Spelling suggestions: "subject:"federico"" "subject:"pederico""
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Carpe Diem: rituais cotidianos no Satyricon - Petrônio e FelliniSilva, Neemias Oliveira da 09 September 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-09-09 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / This study aims to map out a discussion about the daily ritual inserted on the filmic work Satyricon of Federico Felini. This work includes the ritual, in latin "ritualis", as a set of practices of man, replete of symbolic values which have been recreated and incorporated by the film industry. Therefore the analysis of filmic work will be based on Satyricon of Petronius literary work which was written in the first century AD. The bridge to understand two separate worlds, the contemporary and the classic, is the focus on director and producer of movie: Federico Fellini. The popular festivals, the dance, the mysticism, the religion are human expressions that are used for mediation in cultural traditions of a particular social group and that began to integrate itself in the film language. From this perspective, we try to map the daily rituals and representations of individuals which are include on own time and space. In this way, the methodology used to analyse the movie and literary work will be based in the reading of the bibliographic material. Through of the analysis of the filmic work Satyricon of Federico Fellini, we will examine how far the Epicuru's philosophy of Carpe Diem is inserted in daily rituals and how the film industry uses the ceremonial language. / Este estudo tem por objetivo traçar uma discussão sobre os rituais cotidianos inseridos na obra fílmica o Satyricon de Federico Fellini. Este trabalho compreende o ritual, no latim ritualis, como um conjunto de práticas do homem, repleta de valores simbólicos aos quais foram recriadas e incorporadas pela indústria cinematográfica. Portanto, a análise da obra fílmica será baseada na obra literária Satyricon de Petronius escrita no século I d.C. A ponte para compreender dois mundos, do Clássico ao contemporâneo, é o foco no diretor e produtor do filme: Federico Fellini. As festas populares, a dança, o misticismo, a religião são expressões humanas que servem de mediação das tradições culturais de um determinado grupo social e que passou a se integrar na linguagem cinematográfica. Nessa perspectiva, nós buscamos mapear os rituais cotidianos e as representações dos indivíduos inseridos em seu próprio tempo e espaço. Desta forma, a metodologia usada para analisar o filme e a obra literária será baseada na leitura do material bibliográfico. Através da análise da obra fílmica Satyricon de Federico Fellini, nós analisaremos o quanto da Filosofia de Epicuro do Carpe Diem está inserida nos rituais cotidianos e como a indústria cinematográfica usa a linguagem ritualística.
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Le hatun charango et la culture andine dans trois de mes compositions récentesTarazona Francia, Federico Octavio 19 April 2018 (has links)
Le présent mémoire traite principalement de l'association du hatun charango – un instrument de ma création appartenant à la famille du charango andin – à des formations instrumentales occidentales (musique de chambre et d’orchestre). La conception de ces œuvres a engendré une réflexion sur l’importance, dans mon travail artistique, des relations entre la culture de tradition orale – ici, la culture andine – et la culture de tradition écrite – la culture occidentale en général –, et tout particulièrement dans le domaine musical. Ces enjeux sont ici abordés selon une réflexion personnelle liée à ma pratique artistique de création musicale. Ce mémoire est donc le reflet de certains aspects importants de mon travail de création pour les trois œuvres à l’étude. Ces œuvres sont : 1°) Yampayec pour hatun charango et quatuor à cordes 2°) Chavin pour flûte, clarinette, 2 percussionnistes, hatun charango, piano, violon et violoncelle 3°) Khipufonía pour hatun charango, quenacho et orchestre
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POEMI SACRI NEL DUCATO DI MILANO / Sacred Poems in the Duchy of MilanSAMARINI, FRANCESCO 04 April 2016 (has links)
Il genere del cosiddetto “poema sacro” fu uno dei più frequentati nella letteratura italiana tra il XVI e il XVIII secolo, ma le opere afferenti a questa categoria letteraria sono state a lungo ignorate dai critici. La mia ricerca si propone di studiare una sezione limitata di tale enorme produzione, ossia le opere in volgare pubblicate nel Ducato di Milano, coprendo un arco temporale che va dal 1566 al 1706. Sulla base di una rigorosa analisi dei componimenti, spesso poco studiati o del tutto sconosciuti, questo lavoro intende delineare le peculiari declinazioni dell'epica sacra nella realtà milanese, fortemente influenzata dall'indirizzo culturale proposto da Carlo e Federico Borromeo. Gli autori dei poemi considerati sono Sisto Poncello, Giovanni Maria Paroli, Cesare Della Porta, Ettore Colombo, Annibale Guasco, Giacomo Turamini, Antonio da Brugnato, Bernardino Baldi, Antonio Biaguazzone, Giulio Fe', Lelio Guidiccioni, Ambrogio Ferro, Francesco Antonio Tomasi, Francesco Pallavicini, Stefano Rossi, Giacinto Faggi, Giuseppe De Maltraversi, Pietro Paolo Giletti, Alessandro Ghirardelli, Basilio Bertucci. / The so-called “sacred poem” was one of the most successful genres of the Italian literature between the 16th and the 18th century, but the works belonging to this category have usually been ignored by critics. My research aims at studying a limited part of this enormous literary production, considering the vernacular poems published in the Duchy of Milan between 1566 and 1706. On the basis of a meticulous analysis of the texts, often scarcely studied or completely unknown, I intend to determine the features of the sacred epic in the Milanese environment, which was strongly influenced by the cultural policy promoted by Carlo and Federico Borromeo. The authors of the poems are Sisto Poncello, Giovanni Maria Paroli, Cesare Della Porta, Ettore Colombo, Annibale Guasco, Giacomo Turamini, Antonio da Brugnato, Bernardino Baldi, Antonio Biaguazzone, Giulio Fe', Lelio Guidiccioni, Ambrogio Ferro, Francesco Antonio Tomasi, Francesco Pallavicini, Stefano Rossi, Giacinto Faggi, Giuseppe De Maltraversi, Pietro Paolo Giletti, Alessandro Ghirardelli, Basilio Bertucci.
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Le réel et son dépassement chez Alain Resnais et Federico Fellini : des origines aux années du rêve / The real and beyond in Alain Resnais and Federico Fellini : from origins to the years of the dreamCentorrino, Clizia 10 December 2018 (has links)
Ce projet propose une étude comparée de deux cinéastes essentiels, dont l'œuvre montre un fort rapport à l'onirisme et à l'imaginaire : Alain Resnais et Federico Fellini. Ayant commencé à la même époque (après la Seconde Guerre mondiale), ils ont traversé plusieurs périodes en parallèle. Nombre d'aspects les rapprochent, malgré leurs différences de styles et de cultures. Alain Resnais porte un regard sur l'histoire contemporaine, mais travaille également sur la vision subjective, la mémoire individuelle, et divers états de conscience. Fellini porte un regard acerbe sur la bourgeoise italienne, et propose simultanément un vagabondage dans les consciences et l'inconscient marqué par le merveilleux et l'onirique. Les deux cinéastes refusent de limiter la réalité « au constat purement objectif d'un monde scientifiquement analysable » pour montrer une « autre réalité », qu'il s'agit ici de questionner à l'aide de différentes théories (psychanalytiques, littéraires, philosophiques…). / This project proposes a comparative study between two essential film directors: Alain Resnais and Federico Fellini. Their work shows a strong relation with the oneiric and the imaginary. They began in the same period (after the Second World War) and they shared the same historical experiences in two different countries. Despite a difference of style and culture, a lot of aspects approach them. Alain Resnais focuses on contemporary history, but he works also on the subjective vision, individual memory, and different states of consciousness. Fellini focuses on the Italian bourgeoisie and he proposes simultaneously a kind of vagrancy in the conscious and in the unconscious, always marked by the oneiric. The two film directors refuse to limit the reality «to an objective analysis of a world scientifically analyzable». They want to show an «other reality». We want to interrogate this reality with the help of different theories (psychoanalytic, literary, philosophical…).
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A vida é um filme, um sonho: a (des)razão de amar em Federico Fellini / Life is a movie, a dream: (un)reason to love in Federico FelliniAbreu, Eliane Maria de 28 August 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-08-28 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This research has as the main objective establish connections between the theme of love, one of the most important aspects in the work of the psychiatrist Ludwig Binswanger, and the ways of being of the Italian filmmaker Federico Fellini's characters: Cabíria, in Le notti di Cabíria, Guido, in 8 e ½, and the musicians in Prova d'orchestra. The phenomenological-existential approach, which Binswanger is one of the greatest representatives, is used in this paper as general theoretical fitting. Along with the love matter, Fellini's characters analysis gradually made room for the unreason and dreams matters. As the characters's life stories are closely related to the clownery theme, the clown's way of being is omnipresent as organizing course of the analysis. The clown's vibration or way of being, in their correlation with the unreason and the world of dreams, was used as one of the main interpretation aspects, given the importance of clowns and the circus in the filmmaker's life and work. The development of this research was leaded by the following question: would love be a gag to Federico Fellini and his characters? / Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo central estabelecer conexões entre o tema do Amor, um dos principais eixos da obra do psiquiatra Ludwig Binswanger, e os modos de ser dos personagens do cineasta italiano Federico Fellini: Cabíria, do filme Noites de Cabíria, Guido, de Fellini 8 e ½, e os músicos, de Ensaio de orquestra. A abordagem fenomenológico-existencial, da qual Binswanger é um dos maiores representantes, é utilizada como enquadre teórico geral do trabalho. Ao lado da questão do amor, a análise dos personagens fellinianos abriu gradativamente espaço para a questão da desrazão e dos sonhos. Como as histórias de vida dos personagens estão estreitamente vinculadas ao tema da palhacice, a questão do modo de ser do palhaço é praticamente onipresente como vertente organizadora da análise. A vibração, ou modo de ser do palhaço, em suas correlações com a desrazão e o mundo dos sonhos, foi ainda utilizada como um dos principais eixos de interpretação dada a importância da presença dos palhaços e do circo na vida e obra do cineasta. A seguinte interrogação norteou todo o desenvolvimento do trabalho: seria o amor uma palhaçada para Federico Fellini e seus personagens?
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Tra il XIX ed il XX secolo, sono stati effettuati diversi studi riguardo al patronato letterario di Isabella d’Este e al mecenatismo praticato verso gli artisti da suo figlio, Federico II Gonzaga, primo duca di Mantova. Una nuova prospettiva di ricerca induce oggi a indagare il ruolo di Federico II come committente letterario, distinto dalla Marchesana Isabella, e i suoi interessi letterari. Vari autori, più o meno celebri, risultano avere avuto relazioni con Federico II Gonzaga, in quanto o gli hanno dedicato le loro opere o lo hanno citato in esse oppure perché è stato loro richiesto di comporre testi dal duca stesso. Molti di questi lavori sono registrati nell’inventario di Federico II, che ci dà alcune idee circa le sue preferenze, rivolte soprattutto alle opere astrologiche e ai testi cavallereschi, e circa le sue relazioni letterarie. Gli scrittori legati a Federico II hanno spesso cercato di procurare vantaggi tramite l’attività letteraria a se stessi e al loro mecenate. Si può ritenere che Federico II fosse inserito in una più ampia rete di relazioni letterarie sviluppatesi intorno alla corte di Mantova e che abbia impiegato la propria cultura letteraria e le opere letterarie come uno strumento di potere. / Between the 19th and the 20th century several studies were carried out with regard to the literary patronage of Isabella d’Este and in connection with the maecenatism practiced towards artists by her son Federico II Gonzaga, first Duke of Mantua. Nowadays, a new perspective of research induces to investigate the role of Federico II as literary client, separated from the Marchesana Isabella, as well as his literary interests. Various more or less famous authors have been found to have had some relationships with Federico II Gonzaga, either because they mentioned him in their works and dedicated them to him, or because they were requested to compose texts by the duke himself. Many of these works are registered in Federico II’s inventory, which gives us some ideas about his literary preferences, particularly directed to astrological works and chivalric texts, and his literary relationships. The writers linked to Federico II often tried to obtain some advantages for themselves and their patron through their literary activity. It can also be maintained that there was a wider network of literary relationship around the court of Mantua, and that Federico II used his literary culture and the literary works as a tool of power.
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Yerma de Villa-Lobos : um estudo dos aspectos dramático-musicais e performáticos / Yerma by Villa-Lobos : a study of dramatic, musical and performance aspectsBittar Filho, Nazir 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Paulo Mugayar Kühl, Adriana Giarola Kayama / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Artes / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T07:46:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Yerma, ópera em três atos de Heitor Villa-Lobos, foi composta na última fase do compositor como resultado de uma encomenda vinda dos Estados Unidos, que tinha como objetivo a musicalização da obra teatral de mesmo nome do poeta espanhol Federico Garcia Lorca. Terminada em 1955, teve sua première mundial somente em 1971, no Santa Fé Opera House, e, no Brasil, apenas em 1983, no Teatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro. Yerma possui vários aspectos inovadores e certamente a característica mais interessante da ópera é o fato de ela ter sido integralmente musicada por Villa-Lobos, sem adaptações ou cortes expressivos e sem o uso de um libretista, o que a torna um exemplo único na literatura operística no Brasil e quiçá um dos poucos exemplos concebidos desta forma no mundo. Yerma pode ser classificada, segundo suas características composicionais, em uma categoria nos dos estudos da ópera chamada Literaturoper. O presente estudo, além de apresentar as questões do libreto e mostrar como a ópera se enquadra nestes aspectos, busca elencar facetas inovadoras musicais de Villa-Lobos ao conceber esta ópera à luz de postulados dos Estudos Literários e da Literaturoper. As montagens realizadas até o presente momento são analisadas e entrevistas são confrontadas a hipóteses levantadas em relação às providências musicais de Villa-Lobos na composição da ópera / Abstract: Yerma, opera in three acts by Villa-Lobos, was written during the composer's last phase as a result of a commission originated in the United States which aimed at the musicalization of the homonymous play by Spanish poet Federico Garcia Lorca. Finished in 1955, its world premiere only took place in 1971 at the Santa Fé Opera House, and in Brazil at the Teatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro in 1983. Yerma presents several innovative aspects and certainly its most interesting feature is the fact that it was thoroughly musicalized by Villa- Lobos, without any adaptations or cuts, and without using a librettist, which makes the opera a unique example in the operatic literature of Brazil and perhaps one of the few ones conceived in this way in the whole world. Yerma may be classified, according to its composing features, within a category of operatic studies known as Literaturoper. The present study, besides presenting the libretto's questions and how the opera may fit these aspects, aims at showing Villa Lobos's innovative musical issues on conceiving this opera in the light of the postulates of Literary Studies and of Literaturoper. The performances which have been put on so far are also analyzed and interviews either confirm or deny hypotheses raised in connection with the musical choices taken by Villa-Lobos on writing the opera / Doutorado / Fundamentos Teoricos / Doutor em Música
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De Venise à Milan : le retour de Federico Zandomeneghi (1841-1917) en Italie : des années de jeunesse à la redécouverte posthume / From Venice to Milan : the return of Federico Zandomeneghi (1841-1917) to Italy : from his youth to the posthumous rediscoveryMadeddu, Silvia 28 November 2015 (has links)
Federico Zandomeneghi (1841-1917) a toujours été considéré comme un artiste vénitien ayant émigré en 1874 à Paris avant de devenir un adepte de Degas et participer, à partir de 1879, aux expositions impressionnistes. Cette recherche a pour principal objectif d’analyser les liens que l’artiste entretint avec son pays - l’Italie - avant, pendant et après son long séjour parisien. Aussi nous sommes-nous plus particulièrement concentrée sur la période allant de 1841 à 1874 durant laquelle Zandomeneghi se forma dans les Académies de Beaux-Arts de Venise et Milan, avant de partir s’installer à Florence où il rencontra les peintres macchiaioli. Nous avons en outre analysé le contexte artistique italien dans lequel l’artiste évolua, et aussi dans quelle mesure les rapports qu’il tissa avec les nombreuses personnalités du monde de l’art qu’il eut l’occasion de fréquenter (Diego Martelli, Marcellin Desboutin) eurent une influence sur les choix qu’il fit par la suite ; puis, nous avons essayé de décrire la position que Zandomeneghi s’était gagnée sur le sol italien avant de le quitter définitivement. La seconde partie de notre recherche retrace en revanche - grâce à l’analyse d’un corpus de lettres inédites - le processus de réévaluation critique qui s’amorça en Italie après la mort de l’artiste et pour lequel œuvrèrent Enrico Piceni et Angelo Sommaruga : ces critiques et marchands d’art milanais ont en effet joué un rôle fondamental dans la redécouverte de Zandomeneghi en Italie. Même si Zandomeneghi avait passé quarante-trois années de sa vie en France, il ne réussit jamais à conquérir sa place dans l’historiographie française alors que, pour la seconde fois, il jouit des honneurs de la critique italienne. Cette recherche a pour objectif de mettre en lumière les raisons du cadrage historiographique dominant à l’heure actuelle, à savoir celui qui ne voit en Zandomeneghi qu’un peintre impressionniste vénitien, étiquette sous laquelle il a d’ailleurs été proposé au public à l’occasion des expositions plus récentes. / Venetian Federico Zandomeneghi (1841-1917) is always remembered as an artist who relocated to Paris in 1874 to become a follower of Degas, taking part in the Impressionist exhibitions starting in 1879. The primary objective of this thesis is to analyse this artist's ties to Italy, before and after his long-lasting experience in France. We delve into the period starting in 1841 and lasting until 1874 during which Zandomenegi trained at the academies of Venice and Milan, and during which he moved to Florence, at which point he first encountered the Macchiaioli. Moreover, this study has given us the opportunity to deepen our understanding of the Italian artistic context in which Zandomeneghi developed, to what extent his close relatonships with the numerous artists he encountered affected his later artistic choices (Diego Martelli, Marcellin Desboutin), and what position Zandomeneghi attained in Italy before leaving his country permanently. In the second part of the present study, a corpus of unpublished letters between two Milanese art personalities, the art critic Enrico Piceni and art dealer Angelo Sommaruga, was thoroughly examined. Their role was indeed crucial for Zandomeneghi’s artistic rediscovery. Although Zandomeneghi spent 43 years of his life in France, he was never fully recognized in the French historiography, whereas was acclaimed for the second time by the Italian critic after his death. This thesis aims to shed light on the reasons why Zandomeneghi has always been considered a Venetian impressionist, a label that has been employed even in very recent expositions.
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"Porque quiero casarme con un varón hermoso de la orilla del mar" Un análisis de lo grotesco femenino de María Josefa en La casa de Bernarda AlbaLindgren, Lovisa January 2014 (has links)
This essay is an analysis of the character María Josefa in the play 'The House of Bernarda Alba' (1936) by Federico García Lorca. It is hypothesized that the character of María Josefa can be considered a distorting mirror of the femininity presented in the play, and that through María Josefa this femininity is both revealed and problematized. The analysis adopts theories from the field of the (female) grotesque, using terminology both from Mikhail Bakhtin and Mary Russo. Throughout the analysis it is demonstrated how the character of María Josefa challenges the boundaries and norms which are dictated by Bernarda to control the women of the house. These conventions are challenged by María Josefa with the use of her loud speech, her dressed up appearance, and in her physical resistance. In this manner María Josefa is creating and embodying an alternate feminine view that is uncovered through her consistent provocation and by making herself into "a spectacle", a transboundary behaviour that is well interpreted within the theories of carnival, the grotesque body, and the spectacle of the female grotesque.
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Fellinimaginário : por uma teoria imaginativa do cinemaCunha, Renato José Pinto da 27 August 2018 (has links)
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Comunicação, Programa de Pós-graduação em Comunicação, 2018. / Por meio da identificação na cinematografia de Federico Fellini de quatro categorias estéticas não canônicas — o onírico, o mnêmico, o espetacular e o utópico —, aqui tratadas como categorias estéticas imaginativas, esta tese propõe uma teoria felliniana imaginativa do cinema, que também se revela representativa para se pensar outras cinematografias. E isso se dá pelo desenvolvimento da ideia de imaginidades, ou ciências imaginativas, como o lugar de conhecimento das artes em geral, e pela percepção de que, no âmbito das imaginidades, teoria e estética se complementam e se confundem, e pela proposição das bases do que se entende por teoria imaginativa do cinema, e pela demonstração de que tais categorias estéticas imaginativas são compostas por conceitos visuais, ou mais especificamente por aquilo que o filósofo Julio Cabrera estruturou como conceitos-imagem. / Through the identification in Federico Fellini’s cinematography of four non-canonical aesthetic categories — the oneiric, the mnemic, the spectacular and the utopic —, here understood as imaginative aesthetic categories, this thesis proposes an Fellini’s imaginative theory of cinema, that also reveals itself representative to think about other cinematographies. And this is due to the development of the idea of imaginities, or imaginative sciences, as the place of knowledge of the arts in general, and to the perception that, in the framework of the imaginities, theory and aesthetics are complemented and confused, and to the proposition of the bases of what is meant by the imaginative theory of cinema, and to the demonstration that such imaginative aesthetic categories are composed of visual concepts, or more specifically by what the philosopher Julio Cabrera structured like concept-images. / Attraverso l’identificazione nella cinematografia di Federico Fellini di quattro categorie estetiche non canoniche — l’onirico, il mnemonico, lo spettacolare e l’utopico —, qui trattate come categorie estetiche immaginative, questa tesi propone una teoria felliniana immaginativa del cinema, che si dimostra anche rappresentativa per pensare ad altre cinema-tografie. E ciò si verifica per lo sviluppo dell’idea di immaginistica, o scienze immaginative, come il luogo di conoscenza delle arti in generale, e per la percezione che, nell’ambito dell’immaginistica, teoria ed estetica si completano e si confondono, e per la proposizione delle basi di quello che si intende per teoria immaginativa del cinema, e per la dimostra-zione che tali categorie estetiche immaginative sono composte da concetti visivi, o più precisamente da quello che il filosofo Julio Cabrera ha strutturato come concetti-immagine.
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