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Approche du trauma psychique à l’hôpital pédiatrique : effroi, sidération, élaboration du trauma / Approach of the psychic trauma at the Pediatric Hospital : fright, sideration, trauma elaborationRebière, Denis 15 March 2014 (has links)
Le traumatisme est historiquement une notion centrale dans le champ de la médecine chirurgicale. Avec les revendications des associations de victimes, il est devenu un syndrome psychiatrique. La psychanalyse va s’efforcer tout au long du siècle dernier d’en décrire son fonctionnement. Elle met à l’ordre du jour la responsabilité de chaque sujet traumatisé dans ce qui lui arrive. L’événement vient réactiver un processus psychopathologique dont l’existence serait antérieure à l’accident traumatique. Mais le problème général du traumatisme psychique et de son interprétation reste encore une réalité de nos jours.Cette recherche clinique, effectuée auprès d’enfants et adolescents malades (services pédiatriques) ou blessés (services de chirurgie pédiatrique), généralise la psychopathologie du traumatisme dans le domaine des affections somatiques pédiatriques. Elle établit une différence entre une clinique de l’effroi et une clinique de l’angoisse. L’effroi associé à un mécanisme de sidération se rencontre plutôt dans le domaine des blessures corporelles, l’angoisse articulée au refoulement est plutôt mise en jeu après l’annonce d’une maladie grave, type cancer. / The traumatism is historically a central notion in the field of the surgical medicine. With the claimss of victims' associations, it becomes a psychiatric syndrome. The psychoanalysis will endeavour throughout the last century to describe its functioning. It puts at the day order the responsibility of each traumatized subject in what happens to him. The event comes to reactivate a psychopathological process whose existence would be previous to the traumatic accident. But the general problem of the psychic traumatisme and of its interpretation (performance) still remains a reality nowadays. This clinical research, conducted among children and adolescents sick ( pediatric services) or wounded (pediatric surgery services), generalizes the psychopathology of the traumatism in the domain of pediatric somatic affections. It establishes a difference between a clinic of the dread and a clinic of anguish. The dread (or terror) associated with a mechanisme of sideration, rather occurs in the domain of corporal wounds, the anguish articulated with the repression is rather concerned after the annoncment of a serious disease, such as cancer
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Influencia de la música en la reducción del miedo en pacientes de 6 a 10 años durante su primera cita odontológica en el Centro Universitario de Salud UPC / Influence of music on the reduction of fear in patients from 6 to 10 years old during their first dental appointment at the university health center UPCKatya Vanesa, Pabón López 01 March 2019 (has links)
Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la influencia de la música en la reducción del miedo en pacientes de 6 a 10 años durante su primera cita odontológica en el Centro universitario de salud de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC).
Materiales y métodos: El presente estudio es de tipo ensayo clínico aleatorizado y ciego simple. La muestra se constituyó por 24 pacientes pediátricos, entre 6 y 10 años que sea su primera atención dental y visita al Centro universitario de salud UPC. El número de participantes se determinó mediante el programa estadístico OpenEpi versión 3, utilizando la fórmula de comparación de medias, para lo cual se tomaron los datos de medias y desviación estándar de una investigación previa. Se utilizó la Escala de evaluación del miedo dental en niños (CFSS-DF) antes y después de la atención de cada paciente. Se dividió la muestra en 2 grupos, un grupo con intervención música y el otro fue un grupo control. Ambos fueron evaluados en una sola cita.
Resultados: Se encontró diferencia significativa en la reducción del miedo, según la escala utilizada, entre el grupo experimental y el grupo control.
Conclusión: La música utilizada tiene influencia en la reducción del miedo y contribuye a mejorar el manejo de conducta del paciente durante la cita odontológica. / Tesis
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Avaliação comportamental de ratos submetidos à anóxia neonatal / Behavioral assessment of rats subjected to neonatal anoxiaIto, Paula Hiromi 10 June 2010 (has links)
A anóxia neonatal é uma das causas mais importantes de lesão encefálica em neonatos. Várias espécies de mamíferos têm contribuído no estudo dos mecanismos patogênicos envolvidos no prejuízo da anóxia/hipóxia, em particular roedores tem sido utilizado com sucesso como modelo da anóxia em humanos. Fatores como a maturidade do encéfalo no momento da deficiência de oxigênio, a duração da asfixia, vulnerabilidade regional e celular específica, apresentam grande influência no surgimento de problemas neurológicos, déficit sensoriomotor, prejuízo no aprendizado e memória. Alterações em processos atentivos e ansiedade também podem afetar as funções cognitivas. Em roedores, tem-se observado marcada hiperatividade na idade infantil, acompanhada por significativa hipoatividade na idade adulta. Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar as possíveis alterações comportamentais, tais como memória de referência espacial, memória operacional, alterações sensoriais, ansiedade e aquisição do medo condicionado ao som e ao contexto, em ratos, submetidos à anóxia neonatal. Foram utilizados 25 ratos albinos (Rattus norvegicus, linhagem Wistar) machos, neonatos, divididos em dois grupos experimentais: Anóxia (n = 13) e Controle (n = 12). Nos testes envolvendo a memória de referência espacial e memória operacional, o grupo experimental evidenciou que a anóxia neonatal causa prejuízo na capacidade de aprendizagem e navegação espacial no labirinto aquático de Morris, porém verificou-se que ambos os grupos conseguiram valer-se das suas experiências prévias para melhorarem seu desempenho na medida em que passavam pelos diferentes testes (memória de referência espacial, memória operacional com intervalo entre as tentativas de 10, 30 e 0) demonstrados por meio da diminuição na latência e no comprimento do trajeto, sendo esta melhora no desempenho inferior nos animais anóxia. Os animais anóxia, também necessitaram de mais dias de testes, para atingirem desempenho próximo ao encontrado nos animais do outro grupo. Observou-se variação na velocidade do nado ao longo dos dias de testes em ambos os grupos, porém verificou-se que os animais anóxia demonstraram velocidade inferior aos animais controle. No teste do labirinto em cruz elevado os animais anóxia mostraram-se menos ansiosos, tendo permanecido menor tempo em congelamento no teste do medo condicionado ao contexto, porém não ao som. Portanto, estes dados indicam que o modelo de anóxia neonatal utilizado promove alterações neuronais que modificam o comportamento do animal na vida adulta, verificados por meio das alterações comportamentais. Espera-se, com estes resultados, favorecer a compreensão das alterações comportamentais após anóxia neonatal e se possível, abrir caminho para novas abordagens e perspectivas terapêuticas / Neonatal anoxia is a major cause of brain injury in newborns. Several species of mammals have contributed to the study of pathogenic mechanisms involved in the injury caused by anoxia / hypoxia; particularly rodents have been used successfully as a model for the study of anoxia in humans. Factors such as maturity of the brain when oxygen deficiency, the duration of asphyxia, specific regional and cell vulnerability, have great influence on the rise of neurological disorders, sensory motor deficit, and impaired learning and memory. Changes in attentional processes and anxiety can also affect cognitive functions. In rodents, there has been marked hyperactivity at young age, accompanied by a significant hypoactivity in adult life. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the possible behavioral changes, such as spatial reference memory, working memory, sensory disturbance, anxiety and acquisition of conditioned fear to the sound and context in rats subjected to neonatal anoxia. We used 25 albino rats (Rattus norvegicus, Wistar) male neonates, divided into two groups: Anoxia (n = 13) and control (n = 12). In tests involving spatial reference memory and working memory, the experimental group showed that neonatal hypoxia adversely affects the ability of spatial learning and navigation in the Morris water maze, but it was found that both groups were able to draw on their experiences prior to improve its performance as they passed through various tests (spatial reference memory, working memory at an interval timing between attempts of 10, 30 and 0) shown by the decrease in latency and path length, and this improvement in underperform on anoxic animals. Anoxic animals also required more days of testing to achieve performance close to that found in animals of the other group. There was variation in the speed of swimming during the days of testing in both groups, but it was found that the anoxic animals showed lower speed than the control animals. In the elevated plus-maze test, the anoxic animals were less anxious and reminded less time freezing in the conditioned fear test to the context but not to the sound. Therefore, these data indicate that the used neonatal anoxia model promotes neuronal alterations that modify the behavior of the animal in adult life, verified through behavioral changes. It is expected, with these results, to promote understanding of the behavioral alterations after neonatal anoxia and, if possible, to make way for new approaches and therapeutic perspectives
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Characteristics of Shy and Socially Phobic IndividualsTriche, Amy B January 2006 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Donnah Canavan / This study examines the relationship between shyness/social phobia and other personality traits, as manifested in college students. Very few studies have compared shyness and social phobia, and even fewer have contrasted them. However, we believe that there are several important differences between the two. Mainly, one hypothesis is that social phobics long to be more extroverted and, thus, are more conflicted in many aspects of their personalities. Moreover, very few studies have found a conclusive link between shyness or social phobia and self-esteem. One of our main hypotheses is that there is a link between shyness/social phobia and low social self-esteem, although not necessarily overall self-esteem. We sought support for these hypotheses and others in the analysis of data obtained through a survey, composed of several standard questionnaires, as well as original material covering areas of self-image, behaviors, emotions, and personality traits. The results did indicate substantial differences between shyness and social phobia, with social phobics having higher levels of extraversion and, overall, more conflict within themselves. / Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2006. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Psychology. / Discipline: College Honors Program.
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The functional forebrain circuitry of fear-cue inhibited feeding in food-deprived rats: Evidence from complementary pathway tracing and Fos induction maps studiesReppucci, Christina Jean January 2015 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Gorica D. Petrovich / The drive to eat, like most motivated behaviors, is controlled by both intrinsic signals from the body as well as extrinsic signals from the environment. Although these factors often act in concert, in some instances environmental cues can override the body’s homeostatic signals. Prior work investigating the ability of learned cues to promote overeating in the absence of hunger identified a critical forebrain network composed of the amygdala, medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), and lateral hypothalamus (LHA). We hypothesized that a similar forebrain network may also be critical when learned fear-cues inhibit eating despite hunger. The amygdala, mPFC and LHA are each anatomically and functionally positioned to influence feeding, and evidence suggests they could work together to support the fear-cue’s ability to inhibit feeding by overriding homeostatic hunger signals triggered by food-deprivation. Prior anatomical work identified direct pathways between these three large, heterogeneous regions; however, less is known about the organization of the underlying circuitries, especially between distinct nuclei and/or subdivisions that comprise these structures. Study 1 used a dual retrograde tract tracing design to map the topographical organization of the connections between the amygdala, mPFC, and LHA in detail, and to determine whether amygdalar pathways to the mPFC and to LHA originated from the same or different neurons. We found evidence for multiple, topographically organized, direct pathways from the amygdala to the LHA, and separate pathways from the amygdala to areas of the mPFC that send direct projections to the LHA. Importantly, nearly all amygdalar projections to the mPFC and to the LHA originated from different neurons, suggesting that amygdala and amygdala-mPFC processing influence the LHA independently. Study 2 used immediate early gene induction to map the patterns of functional activation within this amygdala-prefrontal-lateral hypothalamic network during the expression of fear-cue inhibited feeding behavior, and to assess whether these patterns were similar in males and females. We found differential activation across the network, and activation patterns related to the presentation of fear-cues, the presence of food-related cues, and the amount of food consumed were associated within distinct cell groups in the amygdala, mPFC, and LHA. Together, the studies presented in this dissertation provide anatomical and functional maps for future interrogation of the circuitry underlying fear-cue inhibited feeding. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2015. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Psychology.
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Sex Differences in Orexin Activation Patterns of Fear-Cue Induced Inhibition of Eating in RatsNewmark, Jordan A. January 2013 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Gorica Petrovich / Thesis advisor: Christina Reppucci / In order to understand the neurobiological basis for the phenomenon in which environmental cues override physiological cues to influence the behavioral control of feeding, we utilized an animal model for fear-cue induced inhibition of eating. Female rats that had learned to associate a tone with foot-shocks showed inhibition of eating across three extinction tests, whereas male rats that had received tone-shock pairings extinguished their inhibition of eating after the first test day. We assessed activation of orexin (ORX), a neuropeptide involved in eating and arousal, in the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) of the brains of male and female control and experimental rats during the final test day. Female rats exhibited greater recruitment of ORX neurons in the LHA than male rats; there was no difference in ORX activation between control and experimental groups of either sex, indicating that ORX is involved in sex differences in fear-cue induced inhibition of eating. / Thesis (BS) — Boston College, 2013. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: College Honors Program. / Discipline: Psychology.
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Entre discos e lobos: o medo e o insólito revelados pelas ausências nas obras Vinil Verde e Os lobos dentro das paredes / Between disks and wolves: the fear and the unusual revealed by the absences in the works Vinil Verde and Os lobos dentro das paredesGuimarães, Maria de Lourdes 08 November 2017 (has links)
A presente tese procurou estudar como a ausência, representada por elementos como a incomunicabilidade, a não-identificação, o entre-lugar, a perda e a morte, dentre outros, ajuda a deflagrar atmosferas e emoções de insólito e de medo nas obras Vinil Verde (2004), curta-metragem de Kleber Mendonça, e Os lobos dentro das paredes (2006), narrativa gráfica de Neil Gaiman. Em ambos os enredos, o mundo ficcional dos personagens é desestabilizado por fatos inexplicáveis que se sobrepõem à rotina do cotidiano. A ausência faz parte da existência humana e, como recurso estético, ajuda a construir variados sentimentos, sensações e ambientações, como a solidão e a melancolia. Dentre os efeitos que ela pode provocar, estão os do insólito e o do medo. O insólito na narrativa ficcional carrega a força e a potência de desestruturar a ordem, provocando incômodo, estranhamento e dúvida. O medo, por sua vez, é uma sensação inerente ao ser humano que, no campo ficcional, como experiência estética, tem fascinado crianças, jovens e adultos, o que se traduz pelo grande número de produções literárias e fílmicas que se fundamentam no susto e no pavor. Por um viés comparativo e multidisciplinar, que engloba obras de diferentes suportes (um livro ilustrado e um audiovisual), foram postos em foco os principais recursos estéticos que cada suporte utilizou para revelar os traços de ausência e, como resultado, provocar o estranhamento e o medo. O profícuo diálogo entre as linguagens verbal, visual e sonora, em que a palavra, a imagem e o som se articulam para construir múltiplas significações e múltiplas leituras, proporciona uma rica troca de saberes e uma singular leitura de mundo. / The present thesis aimed to study how the absence, represented by elements such as incommunicability, non-identification, interlacing, loss and death, among others, helps to trigger atmospheres and emotions of unusual and fear in the works Vinil Verde (2004 ), a short film by Kleber Mendonça, and Os lobos dentro das paredes (2006), a graphic narrative by Neil Gaiman. In both scenarios, the fictional world of the characters is destabilized by inexplicable facts that overlap with the routine of everyday life. Absence is part of human existence and, as an aesthetic resource, helps to build different feelings, sensations and settings, such as loneliness and melancholy. Among its effects there are the unusual and the fear. The unusual in the fictional narrative carries the strength and power to eliminate the structure of order, causing annoyance, estrangement and doubt. As for the fear, it is an inherent sensation of the human being which, in the fictional field, as an aesthetic experience, has fascinated children, youth and adults, and is translated by a great number of literary and filmic productions that are based on fright and dread. Through a comparative and multidisciplinary study, which includes works of different supports (illustrated book and audiovisual), the main aesthetic resources that each media used to reveal traces of absence and cause strangeness or fear were highlighted. The fruitful dialogue between verbal, visual and sound languages, in which word, image and sound are articulated to construct multiple meanings and multiple readings, provides a rich exchange of knowledge and a unique \"reading\" of the world.
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Sex Differences and the Neural Correlates of Safety Learning:Foilb, Allison R. January 2019 (has links)
Thesis advisor: John P. Christianson / Accurate discrimination between safety and danger is necessary for survival, but is aberrant in individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Despite its clinical relevance, very little is known about the cognitive and neural processes that underlie safety learning. Understanding how cues become safety signals is critical to understanding the impairments in fear modulation observed in individuals with PTSD. PTSD is more prevalent in women than men, and while research on sex differences in safety learning is limited, there is substantial evidence that males and females acquire and utilize safety signals differently. The aim of this dissertation is to describe behavioral sex differences in learning and recall of fear discrimination and explore the neural circuitry that allows this discrimination to occur. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2019. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Psychology.
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A mecânica do desejo no desencadeamento da ação no Leviatã de Thomas HobbesKayser, Marcos 18 December 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 18 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Neste trabalho analisaremos o conceito de desejo e seu desdobramento na teoria de Thomas Hobbes, identificando-o como um elemento fundamental na constituição do corpo, a partir da antropologia, ou psicologia empírica, desenvolvida por Hobbes, subvertendo a ordem tradicional do universo ético e político. Desejo que aparece como uma força, um impulso que dá movimento a vida, sinônimo de felicidade, mas que, por sua desmedida insaciabilidade, coloca o homem sob risco da morte prematura e violenta. Estado de conflito, representado pelo estado de natureza hobbesiano, no qual o homem, num contexto hipotético de pura igualdade, ataca por desejo, seja para obter mais e mais poder, seja para não perder o que possui. Por trás do medo da morte, há o medo da perda do objeto mais cobiçado, ou seja, a vida. Mas apesar do homem espreitar o inimigo e aparentar irracionalidade, é capaz do consenso, quando faz uso da razão, com a qual se somam vontade e eloqüência. O consenso é o pacto, que cria as condições de possibilidade p / In this study we will analyze the concept of desire and its implication in Thomas Hobbes’ Theory, identifying it as a fundamental element in the determination of the man’s action, through the anthropology or empiric psychology developed by Hobbes, changing the traditional order of the ethics and political universe. Desire that appears as a power, an impulse which gives movement to life, synonym of happiness, but, because it is without measure or satisfaction, puts man in situations where the risk of premature and violent death is present. State of conflict, represented by the hobbesian state of nature, in which man, in a context of pure equality, attacks for desire, either to obtain more and more power, or not to lose what he had already achieved. Behind the fear of death, there is the fear of losing the most desired object: life. But, despite spying the enemy, man is also capable of a consensus, when he uses his sense, with which he adds will and elocution. The consensus is the pact which creates the conditi
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The influence of pain-related fear levels on structural brain changes in pediatric complex regional pain syndromeZhang, Kunyu 08 April 2016 (has links)
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a chronic neuropathic pain condition associated with significant alterations in the somatosensory and motor cortex brain regions. Cognitive-affective alterations have recently been recognized in patients suffering with CRPS, however, relatively little neuroimaging research has been done to examine these dimensions. Moreover, many children and adolescents suffer from CRPS, but very little is known about the impact of this condition on brain states in the pediatric population. The aim of this paper is to assess the structural brain differences between children with CRPS and healthy controls and to examine to what degree fear level influences such differences. This study is part of a larger investigation that integrates functional and structural brain differences to evaluate fear-related brain circuitry in patients with CRPS. Thirty-seven patients with CRPS were age and gender matched with 35 healthy controls. The two groups underwent structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans as well as completed the Fear of Pain Questionnaire, child report (FOPQ). To examine gray matter differences, voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and cortical thickness (CT) analysis was completed. Patients with CRPS in this study had an average age of 13.2 (SD=2.7) and were predominantly female (73%). Of the 35 patients who completed FOPQ, 49% reported clinically significant pain-related fear. Compared with healthy controls, CRPS patients had significantly less in gray matter (GM) volume in pain- and fear-related brain regions, including the dorsolateral prefrontal gyrus, motor and somatosensory cortex, anterior and posterior cingulate cortex, nucleus accumbens, putamen, amygdala, and hippocampus. Furthermore, gray matter decreases in regions such as anterior midcingulate cortex, nucleus accumbens, and putamen were associated with elevated pain-related fear in patients. Differences in gray matter volume in fear-circuitry areas could potentially be one mechanism by which abnormal fear learning and extinction develops in youth suffering with CRPS. Further research examining brain changes post-treatment is needed to determine if treatments that target improving pain and fear levels are associated with concomitant normalization of brain structures.
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