Spelling suggestions: "subject:"finita"" "subject:"binita""
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From Topology Optimized Concept to Detailed Design via Implicit-based Geometries and Non-linear Finite Element Analysis / Från Topologioptimering till Detaljerad Design med hjälp av Implicit-baserade Geometrier och Olinjär finita elementanalysGripenberth, Jonatan January 2023 (has links)
A workflow to go from topology optimized concept to a detailed design was created in this thesis. This was done through the use of Implicit-based geometries and Non-linear finite element analysis. The workflow was created by creating a script combining three different programs to create STL files, refine them and to measure reaction force of the design. This was done cause there is no established way to get a detailed design in the earlier stages of designing a product. Using this approach with Implicit-based geometries a design which can be examined morphed and tested in the earlier stages of the design development can be generated. In this thesis the workflow was implemented on two different designs were both was morphed in three different regions with a magnitude varying from 0-1 and then measured reaction forces with non-linear finite element analysis for each combination of the magnitude. The reaction forces and volume output were then used to create a metamodel which was optimized to minimize weight whilst keeping a certain reaction force. One of the designs was given from Epiroc to improve from their previous design, and the thesis concluded a design with a weight reduction of 7% with reaction forces being higher in three out of four measuring points. / Ett arbetsflöde för att gå från topologioptimerade koncept till en detaljerad design skapades i denna avhandling. Detta gjordes genom användning av geometrier baserade på implicita ytor och icke-linjär finita elementanalys. Arbetsflödet skapades genom att kombinera tre olika program i ett skript för att skapa STL-filer, förfina dem och mäta reaktionskraften i designen. Detta gjordes eftersom det inte finns något etablerat sätt att få en detaljerad design i de tidigare stadierna av produktframtagning. Genom att använda detta tillvägagångssätt med implicit baserade geometrier kan en design skapas som kan undersökas, förändras och testas i de tidiga stadierna av designutvecklingen. I denna avhandling implementerades arbetsflödet på två olika designer som båda förändrades i tre olika regioner med en magnitud som varierade från 0 till 1. Därefter mättes reaktionskrafterna med icke-linjär finita elementanalys för varje kombination av magnituden. Reaktionskrafterna och volymutdata användes sedan för att skapa en metamodel som optimerades för att minimera vikten samtidigt som en viss reaktionskraft behölls. En av designerna tillhandahölls av Epiroc för att förbättra deras tidigare design, och avhandlingen kom fram till en design med en viktminskning på 7% jämfört med den tidigare, samtidigt som reaktionskrafterna var högre i tre av de fyra mätpunkterna.
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Samverkan mellan geotekniker och konstruktörerKroneguld, Jörgen, Özaj, Atakan January 2014 (has links)
Föreliggande studie omfattar sättningsberäkningar med den senaste kommersiella versionen av datorprogrammet FEM-Design 12, utvecklat i samverkan mellan konstruktörer och geotekniker.Programmet är en uppföljare till den tidigare versionen FEM-Design 11 och även en förbättring av den betaversion 12, som fanns tillgänglig och under utveckling fram tills att den första kommersiella versionen av FEM-Design 12 lanserades under hösten 2013. Tidigare studier har gjorts av en Betaversion 12 i form av ett examensarbete, där jorden modellerades med volymelement, enligt kontinuumsmekanik. Resultaten i studien påvisade en stor procentuell sättningsdifferens (22 %) jämfört med sättningsberäkningar i det geotekniska programmet PLAXIS. Denna procentuella skillnad kan antingen bero på att själva byggnaden inte kan modelleras i PLAXIS och därmed inte kunde beaktas i beräkningarna, eller att det fanns brister i betaversionen FEM-Design 12, vilka gjorde att resultaten som uppvisades inte var rättvisande.I denna naturliga fortsättning har nya beräkningar gjorts med hjälp av den senaste kommersiella versionen av FEM-Design 12 för att validera sättningarna i en ny pilotstudie och undersöka om rimliga resultat erhålls. Som en del av denna jämförelse och värdering har även sättningsberäkningar för hand utförts.Interaktionen mellan FEM-Design och användarna har granskats för att se hur brukarna upplever den nya versionen samt om programmet uppfyller de mål som formulerades i samband med utvecklingsarbetet. Tre olika projekt har modellerats i FEM-Design 12 där jorden beskrivs med finita element (volymelement). / The present study includes settlement calculations with the latest commercial version of the computer program FEM-Design 12, developed in collaboration between geotechnical- and structural engineers.The program is a sequel to the earlier version FEM-Design 11 and also an improvement of the beta version 12, which was available and under development until the first commercial version of FEM-Design 12 was launched in autumn 2013.Previous studies have been made of a Beta version 12 in the form of a study, where the soil was modeled with volume elements, according to continuum mechanics. The results of this study demonstrated a large percent set difference (22 %) compared to settlement calculations in the geotechnical computer program PLAXIS. This percentage difference could either be due to that the building itself cannot be modeled in PLAXIS and thereby could not be considered in the calculations, or that there were deficiencies in the beta version FEM-Design 12, which led to that the results exhibited were not accurate.In this natural continuation, new calculations have been made by using the latest commercial version of FEM-Design 12 to validate the settlements in a new pilot Study and examine whether reasonable results is obtained. As part of this comparison and evaluation, hand calculations have been performed.The interaction between FEM-Design and the users have been examined to see how the users experience the new version and whether the program meets the objectives formulated in the context of the development work.Three different projects have been modeled in FEM-Design 12 where the soil is described by finite element (volume elements) will be used.
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Kompositkåpa för bärplanssurfbrädaStröm, Axel, Liu, Johan January 2024 (has links)
En kåpa till en bärplanssurfbräda konstruerades av glasfiber. Med målsättningen att skydda elektronik som möjliggör autonom drift, togs specifikation och kravspecifikation fram. Olika koncept togs fram i samarbete med kravställaren och en specifik modell valdes. En modell skapades sedan i CAD, varpå den analyserades och tjockleken optimiserades i Ansys. Tillverkningen började därefter med att en noskon skapades, som ett gränssnitt mellan kåpan och surfbrädan. Noskonen tillverkades med vakuuminfusion direkt på surfbrädan. Därefter tillverkades kåpan med vakuuminfusion på en gjutform. Gjutformen var i sin tur skapad med glasfiberkomposit genom handuppläggning på en beskuren plugg av extruderad polystyren. Total vikt uppgick till cirka 3,7 kg.
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Design of slender steel members : A comparison between the reduced stress method and the effective width methodSkoglund, Oskar, Samvin, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
As of now, the most common way in Sweden, to address the issue of local buckling of steelstructures is through the procedure called the effective width method. A less commonprocedure for dealing with local buckling is the reduced stress method. The benefit of thelatter method is that, when combined with finite element analysis, results in a less tediousdesign process. However, this method is often labelled as a method that results in anoverconservative design. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to compare and evaluate thereduced stress method against the effective width method and nonlinear finite elementmethod. The nonlinear FE-analyses are performed with intention of simulating the realbehaviour of the structure and serve as a reference for the other two methods. The comparisonis conducted through a series of analyses, on different steel members with various loadconfigurations and slenderness in order to include the most common cases in the constructionindustry. This report resulted in recommendations for when the reduced stress method couldbe a relevant design procedure, with emphasis on providing reliable and accurate resultscompared to FE-analyses. Furthermore, the report resulted in proposed further studies, bothregarding the improvement of the reduced stress method and other structural elements thatshould be studied. The result from the report indicates that the reduced stress method can beused when the effect of patch loading is small. Furthermore, it is recommended to obtain thecritical stresses from a linear finite element analysis rather than from hand calculations, as tonot end up with over-conservative results. / I Sverige behandlas problemet med lokal buckling av stålkonstruktioner vanligtvis med hjälpav den effektiva bredd metoden, vilket är en dimensionergsmetod som återfinns i Eurocode.En ytterligare dimensionerings metod för lokal buckling som presenteras i Eurocode är denreducerade spänningsmetoden. Den senare nämnda metoden är fördelaktig då den kombinerasmed linjära finita element analyser, vilket resulterar i en mindre tidskrävandedimensioneringsprocess. Dock är metoden känd för att ofta resultera i överdimensioneradekonstruktioner, vilket bidragit till att mindre antal konstruktörer använder sig av denna metod.Syftet med denna rapport blir därmed att jämföra och utvärdera den reduceradespänningsmetoden gentemot den effektiva bredd metoden och olinjär finita element metoden.De olinjära finita element analyserna genomfördes med syfte att simulera det verkligabeteendet och för att sedan jämföra dessa resultat med de två andra metoderna. Analyser harutförts på flera stålbalkar med olika lastkombinationer och slankhet för att inkludera devanligaste fallen inom byggindustrin. Dessutom har det tagits fram några rekommendationerför användningen av metoderna och dessa är presenterade med avseende på de erhållnaresultaten. Rekommendationer för den reducerade spänningsmetoden har presenterats ochytterligare studier gällande dessa metoder och andra konstruktionselement har föreslagits. Deslutsatser som kunde dras är att den reducerade spänningsmetoden kan användas förkonstruktioner som inte påverkas i allt för stor grad av intryckning. För att ge tillförliterligaresultat så rekommenderas att kritiska spänningar erhålles från linjära finita element analyser.
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Konstruktionsutvärdering och optimering av strögrep / Design evaluation and optimization of pitchforkLisspers, André January 2016 (has links)
This thesis describes the optimization process for the pitchfork developed by the company Sverigegrepen. The work was done at the department of Applied Mechanics at Uppsala University. The project were handed by Ångström Materials Academy together with Sverigegrepen The work included a major prestudy of plastic construction, plastic materials, plastic injection and strength of materials. By applying the laws of beam theory, a mathematical expression could be provided, explaining the behaviour of the pitchforks teeth. By studying the pitchfork with tools such as 3D- CAD and FEA-simulations, an area where high concentrations of stress were found, an area known to have frequent issues with strength. From this data several concepts were created with an increased strength and a better distribution of stress. The plastic material was evaluated and tested to find the most valuable material characteristics. The provided information was used to isolate different functions in plastic materials, which is crucial for the pitchforks further functionality.
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Análise Bayesiana de modelos de mistura finita com dados censurados / Bayesian analysis of finite mixture models with censored dataMelo, Brian Alvarez Ribeiro de 21 February 2017 (has links)
Misturas finitas são modelos paramétricos altamente flexíveis, capazes de descrever diferentes características dos dados em vários contextos, especialmente na análise de dados heterogêneos (Marin, 2005). Geralmente, nos modelos de mistura finita, todas as componentes pertencem à mesma família paramétrica e são diferenciadas apenas pelo vetor de parâmetros associado a essas componentes. Neste trabalho, propomos um novo modelo de mistura finita, capaz de acomodar observações censuradas, no qual as componentes são as densidades das distribuições Gama, Lognormal e Weibull (mistura GLW). Essas densidades são reparametrizadas, sendo reescritas em função da média e da variância, uma vez que estas quantidades são mais difundidas em diversas áreas de estudo. Assim, construímos o modelo GLW e desenvolvemos a análise de tal modelo sob a perspectiva bayesiana de inferência. Essa análise inclui a estimação, através de métodos de simulação, dos parâmetros de interesse em cenários com censura e com fração de cura, a construção de testes de hipóteses para avaliar efeitos de covariáveis e pesos da mistura, o cálculo de medidas para comparação de diferentes modelos e estimação da distribuição preditiva de novas observações. Através de um estudo de simulação, avaliamos a capacidade da mistura GLW em recuperar a distribuição original dos tempos de falha utilizando testes de hipóteses e estimativas do modelo. Os modelos desenvolvidos também foram aplicados no estudo do tempo de seguimento de pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca do Instituto do Coração da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Nesta aplicação, os resultados mostram uma melhor adequação dos modelos de mistura em relação à utilização de apenas uma distribuição na modelagem dos tempos de seguimentos. Por fim, desenvolvemos um pacote para o ajuste dos modelos apresentados no software R. / Finite mixtures are highly flexible parametric models capable of describing different data features and are widely considered in many contexts, especially in the analysis of heterogeneous data (Marin, 2005). Generally, in finite mixture models, all the components belong to the same parametric family and are only distinguished by the associated parameter vector. In this thesis, we propose a new finite mixture model, capable of handling censored observations, in which the components are the densities from the Gama, Lognormal and Weibull distributions (the GLW finite mixture). These densities are rewritten in such a way that the mean and the variance are the parameters, since the interpretation of such quantities is widespread in various areas of study. In short, we constructed the GLW model and developed its analysis under the bayesian perspective of inference considering scenarios with censorship and cure rate. This analysis includes the parameter estimation, wich is made through simulation methods, construction of hypothesis testing to evaluate covariate effects and to assess the values of the mixture weights, computatution of model adequability measures, which are used to compare different models and estimation of the predictive distribution for new observations. In a simulation study, we evaluated the feasibility of the GLW mixture to recover the original distribution of failure times using hypothesis testing and some model estimated quantities as criteria for selecting the correct distribution. The models developed were applied in the study of the follow-up time of patients with heart failure from the Heart Institute of the University of Sao Paulo Medical School. In this application, results show a better fit of mixture models, in relation to the use of only one distribution in the modeling of the failure times. Finally, we developed a package for the adjustment of the presented models in software R.
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Métodos de projeção de convergência finita para sistemas lineares e quadrados mínimosGUERRA, Renato Borges 20 March 1987 (has links)
Submitted by Edisangela Bastos (edisangela@ufpa.br) on 2018-03-21T16:46:59Z
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Tese_MetodosProjecaoConvergencia.pdf: 3858869 bytes, checksum: 6d1d5430b45704ff15ac44b85f148097 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-21T16:46:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Tese_MetodosProjecaoConvergencia.pdf: 3858869 bytes, checksum: 6d1d5430b45704ff15ac44b85f148097 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 1987-03-20 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Neste trabalho, mostramos de forma mais geral que é possível obtermos métodos de projeção com a mesma propriedade dos métodos propostos por Bjorck e Elfving. Em particular, estabelecemos versões modificadas dos métodos de Kaczmarz, Cimmino [ 5] e Garza que apresentam a propriedade anteriormente citada. Isto é mostrado como segue. Os capítulos 1 e 2 são dedicados a resolução numérica de sistemas algébricos de equações lineares consistentes. No capítulo 1, apresentamos uma versão bloco acelerada do método de Kaczmarz e outra, também bloco acelerada, do método de Cimmino que serão úteis para o desenvolvimento dos capítulos posteriores. Nõ capítulo 2, estabelecemos de forma geral, um algoritmo do tipo projeção e demonstramos que a convergência é atingida em um número finito e conhecido de passos mostrado que as versões dos métodos de Kaczxnarz e Ciinmino, apresentadas no capítulo 1, convenientemente modificadas, são do tipo do algoritmo estabelecido. O capítulo 3 é dedicado a resolução numérica do problema de Quadrados Mínimos Lineares. De forma similar ao capítulo 2, são estabelecidas as versões aceleradas dos métodos de Garza e Cimmino para a resolução desse problema. No capítulo 4, mostramos uma aplicação desses tipos de algoritmos, através da resolução de um problema de Engenharia Hidráulica.
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Extração de conhecimento a partir de redes reurais recorrentes / knowledge extraction from recurrent neural networksSimon, Denise Regina Pechmann 11 May 2004 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T13:53:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 11 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Neste trabalho é proposto um método de extração de conhecimento a partir de Redes Neurais Recorrentes. Expressar formalmente o conhecimento armazenado dentro de uma Rede Neural Artificial representa um grande desafio, já que tal conhecimento precisa ser reformulado e apresentado de uma maneira simples e inteligível. Três formalismos simbólicos são abordados para a representação deste conhecimento: Autômatos Finitos Difusos, Cadeias de Markov e Autômatos Finitos Determinísticos. Para as extrações de conhecimento utilizadas no trabalho, atribui-se significado às regiões do espaço de atividade dos neurônios. O método proposto utiliza a clusterização do espaço neural para obtenção dos estados do autômato, sendo utilizados para isso, o algoritmo K-means e a clusterização difusa. A obtenção do conhecimento é feita utilizando-se Redes Neurais Recorrentes para aprender o comportamento de dois sistemas dinâmicos não lineares e, a partir das redes treinadas, extrair os estados e possíveis transições do autômato. Os sis / ln this work a method ofknowledge extraction from Recurrent Neural Network is proposed. Express formally the knowledge stored inside an Artificial Neural Network is a great challenge, because such knowledge has to be reformulated and presented by simple and understandable means. Three symbolic formats are presented for the representation of this knowledge: Fuzzy Finite Automata, Markov Chains and Deterministic Finite Automata. For the knowledge extraction used in this work, each space region of the neuron activity is associated to a meaning. The considered method uses clusterization of the neural space in order to obtain the automata states, using the K-means algorithm and the fuzzy clustering. The knowledge acquisition is made using Recurrent Neural Networks to learn the behavior of the two non linear dynamic systems and, from the trained nets, to extract the states and possible automata transitions. The dynamic systems are the lnverse Pendulum system and the Lorenz system. The presented extraction method wa
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Sobre as teorias de campos com métrica indefinida / On the field theory with indefinite metricBrunini, Silvia Aparecida 12 August 1992 (has links)
Estudamos duas classes de teorias de campos com métrica indefinida: os modelos sigma não linear não-compactos e as teorias quárticas da gravitação. Mostramos que a prova da unitariedade para os modelos sigma de simetria não compacta é a mesma que para os modelos compactos nas regiões fisicamente relevantes. Além disso, analisamos a possibilidade de ocorrer geração dinâmica de massa nos modelos sigma sob influência de temperatura finita, em várias dimensões. No que se refere às teorias quárticas da gravitação, calculamos o valor esperado no vácuo da função de dois pontos com inserção da relação de Gauss-Bonnet. Encontramos que a identidade clássica não é preservada quando empregamos a regularização dimensional, mesmo num espaço sem singularidades. Isto revela o surgimento de anomalias gravitacionais / Two classes of field theories with indefinite metric are studied: noncompact nonlinear sigma models and higher-derivative quantum gravity. We show that the proof of unitarity for noncompact sigma models is the same as the one for compact models in the physically relevant regions. Moreover, we analyze the possibility of dynamical mass generation at finite temperature in various space-time dimensions. Concerning to the higher-derivative quantum gravity, we calculate the vacuum expectation value of the two-point function with the insertion of Gauss-Bonnet Relation. In the quantum context, we also show, using dimensional regularization, that the Gauss-Bonnet relation is not satisfied due to gravitational anomalies.
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Análise Bayesiana de modelos de mistura finita com dados censurados / Bayesian analysis of finite mixture models with censored dataBrian Alvarez Ribeiro de Melo 21 February 2017 (has links)
Misturas finitas são modelos paramétricos altamente flexíveis, capazes de descrever diferentes características dos dados em vários contextos, especialmente na análise de dados heterogêneos (Marin, 2005). Geralmente, nos modelos de mistura finita, todas as componentes pertencem à mesma família paramétrica e são diferenciadas apenas pelo vetor de parâmetros associado a essas componentes. Neste trabalho, propomos um novo modelo de mistura finita, capaz de acomodar observações censuradas, no qual as componentes são as densidades das distribuições Gama, Lognormal e Weibull (mistura GLW). Essas densidades são reparametrizadas, sendo reescritas em função da média e da variância, uma vez que estas quantidades são mais difundidas em diversas áreas de estudo. Assim, construímos o modelo GLW e desenvolvemos a análise de tal modelo sob a perspectiva bayesiana de inferência. Essa análise inclui a estimação, através de métodos de simulação, dos parâmetros de interesse em cenários com censura e com fração de cura, a construção de testes de hipóteses para avaliar efeitos de covariáveis e pesos da mistura, o cálculo de medidas para comparação de diferentes modelos e estimação da distribuição preditiva de novas observações. Através de um estudo de simulação, avaliamos a capacidade da mistura GLW em recuperar a distribuição original dos tempos de falha utilizando testes de hipóteses e estimativas do modelo. Os modelos desenvolvidos também foram aplicados no estudo do tempo de seguimento de pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca do Instituto do Coração da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Nesta aplicação, os resultados mostram uma melhor adequação dos modelos de mistura em relação à utilização de apenas uma distribuição na modelagem dos tempos de seguimentos. Por fim, desenvolvemos um pacote para o ajuste dos modelos apresentados no software R. / Finite mixtures are highly flexible parametric models capable of describing different data features and are widely considered in many contexts, especially in the analysis of heterogeneous data (Marin, 2005). Generally, in finite mixture models, all the components belong to the same parametric family and are only distinguished by the associated parameter vector. In this thesis, we propose a new finite mixture model, capable of handling censored observations, in which the components are the densities from the Gama, Lognormal and Weibull distributions (the GLW finite mixture). These densities are rewritten in such a way that the mean and the variance are the parameters, since the interpretation of such quantities is widespread in various areas of study. In short, we constructed the GLW model and developed its analysis under the bayesian perspective of inference considering scenarios with censorship and cure rate. This analysis includes the parameter estimation, wich is made through simulation methods, construction of hypothesis testing to evaluate covariate effects and to assess the values of the mixture weights, computatution of model adequability measures, which are used to compare different models and estimation of the predictive distribution for new observations. In a simulation study, we evaluated the feasibility of the GLW mixture to recover the original distribution of failure times using hypothesis testing and some model estimated quantities as criteria for selecting the correct distribution. The models developed were applied in the study of the follow-up time of patients with heart failure from the Heart Institute of the University of Sao Paulo Medical School. In this application, results show a better fit of mixture models, in relation to the use of only one distribution in the modeling of the failure times. Finally, we developed a package for the adjustment of the presented models in software R.
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