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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Alejandra Vela Hidalgo (10660907) 06 May 2021 (has links)
<p>The narrative of the Ecuadorian César Dávila Andrade (Cuenca, Ecuador 1918 - Caracas, Venezuela 1967) is of great importance for the literature of his country; however, it has not been studied very frequently, as critics have focused on his poetry. This has mainly shown Dávila Andrade as a poet, rather than a narrator. However, his short stories constitute a considerable body of work and must be considered for a global understanding of his work. This dissertation aims to show that the short stories have to be considered an important part of the literary work of Dávila Andrade. Furthermore, the dissertation is part of a process of a contemporary rereading of Ecuadorian canonical authors; specifically, I propose an innovative analysis, based on abjection, gender and body, of texts that have traditionally been studied from narratological and stylistic perspectives only. For this study, I selected stories from different periods in Davila Andrade's career: “Un centinela ve la vida aparecer” (1966), “El hombre que limpió su arma” (1966), “Cabeza de gallo” (1966), “La autopsia” (Revista Tomebamba 1943), “Autopsia” (1952), “Las nubes y las sombras” (1952), “Un cuerpo extraño” (1955), “El último remedio” (1955), “La batalla” (1955), “La mirada de Dios” (1949), and “Ataúd de cartón” (1952). In these short stories, abjection is a subversive category that allows the author to question the constitution and ontology of reality. Julia Kristeva’s theoretical proposal defines abjection as what reminds the individual of a state of being of undifferentiation (before and after existence), in which he/she ceases to be; the presence of the abject puts at risk the existence of the subject within a social system. Specifically, the body in different states in the Davilian narrative is the main abject element that disfigures the categories and hierarchies of symbolic systems (patriarchy and religion are some examples). The Davilian body is essentially feminine and constitutes abjection; it is presented as a border space where reality loses its contours. Similarly, the diseased body and the corpse are constant elements in the Davilian narrative, inhabitants of unstable worlds, which invade places and the characters’ psyches. In conclusion, Dávila Andrade's short stories are occupied by the abjection of bodies, which functions as a concept that allows the dismantling of imposed, closed systems, based on hierarchies, such as patriarchy and religion.</p>

The Body Underneath: A Method of Costume Design

Stamoolis, Leslie Anne Wise 20 April 2007 (has links)
No description available.

The Mechanics of Courtly and the Mechanization of Woman in Medieval Anglo-Norman Romance

Robertson, Abigail G. 24 November 2014 (has links)
No description available.

The Female Experience of Cancer, Seen Through Art

DiFranco, Maria K. 14 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

The “Sent-Down Body” Remembers: Contemporary Chinese Immigrant Women’s Visual and Literary Narratives

Isbister, Dong January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Le huis clos corporel dans Le Sari vert et Manger l’autre d’Ananda Devi

Pouzergue, Marie 12 1900 (has links)
Les deux récits Le Sari vert (2009) et Manger l’autre (2018) se placent aux extrêmes du spectre d’écriture d’Ananda Devi. Historiquement et stylistiquement, ces œuvres témoignent d’un engagement littéraire à représenter la condition féminine dans ce qu’elle a de plus sombre. Ces deux récits présentent un constat social qui perdure : le corps de la femme ne lui appartient pas. La présente étude a pour objectif d’exposer l’influence du discours social sur les personnages féminins, qui aboutit à une représentation essentiellement basée sur la seule apparence physique au détriment de l’identité globale de la femme. Cette apparence évoque, dans le corpus, un lieu insulaire, que le narrateur associe à l’île Maurice. Dans un premier temps, la représentation du corps de la femme est observée selon les théories féministes, l’identité de la femme étant réduite à son apparence. Dans un second temps, les appels à l’imaginaire qui caractérisent l’écriture de Devi sont convoqués pour analyser la construction discursive de la violence du quotidien et démontrer que les narrateurs des romans font systématiquement du corps de la femme l’origine des malheurs des personnages féminins. Dans un dernier temps, une approche géocritique est employée pour réfléchir sur le corps de la femme comme évocation de la morphologie insulaire mauricienne. De cette représentation du corps féminin émane violence et enfermement. Le corps est une prison de laquelle la femme doit se libérer pour ne plus faire de son insularité une tare. / The two novels Le Sari vert (2009) and Manger l’autre (2018) are opposite in the spectrum of Ananda Devi’s work. Historically and stylistically, these narratives illustrate a literary commitment to represent the female condition in its darkest aspects. These two novels describe a social fact : woman’s body doesn’t belong to her. This study aims at exposing the impact of social discourse on female characters which creates a representation almost essentially based on physical characteristics regardless of overall identity. Physical appearance recalls an insular environment, like the Mauritian island. Firstly, the representation of female body will be observed through feminist theories which will show women’s identities are reduced to physical appearance. Secondly, the fiction as an instrument to describe everyday violence will be analyzed, especially because the female body is always presented as the cause of violence. Finally, geocriticism will help us think about the female body as a metaphor of the Mauritian island. The representation of female body evokes violence and confinement. Thus, the body is a prison; woman must escape from it to embrace her insularity instead of being held hostage.

Contrôle des corps des travailleuses du sexe par les législations : étude de cas Montréal

Bélisle, Kelly 11 1900 (has links)
L’idéologie dominante de la sexualité influence la place des femmes dans la société et soutient la mise en place des structures sociales et étatiques de contrôle du corps de la femme. Ces discours et structures s’articulent dans l’espace public. Pour comprendre comment la conception de la sexualité influence le contrôle du corps de la femme, cette recherche vise à identifier le courant de pensée dominant qui sous-tend la législation entourant le travail du sexe au Canada et à explorer l’impact que cette législation a sur les conditions de travail et le vécu des travailleuses du sexe. En s’appuyant sur une analyse soutenue des transformations législatives et une analyse d’une littérature grise autour du sujet, cette recherche fait une analyse multiéchelle des cadres légaux entourant le travail du sexe dans la ville de Montréal. Cette analyse met en relation les différentes réformes législatives pour identifier les changements d’idéologie à travers le temps. L’analyse a permis de constater que la législation canadienne contemporaine se base principalement sur une approche néoabolitionniste et que malgré les réformes législatives, il y a eu en réalité peu de changement dans la nature du contrôle des corps des femmes travailleuses du sexe à travers le temps. Dans le but de comprendre quel rôle joue les législations et réglementations dans le contrôle du corps des travailleuses du sexe dans l’espace public, une analyse de la présence des travailleuses du sexe dans les quartiers Hochelaga-Maisonneuve et Ahuntsic-Cartierville est réalisée. Cette recherche démontre que la régulation du travail du sexe se trouve à l’intersection du cadre légal fédéral et de la réglementation municipale, ce qui génère des contradictions dans l’application des lois. Le service de police de la ville de Montréal utilise le principe de nuisance publique pour orienter les actions des policiers dans des secteurs définis. Cette pratique cherche en particulier à rendre le travail du sexe moins visible dans l’espace public, principalement dans les secteurs où les plaintes de nuisance publique sont faites par des citoyens. Cette façon d’appliquer le principe de nuisance publique pourrait entrainer un déplacement des travailleuses du sexe dans d’autres secteurs de la ville, ou encore, augmenter la vulnérabilité de ces dernières. / The dominant ideologies regarding sexuality shape the place of women in society and support the establishment of social and state structures of control over women's bodies. These discourses and structures impact the social construction of space, in particular the access and use of public space. To understand how the conception of sexuality influences the control of the female body, this research aims to determine the dominant current of thought that underlies the legislation surrounding sex work in Canada and to explore the impact that this legislation has on the working conditions and the lived experience of sex workers. Drawing on a sustained analysis of the legislative transformation in Canada and the analysis of ‘grey literature’ around the topic, this research presents a multi-scale analysis of the legal frameworks surrounding sex work in the City of Montreal. Through an analysis of the legislative reform, this research attempts to understand the shifting ideologies that have underpinned these legal frameworks. This analysis indicates that contemporary Canadian legislation is based on a neo-abolitionist approach to sex work and that, despite multiple legislative reforms, there has been little change in the control of female sex workers' bodies over time. In order to understand what role laws and regulations play in controlling the bodies of sex workers in public space, this research then turns to an analysis of the presence of sex workers in the Hochelaga-Maisonneuve and Ahuntsic-Cartierville neighborhoods. The analysis demonstrates that stat control of sex work occurs at the intersection on the federal laws and municipal regulations. In particular, the police department of the city of Montreal uses the principle of public nuisance to guide the actions of police officers in particular sector of the city. This practice seeks to make sex work less visible in public space, which may increase the vulnerability of sex workers.

Comparing the Efficacy of Two Cognitive Dissonance Interventions for Eating Pathology: Are Online and Face-to-Face Interventions Equally Effective?

Serdar, Kasey 28 November 2011 (has links)
Clinical and subclinical eating pathology are common, especially among female undergraduates. Such problems are often chronic and associated with a range of negative medical and psychological outcomes. Thus, it is important to develop effective prevention programs to reduce eating disorder risk. Numerous studies suggest that dissonance-based prevention programs are the most successful in reducing eating disorder risk factors, however, such programs might not be convenient for students limited by scheduling restraints or geographic proximity. Further, some students may be reluctant to attend such groups due to lack of anonymity. One way to address these potential barriers is to adapt dissonance-based programs for online use. However, no extant studies have examined the feasibility of this mode of delivery for dissonance-based programs. The current study examined the effectiveness of an online dissonance-based program, and compared it with traditional face-to-face delivery and assessment-only control conditions. It was hypothesized that: 1) online and face-to-face dissonance programs would produce comparable results; and 2) both of these active treatments would yield improvements in eating disorder outcomes (e.g. reduced thin ideal internalization, body dissatisfaction, dieting, negative affect, and eating disorder symptoms) compared with an assessment-only control condition. Results partially supported the original hypotheses. Modified intent-to-treat analyses (MITT) indicated that participants in both the face-to-face and online intervention groups showed less body dissatisfaction at post-intervention assessment compared to assessment only participants. Further, when analyses were conducted using a non-intent-to-treat (non-ITT) approach (examining only the outcomes of participants who completed the intervention), significant post-intervention differences were observed for all outcome variables. Specifically, individuals in both intervention groups showed lower thin-ideal internalization, body dissatisfaction, restraint, negative affect, and fewer eating disorder symptoms compared to assessment only participants. This study indicates that there may be some promise in adapting dissonance-based eating disorder prevention programs for online use. Future studies should continue to refine online adaptations of such programs and examine the effects of such programs with different populations.

Port du voile : représentations et pratiques du corps chez les femmes tunisiennes / Vailing : representations and body practices of tunisian women

Matri, Khaoula 15 April 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche portant sur Port du voile : représentations et pratiques du corps chez les femmes tunisiennes vise à comprendre les processus qui président à la conversion des femmes tunisiennes, réputées parmi les plus modernes et les plus émancipées du monde musulman, au port de l'une ou l'autre des formes du voile dit islamique. Elle a adopté pour cela une démarche combinant (1) l'analyse socio-anthropologique concernant la production sociale du « corps féminin », l'adoption-adaptation des normes relatives à la conduite féminine dans les sociétés de traditions islamiques, (2) les approches historiques, théologiques et politiques relatives au port du voile dans le contexte actuel de la mondialisation et des crispations identitaires qui en sont le corollaire, (3) l’étude empirique sur la base d’une enquête qualitative auprès de femmes converties au port du voile, pour comprendre leurs motivations, leurs stratégies, les usages qu'elles en font dans différent espaces publics qui leur étaient interdits par les traditions qu'elles mobilisent pour le justifier. Ce travail a permis de saisir, par delà les références et les motivations idéologiques partagées par les adeptes du voile, la diversité du phénomène au niveau de ses formes comme au niveau de ses usages et des significations qui lui sont associées par les acteurs, que ce soit en termes de rapports entre modernité et tradition, sécularisation et réactivation des formes de religiosité, libération et aliénation, affirmation individuelle et réflexe grégaire. / This research sheds lights on veiling: representations and body practices among Tunisian women. the target of this research is to understand the process which reigns the perception of Tunisian women- who are renewed to be the most modern and the most emancipated in the Islamic world – of different forms of veil which is associated to Islam.In order to carry out this research ,she has opted an approach that combines (1) the socio-anthropological analysis concerning the social production of the "female body", adoption, adaptation of standards related to women’s behavior in the societies of Islamic traditions, Historical approaches, theology and policies focusing on veiling in the current context of globalization and identity crises .(3) the empirical study is based on a qualitative survey of women converted to veiling; the main target of this research is to understand their motivations, their strategies, and the practices which are getting different in public spaces. In fact, many practices were forbidden by the traditions are no longer forbidden today and veiled women tend to justify them. This research has allowed us to find out the references and the ideological motivations shared by veiled women and their followers;The research has also shed lights on The diversity of the phenomenon at the level of its forms as well as the uses and the meanings associated to it by the social actors, whether in terms of the relationship between modernity and tradition, secularism and reactivation of religion forms or in terms of liberation and alienation , self-assertion and gregarious reflex.

Il corpo femminile nella letteratura medica antica (Ippocrate e Sorano) / Le corps féminin dans la littérature médicale antique (Hippocrate et Soranos) / The female body in ancient medical literature (Hippocrates and Soranos)

Carra, Esther 18 June 2019 (has links)
L’objet du travail de la thèse est l’étude de l’image du corps de la femme dans la littérature médicale antique, sous ses différents aspects physiologiques et culturels, étude fondée sur les témoignages de deux auteurs centraux pour cette recherche : Hippocrate (Ve siècle av. J.-C.) et Soranos (Ier siècle ap. J.-C.). Les traités gynécologiques et embryologiques du Corpus hippocratique soulignent l’importance absolue du rôle maternel pour l’image de la femme, rôle en fonction duquel est interprété le corps féminin, ce qui est démontré également par l’intérêt pour la future mère dans de nombreux passages de l’œuvre Gynaecia de Soranos. En effet, à cause de jugements négatifs sur la virginité et à cause de problèmes résultant de la stérilité, la maternité devient non seulement garante de la continuité familiale mais a également une fin thérapeutique et assure un état de bien-être. Une analyse des traités du point de vue philologique et historico-littéraire peut rendre pleinement compte de la complexité des indications de nature sociale et anthropologique qui abondent dans les traités. / The subject of this work is the study of the woman’s body in the field of ancient medical literature, from both physiological and cultural aspects. The study is based on the testimony of two authors who were key figures in this reserach : Hippocrates (5th century B.C.) and Soranus (1st century B.C.). Genealogical and embryological treatises of the Hippocratic Corpus highlight the great importance of the maternal role in the image of the woman, a function by which the female body is interpreted, matter that is also confirmed in several pieces by Sorano’s Gynaecia which show an important interest for the expectant mother. Indeed, because of the negative opinion about virginity and the problems arising from infertility, motherhood became not only the guarantor of the family continuity, but also a therapeutic method which provided a state of well-being. A philological and historical-literary analysis of the treatises can clearly demonstrate the complexity of the social and anthropological indications which are abound in the treatises.

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