Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fashion bindustry."" "subject:"fashion byindustry.""
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How CSR is marketed and optimized in the Swedish fashion industry : A qualitative study on digital marketing and web analytics when marketing CSRÅberg, Minna, Mattsson, Filip January 2020 (has links)
The fashion industry is commonly known for being responsible for large amounts of environmental damage as well as having poor working conditions. This is why many companies operating withinthe Swedish fashion industry are working with Corporate social responsibility (CSR)in orderto become more sustainable. CSR is a well-knownconcept that has been researched in many studies as well asimplemented by many companies. While there are many ways to incorporateCSRactivities, the main goal is to take responsibilityfor the actions of the company, address stakeholder interestsand work towards more sustainable operations. Besides CSR, this study also investigates the use of digital marketing and web analytics in the Swedish fashion industry. While mostcompanies activelyuse digital marketing, a large number of companies fail at utilizing the full potential of web analytics when evaluating digital marketing strategies. Furthermore, thisstudy investigates how companies in the Swedish fashion industry use digital marketing and web analytics when marketing their CSR initiatives. The purpose of this study was todevelop a deeper understanding about the role that digital marketing and web analytics have in marketing CSR initiatives in the Swedish fashion industry. The Swedish fashion industry was the context investigated in this study as the fashionindustry is at front edge with implementingCSR initiatives,and is developing into becoming a less environmentally damaging industrywith stricter regulations and more knowledgeableconsumers.This study was conducted througha qualitative method with semi structured interviews. The respondents consisted of CEOs,sustainability experts as well as business developers working within the Swedish fashion industry. Through a thematic analysis, we have found themes which in turn were analyzed regardingCSR activities, digital marketing and web analytics. The findings showed that there was an existing controversy with the marketing of CSR, which might have been due to the lack of clear guidelines and regulations restricting what can be considered as sustainable products. This situation led to some marketingwithin the industry being considered as misleading marketing, while some companies did not dare to market their CSR initiativesdue to the fearof being criticized for green washing or not doing enough. Furthermore, the findings showed that digital marketing has a largerole in the Swedish fashion industry. While some companies worked extensively with web analytics to improve their marketing campaignsand social channels, othercompanies failed at utilizing the full potential of web analytics.
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Effortless shopping : A qualitative study of Gen Z's shopping behaviour and how they value the environmental sustainability in the fashion industryHjertquist, Jonna, Jung, Sofie January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of Gen Z’s structure in the buying decision-making process and how they value environmental sustainability within the fashion industry. In this context, the following research questions was formulated: (1) What structure does the buyer decision-making process follow for Gen Z when it comes to apparel shopping? (2) How does Gen Z value environmental sustainability when buying apparel? Theories used in the literature review have included the main concepts of sustainability in the fashion industry, the buyer decision-making process and Gen Z. In order to clarify the relationship between the main concepts a conceptual framework was presented, which together with the theoretical framework was used to analyse the empirical data. The empirical data of this study refers to the collection of multiple interviews with individuals born between 1996-2002. By following a qualitative research method an understanding of Gen Z´s shopping behaviour and whether they are affected by environmental issues was collected. With regard to the concept being a relatively unexplored area in the business research, this thesis is based on a deductive research approach. It was concluded that the Gen Z does not follow the traditional structure of the buyer decision-making process and do not value environmental sustainability when buying apparel. Finally, the minority purchasing sustainable apparel have a higher involvement in their buyer decision-making process due to their motivation towards sustainable choices.
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Sinnesmarknadsföring inom modebranschen : En studie om sinnesmarknadsföring i fysiska klädbutiker ur ett konsumentperspektiv.Carlsson, Sofia, Sahlgaard, Isabella January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie handlar om sinnesmarknadsföring i fysiska butiker inom modebranschen och den utgår från konsumentens perspektiv. Syftet med studien är att analysera hur konsumenter upplever sinnesmarknadsföring i fysiska butiker inom modebranschen. Studien undersöker även hur de olika sinnena kan påverka konsumenternas köpintention. Då vi anser att sinnena syn, hörsel och känsel är mest relevanta för studien avgränsas studien till att undersöka endast de tre sinnena. Smaksinnet och luktsinnet utesluts alltså från studien. Tidigare har det forskats mycket om sinnesmarknadsföring ur företagsperspektiv och därför ville vi undersöka hur konsumenter ser på sinnesmarknadsföring i fysiska klädbutiker. Det är en kvantitativ studie med utgångspunkt i en abduktiv forskningsansats. En enkätundersökning användes som datainsamlingsmetod och den låg till grund för analysen och resultatet av studien. Utifrån tidigare forskning formades tre hypoteser vilka testades med hjälp av chi-två test i SPSS från resultatet av enkätundersökningen. Slutsatserna vilka kan dras av studien är främst att konsumenter upplever de tre sinnena som använts i studien, syn, hörsel och känsel olika mycket. Syn och känsel ansågs bidra mycket till upplevelsen och hörseln lite mindre i jämförelse med de andra. Studien visar även att konsumenter påverkas av sinnesmarknadsföring vid köptillfället. Studien visar att respondenterna påverkas till största del av sinnena syn och känsel. Hörseln anser respondenterna däremot att de inte påverkas av. / This study centers on sensory marketing in physical stores in the fashion industry and it is based on the consumer's perspective. The aim of the study is to analyze how consumers experience sensory marketing in physical stores in the fashion industry. The study also examines how the different senses can affect consumers' purchase intention. As we believe that the senses sight, sound and touch are most relevant to the study, the study is limited to examining only the three senses. The sense of taste and the sense of smell are excluded from the study. In the past, a lot of research has been done on sensory marketing from a business perspective. Therefore, we wanted to investigate how consumers view sensory marketing in physical clothing stores. This is a quantitative study based on an abductive research approach. A questionnaire survey was used to collect data, and it formed the basis for the analysis and the results of the study. Based on previous research, three hypotheses were formed which were tested using chi-squared tests in SPSS from the results of the survey. The conclusions from the study are mainly that consumers experience the three senses used in the study, sight, sound and touch differently. Sight and touch were considered to contribute a lot to the experience and sound a little less in comparison with the others. The study also shows that consumers are affected by sensory marketing at the time of purchase. The study shows that the respondents are largely affected by the senses' sight and touch. The respondents, on the other hand, believe that they are not affected by sound.
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Inclusive marketing : A study of Swedish female consumers’ perceptions of inclusive advertisements in the fashion industryWiklund, Cornelia January 2022 (has links)
In the last decades we have seen an increase of inclusive marketing, partly because of an increase of consumer awareness and expectations. But it can be hard to succeed with inclusive marketing, and previous research shows that many companies have been accused of CSR- washing, forced diversity, etc. Femvertising in particular has received a lot of criticism of being staged and insincere. Therefore, there is a need for brands to know what consumers expect from them regarding inclusive marketing. The purpose of this study was to capture Swedish female consumers’ perceptions on inclusive marketing, as well as their attitudes towards inclusive adverts. As most previous research has focused on gender stereotypes, there was a need for investigations of more topics within inclusive marketing. Also, Swedish consumers’ opinions of inclusive marketing lack research. A qualitative method was used to gain a deeper understanding of the participants’ perceptions. Through semi-structured interviews, the participants got to express their opinions of inclusive marketing overall, and then react to two different inclusive adverts. The adverts were chosen based on the theoretical framework. The results show that inclusive marketing is important for Swedish female consumers, and that they experience that it is getting more common. According to the consumers, advertising should reflect the people in the real world, so everyone feels included. It should include people of different origins, gender, sexuality, age, etc. To tackle stereotypes could be to show people in settings where they are not traditionally connected to, or in other ways try to break the norms that society has created. The respondents in this study highly valued femvertising, in contrast to what some other scholars have found. Inclusive marketing has a positive effect on Swedish female consumers’ attitudes towards the brand. However, the message that is promoted should fit with the content of the advert and with the brand, and it should also be consistent with the brand’s other communications. The use of a diverse group in advertising should feel natural because that will make it more authentic. Brands should not have to justify their use of models “outside the norms”. However, the study also shows that some consumers think that the use of inclusive marketing is always appropriate. Lastly, the inclusivity in the adverts did not have a specific effect on the consumers’ purchase behavior. But, if a brand is not inclusive at all, it will affect both the consumers’ brand attitudes negatively, as well as their purchase behavior. The most important finding in this study is that it is important for brands to be inclusive in their marketing, however the inclusion should feel natural, and people’s differences should be normalized. Then companies reduce the risk of being accused of staged diversity or CSR-washing.
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What Does Sustainability Mean? : A Study of Young Consumers’ Associations With, and Understanding of the Term Sustainability, Within the Fashion IndustryBerghe, Henrik, Sanchez Adolfsson, Malcolm January 2022 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to investigate how young consumers understand sustainability in the fashion industry: how they define it and if they consider both environmental and social sustainability. Design/methodology/approach – A qualitative method was used. The 14 semi- structured video-call interviews were carried out with interviewees between the ages of 20 and 30 years old, chosen based on their age and accessibility to the researchers. Further, all the interviewees live in Sweden. Findings – The collected data show that young consumers have a fairly broad understanding of sustainability in the fashion industry, even if parts of that understanding seem to be subconscious. All the interviewees are aware of the fashion industry’s negative impact on global sustainability, and show awareness of transparency and Greenwashing issues. Many also agree that aspects of high quality, timeless design and second-hand clothing are crucial for sustainability in the fashion industry. All interviewees connect sustainability in the fashion industry to environmental sustainability first and foremost, while issues with social sustainability come second. The interviewees were generally more concerned with environmental issues like emissions and materials. However, all but one showed awareness of the social implications as well, addressing social issues like working conditions. Originality/value – The thesis is a response to the lack of research on young consumer’s understanding and perceptions of sustainability within the fashion industry. It’s an interesting subject, since the fashion industry has many sustainability issues, and young consumers have a great spending power, and also care a lot about sustainability. The research is a mean for future research regarding young consumers and the fashion industry and will provide further understanding towards the subject.
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Consumer’s Perception of Firm’s Responses to Apparent Environmental and Social Issues within the Fashion Industry : A quantitative study investigating the impact of CSR activities in the fashion industry on consumer perception and purchase intention.Hofmann, Josefa, Ajalova, Rena January 2022 (has links)
Research Question: How does the consumer perception of firm behavior towards environmental and social issues affect consumer purchase intention? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe the perception consumers have developed about issues companies in the fashion industry are facing, the CSR activities they are implementing, and the effect these have on the consumer's purchase intent. Method: The method applied in this empirical study is the quantitative research method with the utilization of an online questionnaire. Conclusion: CSR practices are introduced voluntarily by companies with the purpose to contribute to the well-being of the community by utilizing corporate resources to achieve that goal. The authors discovered that CSR activities of companies within the fashion industry and the increased visibility of firms´ response to misbehavior do not show a positive effect on the perception of the consumer. Furthermore, the consumers' purchase intention is neither positively influenced by firms´ CSR practices nor is the pricing of a fashion garment demonstrating a favorable impact.
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Följa eller stå emot strömmen : En studie om skillnader och likheter mellan klädbutikers strategier i det strukturella skiftet mot e-handelUhlan, Joakim, Sjödin, Petter, Carlsson, Hampus January 2021 (has links)
E-handel ökar kontinuerligt och förändrar detaljhandelskartan oavbrutet som bidragit till att detaljhandeln genomgår ett strukturellt skifte mot e-handel där företag behöver använda sig av nya strategier för att vara framgångsrika. Framförallt möter mikro- och småföretag större utmaningar då de har mindre resurser och är mindre väletablerade på marknaden, där Strategy-as-Practice (S-as-P) ses som ett alternativ till den traditionella forskningen kring strategi då den är mer applicerbar för att förstå strategi i mindre företag. Syftet med studien är genom ett S-as-P perspektiv undersöka skillnader/likheter mellan klädbutikers strategier kring det strukturella skiftet mot e-handel. Inom S-as-P ligger fokus varför, hur och vad som sker i formulering, planering och implementering av organisationers strategi. Det finns tre olika perspektiv inom S-as-P för att studera ett företags strategi, practitioners, practices och praxis. Studien har baserats på S-as-P genom ett konceptuellt ramverk uppsatt av forskarna vilket innefattar att studera de tre grundpelarna som utgör S-as-P i förhållande till företag inom klädbranschen. Detta för att tolka företagens strategizing och förstå deras strategizing utifrån planerade-, entreprenöriella-, konsensus- och påtvingade strategier. Studien har genomförts efter en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer, där fem företag har intervjuats. Forskningsprocessen har liknat en abduktiv ansats, där det skett en växelverkan mellan teori och empiri med en möjlighet för vidare insamling av empiri och teori tills att en mättnad uppnåtts. Därefter har forskarna analyserat fram klädbutikers strategi och hur det strukturella skiftet mot e-handel har påverkat företagens strategier. Resultatet visar att strategier är djupt influerade av enskilda individer. I respektive företag som deltagit i studien finns det en tydlig länk mellan varför strategiska handlingar genomförs och den individ som besitter en högre roll. Genomgående visar resultatet att ägaren kommer styra och hantera sitt företag utifrån sitt perspektiv varpå individen som är involverad i samtliga aktiviteter i ett företag kommer prägla företagets strategi.
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Green Millennials? : A Qualitative Study on the Impact of Green Marketing on European Female Millennials Purchase Behavior in the Fashion IndustryRotkirch, Isabel, Lenk, Larissa January 2021 (has links)
Background: Distinguishing from competitors nowadays turns out to be more difficult as mass communication is a topical issue. Not only, but also in the fashion industry, sustainability is an upcoming topic, especially since this industry is deemed to be the second most polluting worldwide and strives for a change in consumerism. Particularly, millennials are perceived to be the generation being most aware of sustainable alternatives and aspire to protect the environment. Green Marketing is applied to thus promote green processes, products and the like to several customer segments. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to qualitatively explore the impact of green marketing on the purchase behavior of European female millennials in the fashion industry. Method: The method chosen for this study were online focus groups with female informants from several European countries. Five online focus groups with a total of 31 informants were conducted. The qualitative study is based on an inductive and interpretivist approach. Due to the existence of known models, individual deductive elements were included for data collection. Finally, a theoretical framework was created. Conclusion: The results show that green marketing is perceived in a diversified way. Positively, green marketing is creating awareness towards considering sustainable fashion and a possible future change in the purchasing behavior. Negatively it is said, that green marketing is often associated with greenwashing and dishonest pursuits of the companies. Due to sustainability becoming more important and popular, green marketing is also related to a trend in marketing to keep up with competitors. However, green marketing in this study was found out to have no significant impact on the purchase behavior. Overall, the impact of green marketing depends strongly on the knowledge level of the informants in this study. It is noteworthy, that informants with basic knowledge are most likely to be influenced by GM
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Transparens – en fråga om förutsättningar eller vilja? : En studie om hur aktörer inom svenska modebranschen definierar transparens och hur det skildras i deras arbete / Transparency - A question of conditions or willingness? : A study about how actors in the Swedish fashion industry define transparency and how it is portrayed in their workJohansson, Amy, Rittri, Lisa January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Efterfrågan på transparens inom modebranschen har på senare år ökat och konsumenter ställer allt högre krav på information om resan som klädesplagg haft från start till slut. Många företag har dålig insyn i sin egna försörjningskedjor och transparens ses av många som ett första steg i att få företag att arbeta mot en bättre insyn. Det finns åtskilliga definitioner av transparens, och det saknas en allmänt erkänd definition av begreppet. Avsaknaden av en tydlig definition kan vara en orsak till det bristande arbetet med transparens inom modebranschen, ett samband som studien därför avser att undersöka. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att, ur ett aktörsperspektiv, skapa förståelse för samspelet mellan definitioner och arbete med transparens inom modebranschen. Genomförande: Denna tvärsnittsstudie utgår från ett aktörssynsätt och ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv vilka används genom en kvalitativ forskningsdesign. Det empiriska materialet består av semistrukturerade intervjuer med nio respondenter som arbetar på åtta olika företag i modebranschen samt dokumentstudier. Slutsats: Det finns ett samband mellan definitioner av transparens och huruvida aktörer inom modebranschen arbetar med det. Genom det empiriska materialet konstaterades stora skillnader sett till aktörernas definitioner, där de överlag framstod som vaga. Definitionerna speglades i arbetet som till största del höll en låg nivå. För de enstaka aktörer som påvisade ett väletablerat arbete med transparens var definitionerna mer specificerade. Den bristfälliga detaljnivån i aktörernas definitioner och arbete med transparens påvisar att en allmänt erkänd definition troligtvis skulle leda till ett förbättrat arbete med transparens. Studien visar även att aktörer bör skapa tydligare och mer detaljerade definitioner av transparens för att kunna vidareutveckla transparensarbetet. / Background: In recent years the demand for transparency in the fashion industry has increased, and consumers are continuously requiring greater oversight of the supply chain of garments. Transparency is often considered to be the first step into gaining better insight into supply chain processes. There are several definitions of transparency, and no definition is commonly accepted. The lack of transparency in the fashion industry may be a reflection of the absence of a clear definition for the term; a relationship that the study intends to investigate. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to, from an actor's perspective, create an understanding of the interaction between definitions and work with transparency in the fashion industry. Methodology: This cross-sectional study is based on an actor-approach and a hermeneutic perspective, which are used through a qualitative research design. The empirical material consists of semi-structured interviews with nine respondents who work at eight different companies in the fashion industry, as well as document studies. Conclusion: There is a connection between definitions of transparency and how actors in the fashion industry work with it. The empirical material showed major differences in terms of the actors' definitions, where they generally appeared vague. The definitions were reflected in the work, which mostly held a low level. For the few actors who demonstrated well-established transparency work, the definitions were more specific. The insufficient level of detail in the actors' definitions and work with transparency indicates that a generally recognized definition would be beneficial for future work with transparency. The study also shows that actors should create clearer and more detailed definitions of transparency in order to be able to further develop the work with transparency.
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Factores potenciales que influyen en el comportamiento de compra de moda ecológica de los Millennials en Lima Moderna como estrategia competitiva de los econegocios de moda, 2020Chávez Fernández, Nicole Andrea, Garcia Valverde, Lizeth Betty 04 September 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como finalidad determinar cuáles son los potenciales factores que influyen en el Comportamiento de Compra de Moda Ecológica de los millennials en Lima Moderna como estrategia competitiva de los econegocios de moda en el año 2020. El diseño a emplear para la investigación es no experimental, de corte transversal simple y de alcance explicativo. Adicional a ello, se emplea el enfoque cuantitativo como metodología para la recolección de datos; esté último se da a través de la aplicación de encuestas con el propósito de analizar los resultados obtenidos de la relación de las variables de estudio. Asimismo, la confiabilidad del instrumento se evalúa mediante el alfa de Cronbach, el cual es de 0.807 para la variable “Moda Ecológica”, y para la variable “Factores que influyen en el Comportamiento de Compra del Consumidor” es de 0.811. Por otro lado, de una población estimada de 453,012 habitantes millennials en Lima Moderna, se delimitó por medio del método de muestreo probabilístico estratificado una muestra de 384 millennials. Y según el análisis de la contrastación de hipótesis a través de la prueba Chi Cuadrado, se infiere que, los factores que influyen en el comportamiento de compra de Moda Ecológica de los millennials en Lima Moderna son potenciales para la Estrategia Competitiva de los Econegocios de Moda en el año 2020. / This research aims to determine what are the potential factors that influence in the purchase behavior of ecological fashion for millennials in Modern Lima as a competitive strategy for fashion eco-businesses, by 2020. The research design is non-experimental, cross-sectional simple and explanatory scope. In addition to this, the quantitative approach is used as a methodology for data collection, which is given through the application of surveys in order to analyze the results obtained from the relationship of the study variables. Likewise, the reliability of the instrument is evaluated using Cronbach's alpha, which is 0.807 for the variable “Ecological Fashion”, and for the variable "Consumer buying behavior" it is 0.811. On the other hand, from an estimated population of 453,012 millennial inhabitants in Modern Lima, a sample of 384 millennials was delimited by means of the stratified probabilistic sampling method. And according to the analysis of the hypothesis testing through the Chi Square test, it is inferred that the factors that influence the buying behavior of Ecological Fashion for millennials in Modern Lima are potential for the Competitive Strategy of Fashion Eco-businesses in 2020. / Tesis
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