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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Unleashing Technological Collaboration: AI, 5G, and Mobile Robotics for Industry 4.0 Advancements

Palacios Morocho, Maritza Elizabeth 02 November 2024 (has links)
[ES] La Industria 4.0 se enfrenta a importantes retos a la hora de perseguir la transformación digital y la eficiencia operativa. La creciente complejidad de los entornos industriales modernos lleva a la necesidad de desplegar tecnologías digitales y, sobre todo, la automatización de la Industria. Sin embargo, este camino hacia la innovación va acompañado de numerosos obstáculos, ya que el entorno cambia constantemente. Por lo tanto, para adaptarse a esta evolución, es necesario emplear planteamientos más flexibles. Estos planteamientos están estrechamente relacionados con el uso de la AI y RL, ya que surgen como soluciones clave para abordar los retos cruciales de la navegación cooperativa de agentes dentro de entornos dinámicos. Mientras tanto, los algoritmos RL se enfrentan a las complejidades que implica la transmisión y el procesamiento de grandes cantidades de datos, para hacer frente a este desafío, la tecnología 5G emerge como un habilitador clave para las soluciones de escenarios de problemas evolutivos. Entre las principales ventajas de la 5G están que ofrece una transmisión rápida y segura de grandes volúmenes de datos con una latencia mínima. Al ser la única tecnología hasta ahora capaz de ofrecer estas capacidades, 5G se convierte en un componente esencial para desplegar servicios en tiempo real como la navegación cooperativa. Además, otra ventaja es que proporciona la infraestructura necesaria para intercambios de datos robustos y contribuye a la eficiencia del sistema y a la seguridad de los datos en entornos industriales dinámicos. A la vista de lo anterior, es evidente que la complejidad de los entornos industriales conduce a la necesidad de proponer sistemas basados en nuevas tecnologías como las redes AI y 5G, ya que su combinación proporciona una potente sinergia. Además, aparte de abordar los retos identificados en la navegación cooperativa, también abre la puerta a la implementación de fábricas inteligentes, dando lugar a mayores niveles de automatización, seguridad y productividad en las operaciones industriales. Es importante destacar que la aplicación de técnicas de AI conlleva la necesidad de utilizar software de simulación para probar los algoritmos propuestos en entornos virtuales. Esto permite abordar cuestiones esenciales sobre la validez de los algoritmos, reducir los riesgos de daños en el hardware y, sobre todo, optimizar las soluciones propuestas. Con el fin de proporcionar una solución a los retos fundamentales en la automatización de fábricas, esta Tesis se centra en la integración de la robótica móvil en la nube, especialmente en el contexto de la Industria 4.0. También abarca la investigación de las capacidades de las redes 5G, la evaluación de la viabilidad de simuladores como ROS y Gazebo, y la fusión de datos de sensores y el diseño de algoritmos de planificación de trayectorias basados en RL. En otras palabras, esta Tesis no solo identifica y aborda los retos clave de la Industria 4.0, sino que también presenta soluciones innovadoras e hipótesis concretas para la investigación. Además, promueve la combinación de AI y 5G para desplegar servicios en tiempo real, como la navegación cooperativa. Así, aborda retos críticos y demuestra que la colaboración tecnológica redefine la eficiencia y la adaptabilidad en la industria moderna. / [CA] La Indústria 4.0 s'enfronta a importants reptes a l'hora de perseguir la transformació digital i l'eficiència operativa. La creixent complexitat dels entorns industrials moderns porta a la necessitat de desplegar tecnologies digitals i, sobretot, l'automatització de la Indústria. No obstant això, este camí cap a la innovació va acompanyat de nombrosos obstacles, ja que l'entorn canvia constantment. Per tant, per a adaptar-se a esta evolució, és necessari emprar plantejaments més flexibles. Estos plantejaments estan estretament relacionats amb l'ús de l'AI i RL, ja que sorgixen com a solucions clau per a abordar els reptes crucials de la navegació cooperativa d'agents dins d'entorns dinàmics. Mentrestant, els algorismes RL s'enfronten a les complexitats que implica la transmissió i el processament de grans quantitats de dades, per a fer front a este desafiament, la tecnologia 5G emergix com un habilitador clau per a les solucions d'escenaris de problemes evolutius. Entre els principals avantatges de la 5G estan que oferix una transmissió ràpida i segura de grans volums de dades amb una latència mínima. A l'ésser l'única tecnologia fins ara capaç d'oferir estes capacitats, 5G es convertix en un component essencial per a desplegar servicis en temps real com la navegació cooperativa. A més, un altre avantatge és que proporciona la infraestructura necessària per a intercanvis de dades robustes i contribuïx a l'eficiència del sistema i a la seguretat de les dades en entorns industrials dinàmics. A la vista de l'anterior, és evident que la complexitat dels entorns industrials conduïx a la necessitat de proposar sistemes basats en noves tecnologies com les xarxes AI i 5G, ja que la seua combinació proporciona una potent sinergia. A més, a part d'abordar els reptes identificats en la navegació cooperativa, també obri la porta a la implementació de fabriques intel·ligents, donant lloc a majors nivells d'automatització, seguretat i productivitat en les operacions industrials. És important destacar que l'aplicació de tècniques d'AI comporta la necessitat d'utilitzar programari de simulació per a provar els algorismes proposats en entorns virtuals. Això permet abordar qüestions essencials sobre la validesa dels algorismes, reduir els riscos de dona'ns en el maquinari i, sobretot, optimitzar les solucions proposades. Amb la finalitat de proporcionar una solució als reptes fonamentals en l'automatització de fabriques, esta Tesi se centra en la integració de la robòtica mòbil en el núvol, especialment en el context de la Indústria 4.0. També abasta la investigació de les capacitats de les xarxes 5G, l'avaluació de la viabilitat de simuladors com ROS i Gazebo, i la fusió de dades de sensors i el disseny d'algorismes de planificació de trajectòries basats en RL. En altres paraules, esta Tesi no sols identifica i aborda els reptes clau de la Indústria 4.0, sinó que també presenta solucions innovadores i hipòtesis concretes per a la investigació. A més, promou la combinació d'AI i 5G per a desplegar servicis en temps real, com la navegació cooperativa. Així, aborda reptes crítics i demostra que la col·laboració tecnològica redefinix l'eficiència i l'adaptabilitat en la indústria moderna. / [EN] Industry 4.0 faces significant challenges in pursuing digital transformation and operational efficiency. The increasing complexity of modern industrial environments leads to the need to deploy digital technologies and, above all, Industry automation. However, this path to innovation is accompanied by numerous obstacles, as the environment constantly changes. Therefore, to adapt to this evolution, it is necessary to employ more flexible approaches. These approaches are closely linked to the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Reinforcement Learning (RL), as they emerge as pivotal solutions to address the crucial challenges of cooperative agent navigation within dynamic environments. Meanwhile, RL algorithms face the complexities involved in transmitting and processing large amounts of data. To address this challenge, Fifth Generation (5G) technology emerges as a key enabler for evolutionary problem scenario solutions. Among the main advantages of 5G is that it offers fast and secure transmission of large volumes of data with minimal latency. As the only technology so far capable of delivering these capabilities, 5G becomes an essential component for deploying real-time services such as cooperative navigation. Furthermore, another advantage is that it provides the necessary infrastructure for robust data exchanges and contributes to system efficiency and data security in dynamic industrial environments. In view of the above, it is clear that the complexity of industrial environments leads to the need to propose systems based on new technologies such as AI and 5G networks, as their combination provides a powerful synergy. Moreover, aside from tackling the challenges identified in cooperative navigation, it also opens the door to the implementation of smart factories, leading to higher levels of automation, safety, and productivity in industrial operations. It is important to note that the application of AI techniques entails the need to use simulation software to test the proposed algorithms in virtual environments. This makes it possible to address essential questions about the validity of the algorithms, reduce the risks of damage to the hardware, and, above all, optimize the proposed solutions. In order to provide a solution to the fundamental challenges in factory automation, this Thesis focuses on integrating mobile robotics in the cloud, especially in the context of Industry 4.0. It also covers the investigation of the capabilities of 5G networks, the evaluation of the feasibility of simulators such as Robot Operating System (ROS) and Gazebo, and the fusion of sensor data and the design of path planning algorithms based on RL. In other words, this Thesis not only identifies and addresses the key challenges of Industry 4.0 but also presents innovative solutions and concrete hypotheses for research. Furthermore, it promotes the combination of AI and 5G to deploy real-time services, such as cooperative navigation. Thus, it addresses critical challenges and demonstrates that technological collaboration redefines efficiency and adaptability in modern industry. / This research was funded by the Research and Development Grants Program (PAID-01-19) of the Universitat Politècnica de València. The research stay of the author at Technischen Universit¨at Darmstadt (Germany) was funded by the Program of Grants for Student Mobility of doctoral students at the Universitat Politècnica de València in 2022 from Spain and by Erasmus+ Student Mobility for Traineeship 2022 / Palacios Morocho, ME. (2024). Unleashing Technological Collaboration: AI, 5G, and Mobile Robotics for Industry 4.0 Advancements [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/204748

The Twelve between two testaments : the Minor Prophets as Christian scripture in the commentaries of Theodore of Mopsuestia and Cyril of Alexandria

Ondrey, Hauna T. January 2015 (has links)
My thesis offers a comparison of the Minor Prophets commentaries of Theodore of Mopsuestia and Cyril of Alexandria, isolating the role each assigns (1) the Twelve Prophets in their ministry to Old Testament Israel and (2) the texts of the Twelve as Christian scripture. While the two produce radically different commentaries in terms of quantity and detail of christological interpretation, the source of their divergence cannot be reduced to Cyril's admitting messianic prophecy whereas Theodore does not. Rather, I argue that Theodore does acknowledge christological prophecies, as distinct from both retrospective accommodation and typology. Further, a careful reading of Cyril's Commentary on the Twelve limits the prospective christological revelation he ascribes to the prophets and reveals the positive role he grants the Mosaic law prior to Christ's advent. My thesis secondly explores the Christian significance both Theodore and Cyril assign to Israel's exile and restoration, the pivotal event to which the Twelve bear witness. I here argue that Theodore's reading of the Twelve Prophets, while not attempting to be christocentric, is nevertheless self-consciously Christian. Cyril, unsurprisingly, offers a robust Christian reading of the Twelve, yet this too must be expanded by his focus on the church and concern to equip the church through the ethical paideusis provided by the plain sense of the prophetic text. Revised descriptions of each interpreter lead to the claim that the label “christocentric” obscures more than it clarifies and polarizes no less than earlier accounts of Antiochene/Alexandrian exegesis. I advocate rather for an approach that takes seriously Theodore's positive account of the unity and telos of the divine economy and the full range of Cyril's interpretation, in order to move beyond a zero-sum assessment and offer instead a positive account that appreciates the strengths of each Christian reading of the Twelve.

閱讀環境、玩興、父母創意教養與國小中、高年級學童科技創造力之關係 / The Relationships among Reading Environment, Playfulness, Creative Parenting and Technological Creativity of the Third and Fifth Graders

王昕馨, Hsin Hsin,Wang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討閱讀環境、玩興、父母創意教養與國小中、高年級學童科技創造力之關係。研究參與者來自台北市的國小中、高年級,有效樣本計374人。本研究所採用的研究工具包括「科技創造力測驗」、「家庭閱讀環境量表」、「班級閱讀環境量表」、「兒童玩興量表」及「父母創意教養量表」。資料分析所用之統計方法包括描述統計、單因子多變量變異數分析及線性結構模式分析。 本研究主要發現如下: 1.不同性別的三、五年級學童對家庭閱讀環境、班級閱讀環境、玩興的知覺皆無差異,但在父母創意教養的知覺上和科技創造力的表現上卻有差異。三、五年級女童對於父母創意教養的感知程度皆些微地優於男童;而三、五年級男童在整體創造力測驗上皆優於女童,且五年級男童比女童有更好的「視覺造型」表現。 2.不同年級的三、五年級學童在家庭閱讀環境、班級閱讀環境、玩興、父母創意教養的知覺程度上和科技創造力的表現上有顯著差異。五年級學童除了在科技創造力的表現上有高於三年級學童的傾向外,在閱讀環境、玩興、父母創意教養的知覺程度上皆有低於三年級學童的傾向。 3.三、五年級學童的家庭閱讀環境對其整體科技創造力表現分別有些微和明顯的正效果,而五年級學童在「精進力」指標的表現尤其顯著。 4.三年級學童的班級閱讀環境對其整體科技創造力表現有正效果,反之,五年級則無。而三年級學童在「視覺造型」指標的表現尤其顯著。 5.三、五年級學童的玩興對其整體科技創造力表現皆有正效果。三年級學童在「精進力」、「視覺造型」指標的表現較顯著,五年級則在「流暢力」、「精進力」上較顯著。 6.五年級學童的父母創意教養對其整體科技創造力表現有正效果,但三年級學童只對「視覺造型」指標之表現有正效果。而五年級學童在「精進力」指標之表現尤其顯著。 7.家庭閱讀環境、班級閱讀環境、玩興、父母創意教養似乎對三年級學童的「視覺造型」指標較有預測效果,而對五年級學童則是在「精進力」指標較有效果。 8.三、五年級學童皆透過閱讀環境、父母創意教養,先對玩興產生直接或間接效果,然後才對學童科技創造力產生間接的影響效果。 最後,本研究依據上述的研究結果進行討論,並提出相關建議,以供教育、心輔等相關人員在課程、教學與輔導上之參考。 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among reading environment, playfulness, creative parenting, and technological creativity of the third and fifth graders. The participants included 374 pupils from the elementary schools in Taipei City. The employed instruments in this study were the Test of Technological Creativity, the Inventory of Reading Environment in Family, the Inventory of Reading Environment in the Classroom, the Inventory of Playfulness, the Inventory of Creative Parenting. The employed analysis methods included Descriptives, One-Way Multiple Analysis of Variance, and Structural Equation Modeling. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1.While the girls of the third and fifth graders perceived higher degree of creative parenting than did the boys, the boys outperformed the girls in technological creativity, especially in the “visual design”. No gender differences in reading environment and playfulness were found, however. 2.There were significant grade differences in reading environment, playfulness, creative parenting, and technological creativity. More specifically, the fifth graders outperformed the third graders in technological creativity, but perceived lower degree of reading environment, playfulness, and creative parenting than did the third graders. 3.The third graders’ reading environment in family had a little positive effect on their performance of technological creativity. One the contrary, the fifth graders’ reading environment in family had a great positive effect on their performance of technological creativity, especially on that of “elaboration”. 4.The reading environment in the classroom had a positive effect on the third graders’ performance of technological creativity, especially on that of “visual design”. Such an effect, however, was not found among the fifth graders. 5.Playfulness had significant effects on both the third and fifth graders’ performance of technological creativity. More specifically, playfulness had positive effects on the scores of “elaboration” and “visual design” among the third graders and had positive effects on those of “fluency” and “elaboration” among the fifth graders. 6.Creative parenting had a positive effect on the fifth graders’ overall performance of technological creativity as well as on the score of “elaboration”. However, the positive effect of creative parenting was only found on score of “visual design” in the third grade. 7.While reading environment, playfulness, and creative parenting were effective predictors of the third graders’ performance in “visual design”, they were effective predictors of the fifth graders’ performance in “elaboration”. 8.The findings in this study suggest that the third and fifth graders’ personal trait of playfulness directly influence their development of technological creativity; meanwhile, their reading environment and creative parenting may influence their development of technological creativity directly or indirectly via playfulness. Finally, the researcher proposed some suggestions for educational instructions and future studies.

Pátá křížová výprava 1213 - 1221: Svatý stolec a boj proti nevěřícím / The Fifth Crusade 1213 - 1221: The Holy See and the fight against the Muslims

Rusová, Dita January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation is devoted to the preparation and process of the Fifth Crusade, i.e. the stage from 1213, when it was declared by The Pope Innocent III. to 1221. It investigates the way of recruiting crusaders and the attitudes of the official representatives of the Church structures during the Crusade in relation to secular rulers. Their actions confronts with activities of other actors - from the Christian perspective primarily with the actions of Francis of Assisi. The dissertation evaluates benefit of his activities for the Crusade movement and for the future of the Franciscan order. The dissertation is also attempting to demonstrate the characteristic of the crusade given a Muslim environment including the Muslim perspective of Francis's actions and sermon. The epiloque describes the Crusade of Frederick II as the continuity of the Fifth Crusade. In the end there is a valorization of the results of the Crusade movement.

L’opposition non-communiste de la Ve République dans la Guerre froide : l’esprit de détente, 1962-1966 / The Vth Republic Non-Communist opposition during the Cold War : the spirit of Détente, 1962-1966

Bougrat, Jérémy 04 December 2014 (has links)
Amorcée dès la mort de Staline en mars 1953, la décrispation des antagonismes Est-Ouest connaît cependant des fluctuations dans les années suivantes, jusqu'au sommet des tensions internationales que représente la crise de Cuba de l'automne 1962. Débute alors une période d'accalmie communément qualifiée de « détente ». Notre étude s’est ainsi fixée comme mission d’étudier l’influence de ce contexte international sur le monde politique français. De la fin de la crise de Cuba au voyage du général de Gaulle en Union soviétique en juin 1966, celui-Ci évolue dans sa vision de la guerre froide et révèle un « esprit » de détente plus ou moins fort. Si tous les partis et les structures non-Partisanes de l’opposition non-Communiste sont favorables à un encouragement de la détente, rares sont ceux qui appellent à baisser sa garde face à un pays qui reste le plus probable des adversaires. La notion de sécurité est centrale pour des responsables politiques aspirant à assumer les réalités du pouvoir. Afin d’avancer vers un approfondissement de la détente, tout en réglant une question allemande omniprésente, il faut continuer la construction européenne, emprunter la voie de la sécurité collective, désarmer simultanément et développer les liens avec l’Est. / Starting after Stalin’s death in March, 1953, the de-Escalation of East-West antagonism nevertheless experienced fluctuations in the ensuing years, reaching its climax of international tension with the Cuba crisis of autumn 1962. Thus began a period of respite broadly known as the “Détente”. And so our mission was established: to study the influence of this international context on the French political world. From the end of the Cuba crisis to General de Gaulle’s journey to Soviet Union in June, 1966, de Gaulle’s perception of the cold war evolves and reveals a more or less strong “spirit” of Détente. If all non-Partisan parties and organizations of the Non-Communist opposition are in favor of Détente, rare are those who call for lowering their guards when faced with a country that remains the most likely of adversaries. The issue of security is central for political officials aspiring to assume power. In order to move forward towards a strengthening of the Détente, all while addressing the issue of an omnipresent Germany, it is necessary to continue European construction, follow the path of collective security, disarm simultaneously, and develop links with the East.

Docência compartilhada e prática docente num contexto interdisciplinar: desafios e contribuições na transição do 5º para o 6º ano do Ensino Fundamental / Shared teaching and teaching practice in an interdisciplinary context: challenges and contributions in the transition from the 5th to the 6th year of Elementary Education

Nunes, Áurea Rodrigues 10 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-11-26T10:52:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Áurea Rodrigues Nunes.pdf: 1218149 bytes, checksum: e4eeb4803905d5f9c4b16a01ae01d3f5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-26T10:52:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Áurea Rodrigues Nunes.pdf: 1218149 bytes, checksum: e4eeb4803905d5f9c4b16a01ae01d3f5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-09-10 / The present work refers to the "More Education São Paulo" Program, an educational policy that was implemented in 2014 in the city of São Paulo and promoted the reorganization of the Fundamental Education in learning cycles, with the objective of verifying the perception of teachers as well as the possible contributions of this practice to the transition from the fifth to the sixth year of elementary education, the theme of this production. It was developed from a qualitative approach, and presents as theoretical basis the studies of Freire (1996), Perrenoud (2000), Moll (2004), Rios (2010), Libâneo (2011), Fazenda (2008-2011-2013) , Beyer (2013), Tardif (2014) and André (1983), the latter being the basis for the analysis of the data obtained in the field research, which, together with a documentary research, compose this production. Such research indicates that the transition from the fifth to the sixth grade is still a difficult time for both students and teachers and that Shared Teaching is a way to mitigate this process and that its greatest contribution is in the fact that it makes possible the establishment of an initial bond between the teachers and the future students of the 6th grade. In addition, the research reveals that there is a need for investment in continuing education to guarantee the quality of teaching practice in this modality, as well as the perception and understanding of interdisciplinarity as the guiding thread of the teaching and learning process. It also reveals that the lack of time and space for planning presents itself as an impediment for Shared Teaching to be properly developed and effectively incorporated into the school project / O presente trabalho faz referência ao Programa “Mais Educação São Paulo”, política educacional que, implementada em 2014 no Município de São Paulo, promoveu a reorganização da Educação Fundamental em ciclos de aprendizagem, sendo realizado com objetivo de verificar qual a percepção de professores(as) especialistas acerca do Ciclo Interdisciplinar e da prática da Docência Compartilhada que nele está inserida, bem como acerca de possíveis contribuições dessa prática para a transição do quinto para o sexto ano do Ensino Fundamental, temática dessa produção. Foi desenvolvido a partir de uma abordagem qualitativa e, apresenta como base teórica os estudos de Freire (1996), Perrenoud (2000), Moll (2004), Rios (2010), Libâneo (2011), Fazenda (2008-2011-2013), Beyer (2013), Tardif (2014) e André (1983), sendo este último o que fundamenta o processo de análise dos dados obtidos na pesquisa de campo que, juntamente com uma pesquisa documental compõe essa produção. Tal pesquisa indica que a passagem do quinto para o sexto ano ainda continua sendo um momento difícil tanto para alunos(as) como para professores(as) e que, a Docência Compartilhada é um meio de atenuar esse processo e que, sua maior contribuição está no fato dela possibilitar o estabelecimento de um vínculo inicial entre professores(as) especialistas e os futuros alunos de 6ºs anos. Além disso, a pesquisa revela que existe a necessidade de investimento em formação continuada para garantir a qualidade da prática docente nessa modalidade, bem como a percepção e compreensão da interdisciplinaridade como fio condutor do processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Revela também que a falta de tempo e espaço para planejamento se apresenta como um impedimento para que a Docência Compartilhada seja devidamente desenvolvida e efetivamente incorporada ao projeto escolar

Aprendizagem da linguagem escrita: Um estudo sobre a competência ortográfica de alunos da 5ª série do ensino fundamental / Learning of the written language: A study of orthographic competence on students of the 5th grade of the elementary school

Grigalevicius, Margarete Moreno 18 May 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:57:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Margarete.pdf: 13017949 bytes, checksum: c932f1d2b1f96f05f1f4544d8dabff15 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-05-18 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The research had as main objective to know and to analyze the frequency and types of orthographic violations which are revealed in the writing of a group of students. It was also objective to verify if those children still infringe rules of the relationship between phoneme and grapheme as well as position rules, morphologic, etymological and accentuation. One hundred and fifty (150) children of the fifth grade of the elementary school in a public school of the city of São Paulo participated in this study. In order to evaluate the writing, a dictation was applied and composed by 145 words. The results indicate that children of the fifth grade still made a significant number of orthographic mistakes, and these include mistakes that infringe the phonology / A pesquisa teve como objetivo principal conhecer e analisar a freqüência e os tipos de violações ortográficas que se manifestam na escrita de um grupo de alunos. Também foi objetivo verificar se essas crianças ainda infringem regras da relação entre fonema e grafema bem como regras de posição, morfológicas, etimológicas e acentuação. Participaram do estudo 150 crianças da quinta série do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola pública estadual da cidade de São Paulo. Para avaliar a escrita, foi aplicado um ditado composto de 145 palavras. Os resultados mostram que as crianças da quinta série ainda cometem um número significativo de erros ortográficos, sendo que estes incluem erros que infringem a fonologia

信用狀統一慣例第五次修訂內容之研究 / The Study of the Fifth Revision of the UCP

卓佳慶, Jwo,Jia Chinq Unknown Date (has links)
信用狀為目前我國及國際清償貨款最通行之付款方式,故作為規範信 用狀交易之信用狀統一慣例(ICC Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits,簡稱UCP),實為從事國際貿易者不可或 缺之知識。尤其,目前採行UCP之國家及地區已達165個,足見UC P在信用狀交易中之重要性。UCP第五次修訂始自1989年,經過多 次研討,於1993年正式通過,並已於1994年1月正式施行,而以 第五百號刊物發行(以下簡稱UCP500)。第五次修訂後,其對當事人 之權利義務有何影響?有關單據之規定亦作大幅度增修,當事人應注意哪 些事項?均為不可忽視之重點。 本論文旨在探討第五次修訂內容對信 用狀交易當事人之影響,以及修訂之理由,其中,有關運送單據部分,由 於第五次修訂之幅度相當大,故以個別單據之全部規定為探討之對象。本 論文共計六章,第一章為緒論;第二章介紹信用狀之法律性質、法源、本 次有關信用狀之修訂事項及UCP之沿革,俾使對信用狀交易及統一慣例 有一初步了解;第三章探討第五次修訂內容對信用狀交易當事人之影響及 修訂理由;第四章探討單據一般規定事項之修訂理由及影響,以及全部運 送單據之性質與UCP之規定事項,最後則探討其他單據之修訂緣由及其 影響;第五章則著重探討UCP有關信用狀轉讓及信用狀金額讓與之修訂 理由及其影響;第六章為結論:第五次修訂後,若干條文較以往明確,故 有助於信用狀交易之進行;但若干條文較易引起爭議,當事人不妨以較明 確之信用狀取代。

The Effects of a Chinese Music Curriculum on Cultural Attitudes, Tonal Discrimination, Singing Accuracy, and Acquisition of Chinese Lyrics for Third-, Fourth-, and Fifth-Grade Students.

Tu, Ming 17 December 2009 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of 10 minutes of daily exposure for 10 weeks to a Chinese Music Curriculum and its effect on generating positive cultural attitudes towards the Chinese people, improving tonal discrimination skills, singing accuracy of tonal patterns, and accuracy of singing Chinese lyrics for third-, fourth-, and fifth-grade students, compared to a comparison group not receiving the Chinese Music Curriculum. In an elementary school in Miami-Dade County, Florida, 6 third-, fourth-, and fifth-grade classes were chosen and randomly assigned to either an intervention or a comparison group. A Chinese Music Curriculum was developed for the intervention group and implemented by classroom teachers. Meanwhile, the comparison group received normal academic instruction and a weekly music class by a music specialist. Pre- and post-tests were administered to both the intervention and comparison groups: (1) Children's Attitudes toward Chinese (CATC), (2) Intermediate Measures of Music Audiation-Tonal (IMMA, Gordon, 1982), and (3) Tonal Pattern Performance Measure (TPPM). The Chinese Song Performance Measure (CSPM) was administered to the intervention group only in order to measure students' abilities for accurately singing the Chinese lyrics of a simple Chinese song, "Little Rat." Data were subjected to a mixed Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) statistical analysis, item analysis, and Pearson Product-Moment correlation. The results demonstrated that the CATC survey was a reliable and valid measure to assess children's attitudes toward Chinese people. The overall effect of the Chinese Music Curriculum was significant in combination of the three outcome measures: CATC, IMMA, and TPPM. The follow-up individual examination revealed that children's attitudes toward Chinese people and tonal pattern singing accuracy were significantly improved, but tonal discrimination skills did not improve. Grade was found to influence children's singing accuracy of tonal patterns with fifth graders outperforming the third and fourth graders. All participants in the intervention group were able to sing a Chinese song with over 70% accuracy of the Chinese lyrics.

Die Kunst des Widerspruchs

Mittelbach, Jens 11 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Mehrdeutigkeit ist ein grundsätzliches Merkmal literarischer Texte. In der Literaturwissenschaft wird dieses Charakteristikum allerdings häufig undifferenziert als ‚Komplexität‘, ‚Ambivalenz‘ oder ‚Ambiguität‘ bezeichnet. Auch in der Shakespeare-Forschung, besonders aber bei kontrovers diskutierten Texten wie Henry V und Julius Caesar, tauchen diese Bezeichnungen schlagwortartig immer wieder auf. Oft jedoch stellen sie Verlegenheitsformulierungen dar, die mehr verdecken als sie erklären. Die vorliegende Studie widmet sich dem Phänomen textueller Ambiguität und betrachtet sie – entgegen verallgemeinernden Auffassungen – als ein vom Autor bewußt eingesetztes und damit funktionales gestalterisches Mittel, das sowohl mikrostrukturell als auch auf der größeren Textebene angesiedelt sein kann. Die Untersuchung stellt in einem einleitenden Teil eine Theorie literarischer Ambiguität auf, wobei der Begriff von anderen gebräuchlichen Termini abgegrenzt wird. Literarische Ambiguität wird als eine dem Text oder Textteilen eingeschriebene, scheinbare Widersprüchlichkeit in der Aussage definiert, deren letztliches Ziel es ist, den Rezipienten aktiv an einer Sinnfindung zu beteiligen. Im textanalytischen Teil der Studie wird die Praktikabilität dieses Ambiguitätsbegriffs am Beispiel der zwei genannten Shakespeare-Dramen überprüft. Ambiguität wird als ein strukturelles Prinzip herausgestellt, das wesentlich zur ästhetischen Wirkung der untersuchten Texte beiträgt.

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