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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Explaining the physics behind regional peak flow equations using the scaling theory of floods and river network descriptors

Perez Mesa, Gabriel Jaime 01 January 2019 (has links)
The development of regional flood-frequency equations is a key component of engineering infrastructure design and flood risk assessment at ungauged sites. These equations are constructed based on regression analysis techniques to study the connection between peak flow observations and different explanatory variables. However, many regions of the world remain poorly gauged or have experienced dramatic changes in land use or climate that make past observations less useful. To remedy this situation, we need to interpret and construct these regional equations based on physical principles of water movement and general knowledge of the geographic and geomorphologic setting of the upstream catchment at the location of interest. Several studies have examined these regional equations through the scaling theory of floods, making physical interpretations of the equation parameters (or scaling parameters) with respect to rainfall properties and geomorphologic variables. However, despite the advances of these previous works, the scaling theory of floods must be concerted with different, well-known problems in statistical hydrology for a proper engineering application in flood regionalization. These problems can vary from limitations in peak flow observations (sampling errors) to selection of an inadequate model structure of peak flows (epistemic errors). I present a series of studies based on hydrologic simulations and peak flow observations that illustrate several aspects related to the application and use of the scaling theory of floods, which include the following: (1) description of spatial patterns of scaling parameters; (2) inclusion of river network descriptors in flood frequency equations; and (3) evaluation of sampling errors and epistemic errors in the construction of flood frequency equations. The results presented in this dissertation contribute to the development of a more complete regional flood frequency analysis framework that leverages the physics of peak flow scaling and river network descriptors.

Riders on the Storm : A Study on Natural Disasters and Post-Conflict Violence / Riders on the Storm : A Study on Natural Disasters and Post-Conflict Violence

Lidström, Simon January 2020 (has links)
Many studies find support that natural disaster events and post-conflict episodes increase the risk of organized violence. However, few are found to investigate if post-conflict countries become more violent in the aftermath of natural disasters. By combining research on post-conflict violence, natural disasters, and non-state violence, it is argued in this study that disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and pandemics strain the capacities of all governments, and in post-conflict countries, the weakened capacities of governments can cause public security gaps. These power vacuums, as a result of natural disasters, can incentivize non-state groups to expand and compete for control, and consequently causes the severity of violence to increase. This argument is estimated on country-year data consisting of 64 post-conflict countries between 1989‒2015. A statistically significant correlation between natural disasters and the increased severity of non-state violence is found when testing the argument using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and logistic regression, control variables, and different dependent variables. However, due to limiting factors in the statistical models, the results are deemed too ambivalent to fully support the hypothesis.

Grönare städer för en adaptiv framtid : En fallstudie av ett större fastighetsbestånds sårbarhet och anpassningsbehov i samband med översvämningar / Greener cities for an adaptive future : A case study of the vulnerability and adaptation needs of a large property portfolio in connection with floods

Grünewald, Lydia A., Nilsson, Eric January 2020 (has links)
Samtidigt som översvämningsrisken redan är hög på många platser i Sverige, förväntas översvämningar och skyfall förekomma mer frekvent i framtiden. Urbana dagvattensystem klarar idag oftast inte av de extrema förhållanden av översvämningar som förekommer och innebär därmed att den byggda miljön blir hårt utsatt. Behovet av att anpassa den byggda miljön blir tydligare i och med att översvämningar förväntas öka med tiden. Fastighetsägare idag saknar verktyg och strategier för klimatanpassning och då det primära ansvaret för att anpassa fastighetsbestånden i kommunerna läggs på fastighetsägarna själva, finns det ett starkt behov av verktyg och stöd för klimatanpassning hos privata sektorer och större fastighetsägare. Denna uppsats syftar till att identifiera vilka egenskaper byggnader har och i vilka kombinationer dessa gör ett fastighetsbestånd sårbart inför översvämningar. I fallstudien har flera metoder använts för att bedöma risker hos Stångåstadens fastighetsbestånd och identifiera möjliga anpassningsalternativ. En del av fallstudien utgörs av en expertworkshop bestående av forskare på Linköpings Universitet samt anställda på Stångåstaden där en värdering av byggnadernas egenskaper och en diskussion kring åtgärder har genomförts. Uppsatsens resultat visar bland annat att byggnaders sårbarhet förekommer i en kombination av olika egenskaper. I Stångåstadens fastighetsbestånd är byggnadens läge i förhållande till omgivningen samt känslig utrustning i källare en kombination av egenskaper som gör byggnaderna sårbara. Diskussionen innefattar ett åtgärdsförslag för att minska översvämningsrisken i Johannelunds centrum i Linköping, som är ett av Stångåstadens mest sårbara områden. I diskussionen ställs även uppsatsens resultat mot tidigare forskning inom fältet för att tydliggöra likheter och skillnader, samt påvisa vikten av samverkan för klimatanpassning hos fastighetsbolag. En av slutsatserna är att kartläggning på byggnadsnivå fungerar väl för byggnaders exponering och känslighet, men är inte optimal för kartläggning av fastighetsbolagets anpassningsförmåga. / While the flood risk in many places in Sweden is already high, flooding and rainfall are expected to become increasingly common in the future. Urban stormwater systems today are usually unable to cope with the extreme conditions of floods that occur, thus the built environment is severely exposed. The need to adapt the built environment is becoming much clearer as floods are expected to increase over time. Property owners today often lack tools and strategies for climate adaptation and since the primary responsibility for adapting property portfolios in municipalities is placed upon property owners themselves, there is a strong need for climate adaptation and support for private sectors and large property owners. This thesis aims to identify qualities of buildings and in what combination these make a property portfolio vulnerable to floods. In this case study, a number of methods have been used to assess risks of Stångåstadens’ property portfolio and identify possible adaptation options. Part of the case study consists of an expert workshop with researchers at Linköping University and employees at Stångåstaden where an assessment of the qualities of the buildings and a discussion of adaptation measures have been carried out. The thesis’s results show amongst other things that buildings vulnerability are presented by a combination of qualities. In Stångåstadens property portfolio the building’s elevation in relation to surroundings and sensitive equipment in the basement a combination of qualities that contribute to the buildings vulnerability. The discussion involves an action proposal to minimize the flood risk in Johannelunds centrum in Linköping, which is one of Stångåstadens most vulnerable areas. In the discussion the thesis’s result will also be compared with earlier research in the field to clarify similarities and differences, as well as to demonstrate the need of cooperation for climate adaptation amongst property owners. One of the conclusions is that the mapping on building levels are suitable for exposure and sensitivity, but is not optimal for mapping property owners adaptability. / SAMBO: Stöd för Aktörssamverkan och Mångfunktionell anpassning av Bostadsområden

Analýza vzniku a vývoje povodní na řece Dyji / Analysis of the Dyje River floods generation and their development

Grecmanová, Iva January 2011 (has links)
3 Analýza vzniku a vývoje povodní na řece Dyji Abstrakt Tato diplomová práce se zabývá výskytem povodní v povodí horního toku Dyje po závěrový profil Podhradí nad Dyjí. Jsou analyzovány povodňové epizody z hlediska jejich vzniku, četnosti výskytu, sezonality, trendu ve výskytu, příčinných povětrnostních situací. K analýze byl použit soubor dat ČHMÚ pro profil Podhradí v období 1934-2010 (maximální měsíční průtoky a povodňové vlny). Dále jsou zhodnoceny fyzicko-geografické poměry povodí a jejich možný vliv na výskyt a průběh povodní. Byla určena dvě období povodňového neklidu v zimě (hlavně v březnu) a podružné období v létě. Zimní povodně vznikají táním sněhu při prudkých oblevách spolu s dešťovými srážkami, letní z trvalých i přívalových srážek. Jako příčinné povětrnostní situace byly určeny zejména západní cyklonální proudění, brázda nízkého tlaku a cyklóna nad střední Evropou. V posledním desetiletí výrazně vzrostl výskyt povodní na horní Dyji i jejich extremita, tři největší změřené povodně proběhly právě v této době. Klíčová slova: povodně, sezonalita povodní, hydrosynoptika, Dyje Analysis of the Dyje River floods generation and their development Abstract This master thesis focuses on the flood events on the upper Dyje River catchment to the Podhradí nad Dyjí profile. It analyses the flood regime, the...

Povodně v Soběslavi v letech 1729 až 1740 / The Soběslav floods between 1729 and 1740

Hudeček, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
My thesis presents a study of floods which repeatedly hit the town of Soběslav and it's close surroundings between 1729 and 1740. The text is divided in a theoretical (metodological) and an empirical part. In the theoretical part I will briefly summarize methodological trends in the modern historiography, which were most relevant for the thesis - environmental history, historical anthropology and microhistory. The second part will be dedicated to the floods of Soběslav; it derives primarily from research of previously unpublished resources from the archive and focuses also on short history of the town and description of it's natural surroundings. The main part is devoted to the Soběslav millers, but there will be reflected also the documented disputes over water-washed material, the response of the town offices to natural disaster and other consequences of the flood. The broad objective of this study is to examine other directions of research on early modern floods and the related problems. The thesis is an attempt to more general application of findings which emerged from the analysis of archival sources, and consideration of the possibilities and limits of comparison of historical and modern floods.

Access to information in a recurring crisis : Cambodian university students’ information  behaviour during floods / Tillgången till information under en återkommande kris : En studie av kambodjanska studenters informationsbeteende under översvämning

Dahlberg, Louise January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to provide knowledge about Cambodian students’ information access and how their information behaviour is affected by floods. The research material consisted of 15 semi- structured interviews of university students in Cambodia. The results concluded that students have an immense difficulty accessing information for their studies. The results also reveal that students change their information behaviour during heavy rain and floods. The students learn to adapt to their environment and develop creative strategies to cope with accessing information during rainfall and floods. The students learn to share information with each other to a greater extent. Primarily they disseminate information through social media and messaging applications. The results were analysed using theories on information behaviour together with proposed categories of information behaviour during a crisis.

Propuesta de concretos permeables para la captación de agua de lluvia en pavimentos de estacionamientos de hospitales en Arequipa / Proposal of permeable concrete to collect rainwater in pavements of hospital´s parking lots in Arequipa

Ravello Bolo, Mirella Rosa Linda, Baldeón Condori, Andrea Stefany 21 July 2020 (has links)
La presente tesis consiste en presentar una propuesta sostenible que ayude en el control y almacenamiento del agua de lluvia para evitar inundaciones y daños producidos en los estacionamientos de los hospitales en la ciudad de Arequipa. Se evaluaron dieciocho diseños de mezclas, nueve realizados con agregado grueso Huso 7 y los otros nueve con Huso 67. Para los diferentes diseños se cambió el porcentaje de agregado fino, la relación agua/cemento y la dosis de los aditivos. Por cada diseño de mezcla se elaboraron nueve probetas destinadas al ensayo de resistencia a la compresión, tres por cada edad, ensayadas a los 7, 14 y 28 días; se utilizaron 2 vigas de 6”x6”x20” para determinar el Módulo de Rotura y 2 probetas de 4”x8” para hallar la tasa de permeabilidad, para lo cual se necesitó realizar una réplica del permeabilímetro expuesto en el ACI 522. Los resultados de todos los ensayos serán presentados y comparados entre sí para determinar el grado de influencia de los mismos. Además, también se realizará un análisis costo beneficio por metro cuadrado para determinar qué tanto varía el costo del concreto permeable en comparación con el concreto convencional. Finalmente, se realizará un análisis cuantitativo entre los dieciocho diseños de mezcla y el concreto convencional. Para así determinar cuál es la mezcla óptima que cumpla con los requisitos necesarios para ser implementado en los estacionamientos de los hospitales en Arequipa y pueda competir en el mercado con el concreto convencional. / The present thesis consists of presenting a sustainable proposal that helps in the control and storage of rainwater to avoid floods and damages produced in the parking lots of hospitals in the city of Arequipa. Eighteen mix designs were evaluated, nine made with coarse aggregate Spindle 7 and the other nine with Spindle 67. For the different designs, the percentage of fine aggregate, the water / cement ratio and the dose of the additives were changed. For each mix design, nine specimens were prepared for the compression resistance test, three for each age, tested at 7, 14 and 28 days; 2 beams of 6 ”x6” x20 ”were used to determine the Modulus of Break and 2 specimens of 4” x8 ”to find the permeability rate, for which it was necessary to make a replica of the permeabilimeter exposed in the ACI 522. The results of all the tests will be presented and compared with each other to determine the degree of influence between them. In addition, a cost benefit analysis per square meter will also be performed to determine how much the cost of pervious concrete varies compared to conventional concrete. Finally, a quantitative analysis will be performed between the eighteen mix designs and conventional concrete. In order to determine which is the optimal mix that meets the necessary requirements to be implemented in hospital´s parking lots in Arequipa and can compete in the market with conventional concrete. / Tesis

Running the Cañons of the Rio Grande: Part 2 Boquillas Canyon, Texas and Coahuila

Blythe, Todd L. 01 December 2018 (has links)
In 1899, Robert T. Hill led the first scientific exploration of the remote segment of the Rio Grande known as the Big Bend. Hill’s observations from this expedition were published in an article titled “Running the Cañons of the Rio Grande.” At the time of Hill’s expedition, the stream flow of the Rio Grande was largely depleted by water development in the upstream portions of the basin. The continued overallocation of the Rio Grande has led to the degradation of aquatic ecosystems in the Big Bend, one of North America’s largest transboundary protected areas, such that management of natural resources in this region is a high priority. Many of the native species in this region are listed as threatened or endangered due to habitat loss, which is driven by channel narrowing. Thus, excess fine sediment, along with invasive riparian species, has been identified as negatively impacting ecological resources in the Big Bend and studies recommend increased stream flow as the most effective tool for managing excess fine sediment. Aside from historical accounts, there was previously no estimate of the Rio Grande’s natural flow regime nor an adequate understanding of how the role of characteristic floods in the Big Bend shaped the pre-disturbance channel. In the following two studies, we fill in these crucial knowledge gaps by estimating the pre-disturbance flow regime of the Rio Grande, describing how channel narrowing is not spatially uniform in the Big Bend, and analyzing past floods to determine the role of past flood regimes in shaping alluvial deposits that contribute to channel narrowing.

Establishing the Inundation Distance and Overtopping Height of Paleotsunami from the Late-Holocene Geologic Record at Open-Coastal Wetland Sites, Central Cascadia Margin

Schlichting, Robert B. 01 January 2000 (has links)
Mapping and stratigraphic investigations of back barrier, open-coastal plain sites have been used to establish minimum inundation distances and wave heights of tsunami produced by great subduction zone earthquakes in the central Cascadia margin. Cascadia tsunami deposits have been reported for many coseismic subsidence events in bay marsh settings where tidal-channel features focus tsunami energy. Variable magnitude (8.5±0.5 Mw), frequency (500±300 yr recurrence), and rupture geometry produce widely varying computer model outcomes for Casdcadia tsunami inundation. The results presented in this thesis provide specific quantitative data regarding tsunami inundation at the open coast. Anomalous sand sheets that have been characterized consist of well-sorted beach sand that fine up-section. The thickness of the deposits vary from 45 em to 0.2 em, and thin in the landward direction. Many of the sand layers include detrital caps. One to three detritus and mud lamina are intra-layered in the deposits. Marine diatoms and bromine, a marine tracer, increase in concentration at each of the sand layers.

A Methodology for Estimating Business Interruption Losses to Industrial Sectors due to Flood Disasters / 洪水災害による産業部門の操業停止損失計量化に関する方法論的研究

Lijiao, Yang 24 September 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(情報学) / 甲第19340号 / 情博第592号 / 新制||情||103(附属図書館) / 32342 / 京都大学大学院情報学研究科社会情報学専攻 / (主査)教授 多々納 裕一, 教授 矢守 克也, 教授 守屋 和幸 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Informatics / Kyoto University / DGAM

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