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Programming a remote controllable real-time FM audio synthesizer in RustLinz, Andreas 27 February 2018 (has links)
Software Audiosynthesizer haben in den letzten 10 Jahren enorm an Popularität gewonnen und sind in vielen Profi- und Heimstudios nicht mehr wegzudenken. Diese Popularität ist durch die hohe Rechenleistung begründet, welche auf PCs und mobilen Geräten überall zur Verfügung steht und Echtzeitaudiosynthese nutzbar macht. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die ausührliche Beschreibung grundlegender
Synthesizerkomponenten und die Untersuchung geeigneter Algorithmen und Techniken für deren Realisierung.
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En jämförelsestudie av modellverktygen MITgcm och MIKE 3 FM:s praktiska användning inom Norrvattens verksamhet vid modellering av MälarenGudmundsson, Simon, Gulz, Astor, Johansson, Amanda, Nedergård, Tim, Niskakari, Lovis, Sjöström, Anton January 2022 (has links)
Mälaren är en mycket viktig dricksvattentäkt för många människor. I den här studien utreds riskfaktorersom kan påverka råvattenkvaliteten i Mälaren och sedan relateras dessa till hydrodynamiskmodellering av Mälaren. Hydrodynamisk modellering är ett modernt verktyg som kan simulera vattnets rörelse och tar hänsyn till många hydrodynamiska och meteorologiska drivvariabler. Modellerkan användas för att till exempel förutse transport av punktutsläpp och beräkna när och vilken koncentration som kommer till ett vattenverks intag. Beställaren av detta projekt är Norrvatten, en dricksvattenproducent som är intresserad av utvecklingsmöjligheterna hos oceanografen Göran Broströms tillämpning av den hydrodynamiska modellen MITgcm. Norrvatten använder sig idag av en modell vid namn MIKE 3 FM skapad av DHI. De är intresserade av vilken utveckling av MITgcm som skulle behövas för att den ska uppnå liknande kvalitetskrav som deras nuvarande modell gör. I en litteraturstudie samlades information om Mälarens fysikaliska, biologiska, kemiska förutsättningar samt information om hydrodynamisk modellering, för att göra en analys kring Mälarens råvattenkvalitet såväl som modellering av Mälaren. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med Göran Broström angående MITgcm samt Helene Ejhed, uppströmsansvarig på Norrvatten som ofta använder MIKE 3 FM var det möjligt att ingående analysera modellerna utifrån såväl drivdata som modellernas övergripande kapaciteter. Utöver analys från intervjuerna gjordes en körning av Göran Broströms tillämpning av MITgcm. Resultaten visade att de största riskerna gällande Mälarens råvattenkvalitet är oljeutsläpp från närliggande farleder och patogener som släpps ut från reningsverk. Jämförelsen mellan MIKE 3 FM och MITgcm etablerade många likheter mellan modellerna, även om vissa variabler skilde sig åt, såsom in- och utflöden, ytvågor och nederbörd. Förslag på en ordning som Göran Broströms modell kan byggas ut på presenteras i form av en prioriteringspyramid. Validering av modellen visade sigvara ett viktigt första steg i utvecklingen samt att förbättra interaktionsdesignen. Utveckling av modellen skulle resultera i vissa kostnader för Norrvatten. Vidare studier behöver bidra med en större förståelse över den tillämpning Broström gjort av MITgcm samt jämförelser med flera modeller.
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Broadcasting Peace In CôTe D’Ivoire: What Happens After Democracy? : A case study of Côte d’Ivoire’s UN radio- ONUCI FMTemo, Sumbu January 2017 (has links)
This research will analyze the radio station ONUCI FM, UN’s peace radio in Côte d’Ivoire. The central focus is on journalists’ perception of their role as professional advocacy for peace and democracy. Personal interviews with five ONUCI FM-journalists provide the primary source of qualitative source. In light of the Security Council’s decision to end UN’s peacekeeping mission in Côte d’Ivoire in 2017 followed an uncertainty of ONUCI FM’s future before it was decided that the station would continue to broadcast under the Felix Houphouët-Boigny foundation. This research attempts to elucidate the consequences in similar previous cases. This research shows that the UN often lacks a long-term plan of how to handle their stations when their mission ends, thereby creating an indisputable journalistic vacuum where they previously operated. This research shows that few UN radios are capable of surviving without donations but that leaving abruptly may cause harm to the achieved peace. With the intention to provide a solution to the vacuum created after the UN this research explores the possibilities of citizen journalists filling the void after the organization’s withdrawal. This research argues that Citizen Journalism is a suitable substitute to Peace Journalism when UN radio stations stop broadcasting. Applied theories are Peace Journalism, Journalism ethics and Citizen Journalism. All theories are applicable in the analysis of journalists as nation builders, government partners, and agents of empowerment and also as watchdogs. In conclusion, the purpose of this research is to understand the journalist's own experience of working at ONUCI FM and to analyze if a radio station such as ONUCI FM, when no longer supported by the UN, can benefit of Citizen Journalism.
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Proposition d'architectures radio logicielles fpga pour démoduler simultanément et intégralement les bandes radios commerciales, en vue d'une indexation audio / Proposal of fpga - based software radio architectures for simultaneously and fully demodulating the commercial radio bands, with the aim of doing audio indexingHappi Tietche, Brunel 11 March 2014 (has links)
L'expansion de la radio et le développement de nouveaux standards enrichissent la diversité et la quantité de données contenues sur les ondes de radiodiffusion. Il devient alors judicieux de développer un moteur de recherches qui aurait la capacité de rendre toutes ces données accessibles comme le font les moteurs de recherche sur internet à l'image de Google. Les possibilités offertes par un tel moteur s'il existe sont nombreuses. Ainsi, le projet SurfOnHertz, qui a été lancé en 2010 et s'est terminé en 2013, avait pour but de mettre au point un navigateur qui serait capable d'indexer les flux audios de toutes les stations radios. Cette indexation se traduirait, entre autres, par de la détection de mots clés dans les flux audios, la détection de publicités, la classification de genres musicaux. Le navigateur une fois mis au point deviendrait le premier moteur de recherches de genre à traiter les contenus radiodiffusés. Relever un tel challenge nécessite d'avoir un dispositif pour capter toutes les stations en cours de diffusion dans la zone géographique concernée, les démoduler et transmettre les contenus audios à un moteur d'indexation. Ainsi, les travaux de cette thèse visent à proposer des architectures numériques portées sur une plateforme SDR pour extraire, démoduler, et mettre à disposition le contenu audio de chacune des stations diffusées dans la zone géographique du récepteur. Vu le grand nombre de standards radio existants aujourd'hui, la thèse porte principalement les standards FM et DRM30. Cependant les méthodologies proposées sont extensibles à d'autres standards.C'est à base d'un FPGA que la majeure partie des travaux a été menée. Le choix de ce type de comcomposant est justifié de par les grandes possibilités qu’il offre en termes de parallélisme de traitements, de maitrise de ressources disponibles, et d’embarquabilité. Le développement des algorithmes a été fait dans un souci de minimisation de la quantité de blocs de calculs utilisés. D’ailleurs, bon nombre d’implémentations ont été réalisées sur un Stratix II, technologie aux ressources limitées par rapport aux FPGAs d’aujourd’hui disponibles sur le marché. Cela atteste la viabilité des algorithmes présentés. Les algorithmes proposés opèrent ainsi l’extraction simultanée de tous les canaux radios lorsque les stations ne peuvent occuper que des emplacements uniformément espacés comme la FM en Europe occidentale, et aussi, pour des standards dont la répartition des stations dans le spectre semble plutôt aléatoire comme le DRM30. Une autre partie des discussions porte sur le moyen de les démoduler simultanément. / The expansion of the radio and the development of new standards enrich the diversity and the amount of data carried by the broadcast radio waves. It becomes wise to develop a search engine that has the capacity to make these accessible as do the search engines on the internet like Google. Such an engine can offer many possibilities. In that vein, the SurfOnHertz project, which was launched in 2010 and ended in 2013, aimed to develop a browser that is capable of indexing audio streams of all radio stations. This indexing would result, among others, in the detection of keywords in the audio streams, the detection of commercials, the classification of musical genres. The browser once developed would become the first search engine of its kind to address the broadcast content. Taking up such a challenge requires to have a device to capture all the stations being broadcasted in the geographical area concerned, demodulate them and transmit the audio contents to the indexing engine. Thus, the work of this thesis aim to provide digital architectures carried on a SDR platform for extracting, demodulating, and making available the audio content of each broadcast stations in the geographic area of the receiver. Before the large number of radio standards which exist today, the thesis focuses FM and DRM30 standards. However the proposed methodologies are extensible to other standards. The bulk of the work is FPGA-based. The choice of this type of component is justified by the great opportunities it offers in terms of parallelism of treatments, mastery of available resources, and embeddability. The development of algorithms was done for the sake of minimizing the amount of the used calculations blocks. Moreover, many implementations have been performed on a Stratix II technology which has limited resources compared to those of the FPGAs available today on the market. This attests to the viability of the presented algorithms. The proposed algorithms thus operate simultaneous extraction of all radio channels when the stations can only occupy uniformly spaced locations like FM in Western Europe, and also for standards of which the distribution of stations in the spectrum seems rather random as the DRM30. Another part of the discussion focuses on the means of simultaneously demodulating it.
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Development, Deployment, and Characterization of a Ku-band InterferometerSwochak, Anthony 01 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Space-borne radar interferometry provides a global vantage point to understand climate change, global weather phenomenon, and other Earth dynamics. For climate change observations, space-borne interferometers can be utilized to relate ocean topography to temperature, thus providing a global map of ocean temperatures. Since the oceans are in constant motion, a single-pass interferometer is needed to successfully make these measurements of ocean height. The feasibility of a single-pass measurement is dependent on the physical size of the instrument, hence it is cheaper and more practical to launch a small, light weight instrument into space. Since instrument size scales inversely with operating frequency, high frequency microwave technology (Ku-band and Ka-band) is preferred for these types of applications. However, space-borne deployments become more difficult to implement at these frequencies since the physical structure of the instrument changes in the harsh environment of space. For that reason, a ground-based Ku-band (13.245GHz) radar interferometer has been developed at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst Microwave Remote Sensing Laboratory (MIRSL). In this thesis, a description of the radar hardware as well as interferometric results from Mount Sugarloaf provide a measure of the performance of the radar and demonstrate the capabilities of using a ground-based interferometer as a test-bed for space-borne applications.
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Frequency Estimation of Linear FM Scatterometer Pulses Received by the SeaWinds Calibration Ground StationHaycock, Spencer S. 17 August 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The SeaWinds Calibration Ground Station (CGS) is a passive ground station used to receive and sample transmissions from the SeaWinds scatterometer. During post processing, the received transmissions are characterized in order to verify proper instrument operation and to eliminate error in satellite telemetry and in data products generated from processing SeaWinds data. Sources of instrument error include uncertainties in transmitted power, pulse timing, and carrier frequency drift. Identifying these errors prevents their propagation to data products. A key aspect of this analysis involves accurately estimating the parameters of the SeaWinds transmissions. As better parameter estimates are researched and developed, the scatterometer can be more finely calibrated and better characterized, allowing improved accuracy of environmental measurements. This work explores several methods to estimate SeaWinds frequency parameters by parametrically modeling the signal as a series of linear FM pulses. Improved frequency estimates are obtained by transforming the signal into appropriate signal spaces. These methods are compared and their tradeoffs revealed. SNR regions are assigned to each method to mark appropriate performance bounds, and improvements over previous SeaWinds data analysis methods are shown. Finally, recent estimates of SeaWinds parameters are disclosed. This analysis helps to advance the level to which future scatterometer instruments may be calibrated, providing the potential for more accurate scatterometer data products.
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Införandet av Multiplex Power-metodenför att kontrollera FM-deviationenvid radiosändningar inom SverigeElisejev, Svjatoslav, Stegman, Mikael January 2009 (has links)
Detta examensarbete presenterar en utvärdering av konsekvenser som kan uppstå vid Införandet av Multiplex Power-mättmetoden för att kontrollera FM-deviation vid radiosändningar i Sverige. Metoden är beskriven i en publicerad standard från ITU: ITU-R BS.412-9. Metoden, även kallad Multiplex Power, är en begränsningsstandard för analog (terrestrial) FM sändning på VHF band. Skälet att införa Multiplex Power mätning är att man genom metoden både kan minska grannkanalinterferenserna och samtidigt jämna ut de stora variationerna i de upplevda ljudnivåerna som finns mellan de olika FM-stationerna. Denna mätmetod går ut på att man samplar värden på deviation, lagrar samplen och räknar ut ett medelvärde av energin under ett intervall av 60 sekunder. Detta energivärde jämförs med en referensnivå, som i ITU-normen definieras som +/-19kHz toppdeviation vid 400 Hz modulationssignal. Skillnaden detta referensvärde kan anges i dB av instrumentet, som en enskild siffra vilkets värde skrivs dynamiskt över tid. För att kunna utvärdera metoden genomfördes ett lyssningsexperiment. I experimentet användes ljudfiler som är processade enligt hur dagens normer tillämpas i Sverige och ljudfiler som är processade för att följa BS.412-9-normen. Som tillvägagångssätt användes ett webbformulär och en databas. Testpersoner kunde utföra lyssningen och notera resultatet som sedan lagrades för vidare beräkningar. Ljudfilerna och tillhörande mätningsvärden från lyssningsexperimentet användes sedan för att utvärdera resultatet. / QC 20100707
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College Radio Survivability: Emerging Business Models and the Challenges of Technological ConvergenceMerrill, Stephen Austin 03 November 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Hydrodynamic and Eutrophication Modelling of Lake Vomb: Impact of Future Climate Change on Cyanobacteria / Hydrodynamisk och eutrofieringsmodellering av Vombsjön: Påverkan på cyanobakterier av framtida klimatförändringarElhabashy, Ahmed January 2022 (has links)
The increasing frequency of Cyanobacterial blooms in freshwater bodies raise concerns around the globe. The consequences of this phenomenon impact not only human health but the entire surrounding ecosystem. During the past decades, numerical modelling has been increasingly used to investigate and study aquatic systems. Hydrodynamic and Ecological models are developed in parallel to simulate processes, evaluate potential remedies, and investigate future scenarios. This project aimed at developing a 3D hydrodynamic and water quality (ecological) model to assess the eutrophication conditions of Lake Vomb under current and future scenarios. MIKE 3 FM software was used in the analysis with meteorological, hydrological, and water quality data. The hydrodynamic model performance was satisfactory in terms of water temperature simulation with root-mean-square-error (RMSE) ranging between 0.38-1.2 oC. In the ecological model, Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) was simulated as a surrogate for Cyanobacteria. The model was adequate in simulating Chl-a concentrations with a Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) of 0.94 during calibration and 0.84 after validation. The results showed that Lake Vomb’s nutrient concentrations are highly influenced by external nitrogen loading and internal phosphorus loading. The results also showed that Chl-a levels are correlated with the total phosphorus levels in the lake. Future water quality projections were attempted through two Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) for the year 2050. The projections utilized only changes in air temperatures and precipitations and suggested significant increase in Cyanobacteria biomass independence of changes in external nutrient loading.
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Hydrodynamic Modelling of Spread of Perfluoroalkyl Octanoic Sulphonate and Perfluoroalkyl Hexanoic Sulphonate in Lake Ekoln / Hydrodynamisk modellering av spridningav perfluoralkyloktansyrasulfonat och perfluoralkylhexansulfonat i EkolnsjönPrajapati, Prajwol January 2022 (has links)
Per and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are found ubiquitously in the environment across the globe.These substances have high persistence due to the strong carbon and fluorine bond. In the aquaticenvironment, due to high persistence, these substances don’t decay easily and are detected on the surfaceas well as in groundwater sources. Human exposure to PFAS has been observed due to ingestion of PFAScontaminated food and water which has an adverse effect on the human health. High concentrations ofPerfluoroalkyl Octanoic Sulphonate (PFOS) and Perfluoroalkyl Hexanoic Sulphonate (PFHxS) wereobserved in Lake Ekoln. The main aim of this study was to analyze the spread of PFOS and PFHxS in thelake. Hydrodynamic modelling of flow and water quality modelling in the lake was performed usingMIKE 3 FM software for the evaluation of the spread pattern of PFOS and PFHxS in the lake. Twoscenarios with the different mass fluxes of PFOS and PFHxS for Fyrisån were assumed for investigatingthe uncertainties and influence of contribution from Fyrisån. Additionally, conductivity from differentinflows was modelled as a passive tracer for understanding the water quality and the circulation in thelake. The results of the simulation showed that Fyrisån and Kungsängsverket are major contributors of PFOSand PFHxS to the lake. Similarly, the analysis of the current spread of PFOS and PFHxS shows that theuncertainty in the model is high and is dependent mainly on the assumption of mass flux from theFyrisån. Due to the lack of sampling data on the concentration of PFOS and PFHxS, it was difficult to geta reliable assumption for the mass flux from the Fyrisån. From the study, it was identified that thesampled concentration of PFOS and PFHxS also had certain variations which might be due to theinfluence of concentration from different sources and processes. Likewise, the simulation result of PFOSand PFHxS was observed to have a similar pattern of spread. Although PFOS is a long-chain PFAS andPFHxS is a short-chain PFAS and they have different physio-chemical properties, the spread patternswere observed to be similar. As only the hydrodynamic processes were influencing the simulation for thespread of PFOS and PFHxS in the lake and other physiochemical processes such as sedimentation andbioaccumulation were not included in the model, the simulated PFAS results were found similar. To conclude, the study shows that the spread of PFOS and PFHxS is mainly influenced by the flow andconcentration in Fyrisån. Also, higher uncertainty in the model performance was observed due to theissue of reliable mass flux estimation from Fyrisån. Similarly, the influence of processes such assedimentation and bio accumulation are necessary to be included in the model for analysis of spread ofPFAS with different physio-chemical properties.
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