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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mapeamento e gestão de processos aplicados na pró-reitoria de infraestrutura da universidade federal de Santa Maria / Mapping and management processes used in infrastructure dean of federal university of Santa Maria

Schlosser, Andreia Lucila da Costa 29 April 2014 (has links)
In the current scenario, competitiveness is increasing, the globalization and technological innovations have brought many changes for organizations, requiring hem to evaluate for world production of assets and services standards. Educational institutions do not differ from this context due to the fact that they are engaged in adopting new practices to improve their services. In this context, observing the dayby- day organizational reality of the secretary of maintenance s coordination of a Public Institution of Higher Education, it has been found that too much information are lost when transferring the information from a group (handoffs) to another by the fact that it has not being recorded, provoking difficulties when executing many activities. This way, the present study has tried to analyze the way the processes occur in the secretary of maintenance s coordination of Pro-Rectory of Infrastructure and the way they can be simplified and/or improved, aiming the standardization and higher organizational efficiency. This study has pointed out the necessity of standardization, apart from automation in the process, aiming the improvement in services provided by this organizational department. In this sense, as the main result of this study is a Handbook of processes and routine for the secretary of maintenance s coordination of Pro-Rectory of Infrastructure of Federal University of Santa Maria/RS. / No atual cenário a competitividade se mostra cada vez mais crescente, a globalização e as inovações tecnológicas trouxeram diversas mudanças para as organizações. Exigindo, principalmente, que as mesmas evoluam para os padrões mundiais de produção de bens e serviços. As instituições de ensino não fogem a esse contexto, pois estão engajadas na adoção de novas práticas de melhoria contínua de seus serviços. Dentro deste contexto, observando a realidade do dia-adia organizacional da secretaria da coordenadoria de manutenção de uma Instituição Pública de Ensino Superior, verificou-se que muitas informações se perdem quando da transferência de uma transação de um grupo (handoffs) para outro por não se apresentarem devidamente registradas, o que acarreta dificuldades na execução das atividades. Assim, buscou-se analisar no presente estudo, a forma em que ocorrem os processos na secretaria da coordenadoria de manutenção da Pró- Reitoria de Infraestrutura, e como podem ser simplificados e/ou melhorados, visando a garantir: a padronização e o aumento da sua eficiência organizacional. O estudo apontou claramente para a necessidade de padronização, além de alguma automatização dos processos, tendo em vista a melhoria da qualidade dos serviços prestados por esta unidade organizacional. Neste sentido, apresenta-se como resultado principal deste trabalho o Manual de processos e rotinas para a secretaria da coordenadoria de manutenção da Pró-Reitoria de Infraestrutura da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria/RS.

Processamento mínimo de laranja \'Pera\': tipo de corte, sanitização, centrifugação e atmosfera modificada / Minimal processing of Pera orange: cut type, sanitation, centrifugation and modified atmosphere

Marcia Yuriko Iuamoto 24 April 2009 (has links)
O processo de urbanização e modernização da sociedade exige mudanças nos hábitos alimentares. A demanda por produtos de maior valor agregado e com alta qualidade é crescente. Neste cenário, o mercado de frutas minimamente processadas tem grande potencial de crescimento. O processamento mínimo de laranjas se justifica devido à dificuldade do descascamento e ao odor deixado nas mãos neste procedimento. Estudos de descascamento de laranja Pêra (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) pelo uso de tratamento hidrotérmico já foram realizados na ESALQ e mostraram grande potencial do uso desta técnica no processamento mínimo desta fruta. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar um fluxograma para o processamento mínimo da laranja Pêra e a influência da atmosfera modificada passiva na qualidade do produto, visando obter um produto conveniente com alta qualidade microbiológica e sensorial. Primeiramente foi determinado o melhor tipo de corte. Os frutos foram processados, armazenados a 5ºC por 12 dias, e avaliados quanto ao extravasamento de suco, qualidade físico-química e aparência a cada três dias. O corte em tiras foi o que apresentou melhor aceitação na análise de aparência. Após a determinação do tipo de corte, foi estudada a influência da sanitização e da centrifugação na qualidade do produto. A sanitização mostrou-se necessária para obter um produto com alta qualidade microbiológica. A centrifugação por 5 a 10 segundos foi eficiente para reduzir a quantidade de água no fundo das bandejas, sem prejudicar a aparência do produto final. Na última etapa foram estudadas tecnologias de embalagem e a influência da temperatura na qualidade físico-química, microbiológica, sensorial e nas concentrações de acetaldeído e de etanol da laranja Pêra minimamente processada. A tecnologia de embalagem apresentou pouca influência sob a qualidade da laranja minimamente processada. A laranja Pêra é viável para o processamento mínimo, desde que seja mantida a cadeia de frio. / The process of urbanization and modernization of society requires changes in food habits. Demand for products of higher added value and high quality is increasing. In this scene, the market for fresh cut fruit has great growth potential. The minimal processing of oranges is justified on the difficulty of peeling and the smell left in the hands in this procedure. Studies of orange Pêra (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) peeling by using hydrothermal treatment were made in ESALQ and showed great potential use of this technique in minimal processing of fruit. The objective was to determine a flowchart for the minimal processing of Pêra orange and the influence of passive modified atmosphere in the product quality in order to obtain a product with high sensory and microbiological quality. Firstly the best type of cutting was determined. The fruits were processed, stored at 5º C for 12 days and assessed for leakage of juice, physical-chemical quality and appearance every three days. The cut in strips was the best acceptance in the analysis of appearance. After determining the type of cut, the influence of sanitation and centrifugation in quality of the product was studied. The sanitation was shown to be necessary to obtain a product with high microbiological quality. Centrifugation for 5 to 10 seconds was effective in reducing the amount of water in the bottom of the trays, without harming the appearance of the final product. Finally packaging technologies were studied and the influence of temperature on the physical-chemical quality, microbiological, sensory and concentrations of acetaldehyde and ethanol in fresh cut Pêra orange. The technology of packaging had little influence on the quality of minimally processed orange. The Pêra orange is usable for the minimal processing, provided it is maintained the cold chain.

Global Family Networking for the Elderly : Evaluation and Redesign of ModernFamilies.net

Vanhauer, Marleen January 2009 (has links)
This paper, the corresponding wireframe documentation including the functional prototype and flowchart document the evaluation and redesign of the beta version of the social networking platform ModernFamilies.net. In order to reveal possible usability flaws for people of different generations, in particular the elderly, a user-centered design approach including an expert review, diary studies and interviews were conducted. The findings reflected the need for consistency and feedback in general. For young children, the concept of the site appeared to behard to grasp. Experienced users found the access and management of relatives cumbersome. Most importantly, the elderly, novice computer users had a hard time getting started with the site on their own because they did not have access to a PC nor internet at their home. The latter and the fact, that some issues might never be solved by traditional usability testing because the user just feels overwhelmed by the vast amount of communication features he is faced with today calls for alternative, more intelligent, ambient interfaces. However, we came to the conclusion that although evaluation of such new technologies with elderly people is not alwayseasy, it is best to be conducted in the participants home or a similar environment. / AGNES

Vývoj a zavedení informačního systému pro podporu podnikových procesů / Development and Introduction of the Information System to Support Business Processes

Kosturák, Ivan January 2012 (has links)
Master’s thesis is focused on the issue of information systems. Its attention is focused on describing not only the knowledge of the basic terminology of information systems, the definition of the necessary prerequisites for development an information system within the enterprise, but also its implementation and subsequent management. The practical part of diploma thesis is based on knowledge of the theory. Its main section focuses on the realization of information system.

Hur en extern insamlingsaktör, Myrorna, möjliggör Lindex closed loop supply chain

Klintner, Saga, Vinberg, Julia January 2020 (has links)
Title: How an external collection actor enables Lindex’s closed loop supply chain. Context: Customers demand of sustainable products has motivated companies to develop more sustainable business models. The implementation of closed loop supply chain is an effort to keep the value of resources for as long as possible, by reusing and recycling consumer waste. This study identifies what a reverse logistics flow of textile material looks like in a closed loop supply chain, and how companies can gain economies of scale in their reverse logistics. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to investigate how a collection actor handles collected textiles and thereby contributes to the enabling of Lindex’s closed loop supply chain. The identification of the process provides an example of how other organizations can approach the circular economy. The study will also explore various alternatives to achieve economies of scale in the reverse logistics. Questions at issue: 1. “How does an external collection actor, Myrorna, manage Lindex´s reverse logistics of textiles in a closed loop supply chain?” 2. “With what strategies can the external collection actor, Myrorna, achieve economies of scale?” Method: The study practices a qualitative hermeneutic orientation, with an inductive reasoning. It is a one case study where the empirical information was collected by qualitative semi-structured interviews. The sampling technique used to provide the data was purposive sampling. Process mapping through process flow chart was used to analyze the empirical information. The study reaches a certain amount of validity through the use of triangulation of facts. Other ways used to ensure the quality of the study was for example that the respondent reviewed the results to authenticate it. An aspect of criticism is that the study is a one case study and therefor has a lower grade of transferability. The authors have also taken research ethics into consideration. Results: The external collection actor, Myrorna, enables Lindex closed loop supply chain through the physical handling of the collected textiles. According to the head of collection at Myrorna (2020-05-12) the reverse logistics is currently well managed. The study finds supporting evidence for the case, however alternative means of achieving economies of scale are proposed. One proposition is to outsource the domestic transportation through a third party logistics company. Another is to include pickup of goods at Lindex stores to Myrornas iv current pickup routes or to use a third party logistics company. Myrorna already handles a lot of textiles in their sorting operation, and the authors therefore suggests that they will keep insourcing this part of the reverse logistics. As a final suggestion Myrorna should continue outsourcing the export of leftover textiles in order to achieve economies of scale. Keywords: Supply chain management, Sustainable fashion industry, Closed loop supply chain, Process flowchart, Reverse logistics, Textile collection, Economies of scale.

Processbaserad utveckling : En fallstudie för att mäta produktionsprocessen i en avdelning. / Process-based development : A case study to measure the production process in a department.

Al-Helly, Taif January 2022 (has links)
Studien handlar om att undersöka ett förbättringsområde i den valda avdelningen i organisationens produktionsprocess. Förbättringsarbetet är baserat på problem som uppstår hos medarbetarna vid produktionen. Studien är kvalitativ vilket innebär att informationen samlas genom intervjuer och observationer. I studien visualiseras tillverkningsprocessen i företaget. Först skapas en grovprocesskartläggning för den mest efterfrågade tjänsten i avdelningen, sedan hittas aktiviteter som inte skapar värde för verksamheten samt kunderna. Aktiviteterna som inte skapar värde ska elimineras bort och en plan om åtgärder skall presenteras. Den anskaffade informationen om processen skall användas av medarbetarna i avdelningen för att skapa en bättre intern kommunikation. Studien ger förslag på arbetssätt om hur avdelningen kan följa upp den nya processen samt hur avdelningen kan arbeta systematiskt med de ritade processerna. Processen som presenteras består av två delar. Den första delen är delprocessen som presenterar alla steg som sker innan medarbetarna börjar med tillverkningen av tjänsten. Det består av dagliga aktiviteter som inte har dokumenterats tidigare. Vid del två av processen som är huvudprocessen, då presenteras alla steg som medarbetarna går genom för att skapa en tjänst. Den delen av processen ser olika beroende på vilken tjänst som skall undersökas. Studien har i syfte att förbättra kvalitén på tillverkningsprocessen genom att använda olika verktyg och arbetssätt. Processkartläggningen ritas för att visualisera produktionsprocessen, förbättringsområde identifieras med hjälp av FMEA för att arbeta ständigt med förbättringar. Uppföljning av processkartläggningen presenteras i en kanban-tavla för att verksamheten ska kunna följa upp produktionsprocessen på tavlan. / The study is about examining an area for improvement in the selected department in the organization's production process. The improvement work is based on problems that arise with the employees during production. The study is qualitative, which means that the information is collected through interviews and observations. The study visualizes the manufacturing process in the company. First, a rough process mapping is created for the most requested service in the department, then activities are found that do not create value for the business and the customers. The activities that do not create value must be eliminated and a plan of measures must be presented. The information obtained about the process will be used by the employees in the department to create a better internal communication. The study provides suggestions for working methods on how the department can follow up the new process and how the department can work systematically with the drawn processes. The process presented consists of two parts. The first part is the sub-process that presents all the steps that take place before the employees start manufacturing the service. It consists daily activities that have not been documented before. In part two of the process, which is the main process, its about presenting all the steps that employees go through to create a service. That part of the process looks different depending on which service is to be analyzed. The study aims to improve the quality of the manufacturing process by using different tools and working methods. The process mapping is designed to visualize the production process, areas for improvement are identified with the help of FMEA to work constantly with improvements. Follow-up of the process mapping is presented in a kanban board so that the business can follow up the production process on the board.

Tangible Social Network System : Visual Markers for Social Network

Mannapperuma, Chanaka January 2010 (has links)
<p><em>Tangible social network system is a home-based communication solution specifically designed for elders. Former researches indicate that insufficient communication among elders cause several challenges in their daily activities such as social isolation, loneliness, depression and decreased appetite. In addition, lack of social participation increases the risk of Alzheimer´s (Ligt Enid, 1990). The major cause of these challenges are that elders are increasingly removed from communication technology using emails, text messaging, interact with social network systems and mobile phones due to cognitive and physical difficulties. To overcome this problem, new suggested social network system incorporates photo frame and photo album based interaction which allows instantaneous participation to the social network. By designing the new social network system, I tried to create an easier venue for more active cross-generational communication between elders and younger family members.This paper discusses the early results of the marker based social networking system aiming to propose digital technologies to enhance the social life of older people, who live alone their home. A prototype combining a touch screen, photo frame and a camera are described. It allows the older people to manage their participation to the social network system and get in touch with their loved ones. This paper demonstrates a User Sensitive inclusive Design (USID) process from the generation of user needs to the evaluation prototype. A key theme of tangible social network system shows how usable and emotional design derived from a user inclusive design process can encourage elders to adopt new modern technology. A first evaluation has shown the usability as well as the good acceptance of this system.</em></p> / AGNES

Μελέτη περίπτωσης του προγραμματιστικού περιβάλλοντος αλγοριθμική – προγραμματισμός

Γκρίμπας, Δημήτρης 27 December 2010 (has links)
Στην εργασία περιγράφεται η διαδικασία εξοικείωσης των μαθητών με το εκπαιδευτικό πακέτο της Αλγοριθμικής και τον προγραμματισμό μέσω μελέτης περίπτωσης ενός τμήματος ενιαίου Λυκείου. Η Αλγοριθμική είναι ένα ολοκληρωμένο πακέτο προγραμματιστικών περιβαλλόντων και εργαλείων για τη διδακτική υποστήριξη σεναρίων και δραστηριοτήτων ενταγμένων στα μαθήματα Πληροφορικής της Γ’ Γυμνασίου και των Α’, Β’ και Γ’ Λυκείου. Το περιβάλλον αυτό χρησιμοποιήθηκε για τη διδασκαλία της αλγοριθμικής σκέψης και του προγραμματισμού σε ένα τμήμα της Α’ τάξης ενιαίου Λυκείου. Στην εργασία παρουσιάζονται τα κυριότερα λάθη των μαθητών τόσο στο Δημιουργό Διαγραμμάτων Ροής όσο και στο Διερμηνευτή της Γλώσσας σε αρχικό στάδιο διδασκαλίας όσο και σε πιο προχωρημένο με τη χρήση της δομής επιλογής και συγκεκριμένα εμφωλευμένων ΑΝ. Κρίνεται η αποδοτικότητα των σεναρίων χρήσης της Αλγοριθμικής και γίνονται ορισμένες προτάσεις για τη βελτίωσή τους, καθώς και τη βελτίωση των εργαλείων ΔΔΡ και Διερμηνευτής της Γλώσσας για την καλύτερη χρήση από τους μαθητές. Τέλος, παρουσιάζονται κάποιες υλοποιήσεις μαθητών που είχαν καλή δομή κώδικα και ιδιαίτερη εφευρετικότητα. / The work describes the process of introducing students to computer programming and in particular with the educational package “Algorithmic”, through case study of a single Secondary School classroom. “Algorithmic” is a complete package of programming environments and tools to support teaching scenarios and integrated activities in Secondary School computer classrooms. This package was used in teaching algorithmic thinking and computer programming in a classroom of first grade Secondary School. The paper describes the main errors of students when creating flowcharts as well as computer programs using the software tool “GLOSSA”, in earlier teaching stages and later with the use of more advanced decision structures like nested IF statements. This work studies the efficiency of the usage scenarios of “Algorithmic” and makes suggestions for improving the software tools “flowchart” and “GLOSSA” to be more suitable to the level of students and to the course goals. Finally, the paper presents some well structured programming implementations of students.

Aplicación de herramientas de productividad y mejora en el proceso de ensamblaje de mangueras hidráulicas en la empresa Contix S.A.

Ayala Gaspar, Sindy Annetty, Ramirez Orozco, Paula Lisbeth, Ulco Gutierrez, Luis Enrique January 2015 (has links)
La presente tesis buscó analizar y aplicar herramientas de productividad y mejora en el proceso de ensamblaje de mangueras hidráulicas en la empresa Contix S.A. La propuesta de mejora continua tuvo como objetivos: reducir los tiempos de entrega del producto final del proceso de ensamblaje; analizar, identificar y mejorar las demoras en los tiempos de operación, proponer una adecuada distribución de planta y minimizar las fallas de las máquinas. Además, se utilizó técnicas de ingeniería, como por ejemplo; diagrama de actividades, diagrama de flujo, diagrama de recorrido. También el estudio de tiempo es fundamental para establecer los tiempos necesarios para cada operación. Con estos métodos y herramientas de ingeniería se logró cumplir con el tiempo de entrega de los productos ensamblados y tener una distribución de planta ordenada que permitió una mayor fluidez de los operarios y del producto. Como resultado más importante se obtuvo un aumento en la productividad de 52%, consiguiendo reducir el tiempo de entrega del producto. Por consiguiente, aumentando la satisfacción del cliente. The following thesis seeks to analyze and apply productivity tools, in order to improve the assembly process of hydraulic hoses in the Company Contix S.A. The improvement proposal continue aims to reduce the delivery time of the final product of the assembly process; analyze, identify and improve the delays in the operation times. To propose an appropriate distribution of plant and to minimize the machines’ failures. In addition, engineering techniques will be used, such as; Activity Diagram (UML), Flow Diagram (or Flowchart), Circuit Diagram. It is also crucial the Study of time for determining the time required for each operation. These methods and engineering tools will allow to comply with the assembled products’ delivery time and also have an orderly distribution plant allowing greater fluidity of operators and product. As the most important result, an improved productivity of 52% will be achieved, reducing the delivery time of the product. As a result, the increase of customer satisfaction.

Experiences of Physical Sciences teachers when introduced to an electronic expert system

Mothobi, Neo Jack January 2013 (has links)
This study outlines the strategies that were employed during the training of Grade 11 Physical Sciences teachers in the use and development of an Electronic Performance Support System (EPSS). The EPSS process involves extended individualised support for teachers through face-to-face training. A purposive sample was utilised and 22 Grade 11 Physical Sciences teachers participated in the study. Teachers’ skills and knowledge before and after the EPSS training process were measured on three measures of satisfaction (course material, the EPSS training process and the trainer’s competencies) and three measures regarding the EPSS (using an EPSS, creating a flowchart and designing an EPSS). A customer satisfaction index questionnaire and retrospective opinionnaire were used to collect data from the participants. Microsoft Excel was used to analyse data collected using the customer satisfaction index questionnaire. Furthermore a Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) program was used to analyse data collected using a retrospective opinionnaire. Significant effects were found on all six measures when comparing the skills of teachers before and after attending the EPSS training programme. The results reveal that teachers who participated in the research are satisfied with the use, design and development of an EPSS in education. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Science, Mathematics and Technology Education / unrestricted

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