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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Comparison of Social Desirability Bias among Four Widely Used Methods of Data Collection as Measured by the Impression Management Subscale of the Balance Inventory of Desirable Responding

Rossiter, John C. 05 May 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Art Appreciation in Face-to-Face and Online Settings: An Analysis of Course Effectiveness

Joslin, Kelly L. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Exploring Learning Preferences of External Clients in Corporate Training : A thematic and statistical analysis of Ericsson’s Learning Services Department / Utforskar Inlärningspreferenser för Kunder i Företagsutbildning

Skoglund, Amanda January 2024 (has links)
This master thesis project researches the learning preferences of external clients of Ericsson Learning Services Department, focusing on adult corporate training. The purpose is to collect insights and opinions of clients and use their answers as a basis of improvement for updating and developing courses in the future. The project employed a mix method approach to answer the research question, which combined qualitative data collection through interviews and surveys for a thematic analysis and quantitative data collection from former survey results for statistical analyses. Furthermore, a literary study was conducted to support the research process.  The main results from the thematic analysis proved that most external clients preferred an online learning setting or face to face training. Online courses were mostly preferred due to convenience, even if most would agree that a classroom setting is the best setting for optimal learning. Results from the statistical analysis gave few valuable insights. This may depend on how the questions in the survey were asked and therefore the main result of the statistical analysis is how to improve the surveys using the Learning Experience Questionnaire (LEQ).  This project opens possibilities for applications and future research in this area. One suggestion is to conduct a follow-up study where the surveys are updated and tailored to the needs and wants of the external clients which enables a more comprehensive analysis. Furthermore, researching the specific elements of classroom-based learning that external clients find valuable could provide more understanding to further better the online learning experience. These paths of further research can contribute to the ongoing improvement of adult corporate learning. / Detta examensarbete undersöker lärandepreferenser hos externa kunder till Ericssons Learning Services Department och fokuserar på vuxenutbildning på företag. Målet är att samla insikter och åsikter från externa kunder och använda deras svar för ett förbättringsunderlag för uppdatering och utveckling av kurser. Examensarbetet använde en blandning av metoder för att besvara frågeställningarna, vilket kombinerade kvalitativ datainsamling via intervjuer och frågeformulär till en tematisk analys med kvantitativ datainsamling från äldre undersökningsresultat till statistiska analyser. Vidare genomfördes en litteraturundersökning som stöd i undersökningsprocessen.  De huvudsakliga resultaten från den tematiska analysen visade att de flesta externa kunder föredrog en lärandemiljö online eller traditionell klassrumsundervisning med den gemensamma nämnaren att kursen är lärarledd. Onlinekurser föredrogs mest på grund av bekvämligheten, även om de flesta skulle hålla med om att en klassrumsmiljö är den bästa miljön för optimalt lärande. Resultaten från den statistiska analysen gav få värdefulla insikter. Detta kan bero på hur frågorna i undersökningen ställs och därför är huvudresultatet av den statistiska analysen hur man kan förbättra undersökningarna med hjälp av Learning Experience Questionnaire (LEQ). Detta undersökningsresultat öppnar upp möjligheter till vidare forskning på området. Ett förslag är att genomföra en uppföljande studie då frågeformulären är uppdaterade och skräddarsydda till externa kunders behov och önskemål som möjliggör en mer omfattande analys. Vidare kan undersökning av de specifika element som kunder uppskattar med klassrumsbaserat lärande för att ge insikter om hur man kan optimera upplevelser av lärande online. Dessa vägar av vidare forskning kan bidra till den pågående förbättringen av vuxenutbildning på företag.

Lessons Learned from COVID-19 Remote Instruction: Implications for Future Educational Practices

Norton, Samantha Marie 07 1900 (has links)
This dissertation used three independent studies to evaluate learning adaptations, techniques, and tools in response to COVID-19. Study 1 provides a personal narrative about COVID-10 and school closures. The first-hand reflection explores technologies used for remote education and how the technologies can improve learning experiences. Study 2 is a literature review identifying the challenges faced in providing engaging lessons and overcoming technology fatigue. Study 3 is an empirical study providing insight into the continued use of video instruction and virtual simulations. Collectively, the manuscripts in this dissertation provide the factors influencing the normalization of digital tools used during remote learning. The technology adoption cycle and the normalization process theory are used to discuss factors that influence the normalization of tools and techniques post-pandemic. The findings of this dissertation provide insight into future uses of digital tools and techniques, given the lessons learned from emergency remote learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Place et rôle de l’émotion en justice réparatrice : étude du cheminement émotionnel d’ex-contrevenants engagés dans un processus réparateur

Fantini, Céline 12 1900 (has links)
La présente recherche décrit et examine le cheminement émotionnel d’ex-contrevenants engagés dans un processus de justice réparatrice. Le cheminement émotionnel est appréhendé sous l’angle de l’analyse des « trajectoires de vie ». Nous avons rencontré quatre anciens contrevenants condamnés à une peine d’incarcération, et vivant dans la communauté au moment de nos entretiens. Afin d’établir leur trajectoire de vie émotionnelle, les entretiens ont été menés en profondeur et selon une approche non-directive. Les participants ont réalisé soit une expérience de Rencontre-Détenus-Victimes (RDV), soit une expérience de face-à-face avec une victime, ou une réparation directe avec leur victime. L’analyse de nos données empiriques met en évidence deux périodes émotionnelles distinctes chez les ex-contrevenants. Leur cheminement est d’abord caractérisé par un état de fermeture puis d’ouverture émotionnelle. Pour chaque état émotionnel, nous présentons les différentes composantes émotionnelles qui les constituent ainsi que les changements émotionnels qui en résultent. La transition entre le passage d’un état de fermeture à un état d’ouverture émotionnelle, ainsi que l’expérience de justice réparatrice, ont été minutieusement étudiées. De ces analyses a émergé le concept de « point tournant émotionnel », apparaissant comme la clé de voûte du cheminement réparateur des anciens contrevenants. Il ressort en effet qu’un point tournant émotionnel est considéré comme un préalable nécessaire à la participation à un programme réparateur, mais aussi comme le baromètre de l’effet réparateur des expériences. / This research describes and discusses the emotional path of ex-offenders involved in a process of restorative justice. The emotional path is tackled from the perspective of "lifecourse" analysis. We met four former offenders sentenced to a prison term, and living in the community at the moment of our interviews. In order to interpret their emotional life course, the interviews were conducted in depth and in a non-directive approach. Participants performed either a Victim-Offender-Encounter (VOE), a face-to-face experience with a victim, or direct atonement with their victim. The analysis of our empirical data shows two distinct emotional periods in ex-offenders. Their path is characterized first by a closed state, then by an emotional opening. For each emotional state, we present its various emotional components and the resulting emotional changes. The transition, that is the passage between a closed state to a state of emotional openness, and the restorative justice experience, have been thoroughly studied. From these analysis emerged the concept of "emotional turning points," appearing as the keystone of the restorative pathway of former offenders. It is clear that an emotional turning point is considered a prerequisite for taking part in a restorative program, but also as a barometer of the restorative effects of the experiences.

Zdraví a jeho socioekonomické ukazatele - testování reliability a validity na PSAS / Health and Its Socioeconomic Indicators - Reliability and Validity Testing of Scales

Juráčková, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Health and Socio-economic Indicators - reliability and validity testing of the PSAS" deals with a theoretical concept of health and its socio-economic indicators. A substantial part of the work concentrates on the application of PSAS tools to the Czech population and determining whether the range is reliable and valid for Czech respondents. To determine the reliability, a complex test is used for the whole range through the value of Cronbach's Alpha, and then the Item Response Theory (IRT) is also tested. The IRT test is done using the 18-point Likert's range of responses, of which is the PSAS composed. The validity is tested based on confirmatory factor analysis, using the construct validity as well as analysis of cognitive interviews for face validity. The secondary data analysis is done in SPSS, MPLUS, R, and IRTPRO programs. The last two programs are used to test the lesser known Item Response Theory.

Spreading Processes in Human Systems

Maier, Benjamin F. 15 January 2020 (has links)
Menschliche Systeme werden seit einiger Zeit modelliert und analysiert auf der Basis der Theorie komplexer Netzwerke. Dies erlaubt es quantitativ zu untersuchen, welche strukturellen und zeitlichen Merkmale eines Systems Ausbreitungsprozesse beeinflussen, z.B. von Informationen oder von Infektionskrankheiten. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird untersucht, wie eine modular-hierarchische Struktur von statischen Netzwerken eine schnelle Verbreitung von Signalen ermöglicht. Es werden neue Heuristiken entwickelt um die Random-Walk-Observablen “First Passage Time” und “Cover Time” auf lokal geclusterten Netzwerken zu ermitteln. Vergleiche mit der Approximation eines gemittelten Mediums zeigen, dass das Auftreten der beobachteten Minima der Observablen ein reiner Netzwerkeffekt ist. Es wird weiterhin dargelegt, dass nicht alle modular-hierarchischen Netzwerkmodelle dieses Phänomen aufweisen. Im zweiten Teil werden zeitlich veränderliche face-to-face Kontaktnetzwerke auf ihre Anfälligkeit für Infektionskrankheiten untersucht. Mehrere Studien belegen, dass Menschen vornehmlich Zeit in Isolation oder kleinen, stark verbundenen Gruppen verbringen, und dass ihre Kontaktaktivität einem zirkadianen Rhythmus folgt. Inwieweit diese beiden Merkmale die Ausbreitung von Krankheiten beeinflussen, ist noch unklar. Basierend auf einem neuen Modell wird erstmals gezeigt, dass zirkadian variierende Netzwerke Trajektorien folgen in einem Zustandsraum mit einer strukturellen und einer zeitlichen Dimension. Weiterhin wird dargelegt, dass mit zunehmender Annäherung der zeitlichen Dimension von System und Krankheit die systemische Infektionsanfälligkeit sinkt. Dies steht in direktem Widerspruch zu Ergebnissen anderer Studien, die eine zunehmende Anfälligkeit vorhersagen, eine Diskrepanz, die auf die Ungültigkeit einer weit verbreiteten Approximation zurückzuführen ist. Die hier vorgestellten Ergebnisse implizieren, dass auf dem Gebiet die Entwicklung neuer theoretischer Methoden notwendig ist. / Human systems have been modeled and analyzed on the basis of complex networks theory in recent time. This abstraction allows for thorough quantitative analyses to investigate which structural and temporal features of a system influence the evolution of spreading processes, such as the passage of information or of infectious diseases. The first part of this work investigates how the ubiquitous modular hierarchical structure of static real-world networks allows for fast delivery of messages. New heuristics are developed to evaluate random walk mean first passage times and cover times on locally clustered networks. A comparison to average medium approximations shows that the emergence of these minima are pure network phenomena. It is further found that not all modular hierarchical network models provide optimal message delivery structure. In the second part, temporally varying face-to-face contact networks are investigated for their susceptibility to infection. Several studies have shown that people tend to spend time in small, densely-connected groups or in isolation, and that their connection behavior follows a circadian rhythm. To what extent both of these features influence the spread of diseases is as yet unclear. Therefore, a new temporal network model is devised here. Based on this model, circadially varying networks can for the first time be interpreted as following trajectories through a newly defined systemic state space. It is further revealed that in many temporally varying networks the system becomes less susceptible to infection when the time-scale of the disease approaches the time-scale of the network variation. This is in direct conflict with findings of other studies that predict increasing susceptibility of temporal networks, a discrepancy which is attributed to the invalidity of a widely applied approximation. The results presented here imply that new theoretical advances are necessary to study the spread of diseases in temporally varying networks.

Lecture communicationnelle de deux dispositifs d'apprentissage au sein d'un même département universitaire. Le cas de la Licence en Sciences de l’information et de la communication / Reading communicationnelle of two devices of learning within the same university department. The case of the Licence in Sciences of the information and the communication

Szafrajzen, Barbara 01 December 2010 (has links)
Ce document se propose de mieux comprendre les fonctionnements pédagogiques et communicationnels de deux dispositifs d’apprentissage au sein d’un même département universitaire : le cas d’une Licence en Sciences de l’information et de la communication. Cette approche compréhensive à visée exploratoire part du postulat que le sens ne se construit qu’en situation et en interaction avec le dispositif d’apprentissage, adoptant ainsi une position épistémologique issue d’une « convention constructiviste ». La recherche souhaite comprendre comment les apprenants co-construisent leur réalité collective d’apprentissage à travers leurs expériences d’apprentissage signifiantes. L’émergence de modèles de lecture issus du double ancrage analytique (méthodes d’analyse de la systémique qualitative et de la sémiotique situationnelle) met également en exergue la dynamique et la logique des systèmes, les règles du jeu et le débat latent entre les acteurs en présence. En sus de cette lecture communicationnelle, cette recherche à visée heuristique offre une large réponse en terme méthodologique (notamment à travers la proposition de la technique dialectique graduelle). C’est en ce sens que ce document représente un premier socle de sorte à fonder une réflexion plus empirique, tant sur les méthodes d’analyse que sur la place des technologies de l’information et de la communication dans le paysage universitaire actuel. / This document suggests understanding better the educational functionings and communicationnels of two devices of learning within the same university department: the case of a License in Sciences of the information and the communication. This comprehensive approach with exploratory aim leaves the postulate that the sense builds itself only in situation and in interaction the device of learning, so adopting a épistémologique position outcome of a " constructivist agreement ". The research wishes to understand how are learners co-build their collective reality through their significant experiences of learning. The emergence of models of reading stemming from the double analytical anchoring (methods of the qualitative systematism and of semiotics situationnelle) also highlights the dynamics and the logic of the systems, the rules of the game and the latent debate between the actors in presence. In addition to this communicationnelle reading, this research with aim heuristics offers a wide answer in methodological term (in particular through the proposition of the gradual dialectical technique). It is in the sense that this document represents a first base so as to base a more empirical reflection, both on the methods of analysis and on the place of information technologies and communication in the current university landscape.

Podávání léčivých přípravků na základě telefonické ordinace / Aplication of drugs based on telephone orders

Ptáčková, Eva January 2014 (has links)
The topic of this work is the administration of medicine following a face-to-face and telephone madication-related orders at hospitals. The methods used in the theoretic part of this work included both discussions with representatives of health care providers and the analysis of documents. Based on the description and analysis of the set-up of verbal madication-related orders as featured in the accreditation standards of four healthcare accreditation organisations and internal rules of five hospitals, the author of this work seeks to identify any possible risk elements of verbal orders, and to propose ways how to modify such parts of standards and rules so as to make the verbal ordination less risky. Whether or not the verbal medication-related orders at hospitals is a lege artis procedur depends first of all on the situation in which the verbal order is issued, on the authorization or qualifications of health employees who are involved in the implementation of such verbal order, and on the strict observance of procedures concerning the communication (including its recording into the medical documentation). Although verbal madication-related order represents risk arising from the ordinance's communication, forensic, or specialist consequence, no greater attention has been paid to them so far. There...

A comparison of airway devices for the simulated entrapped patient

Pap, Robin January 2012 (has links)
A research report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Master of Science in Medicine in the Field of Emergency Medicine in the Division of Emergency Medicine, University of the Witwatersrand / Introduction: Control over the patient bears time-critical importance in emergency medicine. In the entrapment situation after a Motor Vehicle Collision (MVC), emergency care including airway management may need to be initiated before extrication and thus with restricted access. Objective: This manikin study aimed at answering the question of which advanced airway device can be inserted the fastest and most reliably by paramedics in the simulated entrapped patient. Methods: Paramedics were asked to insert four airway devices (endotracheal tube with the Macintosh laryngoscope, endotracheal tube with the Airtraq® optical laryngoscope, Laryngeal Mask Airway - SupremeTM, and Laryngeal Tube Suction - DisposableTM) in randomised order into a manikin seated in the driver seat of a light motor vehicle. Time to first successful ventilation and number of attempts required for successful insertion were measured. Following each insertion, participants were asked by means of a questionnaire to rate the degree of insertion difficulty (scale 1 – 10) and provide reasons for this rating. Finally, participants were asked which device they preferred and why. Results: Prospectively collected data from 26 paramedics were analysed. The LMA-SupremeTM had the shortest mean time to first successful ventilation (16.7 seconds (CI [0.95]; 14.9 - 18.6)), followed by the LTS-DTM (19.4 seconds (CI [0.95]; 18.0 - 20.8)), ETI using the Macintosh laryngoscope (37.7 seconds (CI [0.95]; 31.8 - 43.5)) and ETI using the Airtraq® (41.2 seconds (CI [0.95]; 36.7 - 45.6)). Both face-to-face ETI with the Macintosh laryngoscope and the insertion of the LMA-SupremeTM had 100% first-attempt success. Five participants required a second attempt to successfully intubate the manikin using the Airtraq® and one participant had to re-insert the LTS-DTM for correct placement. In terms of insertion difficulty, the LMA-SupremeTM received the lowest mean score (1.7/10 (CI [0.95]; 1.2 - 2.1)) followed by the LTS-DTM (2.5/10 (CI [0.95]; 1.8 – 3.2)), face-to-face ETI using the Macintosh laryngoscope (3.7/10 (CI [0.95]; 2.9 - 4.5)), and ETI with the Airtraq® (4.5/10 (CI [0.95]; 3.7 - 5.3)). Most participants chose the Macintosh laryngoscope for ETI as their preferred device (10/26; 38%) followed closely by the LMA-SupremeTM (9/26; 35%). These participants stated clinical experience and ease of insertion respectively as the primary reasons for their preference. Conclusion: Besides ETI, Supraglottic Airway Devices are beneficial alternative airway devices to be considered by paramedics in the entrapped patient after a MVC. The LMA-SupremeTM was the fastest and least difficult airway device to insert. Face-to-face endotracheal intubation with the Macintosh laryngoscope remains an important definitive airway that was shown to be performed competently by participating paramedics. The Airtraq® can be used for face-to-face ETI and enables improved laryngoscopy.

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