Spelling suggestions: "subject:"foodwaste"" "subject:"woodwaste""
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Metoder för minskat matsvinn : ett fokuserat fältarbete på gymnasieskolor / Methods for Reducing Food Waste : a Focused Ethnography in Upper Secondary SchoolsBagewitz, Cornelia, Gustavsson, Emelie January 2018 (has links)
Inledning Ungefär en tredjedel av all mat som produceras i världen, med syfte att konsumeras av människor, slängs eller går förlorad. Detta innebär att enorma resurser, som går till produktionen av livsmedel, går åt till ingen nytta. Om matsvinnet minskar skulle det innebära minskade utsläpp, lägre energi- och råvaruförbrukning och en minskad miljöpåverkan. Matsvinn är inte ett nytt forskningsområde, men det finns ett behov av fler studier som berör åtgärder för att minska det. En stor del av allt matsvinn i Sverige uppkommer i storkök och då framförallt i skolor, vilket leder till syftet med denna studie. Syfte Syftet är att undersöka vilka metoder för minskat matsvinn som några utvalda gymnasieskolor använder sig av, personalens upplevelse av dessa metoder och deras tankar om förbättringsåtgärder. Material och metod Intervjuer och observationer genomfördes i form av ett fokuserat fältarbete på fyra gymnasieskolor i Helsingborg. Det insamlade materialet bearbetades med hjälp av tematisk analys. Litteraturen i bakgrunden användes som ett analytiskt verktyg. Resultat De metoder som skolorna använde sig av var: serveringssätt, tillvaratagande, utformning av sopkärl, kommunikation, tävling samt vägning och statistik. De förbättringsförslag som uppkom var bättre schemaläggning, förbättrad kommunikation mellan måltidspersonal och skolans personal samt undervisning om matsvinn. Slutsats De metoder som upplevdes vara mest effektiva var mindre storlek på serveringsredskapen, tillvaratagande av mat, mindre sopkärl och vägning, medan smakskedar tycktes fungera sämre. Kommunikationen mellan måltidspersonal och skolans personal behöver förbättras för att underlätta matsvinnsarbetet. Undervisning om matsvinn kan vara ett sätt att involvera eleverna i arbetet. / Introduction About one-third of all food produced for human consumption in the world is either wasted or lost. This means that large amounts of resources, which are used in the production of food, are used in vain. If the food waste would decrease it would reduce the carbon dioxide emissions, lower the energy- and raw material consumption and reduce the environmental impact. Food waste is not a new area of research, however, there is a need for more studies that address methods for reducing it. A big part of the food waste in Sweden comes from large-scale catering establishments, especially from schools, which leads to the aim of this study. Aim The aim is to study which methods a couple of upper secondary schools are using for reducing their food waste, the employees experience of the methods and their thoughts on measures of improvement. Method Interviews and observations were carried out using focused ethnography in four upper secondary schools in Helsingborg. The collected data was reviewed using thematic analysis. The literature in the study was used as an analytical tool. Results The methods used by the schools consisted of different ways of serving, re-using food, smaller garbage cans, communication, competition, and measuring and keeping track of the food waste. Conclusion The methods perceived as most efficient were smaller sized serving tools, utilizing and re-using food, smaller garbage cans and measuring the food waste, while spoons used to taste the food before serving yourself was not considered as useful. The communication between the school and the kitchen staff needs to improve to facilitate the task of reducing food waste. Lectures about food waste could be a way to involve the students in the task.
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Pourquoi ? Comment faire ? De la nature du comportement prosocial dans l’hypocrisie induite : le cas du gaspillage alimentaire / Why? How? Prosocial behavior nature in the induced hypocrisy : a food waste case studyPelt, Audrey 06 December 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de concevoir une démarche d’intervention pour promouvoir la réduction du gaspillage alimentaire reposant sur l’hypocrisie induite semble. Cette procédure d’induction de dissonance articule une phase de saillance normative et une phase de rappel des transgressions. Si l’hypocrisie induite est interprétée à la lumière de la théorie de la consistance de Soi, nous reprenons à notre compte les propos de Vallacher (1992), selon lesquelles la nature de l’action, c’est-à-dire les significations qu’un individu attribue à ces comportements, est susceptible d’influencer le processus de dissonance. La théorie des niveaux de construit, incluant l’identification de l’action, a été mobilisée pour appréhender les significations accordées à des conduites pro-sociales. Plus précisément, nous avons examiné l’influence des niveaux de construit, sur les comportements de soumission obtenus, selon que la phase de saillance normative sera suivie ou non d’un rappel des transgressions. Dans une première expérience, nous avons testé l’applicabilité de l’hypocrisie induite pour promouvoir la réduction du gaspillage alimentaire. Les deux expériences suivantes examinent l’influence des niveaux de construits dans l’hypocrisie induite. Enfin, une recherche-action reposant sur des interventions de type face-à-face auprès des ménages a été mise en œuvre et integre des mesures comportementales effectives. Nos résultats suggèrent que l’hypocrisie induite est à même de promouvoir des changements de comportements effectifs de réduction du gaspillage, mais que ces changements dépendent des significations accordées à cette conduite pro-sociale / Our research aims at conceiving an intervention process to promote food waste reduction in households. Considering the characteristics of food waste, induced hypocrisy appeared adapted to lead to behavioural changes. This sequential procedure of dissonance induction articulates two steps: preaching publicly a socially desirable behaviour (normative salience) and remembering one’s counter-normative behaviours (mindfulness). Though induced hyprocrisy is interpreted in the light of self-consistency theory, we make ours Vallacher’s propositions (1992), according to which the nature of the action, that is the meanings attributed to these behaviours by an individual, is likely to influence arousal and dissonance reduction. This research relies on construal level theory, including action identification, to understand the meanings given to pro-social behaviours. More specifically, we tested the influence of construal levels, manipulated during the stage of normative salience, on the compliance behaviours thus obtained, whether the normative salience stage be or not followed by mindfulness. In a first study, we applied induced hypocrisy to a previously unstudied behavioural area: the encouragement of food waste reduction. The next two experiments, conducted in a laboratory, examined the influence of construal levels in induced hypocrisy. Relying on these studies, we conducted a field experiment, which used effective behavioural measures, based on face-to-face interventions in the households. Our results suggest that induced hypocrisy may encourage individuals to actually reduce food waste, but that these changes depend on the meanings they grant to this pro-social behaviour
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Potraviny nejsou odpadZIEGLER, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is concerned with a basic fact about the issue of food waste in a global level and in the Czech Republic as well. It Describes the overall problem and distinguishes a terminology of food loss, food waste etc. The practical part analyzes the consumption of food consumers via questionnaire in the region of Tabor. The goal was to determine whether the respondents are knowledgeable in this matter another aim was to find out the frequency of their purchase and consumption of food in their homes or how they liquidate the remaining food. The challenge is also to propose the own solution of this problem, because waste represents a complex economic, environmental, social and ethical problem. The final part deals with its own proposals for solutions and it finds out the need to establish food banks in the region of Tabor.
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Contribuição ao estudo de perdas no varejo supermercadista: avaliação da quebra operacional e proposição de arranjo institucional para redução do desperdício de alimentos descartados comercialmente / Contribution to the study of losses in retail supermarket: evaluation of the operational break and propose of a institutional arrangement to reduce the waste of commercially disposed foodStella Ribeiro Alves Corrêa 14 October 2011 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como finalidade analisar a ocorrência, a forma e os motivos do desperdício de alimentos no varejo supermercadista, analisando um procedimento das rotinas varejistas chamado de quebra operacional. Nesse sentido, as perdas, resultado direto das quebras, será apresentada sob uma perspectiva tripla, gerando problemas de natureza financeira para o varejo e indústria e ambientais e sociais para a sociedade como um todo, sendo, portanto, uma prática incoerente com as demandas sustentáveis. Considerando o desperdício como um resultado de assimetrias no canal de distribuição e a necessidade das organizações em considerar a sociedade em suas estratégias de negócios, a pesquisa apresenta e discute canais reversos e canais de ciclo fechado como modelos institucionais de coordenação para o tratamento e redução de desperdício e o marketing social como ferramenta para a mudança de comportamento e geração de benefícios à sociedade por parte das organizações. Para ilustrar a conjugação dos temas propostos, a pesquisa apresentará o projeto Last Minute Market, que tem por finalidade a transformação do desperdício em recurso. Em sentido complementar apresentar-se-á a quantificação da quebra operacional de uma loja varejista localizada na cidade de Ribeirão Preto, SP e os mecanismos que a loja usa para gerenciar as perdas e o descarte de alimentos. A conclusão que se tem é que o varejo se esforça para que a perda seja reduzida, mas esforços são necessários para que o desperdício seja também evitado. / This study aims to analyse the occurrence, form and the reasons for food wastage in the retail business context, analyzing a routine retail procedure called operational break. In this sense, the losses, as a direct result of the operational break, will be presented in a triple perspective, generating financial problems to the retail business and industry and environmental and social problems to the society as a whole, therefore, an inconsistent practice with the sustainable demands. Considering the waste as a result of asymmetries in the distribution channel and the need for organizations to consider the society in their business strategies, the study presents and discusses reverse channels and closed-loop channels as institutional models of coordination for the treatment and waste reduction and the social marketing as a tool for behavior change and benefits generation to the society by the organizations. To illustrate the combination of the proposed topics, the research will presents the Last Minute Market project, which aims to convert the waste into resource. On complementary sense, a operational break quantification of a retail store at Ribeirão Preto, SP and the mechanisms that the store uses to manage the loss and disposal of food will be presented. The conclusion is that retail business is striving for the loss to be reduce, but efforts are necessary so that the waste could be also avoided.
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Uppskalning av fluglarvskompostering : Luftningsbehov och ventilation / Scaling-up of fly larvae composting treatment : Aeration need and ventilationJohannesdottir, Solveig January 2017 (has links)
Genom fluglarvskompostering erhålls biomassa från organiskt avfall samt en näringsrik behandlingsrest som kan användas som gödningsmedel eller för biogasutvinning. Larvbiomassan kan användas som djurfoder eller för att tillverka biodiesel. Eskilstuna Strängnäs Energi och Miljö AB planerar bygga en pilotanläggning för fluglarvskompostering med larver av den amerikanska vapenflugan (Hermetia illucens). Behandlingen ska ske i lådor staplade på varandra, avskilda med ett mellanrum för att tillåta luftning av materialet. Luftningsbehovet utgörs av larvernas syrebehov samt av att transportera bort fukt och värme från materialet. Syftet med det här projektet var att utvärdera luftningsbehovet under fluglarvskomposteringsbehandling av matavfall med staplade behandlingslådor. Först designades ett experimentskåp att utföra experimenten i och därefter ett ventilationssystem till skåpet. Två experiment utfördes där tre staplar med nio behandlingslådor vardera utvärderades. I experiment I användes totalt 15 kg matavfall och 15 000 larver per behandlingslåda, i experiment II användes 11 kg matavfall och 10 000 larver per behandlingslåda. Under experimenten togs prover för torrsubstans (TS) och glödförlust (VS), pH samt tillväxt av larverna. Sensorer mätte lufttemperatur, relativ luftfuktighet och materialtemperatur. I båda experimenten erhölls en behandlingsrest med betydligt lägre TS-halt än önskat, vilket troligtvis berodde på att luftflödet i experimentskåpet var lägre än beräknat. I experiment I evaporerade i genomsnitt 6,2 kg vatten per behandlingslåda och i experiment II 4,8 kg, vilket för båda experimenten motsvarade cirka 50 % av det med matavfallet tillsatta vattnet. Enligt resultaten av experimenten kan torrsubstansen av matavfallet reduceras med runt 60 %. Runt 32 % av torrsubstansen i matavfallet omvandlades till larvbiomassa. Materialtemperaturen var i genomsnitt 27–30 °C under experimenten. Lufttemperaturen i experimentskåpet var 27–28 °C och 31 °C i inluften. Den relativa luftfuktigheten i experimentskåpet var 59–67 % och 36 % i inluften. Baserat på resultaten krävs ett luftflöde på 8,4 m3/h per behandlingslåda för att nå en TS på 50 % i behandlingsresten om matavfallet har en TS-halt på 15 %. Baserat på resultaten är ett nedåtriktat luftflöde att föredra framför uppåtriktat i de fall ett vertikalt luftflöde används. Skillnader i temperaturer och luftfuktighet indikerade dock att det vertikala, nedåtriktade, luftflödet inte kunde förse alla behandlingslådor i staplarna med samma luftflöde. På grund av detta kan det vara lämpligt att överväga ett horisontellt luftflöde i containern i vilken behandlingen ska ske. Vidare kan det vara fördelaktigt att reglera vattenhalten i matavfallet så att stora variationer i luftningsbehov undviks eller reglera luftflödet efter vattenhalt i ingående matavfall. Inför val av ventilationsdesign rekommenderas fortsatta studier av hur höga luftflöden påverkar behandlingen. / Larvae of the Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) can convert organic waste into biomass. The residue is nutrient-rich and can be used as fertilizer or for biogas production. The aim of this study was to assess the aeration need for designing a ventilation system in a pilot plant for larvae composting in Sweden. First, a cabinet with required ventilation arrangement for performing the experiments was designed. Two experiments were performed, where three stacks each comprised of nine boxes with spacers were used. In the first experiment, a total of 15 kg of municipal food waste and 15 000 larvae were used per box. In the second experiment, a total of 11 kg food waste and 10 000 larvae were used per box. In the first experiment 6.2 kg of water evaporated per treatment box and in the second 4.8 kg, both corresponding to about 50 % of the water present in the substrate added. An average temperature of 31 °C in the inlet air resulted in temperatures of 27-30 °C in the material during the treatment. Based on the results, 8.4 m3/h of air is needed per treatment box to reach 50 % dry matter in the residue of food waste containing 15 % dry matter. The results also indicate that to reach the desired water content in the residue, there might be a need to adjust the initial water content in the food waste and use horizontal airflow in the treatment container. Before deciding on a ventilation design, further studies are necessary to assess how high airflows affect the treatment.
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Investigating different types of variability in food production systemNoorwali, Ammar January 2016 (has links)
A high level of competition in the food industry, specifically in the Middle East and the UK has forced companies to improve their processes by reducing lead time, waste, and costs and increasing production efficiency. The main challenge to the achievement of the process improvement objectives is the high level of process variability. Therefore, this research investigates the different types of variability in food production system and proposes a methodology to reduce the effect variability in food production system. The variability can be caused by several factors, for instance, in biscuit production lines variability can be induced due to short breakdown and long breakdown, variable processing times, variable temperature, etc. The proposed approach addresses process time variability issues associated with both make-to-stock (MTS) and make-to-order (MTO) manufacturing environments using an iterated approach. The proposed methodology integrates process mapping, (which is a lean tool for identifying value added and non-value added activities), discrete event simulation (to mirror the real production line), Taguchi orthogonal arrays (to generate different scenarios in order to investigate the effect of variability on the simulation model), correlation analysis (to identify the highest variability factors), and the rule based system (to improve food production system performance based on identified key performance indicators (KPIs)). The research uses a biscuit production line as a case study to validate the proposed methodology. The application of the proposed approach determines that the highest effected KPI is %working. The results showed that after implementation of the rule-based system, key performance improved in high variable areas. Results analysis based on before scenario shows that %working performance indicator is highly effected by variable temperature, speed, and breakdown factors for high variable areas such as baking, cooling, aligning, and packing. Based on identified factors and high variable areas, rules are developed by applying standardisation setting (SOP, WI, PP) in high variable areas and the results shows %working improved in baking by 4.78%, in cooling by 16.06%, in aligning by 0.35%, in packing machine1 by 2.5%, in packing machine2 by 2.37%, in packaging1 by 3.35%, and in packaging2 by 3.16%. The integrated method allow quick response , control the environment without production interruption, reduce number of experiments , and reducing variability in high variable areas, which narrowed the improvement in the required areas and increased its effectiveness.
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Is frozen the new fresh? : An observational study of low-involvement product choices.Furbeck, Josefine, Sjödin, Sofia January 2017 (has links)
The world today faces many challenges in terms of sustainability and how the world will be able to continue to meet demands of future generations. Sustainability aspects are considered by customers and organizations to a greater extent today than ever before. Businesses need to find new ways forward to encourage sustainable consumption to be able to exist in the future. The increasing amount of food waste represents one of many sustainability challenges and is a stated problem in developed countries. In Sweden, the households stand for the biggest amount of food waste along the entire supply chain. Producing something that is later wasted is an inefficient use of resources. This study aims to identify barriers for consumers to act pro-environmentally when consuming products of low involvement and find ways for the industry to overcome them. The thesis is commissioned for a large bread company in Sweden, who is in the starting blocks of start selling frozen bread, something that is not done to a great extent today. Frozen bread is a more environmentally sustainable alternative than substitute products and it will serve as the low-involvement product in focus of this study. The theoretical framework is built on theories regarding consumer decision-making, consumer behavior, sustainability and sustainable consumption. Through in-store observations of customers accompanied by follow-up interviews, a solid amount of data was gathered which allowed the authors to address the gap between intentions and behavior. Semi-structured interviews with the manager of the grocery store and the commissioned company give insights to the industry perspective of sustainability and consumer behavior. The empirical findings are presented from each data collection instance and are later analyzed and discussed with regard to four sub-purposes and the theoretical framework. The results have shown that existing barriers relate to customers’ habits, inertia, attitudes and lack of knowledge. The industry has the opportunity to bring forward sustainable products without tradeoffs, to create a win-win situation. By appealing to the customers’ hedonic needs and informing them about environmental benefits it is possible to influence customer norms to achieve a pro-environmental behavioral change.
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Étude de l'impact d'un prétraitement aérobie sur la digestion anaérobie de déchets de cuisine / Study of the impact of aerobic pretreatment on anaerobic digestion of food wasteFisgativa, Henry 13 December 2016 (has links)
Compte tenu de la forte incitation réglementaire à la valorisation de déchets de cuisine, le développement de procédés de méthanisation à petite échelle (10 à 100 T de déchets par an) pourrait voir un essor potentiellement important. Cependant, la simplicité (préparation limitée des substrats, peu d'apport d'eau) et la robustesse (stabilité) du procédé représente des enjeux cruciaux pour valider cette échelle de fonctionnement. Dans le procédé de méthanisation, l'étape de l'hydrolyse reste la plus limitante due, d'une part, à une lente cinétique, qui provoque une dégradation non uniforme des carbohydrates structuraux (p.ex. la cellulose), et d'autre part, d'une transformation rapide des composants facilement biodégradables, ce qui peut générer une accumulation des acides gras volatiles, conduisant à une inhibition de l'activité méthanogène. Dans l'objectif de surmonter les problèmes liés à l'étape de l'hydrolyse, de nombreux travaux ont été menés sur les prétraitements mécaniques, thermiques, ou chimiques de la matière organique. En comparaison, l'utilisation d'une pré-étape aérobie a été relativement peu étudiée. Un prétraitement aérobie pourrait aider à éliminer les fractions les plus biodégradables pour limiter les risques d'acidose du milieu et à mieux dégrader certaines fractions de la matière organique plus résistante. Toutefois l'utilisation d'un prétraitement aérobie peut provoquer une oxydation excessive des déchets, limitant leur potentiel méthanogène. Par conséquent, il est indispensable de bien maîtriser les conditions d'aération. Ce travail de thèse avait donc l'objectif de valider l'impact du prétraitement aérobie dans la digestion anaérobie de déchets de cuisine et de suggérer quel mode de mise en œuvre du prétraitement aérobie faudrait préconiser. / Given the strong incentive to source separation of organic fractions of household waste, the development of anaerobic processes on a small scale (10 to 100 t of waste per year) could see significant growth. However, to validate this scale of operation, stability and efficiency of the treatment process will represent crucial issues. Concerning anaerobic processes, the hydrolysis step is the limiting step for two reasons. First, due to relatively slow kinetics, non-uniform degradation of structural carbohydrates (e.g. cellulose) may be produced. On the other hand, the rapid transformation of easy biodegradable compounds produces a rapid production of volatile fatty acids, which may lead to their accumulation, inhibiting the methanogenic activity. To overcome the problems associated with the hydrolysis step, many studies have been conducted on the mechanical, thermal or chemical pre-treatment of the organic matter introduced into the digesters. In comparison, the use of an aerobic biological pre-stage has been relatively less studied. Aerobic degradation can indeed eliminate more biodegradable fractions to reduce the risk of acidosis in the digester and enhance the degradation of some recalcitrant organic fraction. However the duration of the aerobic treatment should be well managed not to oxidize excessively the methanogenic potential of the pre-treated organic waste. The aim of the thesis was be to validate the effectiveness of a pre-treatment to improve the anaerobic digestion of food waste and to suggest the best ways to implement this pre-treatment.
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Assessing Barriers and Benefits to a Food Waste Composting Pilot Program in Oberlin, OhioHalm, Julia 23 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Konsumenten och matsvinn : En studie om hur svenska konsumenters inköp av livsmedel påverkats av en global pandemi samt konsumenters attityd-beteendegap i relation tillmiljömedvetenhet och matsvinn / The consumer and food waste : The pandemic and its effect on Swedish consumers and the Attitude-Behaviour gap in relation to environmental awareness and food wasteBagheri, Diana, Egana Otarola, Joakim January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Utbrottet av Covid-19 pandemin har lett till förändrade vanor och beteenden. Det framhålls att konsumenter blir alltmer miljömedvetna samtidigt som hushållen är den sektor där mest matsvinn uppstår. Författarna har via redan existerande forskning funnit att uppkomsten av matsvinn har förändrats i hushållen som påföljd av Covid-19 pandemin i andra länder. Forskning på huruvida det har påverkat uppkomsten av matsvinn i Sverige existerar inte i dagsläget. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur en disruptiv händelse som en global pandemi påverkar den upplevda förändringen i uppkomsten matsvinn hos svenska konsumenter. Vidare syftar studien till att identifiera och analysera konsumenters förändring i inköp av livsmedel till följd av Covid-19 pandemin. Studien ämnar att undersöka konsumenters miljömedvetenhet och om det finns några attityd-beteendegap för matsvinn och hållbara livsmedel. Metod: Denna fallstudie av induktiv karaktär har en kvalitativ forskningsdesign. Den empiriska datainsamlingen består av 13 stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer med svenska konsumenter. Slutsats: Studiens datainsamling visar att det föreligger förändringar i konsumenters inköp av livsmedel innan och under covid-19 pandemin. Faktorer till uppkomsten av matsvinn har visat liten skillnad innan och under Covid-19 pandemin. Fortsättningsvis visar resultatet att konsumenter inte agerar i enlighet med sina attityder om hållbara livsmedel. Samtliga konsumenter anser att matsvinn är ett miljöproblem men det finns diskrepanser mellan deras attityder och beteenden. / Introduction: Food waste is a complex problem which affects the environment, the economy and social factors. The outbreak of the Covid-19 virus has led to dramatic changes in habits and behaviours. It is accentuated that consumers are more and more environmentally aware but at the same time the consumer household is the sector where most of all food waste emerges. The following study has, through already existing research conducted in other countries, found that the occurrence of food waste has been altered. Research about the changes in food waste emergence caused by the Corona pandemic in Sweden does not exist by the time of this investigation. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how a disruptive event such as a global pandemic affects the perceived alteration of food waste emergence produced by Swedish consumers. Furthermore, this study aims to identify and analyze the altered buying process of daily goods caused by the Corona pandemic. The paper also intends to study the environmental awareness of the consumers and if there exists any attitude behaviour gaps in food waste and sustainable food products. Method: This case-study is of an inductive character and has a quantitative research nature. The empirical data collection consists of thirteen semi-structured interviews with Swedish consumers. Conclusion: From the data collection of the study, it is found that there exist changes in the consumers’ food buying behaviours before and during the pandemic. Causes for the perceived emergence of food waste have shown small changes before and during Covid-19. Further, the result shows the consumers do not behave in accordance with their attitudes towards sustainable products. Every consumer considers food waste to be an environmental problem however there exists discrepancies between their attitudes and behaviours.
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