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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La responsabilité administrative des personnes publiques découlant des ouvrages de protection contre les inondations et submersions marines / The administrative responsibility of public figures arising from flood protection and marine submersions

Hequet, Nicolas 20 January 2017 (has links)
En application de l'article 33 de la loi du 16 septembre 1807 relative au dessèchement des marais, la responsabilité du maintien et du contrôle de la bonne sécurité des digues relève du propriétaire de la digue. Au fil des ans, plusieurs textes sont venus préciser et renforcer les obligations en matière de gestion et d'entretien des digues contribuant au sentiment de sécurité que peuvent conférer ces ouvrages. Toutefois, alors qu’elles sont censées protéger les populations, les digues ont progressivement été qualifiées d’« ouvrages de danger » du fait du risque inhérent à leur rupture, conduisant à l’émergence d’un « risque digue » qui reconnaît juridiquement les limites des travaux de protection et de correction des cours d’eau et des rivages, et même leur contribution involontaire à la production de désastres. Les inondations et submersions marines qui sont survenues au cours des deux dernières décennies ont en effet illustré une importante situation de défaut d’entretien des digues sur l’ensemble du territoire métropolitain dont l’origine a pu être identifiée au travers d’une structure de la propriété des digues complexe, avec de multiples intervenants, l’absence pour de nombreux propriétaires riverains de volonté ou de moyens d’investir les sommes nécessaires pour la protection des digues, dont les enjeux dépassent souvent la protection de leurs biens et, en conséquence, pour pallier les carences des propriétaires de digues, une substitution des collectivités territoriales, sans que fût nécessairement mis en œuvre des moyens financiers suffisamment conséquents, et sans que celles-ci mesurent toujours à quel point elles engageaient leur responsabilité / In accordance with article 33 of the 16 september 1807 act relating to the draining of marshes, owners of dams are legally responsible for maintaining and monitoring the dams’ security. Various laws have clarified and strengthened the management and maintenance duty of dams over time to provide a sense of security. Despite the fact that the dams are built to protect people’s security, they have been considered as “hazardous structures” due to the potential risk of collapse. In addition, the legal concept of ‘dams disaster’ has emerged and been established, recognizing the limits of water proofing works as well as improvement and maintenance works and legally recognizing even unexpected disasters. Flooding and submersions occurred during last two decades demonstrated a significant lack of adequate maintenance for dams throughout the mainland France. The cause of lack of maintenance can be attributed to a complicated structure of ownership, which include many stakeholders and also to the owners’ unwillingness or lack of funding to make investments required for improvement and maintenance works. But, these stakes often go beyond the protection of their property. Furthermore, the responsibility of dam owners has been allocated to local authorities to offset deficiencies, but it was done so without preparing financial measures necessary for maintenance works and fully assessing the level of funds needed

Klimatförändringars påverkan på kulturmiljöer i Uppsala stad ur ett geovetenskapligt perspektiv / Impacts of Climate Change on Cultural Heritages in Uppsala Town from an Earth Scientific Perspective

Wikmark, Erika, Svensson, Matilda January 2015 (has links)
Cultural heritages are environments created by humans that are considered to have a conservation value for the posterity. They can be seen as one of society's non renewable resources. It is important to have knowledge of how cultural heritages are affected by future climate changes. The water flow in Uppsala is estimated to increase during winter and decrease during spring and summer. Precipitation will gradually increase as well as the intense short period precipitation. The average temperature is estimated to increase as well. Despite the increased precipitation the soil moisture is predicted to decrease, as a result of the rising temperatures with an increased evaporation rate as a consequence. This study is carried out for the county administrative board in Uppsala county, in the field of climate change adaptation on the unit for emergency preparedness and civil contingency.The study focuses on three areas in Uppsala, city centre, Hågadalen and Vallsgärde. Focus in the study is on the earth scientific consequences related to flooding as well as changes in precipitation. Maps has been produced in ArcGIS where floodings, soil types and cultural heritages are presented (appendix 1-3). 17 cultural heritages within the three areas has been established to be affected from floodings from Fyrisån where most of them are situated in the city centre of Uppsala. The changes in precipitation are the same throughout all studied areas, to what degree it will impact the cultural heritages depends on the characteristics of them. The ground is estimated not to be strongly affected by the increased amounts of water. But smaller settlings and land slides in clay rich soils can occur. The conservation of cultural heritages in the studied areas will not be widely negatively affected, except for some single objects, by the studied parameters. / Kulturmiljöer är miljöer skapade av människan som anses ha ett bevarandevärde för eftervärlden. De kan ses som en av samhällets icke-förnyelsebara resurser. I och med de framtida klimatförändringarna är det viktigt att ha kunskap om hur bevarandet av kulturmiljöerna påverkas av dessa. I Uppsala kommer vattenflödena öka under vinterhalvåret men minska under våren och sommaren. Nederbörden kommer öka successivt och även perioder med intensiv korttidsnederbörd kommer öka. Även medeltemperaturen kommer öka. Trots den ökande nederbörden antas markfuktigheten minska, som resultat av den ökade medeltemperaturen med en ökad avdunstning som följd. Det här arbetet är utfört för Länsstyrelsen i Uppsala län, inom klimatanpassning på enheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap. Arbetet är inriktat på tre områden i Uppsala, stadskärnan, Hågadalen och Vallsgärde. Fokus i arbetet ligger på de geovetenskapliga konsekvenserna kopplade till översvämningar samt nederbördsförändringar. Kartor har producerats i ArcGIS där översvämningar, jordarter och kulturmiljöer redovisas (bilaga 1-3). 17 kulturmiljöer inom de tre områdena har konstaterats påverkas av översvämningar från Fyrisån varav merparten finns i Uppsala stadskärna. Förändringen av nederbörd är densamma över alla områden, till vilken grad det kommer att påverka kulturmiljöerna beror på kulturmiljöns karaktär. Marken bedöms inte påverkas nämnvärt av de ökade vattenmängderna. Mindre sättningar och skred i lerjordar kan dock uppkomma. Bevarandet av kulturmiljöer i de undersökta områdena kommer inte försvåras nämnvärt av undersökta parametrar, dock kan enskilda objekt påverkas mer.

Väneramplitud – Lönsamhet? : Kvalitativ studie av åtgärder, genomförda för att reducera risker och kostnadspåföljder av en förändrad vattenregim / Väner lake amplitude – Profitable?

Linzie, Martin January 2013 (has links)
Tappningsstrategin för Vänern ändrades i ett beslut från Länsstyrelsen i Västra Götalands län och Vattenfall AB, på uppdrag av regeringen år 2008. Detta gjordes för att minska risken för översvämningar i Vänern.  Åtgärden var föreslagen av Klimat- och sårbarhetsutredningen, som försökt utreda konsekvenser av klimatförändringar för Vänern i ett framtida förändrat klimat. I utredningen används en metod för att mäta kostnader. Metoden är en kostnads-nytto-analys (Cost-Benefit-Analysis; CBA) som användes för att utvärdera bland annat Vänern med omnejd. Enligt denna uppsats saknas det värdering för naturmiljö och sociala faktorer i denna utredning. Denna uppsats försöker kommentara detta faktum. Det behövs andra, eller möjligtvis förändrade metoder för att kunna värdera naturmiljön. Uteblivna ekologiska och biologiska värderingar, får konsekvenser för helheten. Den förminskade vattenamplituden kommer att få konsekvenser som ej blivit värderade, den grund som beslut fattas på är då inkomplett vilket leder till att besluten också får konsekvenser som kan vara mycket kostsamma för samhället. Denna uppsats efterfrågar via intervjuer samt en litteraturstudie, vilka ekologiska värden som förväntas påverkas och vilka metoder som kan användas eller bör användas för att uppnå en helhetssyn. Det saknas idag tillräckliga data för att ge en konsekvensanalys av denna åtgärd. Därför borde man i enlighet med denna uppsats avvaktat med ny vattenregim i Vänern, tills alla fakta i målet finns att tillgå. / The water amplitude of the lake Vänern was lowered by a decision by the County Administrative board of Västra Götaland, this was carried out by the electric company Vattenfall AB in the year 2008. This was done to reduce the risks of severe flooding’s. The procedure was recommended by the report “Climate and vulnerability”. This will have adverse effects on the natural values around Vänern. The method used in the report was the Cost-Benefit-Analysis (CBA) method. In this valuation method, it is very difficult to value natural values according to their monetary value since the method itself lacks the procedures to do so properly. And also the investigators chose to not value these in a monetary sense because of the difficulties in doing so. This thesis questions through interviews and an extensive literature study why this came to pass, and how and why the natural values of the lake Vänern could have been valued. The possibility that the adverse effects on the natural values around the lake is diminishing is a fact not implemented in the report makes the proceeding decision to lower the water amplitude of Vänern, makes it difficult to determine the final consequences.

Laboratory Investigations on the Applicability of Triphenoxymethanes as a New Class of Viscoelastic Solutions in Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery

Dieterichs, Christin 30 April 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Even in times of renewable energy revolution fossil fuels will play a major role in energy supply, transportation, and chemical industry. Therefore, increasing demand for crude oil will still have to be met in the next decades by developing new oil re-serves. To cope with this challenge, companies and researchers are constantly seeking for new methods to increase the recovery factor of oil fields. For that reason, many enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods have been developed and applied in the field. EOR methods alter the physico-chemical conditions inside the reservoir. One possibility to achieve this is to inject an aqueous solution containing special chemicals into the oil-bearing zone. Polymers, for example, increase the viscosity of the injected water and hence improve the displacement of the oil to the production well. The injection of surfactant solutions results in reduced capillary forces, which retain the oil in the pores of the reservoir. Some surfactants form viscoelastic solutions under certain conditions. The possibil-ity to apply those solutions for enhanced oil recovery has been investigated by some authors in the last years in low salinity brines. Reservoir brines, however, often contain high salt concentrations, which have detrimental effects on the properties of many chemical solutions applied for EOR operations. The Triphenoxymethane derivatives, which were the subject of study in this thesis, form viscoelastic solutions even in highly saline brines. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the efficiency and the mode-of-action of this new class of chemical EOR molecules with respect to oil mobilization in porous media.

Les surcotes et les submersions marines dans la partie centrale du Golfe de Gascogne : les enseignements de la tempête Xynthia / Storm surges and coastal floods in the central part of the Bay of Biscay : lessons from the Xynthia storm

Breilh, Jean-François 18 June 2014 (has links)
Les submersions marines d’origine météorologique sont des catastrophes naturelles majeures, responsables chaque année de milliers de morts et de milliards d’euros de dégâts. La partie centrale du Golfe de Gascogne est un territoire particulièrement vulnérable à cet aléa, comme nous l’a rappelé la forte submersion engendrée par la tempête Xynthia en 2010. L’objectif de ce travail est d’améliorer la compréhension des surcotes et des submersions marines dans cette zone de France dans une approche pluridisciplinaire mêlant la géomorphologie, l’océanographie et l’analyse d’archives historiques. Afin de juger du caractère exceptionnel de Xynthia, une recherche de l’ensemble des submersions marines qui ont affecté la région d’étude depuis 500 ans a été menée. La modélisation numérique des surcotes des 5 tempêtes engendrant des submersions au 20ème siècle, révélées par ces recherches, montre que des conditions météo-marines variées ont induit des niveaux d’eau et des submersions comparables à ceux provoqués par Xynthia. Ce constat est en désaccord avec les estimations de périodes de retour de niveau marin extrêmes basées sur l’analyse statistique de mesures marégraphiques et met en avant l’apport de l’approche historique dans de telles problématiques. Devant la forte vulnérabilité des Pertuis Charentais aux submersions marines, la modélisation statique de la submersion marine, méthode simple mais néanmoins fréquemment utilisée pour estimer l’extension des zones inondées, a été évaluée. Cette méthode fournit de bonnes estimations de l’extension de l’inondation dans les zones de faibles altitudes caractérisées par une faible distance entre le trait de côte et la limite continentale de la zone inondable, mais mauvaises lorsque cette distance est grande. En effet, lorsque l’inondation se propage loin du trait de côte, la dynamique de l’écoulement ne peut plus être négligée sur ces grandes distances. Afin d’anticiper de futures submersions, deux configurations des digues ont été testées par modélisation numérique au travers de l’exemple de l’estuaire de la Charente. Les hauteurs d’eau et l’inondation de Xynthia sont simulées en augmentant la hauteur des digues de l’estuaire, empêchant toute inondation des zones basses adjacentes ; puis en abaissant les digues bordant l’estuaire au niveau des plus hautes marées astronomiques et en créant une seconde rangée de digues protégeant les zones habitées. Cette seconde configuration permet l’inondation des zones non habitées mais empêche l’inondation des zones à enjeux importants, comme la ville de Rochefort. Il est montré que la rehausse de l’ensemble des digues entraîne des niveaux d’eau supérieurs de 1.2 m à Rochefort par rapport à la simulation sans modification de digues, alors que l’abaissement de celles-ci et la protection des zones à forts enjeux ne modifient pas la hauteur d’eau dans l’estuaire. Ainsi, la rehausse des digues côtières n’est pas une solution systématique car la protection contre l’inondation de toutes les zones côtières peut augmenter la vulnérabilité des zones à forts enjeux. / Storm-induced coastal flooding are major natural disasters, responsible for thousands of deaths and billions of euros of damages each year. The central part of the Bay of Biscay is vulnerable to this hazard, as recently shown by the strong flooding induced by Xynthia in 2010. This study aims to improve the understanding of storm surges and coastal floods in this area of France, using several methods such as numerical or static modeling. To assess the uniqueness of Xynthia, historical researches of coastal floods affecting the study area for 500 years was conducted. Numerical modeling of the storm surges related to 5 storms of the 20th century revealed by these researches shows that various meteo-oceanic settings induced water levels and coastal floods comparable to those caused by Xynthia. This finding challenges return periods estimations of extreme sea levels based on statistical analysis of tide gauges measurements and highlights the contribution of the historical approach to such issues. Given the high vulnerability on coastal floods of Pertuis Charentais, static modeling, a simple but frequently used method to estimate the extension of flooded areas is evaluated. This analysis shows that this method provides good estimations of flood extents in low-lying areas characterized by a small distance between the shoreline and the continental limits of the lower area, but bad estimations when this distance is large. These poor performances when floods spread away from the coastline are explained by the dynamics of the flow, which can no longer be ignored. Two coastal defenses strategies are investigated in the Charente-river Estuary by numerical modeling. Water levels and coastal floods induced by Xynthia are simulated with increased dikes height, preventing flooding of adjacent low-lying areas, and then with dikes lowered to highest high spring tide height and with a second rank of dikes preventing flooding of important issues areas, such as the town of Rochefort. It is shown that raising dikes leads to higher levels of 1.2 m in Rochefort compared to the simulation without changing dikes, while protecting issues do not affect the water level in the estuary. Thus, it is demonstrated that the systematic raising of dikes is not a solution because it can increase the vulnerability of important issues areas.

Land-use Control on Abiotic and Biotic Mechanisms of P Mobilization

Maranguit, Deejay Sabile 25 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Analyse des dommages liés aux submersions marines et évaluation des coûts induits aux habitations à partir de données d'assurance : perspectives apportées par les tempêtes Johanna (2008) et Xynthia (2010) / Analysis of coastal flooding damage and assessment of induced costs on residential buildings, based on insurance data : insights gained from Johanna (2008) and Xynthia (2010) storm events

André, Camille 18 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat porte sur l’analyse des dommages et sur l’évaluation des coûts induits sur les habitations par les submersions marines. L’étude se base sur les données d’assurance de deux évènements récents ayant touché la France et causé des submersions sur les côtes bretonnes et atlantiques : les tempêtes Johanna (mars 2008) et Xynthia (février 2010).Dans un premier temps, l’analyse des données d’expertise et d’indemnisation d’assurance, en lien avec celle des paramètres de l’aléa et des enjeux exposés, a eu pour but la meilleure compréhension des différents types de dommages, et l’explication des coûts observés. En parallèle, un travail de modélisation de l’aléa a été réalisé à une échelle régionale, afin de déterminer des indicateurs des forçages météo-marins, et à une échelle locale, afin de préciser les processus d’endommagement sur les sites étudiés pour les deux tempêtes. La caractérisation de la vulnérabilité et de la valeur des enjeux (coûts de construction) a été menée à l’aide de différents paramètres issus de bases de données nationales (INSEE et IGN) et de campagnes de terrain.Dans un second temps, les informations recueillies ont permis la construction de modèles empiriques de prédiction du coût des dommages aux habitations spécifiques à l’aléa submersion marine, outils aujourd’hui inexistants en France. Les différents types de modèles testés sont basés sur des approches statistiques univariées (fonctions d’endommagement) et multivariées. L’apport des données d’assurance à la réalisation de tels modèles est discuté, et des recommandations ainsi que des perspectives de recherche sont évoquées, afin de rendre ces modèles opérationnels et d’augmenter leur capacité de prédiction des coûts d’évènements catastrophiques futurs. / This PhD work aims at analysing damage and evaluating costs related to coastal flooding on residential buildings. The study is based on insurance data from two recent storm events, which caused coastal flooding in the Brittany and Atlantic regions in France: the storms Johanna (March 2008) and Xynthia (February 2010).At first, the analysis of insurance indemnities and loss adjustment data, in connection with hazard parameters, and exposed assets characteristics, allowed a better understanding of the different types of damage and costs observed. At the same time, hazard models were carried out at a regional level, in order to identify meteorological forcing indicators, and at a local level, in order to link damages to the associated physical flooding processes on the studied sites. The characterization of the asset’s vulnerability and values (construction costs) was conducted using different parameters from national databases (INSEE and IGN) and field survey.In a second step, empirical cost-assessment models were built on the basis of the data analysed, using univariate (damage functions) and multivariate statistical approaches. This study is the first attempt in France to elaborate models for the prediction of damage costs linked to coastal flooding on housing. The contribution of insurance data to the implementation of such models is discussed, and recommendations and research perspectives are expressed, in order to make the models operational and to increase their capacity to predict future catastrophic events costs.

Prediction of field emergence of maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids exposed to cold and wet conditions

Maree, Pieter Hermanus 12 August 2009 (has links)
The cold test is one of the oldest and most acceptable vigour tests as it is used to simulate stress conditions commonly occurring in the field. In recent years, some of South Africa’s top maize hybrids, with high cold test scores, have shown emergence problems under cold, wet planting conditions. It resulted in major complaints from commercial maize producers with sizable claims involved. Therefore, the need arose to find a more sensitive vigour test that takes into account cold, wet conditions. In practice, South African maize producers would not plant if it is too cold and wet. However, cold, wet conditions are commonly experienced during planting time in the main maize production regions of South Africa, especially during October and even November. Furthermore, in most of the commercial maize production areas, such as the western Free State, chances of thunder and hailstorms are high during the planting period. These weather conditions are major causes for sudden drops in temperature and flooding which can expose maize seed and emerging maize seedlings to stress conditions The effects of cold, wet conditions on germination and emergence of nine maize hybrids were investigated in laboratory, glasshouse and field experiments. Growth chamber and glasshouse experiments were conducted under 10°C, 20°C and 30°C and 0, 24, 48 and 72 hours flooding. Field experiments were conducted under different climatic conditions, resulting in cool and wet, cold and wet and favourable conditions during planting. The objectives were to investigate the correlations between different laboratory vigour tests and field emergence of maize hybrids under cold, wet conditions in order to identify the most suitable laboratory vigour test for predicting field emergence under cold, wet conditions. Eight different vigour tests were conducted and each was compared with field emergence under cold, wet conditions. The eight tests conducted, were the cold test, soak test, complex stressing vigour test, electrical conductivity test, accelerated ageing test, tetrazolium test, fast green test and emergence rate test. The soak test was the most sensitive vigour test when considering cold, wet conditions, as it measures seed germination, based on the warm test, after a 48 hour soak in water at 27°C. Correlations found between the soak test and field emergence (53%) under cold, wet conditions was unexpected, since the soak test does not account for low temperatures. The complex stressing vigour test was conducted to study the effect of fluctuating soaking temperatures on germination of maize seed. Seeds of nine maize hybrids were soaked for 48 hours at a moderate temperature (25°C), followed by another 48 hours soak at a low temperature (5°C), and then planted in sand and grown for 4 days at 25°C, before evaluation. Highly significant correlations were found between the complex stressing vigour test and simulated field emergence under both controlled conditions in a glasshouse (89.9%) and cold, wet conditions in the field (90.0%). The complex stressing vigour test was the best test to predict field performance under a wide range of climatic conditions, especially cold, wet conditions. Implementation of the complex stressing test as a routine vigour test, will be to the advantage of maize seed companies, especially in being proactive in predicting emergence of maize hybrids under cold, wet conditions. Copyright / Dissertation (MSc(Agric))--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Plant Production and Soil Science / unrestricted

Estudo analítico da injeção de água com aquecimento eletromagnético em um meio poroso contendo óleo

Paz, Pavel Zenon Sejas 28 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-01-13T13:25:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 pavelzenonsejaspaz.pdf: 1021401 bytes, checksum: 6c80da770310ced9141a330e3a4d4f9b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-01-25T17:32:38Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 pavelzenonsejaspaz.pdf: 1021401 bytes, checksum: 6c80da770310ced9141a330e3a4d4f9b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-25T17:32:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 pavelzenonsejaspaz.pdf: 1021401 bytes, checksum: 6c80da770310ced9141a330e3a4d4f9b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-28 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Neste trabalho apresentamos um estudo analítico sobre a recuperação de óleo pesado utilizando injeção de água, que é aquecida por meio de ondas eletromagnéticas de alta freqüência. Recentemente, foi feito um experimento (descrito em [12]), onde a água foi injetada num meio poroso, aquecida por meio de ondas eletromagnéticas. Os resultados do experimento mostram que o aquecimento mediante ondas EM melhora o deslocamento do óleo pela água. Desta maneira, apresenta-se a injeção de água com aquecimento por ondas EM como um método viável na recuperação de óleo. Consideraremos um modelo matemático simples descrevendo o experimento mencionado acima, que consiste de duas leis de balanço, uma para a energia e outra para a massa da água. O objetivo do trabalho é usar o Princípio de Duhamel e a Teoria das Leis de Conservação para encontrar soluções semi-analíticas deste modelo simplificado. Segundo [8], utilizamos o Princípio para achar a solução da equação de balanço de energia do tipo Convecção-Reação-Difusão para o problema de transporte de calor num meio poroso na presença de uma fonte de ondas eletromagnéticas. A equação de balanço para a massa da água é uma equação diferencial parcial não linear de primeira ordem do tipo Buckley-Leverett (Veja [4] e [7]). Ela será resolvida usando a Teoria das Leis de Conservação. Segundo [15], a solução deste problema contém ondas de rarefação e choque. / In this work, we present the results obtained by analytical study of heavy oil recovery by water flooding and electromagnetic (EM) heating of high frequency. Recently, an experiment was made, where water was injected into a porous medium, warmed by means of electromagnetic waves. The experiment results show that EM heating improves the displacement of oil by water. Thus, the water flooding combined with EM heating is a viable method for oil recovery. We consider a simple mathematical model describing this experiment consisting of two balance laws for energy and water mass. The goal is to use Duhamel’s Principle and the Theory of Conservation Laws to find semi-analytical solutions of this simplified model. We use the principle solve the energy balance equation of convection-reaction-diffusion type for heat transport problem in a porous medium in the presence of a source of electromagnetic waves. The balance equation for the mass of water is a nonlinear partial differential equation of first order of Buckley-Leverett type. It is solved using the Theory of Conservation Laws.

Considering User Intention in Differential Graph Queries

Vasilyeva, Elena, Thiele, Maik, Bornhövd, Christof, Lehner, Wolfgang 30 November 2020 (has links)
Empty answers are a major problem by processing pattern matching queries in graph databases. Especially, there can be multiple reasons why a query failed. To support users in such situations, differential queries can be used that deliver missing parts of a graph query. Multiple heuristics are proposed for differential queries, which reduce the search space. Although they are successful in increasing the performance, they can discard query subgraphs relevant to a user. To address this issue, the authors extend the concept of differential queries and introduce top-k differential queries that calculate the ranking based on users’ preferences and significantly support the users’ understanding of query database management systems. A user assigns relevance weights to elements of a graph query that steer the search and are used for the ranking. In this paper the authors propose different strategies for selection of relevance weights and their propagation. As a result, the search is modelled along the most relevant paths. The authors evaluate their solution and both strategies on the DBpedia data graph.

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