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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

From Chit-Chat to Formalized Documents : A Design Study of the Communication in a Persistent Multi-player Computer Game

Lyrstedt, Daniel, Gustavsson, Fredrik January 2002 (has links)
In this Master thesis the key discussion is how to make dynamic informal conversations comprehensible to a computer system. The discussion is at large centered towards the distributed persistent real-time multi-player computer game Worlds. In this thesis we discuss the important aspects of communication and collaboration in computer games, and how these affect the the formalization of communicated information into computable data. The discussion of this thesis is based on several kinds of sources; empirical studies of games, discussions with players of multi-player computer games, meetings with a game designer and a game programmer and forum activities on a message board for independent game developers. Beside this the use of academic literature and the design of an actual computer game, are also brought together to create a platform for thought and discussion. This thesis is an attempt to bring reflection and analysis into the craft of computer game making, as well as to bring aspects of game design into the world of academics. The result of this thesis leads to a design suggestion of the communication and agreement creation system of the game Worlds. We find our discussion and our design, interesting and important, as an object for further analysis, discussions and thoughts. / for more info visit: www.enormousgames.com

Quick and dirty

Buschmann, Anna 18 December 2020 (has links)
Die Studie erforscht institutionalle Arrangements, die auf eine Privatisierung des Agrarlands in der Republik Georgien abzielen, deren Formalisierung der Eigentumsrechte den letzten Schritt der Agrarreformen darstellen, und speziell, wie sich die Durchsetzung des Rechts auf Privateigentum entwickelt hat. Laut Schätzungen ist bisher nur ca. ein Drittel des Landes registriert. Das Ziel der Analyse dient dem Verständnis, wie sich politische Reformen, die eine Privatisierung des Agrarlands beabsichtigen, auf den Landbesitz allgemein und die Agrarproduktion im Besonderen auswirken. Anhand von zwei der führenden landwirtschaftlichen Exportprodukte – Haselnuss und Wein –, verfolgt die Studie methodologisch einen abduktiven Forschungsansatz, der von Triangulation geleitet ist. Die Ergebnisse basieren auf einer Umfrage, Fokusgruppen-Interviews mit Agrarproduzenten sowie Interviews mit Leitern verarbeitender Betriebe, Repräsentanten der Regierung sowie Experten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen einerseits, dass Nutzungs- und später Eigentumsrechte konstant kraft einer ‚property rule’ durchgesetzt wurden, und somit einen Status quo gesichert haben, der besonders die Mitglieder ehemaliger einflussreicher (lokaler) Regierungskreise begünstigt hat; demgegenüber haben die Reformen kontinuierlich Unsicherheit unter der Landbevölkerung erzeugt – indem die Durchsetzung privater Eigentumsrechte von einer ‚property rule’ hin zu einer ‚liability rule’ verändert worden ist –, während die erforderlichen Kosten zur (Wieder-)Erlangung der Besitzansprüche zunehmend den ehemaligen Rechtsinhabern aufgebürdet worden ist. Die Ergebnisse lassen eine potentielle Umverteilung in Form konzentrierten Landbesitzes vermuten, während die Mehrheit der Betriebe künftig auf die Durchsetzung von Landnutzungsrechten vertrauen darf, um ihre Subsistenzwirtschaft fortzuführen. / This study focuses on the institutional change of agricultural land privatization in the Republic of Georgia, where the formalization of private property rights forms the last step of the agrarian land reforms, and specifically how people’s entitle-ment to land has been protected over time. It is estimated that so far only about a third of the land has been registered. The aim of the analysis is to understand how political reforms targeting land privatization have affected land ownership, and to show the effects on agricultural production. By focussing on two leading export products of Georgian agriculture – hazelnut and wine – the study methodologi-cally follows an abductive research strategy led by the principles of triangulation. It is based on survey data, focus groups interviews with agrarian producers as well as interviews with processors, government representatives and experts. The results reveal, on the one hand, that by constantly enforcing use and then owner-ship rights according to a property rule maintained a status-quo which has mainly favored former influential (local) government circles; in contrast, the reforms have persistently generated insecurity to rural neighborhoods – by changing the enforcement of people’s private ownership rights from a property rule to a liabil-ity rule –, while the emerging costs to (re-)claim ownership were increasingly shifted to the former right holders who can hardly raise the required financial means. The results suggest a re-distribution of land in the form of a rising concen-tration of land ownership, while the majority of agricultural producers may rely on the granting of use-rights to proceed with their subsistence farming in the fu-ture.


Zámečníková, Eva Unknown Date (has links)
Tato disertační práce se zabývá problematikou zpracování vysokofrekvenčních časových řad. Zaměřuje se na návrh algoritmů a metod pro podporu predikce těchto dat. Výsledkem je model pro podporu řízení rozhodovacího procesu implementovaný do platformy pro komplexní zpracování dat. Model navrhuje způsob formalizace množiny podnikových pravidel, které popisují rozhodovací proces. Navržený model musí vyhovovat splnění požadavků na robustnost, rozšiřitelnost, zpracování v reálném čase a požadavkům ekonometriky. Práce shrnuje současné poznatky a metodologie pro zpracování vysokofrekvenčních finančních dat, jejichž zdrojem jsou nejčastěji burzy. První část práce se věnuje popisu základních principů a přístupů používaných pro zpracování vysokofrekvenčních časových dat v současné době. Další část se věnuje popisu podnikových pravidel, rozhodovacího procesu a komplexní platformy pro zpracování vysokofrekvenčních dat a samotnému zpracování dat pomocí zvolené komplexní platformy. Důraz je kladen na výběr a úpravu množiny pravidel, které řídí rozhodovací proces. Navržený model popisuje množinu pravidel pomocí maticové gramatiky. Tato gramatika spadá do oblasti gramatik s řízeným přepisováním a pomocí definovaných matic umožňuje ovlivnit zpracování dat.

Formalizations for geooperators-geoprocessing in Spatial Data Infrastructures

Brauner, Johannes 22 May 2015 (has links)
Nowadays, geoprocessing has moved in large parts from isolated desktop usage into the Web. Thereby, the overall availability of geoprocessing functionality has theoretically improved. Nevertheless, web-based geoprocessing functionality is still not readily available and usable as means to find and subsequently compare functionality are yet missing. Discoverability and exchangeability of geoprocessing functionality are limited, and the fundamental benefits of online usage are not fully exploited. To close this gap, this thesis defines a conceptualization with geooperators representing well-defined geoprocessing functionality, and categories representing distinct geooperator attributes as a starting point. Geooperators and categories are connected by associative and hierarchical links forming an interlinked network. The conceptualization serves as basis for two purposes: On the one hand, discovery of geooperators has to be improved. There is a multitude of different GIS users from varying backgrounds, all having a slightly different view on geoprocessing functionality. To embrace these varying views, several actually existing and established categorizations for geooperators are integrated into the conceptualization and structured hierarchically. Thus, multiple different perspectives on geooperators are enabled. The perspectives and the underlying categorizations are integrated into a geooperator browser serving as client that users can employ for discovery. The geooperator browser offers a faceted browsing interface based on the derived perspectives and categories. Several different search modes are offered and can be used simultaneously, thereby facilitating an improved discovery. On the other hand, to establish comparability and subsequently semantically interoperable exchangeability of geooperators, respective geooperator attributes are defined. Thereby, backend and provider independence of geoprocessing services is achieved. The conceptualization is formalized to allow for machine readability and processing which is required for usage in Spatial Data Infrastructures and the Semantic Web. The formalized conceptualization is labeled geooperator thesaurus. It is encoded by Semantic Web standards and offered in a Semantic Web compliant manner. The integration into geoprocessing service metadata is enabled by injecting semantic annotations that link to the respective concepts in the geooperator thesaurus. The thesaurus serves as the underlying data model for the geooperator browser. The thesis concludes with an outlook and discussions of future work. Foremost, the content of the geooperator thesaurus needs to be extended as it currently only comprises a representative subset of geooperators. An approach is suggested to involve the geoprocessing community as an important source of geoprocessing expertise in the maintenance and further development of the thesaurus. On a conceptual level, the thesaurus needs to be extended to a fully-fledged ontology including a formal geoprocessing algebra to support the creation of geooperator workflows. From a discovery point of view, the concept of geoprocessing patterns is outlined. Geoprocessing patterns list geooperators that are commonly used for certain geoprocessing tasks, and provide best practices about applying them in a meaningful manner and sequence. / An Stelle von isolierter Desktop-basierter Nutzung von Geoprozessierung werden heutzutage mehr und mehr webbasierte Angebote zur Verfügung gestellt. Dadurch hat sich die generelle Verfügbarkeit von Geoprozessierungsfunktionalität theoretisch verbessert. Da jedoch das Auffinden und anschließend oft notwendige Vergleichen von Funktionalität nur eingeschränkt möglich ist, können die Vorteile einer webbasierten Verfügbarkeit nicht vollständig genutzt werden. Um dieser Problematik zu begegnen, wird im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit eine Konzeptualisierung entwickelt, die wohldefinierte Geoprozessierungsfunktionalität als Geooperatoren und Kategorien als Unterscheidungsmerkmale für Geooperatoren zur Verfügung stellt. Geooperatoren und Kategorien sind über assoziative und hierarchische Links zu einem Netzwerk verknüpft. Diese Konzeptualisierung erfüllt zwei grundlegende Aufgaben: Einerseits muss das Auffinden von Geooperatoren für Nutzer mit unterschiedlichsten Anwendungshintergründen möglich sein. Diese Nutzer haben unterschiedlichste Sichten auf Geooperatoren, die berücksichtigt und unterstützt werden sollen. Dazu werden etablierte Kategorisierungen aus Literatur und Praxis in die Konzeptualisierung integriert, entsprechend hierarchisch strukturiert und als Perspektiven auf Geooperatoren für den Zugriff nach Außen zur Verfügung gestellt. Diese Perspektiven und die darunterliegenden Kategorien werden als Facetten in einen Geooperatorbrowser integriert, der als webbasierter Client von den Nutzern für das Auffinden von Geooperatoren verwendet werden kann. Die explorative Suche über Facetten nach Geoprozessierungsfunktionalität wird durch eine Schlüsselwortsuche und einen geführten Suchmodus ergänzt und damit insgesamt die Auffindbarkeit von Geooperatoren verbessert. Andererseits sollen die Vergleichbarkeit und der anschließend semantisch interoperable Austausch von Geooperatoren ermöglicht werden. Dazu werden durch einen Vergleich von Geooperatorattributen Ähnlichkeiten von Geooperatoren definiert und zusammen mit der Konzeptualisierung als Geooperatorthesaurus formalisiert. Durch die Formalisierung wird eine Maschinenlesbarkeit und -prozessierbarkeit erreicht. Nur so kann ein anbieter- und backendunabhängiger Austausch von Geoprozessierungsdiensten in Geodateninfrastrukturen ermöglicht werden. Der Thesaurus nutzt Semantic-Web-Standards und wird in einer Semantic-Web-kompatiblen Art und Weise im Web publiziert. Die Integration in Metadaten von Geoprozessierungsdiensten wird durch semantische Annotationen erreicht, die auf die entsprechenden Konzepte im Thesaurus verlinken. Der Thesaurus dient als Datenbasis für den Geooperatorenbrowser. Die Arbeit schließt mit einem Ausblick auf und einer Diskussion von zukünftigen Forschungsarbeiten ab. Da der Thesaurus zurzeit nur eine repräsentative Menge an Beispieldaten enthält, muss als erster wichtiger Schritt der Inhalt des Thesaurus erweitert werden. Für die mittel- und langfristige Instandhaltung und Weiterentwicklung des Thesaurus wird ein Konzept zur Einbindung der GIS-Community vorgeschlagen, da hier gebündelte Geoprozessierungsexpertise vorhanden ist. Auf einer konzeptuellen Ebene muss der Thesaurus für eine semantisch und technisch verbesserte Verkettung von Geooperatoren zu einer vollständigen Ontologie mit einer formalen Geoprozessierungsalgebra weiterentwickelt werden. Für eine weitere Verbesserung der Auffindbarkeit von Geooperatoren wird das Konzept von Geoprozessierungspatterns skizziert, die Geooperatoren zusammenfassen, die oft im Kontext einer bestimmten Aufgabe zusammen genutzt werden. Zusätzlich werden über die Patterns Best Practices zur sinnvollen Anwendung und Verkettung der enthaltenen Geooperatoren zur Verfügung gestellt.

Quick and dirty

Buschmann, Anna 18 December 2020 (has links)
Die Studie erforscht institutionalle Arrangements, die auf eine Privatisierung des Agrarlands in der Republik Georgien abzielen, deren Formalisierung der Eigentumsrechte den letzten Schritt der Agrarreformen darstellen, und speziell, wie sich die Durchsetzung des Rechts auf Privateigentum entwickelt hat. Laut Schätzungen ist bisher nur ca. ein Drittel des Landes registriert. Das Ziel der Analyse dient dem Verständnis, wie sich politische Reformen, die eine Privatisierung des Agrarlands beabsichtigen, auf den Landbesitz allgemein und die Agrarproduktion im Besonderen auswirken. Anhand von zwei der führenden landwirtschaftlichen Exportprodukte – Haselnuss und Wein –, verfolgt die Studie methodologisch einen abduktiven Forschungsansatz, der von Triangulation geleitet ist. Die Ergebnisse basieren auf einer Umfrage, Fokusgruppen-Interviews mit Agrarproduzenten sowie Interviews mit Leitern verarbeitender Betriebe, Repräsentanten der Regierung sowie Experten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen einerseits, dass Nutzungs- und später Eigentumsrechte konstant kraft einer ‚property rule’ durchgesetzt wurden, und somit einen Status quo gesichert haben, der besonders die Mitglieder ehemaliger einflussreicher (lokaler) Regierungskreise begünstigt hat; demgegenüber haben die Reformen kontinuierlich Unsicherheit unter der Landbevölkerung erzeugt – indem die Durchsetzung privater Eigentumsrechte von einer ‚property rule’ hin zu einer ‚liability rule’ verändert worden ist –, während die erforderlichen Kosten zur (Wieder-)Erlangung der Besitzansprüche zunehmend den ehemaligen Rechtsinhabern aufgebürdet worden ist. Die Ergebnisse lassen eine potentielle Umverteilung in Form konzentrierten Landbesitzes vermuten, während die Mehrheit der Betriebe künftig auf die Durchsetzung von Landnutzungsrechten vertrauen darf, um ihre Subsistenzwirtschaft fortzuführen. / This study focuses on the institutional change of agricultural land privatization in the Republic of Georgia, where the formalization of private property rights forms the last step of the agrarian land reforms, and specifically how people’s entitle-ment to land has been protected over time. It is estimated that so far only about a third of the land has been registered. The aim of the analysis is to understand how political reforms targeting land privatization have affected land ownership, and to show the effects on agricultural production. By focussing on two leading export products of Georgian agriculture – hazelnut and wine – the study methodologi-cally follows an abductive research strategy led by the principles of triangulation. It is based on survey data, focus groups interviews with agrarian producers as well as interviews with processors, government representatives and experts. The results reveal, on the one hand, that by constantly enforcing use and then owner-ship rights according to a property rule maintained a status-quo which has mainly favored former influential (local) government circles; in contrast, the reforms have persistently generated insecurity to rural neighborhoods – by changing the enforcement of people’s private ownership rights from a property rule to a liabil-ity rule –, while the emerging costs to (re-)claim ownership were increasingly shifted to the former right holders who can hardly raise the required financial means. The results suggest a re-distribution of land in the form of a rising concen-tration of land ownership, while the majority of agricultural producers may rely on the granting of use-rights to proceed with their subsistence farming in the fu-ture.


BERNARDO PINTO DE ALKMIM 19 March 2020 (has links)
[pt] A lógica iALC é uma lógica de descrição de caráter intuicionista, criada para lidar com textos jurídicos como alternativa à mais comumente utilizada lógica deôntica, por conseguir contornar problemas que se encontra ao utilizar esta última. Nesta dissertação, introduzimos os principais conceitos que formam iALC, argumentamos sobre sua utilização em vez de demais lógicas para formalização de leis, implementamos suas provas de correção e completude no assistente de provas L(existe algum)(para cada)N, e apresentamos uma proposta de formalização de leis brasileiras em iALC. Além disso, mostramos um exemplo de aplicação desta formalização para resolução de questões de múltipla escolha da primeira fase do exame da OAB, que tem por objetivo avaliar a aptidão dos candidatos para a prática da advocacia no Brasil. São vistos três exemplos de questões, cujas características são discutidas e comparadas umas às outras. / [en] The logic iALC is a description logic with an intuitionistic aspect to it, created to deal with legal texts as an alternative to the more common deontic logic, by being able to avoid problems found when utilizing the latter. In this dissertation, we introduce the core concepts which form iALC, debate on its utilization instead of other logics for legal formalization, implement the soundness and completeness proofs for it in the proof assistant L(there is some)(for each)N, and present a proposal for formalization of Brazilian law in iALC. Furthermore, we show an example of application of this formalization in order to reason on multiple choice questions of the first part of the OAB Exam (the Brazilian national Bar exam), which aims to test candidates for their aptitude to practice the law in Brazil. We will show three examples, whose characteristics will be discussed and then compared to the others.

Enabling Effective Community Forestry Through a National Co-Management Program: The Case of Thailand's Community Forestry Program

Jenke, Michael 04 August 2022 (has links)
Rural communities have engaged in the governance and management of forest resources by developing institutions that prevent overexploitation of common-pool resources and maintain the basis of their livelihoods. Effective community forestry relies on several conditions, including secure tenure rights, an enabling regulatory framework, strong governance, and sufficient knowledge. Worldwide, customary community forests have gained legal recognition in the wake of tenure reforms with the expectation that this formalization would enhance tenure security. In Thailand, the Royal Forest Department (RFD) began in 2000 to legally recognize community forests and share formal rights and responsibilities with communities through a national co-management program. This program was further expanded to support the development of community forest networks. The RFD could not provide extension services to approximately 10,000 community forests and aimed to improve the information sharing among communities. The objective of this dissertation was to investigate whether both program elements, i.e. forest tenure formalization and community forest networking, could provide better conditions for community forests. It was of particular interest whether the formalization could enhance the security of tenure rights, which could affect the willingness of communities to invest in forest conservation. The intervention to enhance inter-communal networks is of particular relevance for the international community due to its uniqueness. A diverse set of methodological approaches was required to address each objective. A quasi- experimental design was used to analyze the effect of community forest management on deforestation and the impact of the subsequent formalization based on statistical matching and panel data analyses. Comparative case studies were investigated subsequently to better understand the relationships between formalization, tenure security, forest-related conflicts, and deforestation. Social network modeling was used to analyze how networking organizations affected the flow of information between communities. The findings indicated that community in Thailand have effectively protected their forests even before receiving legal recognition. The formalization procedure has improved the relationship between communities and RFD officials but it has not enhanced their ability to prevent forest encroachment as support from the State has been insufficient in the case of tenure conflicts. In the absence of state-led extension services, established networking organizations enabled communities to provide mutual support as indicated by the enhanced inter-communal flow of information on a provincial level. However, networking organizations still depended on external funding and support during their initial establishment. The co-sharing of forest tenure rights and responsibilities between communities and the RFD might have helped to build trust and acceptance. This study has, however, confirmed that formalization can only provide limited benefits to forest-managing communities if they remain unprotected from forest encroachment because their formal tenure rights are not being enforced. Thus, communities might become disillusioned if their rights are not protected against more powerful actors. The community forest networks have the potential to increase the political influence of these communities while also enhancing their capacity to share and develop new knowledge. However, communities require more financial resources as their responsibilities increase while their ability to generate financial returns remains legally limited. Thus, the regulatory framework can be changed to balance communal rights and responsibilities or expanded by developing financing mechanisms to fund community-based conservation activities, such as forest patrols and fire prevention measures.:Acknowledgements Summary List of Figures List of Tables 1 Enabling effective community forestry 1.1 Potential outcomes of community forestry 1.2 Conditions for effective community forestry 1.3 Policy interventions in Asia’s community forests 2 Justification and objectives 2.1 Impact of formalization on tenure security and local institutions 2.2 Impact of registration on forest loss 2.3 Impact of network administration organization on information-sharing 3 The history of community-based forest management models in Thailand 3.1 Expansion of state control over forestland 3.2 Forest Village Programs 3.3 Community forestry discourse 3.4 Community Forest Program 3.5 Conclusions 4 Designing impact evaluations for policy interventions 4.1 Quantitative impact evaluation 4.2 Qualitative impact evaluation 4.3 Social network analysis 5 The impact of community forest formalization on tenure security and forest co- management in Thailand 5.1 Abstract 5.2 Introduction 5.3 Background 5.4 Methodology 5.5 Results 5.6 Discussion 5.7 Conclusion 6 Community-based forest management moderates impact of deforestation pressure regardless of formalization in Thailand 6.1 Abstract 6.2 Introduction 6.3 Methodology 6.4 Results 6.5 Discussion 6.6 Conclusion 7 Network administrators facilitate information sharing among communal forest organizations in Thailand 7.1 Abstract 7.2 Introduction 7.3 Methodology 7.4 Results 7.5 Discussion 7.6 Conclusion 8 Synthesis, implications and outlook 8.1 Synthesis of key results 8.2 Policy implications 8.3 Future research 8.4 Critical reflections on research methodology Supplementary material for Chapter 6 Supplementary material for Chapter 7 References Supplementary material

Intelligent flood adaptative contex-aware system / Système sensible et adaptatif au contexte pour la gestion intelligente de crues

Sun, Jie 23 October 2017 (has links)
A l’avenir, l'agriculture et l'environnement vont pouvoir bénéficier de plus en plus de données hétérogènes collectées par des réseaux de capteurs sans fil (RCSF). Ces données alimentent généralement des outils d’aide à la décision (OAD). Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons spécifiquement aux systèmes sensibles et adaptatifs au contexte basés sur un RCSF et un OAD, dédiés au suivi de phénomènes naturels. Nous proposons ainsi une formalisation pour la conception et la mise en œuvre de ces systèmes. Le contexte considéré se compose de données issues du phénomène étudié mais également des capteurs sans fil (leur niveau d’énergie par exemple). Par l’utilisation des ontologies et de techniques de raisonnement, nous visons à maintenir le niveau de qualité de service (QdS) des données collectées (en accord avec le phénomène étudié) tant en préservant le fonctionnement du RCSF. Pour illustrer notre proposition, un cas d'utilisation complexe, l'étude des inondations dans un bassin hydrographique, est considéré. Cette thèse a produit un logiciel de simulation de ces systèmes qui intègre un système de simulation multi-agents (JADE) avec un moteur d’inférence à base de règles (Jess). / In the future, agriculture and environment will rely on more and more heterogeneous data collected by wireless sensor networks (WSN). These data are generally used in decision support systems (DSS). In this dissertation, we focus on adaptive context-aware systems based on WSN and DSS, dedicated to the monitoring of natural phenomena. Thus, a formalization for the design and the deployment of these kinds of systems is proposed. The considered context is established using the data from the studied phenomenon but also from the wireless sensors (e.g., their energy level). By the use of ontologies and reasoning techniques, we aim to maintain the required quality of service (QoS) level of the collected data (according to the studied phenomenon) while preserving the resources of the WSN. To illustrate our proposal, a complex use case, the study of floods in a watershed, is described. During this PhD thesis, a simulator for context-aware systems which integrates a multi-agent system (JADE) and a rule engine (Jess) has been developed.Keywords: ontologies, rule-based inferences, formalization, heterogeneous data, sensors data streams integration, WSN, limited resources, DSS, adaptive context-aware systems, QoS, agriculture, environment.

CSR inom svenska fotbollsföreningar : Relationen till prestation och organisationsstruktur / CSR within swedish football clubs : The relation to performance and organizational structure

Andersson, Jesper, Stillerfelt, Johan January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund & problem: CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility, är sedan länge ett väl utforskat område, både i Sverige och internationellt, där många tidigare studier behandlar dess koppling till finansiell prestation, framförallt inom stora företag. Ett område som är relativt outforskat är CSR inom idrottsvärlden och vidare inom fotboll, framförallt ur en svensk kontext. I vilken utsträckning engagerar sig svenska fotbollsföreningar i CSR-relaterade aktiviteter och vilken effekt har det för deras prestation? Syfte: Syftet med studien är att testa och förklara CSR-engagemangs påverkan på svenska fotbollsföreningars HR- och sociala prestation samt om organisationsstruktur i termer av formaliserings-, centraliserings- och komplexitetsgrad påverkar detta samband. Vidare är det praktiska syftet att bidra med vägledning för hur svenska fotbollsföreningar kan arbeta med CSR-engagemang för att uppnå en högre prestation. Avsikten är att belysa och förklara kopplingarna mellan CSR-engagemang, prestation och organisationsstruktur och på så sätt fylla det gap som existerar inom forskningsområdet. Metod: Studien utgår från en kvantitativ forskningsstrategi med en deduktiv forskningsansats och tvärsnittsdesign. Insamlande av data har skett genom utskick av en enkät och studiens urval består av 223 fotbollsföreningar från Allsvenskan till Division 2. Slutsatser: Studiens resultat visar tydligt att CSR-engagemang påverkar såväl HR- som social prestation positivt inom svenska fotbollsföreningar. Vidare tyder resultatet på att organisationsstruktur i termer av formaliserings- och centraliseringsgrad samt komplexitet hierarki inte påverkar detta samband. Däremot finns det, trots viss osäkerhet i resultaten, en påverkan av komplexitet socialt kapital i relationen mellan CSR-engagemang och HR- prestation. / Background & problem: CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility, is since long ago a well explored area, both in Sweden and internationally, where many previous studies deal with the connection to financial performance, especially in large companies. An area which is relatively unexplored is CSR within the sports industry and further on within football, especially from a swedish context. To which extent do swedish football clubs engage in CSR-related activities and what effect does it have on their performance? Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to test and explain the impact of CSR-engagement onswedish football clubs’ HR- and social performance and if organizational structure in terms of formalization, centralization and complexity affects this relationship. Furthermore, the practical purpose is to contribute with guidance on how swedish football clubs can work with CSR- engagement in order to accomplish a higher performance. The intent is to highlight and explain the connections between CSR-engagement, performance and organizational structure and thus fill the gap that exists within the research area. Method: The thesis is based on a quantitative research strategy with a deductive research approach and cross-sectional design. Data collection has been done by sending out a survey and the selection of the thesis consists of 223 football clubs from Allsvenskan to Division 2. Conclusions: The result of the study clearly shows that CSR-engagement positively affects both HR- and social performance in Swedish football clubs. Furthermore, the result indicates that organizational structure in terms of formalization, centralization and complexity hierarchy does not affect this relationship. However, despite some uncertainty in the results, there is an impact of complexity social capital in the relationship between CSR-engagement and HR- performance.

De l’intuition à la formalisation de la pensée musicale : retour sur 11 œuvres composées dans le cadre du doctorat = From intuition to formalization of musical thought : a look back at 11 works within a doctoral framework

Jeric, Margareta 11 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse revient sur les onze œuvres musicales ayant jalonné mon parcours compositionnel et marqué le développement de ma pensée de créatrice. J’ai divisé la production de ces sept années de doctorat en trois sections, correspondant à trois phases distinctes de l’évolution de mon langage. Ce parcours est un passage graduel d’une pensée intuitive vers une pensée de plus en plus structurée. Bailo, String Quartet no.1, et Con fuoco sont les œuvres composées durant la première phase. La deuxième phase a mené à la composition de deux pièces où sont juxtaposées musique instrumentale et musique électroacoustique : le Concerto pour clarinette et bande et Impressions pour basson et bande. Afin d’arrimer ces deux mondes disparates, l’approche intuitive a tranquillement été écartée au profit d’une meilleure organisation des paramètres à travers l’introduction de la formalisation. La troisième phase correspond à une exploration plus rigoureuse de la formalisation par l’entremise de modèles. Quatre modèles sont abordés dans cette thèse; soit le modèle de l’objet sonore, le modèle de la linguistique, le modèle du timbre et le modèle de l’art visuel. Dans le modèle de l’objet sonore, utilisé dans la pièce Nevaliashka, la formalisation se construit autour d’un jouet duquel j’extrais le plus d’information possible. Utilisé dans les opéras Les bottes jaunes et The Feast of Nemesis, le modèle linguistique aborde la sémantique et phonétique des différentes langues. Le modèle du timbre, que l’on retrouve dans FLAW/LESS et Transition, s’attarde à la corporéité des instruments traditionnels et à leurs potentialités acoustiques. L’écriture instrumentale y est pensée comme une sculpture de timbres et la méthodologie est dérivée de celle généralement utilisée pour la composition de la musique électroacoustique. Enfin, avec le modèle de l’art visuel, mis en valeur dans la pièce Galženjaki, je m’intéresse aux interactions entre art visuel et littérature, de même qu’à la manière de transposer ce dialogue en musique. / This thesis returns to the eleven musical works that marked my compositional journey as well as my development as an artist. I divided the production of these seven years of doctoral studies into three sections, corresponding to three distinct phases of the evolution of my language. This journey is a gradual transition from an intuitive approach to musical writing to a more structured approach. Bailo, String Quartet no.1, and Con fuoco were composed in the first phase. The second phase led to two pieces in which instrumental music and electroacoustic music were juxtaposed: the Concerto pour clarinette et bande and Impressions for bassoon and tape. In order to bridge the gap between these two distinct worlds, intuition gradually gave way to a better organization of parameters through the introduction of formalization. The third phase corresponds to a more rigorous exploration of formalization through the use of models. Four models are addressed in this thesis; the sound object model, the linguistics model, the timbre model and the visual arts model. In the sound object model, used in the Nevaliashka piece, formalization is built around an object of everyday life from which a maximum of information is extracted and analyzed. Used in the operas Les bottes jaunes and The Feast of Nemesis, the linguistics model incorporates the semantics and phonetics of different languages into the compositional process. The timbre model, found in FLAW/LESS and Transition, focuses on the corporeality of traditional instruments and their acoustic potential. Instrumental writing is thought of as a sculpture of timbres and follows the methodology generally used in electroacoustic music composition. Finally, with the visual arts model, highlighted in the Galženjaki piece, I analyze the interactions between visual arts and literature and attempt to translate this dialogue into music.

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