do direito à cidade. / [en] The development of capitalism assault the city, improving the implode/explode of the urban life (Lefebvre). The car, a fundamental technique stuff of that urban transforming process, at the same time of its development, creates its own dependency. We are convinced, as the literature used in this study, but specially with Lefebvre, that such a process couldn’t be analyzed without taking care of the production and reproduction of space, and even the correlate transformation of the everyday life. At the rise up of the urban/enviromental crises, emerge the defenders of the bicycle as an alternative to urban auto (i)mobility. Even the State, historically the social actor that managed the city adaptation for the cars, with harder social consequences for peripheral societies like ours, improves, shyly, its use. So, we analyze how was development of the political encouragement of cycling in Rio de Janeiro (1990-2009). We indeed pick up the discourse, proposals, and fundamentally the practices of the social movements around the subject, with focus in the bicicletada carioca (Rio´s Critical Mass). At the end we compare those representations and put them in a dialectic tension. We believe that this way, even shyly, we contribute with the debate around the right of the city.

The Psychotechnics of Everyday Life: Hugo Münsterberg and the Politics of Applied Psychology, 1887-1917

Blatter, Jeremy Todd 04 June 2016 (has links)
This dissertation examines the relationship between experimental psychology and everyday life through the prism of Hugo Münsterberg and the Harvard Psychological Laboratory during the Progressive Era. Catalyzed by calls from the burgeoning educational community in the 1890s, academic psychologists were increasingly drawn into diverse cultural and political debates bearing on diverse facets of social reform and modernization. Educators, for example, courted psychologists to improve pedagogical techniques. Advertisers sought insight into the consumer mind. Electric utility companies even hired psychological consultants in studying street lighting conditions. At the same time, there was also pushback to such psychological interventions. Many lawyers, for example, opposed psychologists' incursions into the courtroom. Labor advocates protested psychotechnics as the handmaiden of industry. And vocational counselors favored common sense guidance to impersonal psychological tests. By tracing these debates over the place of psychological expertise in an array of contested sites, this dissertation argues that Münsterberg's psychotechnical movement represented a radical new view of the psychologist as an expert in modernization responsible for identifying, measuring and controlling the "human factor" mediating all human activity. / History of Science

Šafránkova kronika a každodennost v kontextu východočeské kronikářské tvorby / Šafránek's Chronicle and Everyday life in the Context of the East Bohemina Chronicle Work

Záveská, Daniela January 2017 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is the five-volume chronicle of the tailor master František Šafránek from Hořice. The source was created during the greater part of the second half of the 19th century and reflects significant social changes through the view of a folk member. Through the combination of contemporary event records, personal life and childhood memories, the chronicler uncovers the circumstances of source origin and the other influences that shaped its preserved form. The work focuses more on everyday life themes, which are most evident in the personal life of the author and his family. Everyday life is explored through their lifecycle, and their activities. Subjective description is later confronted with a wider context. More attention was paid to themes as education, craft, public life or leisure time. In the end, the chronicle is presented as a source of knowledge of everyday life in the context of other similar sources, which originate from the Eastern Bohemia.

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