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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

HIV/AIDS and the role of gender inequality and violence in South African Law

Mswela, Mphoeng Maureen 06 1900 (has links)
South Africa has not escaped the rising prevalence and severe impact of HIV/AIDS in relation women. From an economic and social vantage point, the HIV/AIDS epidemic hits women the hardest, with underprivileged black women the most susceptible to the virus. The theoretical framework of this research focuses on the intersection between HIV/AIDS, gender inequality and gender violence, and more specifically, on certain cultural practices and customs that contribute towards and exacerbate women’s subordination and inequality, which in turn, increase women’s exposure to become infected with HIV. Relevant to this focus is inevitably an investigation of perceived threats to specific fundamental human rights as a result of some entrenched practices that continue to reinforce women’s subordinate position in society, aggravated by the high incidence of gender violence. / Constitutional, International and Indigenous Law / LL.M.

Mutilations Sexuelles Féminines chez l'ethnie Diolas au Sénégal : -Une étude de terrain sur les raisons d’existence de la pratique et de l’abandon de ce phénomène

Bagheri, Shima January 2008 (has links)
RÉSUMÉ Au Sénégal, on estime que 28% des femmes sont victimes de MSF et les Diolas sont une des ethnies au Sénégal qui pratique cette tradition. Dans ce mémoire, j’ai l’intention en premier de comprendre et d’interpréter les raisons qui justifient, selon les Diolas, cette pratique par la méthode d’abduction et selon la théorie du néo-institutionnalisme. Mon intention en second lieu est de comprendre les éléments de la prétendue diminution de cette pratique dans certaines zones chez les Diolas. Je veux aussi comprendre le rôle de l’ONG Tostan dans la réduction de ce phénomène. Pour réaliser mon projet d’étude, j’ai fait mon étude de terrain dans deux villages au sud du Sénégal. Le résultat que j’ai obtenu est que les Diolas prennent les MSF comme étant la première phase, c'est-à-dire la première partie du cycle d’initiation d’une femme. Une fille ne peut pas entrer dans la deuxième partie de son cycle d’initiation qui est une partie essentielle pour réussir dans la société Diolas si elle ne passe pas la première partie grâce aux MSF. En plus, j’ai compris que les raisons principales pour justifier cette pratique sont que les Diolas pensent que c’est une recommandation islamique. Donc, la pratique des MSF est venue avec l’islamisation. Après les programmes habituels de Tostan dans les villages, les deux villages de mon étude de cas ont fait leur déclaration publique contre les MSF. Selon les villageoises, dans le premier village, le rôle de Tostan est qu’elle les avait aidées à sensibiliser et à stabiliser le village dans l’abandon de la pratique. Mais il faut souligner que le procès d’abandon avait déjà commencé avant l’arrivée de Tostan. Je trouve qu’il y avait des éléments nécessaires pour cesser la pratique qui a existé dans le village avant l’arrivée de Tostan qui a facilité le choix de vraiment laisser la pratique. Le deuxième village témoigne de l’importance de Tostan et affirme que sans Tostan, le village n’aurait pas abandonné la pratique des MSF. En même temps, il y a des indicateurs qui montrent que tous les habitants du village n’ont pas cessé la pratique. Une remarque inattendue est que la norme féminine est sous transformation. Aujourd’hui, les femmes non excisées sont mieux considérées que les femmes excisées par toute la société dans les villages de cas de cette étude. Une autre observation intéressante est que les villageoises témoignent que les jeunes femmes étaient les plus difficiles à convaincre d’abandonner la MSF contrairement aux femmes plus âgées alors que se sont elles, qui peuvent fondamentalement réclamer d’avoir été préjudiciées a cause de nous au Nord, il est normalement difficile de moduler les différentes traditions à cause des anciennes générations au sein de la société. / An estimated 28% of Senegalese women are victims to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). The Jola tribe in Senegal is one of the ethnics that practice this tradition. In this thesis, I have the intention to interpret and try to understand the reasons the Jolas have to justify this practice. This will be made by an abdication method with the help of the New Institutional Theory. My purpose is furthermore to understand why the practice of FGM has reduced in some Jola-zones. Furthermore, I would like to comprehend the role of the NGO Tostan in the reduction process. To fulfil my intentions, I have made a Minor Field Study of two case studies conducted in two villages in the south of Senegal. The result of this thesis is that the Jolas use FGM as the first phase of the women’s initiation cycle. A girl is not allowed to enter the second phase of her initiation cycle, which is an essential step in order to succeed in the Jolas society, if she has not already passed the first phase. I have understood that the main reason to justify the practice is that the Jolas think that FGM is an Islamic decree. This signifies that the practice of FGM has come to the Jolas with the Islamization. After conducting ordinary programs of Tostan in the villages, both case villages have made an official declaration against FGM. According to the villagers in the first village, the role of Tostan was to help them be aware and stabilise so that they could implement the declaration. It is important to stress that the process of abandoning the practice had already started before the intervention of Tostan in this village. This study shows that there already existed certain important elements in the village that had facilitated the work of Tostan. The second village confirmed the importance of Tostan and affirmed that they would not have abandoned the practice without the intervention of Tostan. On the other hand, I found indications which show that all the habitants of the village have not yet abandoned the practice. One unexpected observation that I achieved to track during my fieldwork is that the female norm is under transformation. Today, the non-circumcised women are considered more attractive than circumcised women. Another interesting observation is that the villagers claimed that it is actually more complicated to convince the younger female generations to abandon the practice of FGM, and not the elder females, which basically can be claimed to be the prejudice we carry with us from the North, when talking about different traditions which are difficult to change because of the old generations in a society.

Socialstyrelsen som resurs i arbete med könsstympning av flickor och kvinnor : En webbaserad innehållsanalys av socialstyrelsens publicerade dokument kring könsstympning. / Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare as a resource in work with genital mutilation : A web-based content analysis of documents about genital mutilation published by the swedish national board of health and welfare

Jawhar Hanna, Nanita, Zymeri, Dielleza January 2017 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund Fokus för studien är att uppmärksamma Socialstyrelsens vägledande information rörande könsstympning av flickor och kvinnor. Traditionen innebär total eller delvis borttagning av det kvinnliga yttre könsorganet, vilket innefattar avsiktliga skador som förändrar eller orsakar defekter på det kvinnliga könsorganet utan medicinska skäl eller grunder (WHO, 2008). Till följd av migration och befolkningsomflyttningar har traditionen kommit att uppmärksammas internationellt och även i Sverige. I Sverige har traditionen en tydlig relevans för socialt arbete eftersom könsstympning diskuteras och definieras som våld mot kvinnor/barn, förtryck, heder, brott mot mänskliga och barns rättigheter (Talle, 2008). Myndigheter i Sverige står inför en utmaning att informera, uppmärksamma, integrera och arbeta preventivt med denna målgrupp.   Syfte Syftet med studien är att beskriva och analysera hur socialstyrelsen via sin webbplattform förmedlar kunskap om könsstympning av flickor och kvinnor. Utifrån hemsidans tillgängliga texter granskas och analyseras vägledning och kunskapsstöd riktade till olika professioner, exempelvis socialtjänsten och hälso-och sjukvård. Vidare studeras hur kunskapsstöd vägleder professioner till att förstå och handla i frågor som rör könsstympning som ett arbete på samhälls-, grupp och individnivå. Utifrån det analyseras hur socialstyrelsen främja det sociala arbetet kring könsstympning.   Metod Studien bygger på en kvalitativ forskning baserad på systematisk litteraturstudie och induktiv ansats. Litteraturstudien grundades på analys och granskning av socialstyrelsen kunskapsstöd. Genom en webbaserad innehållsanalys granskades 53 publicerade dokument som direkt eller indirekt berör könsstympning av flickor och kvinnor.     Resultat I resultatdelen identifieras tilltänkta mottagare av det publicerade materialet som illustreras i form av ett diagram. Den allmängiltiga informationen representerar hälften av urvalet. De två mer framträdande grupper identifieras som Hälso-och sjukvård och den berörda målgruppen. I mindre omfattning riktas material till socialtjänst och samhälls-/hälsokommunikatörer. Resultat påvisar att Hälso-sjukvården i sitt arbete med könsstympning, har i större omfattning tillgång till praktiskt och teoretisk vägledning i jämförelse med de andra representerade mottagargrupperna.   Slutsatser Studien visar att socialstyrelsen förmedlar ett arbete mot traditionen på individ-, grupp- och samhällsnivå. Information kring könsstympning av flickor och kvinnor stämmer i stort sett överens med tidigare forskning gällande ursprung, förekomst, utformning och konsekvenser. Studien visar att Socialstyrelsen är en källa för kunskap och information kring ämnet. Det föreligger dock skillnader i den praktiska vägledningen som skapar grund för handling. Vid det konkreta arbetet på individnivå framträder skillnader beroende på om frågan aktualiseras inom hälso- och sjukvård eller socialtjänst. / Abstract Background The focus of the study is to draw attention to the National Board of Health and Welfare directory information concerning female genital mutilation (FMG). The tradition involving the total or partial removal of the female external genitalia, including intentional damage which alter or cause defects on the female genitalia without medical reasons or reasons (WHO, 2008). As a result of migration and population movements, the tradition came to be recognized internationally and in Sweden. In Sweden, the tradition has a clear relevance to social work because FGM is discussed and defined as violence against women/children, oppression, honour, violation of human and children's rights (Talle, 2008). Authorities in Sweden is facing a challenge to inform, alert, integrate and work preventively with this audience. Purpose The purpose of this study is to describe and analyse how the National Board of Health and Welfare by its web platform conveys knowledge of FGM. Based on the websites available texts examined and analysed guidance and knowledge subsidies to various professions, such as social and health care. Further studies show knowledge and support guides professionals to understand and act on issues related to FGM as a work of social, group and at a individual level. Based on the analysis of how the National Board of Health and Welfare promotes the social work of FGM. Method The study is based on a qualitative research based on a systematic literature review and inductive approach. The literature review was based on analysis and review by the National Board of Health and Welfare knowledge support. Through a web-based content analysis examined 53 published documents that directly or indirectly affects FGM. Results In the results section identified the receiver to think of the published material illustrated in the form of a diagram. The universal information represents half of the sample. The two prominent groups identified as Health and the touch target. In smaller scale material is directed to social and community -/health communicators. Results demonstrate that the health-care system in his work on FGM, has been more widely access to practical and theoretical guidance in comparison to the other receiver groups represented. Conclusions The study shows that the National Board of Health and Welfare conveys a work against the tradition of individual, group and societal level. Information about FGM are broadly in line with previous research on the origin, presence, design and impact. The study shows that the National Board of Health and Welfare is a source of knowledge and information on the subject. However, there are differences in the practical guide to creating a basis for action. In the concrete work at the individual level, disparities, depending on whether the issue arises in healthcare or social services.

České střetávání s takzvanou ženskou obřízkou / The Czech encouter with the so-called female circumcision

Poláčková, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to find the seeds of Czech interest in the topic of female genital mutilation using a spectrum of approaches, as well as the experience of experts on this topic. The research consists of two main parts. The first part is devoted to the mapping of the institutional network; the second one to personal stories. Interviews with narrators have been analyzed using the method of triple coding. Themes that reveal the narrators' opinions about and attitudes towards female genital mutilation have been explored in the analysis in particular. In terms of theoretical approaches, the thesis explores whether it is possible to frame the debate on female genital mutilation in the Czech context using the various theses of global feminism and whether there is a general interest in this issue and its solutions. Key words: female genital mutilation, global and multicultural feminism, postcolonial feminism, institutional network, gender order, global North, global South

Kvinnor som tidigare genomgått könsstympning och deras upplevelse i mötet med hälso- och sjukvården : en litteraturöversikt / Experienes of women previously exposed to genital mutilation encounters with health care : a literature review

Pfotenhauer, Alexander, Tragaj, Ina January 2021 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Bakgrund   Cirka 200 miljoner kvinnor lever världen över med någon form av könsstympning, och varje år utsätts 3.9 miljoner kvinnor i världen för detta ingrepp. Ingreppet utförs främst i afrikanska länder och vissa länder i mellanöstern. I och med den pågående migrationen kommer några av dessa kvinnor komma i kontakt med hälso- och sjukvården i de mottagande länder när de söker vård. Kvinnorna har olika upplevelser av vårdmötet beroende på hur de blir bemötta. Inom transkulturell omvårdnad är det en viktig förutsättning för sjukvårdspersonal att ha kunskap om andra kulturer, idéer och värderingar kring hälsa, ohälsa och omvårdnad. Syfte Att belysa upplevelser av mötet med hälso- och sjukvården hos kvinnor som tidigare genomgått könsstympning. Metod En icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt har genomförts baserat på 16 vetenskapliga artiklar av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ design. De inkluderade artiklarna har eftersökts i databaserna PubMed, CINAHL, Academic Search Elite och PsycINFO med relevanta sökord relaterat till studiens syfte. Resultat Vid sammanställning av resultatet framträdde tre huvudkategorier: Brist på kunskap om könsstympning hos sjukvården, Betydelsen av anpassad omvårdnad samt Informerande vårdmöten kan ändra kvinnans inställning till könsstympning. Utifrån de tre huvudkategorierna skapades två underkategorier där det beskrivs sviterna av vårdmötet i ursprungsländer och bristfälligt bemötande från vården i mottagande länder, vad det kan innebära för kvinnor som är könsstympade. Slutsats Några delar av hälso- och sjukvården är inte bereda att erbjuda kulturellt anpassad vård till kvinnor med könsstympning och därför bemöts kvinnorna av okunskap i vårdmötet. Att bli bemött på ett lyhört, empatiskt och respektfullt sätt gör att dessa kvinnor känner sig trygga i mötet med vården och att deras problem tas på allvar. En tillitsfull relation med vården kan vara ett verktyg för att bekämpa det fortsatta utförandet av ingreppet på framtida generationer av flickor och kvinnor. / ABSTRACT Background Around 200 million women worldwide live with some form of genital mutilation and the number is growing as 3.9 million women are being exposed to this procedure every year. The procedure is performed mainly in African countries and some countries in the Middle East. With the ongoing migration patterns, healthcare in the host countries will encounter more and more women living with some form of genital mutilation. The women have different experiences of their encounter with the health care system based on how they were treated. In transcultural nursing, it is an important prerequisite for healthcare professionals to have knowledge of other cultures and their ideas and values around health, sickness, and nursing.  Aim To highlight the experiences of women previously exposed to genital mutilation encounters with health care. Method A non-systematic literature review has been conducted based on 16 scientific articles of both qualitative and quantitative design. The included articles have been searched in four databases with keywords relevant to the purpose of the study.  Results The quality of selected articles was examined, and the content was analyzed to be compiled into three main categories: Lack of knowledge about genital mutilation within the healthcare system, The importance of tailored nursing as well as Informative meetings with healthcare providers can change the woman's attitude to genital mutilation. Based on the first main category, two subcategories were created: The outcome of encounters with healthcare in the country of origin and Unsatisfactory treatment from healthcare in the host countries.  Conclusions The encounter can be experienced in various ways by women who have undergone genital mutilation based on how they are treated by health care professionals. There are some parts of the meeting that carry more weight than others. Being treated in a responsive, empathetic, and respectful manner gives these women a feeling of safety during the encounter and that their health issues are taken seriously. A trusting relationship with health care can even be a way to fight the continuation of the tradition on future generations of girls.

Identification et suivi en contexte obstétrical de femmes ayant vécu une mutilation génitale féminine/excision

Charest, Marie-Christine 03 1900 (has links)
Mondialement, plus de 200 millions de femmes et de filles vivent avec une mutilation génitale féminine/excision (MGF/E) (OMS, 2016). Les mouvements d’immigration impliquent la présence d'un nombre grandissant de femmes et de filles de pays où les MGF/E sont pratiqués dans des pays où le personnel médical et infirmier se doit de se questionner sur la façon d’aborder ce sujet d'une manière sensible et respectueuse ainsi que d'élaborer et de mettre en place des actions et lignes directrices pour assurer un suivi. Le but du mémoire-practicum est de circonscrire les pratiques médicales et infirmières, en contexte obstétrical d’un CHU, dans une perspective d’identification et d’assurer un suivi auprès de femmes ayant vécu une MGF/E. Les éléments clés concernant l’identification de la présence d’une MGF/E et d’assurer un suivi de qualité proposés dans le modèle d’Evans et al. (2019) ont servi d’assise pour ce mémoire-practicum. Une recension des écrits sur la scène internationale (n=30) ainsi qu'une revue de dossiers médicaux (n=46) ont fait émerger la difficulté de documenter cette pratique. Plus spécifiquement, des limites dans les dossiers médicaux étaient évidentes quant aux mentions concernant l’identification de la présence d’une MGF/E chez une femme d’une part et pour assurer un suivi adapté aux besoins, en contexte obstétrical, d’autre part. Les résultats confirment un besoin de formation spécifique aux expériences vécues par les femmes ainsi que l’élaboration de protocoles de soins pour soutenir la pratique médicale et infirmière et permettre une collaboration intersectorielle, notamment auprès d’organismes communautaires (Evans et al., 2019). / Globally, more than 200 million women and girls are living with female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) (WHO, 2016). Immigration movements involve the presence of increasing numbers of women and girls from countries where FGM/C is practiced in countries where medical and nursing personnel need to reflect upon how to address this topic in a sensitive and respectful manner as well as develop and implement actions and guidelines for follow-up. The purpose of this report is to describe medical and nursing practices in the obstetrical context of a university hospital to identify and provide a follow up to women who have undergone FGM/C. The key elements of identifying the presence of FGM/C and ensuring quality follow-up proposed in the Evans et al. (2019) model inspired the work throughout in this report. An international literature review (n=30) as well as a medical record review (n=46) highlighted the difficulty of documenting this practice. More specifically, limitations in the medical records were evident with respect to the identification of the presence of FGM/C on the one hand, as well as ensuring coherent and sensitive follow-up in an obstetrical context, on the other. The results confirm a need for more training specific to women's experiences as well as the development of care protocols to support medical and nursing practice (Evans et al., 2019). The contribution of intersectoral collaboration, namely community-based organizations was highlighted.

Analysis of the Prevailing Practice of FGM in the Upper West Region of Ghana: Are International Laws and Domestic Policy Effective in Eradicating FGM Within the State?

Swoger, Megan R. 31 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

The impact of religious and cultural discourses on the leadership development of women in the ministry : a vhusadzi (womanhood) perspective

Mudimeli, Lufuluvhi Maria 10 1900 (has links)
Culture and religion have both healthy and unhealthy effect on the leadership development of women in Africa. In this regard, the impact of especially African Pentecostal Christian discourses, as well as Vhavenda cultural discourses, on the lives of women leaders are brought to the surface through literary reviews, questionnaires and interviews. Accordingly, the data obtained by means of these methods are analysed using existing theological and cultural hermeneutics methods. Furthermore, they are deconstructed in terms of a vhusadzi (womanhood) perspective of empowerment regarding women in the ministry, which is applicable in an African-South African context. The present role of women in Pentecostal churches in the Venda context is studied historically and critically with reference to a future of empowerment. It is found that the leadership role of women in the ministry in Pentecostal churches in Venda is faced by certain challenges, which include rereading the Bible from the perspective of women in partnership with men, validating women’s ordination in dialogue with patriarchal interpretations of presumed biblical prohibitions on women’s ordination, rescoping cultural influences on church leadership roles, which are supported by Venda proverbs and rituals and reframing perceptions of women in the ministry amongst church leaders and the laity. The unique contribution of this thesis is, firstly, its focus on Pentecostal women in Venda. Secondly, a vhusadzi perspective is formulated that has never been done before in the literature. This perspective encompasses the experiences and expectations of Vhavenda women living in the Limpopo Province in South Africa. Thirdly, a link is drawn between culture, religion and ministerial leadership with a gender focus that produces new knowledge of the relationship between religion and culture as it manifests itself in a Venda context. The vhusadzi approach is informed by the bosadi approach of the Old Testament scholar, Madipoane Masenya, and feeds on her insights into women’s access to the interpretation of biblical texts. The vhusadzi approach takes these insights further by applying them to Vhavenda women’s access to leadership roles in the church. It opens up the future for further research, inviting African women scholars to contextualise issues related to women’s ordination. / Systematic Theology and Theological Ethics / D. Th. (Systematic Theology)


Krall, Lisa 26 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Beschneidung umfasst einschränkende, genitalverändernde und -normierende Eingriffe. Zu unterscheiden sind unter anderem die Vorhautbeschneidung bei Jungen sowie Genitalbeschneidungen bei Mädchen in christlichen, islamischen und jüdischen Traditionen, medizinisch indizierte Praxen, genitale Schönheitschirurgie und genitalvereinheitlichende Behandlungen intergeschlechtlicher Neugeborener. Letztere sind wie die religiös motivierten Eingriffe Thema anhaltender rechtlicher und ethischer Debatten.

The impact of religious and cultural discourses on the leadership development of women in the ministry : a vhusadzi (womanhood) perspective

Mudimeli, Lufuluvhi Maria 10 1900 (has links)
Culture and religion have both healthy and unhealthy effect on the leadership development of women in Africa. In this regard, the impact of especially African Pentecostal Christian discourses, as well as Vhavenda cultural discourses, on the lives of women leaders are brought to the surface through literary reviews, questionnaires and interviews. Accordingly, the data obtained by means of these methods are analysed using existing theological and cultural hermeneutics methods. Furthermore, they are deconstructed in terms of a vhusadzi (womanhood) perspective of empowerment regarding women in the ministry, which is applicable in an African-South African context. The present role of women in Pentecostal churches in the Venda context is studied historically and critically with reference to a future of empowerment. It is found that the leadership role of women in the ministry in Pentecostal churches in Venda is faced by certain challenges, which include rereading the Bible from the perspective of women in partnership with men, validating women’s ordination in dialogue with patriarchal interpretations of presumed biblical prohibitions on women’s ordination, rescoping cultural influences on church leadership roles, which are supported by Venda proverbs and rituals and reframing perceptions of women in the ministry amongst church leaders and the laity. The unique contribution of this thesis is, firstly, its focus on Pentecostal women in Venda. Secondly, a vhusadzi perspective is formulated that has never been done before in the literature. This perspective encompasses the experiences and expectations of Vhavenda women living in the Limpopo Province in South Africa. Thirdly, a link is drawn between culture, religion and ministerial leadership with a gender focus that produces new knowledge of the relationship between religion and culture as it manifests itself in a Venda context. The vhusadzi approach is informed by the bosadi approach of the Old Testament scholar, Madipoane Masenya, and feeds on her insights into women’s access to the interpretation of biblical texts. The vhusadzi approach takes these insights further by applying them to Vhavenda women’s access to leadership roles in the church. It opens up the future for further research, inviting African women scholars to contextualise issues related to women’s ordination. / Systematic Theology and Theological Ethics / D. Th. (Systematic Theology)

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