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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kommunikationsstrategien für nachhaltige Energie-Technologien: Beeinflussung der Akzeptanz von Wasserstoff und Offshore-Wind

Schmidt, Adriane 28 January 2016 (has links)
Die Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der Kommunikation der beiden Energie-Technologien Wasserstoff und Offshore-Wind und untersucht, inwieweit konkrete Argumente in der Lage sind, deren Akzeptanz intendiert zu beeinflussen. Um die Wirkung von sowohl positiven als auch negativen Argumenten zu messen, wurde ein repräsentativ angelegtes Experiment durchgeführt. Die Auswahl der dort getesteten Argumente basiert auf zwei Basis-Studien, mit deren Hilfe Argumente identifiziert wurden, welche Akteure aus den Bereichen Wirtschaft, Politik, Forschung, Gesellschaft und Medien in ihrer Kommunikation nutzten: (1) Systematische Dokumentenanalyse von Kommunikationsmaterial und (2) Quantitative Medienanalyse von Nachrichtenmedien für 2009 und 2013. Dabei wurde das Ziel verfolgt, für jedes der fünf Akteurssysteme sowohl häufig (dominante) als auch selten verwendete Argumente (Reframes) aufzuspüren, um die Wirkung beider Argument-Typen zu untersuchen. Die Effekte von Argumenten auf die Akzeptanz wurden sowohl unmittelbar erfasst als auch nach einer Zeitspanne von 3 Wochen, was – durch ein Panel-Design umgesetzt – auch Aussagen über die Wirkungsdauer lieferte. Zudem wurde analysiert, inwieweit der Persuasionsprozess durch bestimmte Moderatoren beeinflusst wird: Emotionalisierung, Competitive Framing, Persönliche Betroffenheit von einer Technologie, Art der Informationsverarbeitung und Zeitpunkt der Urteilsbildung. Die Studie konnte für beide Energie-Technologien eine stärkere Wirkung dominanter Argumente im Vergleich zu Reframes feststellen. Reframes sollten deshalb in der Kommunikation nur dann verwendet werden, wenn das Argument bereits einen gewissen Bekanntheitsgrad erzielt hat. Emotionalisierung wirkte nur bedingt: Insbesondere positive Reframes sowie negative dominante Argumente konnten emotionalisiert die Akzeptanz stärker beeinflussen. Zudem wurde das NIMBY-Konzept relativiert: Besonders von einer Technologie persönlich Betroffene wurden von positiven Argumenten überzeugt – negative Argumente entfalteten ihre Wirkung dagegen eher bei Nicht-Betroffenen. Weiterhin ließen sich die Annahmen der klassischen Zwei-Prozess-Modelle der Informationsverarbeitung entkräften, da auch die in dieser Studie fokussierten inhaltlichen Argumente heuristisch verarbeitet wurden und Wirkung erzielten.

The causal effect of wrong-hand drive vehicles on road safety

Roesel, Felix 20 October 2017 (has links)
Left-hand drive (LHD) vehicles share higher road accident risks under left-hand traffic because of blind spot areas. Due to low import prices, the number of wrong-hand drive vehicles skyrockets in emerging countries like Georgia, Kyrgyzstan and Russia. I identify the causal effect of wrong-hand drive vehicles on road safety employing a new “backward version” of the synthetic control method. Sweden switched from left-hand to right-hand traffic in 1967. Before 1967, however, almost all Swedish vehicles were LHD for reasons of international trade and Swedish customer demand. I match on accident figures in the period after 1967, when both Sweden and other European countries drove on the right and used LHD vehicles. Results show that right-hand traffic decreased road fatality, injury and accident risk in Sweden by approximately 30 percent. An earlier switch would have saved more than 4,000 lives between 1953 and 1966.

Studium vzácných rozpadů B-mesonů v experimentu ATLAS / Study of the rare B-meson decays with the ATLAS experiment

Biroš, Marek January 2020 (has links)
Title: Study of the rare B-meson decays with the ATLAS experiment Author: Marek Biroš Institute: Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics Supervisor: RNDr. Pavel Řezníček, Ph.D., Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics Abstract: The rare B0 d → K∗0 (892) μμ decay is one of the B-physics channels sensitive to Beyond Standard Model effects. The potential deviation from Standard Model predictions could be observed in the angular distribution of this decay. The work compiles several sub-tasks at the initial stage of this complex analysis: decay angles fit validation and signal event preselection. The fit functions used in the analysis are verified on generated toy Monte Carlo data. Ranges of parameters, for which are these functions positive, are established and within this parametric space, the testing of possible intrinsic fit biases is evaluated. A dependence of the fit bias with respect to the collected number of events (expected in Run 2 as well as at HL-LHC) and to the different signal-to- background ratio is studied. The second part of the thesis deals with processing of raw reconstructed data from the detector into n-tuples resulting in a more compact dataset that would be used in the final analysis. Within the process, baseline cuts are applied in order to minimize size of final datasets by reducing...

Dokumentation von Versuchen zur mitwirkenden Plattenbreite an Plattenbalken

Wiese, Hans 11 July 2007 (has links)
Als Ergänzung für die Lehrbriefe des Instituts für Massivbau der TU Dresden zu den Grundlagen des Stahlbetons (Teil 1 und 3 sowie Übungen Teil 1 bis 3) werden hier Bilder von Versuchsreihen vorgestellt, die am Lehrstuhl für Stahlbeton, Spannbeton und Massivbrücken der TH/TU Dresden, aus dem das heutige Institut für Massivbau hervorging, innerhalb verschiedener Forschungsarbeiten von 1956 bis 1965 entstanden. Neben dem Einblick in die damaligen Arbeitsweisen und Möglichkeiten sind vor allem die zahlreichen Bruchbilder geeignet, sich in das Tragverhalten des Stahlbetons hineinzudenken. Diese Überlegungen gaben den Ausschlag dafür, das vorhandene Bildmaterial noch einmal zu ordnen und mit kurzen Erläuterungen zu versehen, um es so nochmals für Lehre und Forschung nutzbar zu machen.

The Discovery Potential of Neutral Supersymmetric Higgs Bosons with Decay to Tau Pairs at the ATLAS Experiment

Schaarschmidt, Jana 15 November 2010 (has links)
This work presents a study of the discovery potential for the neutral supersymmetric Higgs bosons h/A/H decaying to tau pairs with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. The study is based on Monte Carlo samples which are scaled to state-of-the-art cross sections. The analyses are designed assuming an integrated luminosity of 30 1/fb and a center-of-mass energy of sqrt(s) = 14 TeV. The results are interpreted in the mmax h benchmark scenario. Two final states are analyzed: The dileptonic channel where the two tau leptons decay to electrons or muons and the lepton-hadron channel where one tau decays to an electron or muon and the other tau decays to hadrons. The study of the dilepton channel is based completely on the detailed ATLAS simulation, the analysis of the lepton-hadron channel is based on the fast simulation. The collinear approximation is used to reconstruct the Higgs boson mass and its performance is studied. Cuts are optimized in order to discriminate the signal from background and to maximize the discovery potential given a certain Higgs boson mass hypothesis. In the lepton-hadron channel the selection is split into two analyses depending on the number of identified b-jets. Procedures to estimate the dominant backgrounds from data are studied. The shape and normalization of the Z to tautau background are estimated from Z to leptonlepton control regions. The ttbar contributions to the signal regions are estimated from ttbar control regions. The individual analyses are combined and sensitivity predictions are made depending on the Higgs boson mass mA and the coupling parameter tanβ. The light neutral MSSM Higgs bosons with mA = 150 GeV can be discovered when at least tanbeta = 11 is realized in nature. The heavy neutral MSSM Higgs bosons with mA = 800 GeV can be discovered for tanbeta ≥ 44. However, due to the large width of the reconstructed Higgs boson mass and the mass degeneration, only the sum of at least two of the three Higgs boson signals will be visible.

Contract Farming in Developing Countries - A Behavioral Perspective on Contract Choice and Compliance

Fischer, Sabine 03 July 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Hodnocení kondiční připravenosti ve florbalu žen / Assessment of fitness preparedness of floorball women

Procházková, Jitka January 2019 (has links)
Title: Assessment of fitness preparedness of floorball women Objectives: The main aim of this work is to find out and compare selected motor skills in sixteen women player of floorball team (Czech extraleague). Another goal is to evaluate the adequacy of the selected test battery for identifying fitness readiness in floorball players using Pearson correlation coefficient. Methods: The method of (pre)experiment in the form of an intervention program was used. The research was carried out in the form of testing according to a test battery, which included four types of tests: run 50 m, run 30 m backwards, crunches repeated, bench press max (maximum weight in the individuality of the player) and bench press repeated (50 % body weight). The measured performance values in the tests were then evaluated and compared with each other. Results: The players of the tested group showed a significant improvement in 3 tests out of 5 overall after passing the input and output measurements. These consisted of crunches tests repeatedly (improvement by 10,82 %), bench press max (improvement by 6,1 %) and bench press repeatedly (improvement by 9,73 %). On the other hand, in the 50 m run and the 30 m run backwards test, we see little improvement. The players achieved the most significant improvement in the crunches test...

Visualizations in Augmented Reality for Multiple Real-Time Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Video Feeds : Visualizing Occluded and Out-of-View Entities

Bränneby, Måns, Gerfort, Oliver January 2022 (has links)
Background. The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) is today prevalent in both defense applications as well as in civilian tasks and is predicted to have a major socio-economic impact [22]. The opportunities involved with using Augmented Reality (AR) during UAV operations have engaged previous research intending to improve an operator’s situational awareness which allows operations to be carried out without putting people in dangerous situations [1,11,47]. In the case of a system where multiple UAVs are simultaneously active with the possibility to share information, opportunities arise for visualization of tracked entities either located behind objects in the environment or outside the field of view of a UAV. While previous research has been done in the field of AR on hidden elements, the impact of those techniques in a multi-UAV scenario is unexplored. Objectives. The thesis aimed to answer the question of what the impact is of different visualization techniques in regards to response time, depth perception, and clarity in a multi-UAV scenario involving entities occluded by the environment or otherwise hidden. Methods. This thesis has gone forward with a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to in a systematic way compile the most important visualization techniques for AR visualizations of hidden elements. The techniques proposed by the SLR were implemented in an application simulating a multi-UAV scenario as well as evaluated in an experiment and a survey to fill in the gaps in previous research. Results. The SLR provided this work with multiple important aspects for visualization of entities, both occluded as well outside the field of view including the importance to utilize occlusion as a depth cue but also concrete techniques for implementation. Through the SLR the Excavation box, Naive ghosting, Silhouette, Ruler, Halo, and Radar techniques were selected for implementation in a multi-UAV scenario. The evaluation showed that for clarity the Excavation box and Silhouette techniques were preferred over the Naive ghosting technique, that the Halo technique is preferred for estimation of position but also aspects such that the occlusion depth cue may be unnecessary at the distances involved in the general multi-UAV scenario evaluated. Conclusions. Based on the findings of this thesis can visualizations in a multi-UAV scenario be created, heightening the situational awareness of UAV operators and therefore allowing tasks to be completed without putting people in dangerous situations [1, 11, 22, 47]. / Bakgrund. Drönare är idag använda i både försvarssammanhang och allmänna samhällssituationer och förväntas ha ett betydande socio-ekonomiskt avtryck i framtiden [22]. Genom att använda sig av augmenterad verklighet (AR) under drönaruppdrag, ett område där tidigare forskning genomförts, kan en operatörs medvetenhet kring sin omgivning höjas och därmed uppdrag genomföras utan att människor sätts i farliga situationer [1,11,47]. I situationer där flera drönare samtidigt är aktiva och kan dela information med varandra dyker möjligheter upp att visualisera spårade entiteter som befinner sig både bakom objekt i miljön och utanför synfältet för en specifik drönare. Tidigare forskning har gjorts inom AR för dolda element men hur dessa fungerar i detta system med flera drönare är outforskat. Syfte. Denna avhandlings mål var att svara på frågan kring hur olika visualiseringstekniker fungerar i avseende med responstid, djupuppfattning och tydlighet i situationer med flera aktiva drönare med spårade, dolda entiteter. Metod. Denna avhandling har genomfört en Systematic Literature Review (SLR) för att systematiskt ta fram de viktigaste teknikerna inom forskningen för AR visualiseringar av dolda element. De tekniker föreslagna av SLR:en implementerades i en applikation som simulerar ett multi-drönar scenario följt av en evaluering genom ett experiment och en undersökning för att bidra i ett område där forskning saknas. Resultat. SLR:en bidrog med flera viktiga principer och tekniker relevanta för att svara på avhandlingens forskningsfråga. Baserat på dessa resultat implementerades sex stycken tekniker: Excavation box, Naive ghosting, Silhouette, Ruler, Halo och Radar. Evalueringen visade att för tydlighet bör Excavation box eller Silhouette användas över Naive ghosting, Halo-tekniken är att föredra vid positionsestimering och att aspekter som att använda sig av täckning som guide för djupuppfattning kanske är onödig vid distanserna som är relevanta i det evaluerade scenariot. Slutsatser. Baserat på upptäckterna i denna avhandling kan visualiseringar för system med flera drönare skapas vilka ökar medvetenheten kring en operatörs omgivning och därför utföra uppdrag utan att människor utsätts för farliga miljöer [1,11,22,47].

Det nya i det gamla : Ett kreativt och sökande projekt som undersöker olika tillvägagångssätt att skapa ny folkmusik från det traditionella uttrycket för att sedan förmedla det vidare.

Lundgren, Tommy January 2022 (has links)
I detta arbete skapar jag nya låtar för att undersöka och förmedla olika låttypers kännetecken inom svensk folkmusik, vilket kan betraktas som etyder. Etyder kan vara övningsstycken avsedda att ge möjlighet att lära ut en instrumentalteknisk konst, en vanlig form inom västerländsk konstmusik men inte alls lika etablerat inom svensk folkmusik, där det inte finns en lika formaliserad skolbildning. Med utgångspunkt från deskriptiva studier och egen analys av ett urval av typlåtar, har jag med skapande som metod utvecklat en tolkning av vad jag undersöker där tolkningen och låten vuxit fram iterativt, därför kan detta betraktas som en kvalitativ och explorativ undersökningsprocess. Målsättningen har varit att efterlikna de traditionella melodierna med fokus på stilistiskt karaktäristiska egenskaper, men där låtarna/etyderna samtidigt ska kunna stå på egna ben konstnärligt. I processen har jag utvärderat och delvis utvecklat nya kompositionsmetoder och inlärningsmetoder i ljuset av vad som haft kreativ potential. Arbetet beskriver olika metoder för skapande inom folkmusik och den kreativa potentialen i olika metoder diskuteras mot bakgrund av erfarenheterna från projektet. / In this work, I create new tunes to investigate and convey the characteristics of different tune types in Swedish folk music, which can be considered as etudes. Etudes can be exercises intended to provide an opportunity to teach an instrumental art, a common form in western art music but not at all as established in Swedish folk music, where there is no equally formalized schooling. Based on descriptive studies and my own analysis of a selection of tune types, I have with creation as a method developed an interpretation of what I examine where the interpretation and tune has emerged iteratively, in what can be considered a qualitative and exploratory research process. The aim has been to imitate the traditional melodies with a focus on stylistically characteristic features, but where the tunes / etudes should at the same time be able to stand on their own artistically. In the process, I have evaluated and partly developed new composition methods and learning methods in the view of what had creative potential. The work describes different methods for creation in folk music and the creative potential in different methods is discussed in the light of the experiences from the project. / <p><strong>Rättvikspolska av Tommy Lundgren</strong> - Tommy Lundgren, fiol</p><p><strong>Farfars Reinlender av Tommy Lundgren </strong>- Tommy Lundgren, fiol - Fanny Källström, basfiol - Ingrid Rodebjer, fiol</p><p><strong>Vals av Tommy Lundgren </strong>- Tommy Lundgren, fiol</p><p><strong>Drill-Experiment av Tommy Lundgren </strong>- Tommy Lundgren, fiol</p><p><strong>Kungsgården av Tommy Lundgren </strong>- Tommy Lundgren, fiol - Fanny Källström, fiol</p><p><strong>Orsapolska, Orsapolska2 av Tommy Lundgren</strong> - Tommy Lundgren, fiol</p><p><strong>Triolpolska av Tommy Lundgren, Porland (trad)</strong> - Tommy Lundgren, fiol</p><p><strong>Springlek och Finnskogspols av Tommy Lundgren </strong>- </p><p>Tommy Lundgren, fiol - Alice Evensen Landström, fiol - Albin Myrin, klarinett</p><p><strong>Den sista brudmarschen av Tommy Lundgren </strong>- Tommy Lundgren, fiol - Fanny Källström, fiol - Ingrid Rodebjer, fiol</p>

TRADITIONELL VS. KOOPERATIV : En studie beträffande lärande effekterna i traditionell- och kooperativundervisningsmetod

Nilsson, Ida January 2021 (has links)
The aon of this thesis was to study the difference in learning between cooperative teacjing and traditional teaching, which of these theaching metod gave the best response in form of knowledge? To study this, an experimental method was used in two classes in the 7th grade, and it is a two-part experiment. The first part is that the classes learned the same subject in social studies, but with different teaching methods, and both classes hade the same knowledge test to answer. The second part, both classes  learned the same subject in social studies but this time the teaching methods shifted, and this part also ended with a knowledge test.  The results of tyhe knowledge tests were then compared with each other. The results showed that traditional teaching methods gave higher response rates with approved test results and should therefore be the dominant teaching methods in school.

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