Spelling suggestions: "subject:"familiars"" "subject:"similiars""
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Interacció social i influència educativa en el context familiarColomina Álvarez, Rosa M. 10 June 1996 (has links)
El treball que presentem té com a objectiu general l'estudi de la influència educativa en situacions d'interacció social en el context familiar entre adults i infants en edats preescolars. Més específicament, tal com anirem argumentant al llarg del treball, ens hem centrat en l'anàlisi de la definición de l'activitat conjunta que construeixen els participants en el decurs d'aquesta interacció.Els orígens del nostre treball estan vinculats directament al fet de formar part d'un seminari de discussió sobre "Interacció entre professor i alumnes i influència educativa" que, sota la direcció del Dr. Cèsar Coll, es va portar a terme durant el curs acadèmic 1986-87 en el Departament de Psicologia Evolutiva i de l'Educació de la Universitat de Barcelona. En gran part com a conseqüència d'aquest treball, i seguint amb la direcció del Dr. Cèsar Coll, es va dur a terme durant el curs acadèmic 1987-88 l'elaboració d'un projecte global de recerca sobre interacció social i mecanismes d'influència educativa. L'objectiu global d'aquest projecte era l'estudi dels mecanismos d'influència educativa relatius al procés de traspàs del control i al procés de construcció de significats compartits que actuen en la interacció social entre professor i alumnes, entre adult i infant i entre iguals.Aquest treball es troba en la base de la present tesi doctoral, l'estructura de la qual és la expliquem tot seguit. El primer capítol s'ocupa dels marcs de referència bàsics per al plantejament i l'abordatge del nostre treball: la concepció constructivista de l'ensenyament i l'aprenentatge i el conjunt de supòsits teòrics i metodològics elaborats en el grup de recerca en l'aproximació conceptual i empírica a l'estudi de la influència educativa. En el segon capítol es presenta la relectura d'algunes de les idees presentades en el capítol anterior i que ens han servit per fer una aproximació a la influència educativa en el context familiar. El tercer capítol presenta els objectius i les hipòtesis directrius, el disseny de la recerca i reprèn les unitats i els nivells del model d'anàlisi presentats en el segon apartat del primer capítol i especifica en detall les característiques més idiosincràtiques del nostre treball. Mentre que els capítols quart, cinquè i sisè presenten els resultats del treball, el setè i darrer capítol del treball, discuteix els principals resultats obtinguts tenint en compte els objectius i de les hipòtesis directrius que es proposava i algunes de les principals aportacions i qüestions que resten obertes en el nostre estudi.Finalment, hem d'esmentar que amb la intenció de poder facilitar la lectura del treball s'ha considerat d'utilitat la inclusió d'índexs parcials del contingut a l'inici de cada capítol.
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Desigualtats en salut en un marc integrat de gènere, classe social i treballArtazcoz Lazcano, Lucía 23 November 2004 (has links)
Objectiu: Analitzar l'impacte de les desigualtats de gènere i de classe relacionades amb el treball en l'estat de salut de les dones i els homes de 25 a 64 anys.Mètodes: Tres dels cinc estudis inclosos en aquesta tesi han estat basats en l'Enquesta de Salut de Catalunya de 1994 i constitueixen una trilogia que analitza les desigualtats des de tres mirades: la que analitza les diferències en l'estat de salut entre les dones ocupades i les mestresses de casa; la que analitza l'efecte de la doble jornada en l'estat de salut sobre la salut de les dones i els homes i, finalment, la que compara les diferències de gènere en l'impacte de l'atur sobre l'estat de salut mental i examina el paper dels rols familiars. A més, hi ha dos estudis addicionals, un basat en l'Enquesta de Salut de Terrassa de 1998 i l'altre en la Encuesta Navarra de Condiciones de Trabajo de 1997 sobre les diferències de gènere en l'impacte de la doble jornada. L'anàlisi estadística s'ha basat fonamentalment en l'ajust de models de regressió logística multivariats separats pel sexe i, en el cas dels estudis basats en l'Enquesta de Salut de Catalunya, també per la classe.Resultats: Es demostra que globalment la incorporació de les dones al mercat de treball sembla tenir un efecte positiu sobre el seu estat de salut però l'efecte invers en estils de vida relacionats amb el fet de disposar de temps lleure. Aquesta manca de temps lleure estaria associada a les dificultats per compaginar vida laboral i familiar, sobretot entre les dones de classes més desfavorides en les què l'impacte de la doble jornada sobre la salut - que en absolut afecta els homes - és superior que entre les dones més privilegiades. De fet, per a les dones que han de compaginar vida laboral i familiar, es demostra que disposar d'una persona contractada per a les feines de la llar té un efecte protector en la seva salut percebuda. Finalment, es demostra que perdre el treball remunerat té més impacte sobre la salut mental dels homes, però no per la menor implicació de les dones en el treball remunerat sinó per la seva major responsabilitat en la unitat familiar que actuaria com element protector.Conclusions: L'anàlisi de les desigualtats en salut requereix la integració dels marcs de gènere i de classe i, en el cas de la població de 25 a 64 anys, del paper del treball remunerat i del domèstic. Els determinants socials de l'estat de salut de les dones i els homes són diferents i en gran mesura estan determinats per la interaccions amb la classe social i els treballs. / Objective: To analyse the impact of gender and class inequalities related to work in the health status of women and men aged 25-64.Methods: Three of the five studies are based on the 1994 Catalonian Health Survey and constitute a trilogy that analyse health inequalities from three points of view: the health differences between female workers and full-time homemakers; the comparison of the effect of combining job and family responsibilities between women and men and, finally, the analysis of gender differences in the impact of unemployment on mental health and additionally examines de role of family responsibilities. Moreover, two additional studies based on the 1998 Terrassa Health Survey and on the 1997 Navarra Working Conditions Survey further analyse the gender differences in the impact of combining job and family demands on health. Statistical analysis has been based on the adjustment of multivariate logistic regression models separated for sex, and in the studies based on the Catalonian Health Survey, also by social class.Results: Women entrance into the labour market has had an overall positive impact on their health but a reverse effect on lifestyles related to leisure time. The lack of leisure time is related to the difficulties for combining job and family responsbilities, primarily among less favoured women. In this group the impact of the double burden - that does not affect men's health - is higher than among more privileged women. In fact, among women who have to combined job and family demands, hiring a domestic worker is protective for their self-perceived health status. Finally, we have demonstrated that loosing a job have a higher impact on male's mental health, but it seems that this is not related to the lower attachment of women to the labour markers, but to their higher involvement on family responsibilities that buffers the impact of unemployment.Conclusions: The analysis of gender inequalities in health requires the integration of the gender and social class frameworks and, among people aged 25-64, also of that of work. Social determinants of health status of women and men are different and, to a great extent, they are determined by the interactions with social class and work.
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"A experiência da colostomia por câncer como ruptura biográfica na visão dos portadores, familiares e profissionais de saúde: um estudo etnográfico" / The experience of colostomy by cancer as a biographical rupture, in the patients, their familiars and health professionals view: an ethnographic study.Maruyama, Sonia Ayako Tao 05 March 2004 (has links)
O estudo procurou compreender, numa abordagem voltada à dimensão cultural, o significado de ter colostomia por câncer, na visão dos portadores, familiares e profissionais de saúde. Os referenciais teóricos que embasaram tal compreensão foram a antropologia interpretativa de Clifford Geertz e de Arthur Kleinman e o método da etnografia. Os informantes que participaram do estudo foram: doze portadores de colostomia por câncer, cinco familiares e sete profissionais de saúde. Os dados foram coletados por entrevistas semi-estruturadas em forma de narrativas e observações participantes. Pela análise dos dados, identificamos códigos que permitiram a construção de três categorias: a vida antes da colostomia por câncer e o processo de adoecer, a vida após ter uma colostomia por câncer, e o cuidado profissional ao portador de colostomia por câncer e seu familiar. Estas categorias foram integradas em três temas Ter colostomia por câncer é o destino de cada um", Ter colostomia por câncer é sobreviver com sofrimento" e Ter colostomia por câncer é uma questão individual". O primeiro tema aborda a colostomia por câncer como destino, relacionado à crença religiosa. O segundo tema aborda que ter uma colostomia por câncer é um atributo moral relacionado a uma concepção estigmatizada pela sociedade, por isso constitui uma condição de sofrimento. O terceiro tema aborda que a norma social e a biografia de cada pessoa são aspectos culturais que influenciam a experiência do adoecimento como uma situação particular. Finalizando, o estudo possibilitou compreender que o destino, o sofrimento e a individualidade se integram de forma lógica no fenômeno como uma ruptura biográfica, na visão dos sujeitos, que deve ser considerada no cuidado pelos profissionais de saúde. / The study aims at understanding the meaning of having colostomy for cancer, fro the point-of-view of the in the patients, their familiars and health professionals, on the basis of culture. The comprehension was based o the theoretical referentials of the Clifford Geertz and Arthur Kleinmans interpretative anthropology and the ethnography method. The informants who took part in the study were: twelve patients with colostomy, five familiars and seven health professionals. The data were collected by semi-structured interviews in the form of in narrative and of interactive observations. Data analysis identified codes that permitted the construction of three categories: the life before colostomy by cancer and the process of illness, the life after having colostomy by cancer, and the professional care to the colostomy patients and to their familiar. These categories were integrated into three themes: Having colostomy by cancer is the destiny of each one", Having colostomy by cancer is surviving with suffering" and Having colostomy by cancer is an individual question". The first theme states that the destiny of having a colostomy by cancer is related to the religious belief. The second theme points out that having a colostomy by cancer is a moral attribute related to a stigmatized conception by the society, thats why constitutes a suffering condition. The third theme reveal that the social norm and the biography of each person are cultural aspects that influence the experience of falling ill as a particular situation. Finally, the study made it possible to understand that the destiny, the suffering and the individuality are logically integrated, in the subjects view, into the phenomenon as a biographical rupture. This interpretation by patients, familiars and health professionals should be taken into consideration when planning and delivering health care.
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"A experiência da colostomia por câncer como ruptura biográfica na visão dos portadores, familiares e profissionais de saúde: um estudo etnográfico" / The experience of colostomy by cancer as a biographical rupture, in the patients, their familiars and health professionals view: an ethnographic study.Sonia Ayako Tao Maruyama 05 March 2004 (has links)
O estudo procurou compreender, numa abordagem voltada à dimensão cultural, o significado de ter colostomia por câncer, na visão dos portadores, familiares e profissionais de saúde. Os referenciais teóricos que embasaram tal compreensão foram a antropologia interpretativa de Clifford Geertz e de Arthur Kleinman e o método da etnografia. Os informantes que participaram do estudo foram: doze portadores de colostomia por câncer, cinco familiares e sete profissionais de saúde. Os dados foram coletados por entrevistas semi-estruturadas em forma de narrativas e observações participantes. Pela análise dos dados, identificamos códigos que permitiram a construção de três categorias: a vida antes da colostomia por câncer e o processo de adoecer, a vida após ter uma colostomia por câncer, e o cuidado profissional ao portador de colostomia por câncer e seu familiar. Estas categorias foram integradas em três temas Ter colostomia por câncer é o destino de cada um, Ter colostomia por câncer é sobreviver com sofrimento e Ter colostomia por câncer é uma questão individual. O primeiro tema aborda a colostomia por câncer como destino, relacionado à crença religiosa. O segundo tema aborda que ter uma colostomia por câncer é um atributo moral relacionado a uma concepção estigmatizada pela sociedade, por isso constitui uma condição de sofrimento. O terceiro tema aborda que a norma social e a biografia de cada pessoa são aspectos culturais que influenciam a experiência do adoecimento como uma situação particular. Finalizando, o estudo possibilitou compreender que o destino, o sofrimento e a individualidade se integram de forma lógica no fenômeno como uma ruptura biográfica, na visão dos sujeitos, que deve ser considerada no cuidado pelos profissionais de saúde. / The study aims at understanding the meaning of having colostomy for cancer, fro the point-of-view of the in the patients, their familiars and health professionals, on the basis of culture. The comprehension was based o the theoretical referentials of the Clifford Geertz and Arthur Kleinmans interpretative anthropology and the ethnography method. The informants who took part in the study were: twelve patients with colostomy, five familiars and seven health professionals. The data were collected by semi-structured interviews in the form of in narrative and of interactive observations. Data analysis identified codes that permitted the construction of three categories: the life before colostomy by cancer and the process of illness, the life after having colostomy by cancer, and the professional care to the colostomy patients and to their familiar. These categories were integrated into three themes: Having colostomy by cancer is the destiny of each one, Having colostomy by cancer is surviving with suffering and Having colostomy by cancer is an individual question. The first theme states that the destiny of having a colostomy by cancer is related to the religious belief. The second theme points out that having a colostomy by cancer is a moral attribute related to a stigmatized conception by the society, thats why constitutes a suffering condition. The third theme reveal that the social norm and the biography of each person are cultural aspects that influence the experience of falling ill as a particular situation. Finally, the study made it possible to understand that the destiny, the suffering and the individuality are logically integrated, in the subjects view, into the phenomenon as a biographical rupture. This interpretation by patients, familiars and health professionals should be taken into consideration when planning and delivering health care.
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Les Estrategies familiars i la mobilitat social dels menestrals a Catalunya, segles XVII-XIX. El cas de Mataró.Ros Navarro, Carme 21 April 2004 (has links)
L'organització del treball artesà de les societats preindustrials en gremis o confraries d'ofici semblava reforçar les tesis que postulaven la rigidesa i la immobilitat de les societats d'Antic Règim. Però, els pocs treballs realitzats a Catalunya sobre les estratègies familiars adoptades pels menestrals han apuntat que la transmissió intergeneracional de l'ofici i les estratègies matrimonials dirigides a casar-se amb membres del mateix entorn professional potser no es donaven d'una manera tan general com la historiografia havia subratllat. Aquestes haurien estat dues de les fórmules seguides per les famílies menestrals a fi de preservar un patrimoni força eteri en un marc econòmic ple d'incerteses i serien les responsables de la imatge de societats estàtiques o poc mòbils. Respondre aquestes dues qüestions és el punt de partida d'aquest treball. Per dur-lo a terme s'han analitzat les estratègies familiars dels menestrals d'un centre urbà català, Mataró, entre els segles XVII i XIX. / La organización del trabajo artesanal de las sociedades preindustriales en gremios o cofradías de oficio parecía reforzar las tesis que postulaban la rigidez y la inmovilidad de las sociedades de Antiguo Régimen. Pero, los pocos trabajos sobre las estrategias familiares seguidas por las familias menestrales basados en Cataluña, han apuntado como la transmisión intergeneracional del oficio y las estrategias matrimoniales dirigidas a casarse con miembros del mismo entorno profesional, quizá no se daban tan extensiblemente como siempre había subrayado la historiografía. Éstas habrían estado dos de las fórmulas seguidas por las familias menestrales para preservar un patrimonio bastante etéreo en un marco económico lleno de incertidumbre y serian las responsables de la imagen de sociedades estáticas o poco móviles. Responder a estas dos preguntas es el punto de partida de este estudio. Para ello, se han analizado las estrategias familiares de los menestrales de un centro urbano catalán, Mataró, entre los siglos XVII y XIX. / The organization of the home-produced work in pre-industrial societies in guilds or brotherhoods seemed to reassert the thesis which postulates the rigidity and immovability of societies during the Old Regime. But the few jobs done in Catalonia about the familiar strategies adopted by artisans, have pointed out that the intergenerational transmission of professions and marriage strategies in order to get married to members from the same professional area was not as usual as the historiography had shown. These strategies had been two of the ways followed by families of artisans in order to preserve an ethereal patrimony in an economical setting full of uncertainties, and they would be the responsible of the static and immovable societies. The aim of this study is to answer these two questions. In order to do so, familiar strategies of artisans from Mataró, an urban Catalan settlement during the XVIIth-XIXth centuries, have been analysed.
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Witchcraft in the religion of the Hlubi of Qumbu: focusing on the issues of sickness and healing in the societyOsei, Mensah-Aborampah 30 November 2003 (has links)
This research sought to investigate the impact of a belief in witchcraft as an explanation for all the ills in the Hlubi community and South African societies in general - which becomes a good tool for inadequate governments. Our approach in this study has been interdisciplinary and the utilization of comparative analysis and a combination of phenomenological and qualitative research models. Economic problems create social tensions and are manifested in various ways, including witchcraft craze. The Hlubi scenario found parallels in Europe and America. Witchcraft and ancestors are considered to be the main causes of diseases but nature and ecological or environmental dangers are other factors. Pragmatic and obvious response to such phobias is seen in the protective and preventive devices provided by isangoma, amaqhira, amaxhwere, inyanga and faith healers. It is hypothesized that as long as all existential needs exist in Hlubi society witchcraft will continue to be with us, perhaps forever. / Religious Studies & Arabic / DLITT ET PHIL (REL STUD)
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Witchcraft in the religion of the Hlubi of Qumbu: focusing on the issues of sickness and healing in the societyOsei, Mensah-Aborampah 30 November 2003 (has links)
This research sought to investigate the impact of a belief in witchcraft as an explanation for all the ills in the Hlubi community and South African societies in general - which becomes a good tool for inadequate governments. Our approach in this study has been interdisciplinary and the utilization of comparative analysis and a combination of phenomenological and qualitative research models. Economic problems create social tensions and are manifested in various ways, including witchcraft craze. The Hlubi scenario found parallels in Europe and America. Witchcraft and ancestors are considered to be the main causes of diseases but nature and ecological or environmental dangers are other factors. Pragmatic and obvious response to such phobias is seen in the protective and preventive devices provided by isangoma, amaqhira, amaxhwere, inyanga and faith healers. It is hypothesized that as long as all existential needs exist in Hlubi society witchcraft will continue to be with us, perhaps forever. / Religious Studies and Arabic / DLITT ET PHIL (REL STUD)
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