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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fast fashion i modeindustrin : En kamp mot klockan

Göranson, Karin, Hansson, Annika January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vad som inom fast fashion har påverkat företagen på den internationella modemarknaden. Världen har förändrats och konsumenter ställer högre krav på modeföretag. Tiden blir en allt mer drivande faktor i och med att leverantörskedjor utvecklar kortare ledtider. Produktionsstrategin inom fast fashion företaget är i leverantörskedjan av stort fokus. Vi vill med denna uppsats skapa uppmärksamhet till det omtalade fenomenet som har tillkommit, fast fashion. Därför har leveranskedjan samt andra utvecklade strategier idag utvecklats eftersom det har en stor betydelse för att överleva som ett fast fashion företag i modeindustrin.</p><p>Vi har under uppsatsens gång utgått ifrån de teorier som vi funnit vara relevanta inom ämnet för att kunna koppla den till empiri. Studien är därför utförd efter en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod med en abduktiv forskningsansats. Till stor del är uppsatsen baserad på sekundärdata, vi har här utgått ifrån fallstudie av Zara och H & M. En anonym kvalitativ intervju med en anställd inom ett världskänt fast fashion företag är genomförd. Vi har sedan analyserat och framfört empirin emot den valda teorin för att finna samband och skillnader av de valda fast fashion företagen.</p><p>Slutsatsen är att fast fashion begreppet står för effektivitet, flexibilitet och vetskapen om de rätta trenderna. Tiden, kommunikation och korta ledtider är viktiga faktorer som spelar en huvudroll inom fast fashion. Det visar sig att konsumenternas preferenser idag ändras på ett ögonblick, vilket är skapat av att fast fashion företag visat att det är möjligt att leverera det senaste modet på några få dagar. Slutsatsen visar att den viktigaste strategin inom fast fashion är att kunna reagera snabbt på modemarknadens efterfrågan.</p>

Questioning the boundaries between fast- and slow fashion.

Mardell, Emma January 2016 (has links)
Individual’s existential ambivalence has according to Jacques Derrida, one of the foremost proponents of post-structuralism, led to a continuous demand for structure (Cooper, 1989). Categories, used as structural tools, are however often hierarchically organized, where one category is more preferable than the other, also referred to as binary oppositions. Alternative categories and/ or references will appear when adopting a deconstruction process, which is crucial in order to invoke change and development (Cooper, 1989; Markkula et al., 2011; Marion, 2006). The aim of present research is trying to identify if Derrida’s theory of undecidable transfer of features (Agger, 1991; Cooper, 1989; Livingston, 2010; Bates, 2005) is applicable in fashion, more specifically fast- and slow fashion, and if the two categories are susceptible to a merge. Deconstructionism and Derrida’s theory of undecidable was furthermore applied as the theoretical framework throughout the study. Present research has been executed with an interpretive methodological approach and through a poststructural epistemological outlook (Hudson &amp; Ozanne, 1988; Eriksson &amp; Kovalainen, 2016). Data was derived through two focus group interviews, involving seven informants at a time, with Autodriving as a visual research tool (Heisley &amp; Levy, 1991) and open-ended questions as a complementing instrument (Eriksson &amp; Kovalainen, 2016). A thematic analysis was furthermore applied when revisiting the data and analysing its content. The findings finally suggest that a merge between fast- and slow fashion is executable, which furthermore also legitimises Derrida’s theory of undecidability. This study has however only begun the deconstruction process and does therefore encourage future researchers to continue investigating the theory of undecidability (Agger, 1991; Cooper, 1989; Livingston, 2010; Bates, 2005) not only in fashion, but also within other institutions.

The Influence of Social Media on E-commerce : Fast Fashion Multinational Companies

Manneh, Mariama January 2017 (has links)
Aim: The aim of this thesis is to analyse the influence of social media on fast fashion e-commerce multinational businesses and to identify the aims of Corporations using social media and why they adopt it as a marketing strategy to meet their long term objectives.   Methodology Approach:  This research study utilised a qualitative approach which comprises of primary and secondary data in order to conduct research and gather empirical evidence to evaluate the research aims and questions and to fill the gap that previous researches have not sufficiently covered. This thesis involved the use of a multiple case study by interviewing four international fast fashion companies based in Sweden, Stockholm. These companies are Bik Bok, River Island, Monki and Vero Moda. The researcher used a face to face interview method and telephone method. In total ten (10) interviews have been conducted.   Findings: The main finding of this research study is that the four e-commerce companies employed social media as a marketing strategy. Through thorough analysis it was found that Instagram was the most dominant of all social media platform. The use of social media marketing is vital for these fast fashion e-commerce businesses as they can have direct contact with their customers, attract new customers and to get to know their target market. These four companies opened an e-commerce business to offer product datasheet and to expand market for niche products. However, social media have also influenced few of these e-commerce businesses by the use of word of mouth.   Limitations: The limitation of this study is the lack of having the perspective of managers in the department of social media. The work could have been improved if the researcher was able to be in contact with those people in order to have a better validation of this research study. Moreover, there were inadequate resources or authors that have specifically covered the influenced of social media on fast fashion e-commerce firms and how they operate.  This could be seen as the research gap.   Suggestions For Further Research: As this research study only covers the influence of social media on fast fashion e-commerce businesses.Further study can be conducted on the perspective of fast fashion e-commerce customer’s perspective. Moreover, a bigger sampling of respondents can be collected rather than only collecting data from 2 or 3 people from each company. There might be a possibility if the chosen sampling  was bigger; the  researcher could have  had more  concrete  and solid research study.

Design for change : Generation Y consumers' perception of sustainability in the fast fashion industry

Hofmann, Anna Theresa January 2019 (has links)
Research Questions: “What knowledge do Generation Y consumers’ have about sustainability in the fast fashion industry?” and “How do the factors of the attitude-behavior gap influence the Generation Y consumers in their decision making for fast fashion clothes?”       Problem Formulation: Sustainability as a topic has regained great attention over the last couple of years. Generation Y consumers’ demand for more sustainable actions, especially in fast fashion, puts increasing pressure on the industry. As the biggest consumer cohort, it is important for fast fashion companies to meet their needs and demands for more sustainable actions to stay competitive. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore the perception of sustainability of Generation Y consumers’ in the fast fashion industry by looking at eight factors that influence the attitude-behavior gap, namely Price Sensitivity, Ethical Obligation, Lack of Information, Subjective Norm, Quality, Inertia, Cynicism and Guilt. Additionally, the previous knowledge about sustainability in the fast fashion industry of this generation will be investigated by using the triple-bottom line approach of economic, environmental and social aspects. Methodology: This thesis utilized a qualitative methodology by conducting semi-structured interviews. The research consists of 6 participants from the Generation Y. The interviews were performed personally face-to-face. Findings/Conclusions: The findings indicate that the factors of the attitude-behavior gap still influence Generation Y consumers’ in their purchase decisions for fast fashion brands. They are more hesitant to invest in acquiring clothes from fast fashion retailers, as they see them as violating to the society and the environment. Therefore, Generation Y consumers would rather purchase sustainable clothes from sustainable companies that are behaving and producing their clothes in a right, sustainable and ethical way. Hence, their attitude indicates to be similar to their potential purchasing behavior. Furthermore, Generation Y consumers’ hold a broad, detailed knowledge about sustainability of all three parts of the triple bottom line.

Fast Fashion : To explore Generation Y's attitude toward fast fashion; a Swedish consumer perspective

Botic, Heidi, Choudhury, Kuntola January 2019 (has links)
Background:           Fast fashion is a rather new business strategy and is defined to be affordable and fashionable apparel that is directly copied from catwalks. The concept was initially introduced by Amancio Ortega’s well-known store, called Zara which mostly targets Generation Y consumers. Due to globalization and progress in technology it makes it possible for retailers to use cheap resources and cheap manufacturing from third-world countries which makes this strategy profitable. In these third world countries the working conditions and wages are poor, and the workers are exposed to toxic chemicals used in the fabrics. These toxic chemicals also affect the environment negatively by polluting the oceans and the earth. It also contributes to the overconsumption due to the rapid change in trends and their short life cycle.   Purpose:                  The purpose is to understand how Swedish Generation Y consumers behave towards fast fashion and their attitudes toward this.   Method:                  This study has used a qualitative approach, so the data was gathered through 12 interviews. All the participants were of Generation Y, age 17-37. The interviews were semi-structured with open-ended questions. A method of purposive sampling was used meaning that the participants were chosen by the judgement of the authors. Furthermore, the thesis is a case study where the case is the fast fashion industry.   Findings:                 The results show that there is an existing link between attitudes and behaviour where several factors affect this. For this particular generation, style and price were two important factors linked to behaviour. Social media and other social surroundings, such as family and friends, also affect their consumption pattern. The findings also show that Generation Y view sustainability as something important, however regarding fast fashion something else is indicated.

Western fast fashion brands in the eyes of Vietnamese millennials

Nhan, To Linh, Le, Minh Tinh January 2019 (has links)
Background  Along with an impressive increase of individual incomes and expansion of middle class populations (Lee &amp; Nguyen, 2017), Vietnam is an attractive market where the fashion category receives the high interest among young consumers. Noticeably, while Western fast fashion is considered as a cheap product in most developed countries, it is kind of an expensive item in the Vietnam context. Although previous studies show that Vietnamese millennials are fond of the products from the West, Vietnam is a challenging market that requires Western fast fashion brands to have an insight into local consumer preferences since the local consumer’ values, attitudes, and behaviors are changing dramatically. Purpose  The purpose of this study is to explore attitudes of Vietnamese millennials towards Western fast fashion brands related to country of origin (COO) as well as the symbolic values of these brands in the mind of Vietnamese millennials. It thereby helps the Western companies to understand the Vietnamese market in terms of fast fashion, discovering potential investment opportunities and propose suitable marketing strategies to enter this market.  Method  Following the purpose of this study, an exploratory qualitative research with an abductive approach was utilised. Specifically, in-depth interviews with open-ended questions were employed to have an insight into the participants’ attitude towards Western fast fashion brands. Additionally, after the interviews, the participant's opinions were captured for a visualization of attributes of Western fast fashion brands. Conclusion The research results show that Vietnamese millennials generally have positive attitudes towards Western fast fashion brands related to COO. Nevertheless, in this particular study, the emerging symbolic values include sense of beauty,  educational background, social status as well as self-identity. The study also points out its delimitations and limitations, offers various possibilities for managerial implications, as well as provides some suggestions for future research.


Modeföretagens affärsidéer bygger idag på en hög konsumtion av plagg med korta livscykler och produkter skickas snabbt ut på marknaden. Detta är möjligt genom kapade ledtider och effektiviserade designprocesser, vilket i sin tur leder till låga priser. Denna effektiva verksamhet gör att delar i processerna måste prioriteras bort. En följd av detta är trendkänsliga plagg som är skapade för nuet. Plaggen är inte längre skapade att hålla en längre tid och fyller ett kortsiktigt behov hos kunden. En stor mängd av textilier behöver därför tas om hand till följd av den höga konsumtionstakten. Vår tes är att man med denna deponi kan skapa nya säljbara produkter som är attraktiva för kund. Förslaget som undersöks i rapporten är konsumtionsalternativet re-design. Med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer med insatta i branschen skapas en förståelse för ämnet. Detta tillsammans med teori kring hållbara designprocesser ger grund till en kravspecifikation för re-design. En deltagande observation utförs för att få en inblick i second handkunders konsumtionsvanor. Utifrån dessa metoder samt teorin tas tre produktidéer fram och prototyper skapas för att användas vid kundintervjuer. Dessa intervjuer utvärderas och tillsammans med teorin bildar de en bas för vår modell av optimal re-design. Empirin sammanställs och besvarar frågan om re-design som konsumtionsalternativ kan vara en fungerande lösning på deponiproblemet. Svaret blir att med hjälp av den teoretiska referensramen samt vår modell borde konceptet re-design som teori fungera. I teorin hävdas att om konsumenterna har tillräckligt med kunskap kan de göra genomtänkta konsumtionsval. Dock är verkligheten mycket mer komplex än modellen visar, vilket gör att det finns ett glapp mellan vår modell och realitet. / Program: Textil produktutveckling och entreprenörskap

Hållbart mode inom fast fashion : en utforskande studie om konsumenters attityder och beteenden

: Modeindustrins negativa påverkan på en hållbar utveckling har ökat aktualiteten för hållbarhetsfrågor inom branschen. Flera fast fashion-företag har därför börjat införa hållbara åtgärder efter starkare tryck från intressenter. Trots ökad medvetenheten hos konsumenter för hållbara problem påvisar forskarstudier ett gap mellan attityd och beteende inom hållbar klädkonsumtion. Syftet med studien är därför att bidra med kunskap som ökar förståelsen för hållbart konsumentbeteende inom fast fashion på den svenska marknaden. Studien utgår från att undersöka vilka de bakomliggande motiven är till att attityd och beteende skiljer sig åt, och varför motiven ger uppkomst till ett attityd-beteende gap. Fokusgrupper upprättades i Borås och Göteborg med ett urval bestående av kvinnliga konsumenter tillhörande generation Y. Studiens resultat stärker teorin inom hållbar klädkonsumtion, men bidrar även med ett nytt begrepp, det abstrakta motivet. I anslutning har en attityd-beteende-gap modell (figur 5.1) utvecklats. Modellen (figur 5.1) består av bakomliggande motiv till varför konsumenter frångår hållbara värderingar vid köp av mode. En ny hållbar konsument har även identifierats, den eftertänksamma konsumenten. Studiens resultat kan hjälpa fast fashion-företag i deras strategiska utveckling av hållbara åtgärder. Studien belyser en komplexitet bestående av många faktorer som påverkar att attityd och beteende avviker. / Program: Textilekonomutbildningen

En jämförelse mellan H&M & Zara´s förmåga att leverera ett snabbt mode : Gentemot kundens uppfattning / A comparison between H&M & Zara´s ability to deliver a fast fashion : Towards the customers comprehension

Larsson, Hedvig, Ogheden, Pauline January 2009 (has links)
During the last year there has been a globalization of trade. Because of the development ofmore sophisticated information&apos;s - and communication technology the boundaries and thephysical distance have been smeared out between company as well as countries. Furthermoreit generates that many companies have restructured to global value chains. Because of theincreased access the marketplace has become harder and more competitive than ever.Since the customers nowadays have more access to product information the consume patternsand behaviour has been changed. Through the increased knowledge the consumers requiresmore of the products. Today’s consumers values not only prise and quality but are alsodemanding quality products which are tailored to individual needs and tastes. Companiesfocus has changed from price to the ability to quickly respond on new trends and customerdemands. Fashion companies in the textile sector appear on a complex and unpredictablemarket where new trends and the demand shifts quickly. In order to be competitive on themarket the companies need to renew their range of fashion products several times in season.Fashion goods have a short life-cycle, measured in months or even weeks. Fashion productshave become a consumable and embarrassed in the concept fast fashion. Management of aneffective purchase process is therefore very important in order to meet the requirement onhaving the right product, in right quality, in right quantity at the right time.The purpose of the thesis are to investigate, describe and analyze the connection between thecase companies H&amp;M and Zara´s different ways of deliver fast fashion in relation toward theconsumers understanding of them as a trend conductive on the market.In our paper we have been using a hermeneutist perspective. We have interpreted thecollected material, sow as responders attitudes about the case companies purchasingstrategies. The approach has been adductive and then we have been waged from bothcollected theory and empiric materials. The collected empiric material endure in a qualitativequestionnaire survey that lies to shallow for our analysis and conclusion. In the essay has boththe secondary and primary data compliments each other in order to achieve the study&apos;s aimand to answer to our problem wording.Through our analysis, we can come to the conclusion that the customers&apos; view about Zara andH&amp;M´s ability to deliver a fast fashion is very even in that sense that no company was beingidentified as better than the other. We can also make the conclusion that the customers&apos;assumptions not only come from the products visible in store, but also from their own attitudetowards fashion and the company&apos;s accessibility and interaction with the customer. Anotherconclusion was that one of the most important attributes is a product fashion degree and that itis important that companies can apply a ”quick response” strategy in order to be successful onfashion the market. / Program: Textilekonomutbildningen

To be or not to be-A study of luxury consumption

PATEL, BENITA January 2010 (has links)
AbstractThe fashion industry is today one of the most interesting, exciting and fast-moving industriesin the world. On the streets we can see people wearing all kind of brands, both fast fashionbrands and luxury brands. Some people mix different brands, while some people stick toeither fast fashion or luxury brands. Today people wear different brands to express theirpersonal style but also social and class relationships.The purpose of this study is to find out why some consumers prefer to purchase luxury brandsinstead of fast fashion and what added value is given to them so they choose luxury. It alsodeals with what kind of people purchase luxury brands and if there are any differences. Tosucceed with this study I have therefore made a qualitative study where interviews were madewith several store managers at luxury brand stores in central Stockholm and observations.I found from this research that the consumers of luxury brands purchase luxury because of thequality that they receive and the service. The consumers are very quality conscious andbelieve it is more sustainable to purchase something that has good quality than buyingsomething that is cheap with poor quality. They also choose luxury brands because ofexpertise from the personnel, and personal contact between the store assistants and theconsumer. Consumers purchase a whole concept when they choose luxury. They chooseluxury because of the experience they receive that cannot be given at fast fashion stores.I also found from this research that there is a mixture of consumers who purchase luxurybrands. There is all kind of consumers, everything from upper class, brat wannabes, andmiddle class, younger consumers to old grand parents. Some purchase luxury brands for thequality and some for the status it gives them.Besides of why consumers choose luxury brands and what consumers who actually purchase Ifound that consumer of luxury brands have changed in the past ten years. It used to be onlyupper class but more and more luxury brands have widen their target group by offeringproducts that are less expensive so more people can afford it, but still in the frame of what isluxury.Key definitions: Fast fashion, luxury brands, upper class, brat wannabes, and social class. / Program: Magisterutbildning i fashion management med inriktning modemarknadsföring

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