Spelling suggestions: "subject:"experts."" "subject:"iexperts.""
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Estudio de la aplicación de sistemas basados en el conocimiento a la operación de una planta de tratamiento de residuos sólidos urbanos por valorización energéticaLlauró Fábregas, Xavier 17 December 1999 (has links)
Una de las actuaciones posibles para la gestión de los residuos sólidos urbanos es la valorización energética, es decir la incineración con recuperación de energía. Sin embargo es muy importante controlar adecuadamente el proceso de incineración para evitar en lo posible la liberación de sustancias contaminantes a la atmósfera que puedan ocasionar problemas de contaminación industrial.Conseguir que tanto el proceso de incineración como el tratamiento de los gases se realice en condiciones óptimas presupone tener un buen conocimiento de las dependencias entre las variables de proceso. Se precisan métodos adecuados de medida de las variables más importantes y tratar los valores medidos con modelos adecuados para transformarlos en magnitudes de mando. Un modelo clásico para el control parece poco prometedor en este caso debido a la complejidad de los procesos, la falta de descripción cuantitativa y la necesidad de hacer los cálculos en tiempo real. Esto sólo se puede conseguir con la ayuda de las modernas técnicas de proceso de datos y métodos informáticos, tales como el empleo de técnicas de simulación, modelos matemáticos, sistemas basados en el conocimiento e interfases inteligentes. En [Ono, 1989] se describe un sistema de control basado en la lógica difusa aplicado al campo de la incineración de residuos urbanos. En el centro de investigación FZK de Karslruhe se están desarrollando aplicaciones que combinan la lógica difusa con las redes neuronales [Jaeschke, Keller, 1994] para el control de la planta piloto de incineración de residuos TAMARA.En esta tesis se plantea la aplicación de un método de adquisición de conocimiento para el control de sistemas complejos inspirado en el comportamiento humano. Cuando nos encontramos ante una situación desconocida al principio no sabemos como actuar, salvo por la extrapolación de experiencias anteriores que puedan ser útiles. Aplicando procedimientos de prueba y error, refuerzo de hipótesis, etc., vamos adquiriendo y refinando el conocimiento, y elaborando un modelo mental. Podemos diseñar un método análogo, que pueda ser implementado en un sistema informático, mediante el empleo de técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial.Así, en un proceso complejo muchas veces disponemos de un conjunto de datos del proceso que a priori no nos dan información suficientemente estructurada para que nos sea útil. Para la adquisición de conocimiento pasamos por una serie de etapas:- Hacemos una primera selección de cuales son las variables que nos interesa conocer.- Estado del sistema. En primer lugar podemos empezar por aplicar técnicas de clasificación (aprendizaje no supervisado) para agrupar los datos y obtener una representación del estado de la planta. Es posible establecer una clasificación, pero normalmente casi todos los datos están en una sola clase, que corresponde a la operación normal. Hecho esto y para refinar el conocimiento utilizamos métodos estadísticos clásicos para buscar correlaciones entre variables (análisis de componentes principales) y así poder simplificar y reducir la lista de variables.- Análisis de las señales. Para analizar y clasificar las señales (por ejemplo la temperatura del horno) es posible utilizar métodos capaces de describir mejor el comportamiento no lineal del sistema, como las redes neuronales. Otro paso más consiste en establecer relaciones causales entre las variables. Para ello nos sirven de ayuda los modelos analíticos- Como resultado final del proceso se pasa al diseño del sistema basado en el conocimiento.El objetivo principal es aplicar el método al caso concreto del control de una planta de tratamiento de residuos sólidos urbanos por valorización energética.En primer lugar, en el capítulo 2 Los residuos sólidos urbanos, se trata el problema global de la gestión de los residuos, dando una visión general de las diferentes alternativas existentes, y de la situación nacional e internacional en la actualidad. Se analiza con mayor detalle la problemática de la incineración de los residuos, poniendo especial interés en aquellas características de los residuos que tienen mayor importancia de cara al proceso de combustión.En el capítulo 3, Descripción del proceso, se hace una descripción general del proceso de incineración y de los distintos elementos de una planta incineradora: desde la recepción y almacenamiento de los residuos, pasando por los distintos tipos de hornos y las exigencias de los códigos de buena práctica de combustión, el sistema de aire de combustión y el sistema de humos. Se presentan también los distintos sistemas de depuración de los gases de combustión, y finalmente el sistema de evacuación de cenizas y escorias.El capítulo 4, La planta de tratamiento de residuos sólidos urbanos de Girona, describe los principales sistemas de la planta incineradora de Girona: la alimentación de residuos, el tipo de horno, el sistema de recuperación de energía, y el sistema de depuración de los gases de combustión Se describe también el sistema de control, la operación, los datos de funcionamiento de la planta, la instrumentación y las variables que son de interés para el control del proceso de combustión.En el capítulo 5, Técnicas utilizadas, se proporciona una visión global de los sistemas basados en el conocimiento y de los sistemas expertos. Se explican las diferentes técnicas utilizadas: redes neuronales, sistemas de clasificación, modelos cualitativos, y sistemas expertos, ilustradas con algunos ejemplos de aplicación.Con respecto a los sistemas basados en el conocimiento se analizan en primer lugar las condiciones para su aplicabilidad, y las formas de representación del conocimiento. A continuación se describen las distintas formas de razonamiento: redes neuronales, sistemas expertos y lógica difusa, y se realiza una comparación entre ellas. Se presenta una aplicación de las redes neuronales al análisis de series temporales de temperatura.Se trata también la problemática del análisis de los datos de operación mediante técnicas estadísticas y el empleo de técnicas de clasificación. Otro apartado está dedicado a los distintos tipos de modelos, incluyendo una discusión de los modelos cualitativos.Se describe el sistema de diseño asistido por ordenador para el diseño de sistemas de supervisión CASSD que se utiliza en esta tesis, y las herramientas de análisis para obtener información cualitativa del comportamiento del proceso: Abstractores y ALCMEN. Se incluye un ejemplo de aplicación de estas técnicas para hallar las relaciones entre la temperatura y las acciones del operador. Finalmente se analizan las principales características de los sistemas expertos en general, y del sistema experto CEES 2.0 que también forma parte del sistema CASSD que se ha utilizado.El capítulo 6, Resultados, muestra los resultados obtenidos mediante la aplicación de las diferentes técnicas, redes neuronales, clasificación, el desarrollo de la modelización del proceso de combustión, y la generación de reglas. Dentro del apartado de análisis de datos se emplea una red neuronal para la clasificación de una señal de temperatura. También se describe la utilización del método LINNEO+ para la clasificación de los estados de operación de la planta.En el apartado dedicado a la modelización se desarrolla un modelo de combustión que sirve de base para analizar el comportamiento del horno en régimen estacionario y dinámico. Se define un parámetro, la superficie de llama, relacionado con la extensión del fuego en la parrilla. Mediante un modelo linealizado se analiza la respuesta dinámica del proceso de incineración.Luego se pasa a la definición de relaciones cualitativas entre las variables que se utilizan en la elaboración de un modelo cualitativo. A continuación se desarrolla un nuevo modelo cualitativo, tomando como base el modelo dinámico analítico.Finalmente se aborda el desarrollo de la base de conocimiento del sistema experto, mediante la generación de reglasEn el capítulo 7, Sistema de control de una planta incineradora, se analizan los objetivos de un sistema de control de una planta incineradora, su diseño e implementación. Se describen los objetivos básicos del sistema de control de la combustión, su configuración y la implementación en Matlab/Simulink utilizando las distintas herramientas que se han desarrollado en el capítulo anterior.Por último para mostrar como pueden aplicarse los distintos métodos desarrollados en esta tesis se construye un sistema experto para mantener constante la temperatura del horno actuando sobre la alimentación de residuos.Finalmente en el capítulo Conclusiones, se presentan las conclusiones y resultados de esta tesis. / One of the possible alternatives for the management of the municipal solid waste is the energy recovery in waste-to- energy facilities, i.e. the incineration with energy recovery. However, it is very important to control the incineration process properly in order to avoid, as far as possible, the liberation of pollutants to the atmosphere that could occasion problems of industrial contamination. To achieve that, both the incineration process and the treatment of flue gases are carried out in good conditions it presupposes to have a good knowledge of the dependences between process variables. It is necessary to have adequate measuring methods of the most important variables and to treat the measured values with appropriate models in order to transform them in control magnitudes. A classical control model looks not very promising in this case due to the complexity of the processes, the lack of quantitative description and the necessity of performing real-time calculations. This can only be achieved with the help of the modern techniques of data processing and informatics methods, like the use of simulation techniques, mathematical models, knowledge based systems and intelligent interfaces. A control system based on fuzzy logic applied to the field of the incineration of municipal solid waste is described in [ Ono, 1989]. In the Karslruhe center of investigation FZK applications that combine fuzzy logic with neural networks [Jaeschke, Keller, 1994] are being developed for the control of the TAMARA pilot plant for waste incineration.In this thesis it is outlined the application of a method of knowledge acquisition for the control of complex systems inspired by the human behaviour. When we are placed in face of an unknown situation, at the beginning we don't know how to act, except for the extrapolation of previous experiences that could be useful. Applying procedures of trial and error, reinforcement of hypothesis, etc, one goes acquiring and refining the knowledge, and elaborating a mental model. We can design a similar method, which could be implemented in an informatics system, by means of the use of Artificial Intelligence techniques.So, in a complex process often we have a group of process data that a priori don't give us sufficiently structured information to be useful. For the knowledge acquisition we went by a series of steps:- We make a first selection of which are the variables that we are interested to know.- State of the system. In first place we could begin applying classification techniques (unsupervised learning) in order to group the data and obtain a representation of the state of the plant. It is possible to establish a classification, but normally almost all the data are in a single class, that corresponds to the normal operation. Done this and in order to refine the knowledge we use classical statistical methods in order to look for correlations between variables (principal components analysis) to simplify and reduce the list of variables.- Analysis of the signals. In order to analyse and classify the signals (for example the temperature of the furnace) it is possible to use methods capable to better describe the non-linear behaviour of the system, like the neural networks. Another step consists in to establish causal relationships between the variables. For this purpose the analytical models are helpful.- As final result of the process go over the design of the knowledge based system.The main objective is to apply the method to the concrete case of the control of a plant of treatment of municipal solid waste by waste-to- energy process.First, chapter 2 The municipal solid waste, treats the global problem of waste management, giving an overview of the several existent alternatives, and of the national and international situation at the present time. The problems of the waste incineration are analysed with more detail, putting special interest in those waste characteristics that have more importance for the combustion process.In the chapter 3, Description of the process, is made a general description of the incineration process and of the different elements of a incineration plant: from the reception and storage of the waste, going by the different types of furnaces and the demands of the codes of good combustion practice, the combustion air system and the exhaust system. The different systems for cleaning the combustion gases, and the system of evacuation of ash residues are presented.The chapter 4, The municipal solid waste treatment plant of Girona, describes the main systems of the Girona incineration plant: the feeding of waste, the type of furnace, the energy recovery system, and the flue gas cleaning system. Are also described in this chapter, the control system, the operation, the data of operation of the plant, the instrumentation and the variables that are of interest for the control of the combustion process.In the chapter 5, Used techniques, is provided a global vision of the knowledge-based systems and of the expert systems. The diverse techniques used are explained: neural networks, systems of classification, qualitative models, and expert systems, illustrated with some examples of application.With regard to the knowledge-based systems, in first place are analysed the conditions for their suitability, and the forms of representation of the knowledge. Next the different forms of reasoning are described: neural networks, expert systems and fuzzy logic, and a comparison between them it is carried out. An application of the neural networks to the analysis of time series of temperature is presented.It is also treated the problem of the analysis of the operation data by means of statistical techniques and the use of techniques of classification. Another paragraph is dedicated to the different types of models, including a discussion of the qualitative models.The Computer Aided Supervisory System Design CASSD that is used in this thesis is described, and the analysis tools employed to obtain qualitative information from the behaviour of the process: ors and ALCMEN. An example of application of these techniques is included in order to find the relationships between the temperature and the actions of the operator. Finally are analysed the main characteristics of expert systems in general, and of the system expert CEES 2.0 that also are part of the CASSD system that has been used.The chapter 6, Results, shows the results obtained by means of the application of the several techniques, neural networks, classification, the development of the model of the combustion process, and the generation of rules. Inside the paragraph of analysis of data a neural network is used for the classification of a temperature signal. The use of the LINNEO+ method is also described for the classification of the states of operation of the plant.In the paragraph dedicated to the modelling a model of combustion is developed that is used as base in order to analyse the behaviour of the furnace in stationary and dynamic conditions. It is defined a parameter, the surface of flame, related with the extension of the fire in the grate. By means of a liberalized model the dynamic answer of the incineration process is analysed.Then we go over to the definition of qualitative relationships between the variables that are used in the elaboration of a qualitative model. Next a new qualitative model is developed, taking as base the analytic dynamic model.Finally the development of the knowledge base of the expert system is approached, by means of the generation of rules.In the chapter 7, Control system of an incineration plant, the objectives of a control system of an incineration plant are analysed, their design and implementation. Are described the basic objectives of the combustion control system, their configuration and the implementation in MATLAB/ SIMULINK using the different tools that have been developed in the previous chapter.Lastly in order to show how the different methods developed in this thesis could be applied it is built an expert system to maintain constant the temperature of the furnace acting on the waste feeding.Finally in the chapter Conclusions, the conclusions and results of this thesis are presented.
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Desenvolupament d'un sistema expert com a eina per a una millor gestió de la qualitat de les aigües fluvialsLlorens i Ribes, Esther 18 June 2004 (has links)
Avui en dia no es pot negar el fet que els humans són un component més de les conques fluvials i que la seva activitat afecta enormement la qualitat de les aigües. A nivell europeu, l'elevada densitat de població situada en les conques fluvials ha comportat un increment de la mala qualitat de les seves aigües fluvials. En les darreres dècades l'increment de les càrregues de nutrients en els sistemes aquàtics ha esdevingut un problema prioritari a solucionar per les administracions competents en matèria d'aigua.La gestió dels ecosistemes fluvials no és una tasca fàcil. Els gestors es troben amb què són sistemes molt complexos, donada l'estreta relació existent entre els ecosistemes fluvials i els ecosistemes terrestres que drenen. Addicionalment a la complexitat d'aquests sistemes es troba la dificultat associada de la gestió o control de les entrades de substàncies contaminants tant de fonts puntuals com difoses. Per totes aquestes raons la gestió de la qualitat de les aigües fluvials esdevé una tasca complexa que requereix un enfocament multidisciplinar. Per tal d'assolir aquest enfocament diverses eines han estat utilitzades, des de models matemàtics fins a sistemes experts i sistemes de suport a la decisió. Però, la major part dels esforços han estat encarats cap a la resolució de problemes de reduïda complexitat, fent que molts dels problemes ambientals complexos, com ara la gestió dels ecosistemes fluvials, no hagin estat vertaderament tractats. Per tant, es requereix l'aplicació d'eines que siguin de gran ajuda en els processos de presa de decisions i que incorporin un ampli coneixement heurístic i empíric: sistemes experts i sistemes de suport a la decisió. L'òptima gestió de la qualitat de l'aigua fluvial requereix una aproximació integrada i multidisciplinar, que pot ésser aconseguida amb una eina intel·ligent construïda sobre els conceptes i mètodes del raonament humà. La present tesi descriu la metodologia desenvolupada i aplicada per a la creació i construcció d'un Sistema Expert, així com el procés de desenvolupament d'aquest Sistema Expert, com el principal mòdul de raonament d'un Sistema de Suport a la Decisió Ambiental. L'objectiu principal de la present tesi ha estat el desenvolupament d'una eina d'ajuda en el procés de presa de decisions dels gestors de l'aigua en la gestió de trams fluvials alterats antròpicament per tal de millorar la qualitat de la seva aigua fluvial. Alhora, es mostra el funcionament de l'eina desenvolupada a través de dos casos d'estudi.Els resultats derivats del Sistema Expert desenvolupat, implementat i presentat en la present tesi mostren que aquests sistemes poden ésser eines útils per a millorar la gestió dels ecosistemes fluvials. / Nowadays it is not possible to deny the fact that the human are one more component of river basins and that their activity affects enormously the water quality. To European level, the high density of population placed in the river basins has supposed an increase of the bad river water quality. In the last decades the increase of nutrient loads in the aquatic systems has turned into a priority problem to solve for the competent water agencies.The management of the fluvial ecosystems is not an easy task. They are complex systems due to the narrow relationship among fluvial and terrestrial ecosystems. Additional to the complexity of these systems, one finds the associate difficulty of the management or control of pollutant inputs (from point and/or non-point sources). For all these reasons the management of the river water quality is a complex task that requires a multidisciplinary approach.With the aim to reach this approach, different tools have been used, from mathematical models to expert systems and decision support systems. However, most of the efforts have been directed to the resolution of limited complexity problems, doing that many of the environmental complex problems, as river ecosystems management, have not been really treated. For this reason, there is needed the application of helping tools in the decision-making processes and that incorporate wide heuristic and empirical knowledge: expert systems and decision support systems. The ideal management of the river water quality requires an integrated and multidisciplinary approach, which can be reached by an intelligent tool based on the concepts and methods of the human reasoning.The present thesis describes the methodology developed and applied in the building of an Expert System, as well as the development process of this Expert System, as the main module of reasoning of an Environmental Decision Support System. The main objective of the present thesis has been the development of a tool to help water managers in the decision-making processes to improve water quality of altered reaches. In addition, the thesis shows the functioning of the developed tool by means two study cases.The results derived from the developed, implemented and presented Expert System show that these systems can be useful tools to improve the management of fluvial ecosystems.
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SINDBAD : un système expérimental d'aide à la spécification et à l'utilisation de bases de données déductives : concepts et techniques basés sur les types abstraits de données.Boudjlida, Nacer. January 1900 (has links)
Th. doct.-ing.--Informatique--Nancy--I.N.P.L., 1984.
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會計師特性與客戶投資效率關係之研究:來自中國上市公司的證據 / The Relation between Auditor Characteristics and Client Investment Efficiency:Evidence from China劉磊莉, Liu, Lei Li Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文的主要目的是檢測會計師是否會影響其客戶投資效率。本研究以2007至2016年間的中國上市公司為樣本,實證結果顯示:(1)事務所層級的產業專家對客戶投資效率有積極影響。(2)會計師個人、事務所皆為產業專家時相對於非產業專家可以提高其客戶的投資效率且其對客戶的投資效率的影響大於單一產業專家。(3)會計師個人、事務所皆為產業專家時,對於國有企業投資效率的影響小於非國有企業。綜上會計師在提高客戶的投資效率方面起著至關重要的作用。 / The objective of this thesis is to examine whether the auditors affect the investment efficiency of its client. Using a sample of Chinese listed firms during 2007~2016, I find that: (1) Audit-firm-level industry expert is positively associated with its clients’ investment efficiency. (2) Industry expert at both firm and partner levels has stronger effect on investment efficiency than industry expert, either at firm-level alone, or at partner level alone. (3) When auditors are industry expert at both firm and partner levels, the effect of industry expertise on investment efficiency is more pronounced for non-state-owned enterprises than state-owned enterprises. In sum, auditors play a critical role in enhancing firm’s investment efficient.
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Essais sur la certification des biens de confiance : une analyse théorique et empirique des marchés en asymétrie d'information / Essays on credence goods certification : a theorical and empirical analysis in market with asymetric informationBarry, Ibrahima 06 January 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse se situe en organisation industrielle appliquée à l’analyse des marchés des labels privés et des labels collectifs gérés au sein des coopératives. Dans un premier temps, nous analysons théoriquement, comment le pouvoir de négociation entre certificateurs de labels et firmes peut avoir un effet sur le niveau de qualité offert sur le marché. Nous montrons alors que la présence du pouvoir de négociation a pour effet de diminuer le niveau du standard de la certification privée. L’analyse montre également que la présence du pouvoir de négociation peut modifier l’efficacité des politiques de régulation environnementale telles que la taxe et la subvention. Dans unsecond temps, nous analysons empiriquement, comment que le paiement incitatif peut réduire le problème du passager clandestin et améliorer la réputation des labels collectifs gérés au sein des coopératives. Nous montrons donc que la rémunération en fonction de la qualité peut écarter l’option de frauder des membres d’une coopérative. Cette rémunération a un effet positif sur la performance de la coopérative. Ces deux grandes approches sont précédées d’un état de la littérature sur les labels certifiés par les certificateurs privés à but lucratif et sur les labels collectifs. / This thesis applies industrial organization to the analysis of private and collective label markets managed within cooperatives. First, we analyze theoretically how bargaining power between certifiers of labels and firms can have an effect on the level of quality offered on the market. We then show that the presence of bargaining power has the effect of lowering the standard of private certification. The analysis also shows that the presence of bargaining power can change the effectiveness of environmental regulation policies such as taxes and subsidies. Secondly, we analyze empirically how an incentive payment can reduce the free rider problem and improve the reputation of collective labels managed within cooperatives. We therefore show that quality-basedremuneration can exclude the option of defrauding members of a cooperative. Thisremuneration has a positive effect on the performance of the cooperative. These two major approaches are preceded by a review of the literature on labels certified privately for profit and collective labels.
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Essays in empirical financeFaria, Adriano Augusto de 16 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Adriano Faria (afaria@fgvmail.br) on 2017-12-13T19:49:29Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-03-16 / This thesis is a collection of essays in empirical finance mainly focused on term structure models. In the first three chapters, we developed methods to extract the yield curve from government and corporate bonds. We measure the performance of such methods in pricing, Value at Risk and forecasting exercises. In its turn, the last chapter brings a discussion about the effects of different metrics of the optimal portfolio on the estimation of a CCAPM model.In the first chapter, we propose a segmented model to deal with the seasonalities appearing in real yield curves. In different markets, the short end of the real yield curve is influenced by seasonalities of the price index that imply a lack of smoothness in this segment. Borrowing from the flexibility of spline models, a B-spline function is used to fit the short end of the yield curve, while the medium and the long end are captured by a parsimonious parametric four-factor exponential model. We illustrate the benefits of the proposed term structure model by estimating real yield curves in one of the biggest government index-linked bond markets in the world. Our model is simultaneously able to fit the yield curve and to provide unbiased Value at Risk estimates for different portfolios of bonds negotiated in this market.Chapter 2 introduces a novel framework for the estimation of corporate bond spreads based on mixture models. The modeling methodology allows us to enhance the informational content used to estimate the firm level term structure by clustering firms together using observable firm characteristics. Our model builds on the previous literature linking firm level characteristics to credit spreads. Specifically, we show that by clustering firms using their observable variables, instead of the traditional matrix pricing (cluster by rating/sector), it is possible to achieve gains of several orders of magnitude in terms of bond pricing. Empirically, we construct a large panel of firm level explanatory variables based on results from a handful of previous research and evaluate their performance in explaining credit spread differences. Relying on panel data regressions we identify the most significant factors driving the credit spreads to include in our term structure model. Using this selected sample, we show that our methodology significantly improves in sample fitting as well as produces reliable out of sample price estimations when compared to the traditional models.Chapter 3 brings the paper “Forecasting the Brazilian Term Structure Using Macroeconomic Factors”, published in Brazilian Review of Econometrics (BRE). This paper studies the forecasting of the Brazilian interest rate term structure using common factors from a wide database of macroeconomic series, from the period of January 2000 to May 2012. Firstly the model proposed by Moench (2008) is implemented, in which the dynamic of the short term interest rate is modeled using a Factor Augmented VAR and the term structure is derived using the restrictions implied by no-arbitrage. Similarly to the original study, this model resulted in better predictive performance when compared to the usual benchmarks, but presented deterioration of the results with increased maturity. To avoid this problem, we proposed that the dynamic of each rate be modeled in conjunction with the macroeconomic factors, thus eliminating the no-arbitrage restrictions. This attempt produced superior forecasting results. Finally, the macro factors were inserted in a parsimonious parametric three-factor exponential model.The last chapter presents the paper “Empirical Selection of Optimal Portfolios and its Influence in the Estimation of Kreps-Porteus Utility Function Parameters”, also published in BRE. This paper investigates the effects on the estimation of parameters related to the elasticity of intertemporal substitution and risk aversion, of the selection of different portfolios to represent the optimal aggregate wealth endogenously derived in equilibrium models with Kreps-Porteus recursive utility. We argue that the usual stock market wide index is not a good portfolio to represent optimal wealth of the representative agent, and we propose as an alternative the portfolio from the Investment Fund Industry. Especially for Brazil, where that industry invests most of its resources in fixed income, the aforementioned substitution of the optimal proxy portfolio caused a significant increase in the risk aversion coefficient and the elasticity of the intertemporal substitution in consumption.
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Cost-sensitive boosting : a unified approachNikolaou, Nikolaos January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis we provide a unifying framework for two decades of work in an area of Machine Learning known as cost-sensitive Boosting algorithms. This area is concerned with the fact that most real-world prediction problems are asymmetric, in the sense that different types of errors incur different costs. Adaptive Boosting (AdaBoost) is one of the most well-studied and utilised algorithms in the field of Machine Learning, with a rich theoretical depth as well as practical uptake across numerous industries. However, its inability to handle asymmetric tasks has been the subject of much criticism. As a result, numerous cost-sensitive modifications of the original algorithm have been proposed. Each of these has its own motivations, and its own claims to superiority. With a thorough analysis of the literature 1997-2016, we find 15 distinct cost-sensitive Boosting variants - discounting minor variations. We critique the literature using {\em four} powerful theoretical frameworks: Bayesian decision theory, the functional gradient descent view, margin theory, and probabilistic modelling. From each framework, we derive a set of properties which must be obeyed by boosting algorithms. We find that only 3 of the published Adaboost variants are consistent with the rules of all the frameworks - and even they require their outputs to be calibrated to achieve this. Experiments on 18 datasets, across 21 degrees of cost asymmetry, all support the hypothesis - showing that once calibrated, the three variants perform equivalently, outperforming all others. Our final recommendation - based on theoretical soundness, simplicity, flexibility and performance - is to use the original Adaboost algorithm albeit with a shifted decision threshold and calibrated probability estimates. The conclusion is that novel cost-sensitive boosting algorithms are unnecessary if proper calibration is applied to the original.
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Nomeação de peritos judiciais: problematização e proposições de aperfeiçoamentoGodoy Junior, Roberto 25 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Roberto Godoy Junior (betorules_00@yahoo.com) on 2018-07-20T21:43:51Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-06-25 / Esta dissertação investiga a nomeação de peritos judiciais no processo civil. Teve como intuito analisar impropriedades identificadas no modo pelo qual a relação jurídica entre o Estado-juiz e o particular toma forma no momento da eleição do auxiliar e se desenvolve ao longo da execução dos serviços técnicos. A observação profissional, aliada à pesquisa acadêmica, permitiu constatar que o tratamento legal e regulamentar de ato processual típico, que lhe é dispensado pelo Novo Código de Processo Civil e pelo Conselho Nacional de Justiça (CNJ), dá margem a profundos questionamentos quanto à sua adequação para a dinâmica de resolução de conflitos empresariais no cenário contemporâneo. Isso apesar de a perícia se tratar de espécie probatória, que figura há muito no ordenamento nacional, de produção corriqueira em milhares de ações todos os anos. As apuradas deficiências, diante do caráter de imperatividade que o ato ostenta, têm o potencial de disseminar improbidades no Poder Judiciário, considerando-se a magnitude de recursos financeiros e interesses econômicos envolvidos em um grande número de processos judiciais. Ademais, geram insegurança jurídica a todos os envolvidos — magistrado, peritos e partes — naquilo que se refere à relação comercial de prestação de serviços entabulada. Suscitam-se, assim, prejuízos ao exercício jurisdicional propriamente dito e desestímulo ao incremento de mercado de negócios promissor para a indústria de consultoria. Traçada a problematização, elegeu-se, a fim de realizar a avaliação crítica do tema, o viés do cotejamento das peculiaridades das nomeações, com os elementos de (i) ato processual complexo; (ii) obrigações legais; (iii) contratos civis e (iv) contratos administrativos, observando os sinais distintivos de cada uma dessas categorias e alcançando conclusão de que seria judicioso o repensar da qualificação do ato — realidade que, se aceita, demandaria novos balizamentos à atividade pericial. A partir daí desenvolveram-se proposições de lege lata como possíveis encaminhamentos a serem dados à matéria, pautados pelos princípios da administração pública, com vistas à reflexão jurídica sobre a hodierna interpretação da legislação e a adequação da regulamentação do CNJ: tudo com vistas ao aprimoramento do modelo vigente no ordenamento, inibindo, dessa forma, improbidades e proporcionando segurança jurídica negocial. / This dissertation investigates the appointment of court experts in civil proceedings. The purpose of this study was to analyze improprieties identified in the way in which the legal relationship between the Judge-State and the individual takes shape at the time of the election of the court expert and throughout the execution of their technical services. Professional observation, coupled with academic research, made it possible to ascertain that the legal and regulatory treatment of a typical procedural act as established by the New Civil Procedure Code and by the Conselho Nacional de Justiça (CNJ) evokes deep questions about its suitability for the dynamics of business conflict resolution in the contemporary context — an unexpected reality, given that the appointment of judicial experts is a type of evidence which has enduringly been contemplated in the national legal system, having been employed in thousands of lawsuits every year. In view of the imperative nature of the act, the identified deficiencies have the potential of spreading misconducts in the Judiciary, considering the magnitude of financial resources and economic interests involved in a large number of lawsuits. Furthermore, they create legal uncertainty for all actors involved: magistrates, court experts and parties, with reference to the business relationships of service provision encapsulated. This generates, thus, damages to the jurisdictional exercise as well as a discouragement to the development of a promising business market for the advisory industry. In order to critically evaluate the subject, a comparative assessment of the particularities of the appointment of court experts was carried out, with regard to the following elements: (i) complex legal proceedings; (ii) legal obligations; (iii) civil contracts; and (iv) administrative contracts, observing the distinctive signs of each of these categories, having reached the conclusion that it would be judicious to rethink the qualification of the appointment of court experts — a reality, which, if accepted, would require a new characterization of the court expert activity. Hence, lege lata propositions were developed as possible directives to be given to the subject, guided by the principles of Public Administration, aiming to encompass the legal reflection on the current interpretation of the legislation and the adequacy of the CNJ regulations: all with a view to improve the model in effect in the national legal system, thus inhibiting misconducts and allowing for contractual legal certainty.
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Sistema de apoio à decisão para elaboração de projetos de redes aéreas de distribuição de energia elétrica / Decision support system to design electric power distribution networks projectsAlmeida, Joselaine de, 1981- 10 January 2007 (has links)
Orientadores: Paulo Morelato França, Celso Cavelucci / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-23T09:06:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Almeida_Joselainede_M.pdf: 6148218 bytes, checksum: 1ef511889e4a35f380f54407917e0268 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: As concessionárias de energia elétrica devem projetar adequadamente as redes de distribuição, incluindo: definição da localização e capacidade dos transformadores; definição dos traçados de rede primária (15 kV) e de rede secundária (127/220V); e definição e instalação de elementos construtivos, tais como postes, estruturas primárias, estruturas secundárias, transformadores. Projetar estas redes é uma tarefa complexa e demorada que exige amplo conhecimento das normas técnicas e experiência por parte dos projetistas. Neste trabalho é proposto um Sistema de Apoio à Decisão (SAD) para projetos de redes aéreas de distribuição de energia elétrica, englobando as diversas etapas de especificação do projeto. Também é detalhado um sistema especialista para definição dos elementos construtivos (módulo de projeto de execução da rede). Os ganhos potenciais desta abordagem são avaliados em estudos de caso de diversos tipos de projetos. Os principais benefícios da utilização do SAD são: diminuição da dispersão das soluções de projeto; diminuição dos erros; soluções de menor custo e redução no tempo de elaboração dos projetos / Abstract: Electric power companies must design distribution networks, which is a task that includes: the determination of the capacity and position of distribution transformers; the routing of primary feeders (15 kV) and secondary distribution circuits (127/220V); and the selection and installation of constructive elements such as poles, primary structures, secondary structures, street transformers. The design of these networks is a complex and demanding task that requires a great knowledge about technical norms and experience from the network designers. This thesis presents a Decision Support System (DSS) to assist designers to elaborate the several steps of the distribution networks projects specification. An expert system that defines the constructive elements (Network Execution Project module) is also proposed. The advantages of this approach are evaluated through case studies based on different types of projects. The benefits of this DSS are the less variation of project solutions and the reduction of errors, solution costs and completion time / Mestrado / Automação / Mestra em Engenharia Elétrica
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Malades ou criminels ? Les lépreux devant le tribunal de la Purge de Montferrand à la fin du Moyen-Age / Patients or criminals ? The lepers in front of the court of the Purge of Montferrand at the end of the middle AgesPicot, Johan 26 June 2012 (has links)
Dès le XIe siècle, le royaume de France est témoin du retour d’un mal terrifiant : la lèpre. L’Auvergne n’est pas épargnée et souffre de la maladie dès le début du XIIe siècle au moins. L’endémie frappe alors les populations et contraint les autorités locales à réagir pour stopper la propagation du mal avec, notamment, l’installation de plusieurs léproseries. Au sein du diocèse de Clermont, ce sont les Montferrandais qui sont les plus organisés avec un tribunal fondé sur une procédure inquisitoire atypique et unique en France : « la Purge ». Les origines de cette juridiction sont obscures. L’historien n’en saisit l’existence et le fonctionnement qu’au début du XIVe siècle, quand elle est créée ou officialisée sous la forme d’un tribunal royal, utilisé ensuite jusqu’au XVIIe siècle. La Purge, détenue et présidée par les consuls de Montferrand, a pour but de convoquer, d’examiner, de juger puis d’écarter de la société saine les lépreux en Auvergne, mais aussi dans les pays voisins. La recherche porte sur l’histoire de la lèpre (premières mentions de la maladie en Auvergne, installation des léproseries, cartographie hospitalière), mais s’attache surtout au tribunal de la Purge. L’étude s’intéresse particulièrement à cet organe juridico-médical, à son origine, à son fonctionnement, à son ressort et aux difficultés rencontrées par la cour royale. Les origines sociales et géographiques des officiers composant l’institution comme leurs carrières sont également appréhendées au moyen de l’outil prosopographique. Le but de la recherche, enfin, est de déterminer quel est le statut du lépreux en Auvergne à la fin du Moyen Âge et au début de l’époque moderne. Les ladres sont-ils traités comme de simples malades ou comme des « criminels » tels que le suppose la masse documentaire de la Purge ? / From the 11th century, the kingdom of France witnesses the return of the terrifying evil : the leprosy. Auvergne is not spared and suffers from the disease from the beginning of the 12th century at least. The endemic disease strikes then the populations and forces the local authorities to react to stop the distribution of the evil with, in particular, the installation of several leper-houses. Within the diocese of Clermont, it is the city of Montferrand which is the most organized with a court based on a procedure atypical and unique in France name "the Purge". The origins of this jurisdiction are dark. The historian seizes the existence with it and the functioning only at the beginning of the 14th century, when it is created or officialized under the shape of a royal court, used then until 17th century. The Purge, held and chaired by the consuls of Montferrand, aims at summoning, at examining, at judging then at pushing aside from the healthy society the lepers in Auvergne, but also in the nearby countries. The research concerns the history of the leprosy (first mentions of the disease in Auvergne, installation of leper-houses, hospitable mapping), but becomes attached especially to the court of the Purge. The study is particularly interested in this juridical-medical organ, in its origin, in its functioning, in its competence and in the difficulties met by the royal court. The social and geographical origins of the officers composing the institution as their careers are also studied by means of the prosopographique tool. The purpose of the search, finally, is to determine what is the status of the leper in Auvergne at the end of the middle Ages and at the beginning of modern time. Are the lepers treated as simple patients or as "criminals" such as supposes it the documentation of the Purge?
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