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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stympad, klippt eller omskuren : Sjuksköterskors möte med kvinnor som genomgått könsstympning - en litteraturöversikt. / Mutilated, cut or circumcised : Nurses´ encounter with women who have undergone female genital mutilation - a literature review

Lugmair, Milou, Jansson, Paulina January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Könsstympning i svenska tidningsmedier : En kritisk diskursanalys av hur fem av Sveriges största tidningsmedier framställer könsstympning. / Female genital mutilation in Swedish newspapers: : A critical discourse analysis of the representation of female genital mutilation in five of Sweden’s largest newspapers.

Färdigh, Lina January 2016 (has links)
Könsstympning är en sedvänja som främst förekommer i ett trettiotal afrikanska länder och i ett antal länder i Mellanöstern och Asien. På grund av ökad migration har ämnet kommit att bli mer aktuellt i Sverige. Enligt en rapport från Nationellt Centrum för Kvinnofrid ser majoriteten av den svenska befolkningen könsstympning som en främmande företeelse. Vid frågor som är svåra för vanliga medborgare att erfara blir massmedier ofta den huvudsakliga källan till information. Syftet med studien var att ta reda på hur ämnet förmedlas i svenska tidningsmedier. Genom kritisk diskursanalys har jag undersökt artiklar om könsstympning i fem svenska nyhetstidningar under perioden 30 november 2014 – 30 november 2016. Ett antal återkommande teman har förekommit i materialet såsom att det i flera artiklar finns indikationer på att sedvänjan upprätthålls i Sverige. Analysen visar en diskurs om ingreppet som ett övergrepp och ett brott mot mänskliga rättigheter. I lite mer än en fjärdedel av artiklarna förekommer det flickor och kvinnor med egna erfarenheter av ingreppet som uttalar sig om sedvänjan. Men det är i hög grad representanter från samhällsinstitutioner som definierar problemet och presenterar åtgärdsförslag i artiklarna. Utöver diskursteori har dagordningsteorin och gestaltningsteorin varit teoretisk grund för studien. / Genital mutilation is a practice that mainly occurs in about thirty African countries and in several countries in the Middle East and Asia. The topic has become more relevant in Sweden due to the increased migration. Most of the Swedish population sees genital mutilation as an alien phenomenon according to a report from the Swedish National Center for Protection of Women. The mass media often tend to be the main source of information when issues are difficult for ordinary citizens to experience. The purpose of the study was to find out how the issue is conveyed in the Swedish newspaper media. I have analyzed articles on genital mutilation in five Swedish news magazines during the period November 30, 2014 - November 30, in 2016 using critical discourse analysis as method. Several recurring themes have appeared in the material such as frequent indications that the practice is maintained in Sweden. The analysis reveals a general view of the procedure as an abuse and a violation of human rights in the discourse. In more than a quarter of the articles there are girls and women with personal experience of the procedure who speak out about the practice. But it is mostly representatives of social institutions that define the problem and presents proposals for action in the articles. The discourse theory, the agenda-setting theory and framing theory has been the theoretical basis for the study.

Tradition utan tanke på komplikation : En litteraturstudie om hur kvinnor med könsstympning upplever vårdmötet / Tradition without thought of complication : A literature study about how women with genital mutilation exprience the care meeting

Bjuhr, Alicia, Njeri Gikandi, Christine January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kvinnlig könsstympning är en djupgående tradition som främst utövas inom länder i Afrika, Asien och mellanöstern. På grund av den ökande migrationen har detta blivit ett globalt problem. Kvinnor med könsstympning möter flertal komplikationer, fysiska, psykiska och inom nära relationer. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva hur kvinnor med könsstympning upplever vårdmötet.Metod: En kvalitativ litteraturstudie genomfördes där systematisk sökning av vetenskapliga artiklar gjordes. Data samlades in genom användandet av relevanta databaser i Cinahl, Medline och Pubmed, och utvalda vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades.Resultat: Utvalda vetenskapliga artiklar beskrev hur kvinnor rapporterade att vårdmötet upplevdes varierande, dock hade flertal kvinnor upplevt rädsla och stress i samband med undersökningar. Vidare beskriver kvinnorna upplevelsen av bristande kunskap hos vårdpersonal då vårdpersonalen oftast inte visste vad kvinnlig könsstympning var. Kvinnorna rapporterade att vårdpersonal inte ställer frågor om könsstympning. Och om frågan ställs, upplevs brister med vidare hantering, då vårdpersonalen upplevs osäkra på vad som skall ske efter. Slutsats: Kvinnorna rapporterade att vårdpersonalen behöver våga ställa frågor kring kvinnlig könsstympning, samt inleda samtalet kring det då kvinnorna upplever det svårt att inleda samtalen själva. Fynden i denna studie visar att utbildning för vårdpersonal om kvinnor med könsstympning bör implementeras för att öka kunskapen och kvaliteten på omvårdnaden för dessa kvinnor. Framtida forskning bör fortsätta undersöka hur kvinnor med könsstympning upplever vården.

Könsstympade kvinnors upplevelser av mödra – och förlossningsvården : En litteraturstudie / Circumcised women’s experiences of antenatal – and maternity care : A literature study

Selin, Sabrina, Wetzig, Emily January 2021 (has links)
Background: Female genital mutilation is a harmful cultural practice that is carried out in several places around the world, despite the fact that it is a violation of women’s human rights. Worldwide, around 200 million young girls and women live with the aftermath of genital mutilation. There are several motives for implementing the practice linked to social, cultural and esthetic aspects. Aim: To describe how women who have been circumcised experience antenatal–and maternity care. Method: The study was designed as a general literature study which included nine scientific articles with a qualitative approach. Qualitative content analysis was applied. Result: Two categories and four subcategories emerged. “A confidence-building approach” and “Feeling trust in a female caregiver” went under “Good care relationship” while “Lack of knowledge about female genital mutilation” and “The feeling of being different” belonged to “Lack of empathy”. Conclusion: A confidence–building approach can demonstrably form the basis for a good care relation between a woman who has been circumcised and a healthcare professional. However, women who have been circumcised deliberately chose not to disclosure their health problems when they felt that healthcare professionals lacked knowledge about female genital mutilation. To alleviate the suffering and promote well–being of women who have circumcised, the healthcare professionals need to show respect, consideration and also provide caring care. / Bakgrund: Kvinnlig könsstympning är en skadlig kulturell sedvänja som utförs på flera håll runt om i världen trots att det är ett brott mot kvinnors mänskliga rättigheter. Globalt lever cirka 200 miljoner unga flickor och kvinnor i efterföljderna av könsstympning. Det finns flertal motiv till att genomföra kvinnlig könsstympning kopplad till sociala, kulturella samt estetiska aspekter. Syfte: Att beskriva hur kvinnor som blivit könsstympade upplever mödra–och förlossningsvården. Metod: Studien utformades som en allmän litteraturstudie med nio vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys tillämpades. Resultat: Två kategorier och fyra subkategorier framkom. “Ett förtroendeingivande bemötande” och “Att känna tillit till en kvinnlig vårdgivare” gick under “God vårdrelation” medan “Bristande kunskaper kring kvinnlig könsstympning” och “Känslan att vara annorlunda” tillhörde “Brist på empati”. Slutsats: Ett förtroendeingivande bemötande kan bevisligen utgöra grunden för en god vårdrelation mellan kvinna som blivit könsstympad och sjukvårdspersonal. Dock valde kvinnor som blivit könsstympade avsiktligt att inte delge sina hälsoproblem när de ansåg sjukvårdspersonal sakna kunskaper om kvinnlig könsstympning. För att lindra lidandet och befrämja välbefinnandet hos kvinnor som blivit könsstympade skall hälso–och sjukvårdspersonal visa respekt, omtanke samt ge omsorgsfull vård.


Abubakar, Nasra 23 November 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Barnmorskors erfarenheter av att vårda kvinnor som genomgått könsstympning : Kvalitativ intervjustudie

Lund, Helena, Atterstig, Evelina January 2022 (has links)
Syfte: Att beskriva barnmorskors erfarenheter av att vårda kvinnor som genomgått könsstympning. Metod: Kvalitativ intervjustudie med induktiv ansats. Tio barnmorskor med erfarenhet av att vårda könsstympade kvinnor intervjuades med semistrukturerade intervjuer via Zoom. Intervjuerna spelades in på mobiltelefon, transkriberades och analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: I resultatet utvecklades fem kategorier och 12 subkategorier. Kunskapsnivån varierade efter antal år i yrket samt hur ofta barnmorskorna vårdade kvinnor som genomgått könsstympning. Det framkom avsaknad av kunskap om sociokulturell kontext och svårigheter att förstå kvinnor som valt att könsstympas. Användandet av tolk ansågs utmanande då samtal skedde via trepartskommunikation. Beroende på var barnmorskorna arbetade i Sverige uppmärksammades skillnader i hur strukturerat omhändertagandet av kvinnor var samt vilken typ av vård som kunde erbjudas. Slutsats: Barnmorskornas erfarenheter av att vårda kvinnor som genomgått könsstympning var god. Det framkom att kunskapsnivån varierade utifrån antalet år i yrket. Samtidigt uttrycktes att det fanns kunskapsluckor och att det alltid gick att lära mer. Barnmorskeutbildningens undervisning om ämnet ansågs vara bristfällig. Patientgruppen ansågs som utmanande då det oftast fanns en språkbarriär. Det saknades tydliga riktlinjer på barnmorskornas arbetsplatser kring hur kvinnor som genomgått könsstympning skulle vårdas. / Aim: To describe midwives’ experiences of caring for women who have undergone genital mutilation. Method: Qualitative interview study with an inductive approach. Ten midwives were interviewed with semi-structured interviews via Zoom. The interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed with qualitative content analysis. Results: Five categories and 12 subcategories were developed. Knowledge varied according to years in the profession and how often midwives met the patients. There was a lack of knowledge about the socio-cultural context and difficulties in understanding the women who chose to be mutilated. The use of an interpreter was challenging as conversations took place via tripartite communication. Depending on where midwives worked in Sweden it showed differences in how structured the care of the women was and the type of care that could be offered. Conclusion: Midwives’ experience was good. Knowledge varied based on the number of years in the profession. Knowledge gaps existed and it was possible to learn more. The teaching of midwifery education on the subject was considered deficient. The patient group was considered challenging as there was usually a language barrier. There were no clear guidelines in midwives’ workplaces on how women should be cared for.

Representation of the “Other” - Discourse of female circumcision in the Journal for Midwives

Dele, Anna-Kaisa January 2020 (has links)
This thesis studied the representation of female circumcision by analysing 32 articles published during the 21st century in The Journal for Midwives, the union journal of the Federation of Finnish Midwives. With critical discourse analysis, through post-colonial feminist theory, the thesis researched the ways the journal is contributing to the creation of readers’ bias regarding circumcised women and their sexuality.The articles focused on multicultural healthcare, prevention of female circumcision and the most serious health detriments the practice might have. Human rights, criminal law, andgender equality were the main reasons behind the aversion of the practice. Women from the practicing communities were represented as victims of patriarchy, clueless of their position and unable to decide for themselves. Sexuality of circumcised women was widely excluded, only described through possible negative health consequences. Anthropological approach to sexuality and the role of migration was excluded and discussions about complex ethical questions, racialisation, power relations and bias of healthcare professionals were absent. Female circumcision and the practicing communities were categorised and judged based on Western understanding of sexuality and gender equality.Based on the analysis, the thesis recommends more diversity to the production of texts and to the perspectives of articles. Minorities should be included more in the production of the representation of their health issues and wider socio-cultural explanations behind the practice should be presented. Discussions about health inequalities based on ethnicity and reflections about cultural hegemony of West in relation to sexuality are also recommended subjects to be included in the journal. Most importantly, stereotypical representations of broken womanhood and positioning circumcised women as oppressed victims who need to be rescued by outsiders, should be forgotten. Instead, individual care of women and the importance of personal experiences and meanings of circumcision and sexuality should be highlighted.

Female Genital Mutilation/Circumcision: Culture and Sexual Health in Igbo Women in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas

Ukoha, Dorothy Ebere 01 January 2015 (has links)
Female genital mutilation (FGM) is practiced primarily in many African countries as well as some in Asia and the Arab Peninsula; however, it also takes place elsewhere around the globe among those who migrate from countries to which it is indigenous. This study was designed (a) to investigate the prevalence of FGM among the Igbo women in the Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) area in Texas and (b) to understand the factors that support the continuation of the practice and the effects on women's sexual health. Using a quantitative approach to examine a variety of social variables aligning with the ecological framework, survey data obtained from a sample of 139 Igbo women living in the DFW area were analyzed using a multivariate analysis. Results of the study demonstrated a decreasing prevalence of FGM from maternal incidence (46%), to second generation incidence (31.3%), and future intention for FGM (25%). Nearly half of the responding participants felt the practice was required by their religion, but over 65% felt the practice should be discontinued. Results supported a high incidence of dangerous complications to women's sexual health with the continued practice of FGM. Significant social influences associated with future intention for FGM among the population were found at the micro- and exosystem ecological levels. The findings of this research provide important information on current prevalence and health effects of FGM in Igbo women living in the DFW area. Understanding the reasons behind the culture of FGM will assist public health professionals in designing appropriate culturally-specific intervention strategies that will help to eliminate inappropriate and unsafe practices associated with FGM.

Help or hinder? : Journalists affecting the future of female genital mutilation in a patriarchal society

Hallonsten, Sofia January 2016 (has links)
Is it possible to cover an issue as a journalist to the extent that you are practically a human rights activist, and still contribute to its continuation by unconsciously upholding the values causing the issue? This study asks the question if journalists help or hinder the elimination of female genital mutilation (FGM), and puts forth the thesis that journalists as a collective in fact are affecting the development more negatively through their attitudes than positively through their actions. The study consists of a theoretical analysis connecting to patriarchy and post-colonialism, and a field study from Tanzania where journalists are interviewed. The theoretical results show a clear connection between patriarchal values and FGM, and that if a journalist upholds these values she will not be as inclined to see the victim of FGM as a subaltern, she will be more likely to generalize the groups status and characteristics and she will be caught in between traditional and modern values. If a journalist ascribes to more traditional values when it comes to the difference between the genders, her attitudes will to some extent be counterproductive to the work she does when she covers FGM with the intention to prevent it. The field study supports this by showing that awareness about gender inequality and FGM does not necessarily mean awareness of patriarchal structures and how they affect men, women and traditions. One journalist can make a significant difference, but if she is a part of a journalist collective with strong, patriarchal values her efforts might not be sufficient to help in changing the overall development of FGM.

FGM in Swedish press : A dissertation examining the journalistic coverage of female genital mutilation (FGM) in Swedish press

John, Cornelia January 2017 (has links)
What topics are discussed within the female genital mutilation debate? And who gets to speak out? Are there any prominent patterns able to detect? This thesis tries to elaborate these thoughts examining the journalistic coverage of FGM in Swedish newspapers during the year of 2016. A content analysis of all published newspapers during the year of interest sets the empirical basis, and is supported by interviews with journalists covering the issue. The dissertation holds a constructionist approach meaning that the perception of reality is constructed, and thereof differs. This approach also clarifies that there is no constant truth, but several. Findings within the empirical data are mainly discussed connected to feminist theory as well as the concept of agenda-setting, eventually involving discussions about human rights issue as a value for journalism. What is clear here is that women are overrepresented within the debate, and are depicted as strong individuals, are seldom victimized or depicted in stereotyped gender roles as opposed by scholars. Meanwhile, participating journalists are somewhat semi-aware about their own portrayals since they opine that they are focusing on representing female characters in their articles. This might indicate that the FGM debate is unilaterally represented in some ways. The result also shows a clear pattern in representing FGM in media as a global issue treating the prevalence of FGM around the world, even when a domestic perspective is used. The issue of interest is also perceived as a procedure aiming to control women and/or their sexuality in a quite vast extent, scholarly as well as empirically

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