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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The development of a revised handbook for the Andrew Jackson Senior High School Band

Unknown Date (has links)
"The intent of this paper is to devise a foundation for the reorganization of the Andrew Jackson High School Band program toward a more effective administration, utilizing the democratic principles of education. A more complete and effective handbook will be devised, which will be based upon democratic principles. Material to be incorporated will be taken from several current Florida band manuals, which seems most likely to meet the needs of the Andrew Jackson High School bands"--Introduction. / Typescript. / "August, 1953." / "Submitted to the Graduate Council of Florida State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music Education." / Advisor: Robert L. Briggs, Professor Directing Paper. / Includes bibliographical references.

An analysis of the reading interests and habits of tenth grade pupils in Walton High School

Unknown Date (has links)
"Do high school students read? And do the ones who read have a well-balanced reading program, or is the reading done haphazardly? Sometimes these, and similar questions, result in answers subjective in character being framed in such sweeping generalizations as today's youth does little or no personal reading. Such statements have been the motive for numerous investigative surveys. These studies have revealed the value of a permanent interest in reading as an essential aid to personal development and social culture. They have pointed out the increasing demands made by society for greater proficiency in reading. Also, they have shown the importance of the reading program in the curriculum as a medium for establishing in youth a permanent interest in reading both for information and for recreation. Thus far, however, surveys have not established the fact that reading interests and habits differ between rural and urban pupils. This study, therefore, is an attempt to discover what differences, if any, exist in the reading interests and habits between a group of rural and urban children. The pupils considered are those enrolled during the 1950-51 session in the tenth grade in Walton High School DeFuniak Springs, Florida. In the course of this paper, pupils who ride school busses a distance of two miles or more are to be identified as 'transported' pupils; those who live within a radius of two miles of the school center and who do not ride school busses are to be referred to as 'non-transported' pupils"--Introduction. / Typescript. / "August, 1952." / "Submitted to the Graduate Council of Florida State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts." / Advisor: Robert G. Clapp, Professor Directing Paper. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 46-48).

Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety among EFL Leaners in Swedish Lower Secondary Schools

Amouna, Abdullah January 2021 (has links)
Language anxiety (LA) is “the worry and negative emotional reaction when learning and using a second language and is especially relevant in a classroom where self-expression takes place” (Gregersen & MacIntyre, 2014, p. 14). In the present study, particular attention is drawn to the development of students’ communicative competence and speaking proficiency in English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) classrooms. The prevalence and effects of foreign language speaking anxiety (FLSA) were examined among Swedish EFL lower secondary school students, reporting the triggers of foreign language anxiety (FLA) and FLSA from the perspective of pupils and teachers. A mixed-methods approach was applied to collect data from pupils (N=273) where a self-report questionnaire, a modified version of the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) operationalised originally by Horwitz, Horwitz, and Cope (1986) is administered, plus open-ended semi-structured interviews with open-ended and closed questions were conducted with pupils (N=67) and teachers (N=5). The participants were grouped into three categories: low, medium and high anxiety, based on their scores. The results showed that 26% of the participants were assigned as low anxious learners; 59% of the students experienced medium levels of FLSA and 15% of the pupils were highly anxious language learners. Interviews with pupils and teachers explored the effects and the sources of the FLA and FLSA on pupils’ oral and general English language proficiency (fear of negative evaluation (FNE), affective variables, grades, teachers, classmates, pronunciation, and classroom atmosphere), noting that some pupils reported that monologic genres such as long episodes of speaking, evaluation situations and giving an oral presentation present the most anxiety-provoking contexts in EFL lessons.

Enspråkig engelskundervisning och elevers oro : En kunskapsöversikt om elevers uppfattning om engelskundervisning

Kärreberg, Annie Ros, Perfekt, Axel, Tage-Hansen, Leo January 2022 (has links)
The use of learners' first language when teaching English as a second language (ESL) is a topic which has been debated in the field of language learning. Few studies have, however, focused on the learners’ perspectives regarding a monolingual pedagogical approach in language teaching. This research review aims to uncover how Swedish middle school pupils view the use of Swedish during English classes and how a monolingual teaching approach affects learners’ foreign language anxiety (FLA). Our aim is to answer the following: 1) How do pupils view the use of their first language in the teaching of English? 2) How does a monolingual teaching approach relate to the pupils’ experiences of foreign language anxiety? Through a systematic search for and review of the current research in the field, we found strong support among the pupils for the use of the first language during English classes, where they see it as a facilitator for understanding the language. A link between a monolingual teaching approach and the learners FLA was also found, where difficulties regarding understanding the teacher is a source for anxiety. The lack of studies regarding the experiences of Swedish middle school pupils questions the certainty of our findings and implicates a need for further research. Didactical implications of our results concern the need for teachers to be aware of the pedagogical and affective effects of first language use. / I vilken utsträckning elevernas förstaspråk ska användas i undervisning av engelska har diskuterats inom forskningsfältet för språkinlärning. Förespråkare för dess användning menar på att det blir en givande ingång till elevernas språkutveckling medan kritiker menar att det snarare blir ett hinder för att utveckla en fördjupad förståelse. Trots det finns det få studier som är inriktade på elevernas inställning till en enspråkig engelskundervisning, framför allt i en svensk kontext. Med denna kunskapsöversikt ämnar vi skapa en övergripande bild av den aktuella forskningen om hur elever betraktar användningen av deras förstaspråk i engelskundervisningen samt i vilken grad en enspråkig engelskundervisning relaterar till deras foreign language anxiety (FLA). Konkretiserat syftar vi med vår kunskapsöversikt svara på följande frågor: 1) Hur uppfattar elever en engelskundervisning som inkluderar deras förstaspråk? 2) Hur relaterar en enspråkig undervisning i engelska till elevernas upplevda foreign language anxiety? För att svara på våra frågeställningar har vi på ett systematiskt sätt sökt fram, analyserat och diskuterat aktuell forskning om undervisning i engelska som andraspråk. Vårt resultat visar att elever är övervägande positivt inställda till att deras förstaspråk används i engelskundervisningen samt att det finns en koppling mellan en enspråkig undervisning i och på engelska och elevernas FLA. Fåtalet studier utförda i en svensk kontext pekar emellertid på frågan i vilken grad det går att dra en definitiv slutsats om FLA i en svensk kontext och visar på ett behov av fler studier. Didaktiska implikationer av resultatet kretsar kring behovet för lärare att bli medvetna om hur elever ställer sig till och blir påverkade av en enspråkig engelskundervisning.

Elevers vilja att kommunicera på engelska : En studie om elevers vilja att kommunicera och lärares arbete för att motverka talängslan i årskurs 1–3 / Pupils willingness to communicate in English : A study on pupils’ willingness to communicte and teachers’ work to counteract language anxiety in grades 1–3

Liljeström, Malin, Edlund, Jessica January 2023 (has links)
Det engelska språket har genom åren börjat undervisas i allt yngre åldrar i Sverige där muntlig produktion utgör en stor del av undervisningen. För många elever är detta kul och spännande men för vissa elever uppstår talängslan. Talängslan avser att känna oro och obehag inför att tala. Den här studien har genomförts utifrån intresset att undersöka vad elever har för attityder till den muntliga kommunikationen i engelskundervisningen samt vad lärare har för uppfattningar om talängslan och hur de arbetar för att främja muntlig produktion i ämnet. Studien är genomförd utifrån både elev- och lärarperspektiv genom metodkombination där enkäter och semistrukturerade intervjuer använts. All insamlad empiri har koncentrerats, kategoriserats och tolkats utifrån en induktiv ansats samt teorin WTC och det sociokulturella perspektivet. Informanterna i denna studie var 38 elever i årskurserna 2 och 3 samt tre lärare med behörighet att undervisa engelska i årskurserna 1–3. Resultatet visar att elever i årskurserna 2 och 3 till stor del har en positiv inställning till den muntliga produktionen i engelskämnet. Sammantaget visar resultatet från både elevenkäter och lärarintervjuer att talängslan förekommer, om än i liten grad. Resultatet visar även att elevernas trygghet ligger till grund för elevernas vilja att kommunicera på engelska, där varierade arbetssätt, mindre grupper och elevernas intressen förespråkas. / Over the years, the English language has started to be taught at younger ages in Sweden where oral production forms a large part of the education. For many pupils this is fun and exciting, but for some pupils language anxiety can occur. Language anxiety refers to feeling anxiety and discomfort towards speaking. This study has been carried out based on the interest to investigate pupils' attitudes towards oral communication in English education, and teachers' perceptions of language anxiety and how they work to promote oral production in the English language class. The study is carried out from both pupils and teacher perspectives through a combination of methods where questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were used. All collected data has been compiled, categorized, and interpreted based on an inductive approach as well as the WTC theory and the socio-cultural perspective. The informants in this study were 38 pupils in grades 2 and 3, and three teachers with authorization to teach English in grades 1–3. The results show that pupils in grades 2 and 3 mainly have a positive attitude towards oral production in the English subject. Overall, the results from both pupils’ questionnaires and teacher interviews show that language anxiety occurs, albeit to a small degree. The results also show that the pupils' sense of safety is the basis for the pupils' willingness to communicate in English, where varied working methods, smaller groups and the pupils' interests are advocated. / <p>Engelska</p>

Species Composition And Spatiotemporal Pattern Of The Seed Bank And Vegetation In Native And Degraded Florida Rosemary Scrub

Navarra, Jennifer J. 01 January 2010 (has links)
The soil seed bank plays a dynamic role in the regeneration of plant communities after natural and anthropogenic disturbance. In this thesis, I addressed how disturbances influence the vegetation and seed bank of Florida rosemary scrub. In Chapter One I evaluated changes in species composition and spatiotemporal pattern of the vegetation and seed bank along a gradient of disturbance. During the summers and winters of 2007-2009 percent ground cover and seed bank species composition were assessed among replicates of three vegetation types subjected to minimal, moderate, and extreme anthropogenic disturbance (native rosemary scrub, degraded scrub, and agriculturally improved pasture, respectively). These vegetation types shared the same soil and topographic characteristics but differed in disturbance history. I found that species composition and spatial pattern varied with disturbance. In pastures the compositional and structural characteristics of rosemary scrub were lost and only native scrub species able to evade herbivory persisted in this community. Native and degraded scrub differed most from each other in species abundances and spatial pattern. Degraded scrub showed highest abundance of subshrubs and a spike moss species, while rosemary scrub was dominated by shrubs. The seed banks of scrub herbs in degraded scrub had a tendency towards a random spatial distribution that lacked association with aboveground cover. Conversely, rosemary scrub seed banks tended to have an aggregated distribution and were associated with occurrence of conspecific species aboveground, litter, and shrub cover. These results indicated a change in the spatial heterogeneity of the seed banks of scrub herbs in degraded scrub. In Chapter Two I evaluated changes in seed bank density with time-since-fire in native rosemary scrub. Due to large pulses of recruitment immediately after fire and population decline iii with time-since-fire, I predicted seed density with time-since-fire would follow a unimodal function with low density in early and late years post-fire, and highest density at intermediate time-since-fire. I compared seed density data among sites with different time-since-fire: two sites each of three, six, ten and 24 years time-since-fire and three long-unburned sites ( > 24 years). Variability in seed bank composition and density increased with time-since-fire and only recently burned stands were distinctly different from the other time-since-fire age classes. Some species and functional groups did exhibit a quadratic or cubic association to time-since-fire (ruderal herbs, subshrubs, Ceratiola ericoides, Lechea cernua, Paronychia chartacea, Phyllanthus tenellus); however, timing of the peak in seed density varied depending on life span and age of reproductive maturity. Scrub herbs were the most abundant functional group in the seed bank and showed highest density in the first ten years post-fire. This pattern corresponds to the pattern of aboveground species abundance and suggests abundances above- and belowground are closely linked. Understanding the dynamics of the seed bank in both naturally and anthropogenically disturbed communities in Florida rosemary scrub is important for the restoration of scrub habitat and management of existing populations of endangered and threatened scrub species endemic to the Lake Wales Ridge in central Florida.

The Ancient City Occupied St. Augustine As A Test Case For Stephen Ash's Civil War Occupation Model

Totten, Eric Paul 01 January 2011 (has links)
This thesis intends to prove that Stephen V. Ash’s model of occupation from his work, When the Yankees Came: Conflict and Chaos in the Occupied South, is applicable to St. Augustine’s occupation experience in the Civil War. Three overarching themes in Ash’s work are consistent with Civil War St. Augustine. First, that Union policy of conciliation towards southern civilians was abandoned after the first few months of occupation due to both nonviolent and violent resistance from those civilians. Second, that Ash’s “zones of occupation” of the occupied South, being garrisoned towns, no-man’s-land, and the Confederate frontier apply to St. Augustine and the surrounding countryside. Finally, Ash’s assertions that the southern community was changed by the war and Union occupation, is reflected in the massive demographic shifts that rocked St. Augustine from 1862 to 1865. This thesis will show that all three of Ash’s themes apply to St. Augustine’s Civil War occupation experience and confirms the author’s generalizations about life in the occupied South.

Mass Conservation Analysis For The Lower St. Johns River Using Continuous And Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Methods

Thomas, Lillie E 01 January 2011 (has links)
This thesis provides a mass conservation analysis of the Lower St. Johns River for the purpose of providing basis for future salinity transport modeling. The analysis provides an assessment of the continuous (CG) and discontinuous (DG) Galerkin finite element methods with respect to their mass conservation properties. The following thesis also presents a rigorous literature review pertaining to salinity transport in the Lower St. Johns River, from which this effort generates the data used to initialize and validate numerical simulations. Two research questions are posed and studied in this thesis: can a DG-based modeling approach produce mass conservative numerical solutions; and what are the flow interactions between the river and the marshes within the coastal region of the Lower St. Johns River? Reviewing the available data provides an initial perspective of the ecosystem. For this, salinity data are obtained and assembled for three modeling scenarios. Each scenario, High Extreme, Most Variable, and Low Extreme, is 30 days long (taken from year 1999) and represents a unique salinity regime in the Lower St. Johns River. Time-series of salinity data is collected at four stations in the lower and middle reaches of the Lower St. Johns River, which provides a vantage point for assessing longitudinal variation of salinity. As an aside, precipitation and evaporation data is presented for seven stations along the entire St. Johns River, which provides added insight into salinity transport in the river. A mass conservation analysis is conducted for the Lower St. Johns River. The analysis utilizes a segmentation of the Lower St. Johns River, which divides the domain into sections iv based on physical characteristics. Mass errors are then calculated for the CG and DG finite element methods to determine mass conservative abilities. Also, the flow interactions (i.e., volume exchange) between the river and marshes are evaluated through the use of tidal prisms. The CG- and DG- finite element methods are then tested in tidal simulation performance, which the results are then compared to observed tides and tidal currents at four stations within the lower portion of the Lower St. Johns River. Since the results show that the DG model outperforms the CG model, the DG model is used in the tidally driven salinity transport simulations. Using four stations within the lower and middle part of the Lower St. Johns River, simulated and observed water levels and salinity concentrations are compared.

Foreclosures And Crime: Testing Social Disorganization Theory In The Suburbs

Hoskin, Sara 01 January 2012 (has links)
Foreclosures have increased in the US since the 1970’s. The increase in foreclosures has caused concern among some researchers on their affect on crime. Social disorganization theory measures the effect various structural characteristics, such as poverty, residential instability/mobility, racial/ethnic heterogeneity, and family disruption have on crime. This study, though, is concerned with residential instability/mobility, or the presence of foreclosed houses in neighborhoods. Although most studies using this theory look at low-income neighborhoods, the following research looks at middle- and upper-income neighborhoods, which have been greatly affected by foreclosures. The theory also argues that the level of collective efficacy can reduce crime even in neighborhoods that are otherwise considered to be socially disorganized. Using ArcGIS mapping, the following research investigated 30 neighborhoods in Orange County, Florida that have high foreclosures in neighborhoods for the years of 2005-2009. Canvasses were conducted in all 30 neighborhoods to measure the level of collective efficacy within the neighborhoods to help explain the presence of high or low residential burglary. Thirteen neighborhoods stood out as noteworthy because they fell at the far end of the spectrum – high foreclosures and high crime, and high foreclosures and low crime. Some of the neighborhoods with high residential burglary did have strong indicators of low collective efficacy, while neighborhoods with low residential burglary had indicators of high collective efficacy. The majority of the indicators found in this research support previous research on various indicators of collective efficacy

Tenoroc State Recreation Area: a conceptual master plan study

Walker, Michelle 25 April 2009 (has links)
Reclamation has been required since the mid-1970s in Florida and many other states that mine land for phosphate. While often controversial, land reclamation has involved a variety of technologies and regulations which often reflect the complexity of economical ecological and political forces involved in the decision-making process. Most often reclamation procedures are dictated by economic constraints and less often by environmental concerns. In 1982, Borden, inc. donated a 6.040 7 acre abandoned phosphate mine, located within Polk County In Central Florida, to the State of Florida. In 1989, the site was designated by the State of Florida as a state recreation area known today as Tenoroc State Recreation Area. The Area currently provides facilities for hiking, picnicking, and horseback riding with a particular emphasis on quality fishing within its manmade lakes. lt is the intent of the state to integrate land reclamation functions with the recreational potentials of the site thus providing a public use area that will generate support revenue (Scruggs 1992). The primary difference between the reclamation activities at Tenoroc and those reclamation activities of today is the lack of a conceptual plan. For the most part reclamation at Tenoroc has been planned as stand-alone projects with minimal foresight of the needs for future recreational uses, drainage patterns, or continuing reclamation activities. At this point a conceptual master plan is needed to integrate hydrological and land reclamation functions with the recreational potentials of the site into a framework for future management and development of Tenoroc. The goals and objectives of this study are as follows 1 To produce a plan for the restoration of Tenoroc State Recreation Area which will address the reclamation of natural systems with an emphasis on wildlife habitat and landscape diversity. 2 To provide for safety and recreation of visitors and staff, and 3. To develop a plan for a unique, educational and recreational experience that will fulfill the objectives of the Florida Department of Natural Resources. The process of reclamation starts the moment man begins to explore the earth for its minerals. Since mining is here to stay reclamation should be looked upon as a continuation of succession of the landscape, rather than repair of a damaged landscape. By approaching reclamation holistically, as just another step in the mining process; through proper planning, management and program, the strife for achieving a balance between our quality of life and our sustainability become that much more of a reality. / Master of Landscape Architecture

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