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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Entre a formalização e a precarização : o trabalho e o emprego dos cortadores de cana de Alagoas

Queiroz, Allan Souza January 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objeto as mudanças no emprego e no trabalho dos cortadores de cana-de-açúcar da agroindústria canavieira de Alagoas. Na década de 1990, no bojo do processo de reestruturação produtiva do setor sucroalcooleiro, a informalidade do emprego é interditada com o processo de formalização, no qual passa a se estabelecer contratos diretos entre capital e trabalho, e ao mesmo tempo, ocorre um processo de intensificação do trabalho manual dos cortadores de cana. A partir deste cenário, busca-se entender como a emergência da formalização do trabalho canavieiro se relaciona com os processos contemporâneos de precarização do trabalho. Para tanto, realizou-se uma clarificação dos conceitos de precariedade e precarização a partir das perspectivas sociológicas que vêm investigando as mudanças contemporâneas no mundo do trabalho. Parte-se do pressuposto de que as formas de trabalho na agroindústria canavieira configuram-se a partir de uma histórica e estrutural precariedade. Assim, primeiramente, retorna-se ao passado a fim de levantar pistas para entender os significados que a precariedade do trabalho canavieiro assume ao longo do século XX, e localizar onde estão presentes aspectos de precariedade referentes ao emprego e ao trabalho. Por conseguinte, realizou-se uma pesquisa de campo com trabalhadores canavieiros da parte norte-serrana da Zona da Mata de Alagoas, utilizando-se de entrevistas em profundidade, com o intuito de produzir dados para conhecer o que ocorre, contemporaneamente, com as dimensões do emprego e do trabalho nesse processo de formalização da atividade. Essa ampla revisita às formas emblemáticas de trabalho canavieiro entre o passado e o presente, permitiu argumentar que o processo de formalização não impediu que novos processos de precarização atingissem o trabalho canavieiro. Nesse sentido, a evolução do emprego e do trabalho nas regiões canavieiras alude a um processo de institucionalização da intermitência e da intensificação da atividade, isto é, a própria precariedade do emprego e do trabalho foram institucionalizadas e legitimadas, levando a uma atualização de seus efeitos sob a forma de inseguranças socioeconômicas, que atingem as possibilidades de produção dos meios de vida dos canavieiros, e repercussões à saúde, degradando a força de trabalho. / In this dissertation we intend to describe the changes in the employment and work of sugarcane cutters in the agro-industry of Alagoas. The productive reorganization of the sugarcane industry in the 1990’s implicated the end of the informal employment, due to the process of formalization by which direct contracts between capital and labor were established. Moreover, the manual work of the sugarcane cutters intensified significantly. We try to comprehend how the emergence of the formalization of their work relates to the contemporary processes of precarization of work. Therefore, we intend to find an explanation for the concept of precariousness, starting from the sociological perspectives derived from research on the contemporary changes in labor relations. We specifically start from the presupposition that the forms of work in the sugarcane industry are arranged in relation to a historical and structural precariousness. Therefore, we first look back at the past in order to find indications to understand the meanings that the precariousness of the sugarcane labor takes on in the course of the 20th Century, and to localize the aspects of precariousness regarding the work and employment. Consequently, we carried out fieldwork involving sugarcane cutters from the northern highlands of the Zona da Mata in Alagoas; making use of in-depth interviews, with the intention to gather information on the work and employment in this enduring process of formalization. Differences between the past and present situation of the sugarcane work makes it possible to argue that the process of formalization facilitated the emergence of precariousness. In this sense, the evolution of the work and employment in the sugarcane regions alludes to a process of institutionalization of intermittence and intensification of the work, namely, the precariousness of work and employment was institutionalized and legitimized, leading to effects of socio-economic insecurities which affect the means of life of sugarcane cutters, as well as repercussions for their health, degrading the workforce.

Determinantes da contribuiÃÃo previdenciÃria e da constiruiÃÃo jurÃdica dos autÃnomos no nordeste. / Determinants of pension contributions and the legal status of autonomous constiruiÃÃo in the northeast.

Otemberges Borges do Nascimento 29 April 2010 (has links)
nÃo hà / Essa dissertaÃÃo procurou investigar os fatores determinantes tanto da formalizaÃÃo jurÃdica quanto da contribuiÃÃo previdenciÃria dos autÃnomos no nordeste. Utilizouse para este fim um Modelo Logit Multivariado de Probabilidade de legalizaÃÃo da empresa e contribuiÃÃo à previdÃncia, tendo como base de dados a ECINF 2003 do IBGE. Uma questÃo chave a responder à se os nÃveis de receita (preÃos de reserva) necessÃrios para estas formas de legalizaÃÃo do micro-negÃcio sÃo iguais. Os resultados mostraram que o efeito da receita bruta dos autÃnomos à diferenciado para estas duas decisÃes (registro e contribuiÃÃo à previdÃncia). Enquanto que o nÃvel inicial de receita para o qual a tendÃncia à formalizaÃÃo jurÃdica à de 1,5 a 2 salÃrios mÃnimos, para a contribuiÃÃo previdenciÃria ela encontra-se na faixa situada entre 2.5 â 3 salÃrios mÃnimos. Outros fatores importantes de destaque para a decisÃo de contribuiÃÃo e formalizaÃÃo referem-se à presenÃa de clientela fixa, de contador e a realizaÃÃo de emprÃstimos. Estas variÃveis mostraram-se estatisticamente significantes e positivas, sugerindo que polÃticas de garantias pÃblicas, suporte tÃcnico e microcrÃdito podem tambÃm melhorar a formalizaÃÃo dos autÃnomos. Quanto aos efeitos econÃmicos (efeitos marginais), foram baixos, evidenciando que a atraÃÃo dos autÃnomos à formalizaÃÃo tem que superar os incentivos apenas de custos contÃbeis. Uma fiscalizaÃÃo mais rigorosa e outras facilidades burocrÃticas podem complementar uma polÃtica de alÃvio de tributos nos microempreendimentos. / This study aims to investigate the determinants factors of both the juridical formalization and the social security contributions in the northeast of the autonomous. It was used for this purpose, a Modelo Logit Multivariado de Probabilidade of legalization of the business and contribution to foresight, based on data from the IBGE ECINF 2003. A key question to answer is if the levels of income (reservation prices) required for these forms of legalization of micro-business are the same. The results showed that the effect of the gross revenue of the autonomous is different for these two decisions (record and contribution to foresight). While the initial level of income to which the trend of legal formalization is 1,5 to 2 minimum wages, to the social security contribution it is situated in the range of between 2,5 to 3 minimum wages. Other important factors outstanding to the decision of contribution and formalization refer to the presence of steady clientele, counter and obtain loans. These variables were statistically significant and positive, suggesting that policies of public guarantees, technical support and microcredit can also improve the formalization of autonomous. About the economic effects (marginal effects), were low, indicating that the attraction of autonomous to formalization has to overcome the incentives only accounting costs. A more rigorous supervision and other bureaucratic facilities can complement policy of tax relief in the microenterprises.

Xadrez imobiliário: as peças humanas, o tabuleiro de terras e as novas regras do jogo em Caldas-MG (Séc. XIX) / Real estate chess: the human pieces, chessboard of land and new rules of the game in 19th century, Caldas-MG

Carlos Eduardo Rovaron 09 December 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe considerar o processo de formalização legal das transações de terras ocorrido após 1822 - ano da independência do Brasil - como mais uma condição de valorização da terra no Brasil paralelo às classicamente discutidas pela historiografia da História Agrária.O referido processo foi desencadeado pela necessidade de dinamizar o crédito em uma economia pouco monetizada e antecedeu e influenciou o surgimento da propriedade privada no Brasil. Pode ser percebido pela elaboração de leis que visaram promover maior clareza e segurança jurídica nos contratos. Para isso, as mudanças legais não só reformaram e produziram regras e procedimentos contratuais, como o sistema cartorial com a criação dos Cartórios de Registros ao lado dos Cartórios de Notas, integrando suas atividades: o Cartório de Notas passou a controlar a produção dos contratos dentro das formalidades ditadas pela Lei e o Cartório de Registro a lhes dar publicidade. Para concentrar as informações contratuais nos cartórios e disponibilizá-las para o conhecimento público, o Estado paulatinamente desestimulou os negócios feitos por títulos particulares por meio de sucessivas leis, que de forma gradual restringiram a sua segurança jurídica e validade legal. A maior clareza e segurança jurídica produzidas nesse processo tiveram o efeito não só de dinamizar o crédito hipotecário, como também as compras e vendas, catalisando o ganho de valor da terra em condições favoráveis. / The purpose of this dissertation is to assess the process of legal formalization of land purchase after 1822 when Brazil became independent as yet another condition of land valuation in the country, parallel to the reasons that have been traditionally discussed by the historiography on Agrarian History. Such process was triggered by the need to render credit more dynamic in a seldom monetized economy, having both preceded and influenced the rise of private property in Brazil, and included the drafting of laws to promote greater clarity and legal safety for the respective contracts. To this end, the legal modifications not only reformed and produced contractual rules and procedures, but also provided for the establishment of the notarial system and the relevant Real Estate Registry Offices (Brazils registers of deeds) and the Notary Public Offices, whose activities were integrated: the Notary Public Offices were used to control contract drafting according to the formalities set forth by law, whereas the Real Estate Registry Offices were used to render the contracts public. In order to concentrate contractual information at the registries and offices and ensure the public awareness thereof, the State gradually discouraged contractual transactions closed by means of private instruments upon the enactment of successive laws that gradually limited the legal safety and validity thereof. The greater clarity and legal safety brought forth by this process not only enabled mortgage credit to become more dynamic, but also provided for new scenarios in land purchase, thereby resulting in land valuation in favorable conditions.

Formalisation de l'éthique au sein des entreprises : étude du design des outils éthiques des firmes multinationales / Formalization of ethics within firms : study of the design of multinational corporations' ethical tools

Ben Khaled, Wafa 22 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse le processus de formalisation de l’éthique dans les entreprises. L’objectif est de comprendre comment les entreprises transposent et matérialisent par des outils un concept aussi intangible et mal défini que celui de l’éthique des affaires. Une collecte de données qualitatives variées (entretiens, observation, données secondaires, archives) au sein de cinq firmes multinationales françaises a été réalisée et a fait l’objet d’une analyse inductive (Strauss et Corbin, 1990). Ce travail révèle alors que l’absence de définition complète et tangible d’une éthique pour les entreprises est un problème aisément contourné par une volonté de conformité. En simplifiant alors le processus en y intégrant uniquement des aspects légaux, les entreprises créent des incohérences internes telles que l’isomorphisme des outils éthiques, des luttes idéologiques et identitaires entre les designers de l’éthique mais également une gestion de l’éthique qui s’apparente à de la gestion des risques et de l’incertitude. A travers l’éthique, il est possible d’entrevoir une orientation judiciaire et légale du management appelée judiciarisation Ainsi, en s’intéressant à la manière dont ils sont pensés et conçus, cette thèse s’inscrit dans la lignée des nombreux travaux sur les outils de régulation de l’éthique et leur efficacité. / This thesis analyzes the formalization process of ethics within firms. The goal is to understand how companies transpose and materialize by tools an intangible and unclear concept such as business ethics. A collection of varied qualitative data (interviews, observation, secondary data, archives) within five French multinational corporations was conducted. An inductive qualitative study (Strauss and Corbin 1990) uncovered several characteristics of the formalization process of ethics. This works reveals why the vague definition of business ethics is not an issue for companies. As they wish to comply, they simplify the process by mainly considering ethics under a legal aspect. Doing so, companies create internal inconsistencies such as isomorphism of ethical tools, ideological and identical struggles between designers of ethics and a tendency to manage ethics as they manage risk and uncertainty. Through ethics, it is possible to foresee a judicial and legal orientation of management called ‘judicialization’. By studying how ethical tools are conceived and designed, this argument is in line with numerous studies on their regulatory power and effectiveness.

La afectación de la cláusula de prepago en la celebración de las hipotecas inversas en el Perú

Aldana Cerdan, Cristian Alessandro January 2024 (has links)
La afectación de la cláusula de prepago en la celebración de los contratos de las hipotecas inversas es un tema de tesis que aborda la importancia y las implicaciones legales de esta cláusula en el contexto de los préstamos hipotecarios inversos. Las hipotecas inversas son una forma de financiamiento en la cual los propietarios de viviendas de edad avanzada pueden convertir una parte del valor acumulado de su hogar en efectivo, sin tener que venderlo ni abandonarlo. Estos préstamos ofrecen una opción atractiva para las personas mayores que desean acceder a fondos adicionales durante su jubilación. Sin embargo, la cláusula de prepago en los contratos de las hipotecas inversas puede tener un impacto significativo en los prestatarios y en sus derechos. La cláusula de prepago establece las condiciones bajo las cuales el prestatario puede pagar anticipadamente el préstamo en su totalidad o en parte, antes de la fecha de vencimiento acordada. En el caso de las hipotecas inversas, esta cláusula puede limitar la capacidad de los prestatarios para liquidar el préstamo de manera anticipada, lo cual puede tener consecuencias financieras y legales importantes. El objetivo de esta tesis es analizar cómo la cláusula de prepago afecta a los prestatarios de hipotecas inversas, examinando los aspectos legales, financieros y sociales involucrados. Se investigarán los marcos legales y regulaciones vigentes en relación con las hipotecas inversas y se evaluarán las implicaciones de las cláusulas de prepago en los derechos de los prestatarios. Además, se examinarán los efectos financieros de la cláusula de prepago en los costos totales del préstamo y se evaluarán las prácticas y políticas existentes en relación con esta cláusula en diferentes jurisdicciones. El estudio tiene como objetivo proporcionar una comprensión más profunda de las implicaciones de la cláusula de prepago en las hipotecas inversas y brindar recomendaciones para mejorar la protección de los prestatarios en este tipo de contratos. Se espera que los resultados de esta investigación sean de interés tanto para los profesionales legales y financieros como para los prestatarios potenciales de hipotecas inversas, con el fin de promover una mayor transparencia y equidad en estos contratos. / The impact of the prepayment clause on reverse mortgage contracts is a thesis topic that explores the significance and legal implications of this clause in the context of reverse mortgage loans. Reverse mortgages provide a financing option for elderly homeowners to convert a portion of their home equity into cash without having to sell or move out of their homes. While these loans offer an appealing choice for seniors seeking additional funds during retirement, the prepayment clause in reverse mortgage contracts can have substantial consequences for borrowers and their rights. The prepayment clause establishes the conditions under which the borrower can pay off the loan in full or in part before the agreed-upon maturity date. In the case of reverse mortgages, this clause can limit borrowers' ability to repay the loan in advance, leading to significant financial and legal implications. The objective of this thesis is to analyze how the prepayment clause affects reverse mortgage borrowers by examining the legal, financial, and social aspects involved. The study will investigate current legal frameworks and regulations concerning reverse mortgages and evaluate the implications of prepayment clauses on borrowers' rights. Additionally, it will examine the financial effects of the prepayment clause on the total loan costs and assess existing practices and policies regarding this clause in different jurisdictions. This research aims to provide a deeper understanding of the implications of the prepayment clause in reverse mortgages and offer recommendations for enhancing borrower protection in these contracts. The findings are expected to be of interest to legal and financial professionals, as well as potential reverse mortgage borrowers, in promoting greater transparency and fairness in these contracts.

Inversión frente a la formalización del servicio de internet de las empresas del sector telecomunicaciones en la ciudad de Ferreñafe en el periodo 2021

Lopez Santa Maria, Eliane Rosangela January 2024 (has links)
En el Perú, el sector telecomunicaciones es un sector que representa una participación importante en la economía del país, el aumento de la población al acceso de información y el incremento de nivel competitivo es debido al desarrollo de la industria de redes de telecomunicaciones. El operador no sabe invertir a la hora de investigar la realidad en la que se encuentra el mercado, su finalidad es posicionar su empresa para ofrecer su servicio de internet en la ciudad, pero sin el conocimiento de normas y leyes, significa que la entidad no será constituida de manera formal. Ofrecer el servicio de internet no es una tarea fácil, se tiene que tener muchos cuidados con la instalación de torres y los equipos que se van a utilizar con la finalidad de no poner el peligro a la población. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo principal determinar la inversión frente a la formalización del servicio de internet de las empresas del sector telecomunicaciones en la ciudad de Ferreñafe en el periodo 2021. Por otro lado, la investigación un enfoque cualitativo, de tipo aplicada y diseño no experimental. Las técnicas utilizadas en la recolección de los datos fue la entrevista aplicada a los gerentes de cada empresa analizada. Finalmente, en base a la información recopilada y el análisis realizado, se pudo concluir que existe una baja inversión en las empresas de telecomunicación debido a la falta de conocimientos sobre formalidad, por ello se recomienda realizar capacitaciones por distintitos medios a las micro y pequeñas empresas que desean invertir en su negocio, pero no saben cómo formalizarlo. / In our Peru, the telecommunications sector is a sector that represents an important participation in the country's economy, the increase in the population to access information and the increase in the competitive level is due to the development of the telecommunications network industry. The operator does not know how to invest when investigating the reality in which the market finds itself, its purpose is to position its company to offer its internet service in the city, but without knowledge of regulations and laws it means that the entity will not be formally established. Offering internet service is not an easy task, you have to be very careful with the installation of towers and the equipment that is going to be used in order not to endanger the population. The main objective of this research was to determine the investment against the formalization of the internet service of companies in the telecommunications sector in the city of Ferreñafe in the period 2021. On the other hand, the research was basic, with a qualitative approach and non-experimental design. The instruments used in data collection was the interview guide applied to the managers of each company analyzed. Finally, based on the information collected and the analysis carried out, it was possible to conclude that there is no investment in telecommunication companies due to the lack of knowledge about formality, for this reason it is recommended to carry out training by different means for micro and small companies. who want to invest in their business, but do not know how to formalize it.

Implementación de mecanismos jurídicos ante la informalidad laboral de las empresas en el Perú a raíz de la crisis sanitaria

Carrasco Labrin, Crysthel Alexandra January 2024 (has links)
La presente investigación se centra en entender las causas y consecuencias que ha originado la informalidad laboral de las empresas en el Perú, siendo una de ellas la pandemia atravesada, y para la posible solución de este fenómeno social se han propuesto una serie de mecanismos jurídicos los cuales servirán para motivar a las empresas que permanecen aún en el sector informal a formalizarse y desarrollar sus actividades dentro del marco legal. Por tanto, al haberse identificado el problema, se tiene como aporte el poder desarrollar las posibles soluciones del mismo, tratándose de un tipo de investigación aplicada; además, para el desarrollo de la misma, se ha utilizado también una investigación de tipo documental, haciendo uso de doctrina nacional e internacional a través de textos, revistas, artículos e investigaciones predecesoras que servirán para cumplir con los objetivos propuestos en la investigación. Finalmente, el presente trabajo se desarrollará en tres capítulos; el primero abarcará el análisis de la informalidad laboral de las empresas, las causas, consecuencias y como repercute en la economía nacional en tiempos de pandemia; el segundo comprende al desarrollo empresarial desde el punto de vista de la doctrina nacional e internacional y como los mecanismos jurídicos coadyuvan a ello; y por último el tercero establecerá una propuesta de los mecanismos jurídicos a implementarse ante la creciente informalidad laboral de las empresas en el Perú a raíz del covid-19. / This research is focused on understanding the causes and consequences that have originated the labor informality of companies in Peru, one of them being the pandemic that has occurred, and for the possible solution of this social phenomenon, a series of legal mechanisms have been proposed, which will serve to motivate the companies that are still in the informal sector to formalize and develop their activities within the legal framework. Therefore, having identified the problem, it has as a contribution to be able to develop possible solutions to it, being a type of applied research; in addition, for the development of the same, a documentary type research has also been used, making use of national and international doctrine through texts, magazines, articles and predecessor research that will serve to meet the objectives proposed in the research. Finally, this work will be developed in three chapters; the first one will cover the analysis of the labor informality of the companies, the causes, consequences and how it affects the national economy in times of pandemic; the second one comprises the business development from the point of view of the national and international doctrine and how the legal mechanisms contribute to it; and finally the third one will establish a proposal of the legal mechanisms to be implemented in view of the growing labor informality of the companies in Peru as a result of covid-19.

Représentations du sens lexical en lexicologie explicative et combinatoire : étude de trois formalisations spécifiques

Samson-Fauteux, Mélissa 08 1900 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur les différentes formalisations du sens linguistique dans le cadre de la théorie Sens-Texte (TST) ; elle s’intéresse notamment à la représentation sémantique, la représentation la plus importante dans la modélisation du sens d’énoncés et d’unités lexicales de la langue. Cette étude a trois objectifs : premièrement, décrire trois formalisations de la représentation sémantique existant dans la TST – les réseaux sémantiques, les définitions lexicographiques et les définitions de la BDéf (des définitions très formalisées) ; deuxièmement, identifier les disparités et les décalages entre les formalisations choisies ; troisièmement, proposer des modifications aux formalisations existantes pour réduire au maximum ces disparités. / This study explores the different formalisations of linguistic meaning as encountered in the Meaning-Text Theory (MST) framework. Its main interest is semantic representation, which is the most important representation in the modeling of the meaning of utterances and lexical units. This study has three objectives: first, describing three existing formalisations of semantic representation in the MST – semantic networks, lexicographical definitions, and BDéf definitions (definitions that are extremely formalized); second, identifying the discrepancies between these formalisations; finally, proposing modifications to these formalisations in order to reduce the disparities as much as possible.

Approche systématique basée sur fUML pour formaliser la sémantique d’exécution des profils UML / A Systematic Approach based on fUML to Formalize UML Profiles Execution Semantics

Tatibouët, Jérémie 16 October 2014 (has links)
Les profils permettent de customiser UML pour un domaine particulier. Cette customisation se fait par l’ajout de concepts (stéréotypes) relatifs au domaine, l’ajout de contraintes sur ces concepts ainsi que la résolution de points de variation sémantiques. Il existe un processus établit et documenté dans l’état de l’art permettant de construire la syntaxe de ces langages basés sur UML. En revanche, ce processus ne couvre pas l’aspect formalisation de la sémantique et les propositions issues de l’état de l’art ne présentent pas d’approches systématiques pour traiter ce problème.La formalisation de la sémantique est un point essentiel de la construction d’un langage car elle permet de donner le sens des constructions syntaxiques. Pour être efficace, la formalisation de la sémantique d’un langage doit être menée conjointement à une action de normalisation. L’intérêt d’avoir une sémantique formelle et standard pour un langage est qu’elle permet aux modèles définis dans ce langage d’être exploités (analyse, exécution, simulation, etc.) de manière équivalente entre les outils. Cette équivalence permet aux utilisateurs d’observer des interprétations identiques d’un même modèle entre différents outils et donc d’avoir une compréhension commune du modèle et de la sémantique associée. Dans le contexte des profils, les actions de normalisations menées par l’OMG se concentrent exclusivement sur la syntaxe et la formalisation de la sémantique est négligée. Nous proposons de répondre à ce problème en nous appuyant sur les spécifications fUML et PSCS qui définissent une sémantique normative pour un sous-ensemble d’UML.Dans un premier temps, nous définissons deux méthodologies alternatives s’appuyant sur ces standards permettant de formaliser la sémantique d’exécution d’un profil UML. Dans la première méthodologie la sémantique d’exécution d’un profil est formalisée au niveau du modèle de domaine. La forme exécutable d’un modèle applicatif profilé est obtenue par transformation de modèle. Dans la seconde méthodologie, la sémantique est définie directement pour le profil. Le modèle qui la formalise est une extension du modèle sémantique de fUML/PSCS formalisée avec fUML. Les modèles sémantiques obtenus sont conformes à fUML ce qui les rend par construction exécutables et directement exploitables dans n’importe quel outil implantant les normes UML et fUML. Dans un deuxième temps, nous comparons nos approches sur la base de trois critères : l’effort de modélisation requis pour produire le modèle sémantique, la préservation de la sémantique de base d’UML définie par fUML/PSCS et la possibilité d’identifier rapidement les relations entre les stéréotypes et leurs sémantiques. Cette comparaison, nous permet de montrer la capacité de notre seconde méthodologie à prendre en compte des extensions clefs de la sémantique de base d’UML dans le contexte des profils. Ces éléments clefs sont : la délégation du contrôle, l’instanciation et les communications. L’ensemble de nos contributions ont été outillées dans le contexte de l’outil d’exécution de modèles MOKA qui est intégré au modeleur UML/SysML Papyrus. / UML profiles enable the UML to be tailored to a particular domain. To do so, a profile adds domain specific concepts (i.e., stereotypes) and constraints to UML and disambiguates specific semantic variation points. The design process for abstract syntax of profiles is well documented in the literature. However, specification of the semantics is neglected. According to our researches, there are no proposals in the state-of-the-art that define a systematic approach to solve this problem.Semantic formalization is a key point of language design. It enables to formally define the meaning of syntactic elements. In order to be efficient, the formalization activity must be realized in parallel with a standardization activity. The interest to have a language with a formal standardized semantic is to enable models defined using this latter to be interpreted (analysis, execution, simulation) in equivalent way between tools implementing the semantics. This equivalence enables users to observe similar interpretations of the same model between different tools and therefore to have a shared understanding of this model and the associated semantic.In the context of UML profiles, normalization activities leaded by the OMG are focused on the syntax. The semantic formalization aspect is neglected. We propose to address this problem by relying on fUML and PSCS OMG (Object Management Group) specifications. These standards formalize execution semantics for a subset of UML (classes, composite structures, and activities).Firstly, we define two methodologies relying on these standards to formalize execution semantics of UML profiles execution semantics. The first methodology defines the execution semantics for the domain model underlying the profile. The executable form of an applicative model defined using the profile is obtained by model transformation. In the second methodology, semantics are defined directly for the profile by extending the semantic model of fUML/PSCS using fUML. By being conform to fUML, the semantic model is by construction executable and can be directly used in any tools implementing the UML and fUML standards.Secondly, we compare our approaches against the following criteria: the modelling effort required to build the semantic model, the capability of the methodology to preserve the UML semantics (i.e., the one defined by fUML/PSCS) and the capability to identify clearly the relationships between the stereotypes and their semantics. This comparison enables us to demonstrate the capacity of the second methodology to define key extensions of the UML semantics in the context of a profile. These latter are: the control delegation, the instantiation, and the communications. The contributions have been implemented in our model execution framework Moka which is integrated in the open-source UML/SysML modeling tool Papyrus.

Comment améliorer l’usage du Dossier Patient Informatisé dans un hôpital ? : vers une formalisation habilitante du travail intégrant l’usage du système d’information dans une bureaucratie professionnelle / How to improve Hospital Electronic Patient Record use ? : toward an enabling work formalization within Information System in professional bureaucracy

Morquin, David 27 May 2019 (has links)
L’objet principal de cette thèse concerne le Dossier Patient Informatisé (DPI) dans les hôpitaux, et plus particulièrement les difficultés d’usage après la phase d’implémentation. Notre démarche visait à concevoir, à partir des connaissances académiques en Système d’Information, une méthode permettant aux acteurs de terrain d’agir sur une problématique spécifique. Concrètement nous cherchions à savoir comment améliorer les situations de « misfit », c’est à dire les situations dans lesquelles les professionnels de santé considèrent l’usage du DPI comme inadapté à leur métier. Pour ce faire, nous avons cherché à comprendre le bilan mitigé du DPI dans la littérature en utilisant les travaux d’Adler & Borys (1996) sur le caractère dual de la formalisation du travail induite par la technologie (habilitante ou coercitive). Une technologie habilitante permet de positionner un utilisateur comme source de solutions, alors qu’une technologie coercitive tend à le considérer comme source de problèmes. Dans le premier manuscrit portant sur l’autonomie des professionnels de santé face au système d’information hospitalier, nous avons conclu sur la nécessité d’une formalisation de type habilitante pour améliorer l’usage du DPI. Dans le deuxième manuscrit, nous avons montré que dans les exemples d’expériences négatives du Dossier Patient Informatisé rapportés dans la littérature, il était possible de mettre en évidence les différents aspects d’une formalisation coercitive. Pour argumenter sur le caractère dual de la formalisation du travail induite par le DPI, nous avons rapporté dans le troisième manuscrit une étude empirique illustrative. Nos données montrent que pour un même DPI, dans un même hôpital, il peut exister des îlots de formalisation habilitante. En sortant du seul domaine d’application de la santé, nous avons approfondi les travaux sur la conceptualisation du misfit entre processus d’affaires et Système d’Entreprise (SE) de Strong & Volkoff de 2010, en utilisant les concepts d’affordance et d’actualisation d’affordance utilisés par les mêmes auteurs en 2013 et 2014. Le quatrième manuscrit présente donc un modèle original permettant d’analyser l’usage des technologies de l’information pour un processus d’affaires donné sous la forme d’une combinaison d’actualisations, de non-actualisation ou d’actualisations partielles de multiples affordances du système d’entreprise par de multiples acteurs. Dans une perspective réaliste critique, le misfit est alors la perception par un individu ou un groupe d’individus que cette combinaison ne répond pas à l’ensemble ou à une partie des objectifs du processus de façon satisfaisante. Nous rapportons ensuite comment, dans le cadre d’une recherche-action, nous avons utilisé ce modèle pour améliorer l’usage d’un DPI en post-implémentation dans un hôpital. L’analyse d’une situation de misfit selon notre méthode permet une recombinaison, en recherchant une suite cohérente d’ajustements techniques et organisationnels acceptables pour toutes les parties prenantes et dont l’agencement permet bien la disparition du misfit initial, mais aussi de l’ensemble des misfits révélés pendant l’analyse. Cette recombinaison aboutit alors à une formalisation du travail présentant toutes les caractéristiques d’une formalisation habilitante.La discussion de la thèse aborde les conditions du succès de la méthode, le choix des situations sur lesquelles l’appliquer et les perspectives de recherche qui en découlent. / The main focus of this thesis is the Electronic Patient Record (EPR) in hospitals, and more particularly the difficulties of use after the implementation phase. Our approach aimed to design, with the academic knowledge of Information Systems, a method allowing field actors to act on this specific issue. In concrete terms, we were looking for ways to improve "misfit" situations, i.e. situations in which health professionals consider the use of EPR to be unsuitable for their profession. To do this, we sought to understand the mixed record of EPR use reported in the professional literature, by using the dual nature (enabling or coercive) of technology-induced work formalization (Adler & Borys, 1996). Enabling technology allows a user to be positioned as a source of solutions, while coercive technology tends to consider them as a source of problems. In the first manuscript on the autonomy of health professionals in relation to the hospital information system, we concluded that an enabling formalization is needed to improve the use of EPR. In the second manuscript, we showed that in the examples of negative experiences of the EPR reported in the literature, it was possible to highlight the different aspects of coercive formalization. To argue on the dual nature of the formalization of work induced by EPR, we have reported in the third manuscript an illustrative empirical study. Our data show that for the same EPR, in the same hospital, there may be islets of enabling formalization.Moving beyond the health field of application alone, we have further developed Strong & Volkoff's 2010 conceptualization of the misfit between business process and Enterprise System (ES), using the concepts of affordance and affordance-actualization used by the same authors in 2013 and 2014.The fourth manuscript therefore presents an original model for analyzing the use of information technology for a given business process in the form of a combination of actualizations, non-actualizations or partial actualizations of multiple affordances of the enterprise system by multiple actors. From a critical realistic perspective, misfit is then the perception by an individual or group of individuals that this combination does not satisfactorily meet all or some of the objectives of the process.We then report on how we used this model to improve the use of EPR in post-implementation in an action research project. The analysis of a misfit situation according to our method allows a recombination, by seeking a coherent sequence of technical and organizational adjustments acceptable to all stakeholders and whose arrangement allows the disappearance of the initial misfit, but also of all the misfits revealed during the analysis. This recombination then leads to a formalization of the work that has all the characteristics of an enabling formalization.The discussion of the thesis addresses the conditions for the success of the method, the choice of situations on which to apply it and the resulting research perspectives.

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