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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efficacité organisationnelle d’organismes communautaires en sécurité alimentaire situés en milieux ruraux, semi-urbains et urbains au Québec

Ticala, Raluca 04 1900 (has links)
Contexte. L’insécurité alimentaire touche près de 11% des ménages au Québec. Les programmes alimentaires communautaires et l’aide alimentaire des banques alimentaires sont les principales interventions pour répondre à ce problème. Ces organismes communautaires en sécurité alimentaire (OCSA) opèrent avec des ressources humaines, financières et matérielles instables et souvent insuffisantes : pour ajuster l’offre à la demande, ils doivent souvent limiter le nombre de ménages desservis, la qualité de provisions ou de l’aide offerte. Considérant ces contraintes, est-ce qu’ils ont des opérations efficaces pour accomplir leur mission? Aucun modèle d’évaluation de l’efficacité organisationnelle (EO) n’existe. Une poignée d’études réalisées en milieu urbain ont analysé les opérations des OCSA, alors qu’une hétérogénéité de façons de faire existe. Objectif. Cette étude exploratoire propose un modèle permettant d'associer les capacités d’OCSA à des mesures d’EO, selon une approche multidimensionnelle. Elle vise aussi à comparer les opérations des OCSA dans quatre régions du Québec. Méthode. Une analyse secondaire des données a été réalisée sur les données d’une enquête téléphonique préliminaire à l’étude longitudinale PARCOURS : demander de l’aide alimentaire, et après?. Entre novembre 2017 et juin 2018, des représentants de 141 OCSA ont répondu à un questionnaire dressant un portrait de leurs opérations. L’échantillon incluait 64 organismes DON (i.e. don d’aliments) et 77 organismes classés DON+ (i.e. don avec des activités de développement des capacités en alimentation), situés en milieu urbain (n=60), semi-urbain (n=43) et rural (n=38). Trois dimensions de l’OE des OCSA, réparties en cinq mesures ont été analysées : le volume de service (ménages desservis annuellement), la qualité des paniers offerts (diversité alimentaire et valeur monétaire) et la qualité de l’aide (fréquence du don et conditions d’accès). Les associations ont été testées pour les capacités suivantes : la présence d’employés, les liens de collaboration avec des entreprises alimentaires, la présence d’usagers sur des comités, la publication en ligne de documents stratégiques, en plus du type de milieu et de programme. Résultats. Les organismes DON+ étaient plus développés que les organismes DON, sans nécessairement desservir plus de ménages. Pour l’ensemble des OCSA, lorsque le nombre de ménages desservis était plus faible, la qualité des paniers offerts était meilleure en ce qui concernait la diversité. La collaboration avec des entreprises alimentaires, la publication en ligne de documents stratégiques, la présence d’employés et le fait d’être situé en milieu rural étaient positivement associés à l’EO. Conclusion. Au-delà du nombre de ménages desservis, d’autres mesures de l’EO doivent être considérées pour évaluer le travail des OCSA. Notre modèle propose quelques pistes pour évaluer l’EO et identifier les meilleures pratiques. Davantage d’études sont nécessaires pour valider le modèle proposé. / Background. Food insecurity affects 11% of households in Québec. This problem is partially relieved by community food programs and food pantry assistance. These food security community organizations (FSCOs) operate with insufficient and unstable human, financial and material resources. To adjust supply with increasing demand, they must limit either: the number of households served, the quantity of the food offered or the quality of the assistance. In the face of these constraints, are FPs effectively accomplishing their mission? No model assessing FPs’ organizational effectiveness (OE) exists. Many ways of doing so exists, yet only a few studies in urban settings have documented FSCOs operations. Objective. This exploratory study aims to propose a model that associates capacities with measures of OE, defined by a multidimensional approach. This study also aims to compare operations of FSCOs located in four Quebec regions. Methods. We draw on data from a preliminary phone survey of the PATHWAYS STUDY: Asking for food aid, and then?. Between November 2017 and June 2018, respondents from 141 FSCOs were surveyed to provide in-depth description of their operations. The sample included 64 FD (food donation organizations) and 77 FD+ (FD organizations that included other food capacity-building activities), located in urban (n=60), semiurban (n=43) and rural (n=38) settings. Three dimensions of FSCOs’ OE, for a total of five measures, were analyzed: service volume (annual number of households), quality of hampers (diversity and monetary value) and quality of assistance (frequency of FD and access limitations). Associations with these capacities were tested: presence of employees, online publication of strategic documents, collaboration with private food suppliers, user implication in committees, and FP settings and program type. Results. FD+ organizations seemed overall more developed without necessarily providing food to more households. For all FSCOs, when the number of households requesting assistance was lower, the quality of the offered food was higher in variety. Collaborating with private food suppliers, publishing strategic documents online, presence of employees and being located in rural settings were capacities positively associated with OE. Discussion. Beyond the number of households served, other measures of OE need to be considered to assess FSCOs. Our model provides some guidance to assess their OE and identifies best practices. More research is needed to validate our model.

Experiences of participants in the field of food insecurity through the lens of Bourdieu's cultural capital : practical and theoretical explorations

Gough, Margot 02 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire utilise des données qualitatives provenant d’entretiens semi-structurés pour examiner les ressources qu’utilisent les individus qui font face à l’insécurité alimentaire sous l’angle du capital culturel de Pierre Bourdieu. Les participants étaient choisis parmi les usagers des organismes alternatifs qui œuvrent en sécurité alimentaire à Montréal. Tous étaient en situation d’insécurité alimentaire. Des analyses inductives et déductives étaient exécutées. Seize indicateurs de la forme du capital culturel incorporée, et trois indicateurs de chacune des formes institutionnalisées et objectivées ont été trouvés à être reliés aux stratégies qu’utilisaient les répondants pour améliorer leur situation alimentaire. Cette recherche nous indique que le capital culturel individuel joue un rôle dans les stratégies utilisées, incluant la participation dans les organismes communautaires. De plus, un manque de capital approprié peut servir comme barrière à la participation dans certaines stratégies ce qui pourra avancer des réflexions sur la justesse et l’efficacité des stratégies actuelles. / Using qualitative semi-structured interview data, this thesis examines the resources used by food insecure Montrealers through the lens of Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of cultural capital. Respondents were chosen among users of alternative community food security organizations and all were food insecure. Inductive and deductive analyses were performed. Sixteen indicators of embodied cultural capital and three indicators of each of institutionalized and objectified cultural capital were found to be related to the strategies respondents used to try to improve their situation of food insecurity. This research demonstrates that cultural capital plays a role in the strategies employed by food insecure Montrealers, including the participation in community-based organizations. In addition, a lack of appropriate capital can serve as a barrier to participation in certain strategies. Further examination of these barriers could help to deepen understanding of the appropriateness and effectiveness of the current community strategies to face food insecurity.

Relations entre l'excès de poids, la qualité de l'alimentation et l'insécurité alimentaire chez les Premières Nations vivant sur les réserves de la Colombie-Britannique, Canada

Buhendwa Mirindi, Victor 01 1900 (has links)
La prévalence de l’excès de poids (EP) est en pleine croissance à travers le monde. Au Canada, elle serait de 59,1% dans la population générale, dont 23,1% d’obésité et 36,0% d’embonpoint. Ces pourcentages sont encore plus élevés dans la population autochtone, en plus d’une forte prévalence d’insécurité alimentaire (IA) et une alimentation en transition vers de moins en moins de nourritures traditionnelles, et de plus en plus de nourritures commerciales de faible densité nutritionnelle. L’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) recommande des initiatives pour documenter le statut sanitaire de cette population afin d’orienter les actions pouvant prévenir les conséquences négatives sur la santé. Notre étude visait donc à décrire les phénomènes de l’EP et de l’IA chez les Premières Nations (PN) adultes de 19 ans et plus, vivant sur les réserves en Colombie-Britannique (CB). Cet échantillon est en effet le premier d’un projet de 10 ans dénommé « First Nations Food, Nutrition and Environment Study » ou (FNFNES), visant à documenter l’état nutritionnel et l’exposition à certains contaminants chez les PN vivant au sud du 60ème parallèle au Canada. Plus particulièrement, cette thèse cherche à associer trois dimensions de la santé, soit l’EP, la qualité de l’alimentation (QA) et l’IA. Nous avons voulu en effet vérifier dans le contexte des PN de la CB: 1) si une QA inadéquate serait associée à un risque plus élevé d’EP; 2) si l’IA des ménages serait associée à une qualité inadéquate de l’alimentation; et 3) si la QA et l’IA expliqueraient ensemble la présence d’EP. A l’issue des analyses (univariées, bivariées, MANOVA et régressions logistiques) de nos données transversales colligées en 2008/2009, les prévalences respectives chez les femmes (n = 493) et les hommes (n = 356) adultes étaient de 44,8% et 35,4% pour l’obésité, de 31,6% et 41,3% pour l’embonpoint, soit un total de 76,4% et 76,7% d’EP. Elles étaient de 39,3% et de 34,8% pour l’IA. Seuls 42,4% des femmes et 43,8% des hommes avaient un accès suffisant aux aliments traditionnels. Après ajustement pour les variables sociodémographiques et du mode de vie, les résultats des analyses multivariées ont montré ii que bien que les prévalences d’EP et d’IA soient assez similaires dans les deux sexes, les processus reliant l’EP, la QA et l’IA seraient différents. En effet, chez les femmes, l’EP serait expliqué par une QA compromise par des apports énergétiques relativement élevés (RC = 2,26; IC: 1,13 - 4,52), la consommation fréquente des boissons gazeuses (pour l’embonpoint, RC = 2,70; IC: 1,11 - 6,56 et pour l’obésité, RC = 2,53; IC: 1,05 - 6,09), en synergie avec l’inactivité physique (RC = 0,52; IC: 0,28 – 0,98 pour le groupe à activité modérée, et RC = 0,36; IC: 0,18 – 0,72 pour le groupe le plus actif), tandis que les produits céréaliers (RC = 0,35; IC: 0,16 - 0,75) et le lait et substituts (RC = 0,40; IC: 0,16 - 0,95) joueraient un rôle protecteur contre l’EP. D’autre part, l’IA des ménages influencerait la QA (à travers les gras saturés, p = 0,02) mais lorsque les trois variables sont étudiées ensemble, seules des dimensions de la QA apparaissent associées à l’EP. Par contre chez les hommes, le seul facteur alimentaire associé à l’EP est le pain blanc mais dans un rôle protecteur (pour l’embonpoint, RC = 0,38; IC: 0,18 - 0,76 et pour l’obésité, RC = 0,36; IC: 0,16 - 0,80); de même, lorsque les trois variables sont étudiées ensemble, l’IA joue un rôle protecteur de l’EP, dans un contexte de tabagisme relativement élevé et également protecteur, ce qui n’expliquerait pas la forte prévalence d’EP observée chez les hommes PN vivant sur les réserves de la CB. Des études plus approfondies et sur des échantillons plus grands seraient nécessaires pour mieux cerner la nature des relations mais d’ores et déjà, notre travail suggère que des effets positifs sur l’EP peuvent être attendus des politiques et programmes visant à réduire la consommation des boissons gazeuses et l’inactivité physique, et à encourager la consommation des produits céréaliers et de lait et substituts chez les femmes. Quant aux hommes, les conclusions de notre étude ne nous permettent pas encore de formuler des recommandations précises. Alors, les comportements santé recommandés aux femmes devraient être généralisés aux hommes en attendant les conclusions d’autres études. / There is consistent evidence showing that the prevalence of excess weight is increasing all over the world. In Canada, the prevalence is 59.4%, of which 23.1% can be ascribed to obesity and 36.0% to overweight. These proportions are higher in aboriginal populations, along with higher prevalence of food insecurity and a transition diet characterized by less traditional foods known to be of high nutrient content, and more market foods of lower nutritional density. Because of this situation, the World Health Organization has recommended new research strategies and initiatives in order to document the health status of these populations and prevent negative health consequences. Our study aimed to describe the phenomena of excess weight and food insecurity among adult First Nations (FN), aged 19 years and over, living on the reserves of British Columbia (BC); this sample is the first of a ten year project, the “First Nations Food, Nutrition and Environment Study” (FNFNES) aiming to document the nutritional status and exposure to contaminants in Canadian First Nations communities living south of the 60th parallel. Specifically, this thesis aims to link three health dimensions: excess weight, diet quality and food insecurity. We explored whether in the context of FN people living on the reserves of BC, 1) an inadequate diet quality is associated with a higher risk of excess weight; 2) household food insecurity is associated with inadequate diet quality; and 3) together, diet quality and food insecurity might explain the high prevalence of excess weight. Our results (from univariate, bivariate, MANOVA and logistic regression analysis of data collected in 2008/2009) show that among women (n = 493) and men (n = 356) respectively, the prevalences were 44.8% and 35.4% for obesity, and 31.6% and 41.3% for overweight, for a total of 76.4% and 76.7% for excess weight; for food insecurity, the prevalence was 39.3% for women and 34.8% for men. Only 42.4% of women and 43.8% of men had sufficient access to traditional foods. After controlling for sociodemographic and lifestyle variables, the results of multivariate analysis suggest that although the prevalences of iv excess weight and food insecurity were similar between genders, the process linking excess weight, diet quality and food insecurity was different among men and women. Indeed, in women, the excess weight might be explained by compromised diet quality, as observed through relatively high energy intakes (OR = 2.26; 95% CI: 1.13 - 4.52), more frequent consumption of carbonated beverages (OR = 2.70; CI: 1.11- 6.56 for overweight and OR = 2.53; CI: 1.05 - 6.09 for obesity), together with physical inactivity (OR = 0.52; CI: 0.28 - 0.58 for the moderate physical activity group and OR = 0.36; CI: 0.18 - 0.72 for the active group). Cereals (OR = 0.35; CI: 0.16- 0.75) and dairy products (OR = 0.40; CI: 0.16 - 0.95) played a protective role against excess weight. Moreover, household food insecurity influenced diet quality (through saturated fatty acids, p = 0.02) but when the three variables were analysed together, the only dimension associated with excess weight in women was diet quality, but not food insecurity. In men, the only dietary factor associated with excess weight was white bread, in a paradoxically protective role (OR = 0.38; CI: 0.18-0.76 for overweight and OR= 0.36; CI: 0.16-0.80 for obesity); also, when the three variables were put together, food insecurity played a protective role for excess weight, in the context of relatively high rate of smoking, also known to be protective of excess weight, which cannot help explain the high prevalence of excess weight in men living on the reserves of BC. More detailed studies, carried out in larger samples, would be necessary to better understand these relationships. This study already suggests that positive effects on the reduction of excess weight could result from policies and programmes aiming to reduce carbonated drink intakes and physical inactivity, and to encourage consumption of cereals and dairy products, especially in women. Regarding men, our results do not permit specific recommendations. However, healthy behaviours recommended for women might be extended to men, while waiting for results from further studies.

Dietary diversity and food access of deep-rural households of Idutywa, Eastern Cape

Dlamini, N. E. 25 July 2014 (has links)
The objective of this research is to investigate the food security, food diversity and coping strategies used to access food in households in the Eastern Cape rural village of Timane in Idutywa, Eastern Cape, South Africa. A cross-sectional survey design was used in which a Coping Strategy Index questionnaire designed by Maxwell and Caldwell (2008) and a HDD questionnaire was used to gather data interviewing respondents. This study was conducted in the rural community of Timane which was divided into geographical groups from which household were randomly chosen. A total of 60 adults representing 60 selected households were interviewed to provide information on household dietary diversity. Data was collected on the socio-biographic and HHD parameters of households. Data was analyzed and presented as correlation, percentages, means and SDs. Up to 72% of household received state grants and the Spearman’s correlation between number of children and HDD score was r = 0.38 while that between number of adults in households and HDD score was r = -0.93. Food security in the Timane community largely depends on state grants and HDD increases moderately with the increase in children and decreases with the increase in adults per household. The majority of the households (72%) received state grants as a source of income within which old-age pensions constitute 28% and child grants 38%. The Spearman’s correlation coefficient between the number of children in households of respondents and CSI was 0.78 (P < 001) while that between the number of adults in households and CSIS was 0.2 (P < 001). Household in the rural community of Timane community were found to be food insecure and this gets severe with the increase in the number of children in households. / Life and Consumer Sciences / M. A. (Human Ecology)

Risque d'insécurité alimentaire et crises : Impacts du commerce, du régime alimentaire et de l'amplification sociale du risque / Risk of food insecurity and crises : impact of trade, food diet and social risk amplification.

Bassene, Théophile 10 December 2018 (has links)
Le début du XXI siècle a été marqué par deux épisodes de flambées des prix des produits alimentaires au niveau mondial, respectivement en 2007-08 et 2010-11. Ces hausses de prix ont aggravé le niveau d’insécurité alimentaire dans de nombreux pays en développement et ont engendré des manifestations et troubles sociaux dans certains pays. Déterminer les facteurs qui contribuent à accroitre le risque d’insécurité alimentaire et comprendre les mécanismes qui sous-tendent l’éclatement d’une crise alimentaire pourraient permettre d’améliorer l’efficacité des politiques de prévention. Cette thèse contribue à cet objectif. Le chapitre 2 estime les différentes composantes de la variabilité de la disponibilité alimentaire en utilisant les données désagrégées des bilans alimentaires. Nos résultats suggèrent que plus de la moitié de la variabilité de la disponibilité alimentaire d’un pays dépend de chocs propres au pays. Les chocs globaux représentent environ 1% de la variabilité totale.Le chapitre 3 montre que l’impact du commerce international sur la variabilité de la disponibilité alimentaire dépend du portefeuille d’accords commerciaux détenu par le pays. Le chapitre 4 utilise le cadre théorique des paniques bancaires et s’appuie sur des travaux portant sur le risque perçu et sur les biais cognitifs pour modéliser le comportement d’achat alimentaire du consommateur. Nous montrons comment l’amplification sociale du risque peut conduire au stockage de précaution et à une crise alimentaire auto-réalisatrice. Nous mettons aussi en évidence l’utilité sociale d’une information publique / The beginning of the 21st century is marked by two episodes of global food price spikes in 2007-08 and 2010-11, respectively. These price increases have worsened the level of food insecurity in many developing countries and have led to social unrest in some countries. Identifying the factors that contribute to increase the risk of food insecurity and understand the mechanisms that underpin the outbreak of a food crisis could help to improve food policy management.This thesis contributes to this objective. Chapter 2 estimates the different components of food supply variability by using disaggregated data of food balance sheets. Our results suggest that more than half of food supply variability is caused by country-specific shocks. Global shocks account for about 1% of the total variability.Chapter 3 shows that the impact of international trade on food supply variability depends on the country's portfolio of trade agreements. Chapter 4 uses the theoretical framework of bank panics and builds on work on perceived risk and cognitive biases to model consumer food purchasing behavior under uncertainty. We show how social amplification of risk can lead to precautionary storage and in fine self-fulfilling food crisis. We also highlight the social utility of reliable public information. Finally, Chapter 5 examines the impact of dietary composition on the probability of occurrence of social unrest in case of soaring world food prices. Our results suggest that the cereal concentration of the diet increases significantly the probability of social unrest.

Programa de alimentação escolar: perfil dos beneficiários, qualidade e atuação de gestores e da comunidade de Guariba / The School Meals Program: beneficiary profile, quality and performance of managers and community in Guariba

Amistá, Maria Julia de Miguel 08 October 2013 (has links)
O Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE), mais conhecido como Merenda Escolar, é um dos programas mais antigos e duradouros, implementado no Brasil e tem por objetivo atender as necessidades nutricionais dos alunos da educação básica durante sua permanência na escola com o intuito de garantir desenvolvimento e aprendizagem adequados bem como promover a formação de hábitos alimentares saudáveis. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o perfil dos beneficiários, a qualidade e a atuação de gestores e da comunidade no âmbito do PNAE no Município de Guariba - SP, no ano de 2013. Para a avaliação nutricional dos alunos foram analisados os indicadores antropométricos (escore Z do Índice de Massa Corporal). Para os pais ou responsáveis foi utilizado um instrumento socioeconômico para captar informações sobre renda, (In)Segurança Alimentar entre outros indicadores referentes aos alunos. Para as merendeiras foi utilizado um questionário para averiguar, além de outros aspectos, a regularidade de distribuição de alimentação nas escolas. Com o Conselho de Alimentação Escolar verificou-se a atuação quanto ao cumprimento da legislação que norteia o Programa. Merece destaque a prevalência de excesso de peso dos alunos (46,35%) principalmente no que tange a proporção de obesos (24%). As condições socioeconômicas das famílias dos alunos também devem ser salientadas, uma vez que 90,88% das famílias possuem rendimento per capita que não alcançava R$ 600,00. As análises envolvendo o tema Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional mostraram que a proporção de famílias em situação de insegurança é superior às médias nacionais e, especificamente, para a região Sudeste do país. Considera-se expressiva a adesão dos alunos ao PNAE bem como o reconhecimento da importância que estes atribuem ao Programa; porém a proporção de adesão efetiva (consumo nos cinco dias da semana) mostrou-se baixa. Quanto às análises de atividade física, constatou-se uma tendência do sexo feminino ao sedentarismo e o tempo dedicado a atividades sedentárias foi maior àqueles destinados para a prática de atividade física. A oferta da merenda escolar ocorre de modo regular nas escolas integrantes da pesquisa. No tocante ao Conselho de Alimentação Escolar, os membros mostraram pouco conhecimento sobre a legislação vigente que regulamenta o PNAE e o cumprimento da exigência relativa à aquisição de gêneros alimentícios diretamente da Agricultura Familiar e do Empreendedor Familiar Rural. / The Brazilian National School Meals Program, also known as School Lunch, is one of the most ancient and enduring programs implemented in Brazil and aims to meet the nutritional needs of basic education students during their stay in the school in order to ensure appropriate development and learning as well as promoting the formation of wholesome eating habits. The principal focus of this essay was seeing the beneficiarys profile, the quality and the performance of managers and the community within The School Meals Program in Guariba\'s city, in 2013. For nutritional assessment of the students there were analyzed anthropometric indicators (Body Mass Index and Z score). For parents or guardians a socioeconomic instrument was used to capture information on income, food security (Brazilian Scale of Food Insecurity and Hunger) among other indicators of students. For cooks a questionnaire was used to ascertain, among other aspects, the regularity of power distribution in schools. Moreover, was analyzed the performance and enforcement of legislation that it guides the Program. Noteworthy is the prevalence of overweight students (46.35%) mainly as regards the proportion of obese (24%). The socioeconomic status of student\'s families should also be emphasized, since 90.88% households income per capita does not reach R$ 600,00. Analyses involving the theme Food Security and Nutrition showed that the proportion of households insecure is higher than the national averages and the Southeast. Can be considered significant adherence of students to school meals as well as recognition of the importance of the program by the students, but the proportion of effective adhesion (consumption in the five days of the week) was low. As for the analysis of physical activity, there was a tendency of girls to a sedentary lifestyle and the time devoted to sedentary activities was higher for those with physical activity practice. It was observed that the provision of school meals happens so regularly in schools participating in the study. Regarding the School Food Council, the members showed little knowledge of the current legislation under the Brazilian National School Meals Program and the fulfillment of purchase of food directly from the Family Farm and Rural Family Entrepreneur.

Efeitos da renda sobre atributos da alimentação no Brasil: Uma análise da influência de medidas associadas ao salário mínimo sobre dimensões da segurança alimentar e nutricional / Effects of income on food attributes in Brazil: An analysis of the influence of measures associated to the minimum wage on food and nutritional security dimensions

Santana, André Bento Chaves 21 September 2018 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar adequação do uso do salário mínimo, em comparação com outras medidas de renda, na investigação de aspectos de segurança alimentar e nutricional no Brasil; especialmente quanto à representatividade do poder aquisitivo, à qualidade nutricional do padrão alimentar da população e às alternativas para solução de situações de insegurança alimentar. A partir de dados disponibilizados pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) e pelo Departamento Intersindical de Estatística e Estudos Econômicos (DIEESE), foram conduzidas análises sobre: (1) evolução do poder aquisitivo do salário mínimo desde sua criação até atualmente, em comparação ao valor monetário necessário para aquisição dos itens alimentares inicialmente previstos na cesta básica utilizada para seu cálculo; (2) adequação nutricional da cesta básica de alimentos em relação às recomendações nutricionais vigentes na atualidade; (3) qualidade nutricional do consumo alimentar da população brasileira em comparação à dieta baseada em itens da cesta básica pela aplicação do Índice de Qualidade da Dieta Revisado; (4) caracterização de domicílios brasileiros em situação de insegurança alimentar para mapeamento das atitudes adotadas em resposta à escassez de alimentos. Os resultados obtidos indicaram deterioração da relevância do salário mínimo no contexto alimentar e nutricional, devido à ausência de atualizações monetárias de valor em períodos críticos da inflação brasileira e à mudança nas recomendações nutricionais em decorrência da evolução do conhecimento na área, sem correspondente revisão da composição da cesta de alimentos originalmente proposta como base para cálculo do salário mínimo. O padrão de consumo alimentar da população brasileira e a dieta baseada no consumo dos itens da cesta básica de alimentos foram caracterizados por baixo consumo de frutas, vegetais e cereais, além de excesso de ingestão energética proveniente de gorduras e açúcar. Em relação à insegurança alimentar, observou-se preferência por atitudes de redistribuição intradomiciliar de alimentos ou busca de apoio em rede social proximal dos indivíduos em situação de insegurança alimentar. Programas governamentais raramente são mencionados como parte das ações principais para mitigar problemas de escassez de alimentos no contexto domiciliar. A partir do conjunto de evidências analisadas, conclui-se que políticas de reajuste do salário mínimo e de distribuição de renda apresentam baixa efetividade em termos de promoção de um melhor padrão alimentar para população brasileira. Determinados programas governamentais direcionados à promoção da segurança alimentar e nutricional possivelmente apresentam insuficiência na cobertura ou baixa divulgação entre segmentos populacionais de menor renda, colocando em risco a garantia do acesso à alimentação adequada no Brasil. / The objective of the study was to assess the adequacy of the use of minimum wage in the investigation of aspects related to food and nutrition security in Brazil, in comparison to other income measures; especially referring to its characteristics in representing purchase power, nutritional quality of food consumption patterns at population level and alternatives for solution of food insecurity situations. Using data from the Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and the Brazilian Interunion Department for Statistics and Economic Studies (DIEESE), a set of analysis was performed in relation to: (1) evolution of purchase power of the Brazilian minimum wage from its inception until nowadays, in comparison to the monetary value required to acquisition of the food items originally proposed in the basic food basket used for its calculation; (2) nutritional adequacy of the Brazilian basic food basket in comparison to recent nutritional recommendations; (3) nutritional quality of the food consumption patterns from the Brazilian population in comparison to a diet based on items of the basic food basket, using the Healthy Eating Index Revised adapted for Brazil; (4) characterization of Brazilian households under food insecurity in order to map attitudes adopted to deal with food scarcity. The results showed deterioration of the relevance of the Brazilian minimum wage in the food and nutrition context, due to the absence of updates in its monetary value during periods of high inflation in Brazil, and due to changes in nutritional recommendations derived from advances in knowledge without revision of the composition of the basic food basket originally proposed for estimation of the minimum wage. The Brazilian population dietary pattern nowadays and the diet based on the basic food basket were marked by low proportion of fruits, vegetables and cereals; and excess of calories from fats, oils and sugar. In relation to food insecurity, results pointed to preference for adoption of attitudes related to intra-household food redistribution and support of social networks in order to deal with lack of food. Government programs were rarely mentioned as potential solutions for reducing the impacts of food scarcity in the household context. The evidences analyzed in the study indicated that policies for adjustment of the minimum wage and programs for income distribution in Brazil had low effectiveness for promotion of improvements in food consumption patterns among the Brazilian population. Certain government programs directed towards promotion of food security probably present insufficient coverage or low dissemination among low income segments of the population, compromising the assurance of adequate access to food in Brazil.

Sécurité alimentaire et diversité alimentaire des ménages en Haïti

Sebai, Ines 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Food Insecurity and Children: How Food Insecurity Affects Mental Health in Children

Jordan, Brianna L. 01 January 2019 (has links)
Being without the financial means to have reliable access to enough food to sustain members of a household is known as Food Insecurity (FI; Gundersen, 2013). Previous research has linked FI to obesity and depression (Adams, Grummer-Strawn, & Chavez, 2003; Bronte-Tinkew, Zaslow, Capps, Horowitz, & Mcnamara, 2007; Huddleston-Casas, Charnigo, & Simmons, 2009; Kim & Frongillo, 2007). Although there have been findings about FI being related to depression and obesity, little research has used African Americans; even less research has used young adolescents as the target population. This study had five aims: 1) Observe the impact of FI on health, 2) Observe the impact of weight status on depression, 3) Observe gender effects, 4) Testing mediation effects of child and caregiver depression, and 5) Observe income effects on FI. There were 228 participants (Mage=13.27) recruited from a large Mid-Atlantic city. Self-administered questionnaires were used to assess psychosocial functioning, and caregivers answered the Two-Item Screening Questionnaire for Food Insecurity to assess FI status. FI was not significantly related to child depression but was related to caregiver depression. There was no relation between FI and weight status. Obese children reported higher levels of depression than normal and overweight children; weight had no relation to caregiver depression. Female children had higher rates of depression, overweightness, and obesity. Poverty was not related to FI or depression in children and caregivers. With more FI research, advances can be made to reduce the negative impact of this issue.


Chawdhury, Valentina 01 June 2019 (has links)
Objective: Food insecurity among South Asians in the US is a public health issue. Food insecure adults face a plethora of adverse outcomes and research shows that individuals with ancestral origins from South Asia have a higher susceptibility rate for cardiovascular disease after migrating to urban environments. As such, the goal of this study was to research possible barriers South Asians face when creating cultural dishes in the US. Methods: This was a convergent parallel mixed-methods analysis to understand how South Asians feel about food insecurity. Pricing and availability of cultural food items were obtained from South Asian and Western grocery stores. Focus groups were conducted among twelve participants who identified as South Asian immigrants where participants discussed their experiences obtaining cultural food items. After the interviews, the discussions were transcribed, and patterns were identified and analyzed. Results: The results of the study demonstrate that South Asians find barriers such as availability, price, and quality when shopping for cultural food items. Participants reported cooking cultural foods at a lower frequency than what they would prefer because while many of the food items commonly used in cultural dishes were available at both Western and South Asian grocery stores, South Asian stores were more expensive. Furthermore, participants reported that some culturally specific ingredients were not available at South Asian stores thus further limiting their ability to cook healthy items. Conclusion: The results of the study highlight the need for more public health initiative to address food insecurity among South Asians in the US.

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