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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Breastfeeding and introduction of other foods : A prospective longitudinal study in Sweden

Hörnell, Agneta January 2000 (has links)
This study, based on daily recordings of infant feeding, comprised 506 infants from Uppsala, Sweden. All mothers had had previous breastfeeding experience of at least 4 months, and were planning to breastfeed the index child for ≥6 months. Among exclusively breastfed infants there were wide variations in breastfeeding frequency and suckling duration per 24 hours both between infants and in the individual infant over time in the first 6 months. Most infants had an average of 1.0-2.9 feeds per night. Infants using a pacifier had fewer feeds and a shorter total suckling duration per 24 hours, and stopped breastfeeding earlier than infants not using a pacifier. These associations were not found for thumb sucking. Accustoming the infants to solids was a lengthy process, the longer the younger the infant at introduction, and was associated with small changes in pattern and duration of breastfeeding. In contrast, formula was usually given in large amounts from the beginning, and when formula was given regularly the daily breastfeeding frequency and suckling duration declined swiftly. The younger an infant at the start of regular formula feeds, the shorter the breastfeeding duration. Occasional formula feeds did not affect the breastfeeding duration. It is important for health personnel and parents to keep in mind that exclusively breastfed infants are not a homogeneous group, but rather members of distinct 'breastfeeding entities'. Moreover, if the aim is to introduce other foods 'under the protection of breast milk' it is important to realise that formula is also 'another food' and needs to be treated as such.

Nėščiųjų mokymo apie žindymą įtaka žindymo paplitimui ir papildomo maitinimo pradžiai / Influence of prenatal breastfeeding education on breastfeeding rates and initiation of supplementary feeding

Šniukaitė, Daiva 23 June 2014 (has links)
Lietuvoje išimtinai kūdikius iki 6 mėn. žindo tik 25, 7 proc. motinų, o 14 proc. jau nuo 1 gyvenimo mėnesio davė arbatos. Tyrimais yra nustatyta, kad žindymo ir laktacijos valdymo mokymas nėštumo metu, gali prailginti išimtinio žindymo trukmę.Tikslas – nustatyti nėščiųjų mokymo apie žindymo ir laktacijos valdymą įtaką išimtinio žindymo(IŽ) paplitimui, papildomo maitinimo(PM) įvedimo pradžiai bei įvertinti motinų žinias ir pastangas, siekiant spręsti su žindymu susijusias problemas.Uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti nėščiųjų mokymo apie žindymą įtaką IŽ paplitimui ir trukmei; 2.Įvertinti nėščiųjų mokymo apie žindymą įtaką PM įvedimo pradžiai; 3.Įvertinti išklausiusių ir neišklausiusių mokymo apie žindymą motinų žinias ir pastangas siekiant spręsti su žindymu susijusias problemas; 4. Išsiaiškinti motinų nuostatas apie žindymo trukmę ir veiksnius, galinčius ją įtakoti; 5. Nustatyti motinų požiūrį į personalo pagalbą pradedant žindyti.Tyrimo metodas. Tyrimas buvo atliktas VU Sporto medicinos, reabilitacijos ir slaugos instituto ir RMC bazėje 2006-2008 metais. Naudojant anoniminę anketą-klausimyną buvo apklaustos 50 moterų, auginančios 6-18 mėn. amžiaus vaikus ir išklausiusios prenatalinį žindymo ir laktacijos valdymo pagrindų kursą (poveikio grupė(PG)), ir 50 moterų (kontrolinė grupė(KG)), auginančių tokio paties amžiaus vaikus ir neišklausiusios tokio kurso. Klausimyno pirmoje dalyje buvo siekiama išsiaiškinti moterų žindymo ir papildomo maisto įvedimo praktiką, nuostatas apie sėkmingo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In Lithuania only 25.7% of babies are exclusively breastfed (BF) up to 6 months. Evidence has proved that prenatal teaching on BF and lactation management(LM) can prolong exclusive BF. Objective: to determine the influence of prenatal BF training over the rates of exclusive BF and the initiation of complementary feeding(CF) and to assess the mothers‘ knowledge and efforts in solving BF-related problems. Tasks: 1.Assess the influence of prenatal BF training over the rates and length of exclusive BF. 2. Assess the influence of prenatal BF training over the initiation of CF. 3. Assess the knowledge and efforts in solving BF-related problems by mothers who have undergone and who haven‘t undergone prenatal BF training. 4. Determine mothers‘ attitudes toward the length of BF and the factors influencing this length. 5. Determine mothers’ attitudes toward the personnel’s assistance at the initiation of BF. Methods: The investigation was carried out at the IRSMN at the MF of VU and the NNC in 2006 – 2008. The survey included 50 women raising children aged 6–18 months, having completed a prenatal BF and LM course (“intervention group” IG) and 50 - raising children of the same age but having not completed such course (“control group” CG). The first part of the anonymous questionnaire was aimed at determining the practices of BF and initiating CF, the successful BF factors, the assessment of assistance in BF and trust in nurses in solving BF-related problems; the second - a test aimed at... [to full text]

Evolução do uso de chupeta e sua influência no aleitamento materno exclusivo no Brasil, 1999-2008 / Temporal trends of pacifier use and its influence on the exclusive breastfeeding in Brazil, 1999-2008

Gabriela dos Santos Buccini 02 February 2017 (has links)
Introdução: O impacto positivo no curto e longo prazos do aleitamento materno exclusivo (AME) na saúde da criança, da mulher que amamenta e para a sociedade estão bem documentados. Apesar da tendência secular crescente do AME no Brasil, a prevalência de 36,6 por cento constatada na última Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde, realizada em 2013, está aquém dos 50 por cento considerados satisfatórios pela Organização Mundial da Saúde. Mediante esse cenário, faz-se importante identificar fatores de risco modificáveis para reduzir a interrupção precoce do AME. Embora o uso de chupeta seja apontado como um dos múltiplos determinantes do AME, não existe consenso sobre o efeito desse hábito na interrupção precoce dessa prática. Objetivo: Analisar a associação entre uso de chupeta e interrupção do AME, bem como a evolução do uso de chupeta e sua influência no AME em menores de 6 meses nas Capitais Brasileiras e no DF, 1999- 2008. Métodos: Foram produzidos 4 manuscritos. O primeiro consistiu de uma revisão sistemática e meta-análise para investigar a associação entre uso de chupeta e interrupção do AME nos menores de 6 meses. Para tanto, realizou-se uma busca ampla em cinco bases de dados (CINAHL, Scopus, Web of Science, LILACS, Medline) sem restrição de data ou idioma de publicação, o que resultou em 1.866 estudos submetidos à critérios de exclusão e inclusão previamente estabelecidos (Protocolo PROSPERO CDR42014014527). O segundo e o terceiro manuscritos utilizaram dados provenientes da I e II Pesquisa de Prevalência de Aleitamento Materno (PPAM) nas Capitais e DF realizadas em 1999 e 2008, respectivamente. Os inquéritos, metodologicamente equivalentes, utilizaram amostras representativas com sorteio em dois estágios. Os questionários foram compostos por questões fechadas relativas ao uso de chupeta e à alimentação da criança no dia anterior à pesquisa. No manuscrito 2, para testar a associação entre o uso de chupeta e o risco de interrupção do AME, foram utilizados modelos de regressão múltipla na amostra agrupada e para cada inquérito, ajustados por covariáveis socioeconômicas, demográficas e biomédicas da mãe da criança. No terceiro manuscrito, calculou-se a fração de impacto potencial (FIP) da influência da variação temporal do uso de chupeta no declínio da interrupção do AME. O manuscrito 4 resultou do aprofundamento na metodologia aplicada no manuscrito anterior, no qual se discute como as estimativas de FIP podem ser utilizadas na análise de mudanças em desfechos populacionais à luz de variações em seus fatores determinantes, tomando como exemplo os dados de AME e uso de chupeta no Brasil. Resultados: O efeito agrupado do uso de chupeta sobre a interrupção do AME em crianças menores de 6 meses dos estudos incluídos na meta-análise foi de OR 2,48 (IC95 por cento =2,16-2,85); entretanto, constatou-se alta heterogeneidade, explicada majoritariamente pelo delineamento do estudo (40,2 por cento ). Os dois ensaios clínicos randomizados incluídos apresentam validade externa limitada e encontraram associação nula; os 44 observacionais, incluindo 20 estudos de coorte prospectivos, encontraram associação consistente (OR=2,28; IC95 por cento =1,78-2,93). Essa associação foi confirmada pela análise agrupada das amostras da I e II PPAM (manuscrito 2), revelando o uso de chupeta como o fator mais fortemente associado à interrupção precoce do AME no Brasil no período de 1999 a 2008 (OR ajustado= 2,77; IC95 por cento =2,63-2,91). Nesse período, no Brasil, houve declínio de 15,2 pontos percentuais na prevalência de interrupção do AME (passando de 74,9 por cento para 59,7 por cento ) e uma redução de aproximadamente 17 pontos percentuais no uso de chupeta (passando de 58,5 por cento para 41,6 por cento ). Um terço do declínio na interrupção precoce do AME pôde ser atribuído à variação temporal do uso de chupeta (manuscrito 3). A redução no uso de chupeta como estratégia de prevenção para interrupção do AME no cenário 1999-2008 apresentou 41 por cento de eficácia potencial, 13,3 por cento de efetividade e 18,5 por cento de eficiência (manuscrito 4). Conclusões: O uso de chupeta é um fator de risco associado à interrupção do AME em crianças menores de 6 meses, sendo um forte determinante no declínio temporal da interrupção precoce dessa prática no Brasil. Como um fator de risco modificável, revelou-se seu potencial na prevenção da interrupção precoce do AME. Estratégias preventivas com abordagem universal e seletiva para redução do uso de chupeta em crianças amamentadas exclusivamente poderiam acelerar a melhoria das taxas da AME no Brasil, rumo às recomendações internacionais / Introduction: The short- and long-term health positive impact that exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) confers to children are well documented. Despite the secular trend for EBF in Brazil has increased, the prevalence of 36 per cent observed in the last national survey conducted in 2013 is still below the 50 per cent considered satisfactory by the World Health Organization. In this scenario, it is important to identify relevant modifiable key risk factors for the premature interruption of EBF. Although pacifier use has been pointed as one of the multiple determinants of exclusive breastfeeding there is no consensus on the effect of this habit in the early interruption of EBF. Objective: To analyze the association between pacifier use and EBF interruption as well as the influence of temporal trends of pacifier use on the EBF in children under 6 months old in Brazilian state capitals and Federal District, 1999-2008. Methods: 4 manuscripts were produced. The first consisted in systematic review and meta-analysis to investigate the association between pacifier use and interruption of exclusive breastfeeding in infants less than 6 months. A wide search in 5 databases (CINAHL, Scopus, Web of Science, LILACS, Medline) from inception through 30 December 2104 without restriction of language yielded 1.866 publications submitted to predetermined inclusion/exclusion criteria peer reviewed (PROSPERO protocol CDR42014014527). In the second and third manuscripts data from 2 waves of infant feeding surveys conducted in 1999 and in 2008 in the Brazilian state capitals and Federal District (I and II PPAM) was used. Methodologically equivalent surveys used representative samples selected based on complex sampling procedures and systematic random selection of children in the queue of each selected immunization center. Questionnaires were composed of closed-ended questions regarding the pacifier use and infant feeding on the day before the survey. In the second manuscript, to find out whether or not pacifier use is an independent risk factor for the EBF interruption were used multivariate regression models in the pooled sample and for each survey wave adjusting for socioeconomic, demographic and biomedical confounders. In the third paper, we calculated the potential impact fraction (IF) of the influence of temporal trends of pacifier use on the decline of EBF interruption. Manuscript 4 resulted from methodological deepening for application of the analysis strategy applied in the previous manuscript, into it we present how estimates of IF that might be used in the analysis of variation in the population outcomes considering shift in its determinants, taking as an example the data about EBF interruption and pacifier in Brazil. Results: The meta-analysis pooled effect was OR 2.48 (CI95 per cent =2.16-2.85) for the association between pacifier use and EBF interruption. The majority heterogeneity was explained by study design (40.2 per cent ). Two RCTs with very limited external validity found a null association, but 44 observational studies, including 20 prospective cohort studies, did find a consistent association between pacifier use and EBF interruption (OR=2.28; CI95 per cent =1.78-2.93). This association was confirmed by the pooled analysis for I and II PPAM (manuscript 2) revealing pacifier use as the strongest risk factor for EBF interruption in Brazil between 1999-2008 (OR adjusted= 2.77; CI95 per cent =2.63-2.91). In this period was observed 15.2 per cent of decline in EBF interruption prevalence (from 74.9 per cent to 59.7 per cent ) and a reduction of approximately 17 per cent in pacifier use (from 58.5 per cent to 41.6 per cent ). A third of the total decline of EBF interruption could be attributed to the temporal trends of pacifier use (manuscript 3). The decrease in the pacifier use as a prevention strategy for EBF interruption in the scenario 1999-2008 showed 41 per cent of potential effectiveness, 13.3 per cent effective and 18.5 per cent efficiency (manuscript 4). Conclusion: Pacifier use is a risk factor associated with EBF interruption, being a strong determinant in the temporal trends of EBF in Brazil. As a modifiable risk factor, the pacifier proved its potential in preventing EBF interruption. Preventive public health strategies with ecological and selective approach to reduce the pacifier use in exclusive breastfed infants could accelerate the improvement of the EBF rates in Brazil, towards the international recommendations

Factors impacting on feeding practices of infants 0-12 months which lead to malnutrition in a child welfare clinic in Tema Manhean (Tema New-Town), Ghana

Williams, Adwoa Durowaa 31 October 2014 (has links)
This cross-sectional exploratory and descriptive quantitative study explored the factors that impact on feeding practices of infants 0-12 months, encountered in the Child Welfare Clinic in Tema Manhean Health Centre and to determine the possible factors that lead to malnutrition. The population for this study comprised all infants who attended the Child Welfare Clinic at the Tema Manhean Health Centre. Three hundred and ninety infants participated in this study. Data was collected by means of a structured questionnaire and analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 20. Findings of the study revealed that a larger number of the mothers were still breastfeeding at the time of data collection. All infants aged six months or older were given complementary foods. Some of the factors found to be associated with infant malnutrition included education of mother, employment status of mother, marital status, cultural practices and parity. / Health Studies / M.A.(Public Health)

Effective prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV at Oshakati District Health Centre in the Republic of Namibia

Shoopala, Naemi Ndahambemlela 02 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to assess the extent on how effective was the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection at Oshakati District Health Centre. Explanatory survey was used to conduct the research. A total of 160 nurses experienced in prevention of mother-to-child transmission and women who attended antenatal care and post natal care services participated in the study. Respondents expressed unsatisfactory with the promoting involvement of male partners, high quality voluntary counselling and testing services, couple counselling and testing, integration of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy services, administration of short course of Zidovudine to pregnant mothers and the provision of antiretroviral drugs to infants. Therefore, promoting involvement of male partners, couple counselling and testing, administration of short course of Zidovudine to pregnant mothers and educating women about exclusive breastfeeding prior to delivery are some of recommendations for effective prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV infections. / Health Studies / (M.A. (Public Health))

Barriers to compliance to exclusive breastfeeding and timely introduction of complementary feeding practices in Ethiopia

Mesfin Tesfay Tekle 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / This study aimed at exploring Barriers to compliance with exclusive breastfeeding and timely introduction of complementary feeding practices in Ofla District, Tigray Region in Ethiopia. A quantitative exploratory descriptive study was conducted to explore and describe the barriers that restrict mothers /caregivers to comply with exclusive breast feeding practice until six months and with introduction of solid, semi-solid and soft foods at six months in Ofla District. Data were collected using structured questionnaire, from a total of 112 samples of which 75 mothers and care givers with children aged 0-5 months and 38 children aged 6-8 months participated. The data were entered into a computer and analysed though the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software. The findings revealed that there are barriers related Doer mothers and Non-Doer mothers perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, perceived self-efficacy, cues for actions, perceived social acceptability and positive and negative attitudes towards exclusive breastfeeding and initiation of complementary feeding. On the other hand, the participant’s perception of both groups with regard to perception of Divine (God’s) Will on two child feeding practices was insignificantly the same. Both groups perceived that children could get sometimes malnourished because of spiritual or supernatural causes. / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)

Factors associated with the HIV transmission rate in 18 to 24 month-old children enrolled in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission programme at the City of Tshwane clinics

Moloko, Sophy Mogatlogedi 15 August 2014 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to identify factors associated with the HIV transmission rate in 18 to 24 month-old children enrolled in the PMTCT programme at two selected City of Tshwane clinics. Mother-to-child transmission of HIV during labour and breastfeeding accounts for 40% of all HIV infection in children. The prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV programme is one effective strategy to reduce the rate of HIV infection in children. The HIV transmission rate was low at six weeks of age but increases at 18 to 24 months of age due to several factors. The researcher selected a descriptive retrospective correlational research design. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 60 mothers of children aged 18 to 24 months on the PMTCT programme and a data-collection form to collect data from 152 clinic records of children of the same age on the programme. The study found that the PMTCT guidelines were not properly adhered to by the nurses and the respondents. Prophylactic treatment was not provided as required and mixed feeding was prominent. The uptake of HIV test at 18 to 24 months was low compared to at 6 weeks. The transmission rate was high at 18 to 24 months compared to at 6 weeks. No factors were associated with the transmission rate / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)

Determinants contributing to exclusive breastfeeding in HIV-infected mothers of infants aged 0-6 months who attend an NGO Health Centre in Elandsdoorn Village

Mohlajoa, Katlego Thabo 02 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Breastfeeding is particularly important in resource-poor regions of the world, where limited access to clean water increases the risk of diarrhoeal disease if replacement feeding is used. However, human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is transmitted through human milk. Purpose of the study The purpose of this study was to describe the determinants contributing to exclusive breastfeeding in HIV-infected mothers of infants aged 0 to 6 months who attend an NGO Health Centre in Elandsdoorn Village. Methods A quantitative research approach using a non-experimental cross-sectional study was undertaken to conduct this study. A self-reported study questionnaire was used to collect data from study participants. Purposive sampling was used to sample 75 mothers from 18 to 45 years of age who were HIV-positive. SPSS version 23 was used to analyse the data. Results The study results indicated that there are determinants contributing to exclusive breastfeeding and a need to establish a more comprehensive approach to educating pregnant women on reproductive health issues, and exclusive breastfeeding in particular. Factors contributing to low levels of exclusive breastfeeding included breast problems, societal influence, maternal health concerns, insufficient support, fear of stigmatisation, and babies’ health concerns. This caused mothers to discontinue exclusive breastfeeding. Conclusions The intention of this study was to reveal the determinants of exclusive breastfeeding affecting mothers who are HIV-infected and breastfeeding their infants. / Health Studies / M.P.H.

Factors associated with the HIV transmission rate in 18 to 24 month-old children enrolled in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission programme at the City of Tshwane clinics

Moloko, Sophy Mogatlogedi 15 August 2014 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to identify factors associated with the HIV transmission rate in 18 to 24 month-old children enrolled in the PMTCT programme at two selected City of Tshwane clinics. Mother-to-child transmission of HIV during labour and breastfeeding accounts for 40% of all HIV infection in children. The prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV programme is one effective strategy to reduce the rate of HIV infection in children. The HIV transmission rate was low at six weeks of age but increases at 18 to 24 months of age due to several factors. The researcher selected a descriptive retrospective correlational research design. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 60 mothers of children aged 18 to 24 months on the PMTCT programme and a data-collection form to collect data from 152 clinic records of children of the same age on the programme. The study found that the PMTCT guidelines were not properly adhered to by the nurses and the respondents. Prophylactic treatment was not provided as required and mixed feeding was prominent. The uptake of HIV test at 18 to 24 months was low compared to at 6 weeks. The transmission rate was high at 18 to 24 months compared to at 6 weeks. No factors were associated with the transmission rate / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)

Effective prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV at Oshakati District Health Centre in the Republic of Namibia

Shoopala, Naemi Ndahambelela 02 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to assess the extent on how effective was the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection at Oshakati District Health Centre. Explanatory survey was used to conduct the research. A total of 160 nurses experienced in prevention of mother-to-child transmission and women who attended antenatal care and post natal care services participated in the study. Respondents expressed unsatisfactory with the promoting involvement of male partners, high quality voluntary counselling and testing services, couple counselling and testing, integration of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy services, administration of short course of Zidovudine to pregnant mothers and the provision of antiretroviral drugs to infants. Therefore, promoting involvement of male partners, couple counselling and testing, administration of short course of Zidovudine to pregnant mothers and educating women about exclusive breastfeeding prior to delivery are some of recommendations for effective prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV infections. / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)

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