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Effects of Family Involvement: Early Childhood Cognitive Outcomes Using Longitudinal Growth Curve ModelsSproul, Faith M. January 2012 (has links)
Early childhood education and family involvement have been shown to provide a positive impact on students' academic achievement regardless of socioeconomic circumstances and background. They have been regarded as two of the most important protective factors in maximizing outcomes for children at risk, especially those from low-income backgrounds. The overall objective of this study was to examine how family involvement changes over time, whether it predicted cognitive outcomes for preschool populations, and potential variables that mediate the relationship between family involvement and outcomes. Data from the Head Start Impact Study conducted through the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) were used to answer the research questions. Exploratory and Confirmatory analysis revealed three dimensions of home involvement based on survey items: involvement related to literacy, numeracy, and family resources. Growth curve models suggested increased levels of involvement as children progressed from preschool to first grade. Higher levels of involvement for Literacy for observed for children in Head Start during the first data collection follow-up. The types of involvement were significantly related to cognitive scores as measured by the PPVT-III and WJ-III Achievement. Parenting styles acted as a mediator between involvement and cognitive outcomes. Implications for policy and practice related to transition services are discussed. / School Psychology
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Ung och söt : en litteraturstudie som beskriver faktorer inom omvårdnad som har betydelse för compliance hos ungdomar med diabetes typ 1Adhan, Sophia, Ahlinder, Susanne January 2010 (has links)
Bakgrund:Att vara ung och få en kronisk sjukdom innebär för de flesta en omvälvande förändring i livet som kan påverka hela familjen. Diabetes typ 1 kräver mycket av en ung person och dennes familj, t.ex. att följa ett regelbundet schema för insulinintag, blodsockermätning, att hålla en särskild diet och föra regelbunden dagbok över blodsockervärdena, regelbunden fysisk aktivitet och att hantera lågt eller högt blodsocker. Compliance beskriver hur patientent vid en viss sjukdom följer råd och ordinationer. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva faktorer som har betydelse för compliance hos ungdomar med diabetes typ 1. Metod: Studien var baserad på 11 vetenskapliga artiklar med både kvantitativ och kvalitativ ansats. Resultat: Studien betonade vikten av att sjuksköterskan, den diabetesutbildade sjuksköterskan och föräldrarna i hanteringen av diabetesvård riktar adekvat information till ungdomarna. Ungdomar som har en kronisk sjukdom uppnådde god compliance när de hade energi, viljestyrka, kände motivation samt tog eget ansvar för sin behandling. Störst påverkan på compliance hos dessa ungdomar är när familj och vänner kan medverka, därefter kommer sjukvårdens roll och på tredje plats kommer egenvården. Slutsats: Sjukdomen skapar påfrestningar på familjen och det är viktigt med stöd till den unge från familj- anhöriga och vänner, sjuksköterskan och läkaren. Ungdomar med diabetes typ 1 måste i sitt dagliga liv se till att hålla en jämn och stabil blodsockernivå för att uppnå ett gott behandlingsresultat. Motion förbättrar känsligheten för insulin, ökar förbränningen av glukos, minskar hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar och förebygger fetma / Background: To be young and have a chronic disease involving the most revolutionary change in life that can affect the whole family. Type 1 diabetes requires a lot from adolescents and their families, such as to follow a regular schedule for insulin intake, blood glucose monitors, to keep a special diet and keep a regular diary of blood glucose control, regular physical activity and to deal with high or low blood sugar. Compliance describes how patients with specific disease follow advice and prescriptions. Aim: The aim of this literature study was to describe the factors that are important for compliance in adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Method: The study was based on 11 scientific articles in both quantitative and qualitative approach. Results: The study emphasized the importance of the nurse, the diabetic trained nurse, and that parents should in the management of diabetes care provide adequate information to adolescents. Adolescents who have a chronic disease achieved good compliance when they had the energy, willpower, motivation and felt responsibility. The factor that has the greatest impact on compliance in adolescents with type 1 diabetes is when family and friends can participate, then the medical establishments and in the third place comes self-care. Conclusion: The disease creates pressures on family and it’s important for the adolescence to have support from families, relatives and friends, nurses and doctors. Adolescents with type1 diabetes must in their daily lives try to keep a steady and stable blood sugar level in order to achieve good treatment outcomes. Exercises improve insulin sensitivity, increase the burning of glucose, reduce cardiovascular disease and prevent obesity.
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O acompanhamento em um serviço de saúde auditiva: indicadores de habilidades auditivas e de linguagem em crianças menores de três anosRibeiro, Bruna Marcondes 22 February 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T18:12:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Bruna Marcondes Ribeiro.pdf: 1362174 bytes, checksum: 31d6768f16d84a2ca0bb4967ed8c271e (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2008-02-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Introduction: The importance of early diagnosis and amplification is directly related to immediate
intervention. Indicators of language and auditory development of hearing impaired children are
the basis for the follow up and referral procedures involved in the regular visits to the High
complexity service responsible for the child. Goal: To describe and discuss indicators of
language and auditory development in children younger than three years old, through a
longitudinal study in a high complexity service within the Hearing Health System. Specifically, it
aims at analyze different aspects of language and auditory development with the inclusion of
additional instruments, such as, therapy data and parental involvement rating, and the
implications for clinical decisions within the follow up visit, as stated in the Portaria MS/SAS Nº
587, October 07, 2004. Method: Descriptive, longitudinal study of three cases of hearing
impaired children diagnosed early as well as their parents, all enrolled in early intervention
program. IT MAIS, MUSS and MacAthur (CDI), Interview guide for parents, Family involvement
rating scale, clinical records, research diary were used in data collection. Results: Using the CDI
we observed that, in terms of vocabulary, children understand more than they produce, and
demonstrated vocabulary increments in the longitudinal perspective, even though below
parameters established for their ages. In two of the subjects IT MAIS rapidly reached maximum
scores, demonstrating that it is not effective for moderate hearing losses. Data obtained through
the family involvement rating scale and the interview guide enabled the observation f significant
differences among the families. The research diary also offered unique information about the
development of each child. Conclusions: The IT MAIS scale was not sensitive for the subjects
with moderate loss. MUSS brought limited information about oral language skills, which were
limited to the initial stages. It was suggested that additional instruments are necessary. CDI was
sensible to intra-subject vocabulary growth; however its length was very annoying to the
parents. The instruments related to parental involvement allowed for rating of family
participation and expectations towards their children. It was suggested that, during the follow up
visit to the High complexity service, a written protocol, filled out by the therapist should be
included. Information including general development and behavior as well as family involvement
can add important information that will contribute to the case management in the follow up visit
within the Hearing Health System / Introdução: A importância do diagnóstico precoce e amplificação imediata relaciona-se
diretamente a possibilidade de intervenção terapêutica fonoaudiológica. Indicadores do
desenvolvimento da linguagem oral e das habilidades auditivas de crianças deficientes
auditivas são fundamentais, pois compõem e subsidiam o acompanhamento desses pacientes
realizado em Serviços de Alta Complexidade, oferecendo elementos para ajustes no
tratamento e encaminhamentos necessários. Objetivo: Descrever e discutir indicadores de
desenvolvimento das habilidades auditivas e de linguagem oral em crianças menores de três
anos, por meio de estudo longitudinal realizado em um Serviço de Saúde Auditiva de Alta
Complexidade; especificamente, analisar os resultados obtidos na aplicação de instrumentos
que avaliam diferentes aspectos do desenvolvimento de audição e linguagem, visando discutir
como a inclusão de registros de terapia e apreciações quanto ao envolvimento familiar, podem
subsidiar o acompanhamento previsto pela Portaria MS/SAS Nº 587, de 07 de outubro de 2004.
Metodologia: Pesquisa descritiva, composta por três casos de crianças deficientes auditivas,
diagnosticadas precocemente e seus pais. Todos estavam em terapia fonoaudiológica.
Instrumentos utilizados: MUSS, IT MAIS, MacArthur (CDI); Roteiro de entrevista para pais;
Escala de avaliação de envolvimento familiar, prontuário dos sujeitos e diário de pesquisa.
Resultados: No CDI, observamos que as crianças compreendem mais do que produzem,
demonstrando aumento de vocabulário ao longo do tempo, embora aquém dos parâmetros do
instrumento. Em dois sujeitos, a IT MAIS rapidamente atingiu sua pontuação máxima,
indicando que, para crianças com perda auditiva moderada, o instrumento tem efeito teto,
deixando portanto de ser efetivo. A partir da aplicação da Escala de avaliação de envolvimento
familiar e do Roteiro de entrevista para pais, puderam ser observadas diferenças entre as
famílias. O diário de pesquisa ofereceu informações singulares a respeito do desenvolvimento
de cada sujeito. Conclusão: A escala IT MAIS foi pouco sensível nos sujeitos com perda
moderada. O MUSS teve abrangência limitada de habilidades de linguagem oral, restringindo-
se às etapas iniciais; tornando necessário instrumentos complementares. O CDI foi sensível ao
crescimento do vocabulário intra-sujeito, entretanto sua extensão causou incomodo aos pais.
Os instrumentos de avaliação do envolvimento familiar permitiram situar a família quanto a sua
participação no processo terapêutico e sobre expectativas dos pais quanto a seus filhos. A
partir dos resultados sugere-se que: no acompanhamento realizado no Serviço de Alta
Complexidade, seja incluído um roteiro preenchido pelas terapeutas das crianças deficientes
auditivas com informações sobre o desenvolvimento desses pacientes em todos os seus
aspectos, além do envolvimento da família, objetivando agregar subsídios para o fonoaudiólogo
responsável pelo acompanhamento no contexto da Rede de Saúde Auditiva
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Parent Involvement in Children's Schooling: An Investigation of Measurement Equivalence across Ethnic GroupsScott, Heather Marie 01 January 2011 (has links)
Epstein et al.'s Theory of Overlapping Spheres of Influence focuses on the interaction and communication, or partnerships, among families, schools, and the community to bring the three closer together. The theory works in conjunction with Epstein's typology of parental involvement, which focuses on six types of involvement that are instrumental to a child's development and his/her school and educational success. These serve as the framework for the study and support the construct of parent's involvement in children's schooling.
The purpose of the current study was to conduct further validation analyses of an inventory designed to measure the construct of parent involvement in their children's schooling through the investigation of measurement invariance to determine if the measurement properties of the inventory varied by race/ethnicity. The study compared the responses of 126 Hispanic parents/guardians with 116 White/non-Hispanic parents/guardians to investigate if these two groups were interpreting the items on the inventory in the same manner. The inventory was administered to a sample of parents/guardians of children in grades 3 through 5 in a local school district.
Findings indicated that the measurement model was misspecified for the White/non-Hispanic group and the Hispanic group and further measurement invariance testing was not conducted. Exploratory factor analyses were conducted in order to investigate which models would best fit the data for both groups. Feedback also was obtained from parents/guardians about the clarity of the inventory, which revealed their confusion with the response scale and the wording of particular items. In addition, they supplied issues or aspects of parent involvement that they found important but missing from the inventory. Results from the psychometric analyses and qualitative feedback indicated that the inventory requires modification and further psychometric investigation. In addition, caution should be exercised for anyone who may be considering utilizing the inventory. Results of the study were interpreted in terms of contributions to the parent involvement literature, as well as recommendations for the improvement of the inventory.
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Efeito-escola, participação familiar e tutoria educacional na aprendizagem de alunos: um estudo de caso / Effect-school, family involvement and educational mentoring on students learning: a case studyAlves, Telma Aparecida Luciano 13 June 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-26T18:49:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertacao.pdf: 1392246 bytes, checksum: 41d615b85879f64a0d95de1db3a6d9bd (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011-06-13 / According to the Educational Report about the Educational Achievement Evaluation System of São Paulo (SARESP) 2007, a total of 23.8% of students in State Schools finished the fourth grade of elementary school by presenting a level below basic on the writing test. Understanding the essay in order to develop the text on the requested subject within the indicated genus, demonstrating mastery in the use of cohesive features, writing the text according to standard grammar are examples of some difficulties presented by the student at writing in his/her first language. Considering these data and with students essays for analysis, the overall goal of this research was to investigate the relationship among three aspects which might affect the process of individual writing competence formation: the effect-school, family participation and educational tutoring. The specific objectives were to observe the effect that the school has on students over a school term regarding to text production, to establish relations between the writing competence and family participation, to provide an intensive follow-up action with the group researched and analyze the results. This study was conducted with a group of eighteen students from the 6th / 7th grades of elementary education at a state school in the city of Assis / SP, throughout 2009 and 2010. We worked with a focus on qualitative research using case study as research category. The research involved the following procedures: analysis of the students writing according to SARESP correction criteria; questionnaires for students and parents, interviews with students and educational coordinator; observation of school records, educational tutoring activity; data analysis and interpretation. The main results indicated that, when comparing the performance shown by students in their texts in early 2009 and early 2010, there was a trend to maintain the performance, although it was reported that four students scored advances; they have also shown that parents participate in their children s school life through attendance at parent-teacher meetings, through the talking with teachers and dialogues at home about the studies, and that, although in practice, such participation is strongly affected and limited by the family cultural, economic and social capital, there is a positive relationship between parental involvement and their children s academic performance. The results have also shown the beneficial effect of the educational process of tutoring over the students academic achievement. Thus, it was concluded that the students performance is not only the result of the school effect, but the result of a combination of factors, among which the parents participation, highlighting that a tutoring program can minimize the impact of the absence of family school support. / De acordo com o Relatório Pedagógico do Sistema de Avaliação do Rendimento Escolar do Estado de São Paulo (SARESP) 2007, um total de 23,8% dos estudantes da Rede Estadual de Ensino terminou a quarta série do ciclo I do ensino fundamental apresentando um nível abaixo do básico na prova de redação. Compreender a proposta de redação de modo a desenvolver o texto sobre o tema solicitado dentro do gênero indicado, demonstrar domínio na utilização dos recursos coesivos, registrar o texto de acordo com a norma gramatical são exemplos de algumas das dificuldades apresentadas pelo aluno ao escrever em sua língua materna. Considerando esses dados e tendo redações de alunos como material de análise, o objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi o de investigar como o efeito-escola, a participação familiar e a tutoria educacional afetaram o processo de construção da competência escritora dos estudantes. Os objetivos específicos foram: observar o efeito que a escola exerceu sobre os alunos ao longo de um período letivo no que se refere à produção textual; estabelecer relações entre a competência escritora dos educandos e a participação de sua família em seus estudos; proporcionar uma ação de acompanhamento intensivo com o grupo pesquisado e analisar os resultados. Este estudo foi realizado com um grupo de dezoito alunos dos 6º/7º anos do ensino fundamental de uma escola estadual localizada no município de Assis/SP, ao longo de 2009 e 2010. Trabalhou-se sob o enfoque da pesquisa qualitativa, utilizando o estudo de caso como categoria de pesquisa. A investigação envolveu os seguintes procedimentos: análise de textos dos educandos de acordo com critérios de correção do SARESP; aplicação de questionários com alunos e pais; realização de entrevistas com estudantes e coordenadora pedagógica; observação de registros da escola; atividade de tutoria educacional; análise e interpretação dos dados. Os principais resultados da pesquisa indicaram que, na comparação entre o desempenho apresentado pelos educandos em suas redações no início de 2009 e no início de 2010, houve uma tendência à manutenção do rendimento, embora tenha se verificado que quatro alunos obtiveram avanços; demonstraram também que os pais participam da vida escolar dos filhos por meio da frequência à Reunião de Pais e Mestres, da conversa com os professores e do diálogo em casa sobre os estudos e que, ainda que na prática essa participação seja fortemente afetada e limitada pelo capital social, econômico e cultural da família, existe uma relação positiva entre o envolvimento dos pais e o desempenho acadêmico dos filhos; apontaram ainda para o efeito benéfico do processo de tutoria educacional sobre o rendimento dos estudantes. Assim, concluiu-se que o aproveitamento dos educandos não é fruto apenas do efeito da escola, mas resultado de uma conjunção de fatores, dos quais se destaca a participação dos pais e/ou responsáveis, ressaltando que um programa de tutoria pode minimizar o impacto da ausência de acompanhamento escolar por parte da família.
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Efeito-escola, participação familiar e tutoria educacional na aprendizagem de alunos: um estudo de caso / Effect-school, family involvement and educational mentoring on students learning: a case studyAlves, Telma Aparecida Luciano 13 June 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-18T17:54:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertacao.pdf: 1392246 bytes, checksum: 41d615b85879f64a0d95de1db3a6d9bd (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011-06-13 / According to the Educational Report about the Educational Achievement Evaluation System of São Paulo (SARESP) 2007, a total of 23.8% of students in State Schools finished the fourth grade of elementary school by presenting a level below basic on the writing test. Understanding the essay in order to develop the text on the requested subject within the indicated genus, demonstrating mastery in the use of cohesive features, writing the text according to standard grammar are examples of some difficulties presented by the student at writing in his/her first language. Considering these data and with students essays for analysis, the overall goal of this research was to investigate the relationship among three aspects which might affect the process of individual writing competence formation: the effect-school, family participation and educational tutoring. The specific objectives were to observe the effect that the school has on students over a school term regarding to text production, to establish relations between the writing competence and family participation, to provide an intensive follow-up action with the group researched and analyze the results. This study was conducted with a group of eighteen students from the 6th / 7th grades of elementary education at a state school in the city of Assis / SP, throughout 2009 and 2010. We worked with a focus on qualitative research using case study as research category. The research involved the following procedures: analysis of the students writing according to SARESP correction criteria; questionnaires for students and parents, interviews with students and educational coordinator; observation of school records, educational tutoring activity; data analysis and interpretation. The main results indicated that, when comparing the performance shown by students in their texts in early 2009 and early 2010, there was a trend to maintain the performance, although it was reported that four students scored advances; they have also shown that parents participate in their children s school life through attendance at parent-teacher meetings, through the talking with teachers and dialogues at home about the studies, and that, although in practice, such participation is strongly affected and limited by the family cultural, economic and social capital, there is a positive relationship between parental involvement and their children s academic performance. The results have also shown the beneficial effect of the educational process of tutoring over the students academic achievement. Thus, it was concluded that the students performance is not only the result of the school effect, but the result of a combination of factors, among which the parents participation, highlighting that a tutoring program can minimize the impact of the absence of family school support. / De acordo com o Relatório Pedagógico do Sistema de Avaliação do Rendimento Escolar do Estado de São Paulo (SARESP) 2007, um total de 23,8% dos estudantes da Rede Estadual de Ensino terminou a quarta série do ciclo I do ensino fundamental apresentando um nível abaixo do básico na prova de redação. Compreender a proposta de redação de modo a desenvolver o texto sobre o tema solicitado dentro do gênero indicado, demonstrar domínio na utilização dos recursos coesivos, registrar o texto de acordo com a norma gramatical são exemplos de algumas das dificuldades apresentadas pelo aluno ao escrever em sua língua materna. Considerando esses dados e tendo redações de alunos como material de análise, o objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi o de investigar como o efeito-escola, a participação familiar e a tutoria educacional afetaram o processo de construção da competência escritora dos estudantes. Os objetivos específicos foram: observar o efeito que a escola exerceu sobre os alunos ao longo de um período letivo no que se refere à produção textual; estabelecer relações entre a competência escritora dos educandos e a participação de sua família em seus estudos; proporcionar uma ação de acompanhamento intensivo com o grupo pesquisado e analisar os resultados. Este estudo foi realizado com um grupo de dezoito alunos dos 6º/7º anos do ensino fundamental de uma escola estadual localizada no município de Assis/SP, ao longo de 2009 e 2010. Trabalhou-se sob o enfoque da pesquisa qualitativa, utilizando o estudo de caso como categoria de pesquisa. A investigação envolveu os seguintes procedimentos: análise de textos dos educandos de acordo com critérios de correção do SARESP; aplicação de questionários com alunos e pais; realização de entrevistas com estudantes e coordenadora pedagógica; observação de registros da escola; atividade de tutoria educacional; análise e interpretação dos dados. Os principais resultados da pesquisa indicaram que, na comparação entre o desempenho apresentado pelos educandos em suas redações no início de 2009 e no início de 2010, houve uma tendência à manutenção do rendimento, embora tenha se verificado que quatro alunos obtiveram avanços; demonstraram também que os pais participam da vida escolar dos filhos por meio da frequência à Reunião de Pais e Mestres, da conversa com os professores e do diálogo em casa sobre os estudos e que, ainda que na prática essa participação seja fortemente afetada e limitada pelo capital social, econômico e cultural da família, existe uma relação positiva entre o envolvimento dos pais e o desempenho acadêmico dos filhos; apontaram ainda para o efeito benéfico do processo de tutoria educacional sobre o rendimento dos estudantes. Assim, concluiu-se que o aproveitamento dos educandos não é fruto apenas do efeito da escola, mas resultado de uma conjunção de fatores, dos quais se destaca a participação dos pais e/ou responsáveis, ressaltando que um programa de tutoria pode minimizar o impacto da ausência de acompanhamento escolar por parte da família.
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Nurses’ perceptions of family involvement in delirium assessment, prevention and management in postoperative cardiac surgery patientsAzimzadeh, Dina 11 1900 (has links)
Introduction: Le délirium est fréquent chez les adultes qui récupèrent d’une chirurgie cardiaque à l'unité de soins intensifs (USI), et les familles sont de plus en plus sollicitées à participer aux soins entourant cette complication. Cette étude avait pour but de décrire la perception qu'ont les infirmières et les infirmiers de la participation des familles dans les soins entourant l’évaluation, la prévention et la gestion du délirium en période postopératoire de chirurgie cardiaque à l’USI.
Méthode: Un échantillon de convenance composé de 6 infirmières et infirmiers (âge moyen 38 ans) a été recruté dans deux USI de Montréal. Après avoir obtenu leur consentement éclairé par écrit, les participantes et participants ont pris part à une entrevue individuelle semi-structurée. Les analyses descriptives ont été réalisées selon la méthode de Braun et Clarke (2006).
Résultats: Cinq thèmes ont été identifiés : 1) les familles peuvent être impliquées dans les soins entourant le délirium quand les patients ont atteint une certaine stabilité, 2) la participation des familles peut être facilitée par l’entremise du transfert d'informations, 3) la contribution des familles est utile pour la détection du délirium, 4) les familles peuvent prendre des mesures concrètes lorsque le délirium survient, et 5) la participation des familles est influencée par certaines caractéristiques.
Conclusions: Cette étude suggère que les infirmières et les infirmiers perçoivent assez favorablement la participation de la famille dans les soins entourant le délirium en période postopératoire de chirurgie cardiaque à l’USI, selon le niveau de préparation et les caractéristiques de celle-ci.
Mots clés: Chirurgie cardiaque, délirium, perception des infirmières, participation de la famille, unité de soins intensifs. / Introduction: Delirium is common in adults recovering from cardiac surgery in the intensive care unit (ICU), and families are increasingly solicited to participate in the care surrounding this complication. The aim of this study was to describe nurses' perceptions of family involvement in care surrounding the assessment, prevention and management of delirium in the postoperative period of cardiac surgery in the ICU.
Methods: A convenience sample of 6 nurses (mean age 38 years) was recruited from two Montreal ICUs. After obtaining written informed consent, participants took part in a semi-structured individual interview. Descriptive analyses were performed using the method of Braun and Clarke (2006).
Results: The analysis revealed five themes directly related to nurses' perceptions of family involvement in care of the patient in delirium, namely: 1) families can be involved in delirium care once patients have achieved hemodynamic stability and neurocognitive orientation, 2) family involvement can be facilitated through information transfer, 3) family input is helpful for delirium detection, 4) families can take concrete action when delirium occurs, and 5) family involvement is influenced by certain characteristics.
Conclusions: This study suggests that nurses perceive family involvement in delirium care quite favorably in the postoperative period of cardiac surgery in the ICU, depending on the level of preparation and characteristics of the family.
Keywords: Cardiac surgery, delirium, nurse’s perception, family involvement, Intensive Care Unit
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Political and social factors related to secondary school pupils' attitude towards schoolMashile, Elias Oupa, 1963- 04 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this investigation was to determine sociopoli
tical factors related to students' attitude towards school.
A questionnaire was compiled based on the literature study and
was completed by 306 students doing standards eight, nine and ten
at a secondary school in Benoni.
Five socio-political factors were identified, namely: school
experience, extrinsic motivation, pedagogical deprivation,
political socialisation and school administration.
The empirical study revealed:
* A positive attitude towards school by the research group.
* Significant correlations between attitude towards school
and the five independent variables.
* No significant difference in attitude towards
school of: boys and girls, standard eight, nine and ten
students and students staying with parents or with
* The maximum variance in attitude towards school
explained by a combination of variables is 43.2%.
Recommendations are made for the enrichment of the family and
school environments and areas of possible future research
postulated. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)
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The relationship between literacy levels and parental involvement in secondary schools in Libode District, Eastern CapeBhekimpilo, Sibanda 11 1900 (has links)
In this research, I endeavoured to ascertain how the literacy levels of parents relate to parental involvement in the education of their children in Libode district in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa.
The methodology was qualitative and it included focus group and individual interviews. Specifically, there were four focus groups where each comprised of four parents. A total of thirteen individual interviews were conducted with eight learners and four Heads of Departments (HoD). The results indicated that the literacy level of parents can have a negative or positive impact in their children’s education. Recommendations were made and directions were given regarding the implementation of the programmes that would improve parents’ literacy and result in effective parental involvement, ensuring an improved learner performance.
According literature, parental participation plays a role in the performance of children at school. Research shows that effective parental involvement programmes use personal contact, cultural sensitivity, accommodation and communication to reach parents and learners. The study revealed that parents with a higher level of literacy tend to participate in the school activities and support their children more than those parents with a low literacy level. The programmes that were put in place by the schools and other stakeholders improved the literacy levels of most parents that took part and enabled them to assist their children with homework. Parents’ level of literacy, according to the study,has an impact in the manner in which they get involved in their children’s education. Parents with low literacy levels seem to be willing to be involved in the education of their children but find it very difficult to do so. Parents with low literacy levels find it difficult to assist their children at home as they rely on siblings and neighbours for assistance. According to the study, parents only visit the school when they are invited. However, parents and schools seem to have a good relationship showing positive attitude towards their children’s education.Parents of low literacy levels attach a value to the education of their children even though they cannot assist them with homework. Recommendations were made and guidelines were given regarding the implementation of programmes that would improve the literacy in parents and result in effective parental involvement. Effective parental involvement would ensure an improved learner performance.
Volunteer teachers should be used to assist schools in helping parents improve their literacy levels. Reluctant parents should be identified and provided with guidance and direction as to how they can be involved to assist their children. Teachers, through the schools, must make special efforts to keep regular contact with parents. Schools should be familiar with the learners’ backgrounds in order to respond effectively to any particular needs in assisting the learners and parents where necessary. Working parents should be accommodated in the school by holding school meetings during the weekends so that they can be in a better position to attend these meetings. Schools should ensure the maximization of parents’ participation in school activities. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)
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Political and social factors related to secondary school pupils' attitude towards schoolMashile, Elias Oupa, 1963- 04 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this investigation was to determine sociopoli
tical factors related to students' attitude towards school.
A questionnaire was compiled based on the literature study and
was completed by 306 students doing standards eight, nine and ten
at a secondary school in Benoni.
Five socio-political factors were identified, namely: school
experience, extrinsic motivation, pedagogical deprivation,
political socialisation and school administration.
The empirical study revealed:
* A positive attitude towards school by the research group.
* Significant correlations between attitude towards school
and the five independent variables.
* No significant difference in attitude towards
school of: boys and girls, standard eight, nine and ten
students and students staying with parents or with
* The maximum variance in attitude towards school
explained by a combination of variables is 43.2%.
Recommendations are made for the enrichment of the family and
school environments and areas of possible future research
postulated. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)
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