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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trávení volného času očima dětí ohrožených sociálním vyloučením / Spending free time through the eyes of children threatened by social exclusion

Stropnická, Alžběta January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the phenomenon of the social exclusion to the specifications of socially excluded children. My target was to answer these questions: How children threatened by social exclusion spend their free time? Are they satisfied with these ways and do they feel any limitations to spend a free time in different way? The theoretical part I focused on the theoretical definitions of the concept of social exclusion and other theoretical related concepts like integration, social inclusion or culture of poverty. Further I was dealing with definition of free time and in addition I described briefly a town called Neratovice where children participated in my research live, visit the school or do some leisure activities. For the research, I selected a quantitative research method - four semi-standardized interviews with children threatened by social exclusion at the age of 6-11 years. In addition children drew a time schedule of their common week day and weekend day. In practical part I analyzed the data from research, compare it with the data from other researches and suggest some recommendation based on these data in theoretical context published in theoretical part. Key words: social exclusion, integration, social inclusion, culture of poverty, Gypsy, free time, leisure activities, children

Sportovní vybavenost v kontextu místa / Sports facilities in the context of the site

Bílý, Petr January 2011 (has links)
Area is a park with free-time sport fields including building of football academy, caffeteria and small seasonal dressing rooms. There are many axes of view in the area, which continues and connect together to the city. There are also new pedestrian ways to the area. Football academy is a linear building, which is optically connected with a caffeteria. Both buildings are crossed by the bycicle way. Football academy is devided into two parts - the year-long one and the seasonal one. The whole building is made of face liapor concrete.

Meningsfull fritid i barns liv: Den digitalaoch sociala upplevelsens roll / Meaningful Leisure in Children's Lives The Role of Digital and Social Experiences

Halil, Ertunc, Månsson, Patrik January 2024 (has links)
Utifrån vår egen arbetserfarenhet och praktik har vi upplevt att det råder en digital frånvaro på en del fritidshem trots intresse hos eleverna. Vi vet att en stor del av fritidshemmets uppdrag är att skapa en meningsfull fritid som skall utgå från elevernas intresse samtidigt som den ska bjuda in till nya upptäckter. Detta gjorde att vi ville undersöka området vidare och se vad eleverna upplever som meningsfull fritid, samt den digitala närvaron på fritidshemmet. Syftet med denna studie blev att undersöka ett fritidshem och utifrån barnens perspektiv vad de upplevde som en meningsfull fritid. Studien har gjorts utifrån två frågeställningar: Hur upplever elever meningsfull fritid på fritidshemmet? och Vilken roll har digitala medel i elevernas upplevelse av meningsfull fritid, både i hemmet och på fritids? Empirin samlades in genom tre gruppintervjuer med totalt 12 barn, detta för att närma oss barns perspektiv och deras subjektiva upplevelse av meningsfull fritid och digitala medier i fritidshemmet. Resultaten i studien visar att barnen har stort intresse för digitala medier och att det finns en önskan att införa fler aktiviteter av detta inslag. Vidare visar resultaten att upplevelsen av en meningsfull fritid är kopplad till den sociala interaktionen med vänner, både i och utanför fritidshemmet. / Based on our own work experience and practice, we have noticed a digital absence in some after-school programs despite the interest from the students. We know that a significant part of the after-school program's mission is to create meaningful leisure time that should be based on students' interests while also inviting new discoveries. This made us want to further investigate the area and see what students perceive as meaningful leisure time, as well as the digital presence in the after-school program. The purpose of this study was to examine an after-school program and, from the children's perspective, what they experienced as meaningful leisure time. The study was conducted based on two research questions: How do students perceive meaningful leisure time in the after-school program? and What role do digital means play in students' experience of meaningful leisure time, both at home and in the after-school program? The data was collected through three group interviews with a total of 12 children, to approach the children's perspective and their subjective experience of meaningful leisure time and digital media in the after-school program. The results of the study show that the children have a great interest in digital media and that there is a desire to introduce more activities of this kind. Furthermore, the results show that the experience of meaningful leisure time is linked to social interaction with friends, both within and outside the after-school program.

Komparace školních vzdělávacích programů ve vybraných střediscích volného času v Plzeňském kraji / Education Program of the Youth Houses

SRPOVÁ, Jana January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with school educational programs of institutions which organize free time activities for children and youth in Pilsen and in Blovice. The first part characterises school educational programs, free time education or institutions which organize free time activities.The beginning of this first part deals with law of free time education in school system, forms of free time education and then it deals with process of making the school educational programs, their content and structure. In practical part there is a specification of selected institutions which organize free time in which the research was done. There are the research characteristics, questions and methods of the research. Next part analyses and compares school educational programs in selected organizations which work with free time activities for children and teenagers. The aim of the practical part is to compare information which is written in school educational programs and assess the quality and quantity of detected data. At the end there are results of this research and résumé.

Nízkoprahová zařízení pro děti a mládež a práce s rizikovou mládeží / Low treshold institutions for children and youth aut work with high risk youth

Šoporová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the Low threshold facilities (shortly LTF) for children and youth and a method of work with high risk youth The aim is to desribe and analyse the methods of work in this facilities. In the theoretical part, this analysis is based on the study of professional literature. The theoretical part explains the situation that affects children and adolescents in a risk ways. The practial part is based on qualitative research, which were provided in concrete LTF through the interview with clients and employee of LTF. Method of interview was supplied by involved observation. The data analysis resulted in several facts. Free time activities became the important motive for attendace at club. Through free time activities, social work is provided with the help of other method such as consultancy, informative service, situation and crisis intervention. Streetwork is a specific method, where all services are provided to the target group at the street.

Přetěžování dítěte volnočasovými aktivitami / Overloading the child's leisure activities

Boháčiková, Dominika January 2014 (has links)
Anotation: This thesis deals with leisure activities of children of preschool age and children of school age and it is trying to discover their favorite activities and interests, regularly visited leisure and quantity of it. The theoretical part deals with terms as free time, family, child of preschool age and child of school age, education in free time. It also deals with overloaded children and with problems associated with overloading. The aim of this thesis is the evaluation and analysis how children of preschool age and children of school age spending their free time. Through research questions we were trying to find out how children spend their free time and how many aktivities do they have in their free time. The empirical part contains the analysis of used methods , research investigation in the kindergarten and primary school in Martin. It also includes treatment of results - Its processed in tables, graphs and written comments.

Integrace zdravotně znevýhodněných do volnočasových mezinárodních projektů / The Integration of Disabled People to the Leisure Time International Projects

Velagyiová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is integration of the physically disabled into international exchange projects. By chosing this issue, I would like to point out the importance of integration of physically disadvantaged not only into educational facilities, where the integrated gain knowledge, but also into programs for free-time activities of children and youth and into programs where the informal and enterntaining ways are used. However, in the Czech Republic the integration of physically disadvantaged into schools is elaborated the best, I believe it needs to be attended to in other fields too. Another point I draw attention to in my thesis is the need for free time in a person's life. I specifically mean the free time dedicated to various activities either beneficial to one's health, bringing joy or as a way of relaxation. By the end of my theoretical part I describe the handicap in a persons's life. In the practical part I describe the EU program - Youth in Action, which enables young peope to travel into foreign countires for either short or long term period. This program also provides youth free-time exchanges with the possibilitiy of integrating physically challenged people. I describe what an international exchange involves. There are the demands on participants as well as organizers of the exchanges and...

Současnost a problém sebevýchovy / Contemporaneity and the Problem of Self-education

Hradilová, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this theoretical and empirical thesis is to analyse the term of self-education and related issue, which are further developed in theory and philosophy of education, psychology and sociology. In the first part the thesis concentrates on theoretical concepts of self-education and their development in selected historical periods. The thesis accentuates a contemporary understanding of self-education and its aspects influencing the concept and practice of self- education in current society. Through several case studies in the empirical part, the thesis attempts to demonstrate personal, educational and experiential diversity backgrounding the contemporary concept of self-education. In conclusion, some options as well as difficulties of an individual self-education in contemporary society will be reflected. Key words: self-education, self-knowledge, historical perspective, psychological perspective, contemporary society, family, free time, procrastination, self-development books, case studies

Tempo livre com lazer do trabalhador e a promessa de felicidade / Free leisure time with the worker and the promise of happiness

Sousa, Iracema Soares de 05 November 2002 (has links)
Esta pesquisa apreende relações e contradições entre trabalho e lazer. Apresenta, nas condições atuais do trabalho assalariado, alguns fatores que estão expressando, na realidade historicamente configurada de uma indústria metal-mecânica, da cidade de Jaraguá do Sul, Estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil, limites e possibilidades para a existência de um tempo livre com lazer na vida de trabalhadores. A escolha dessa empresa para locus investigativo se deu porque ela possui uma base produtiva com tecnologia avançada e adota ginástica na empresa em seu expediente interno de trabalho. Faz parte também da investigação um grupo de trabalhadores de uma das suas fábricas. As informações foram levantadas por meio da aplicação de 118 questionários; 120 entrevistas realizadas no chão da fábrica; como também importantes observações diretas, dentro da fábrica e fora dela. Dedicamos especial atenção ao que ocorre nos sábados e domingos, quando procuramos perceber as práticas de lazer fora da fábrica. Além disso, utilizamos documentos disponibilizados pelos diretores da fábrica com os quais mantivemos conversas, bem como com chefes de seção, operários e pessoas da cidade. O interesse por este estudo, e o emprego da conexão trabalho e lazer, justifica-se na medida em que existe uma opinião geral afirmando ser a base produtiva desenvolvida tecnologicamente o que promove lazer, bem como a presença de uma exercitação corporal dentro do horário de trabalho; aliamos a esses motivos o desconhecimento de pesquisas a terem contemplados essa problemática a partir de análises de dados empíricos. Neste sentido percebemos, a partir dos dados coletados, que a ginástica na empresa evidencia o corpo que produz e o corpo que brinca. Todavia, constatamos que esta prática se configura como uma tecnologia organizadora do trabalho ao garantir produtividade com a restauração do equilíbrio e descanso do corpo, embora se realize com a presença do elemento lúdico. A base teórica a sustentar a análise contempla aspectos que procuram desvelar as mudanças recentes no processo de trabalho. A reestruturação produtiva engendra a ginástica na empresa e expressa a adequação de formas toyotistas ao processo industrializante no Brasil. A rigor, a assimilação desse modelo realiza-se, nessa empresa, de maneira híbrida e ocorre desde a década de setenta do século XX. Na vida fora do âmbito do trabalho das pessoas do grupo estudado constata a ausência do corpo que brinca. Nessas condições conclui que falta um tempo aos trabalhadores para si mesmos, um tempo a ser usado para exercitarem lazer. Constatamos ainda que existe uma contradição no processo de organização do trabalho, pois este inclui a ginástica na empresa evidenciando o corpo que brinca, ainda que este esteja fora dela. Vimos dessa maneira que o processo de organização no qual estão inseridos estes trabalhadores limita a existência de um tempo livre com lazer em suas vidas, sendo que o tempo cronometrado do trabalho comanda toda a existência concreta dessas pessoas, dentro e fora da fábrica; o tempo livre com lazer e não com desemprego, pode acenar como uma promessa de felicidade, possível de realizar, embora, ainda distante de uma realização concreta. / This research detects relations and contradictions between labor and leisure. It points out some factors, in the present conditions of paid labor, that are showing the limits and possibilities for the existence of free time with leisure in the life of the workers in the historically established reality of a metal-mechanics industry located in the town of Jaraguá do Sul, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. This XX company was chosen as the locus for investigation because it had a production base with advanced technology and has adopted gymnastics in the company during its internal work period. One group of workers in one of its factories is also part of this investigation. The data was gathered by means of 118 questionnaires and 120 interviews held on the factory floor, in addition to some important direct observations, within and outside the factory. We have devoted special attention to what occurs on Saturdays and Sundays, when we seek to perceive the leisure practiced outside the factory. Furthermore, we utilize documents that were made available by the factory directors, with whom we have conversed on several occasions, as well as section heads, workers and other people in the town. The interest in this study concerning the utilization of the labor-leisure connection, is justified inasmuch as there exists a general opinion that technologically developed basis of production, along with the presence of bodily exercise during the working hours, promotes leisure, and that up to now there has been no known research on this problem based on analyses of empirical data. In this way we perceive, from the data that was collected that gymnastics in the company gives evidence of the body that produces and the body that plays. However, we found that this practice serves as a work organization technology, which guarantees productivity by restoring the equilibrium and rest of the body. The theoretical basis supporting the analysis considers aspects that provide a clearer understanding of recent changes that have taken place in labor process. Production restructuring engenders gymnastics in the company and expresses the adaptation of the toyotism forms to the industrializing process in Brazil. Actually, the assimilation of the model in that company is carried out in a hybrid manner and has been taking place since the 1970s. In the life of the people in the group that was investigated when they were away from the work environment, we found the absence of the body that plays. In these conditions, the workers have no time for themselves, time to be used for leisure. Furthermore, we found that a contradiction in the labor organization process, since it includes gymnastics in the company and shows the body that plays, even though the body is absent or the worker is outside his body. In this way we could see that the organization process in which these workers are inserted limits the existence of free time with leisure in their lives, and that the clocked time of their factory commands the entire concrete existence of these people, both inside and outside the factory. Free time with leisure but without unemployment constitutes a promise of happiness, which is possible, although it still has no concrete existence.

Tempo livre com lazer do trabalhador e a promessa de felicidade / Free leisure time with the worker and the promise of happiness

Iracema Soares de Sousa 05 November 2002 (has links)
Esta pesquisa apreende relações e contradições entre trabalho e lazer. Apresenta, nas condições atuais do trabalho assalariado, alguns fatores que estão expressando, na realidade historicamente configurada de uma indústria metal-mecânica, da cidade de Jaraguá do Sul, Estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil, limites e possibilidades para a existência de um tempo livre com lazer na vida de trabalhadores. A escolha dessa empresa para locus investigativo se deu porque ela possui uma base produtiva com tecnologia avançada e adota ginástica na empresa em seu expediente interno de trabalho. Faz parte também da investigação um grupo de trabalhadores de uma das suas fábricas. As informações foram levantadas por meio da aplicação de 118 questionários; 120 entrevistas realizadas no chão da fábrica; como também importantes observações diretas, dentro da fábrica e fora dela. Dedicamos especial atenção ao que ocorre nos sábados e domingos, quando procuramos perceber as práticas de lazer fora da fábrica. Além disso, utilizamos documentos disponibilizados pelos diretores da fábrica com os quais mantivemos conversas, bem como com chefes de seção, operários e pessoas da cidade. O interesse por este estudo, e o emprego da conexão trabalho e lazer, justifica-se na medida em que existe uma opinião geral afirmando ser a base produtiva desenvolvida tecnologicamente o que promove lazer, bem como a presença de uma exercitação corporal dentro do horário de trabalho; aliamos a esses motivos o desconhecimento de pesquisas a terem contemplados essa problemática a partir de análises de dados empíricos. Neste sentido percebemos, a partir dos dados coletados, que a ginástica na empresa evidencia o corpo que produz e o corpo que brinca. Todavia, constatamos que esta prática se configura como uma tecnologia organizadora do trabalho ao garantir produtividade com a restauração do equilíbrio e descanso do corpo, embora se realize com a presença do elemento lúdico. A base teórica a sustentar a análise contempla aspectos que procuram desvelar as mudanças recentes no processo de trabalho. A reestruturação produtiva engendra a ginástica na empresa e expressa a adequação de formas toyotistas ao processo industrializante no Brasil. A rigor, a assimilação desse modelo realiza-se, nessa empresa, de maneira híbrida e ocorre desde a década de setenta do século XX. Na vida fora do âmbito do trabalho das pessoas do grupo estudado constata a ausência do corpo que brinca. Nessas condições conclui que falta um tempo aos trabalhadores para si mesmos, um tempo a ser usado para exercitarem lazer. Constatamos ainda que existe uma contradição no processo de organização do trabalho, pois este inclui a ginástica na empresa evidenciando o corpo que brinca, ainda que este esteja fora dela. Vimos dessa maneira que o processo de organização no qual estão inseridos estes trabalhadores limita a existência de um tempo livre com lazer em suas vidas, sendo que o tempo cronometrado do trabalho comanda toda a existência concreta dessas pessoas, dentro e fora da fábrica; o tempo livre com lazer e não com desemprego, pode acenar como uma promessa de felicidade, possível de realizar, embora, ainda distante de uma realização concreta. / This research detects relations and contradictions between labor and leisure. It points out some factors, in the present conditions of paid labor, that are showing the limits and possibilities for the existence of free time with leisure in the life of the workers in the historically established reality of a metal-mechanics industry located in the town of Jaraguá do Sul, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. This XX company was chosen as the locus for investigation because it had a production base with advanced technology and has adopted gymnastics in the company during its internal work period. One group of workers in one of its factories is also part of this investigation. The data was gathered by means of 118 questionnaires and 120 interviews held on the factory floor, in addition to some important direct observations, within and outside the factory. We have devoted special attention to what occurs on Saturdays and Sundays, when we seek to perceive the leisure practiced outside the factory. Furthermore, we utilize documents that were made available by the factory directors, with whom we have conversed on several occasions, as well as section heads, workers and other people in the town. The interest in this study concerning the utilization of the labor-leisure connection, is justified inasmuch as there exists a general opinion that technologically developed basis of production, along with the presence of bodily exercise during the working hours, promotes leisure, and that up to now there has been no known research on this problem based on analyses of empirical data. In this way we perceive, from the data that was collected that gymnastics in the company gives evidence of the body that produces and the body that plays. However, we found that this practice serves as a work organization technology, which guarantees productivity by restoring the equilibrium and rest of the body. The theoretical basis supporting the analysis considers aspects that provide a clearer understanding of recent changes that have taken place in labor process. Production restructuring engenders gymnastics in the company and expresses the adaptation of the toyotism forms to the industrializing process in Brazil. Actually, the assimilation of the model in that company is carried out in a hybrid manner and has been taking place since the 1970s. In the life of the people in the group that was investigated when they were away from the work environment, we found the absence of the body that plays. In these conditions, the workers have no time for themselves, time to be used for leisure. Furthermore, we found that a contradiction in the labor organization process, since it includes gymnastics in the company and shows the body that plays, even though the body is absent or the worker is outside his body. In this way we could see that the organization process in which these workers are inserted limits the existence of free time with leisure in their lives, and that the clocked time of their factory commands the entire concrete existence of these people, both inside and outside the factory. Free time with leisure but without unemployment constitutes a promise of happiness, which is possible, although it still has no concrete existence.

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