Spelling suggestions: "subject:"façade"" "subject:"baçade""
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Jämförelse av ljudisolering i öppna och stängda planlösningar baserat på DnTw-mätningar / Comparison of sound insulation in open and closed of floorplans based on DnTw measurementsNilsson, Evelyn, Parkkonen, Jonna January 2023 (has links)
En god akustisk inomhusmiljö är idag en nödvändighet för att motverka negativ påverkan på människors hälsa. Framför allt belyser tidigare studier problematik kring störd eller uteslutensömn till följd av buller och övriga miljöförsämrande ljud. Förutom de direkta konsekvenserna av utesluten eller störd sömn som trötthet och minskad koncentrationsförmåga, kan denna avsaknad av vila även leda till hjärt-kärlsjukdomar, stress och depression. Fler bostäder på begränsad yta leder till lösningar som förutsätter ett välplanerat bostadsbyggande för att tillgodose samhällets behov. Loftgångshusen blev vanligt förekommande i Sverige under 1960-talet då de hade ekonomiska fördelar och de kunde sammankoppla fler lägenheter till ett och samma hisschakt. Bostadstypen förekommer än idag och är därav aktuell vid undersökning avljudförhållanden intill boendeytor. Vanlig planlösning för dessa lägenheter är att placerasovrummet i direkt anslutning till loftgången. Då Boverket ställer krav på ljudisoleringen frånloftgång in till utrymme för vila eller sömn, är det aktuellt att undersöka hur den rådandeplanlösning bäst skall utformas för att nå upp till de krav som ställs. Studien syftar till att undersöka eventuella avvikelser för DnTw-värden vid varierande planlösning för beräknade och uppmätta värden i fältmätning. Dntw-värdet är ett mått på ljudisolering hos ett element där hänsyn tas till efterklangstiden. Vidare kommer studien att undersöka hur dessa potentiella avvikelser vid fältmätning korrelerar med de beräkningar som idag sker vid projektering. Målet är att identifiera de skillnader som finns mellan beräknade och uppmätta ljudisoleringsvärden vid projektering av fasadelementens ljudisoleringsvärde då planlösningen för mottagarrummet varierar. De planlösningar som undersöks kommer i arbetet att relateras till som ”öppen” respektive ”stängd”. Resultatet som åstadkommits grundas i utförda fältmätningar av luftljudsisolering på tre aktiva byggprojekt, modellering i programvaran Insul 9 samt teoretiskt beräknade värden förskiljeytans DnTw-värde. Samtliga mätningar och beräkningar har genomförts enligt svensk standard. Den modellering som gjorts avser skiljeytans olika element där resultatet har agerat kontroll mot de värden som tillhandahållits från aktuella bygghandlingar. Skiljekonstruktionens prestation mot de varierande planlösningarna jämförs mot varandra för att studera de skillnader som uppstår. Resultatet visade att en obetydlig skillnad uppstod för DnTw-värdet när mottagarrummets volym varierade vid fältmätning. Denna avvikelse skiljde sig från den teoretiskt beräknade skillnaden mellan öppen och stängd planlösning. Alltså, det teoretiska värdet är striktvolymberoende. Detta volymberoende kan dock inte ses vid mätning i fält. Alltså är det teoretiskt beräknade DnTw -värdet för skiljeytan högre än ytans faktiska prestation i fält. / A good acoustic indoor environment is today a necessity to prevent effects on people’s health. Current research provides clear indications of how prolonged exposure to unwanted noise can lead to various conditions such as stress, depression, and cardiovascular diseases. Studies highlight the problems related to disturbed or excluded sleep due to bothersome unwanted noise. This demand for a quiet and sound indoor environment does not align with the constant urbanization taking place in society. One prevalent type of housing is a residence with an exterior corridor connecting the apartments. The common layout for these apartments is to place the bedroom directly adjacent to the corridor. Since the National Board of Housing, Building, and Planning (Boverket) imposes requirements for sound insulation between the corridor and the bedroom, it´s of relevance to investigate the impact of the floorplan to meet these required standards. This thesis aims to investigate any deviations in DnTw values with varying apartment layouts for calculated and field-measured values. The DnTw-value refers to sound insulation in an element, based on the reverberation in the receiving room. Further investigation is made to answer whether these potential deviations in field measurements correlate with the calculations made during the engineering process. The goal is to identify the differences between calculated and measured values for sound insulation and the effect of a varying floor plan. The results showed an insignificant difference in the measured DnTw value with varying volume. However, this deviation was different from the theoretically calculated difference between open and closed apartment layouts. Thus, the DnTw value is more prominently value dependent in theory compared to the values measured in the field. This leaves a higher DnTw value for the separating surface than the actual performance in the field.
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L'intégration des données énergétiques dans la conception architecturale situéeArantes, Laëtitia 23 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail est une réflexion prospective sur la densification verticale de la ville par la tour d'habitation. Trois échelles sont considérées : le bâtiment seul (objet), la composition de sa façade et son insertion urbaine (bâtiment situé). Le parti pris est de n'examiner que le seul critère énergétique. Sont réalisées trois séries d'études " morpho-énergétiques " : 1 - une étude sur l'influence énergétique de la morphologie d'un bâtiment " objet " : l'objectif est de développer un outil d'évaluation simplifiée de la performance énergétique totale des bâtiments résidentiels. 2 - une extension du précédent modèle en insérant le bâtiment dans un morceau de ville : l'objectif est d'identifier l'influence des configurations urbaines sur leur performances énergétiques, à l'aide d'un outil d'optimisation par algorithmes génétiques. 3 - l'étude d'une nouvelle démarche de conception et de rénovation des bâtiments à travers le concept Core-Skin-Shell : l'objectif est d'évaluer l'intérêt énergétique d'une décomposition fonctionnelle du bâtiment.
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Comportement thermomécanique de structures intégrant des alliages à mémoire de forme : Modélisation, Simulation et Expérimentation. Application aux façades adaptatives / Thermomechanical behavior of structures integrating shape memory alloys : Modelling, Simulation and Experimentation. Application to adaptive facadesHannequart, Philippe 14 December 2018 (has links)
Les propriétés thermomécaniques étonnantes des alliages à mémoire de forme (AMF) sont mises à profit dans de nombreux domaines. Ce matériau est capable de mettre en mouvement une structure suite à un changement de température. Or les façades de bâtiments contemporains, pour s’adapter à des conditions climatiques variables, doivent réguler le passage de la lumière et de l’énergie thermique, par exemple au moyen de systèmes motorisés. Le potentiel de fils AMF pour l’actionnement de protections solaires en façade est exploré ici. La modélisation du couplage mécanique induit par l’introduction de tels matériaux dans une structure a été peu étudiée : l’AMF agit sur la structure qui en retour modifie le comportement de l’AMF. La première étape de ce travail a consisté en une contribution à la modélisation du comportement thermomécanique de ce matériau reposant sur le choix d’une énergie libre, d’un potentiel de dissipation et de plusieurs variables internes. Deux modèles unidimensionnels ont été proposés : un premier modèle monocristallin reproduit de façon simplifiée le comportement du matériau, et un second modèle polycristallin propose une description plus fidèle. En parallèle un dispositif d’essai original à température contrôlée a été développé, il a permis une caractérisation fiable de fils Nickel-Titane et l’identification des paramètres des modèles. Dans un second temps ces modèles ont permis de résoudre des cas de couplage élémentaires (fil AMF + ressort, lame élastique + fil AMF noyé) pour des chargements thermomécaniques simples, et des solutions analytiques ont été établies. Les modèles ont été implémentés numériquement via un script matériau utilisateur (UMAT) pour le logiciel éléments finis ABAQUS et au moyen d’un algorithme d’optimisation sous contraintes. Ceci permet de simuler la réponse couplée de systèmes structuraux a priori quelconques intégrant des AMF, connectés à ou noyés dans, une structure. Dans un troisième temps, divers actionneurs ont été conçus, réalisés et testés dans le cadre de l’occultation solaire des façades. Le principe est d’utiliser un cycle de température permettant à l’AMF de déformer la structure, puis à l’énergie élastique de déformation de la structure d’assurer le retour à la forme originale. Le comportement réel de ces actionneurs a été comparé aux calculs analytiques et éléments finis. Des tests cycliques ont également été réalisés / The surprising thermomechanical properties of shape memory alloys (SMA) are harnessed in many engineering fields. This material is able to set a structure in motion upon a temperature change. Today, contemporary building facades must adapt to variable climate conditions as well as to evolving building use and occupancy. In particular, they must regulate light and thermal energy passing through the facade, with motorized systems, for example. We explore the potential of SMA wires for putting in motion solar shading devices in facades. The modelling of the mechanical coupling induced by the introduction of such materials in a structure has received little attention as of now. The SMA acts on the structure which in return modifies the SMA behavior. The first step of this work is a contribution to modelling the thermomechanical behavior of this material through the choice of a free energy, a dissipation potential and internal variables. We propose two one-dimensional models: a first monocrystalline model reproduces the material behavior in a simplified way, and a second polycrystalline model offers a more accurate description of it. An original temperature-controlled testing apparatus was developed in parallel. This led to a reliable characterization of Nickel-Titanium wires and the identification of the model parameters. In a second stage, these models allowed to solve elementary coupling cases (SMA wire + Spring, Elastic plate + Embedded SMA wire) for simple thermomechanical loadings and we established analytical solutions. The models were then numerically implemented via a user-material script (UMAT) for the finite elements software ABAQUS, by using a constrained optimization algorithm. This enables the simulation of the coupled response of, in principle, any structural system including SMA wires, connected or embedded in the structure. Finally, we designed, fabricated and tested different actuators in the context of sunlight control in facades. The working principle lies in using a temperature cycle which allows the SMA to deform the structure, and then allows the elastic strain energy in the structure to ensure the return to the original shape. The real behavior of these actuators have been compared to analytical and finite element calculations. We also performed cyclic tests
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Tecnologia construtiva de fachada em chapas delgadas estruturadas em light steel framing. / Light stell external wall system.Cardoso, Silvia Scalzo 20 January 2016 (has links)
Aumento da produtividade, melhorias na qualidade dos produtos, redução de custos e de impactos ambientais são essenciais para a capacidade competitiva das empresas. A execução da fachada faz parte do caminho crítico da obra, por ser um subsistema que associa as funções de fechamento, acabamento, iluminação e ventilação e ainda por incorporar sistemas prediais; apresenta, por isso também, um alto custo direto em relação aos outros subsistemas do edifício. A tecnologia construtiva de fachadas em chapas delgadas com estrutura em Light Steel Framing (LSF) é uma alternativa viável para aumentar a produtividade e reduzir os prazos de obra, com qualidade e desempenho, e pode trazer benefícios em relação a atividades intensas em mão de obra como é o caso da alvenaria de vedação e de seus revestimentos. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo sistematizar e analisar o conhecimento relativo a essa tecnologia construtiva de fachada. O método adotado compreende revisão bibliográfica. Como contribuição, o trabalho reúne um conjunto organizado de informações sobre os principais sistemas disponíveis no mercado contemplando: a caracterização do sistema de fachada, de suas camadas e dos perfis leves de aço e a sistematização das principais avaliações técnicas de sistemas existentes em outros países, reunindo normas técnicas de produtos e de execução. Acredita-se que a reunião e organização das informações, antes dispersas em diversas referências, têm potencial para subsidiar o meio técnico para tomada de decisão quanto ao uso adequado da nova tecnologia. / Increase productivity, improve product quality and reducing costs and environmental impact are essential for a competitive business. One of the critical paths of construction projects is the execution of the façade, a subsystem that associates multiple functions as sealing, finishing, lighting and ventilation feature and may incorporate other building systems. As another characteristic of these properties, a façade possess an important direct cost in relation to other subsystems. The building technology of light steel external wall system is a viable alternative, as it holds a potential to increase productivity, reduce construction deadline and bring benefits in regards to the labor heavy nature of masonry and mortar cladding. This research aims to organize the knowledge on the building technology of light steel external wall facade. The research method comprises a technical literature review. As a result, this study combines an organized ensemble of information about characterization of the light steel external wall system, its layers and steel profile. The work also performs an analysis of technical evaluations of existing systems in other countries, gathering technical standards of products and assembling techniques. The information here presented may serve as reference to the technical community by compiling and organizing information available in various and dispersed references.
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Plano diretor de iluminação urbana do centro histórico de São Paulo: uma nova ambiência e atmosfera para os calçadões / Urban lighting masterplan for historic downtown São Paulo: a new ambience and atmosphere for the pedestrianized area.Basso, Rafael Leão Rego 14 April 2008 (has links)
A pesquisa faz um levantamento dos sistemas de iluminação urbana e de fachadas atualmente instalados ao longo dos calçadões do Centro histórico de São Paulo, também chamado de Triângulo, qualificando-os segundo suas influências no modo como o pedestre entende o entorno e reconhece seus elementos, assim como o seu potencial convidativo em relação à utilização do espaço. A partir destes dados e discutindo o potencial que a luz possui para redefinir as referências espaciais na paisagem da cidade e influenciar o modo como o observador entende a arquitetura, o trabalho apresenta um conjunto de estratégias relacionadas a um plano diretor de iluminação urbana para o Triângulo, capaz de promover a melhoria do espaço urbano no período noturno e auxiliar o resgate da memória paulistana, explorando o uso do local e valorizando seus monumentos arquitetônicos. / This paper analyses the urban lighting system in addition to façade and street lighting installed on the streets of the historic downtown São Paulo, area also known as Triangle. It also verifies the lighting elements, considering the environment as well as its inviting potential in relation to its use. Based on the aspects of how lighting can improve overall appearance of a city or region, how it can redefine references of its landscape and influence the way a pedestrian perceives his/her surroundings some strategies of an urban lighting master plan will be shown as a way to improve the public space of the Triangle at night and preserve its historical landmarks driving more people to the premises and emphasizing its heritage.
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As novas possibilidades cromáticas dos materiais empregados na arquitetura contemporânea paulista e suas relações com a cidade. O caso da Vila Olímpia / The new chromatic possibilities of the materials used in São Paulo contemporary architecture and its relationship with the city. The case of Vila OlimpiaBalieiro, Cristiani Pansonato Guessi 19 June 2015 (has links)
A vasta disponibilidade de materiais para revestimento de fachadas, propicia inúmeras intervenções na paisagem urbana. Esta pesquisa apresenta uma análise da aplicação destes materiais na arquitetura contemporânea paulistana, e está embasada na teoria e prática do uso das cores, tendo os atributos da cor, matiz, luminosidade e saturação e sua relação com no cenário urbano, o objetivo principal de estudo. Partindo do conhecimento dos conceitos e definições da cor, registrados por cientistas, filósofos e aplicados nas artes e na arquitetura, nos debruçamos sobre os ensinamentos de Josef Albers (1888-1976) na Bauhaus, escola de arte e design alemã, e nas reflexões de John Ruskin (1819-1900), sobre o emprego de cores através da escolha de materiais. O uso da cor nas fachadas, é de grande expressão também na arquitetura moderna, aqui representada por Le Corbusier (1887-1965) no emblemático projeto da Unidade de Habitação de Marselha. Vemos na sequência, a diversidade contemporânea nas aplicações cromáticas nos revestimentos dos edifícios, a fachada de vidros coloridos no projeto de Sauerbruch & Hutton (1989-) e os tons naturais de Herzog & de Meuron, utilizados no centro de artes CaixaForum em Madrid. Investigamos o percurso da verticalização da cidade de São Paulo, para um diagnóstico dos materiais disponíveis e utilizados em diferentes momentos de ocupação dos bairros paulistanos pelos edifícios, avançando até a transformação da Vila Olímpia, quando os espigões eclodem e preenchem as ruas, antes ocupadas por chácaras e indústrias que passam a dar lugar às edificações comerciais, atendendo à especulação imobiliária. Tomando como estudo de caso, a Rua do Rócio foi eleita como representante simbólica da arquitetura contemporânea paulistana, por conter em seus lotes, edifícios representativos desta arquitetura e por nos permitir a execução de um levantamento cromático amplo e diversificado dos seus materiais de fachada. / The vast availability of materials for façade cladding provides countless interventions in urban landscaping. This research presents an analysis on the application of these materials in São Paulo\'s contemporary architecture and it is based on the theory and practice of the use of colors and the main objective os this study is color attributes, hue, luminosity, saturation and its relation with the urban scenery. With the starting point of concepts and color definitions, registered by scientists, philosophers and applied in arts and architecture, we make use of the teachings of Josef Albers (1888-1976) at Bauhaus, German art and design school, and the reflections of John Ruskin (1819-1900) on using colors through materials choice. The use of colors on façades is of great expression also in modern architecture, here represented by Le Corbusier (1887-1965) in the emblematic project of Marseille\'s Unité d\'Habitation. Following that we see the contemporary diversity in chromatic applications in buildings claddings, glasses façades in the Sauerbruch & Hutton project (1989-) and the natural tones of Herzog & de Meuron, used in the CaixaForum art center in Madrid. We researched the verticalization route in the city of São Paulo for diagnosing available materials which were used in different moments of São Paulo\'s borough\'s occupation by buildings, going towards the transformation of Vila Olímpia, when high-rises emerge and fill the streets which were previously small farms and industries; now they give way to commercial buildings, catering to real estate speculation. As a case study, the Rócio Street was chosen was a symbolic representative of São Paulo\'s contemporary architecture for having architecturally representative buildings in its lots and allowing us to perform a wide and diverse chromatic study of its façade materials.
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As novas possibilidades cromáticas dos materiais empregados na arquitetura contemporânea paulista e suas relações com a cidade. O caso da Vila Olímpia / The new chromatic possibilities of the materials used in São Paulo contemporary architecture and its relationship with the city. The case of Vila OlimpiaCristiani Pansonato Guessi Balieiro 19 June 2015 (has links)
A vasta disponibilidade de materiais para revestimento de fachadas, propicia inúmeras intervenções na paisagem urbana. Esta pesquisa apresenta uma análise da aplicação destes materiais na arquitetura contemporânea paulistana, e está embasada na teoria e prática do uso das cores, tendo os atributos da cor, matiz, luminosidade e saturação e sua relação com no cenário urbano, o objetivo principal de estudo. Partindo do conhecimento dos conceitos e definições da cor, registrados por cientistas, filósofos e aplicados nas artes e na arquitetura, nos debruçamos sobre os ensinamentos de Josef Albers (1888-1976) na Bauhaus, escola de arte e design alemã, e nas reflexões de John Ruskin (1819-1900), sobre o emprego de cores através da escolha de materiais. O uso da cor nas fachadas, é de grande expressão também na arquitetura moderna, aqui representada por Le Corbusier (1887-1965) no emblemático projeto da Unidade de Habitação de Marselha. Vemos na sequência, a diversidade contemporânea nas aplicações cromáticas nos revestimentos dos edifícios, a fachada de vidros coloridos no projeto de Sauerbruch & Hutton (1989-) e os tons naturais de Herzog & de Meuron, utilizados no centro de artes CaixaForum em Madrid. Investigamos o percurso da verticalização da cidade de São Paulo, para um diagnóstico dos materiais disponíveis e utilizados em diferentes momentos de ocupação dos bairros paulistanos pelos edifícios, avançando até a transformação da Vila Olímpia, quando os espigões eclodem e preenchem as ruas, antes ocupadas por chácaras e indústrias que passam a dar lugar às edificações comerciais, atendendo à especulação imobiliária. Tomando como estudo de caso, a Rua do Rócio foi eleita como representante simbólica da arquitetura contemporânea paulistana, por conter em seus lotes, edifícios representativos desta arquitetura e por nos permitir a execução de um levantamento cromático amplo e diversificado dos seus materiais de fachada. / The vast availability of materials for façade cladding provides countless interventions in urban landscaping. This research presents an analysis on the application of these materials in São Paulo\'s contemporary architecture and it is based on the theory and practice of the use of colors and the main objective os this study is color attributes, hue, luminosity, saturation and its relation with the urban scenery. With the starting point of concepts and color definitions, registered by scientists, philosophers and applied in arts and architecture, we make use of the teachings of Josef Albers (1888-1976) at Bauhaus, German art and design school, and the reflections of John Ruskin (1819-1900) on using colors through materials choice. The use of colors on façades is of great expression also in modern architecture, here represented by Le Corbusier (1887-1965) in the emblematic project of Marseille\'s Unité d\'Habitation. Following that we see the contemporary diversity in chromatic applications in buildings claddings, glasses façades in the Sauerbruch & Hutton project (1989-) and the natural tones of Herzog & de Meuron, used in the CaixaForum art center in Madrid. We researched the verticalization route in the city of São Paulo for diagnosing available materials which were used in different moments of São Paulo\'s borough\'s occupation by buildings, going towards the transformation of Vila Olímpia, when high-rises emerge and fill the streets which were previously small farms and industries; now they give way to commercial buildings, catering to real estate speculation. As a case study, the Rócio Street was chosen was a symbolic representative of São Paulo\'s contemporary architecture for having architecturally representative buildings in its lots and allowing us to perform a wide and diverse chromatic study of its façade materials.
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Plano diretor de iluminação urbana do centro histórico de São Paulo: uma nova ambiência e atmosfera para os calçadões / Urban lighting masterplan for historic downtown São Paulo: a new ambience and atmosphere for the pedestrianized area.Rafael Leão Rego Basso 14 April 2008 (has links)
A pesquisa faz um levantamento dos sistemas de iluminação urbana e de fachadas atualmente instalados ao longo dos calçadões do Centro histórico de São Paulo, também chamado de Triângulo, qualificando-os segundo suas influências no modo como o pedestre entende o entorno e reconhece seus elementos, assim como o seu potencial convidativo em relação à utilização do espaço. A partir destes dados e discutindo o potencial que a luz possui para redefinir as referências espaciais na paisagem da cidade e influenciar o modo como o observador entende a arquitetura, o trabalho apresenta um conjunto de estratégias relacionadas a um plano diretor de iluminação urbana para o Triângulo, capaz de promover a melhoria do espaço urbano no período noturno e auxiliar o resgate da memória paulistana, explorando o uso do local e valorizando seus monumentos arquitetônicos. / This paper analyses the urban lighting system in addition to façade and street lighting installed on the streets of the historic downtown São Paulo, area also known as Triangle. It also verifies the lighting elements, considering the environment as well as its inviting potential in relation to its use. Based on the aspects of how lighting can improve overall appearance of a city or region, how it can redefine references of its landscape and influence the way a pedestrian perceives his/her surroundings some strategies of an urban lighting master plan will be shown as a way to improve the public space of the Triangle at night and preserve its historical landmarks driving more people to the premises and emphasizing its heritage.
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La dialectique du signe et de la matière depuis les années 1950 en architectureSemaan, Christian 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
En observant le contexte architectural actuel, on note que les architectes s'intéressent davantage à faire valoir l'apparence de la surface de l'enveloppe extérieure de leurs bâtiments. Ce déplacement nous interpelle sur les raisons derrière ce type de changement au niveau conceptuel en architecture. L'examen de deux ouvrages récents nous révèle l'existence d'une tension entre l'aspect significatif et l'aspect matériel, ou pour le dire autrement, entre le signe et la matière. Notre objectif sera de faire l’histoire de cette dialectique afin de mieux saisir la nature de ce déplacement et comment cette opposition a pu déplacer la conception vers la surface et vers l'enveloppe extérieure. Notre étude montre que l'hypothèse de base de la dialectique du signe et de la matière se divise en trois parties. La première expose la dialectique existante, dans les années 1950 en Angleterre, du formalisme de Colin Rowe et Robert Slutzky et d'autre part, de l'image des matériaux trouvés comme tels des brutalistes promus par Reyner Banham. En deuxième partie, cette dialectique se développe aux États-Unis à partir des armées 1960 pour prendre une autre forme d'opposition entre le modèle sémiologique de Robert Venturi et de Denise Scott Brown et en contre partie le projet tectonique de Frampton basé sur son interprétation matériel et significatif de la construction. L'opposition actuelle entre les descriptions phénoménologiques de la surface et l'ambition d'une politicisation significative de l'enveloppe constitue le troisième moment de la dialectique du signe et de la matière. Avec chaque position, cette dialectique est reformulée par les modèles théoriques de chaque discours. Ainsi, l'introduction de la sémiologie a déplacé l'ambigüité perceptuelle par une ambigüité plus sémantique. Par la suite, les considérations phénoménologiques apportées à la matière ont introduit des notions sensorielles. La nouvelle opposition illustre une apparente incompatibilité de modèles et de sensibilités qui appelle une réconciliation dont 1'horizon n'est pas encore perceptible. Le développement de la dialectique du signe et de la matière à partir des années 1950 est donc l'explication que nous proposons au déplacement conceptuel du débat sur l'apparence et plus particulièrement au niveau de la surface et de l'enveloppe.
MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : façade, surface, enveloppe, théorie, conception, dialectique, opposition, matière, signe, construction, représentation, Colin Rowe, Robert Slutzky, Kenneth Frampton, Reyner Banham, Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown, David Leatherbarrow, Alejandro Zaera Polo.
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Fukttillstånd i olika ytterväggar med tre olika fasadsystem : En parameterstudie med Wufi / Moisture conditions in different exterior walls with three different façade systems : A parameter study with WufiAugustsson, Andreas, Adolfsson, Kristian January 2015 (has links)
Ett stort antal av miljonprogrammets byggnader är idag i behov av renovering. Då många av dessa byggnader har en hög energiförbrukning kan det vara lönsamt att samtidigt energieffektivisera byggnaderna, bland annat genom tilläggsisolering. Det är av stor vikt att noggrant undersöka hur byggnaderna påverkas ur fukthänsyn innan nya fasadsystem tas i bruk för att undvika framtida fuktrelaterade skador.Syftet är att undersöka tre fasadsystem utifrån hur olika fuktbelastningar, väderstreck, tilläggsisoleringar och stommaterial påverkar ytterväggars fukttillstånd och risken för mikrobiell tillväxt. Även hur väl de olika fasadsystemen lämpar sig för att uppföras på en befintlig stomme i trä-, lättbetong- och betongstomme har undersökts. För att undersöka detta har fuktsimuleringar gjorts i fuktberäkningsprogrammet Wufi och resultaten har analyserats genom jämförelse av RF-kurvor samt riskbedömning för mögeltillväxt i Wufi Bio.En övergripande slutsats är bland annat att inläckage av slagregn är en stor belastning för fasadsystemen. Systemens fuktsäkerhet beror till stor del på dess förmåga att hantera inläckaget.Studien visar även att en fungerande ventilerad luftspalt, en god dränerande funktion eller en konstruktion med genomgående relativt ångöppna material har förmågan att hantera inläckage av slagregn effektivt. / A large number of buildings built under “miljonprogrammet” is today in need of renovation. With their high energy consumption it is also considered profitable to improve the buildings energy efficiency e.g. by additional insulation. It is however important to thoroughly evaluate potential damp issues that might arise as a result of these improvements before starting to implement a new building exterior.The aim of this study was to investigate three different façade systems based on how their moisture content and risk for mould growth are affected by different moisture loads, orientation, and additional insulation. Included is also a performance evaluation for each building exterior solution mounted on existing structure of wood, lightweight concrete and concrete structure. Damp simulations were done with the program Wufi and the results were then analysed by comparison to RF-curves in combination with risk assessments of the growth of mould with “Wufi Bio”.The overall conclusion shows that leakage due to torrential rain poses a great strain on building exterior systems. A solutions damp proof quality is largely dependent on its ability to withstand leakage from outer sources.The study also shows that a well ventilated cavity wall, sufficient drainage or a construction of exclusively vapour open materials has a positive impact on the amount of leakage.
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