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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo das condições de processamento para obtenção de isolado protéico de soja com teor aumentado de isoflavonas / Study of conditions the processing to production of isoflavone-rich soy protein isolates

Ana Cristina Lopes Barbosa 05 February 2004 (has links)
Os isolados protéicos de soja são utilizados como ingredientes em diversos alimentos e sua utilização vêm aumentando juntamente com o aumento das pesquisas sobre os metabólitos secundários da soja, as isoflavonas. Alguns efeitos benéficos vem sendo associados às isoflavonas, entre estes a sua ação antioxidante, a redução ao risco de câncer, doenças cardiovasculares e osteoporose. O objetivo deste estudo foi o de otimizar as condições de extração das isoflavonas e de suas formas conjugadas a partir da farinha desengordurada de soja, visando o preparo de isolado protéico de soja. Os resultados mostraram que a obtenção de isolados protéicos de soja com teor aumentado de isoflavonas depende da utilização de condições brandas de centrifugação para a separação do precipitado isoelétrico, assim como da utilização de água acidificada na sua lavagem. A presença de isoflavonas no isolado resulta de três fatores, o primeiro referindo-se à associação entre isoflavonas e proteínas através de interações hidrofóbicas, eletrostáticas, e pontes de hidrogênio; o segundo à menor solubilidade das isoflavonas presentes na farinha desengordurada de soja no pH isoelétrico; e o último ao processo de carreamento (físico) das isoflavonas pelas proteínas insolubilizadas. / Soy protein isolates are used as ingredients in several food products and their use is increasing together with the increase of the researches on the secondary metabolites of soy, the isoflavones. Some beneficial effects have been associated to the isoflavones, among these their antioxidant action, prevention of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis. The objective of this study was to optimize the extraction conditions of the isoflavones from the defatted soy flour, seeking the preparation of soy protein isolates. The results showed that the obtention of soy protein isolates with increased content of isoflavones depends on the use of mild conditions of centrifugation for the separation of the isoelectric precipitate, as well as on the use of water acidified in the washing step. The presence of isoflavones in the isolates resulted from three factors, the first refers to the association between isoflavones and proteins through hydrophobic; and electrostatic interactions, and hydrogen bonding; the second to the decreased solubility of the isoflavones extracted from the defatted soy flour in the isoelectric pH; and the last to the carrying process (physical) of isoflavones by the precipitating proteins.

Uso de ervas aromáticas na estabilidade oxidativa de filés de sardinha (Sardinella brasiliensis) processados / The use (ou effect) of herbs on oxidative stability of processed sardine (Sardinella brasiliensis) fillets

Karen Rother Piedade 14 September 2007 (has links)
Durante as últimas décadas a preocupação do consumidor em relação à qualidade dos alimentos cresceu consideravelmente, juntamente com a procura por alimentos funcionais ou componentes alimentares ativos fisiologicamente, também designados bioativos. Paralelamente objetiva-se a redução do emprego de produtos sintéticos em alimentos industrializados fortalecendo o apelo de que o alimento deve desempenhar funções terapêuticas e ainda não trazer riscos à saúde. Os peixes são alimentos que atendem bem a alguns desses requisitos já que possuem ácidos graxos poliinsaturados essenciais omega-3. A sardinha é um excelente exemplo. Em diversas investigações foi verificado que esses ácidos graxos têm um efeito cardioprotetor, além de estarem ligados à redução de susceptibilidade a tumores malignos. Muito se fala sobre a importância do aproveitamento de lipídeos de pescado e seus derivados para a alimentação humana, mas é necessário um balanço de ácidos graxos poliinsaturados na dieta assim como de antioxidantes que evitem a oxidação lipídica já que esta pode causar importantes danos biológicos, começando com o comprometimento desses componentes. A deterioração oxidativa dos lipídeos é uma das reações mais importantes e freqüentes nos alimentos onde estão presentes, inclusive nos peixes e isso tem determinado uma série de estudos ligados à ação dos radicais livres no organismo ou no alimento e principalmente sobre os agentes que neutralizam essas substâncias altamente reativas. Juntamente com a preferência do consumidor por produtos mais saudáveis pode ser notado um aumento do interesse pelo uso de antioxidantes naturais e de pesquisas nessa área. Na procura por alimentos mais saudáveis de uma maneira geral, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo trazer a sua contribuição ao conhecimento da funcionalidade das ervas como antioxidantes naturais. / During the last decades the consumer\'s concern in relation to the quality of the foods grew considerably. On those years the use of harmful components to the health was avoided as well as the search for functional foods or physiologically active components, also designated bioactives enhanced. Nowadays, the industry aims at a lesser use of synthetic products in foods. Therefore, food should carry through therapeutic functions and still not to present any risk to health. Fish attain these requirements well by furnishing the essential omega-3 polynsaturated fatty acids to the diet. Sardines are an excellent example. In several investigations it was verified that these fatty acids have a cardio-protector effect and they are related to malignant tumors incidence reduction. When administratin fish lipids to the diet, it is important to remember that a balance between polynsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants content is necessary in order to avoid lipid oxidation since it can cause important biological damages starting with the reduction of these essential lipids. Oxidative deterioration of lipids is one of the most important and frequent reactions presents in foods including fishes and has determined a series of studies linked to the free radicals behavior in the organism or in the food and to the identification of the agents that neutralize the highly reactive substances. Together with the consumer\'s preference for healthier products, an increase of the interest for the use of natural antioxidants can be observed as well as new researches in this area. In the search for healthier foods in a general way, the present work had as objective to contribute to the knowledge of the functionality of herbs as natural antioxidants.

Evolução da população bacteriana na linha de produção do queijo minas frescal em uma indústria de laticínios / Evaluation of bacterial population in a dairy processing line of “minas frescal” cheese

Milena Olivieri Lisita 29 July 2005 (has links)
A evolução da população de microrganismos mesófilos aeróbios, coliformes totais e fecais e Staphylococcus coagulase positiva foi estudada na linha de processamento do queijo Minas frescal em uma indústria de laticínios sujeita à fiscalização do Serviço de Inspeção Federal (S.I.F.). Três pontos do processamento foram avaliados individualmente: a pasteurização com amostras de leite cru e leite pasteurizado, a coagulação com amostras de leite pasteurizado, de coalhada cortada e de coalhada dessorada e a salga com amostras de queijos antes e depois da salga e da salmoura. A contagem de microrganismos psicrotróficos aeróbios foi incluída na etapa de salga porque é feita sob refrigeração. E depois foram coletadas amostras de um mesmo lote ao longo da linha. Totalizaram 11 coletas em um ano de estudo. Os resultados mostraram que a pasteurização, único ponto crítico de controle do processo, foi insuficiente para garantir a qualidade microbiológica do leite de acordo com os padrões microbiológicos vigentes, porque o leite cru apresentava péssima qualidade. Durante a coagulação houve crescimento médio de 1,70 ciclos log na população de mesófilos aeróbios e um crescimento médio >3,0 ciclos log na população de coliformes fecais. Durante a salga houve crescimento médio de 0,73 ciclos log na população de mesófilos aeróbios e um crescimento médio de 0,37 ciclos log na população psicrotróficos aeróbios. Ao longo da linha, verificou-se que houve crescimentos da ordem de 11,77 ciclos log de coliformes totais e de >9,68 ciclos log de coliformes fecais do leite pasteurizado até o queijo após a salga. Em relação ao Staphylococcus coagulase positiva não foi detectado aumento expressivo de sua população. Os resultados encontrados indicam que o queijo Minas frescal do laticínio estudado antes de ser embalado já se apresentava impróprio para o consumo, devido às altas contagens de coliformes totais e fecais podendo vir a causar riscos aos consumidores e que o próprio processo de fabricação foi responsável pela alta contaminação, constituindo um problema de saúde pública. / The evaluation of aerobic mesophilic, of total and fecal coliforms and Staphylococcus positive coagulase microorganisms population in a dairy processing line of "Minas frescal" cheese submitted to inspection of Federal Service was studied. Three processing steps were analysed individually: the pasteurisation through samples of raw and pasteurised milk; the coagulation through samples of pasteurised milk, cut and drained curd; and the salting through samples of cheeses before and after salting and brine itself. The aerobic psichrotrophic microorganim’s count was made because salting was carried out under refrigeration. After, all the samples of a same allotment were collected. In one year 11 collections were taken and analysed. The results showed that the pasteurisation, the unique control critical point in the process, was not able to ensure the microbial quality of milk in agreement to the microbial standards, due to the bad quality of the raw milk. On curding the aerobic mesophilic population had an average growth of 1.70 cycles log and the fecal coliforms had an average growth of > 3.0 cycles log. On salting the aerobic mesophilic microorganisms had an average growth of 0.73 cycles log as well the aerobic psichrotrophic population had an average growth of 0.37 cycles log. In the processing line, had an average growth of 11.77 cycles log on the population of total coliforms and >9.68 cycles log on the population of fecal coliforms from pasteurised milk until the cheese after salting. An expressive increase of the number of Staphylococcus positive coagulase was not detected. The results indicated that the manufactured "Minas frescal" cheese was improper for consumption even before packing because the high counting of total and fecal coliforms, being harmful to consumers and the processing was responsible for the high contamination, being a potential public health problem.

Qualidade de mamão \'Formosa\' minimamente processado utilizando revestimentos comestíveis / Quality of minimally processed Formosa papaya using edible coatings

Juliana Moreno Trigo 01 October 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de revestimentos comestíveis na qualidade de mamão \'Formosa\' minimamente processado durante armazenamento a 5°C por 15 dias. Os tratamentos foram: o controle, e os seguintes revestimentos: amido de arroz 3%, alginato de sódio 0,5% e carboximetilcelulose 0,25%. O uso de revestimentos causou alterações nos parâmetros físicos, físico-químicos e microbiológicos do mamão minimamente processado, quando comparado ao controle. As alterações mais importantes foram: menor contagem de coliformes totais; menor respiração dos mamões tratados com amido de arroz e maior dos tratados com carboximetilcelulose, ao longo do tempo; menor descoloração da polpa dos frutos ao longo do armazenamento; maior manutenção da firmeza das amostras tratadas com carboximetilcelulose; e redução do teor de sólidos solúveis e aumento da acidez titulável. Os revestimentos não afetaram os atributos sensoriais. Como a maioria dos efeitos positivos das coberturas ocorreu no 12° e 15° dias e, considerando o custo da tecnologia relacionado ao preço dos revestimentos, a melhor opção, até 9 dias de armazenamento, consiste em fazer apenas uma boa sanitização dos frutos, como feito no controle. No entanto, se o interesse for preservar a vida útil dos mamões por um período maior, até 15 dias, os revestimentos testados podem ser utilizados com resultados satisfatórios. / This study aimed to evaluate the effect of edible coatings on the quality of minimally processed \'Formosa\' papaya during storage at 5°C for 15 days. The treatments were: the control, and the following coatings: rice starch 3%, sodium alginate 0.5% and carboxymethylcellulose 0.25%. The use of coatings caused changes in the physical, physicochemical and microbiological parameters of minimally processed papaya, when compared to control. The most important changes were: lower counts of total coliforms; lower respiration of papayas treated with rice starch and higher of those treated with carboxymethylcellulose over time; less fruit pulp discoloration during storage, increased firmness maintenance of samples treated with carboxymethylcellulose; and reduction of soluble solids and increased acidity. The coatings did not affect the sensory attributes. Since most of the positive effects of the coatings occurred at the 12th and 15th days, and considering the technology cost related to the price of coatings, the best option, until 9 days of storage, is just to do a good sanitization of fruits such as that of control samples. However, if the interest is to preserve the shelf life of papayas for a longer period, up to 15 days, the coatings tested could be used with satisfactory results.


Diana M Ramirez Gutierrez (8158146) 20 December 2019 (has links)
<div>The overall goal of this thesis was to study the performance of two related portable multipurpose solar dryers, DehytrayTM and DehymeleonTM, in comparison to open-air sun drying by drying tomatoes, apples and mint under West Lafayette, Indiana weather conditions. Thin layer drying tests were conducted on tomato slices, apples slices and mint leaves, with three temperatures [24°C (75°F), 35°C (95°F) and 54 °C (130°F)], and an airflow velocity of 1 m/s to determine the drying kinetics of these products during diurnal drying cycles typical for solar and/or open-air sun drying. Subsequently, field drying tests were conducted for tomatoes slices, apples slices and mint leaves with the two solar drying technologies (DehymeleonTM and DehytrayTM) and open-air sun drying using uncovered Dehytrays as the control. The average temperatures achieved for these technologies were 45°C (113°F), 60°C (140 °F) and 27°C (80.6 °F) for the DehymeleonTM, DehytrayTM and open-air sun drying, respectively. Moisture diffusivity were in the order of 10-4 to 10-9 (m2/s) for the different methods, depending directly on the product, temperatures and air flow inside the drying chamber.</div><div><br></div><div>Quality attributes (color, vitamin C and microbial growth) were measured before and after the field drying tests. Color difference (ΔE) for DehymeleonTM solar dryer showed the least variation compared with the fresh products. However, for the DehytrayTM ΔE increased due to the impact of its higher temperature and direct sunlight exposure that led to Maillard reactions and caramelization in the case of tomatoes and apples slices. Additionally, vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) content for tomatoes and apples slices was affected for the high ranges of temperatures reached inside the Dehytray™. Denaturing of vitamin C was less observed for DehymeleonTM, maintaining values of 166 mg/100 g dm for tomatoes, and 104.2mg/100g for apples slices. There was no significant difference (α = 0.05) in the microbial growth for the DehytrayTM and open-air drying compared to the fresh product, however, there was significant difference for the DehymeleonTM when drying tomatoes and apples slices, without up one log reduction on the original microbial population. In the case of mint, DehymeleonTM had a 2.3 log reduction, which is similar to L-lactic acid sanitizer achieved by another study in the literature, compared with 0.4 log obtained by the DehytrayTM and 0.47 log obtained by open-air sun drying. The differences in microbial growth were observed because the temperatures inside the drying chamber of the DehymeleonTM was low and product moisture content was above the safe equilibrium moisture content (EMC) for both tomatoes and apples during the early critical hours at the onset of the drying process, which was favorable to mold growth. The lack of a fan to intermittently or constantly flush out humid air released from the crop dried in the DehytrayTM negatively affected its performance. The insufficient airflow in the drying chamber of the DehymeleonTM and its inability to achieve the high temperatures observed in the DehytrayTM negatively affected its performance. Both solar dryers, DehymeleonTM and DehytrayTM achieved high hygienic condition during drying due to their enclosed chambers than protected the crop from contaminant in the environments. Their portability and design for large-scale manufacturing and deployment are a positive development that would be helpful to small and mid-size growers, as well as households (home gardens). Areas for further research were highlighted.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div>


Uriel C Urbizo Reyes (7909295) 14 January 2021 (has links)
<div> <p>Chia seed (<i>Salvia hispanica</i>) has shown potential as an alternative source of nutrients with a high content of fiber (36 %), protein (25%), and fat (25%). Unfortunately, the presence of a viscous biopolymer (mucilage), surrounding the chia seed (CS), limits the accessibility of the protein and other nutrients. Nevertheless, this biopolymer’s chemical composition makes it suitable for the development of biodegradable films. Regarding CS protein, disulfide bonding, and nonprotein-protein interactions often frequent in plant protein, have limited its technological application in food matrices. Therefore, scientists have pointed at processing methods involving enzymatic proteolysis to improve the functionality of plant protein ingredients. The objective of this study was to establish processing techniques to exploit the functionality, extraction, and health benefits of chia seed components. First, ultrasonication followed by vacuum-filtration was used to separate mucilage from CS prior to fat extraction by oil press. Mucilage-free and defatted CS were treated using conventional (enzymatic hydrolysis with alcalase) or sequential (enzymatic hydrolysis with alcalase+flavourzyme), and under water bath or microwave-assisted hydrolysis. Chia seed protein hydrolysates (CSPH) derived from the sequential hydrolysis with microwave treatment showed superior (p<0.05) in vitro antioxidant activity. The highest (p<0.05) cellular antioxidant activity was achieved by the sequential (94.76%) and conventional (93.13%) hydrolysis with microwave. Dipeptidyl peptidase-V inhibition was higher (p<0.05) for sequential hydrolysis with water bath, while Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibition activity increased (p<0.05) with hydrolysis for all treatments compared to the control. Regarding functionality, sequential hydrolysis with microwave showed higher (p<0.05) solubility at lower pH (3 and 5), while conventional hydrolysis with microwave was better at pH 7 and 9. Emulsification properties and foaming capacity were also higher in conventional hydrolysis with microwave, but conventional hydrolysis with water bath was more stable for foaming properties only. In terms of mucilage applicability, biodegradable films were developed by casting technique where CS mucilage was plasticized with different polyol mixtures (sorbitol and glycerol). CS mucilage films with higher sorbitol content showed superior tensile strength (3.23 N/mm<sup>2</sup>), and lower water vapor permeability (1.3*109 g/ m*s*Pa) but had poor flexibility compared to other treatments. Conversely, films with high glycerol content showed high elongation at break (67.55%) and solubility (22.75%), but reduced water vapor permeability and tensile strength. The hydrophobicity, measured as water contact angle, was higher (p<0.05) for mixtures containing equal amounts of polyols. Lastly, Raman Spectroscopy analysis showed shifts from 854 to 872 cm<sup>-1</sup> and 1061 to 1076 cm<sup>-1</sup>, which corresponded to β(CCO) modes. These shifts represent an increase in hydrogen bonding, responsible for the high tensile strength and decreased water vapor permeability. This study demonstrated that ultrasonication followed by vacuum filtration can successfully separate mucilage from chia seeds; microwave-assisted and enzymatic hydrolysis generated protein hydrolysates with improved bioactivity and functionality. Finally, chia seed mucilage was able to form films with potential to be used in drug delivery and edible food coating applications.</p> </div> <br>


Mariah Jean Nondorf (11798321) 20 December 2021 (has links)
<p>Historically, the meat industry has struggled to provide consumers with consistent beef tenderness. Various post-harvest technologies have been used in industry; however, there is still a need to develop a natural and safe post-harvest processing system that can be used to create consistently tender products for consumers. In addition to postmortem aging being a time-consuming process, literature has suggested that it is not a sufficient method to achieve tenderization in certain cull cow muscles. This has resulted in the large supply of cull cow beef to be underutilized due to its inferior quality, specifically tenderness. Applying a combination of mechanical tenderization with additional postmortem aging may be an effective strategy to overcome deficiencies in beef tenderness. Recent studies have found that tumbling without brine addition can be successful at improving instrumental tenderness and consumer liking of tenderness of fresh beef loin. The physical disruptions of muscles, which likely occur during tumbling, may enhance activity of proteolytic enzymes and thus induce more tenderization. The overall objective of this thesis was to investigate the effects of fresh beef tumbling methods and postmortem aging times on the tenderness and proteolysis of loin muscles from both A maturity cattle and cull cows.</p> <p>The first chapter of this thesis is a literature review that will address the factors affecting tenderness and the methods used by the industry to improve tenderness, specifically focusing on meat tumbling and cull cow beef. The second chapter is a study that investigated the effects of fresh beef tumbling at different postmortem times on meat quality attributes and proteolytic features of loins. The results from this study suggest that early postmortem tumbling coupled with aging can synergistically impact the improvements of beef loin tenderness and proteolysis, shortening the necessary aging period. The third and final chapter of this thesis is a study that aimed to determine the effect of fresh beef tumbling and postmortem aging on the quality and proteolysis of loins from cull cows. The results from this study indicate that aging would be effective at improving the quality and palatability of cull cow beef loins, although tumbling could improve consumer liking of tenderness at earlier postmortem times.</p>


HudeÄkov, Helena January 2018 (has links)
The doctoral thesis is focused on the microbial production of lactic acid and ethanol using food processing waste as substrate. Coffee processing waste (spent coffee grounds), wine production waste (grape pomace) and orange processing waste (orange peel) were chosen as substrates for experiments. The theoretical part is dedicated to summarizing current knowledge about waste from food production and possibilities of its processing. It also deals with selected metabolites (lactic acid, ethanol) to which these wastes can be used. Part of the experiments was focused on the characterization and optimization of hydrolysis to maximize the amount of fermentable saccharides. Different combinations of chemical, physical and enzymatic hydrolysis of selected substrates have been tested. Subsequently, a suitable strain for lactic acid and ethanol production was searched for. In the case of lactic acid production, 7 bacterial strains were selected (Lactobacillus casei CCM 4798, Bacillus coagulans CCM 2013, Bacillus coagulans CCM 2658, Lactobacillus rhamnosus CCM 1825T, Lactobacillus delbruckii subsp. bulgaricus CCM 7190, Lactobacillus plantarum CCM 7039T, Streptococcus thermophilus CCM 4757). These strains were first cultivated on the synthetic media containing different kind of saccharides. Afterward, the cultivation on the waste biomass hydrolysates were tested. In the case of ethanol production, 2 yeast strains kmeny (S. cerevisiae CNCTC 6646 a S. cerevisiae CNCTC 6651) were cultivated on hydrolysates of individual waste substrates. Subsequently, the experiments focused on the production of lactic acid and ethanol on hydrolysates of waste biomass in bioreactor were done. The last part of this doctoral thesis deals with the microaerobic pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass to increase the production of organic acids during the acetogenic phase of anaerobic digestion.

Combined Tumbling and Postmortem Aging to Improve Fresh Beef Quality, Palatability, and Proteolysis

Jacob R Tuell (12401446) 20 April 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Tenderness is a key sensory trait influencing beef palatability. Tumbling is a value-adding process that has been extensively applied and studied within the realm of processed meats. Various post-harvest strategies to ensure fresh beef reaches acceptable levels of tenderness have been employed, often with the aim of physically disrupting myofibrillar structure or enhancing the rate and extent of postmortem proteolysis. One such method would be the application of postmortem aging; however, the effectiveness of aging on tenderization is well-known to differ throughout individual muscles of the beef carcass. For inherently tough cuts, physical interventions such as mechanical tenderization are often used, although several detriments to quality attributes may be induced. Further, some modern consumers prefer meat products with no added non-meat ingredients. An alternative method of applying tumbling in the absence of a brine solution followed by additional postmortem aging could be a practical means to facilitate tenderization while potentially minimizing detriments to other eating quality attributes.</p> <p>To evaluate the efficacy of tumbling without brine a method of beef tenderization, the process was first assessed in the <em>longissimus lumborum </em>muscle (n=9). In this study, muscles were allocated among 0, 60, and 90 minutes of tumbling, after which aging for 0, 7, and 14 days was conducted. Immediately after the application of the tumbling process, steaks from muscles that had been tumbled were considerably more tender (24.7 N and 21.6 N for 60 and 90 minutes, respectively) than non-tumbled controls (34.8 N). Steaks from the tumbled groups maintained greater instrumental tenderness throughout the course of the aging period. These results were supported by increases in myofibril fragmentation index, as well as increased troponin-T degradation during aging. However, cooking loss was increased in tumbled steaks, which could have implications for sensory juiciness. Considering this study demonstrated that tumbling without brine inclusion followed by postmortem aging resulted in profound changes to sensory traits, further study regarding its impacts on sensory attributes and proteolysis among different beef muscles was warranted.</p> <p>The following study evaluated the combined tumbling and aging process on the quality, palatability, and proteolytic attributes of beef <em>longissimus lumborum </em>and <em>semitendinosus </em>muscles (n=16). Muscle sections were allocated among 0, 40, 80, and 120 minutes of tumbling, as well as 0 or 10 days of subsequent aging. Regardless of aging duration, tumbling for any duration increased instrumental tenderness of the <em>longissimus lumborum</em> but not <em>semitendinosus</em> muscle. Similar to the previous study, increased cooking loss was induced through tumbling. In both muscles, obvious fragmentation of the myofibrillar structure with tumbling was observed through increases in myofibril fragmentation index and transmission electron microscopy. Tumbling with aging favored the degradation of myofibrillar proteins including troponin-T and desmin; however, calpain-1 autolysis appeared mostly unchanged. Neither tumbling nor aging influenced the amount and properties of collagen, which may indicate why the process did not influence instrumental tenderness of the <em>semitendinosus </em>despite myofibrillar fragmentation and degradation. <em>Longissimus lumborum </em>muscles tumbled for any durations were rated by consumers (n=120) to be more tender with greater overall liking than control steaks. <em>Semitendinosus </em>steaks that were tumbled for 120 minutes and further aged had improved liking of tenderness with similar juiciness and flavor to control steaks at the same postmortem timepoint. These results indicated that tumbling without brine would result in myofibrillar fragmentation and favor the degradation of myofibrillar proteins during aging, while impacts on connective tissues would be minimal. Consequently, muscles without a high extent of background toughness would be effectively tenderized through tumbling, while the results would be more limited in inherently tough cuts.</p> <p>Considering these results, the process was then applied to muscles of intermediate tenderness from the sirloin, specifically the <em>gluteus medius, biceps femoris, </em>and <em>tensor fasciae latae </em>muscles (n=16). Muscles were tumbled for 0 or 120 minutes, then aged for 0 or 10 additional days. Tumbling increased the instrumental tenderness of the <em>gluteus medius </em>and <em>tensor fasciae latae </em>but not the <em>biceps femoris</em>, regardless of aging time. Cooking loss was increased with tumbling in all muscles. Similarly, myofibrillar fragmentation was also increased in all muscles, and there was some evidence to suggest that tumbling with subsequent aging would aid in the degradation of troponin-T in the <em>biceps femoris</em>. To further understand how tumbling might affect specific descriptive sensory attributes, a trained panel (n=8) was conducted on aged samples. Tumbled <em>gluteus medius </em>steaks had greater myofibrillar tenderness than non-tumbled controls; however, tenderness scores of other muscles were not affected. There was some evidence that tumbling with aging could induce the generation of off-flavors in the <em>gluteus medius </em>and <em>tensor fasciae latae</em>, as well as decrease juiciness of the <em>biceps femoris</em>.</p> <p>Taken together, these results support that tumbling without brine inclusion would be an effective strategy to improve beef tenderness and palatability, dependent on the traits of the individual cut. Improved tenderness would be primarily attributed to the fragmentation and degradation of myofibrillar structure. However, the results indicate that tenderization would be limited in cuts with a high extent of background toughness, which tumbling alone would be largely unable to disrupt. Future studies should focus on the effects of tumbling without brine inclusion with aging on oxidative stability and the potential introduction of hazards prior to industry application. Further elucidation of how the process could be optimized to maximize tenderization while minimizing potential negative impacts to flavor and juiciness would be beneficial to improving overall palatability.</p>

Модел биопроцеса производње ксантана на ефлуентима прехрамбене индустрије / Model bioprocesa proizvodnje ksantana na efluentima prehrambene industrije / Bioprocess model of xanthan production on food processing industry wastewaters

Bajić Bojana 27 December 2016 (has links)
<p>Све обимнија индустријализација која је одговор на захтеве потрошачког друштва, велики је експлоататор ресурса и генератор, поред жељеног производа и великих количина отпадних токова. У највећем број случајева индустријски ефлуенти бивају испуштени у природне реципијенте јер већ њихова примарна обрада изискује додатна улагања. Развојем технике и технологије омогућена је примена биопроцеса у ову сврху, али само искоришћење отпадних вода као сировине за биотехнолошку производњу обећава симултану заштиту животне средине и економску добит, односно представља решење проблема које је одрживо.<br />У оквиру истраживања која су обухваћена овом докторском дисертацијом доказана је могућности примене отпадних вода прехрамбене индустрије као основе култивационог медијума у биотехнолошкој производњи биополимера ксантана. Полазни корак за индустријализацију предложеног поступка је развој симулационог модела који у највећој мери треба да опише реалну ситуацију у материјалном, енергетском, еколошком и економском смислу. Реализација оваквог циља захтева познавање узрочно-последичне везе између метаболичке активности примењеног биокатализатора и процесних услова међу којима је веома значајан састав култивационог медијума.<br />У ту сврху извршена је карактеризација 18 отпадних вода које припадају различитим гранама преграмбене индустрије и потврђена могућност њихове примене као основе култивационог медијума за биотехнолошку производњу ксантана. Експериментално је потврђена могућност производње ксантана на овим ефлуентима применом производног микроорганизма Xanthomonas campestris ATCC 13951, извођењем биопроцеса у биореактору стандардних геометријских односа, запремине 2 l. Оптимизација састава култивационог медијума са отпадним водама одабраних грана прехрамбене индустрије, у погледу најзначајнијих нутријената и са циљем добијања што већег садржаја жељеног производа, изведена је применом методе жељене функције. У наставку истраживања, дефинисана је кинетика биосинтезе ксантана у биореактору запремине 7 l, а добијени кинетички модели за умножавање биомасе (логистичка једначина), настајање производа (Luedeking-Piret-ова једначина) и потрошњу извора угљеника (модификована Luedeking-Piret-ова једначина)) су искоришћени за развој симулационог модела биопроцеса производње ксантана применом ефлуената прехрамбене индустрије.<br />Генерисаним симулационим моделом производње ксантана применом отпадних ефлуената различитих грана прехрамбене индустрије су предвиђени првенствено процесни, а потом и економски показатељи овог биотехнолошког процеса. Са технолошког аспекта, резултати ових истраживања представљају поуздан извор информација за дефинисање идејног решења предложеног биопроцеса који је основа за израду главног технолошког пројекта.</p> / <p>Sve obimnija industrijalizacija koja je odgovor na zahteve potrošačkog društva, veliki je eksploatator resursa i generator, pored željenog proizvoda i velikih količina otpadnih tokova. U najvećem broj slučajeva industrijski efluenti bivaju ispušteni u prirodne recipijente jer već njihova primarna obrada iziskuje dodatna ulaganja. Razvojem tehnike i tehnologije omogućena je primena bioprocesa u ovu svrhu, ali samo iskorišćenje otpadnih voda kao sirovine za biotehnološku proizvodnju obećava simultanu zaštitu životne sredine i ekonomsku dobit, odnosno predstavlja rešenje problema koje je održivo.<br />U okviru istraživanja koja su obuhvaćena ovom doktorskom disertacijom dokazana je mogućnosti primene otpadnih voda prehrambene industrije kao osnove kultivacionog medijuma u biotehnološkoj proizvodnji biopolimera ksantana. Polazni korak za industrijalizaciju predloženog postupka je razvoj simulacionog modela koji u najvećoj meri treba da opiše realnu situaciju u materijalnom, energetskom, ekološkom i ekonomskom smislu. Realizacija ovakvog cilja zahteva poznavanje uzročno-posledične veze između metaboličke aktivnosti primenjenog biokatalizatora i procesnih uslova među kojima je veoma značajan sastav kultivacionog medijuma.<br />U tu svrhu izvršena je karakterizacija 18 otpadnih voda koje pripadaju različitim granama pregrambene industrije i potvrđena mogućnost njihove primene kao osnove kultivacionog medijuma za biotehnološku proizvodnju ksantana. Eksperimentalno je potvrđena mogućnost proizvodnje ksantana na ovim efluentima primenom proizvodnog mikroorganizma Xanthomonas campestris ATCC 13951, izvođenjem bioprocesa u bioreaktoru standardnih geometrijskih odnosa, zapremine 2 l. Optimizacija sastava kultivacionog medijuma sa otpadnim vodama odabranih grana prehrambene industrije, u pogledu najznačajnijih nutrijenata i sa ciljem dobijanja što većeg sadržaja željenog proizvoda, izvedena je primenom metode željene funkcije. U nastavku istraživanja, definisana je kinetika biosinteze ksantana u bioreaktoru zapremine 7 l, a dobijeni kinetički modeli za umnožavanje biomase (logistička jednačina), nastajanje proizvoda (Luedeking-Piret-ova jednačina) i potrošnju izvora ugljenika (modifikovana Luedeking-Piret-ova jednačina)) su iskorišćeni za razvoj simulacionog modela bioprocesa proizvodnje ksantana primenom efluenata prehrambene industrije.<br />Generisanim simulacionim modelom proizvodnje ksantana primenom otpadnih efluenata različitih grana prehrambene industrije su predviđeni prvenstveno procesni, a potom i ekonomski pokazatelji ovog biotehnološkog procesa. Sa tehnološkog aspekta, rezultati ovih istraživanja predstavljaju pouzdan izvor informacija za definisanje idejnog rešenja predloženog bioprocesa koji je osnova za izradu glavnog tehnološkog projekta.</p> / <p>Increasing industrialization as a response to the demands of the consumer society greatly exploits resources and generates large amounts of waste effluents in addition to the desired product. In most cases industrial effluents are discharged into the natural environment because even their primary processing requires additional investments. The development of biotechnology has enabled bioprocesses to be used for this purpose, and using wastewaters as raw materials for biotechnological production simultaneously provides preservation of the environment and economic benefits which is a sustainable solution to the problem.<br />Within the research covered in this doctoral thesis it was proven it is possible to use food and beverage industry wastewaters as a basis for the cultivation media in the biotechnological production of xanthan. The starting step in industrializing the suggested process is to develop a simulation model which best represents the realistic situation and its material, energy, environmental and economic aspects. Realizing this goal requires the author/researcher to be familiar with the causal link between the metabolic activity of the used biocatalyst and process conditions among which the composition of the cultivation media is very significant.<br />In order to accomplish this goal, 18 wastewaters from different branches of the food and beverage industry were characterized and were confirmed to have the capability to be used as a cultivation media for the biotechnological production of xanthan. Experiments confirmed the possibility of producing xanthan on these effluents using the production microorganism Xanthomonas campestris ATCC 13951 in a 2 liter bioreactor of standard geometric characteristics. Composition of the cultivation media based on the wastewaters of the selected food and beverage industry branches was optimized using the desirability function method, focusing on the most significant nutrients and with the goal of obtaining the maximum amount of the desired product. In further research, the kinetics of xanthan biosynthesis in a 7 liter bioreactor were defined, and the obtained kinetic models for biomass multiplication (logistic equation), product formation (Luedeking-Piret equation) and carbon source consumption (modified Luedeking-Piret equation) were used to develop a simulation model of the xanthan production bioprocess using food and beverage processing industry effluents.<br />The generated simulation model of xanthan production using waste effluents of different branches of the food and beverage industry predicts primarily the process but also the economic indicators of this biotechnological process. From a technological perspective, the results of this research represent a reliable source of information for defining a general design of the suggested bioprocess as a basis for the creation of a major biotechnological project.</p>

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