Spelling suggestions: "subject:"freetime"" "subject:"greentime""
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Vytvoření a ověření edukačního projektu zaměřeného na zdravý způsob trávení volného času pro adolescenty žijící v domově mládeže ve vybrané lokalitě / Creation and Verification of Education Projekct Focused on Healthy Use of Leisure Time by Adolescents Living in Boarding House in Choosen LocalityMAREŠOVÁ, Miroslava January 2013 (has links)
The thesis contains two parts. The teoretici part deals with the topic of free time and a healthy way of spending it. It also describes the udukational activities in youth hostels, the profession of an educator and it shows some possibilities how educators can influence spending the free time of the teenagers living in youth hostels. The main task of the empirici part is the description of educative effect on a healthy way of spending the free time of teenagers who live in youth hostels is focused on a helthy way of spending the free time.
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Trávení volného času žáky 2. st. ZŠ v souvislosti s Čj a Aj / Spending of free time by pupils at lower secondary school level in connection with their school subjects - Czech and EnglishPECHOVÁ, Alena January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the topic of spending of free time by pupils at lower secondary school level in connection with their school subjects - Czech and English. The aim is to find out how much of free time of these pupils is devoted to activities that are somehow connected with subjects Czech and English and to compare if there are some differences between spending of free time by pupils from bigger cities and pupils from smaller towns or villages. The theoretical part concentrates on the explanation of term ?free time?, ?pedagogy of free time? and other findings from this area and it also defines the main free time devices. The theoretical part also brings the information from the field of didactics of Czech and English language as a school subject. The practical part of the thesis is based on the results of a questionnare which find out how much of the free time of pupils at lower secondary school level is spent by the activities which are connected with the school subject Czech and English and if the results are the same or different in bigger cities and smaller towns or villages.
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L’intervention socioculturelle des Maisons des Jeunes et de la Culture de la Communauté Urbaine du Grand Nancy : référentiels, représentations sociales et configurations préférentielles / The socio-cultural intervention of the youth and culture centers of the Urban Community of Greater Nancy : Repositories, social representations and preferential configurationsMamadou, Abdoulaye-Sall 12 December 2016 (has links)
Les idées de démocratisation culturelle et de démocratie culturelle suscitent divers débats, tant sur le plan des significations, mythes et fondements idéologiques qu’elles supposent que dans leurs cristallisations institutionnalisées. Ainsi, la pensée sociale, associée aux registres de la culture et du temps libre, s’est structurée à partir de sédimentations de l’histoire. Les manières de penser la culture et le temps libre ont forgé le référentiel d’intervention socioculturelle, la structure du champ professionnel, les représentations sociales et les opinions esthétiques vis-à-vis de la culture institutionnalisée. Notre recherche aspire à rendre compte de l’articulation des différents domaines de la pensée sociale, à partir de recherches antérieures, d’investigations menées auprès d’élus locaux, de directeurs d’associations socioculturelles, de stagiaires et de professionnels de l’animation socioculturelle, ainsi que des populations locales. / The ideas of cultural democratization and cultural democracy arouse various debates, both in terms of meanings, myths and ideological foundations that they assume in their crystallization institutionalized. Thus, social thought, associated with registers of culture and free time is structured from sedimentation history. Ways of thinking culture and free time have shaped the sociocultural intervention framework, the structure of the professional field, social representations and aesthetic views to the institutionalized culture. Our research aims to realize the coordination of the various areas of social thought, from previous research, investigations conducted with local officials, managers of socio-cultural associations, trainees and animation professionals sociocultural and local populations.
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Vliv organizovaných volnočasových aktivit na chování a kázeň žáků ve třídách primárního vzdělávání. / Influence of organized free-time activities on pupils´ behaviour and discipline in classes at primary schools.CERMANOVÁ, Michaela January 2008 (has links)
This diploma work is about the influence of organized free-time activities on children`s discipline and behaviour at primary school. Children`s free-time activities can have a strong influence on the educational process. This process can be supported but it can be weakened too. The aim of this work is to judge if children`s free-time activities can have a strong influence on pupils at school. The terms discipline, behaviour, organized and unorganized free-time activities are explained in the theoretical part. The practical part contents analysis of teachers` information about pupils` behaviour. Some possibilities how to support good behaviour of pupils through the free-time activities are given there.
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Využití médií ve výchově dětí a rizika jejich používání / Utilization of Media in Upbringing of Children and Risks of Media UsageBOUŠOVÁ, Jana January 2007 (has links)
The graduation thesis discusses positive and negative utilization of media, particularly computers, computer games and the internet, by children. The objective of this thesis is to propose how to attend to the risks of excessive usage of computers and the internet by children.
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Tempo livre e lazer: usos e opiniões da juventude local sobre equipamentos públicos do Lajeado / Free time and leisure: uses and opinions of local youth on public facilities of Lajeado districtThaís Blasio Martins 21 May 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação foi resultado da observação da falta de participação dos jovens moradores do bairro do Lajeado nas atividades oferecidas por três equipamentos públicos instalados na região em 2008: CEU Lajeado, Parque Lajeado e Centro Cultural de Guaianases. Tais equipamentos, ainda que não exclusivamente, pretendiam oferecer opções culturais e de lazer para os moradores e, diante da ausência de equipamentos públicos deste tipo, pensou-se, naquela época, que a instalação representaria um incremento quanto às possibilidades de vivência do tempo livre e de lazer, em especial para a população jovem, a qual tem, nessas ocasiões, momentos privilegiados para sua formação como indivíduos. Contudo, observou-se que os jovens do entorno não se integraram à programação oficial mesmo estando constantemente nos espaços. Na época, acreditou-se que a falta de participação devia-se a problemas na articulação entre aquilo oferecido pelos equipamentos e os desejos e anseios da população local jovem. Tendo esta situação em vista, este trabalho objetivou conhecer, seis anos depois, quais eram hoje os usos e percepções dos jovens sobre estes lugares. Para isto, voltou-se o olhar para jovens estudantes de 13 a 29 anos da 8ª série e do 3º ano de seis escolas públicas situadas no entorno dos equipamentos. Foram aplicados 404 questionários que almejaram captar seus hábitos de tempo livre e lazer, sua percepção e uso dos equipamentos. Também se realizou observação de campo, entrevistas com os gestores dos locais estudados e conversas com jovens de duas escolas. Concluiu-se que a ausência de participação não se relaciona a uma antipatia ou antagonismo, havendo, na verdade, um distanciamento profundo dos locais pesquisados da vida dos entrevistados. Notou-se não haver, nos equipamentos, lugar para os repertórios dos jovens do distrito ou para a experimentação da sociabilidade por meio da convivência com os amigos. Os três espaços tendem a tolher estes momentos de vida dos jovens e a tentar regulamentar seu tempo livre por meio do enquadramento necessário em suas programações e atividades. Todavia, acredita-se que, antes da participação, é preciso o apreço pelo local que a oferece e, portanto, é preciso traçar estratégias para uma primeira inserção dos jovens nos equipamentos valendo-se de seus repertórios próprios para que se possa almejar outras adesões futuras em atividades menos populares ou conhecidas entre eles. / This paper resulted from the observation of the lack of teens engagement in the activities offered by the three public facilities installed in the neighborhood of Lajeado and its whereabouts in 2008: CEU Lajeado, Parque Lajeado, and Centro Cultural Guaianases. These facilities, even though not exclusively, aimed at offering cultural and leisure options to the inhabitants and, due to the inexistence of places of this kind, it was thought, at the time, that they would represent a great advance concerning leisure and free time, mainly to the teen population. However, as time passed by, it was possible to observe that this target population did not engage in the official scheduling, even being constantly inside the places. At that point, it was believed that it was due to issues in articulating what was offered and what was really expected by them. Bearing this in mind, this paper aimed at finding out, six years later, how these young people used and perceived these facilities. In order to do so, 404 students from 13 to 29 years old of specific grades from six public schools located around the facilities were interviewed, answering a questionnaire about their free-time activities, leisure and perception of the buildings. Along with the questionnaire, some field work was developed thought interviews with the managers of each facility and discussions with the students from two schools. It was concluded that their lack of engagement is not related to antipathy or antagonism, existing a great detachment instead. Besides, in the facilities there are no places for the repertoire of the students of the district and for experimenting socialization through the companionship with friends. The places tend to hinder these moments and to regulate their free time through the necessary framing of activities and scheduling. However, it is believed that, prior to their engagement, they must value the place and, in order to achieve that, it is imperative to have a strategy to a first insertion of the teens in the facilities using their own repertoire. This way, it is believed that future adhesions to less popular or known activities among the teen can be aimed.
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Trabalho, tempo livre e emancipação humana : os determinantes ontologicos das politicas sociais de lazer / Work, free time and human emancipation : the ontologisms determinant of the social politics of leisureHungaro, Edson Marcelo 12 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Lino Castellani Filho / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação Fisica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-12T04:04:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: Em decorrência das transformações sociais recentes, que são causa e conseqüência da hegemonia neoliberal, vivemos um período extremamente restritivo para aqueles que objetivam a emancipação humana. A reestruturação produtiva, as transformações significativas nas classes sociais, as profundas metamorfoses da ambiência cultural, o avanço do neoliberalismo e o fim das experiências socialistas nos conduziram a um quadro societário absolutamente restritivo, do ponto de vista revolucionário. Em virtude desse quadro, a maior parte da humanidade tem vivido sem qualquer expectativa de uma existência plena de sentido. As alternativas político-teóricas ao capitalismo foram consideradas derrotadas e, segundo os conservadores de plantão, é chegado o fim da história. Como estamos, segundo tais analistas, submetidos a esta "metafísica do presente", resta-nos, apenas, o desfrute de prazeres hedonistas e consumistas. Assim, no lazer, temos a alternativa de sermos "livres para consumir". A alienação, o fetichismo de mercadoria e a reificação atingem formas e níveis nunca antes vistos. Serão verdadeiros os fundamentos dessa metafísica do presente? Estarão as realmente fracassadas as alternativas societárias ao capitalismo, especialmente as socialistas e comunistas? Foram, de fato, superadas as análises e projeções políticas formuladas por Marx? Há, ainda, possibilidades para um projeto emancipatório para a humanidade? Como fica, no quadro contemporâneo, a clássica equação marxiana "Emancipação Política e Emancipação Humana"? Por fim, como se situaria o lazer nessa equação? Quais são, efetivamente, as suas possibilidades emancipatórias? O estudo que apresentamos objetivou abordar esse conjunto de questões. Assim, por meio de uma investigação que se pôs sob o ponto de vista do materialismo históricodialético, analisamos o tempo presente e suas repercussões sobre o trabalho - a protoforma de toda práxis social (Lukács, 1979). Inicialmente, procuramos demonstrar o lugar central ocupado pelo trabalho na ontologia do ser social. Em seguida, analisamos sua (des) realização na ordem burguesa, já que se objetiva, quase que exclusivamente, como trabalho alienado. Tal alienação é acentuada com as transformações sociais ocorridas nas últimas décadas e, assim, cresce ainda mais a (des) realização no/do trabalho. Assim, tanto na produção quanto na reprodução social os níveis de alienação crescem assustadoramente. Como conseqüência, a sociabilidade contemporânea é expressão contínua de desumanização. O lazer, na medida em que tem sua ocorrência no chamado "tempo livre", está totalmente vinculado ao quadro sinteticamente exposto. A superação desse quadro exige um projeto de emancipação humana - revolucionário - que perceba a emancipação política como um meio e não um fim em si próprio. As políticas sociais se inscrevem nesse processo de Emancipação Política e, dentro delas, o lazer. Nosso estudo, por fim, demonstrou que a luta emancipatória contemporânea supõe a luta pela manutenção e pela ampliação dos direitos sociais. A vitória em tal luta não representará, ainda, a emancipação humana. Essa só poderá ser obtida com a superação da ordem burguesa. Nesse processo de emancipação política, o lazer se apresenta em posição de destaque quanto ao seu potencial num processo revolucionário, pois, ontologicamente, está ligado tanto à produção quanto à reprodução das relações sociais. / Abstract: In consequence of the recent social transformations, that are cause and consequence of the neo-liberal hegemony, we live an extremely restrictive period for those that plan the human emancipation. The productive restructuration, the significant transformations in the social classes, the deep metamorphoses of the cultural atmosphere, the advancement of the neo-liberalism and the end of the experiences socialists drove us to a chart societal absolutely restrictive, of the revolutionary viewpoint. Because of that chart, most of the humanity has lived without any expectation of a full existence of sense. The political-theoretical alternatives to the capitalism were considered defeated and, second the conservatives of duty, is arrived the end of the history. As we are, second such analysts, submitted to this "metaphysical of the present", remains-us, barely, the enjoyment of you will please hedonists and consumerist. Like this, in the leisure, we have to alternative of we will be "free for consume". The alienation, the fetishism of merchandise and to reification reach forms and levels never before seen. They will be true the foundations of that metaphysics of the present? Will be the really failed the alternative societal to the capitalism, specially the socialists and communist? They were, of fact, exceeded the analyses and political projections formulated by Marx? There is, still, possibilities for a project emancipate for the humanity? As it stayed, in the contemporary chart, to classical equation Marxian "Political Emancipation and Human Emancipation"? Finally, as it would be situated the leisure in that equation? Which are, actually, their possibilities emancipates? The study that present planned to approach that assembly of questions. Like this, by means of an inquiry that itself put under the viewpoint of the materialism historicaldialectic, we analyze his and present time repercussions about the work - to protoform of all praxis social (Lukács, 1968). Initially, we are going to show the central place occupied by the work in the ontology of him be social. Right away, we analyze his (of) achievement in the bourgeois order, since itself objective, barely that exclusively, as work alienated. Such alienation is accentuated with the social transformations occurred in the last decades and, like this, grows still more to (of) achievement no/give work. Like this, so much in the output how much in the social reproduction the levels of alienation grow monster. As consequence, the contemporary sociability is continuous expression of dehumanization. The leisure, in the measure in that has his occurrence in him called "free time", is entirely linked to the synthetically displayed chart. The overcoming of that chart requires a project of human emancipation - revolutionary - that perceive the political emancipation as an environment and not an in itself own end. The social politics itself inscribe in that trial of Political Emancipation and, inside they, the leisure. Our study, finally, showed that the fight emancipator contemporary supposes it fights by the maintenance and by the enlargement of the social rights. The victory in such fight will not represent, still, the human emancipation. That alone one will be able to be obtained with the overcoming of the bourgeois order. In that trial of political emancipation, the leisure is presented in position of highlight as regards his potential in a revolutionary trial, therefore, ontological, is connected so much to the output as regards the reproduction of the social relations. / Doutorado / Educação Fisica e Sociedade / Doutor em Educação Física
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Jovens rurais da metrópole : os sentidos atribuídos à experiência juvenil em uma comunidade do distrito de Joaquim Egídio - Campinas (SP) / Rural youngsters of the metropolis : the meanings attributed to youthful experience in a community in the district of Joaquim Egídio - Campinas (SP)Alves, Virgilio Paulo da Silva, 1987- 25 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Dirce Djanira Pacheco e Zan / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T03:50:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Alves_VirgilioPaulodaSilva_M.pdf: 894506 bytes, checksum: 4a67f4aedeb09494e9f66ce53cbfd3d4 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Esta dissertação resultou da pesquisa sobre um grupo de jovens que vive em comunidade rural na cidade de Campinas (SP). O estudo teve como objetivo central identificar as especificidades das práticas de sociabilidade nessa comunidade. A história oral foi a metodologia utilizada, a fim de oportunizar que os jovens desta pesquisa narrassem suas memórias. Alguns resultados referem-se à compreensão de juventude para além da faixa etária, à preservação de ritos de passagens demarcados pela tradição cultural (maternidade/paternidade, matrimônio), bem como a permanência de brincadeiras consideradas infantis e próprias do meio rural. Ao mesmo tempo, é possível identificar o acentuado prestígio atribuído ao espaço urbano e as marcas da cultura contemporânea no cotidiano deste grupo. Essas questões evidenciam a necessidade de conceber a juventude em sua diversidade cultural e na sua multiplicidade de sentido / Abstract: This essay was a result from the research about a group of youngsters who live in a rural area in Campinas (SP). The central goal of this study was identify the specificities of the sociability practices in this society. The oral interview was the methodology used in order to give the opportunity for the interviewed to describe their memories. Some results refer to understanding the youngsters beyond their age group, to the transitional rites preservation, demarcates by the cultural tradition (motherhood/fatherhood, marriage), as well as the behavior with some attitudes, like games regarded childish and characteristics from the rural environment. At the same time, it is possible to identify the prestige accredit to the urban areas and the modern culture stamps in the group¿s quotidian. These questions are evidence of the need to understand the youngsters considering their cultural diversity and multiplicity of senses / Mestrado / Ensino e Práticas Culturais / Mestre em Educação
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Rotinas de tempo livre e lazer da velhice rural em cenários brasileiros / Routines of free time and leisure of the rural elderly in brazilian sceneriesLima, Terezinha de Jesus Campos de, 1972- 11 November 2013 (has links)
Orientador: Neusa Maria Mendes de Gusmão / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T19:11:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Lima_TerezinhadeJesusCamposde_D.pdf: 12014745 bytes, checksum: f6a4e4dbab56661166039343a3eb06d9 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: Nesta pesquisa analisamos o tema da velhice rural sob a perspectiva das rotinas de tempo livre e lazer. Com base em abordagem qualitativa, investigamos como as formas de apropriação do tempo livre e as manifestações de lazer vivenciadas por sujeitos com idade de sessenta anos e mais, se configuram como conduto de expressão de seus modos de vida. O lazer é compreendido como um campo através do qual é possível refletir a respeito da sociedade e de seus grupos, sua sociabilidade e seus conflitos. As interrogações decorrentes deste estudo enfocam o contexto público-privado dos velhos, a partir da influência educativa do lazer tanto localizado nas redes de transferência de apoio intergeracional entre estes e suas famílias como nas relações de sociabilidade. O estudo aponta, ainda, o trabalho - no espaço doméstico, na lavoura ou na atividade pesqueira - como valor importante para a vida dos velhos rurais, portanto, este é o elemento que estabelece os contornos da rotina de tempo livre, do lazer e das formas de sociabilidade. Neste contexto, as manifestações de lazer se expressam de forma particular e sutil em momentos de tempos não demarcados, mas trazidos em meio à rotina da faina diária. / Abstract: In this study, it is analyzed the theme of rural elderly from the perspective of the routines of free time and leisure. Based on a qualitative approach, it was investigated how the ways of appropriation of free time and leisure events, experienced by people aged sixty years and more, are configured as a mean of expression for their lives. Leisure is understood as a field through which it is possible to think about society and their groups, their sociability and their conflicts. The questions arising from this study provide elements to ponder over the elderly public-private context from the educational influence of leisure in the transfer networks of intergenerational support and their families and relations of sociability. The study also points to work - in the domestic space, in agriculture or fishing activity - as an important asset to the life of rural elderly people, so the element establishing the contours of the free time routine, leisure and forms of sociability . Within this context, the leisure manifestations are expressed in a particular and subtle way in non-defined time, but brought to the everyday chores. / Doutorado / Ciencias Sociais na Educação / Doutora em Educação
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Harmonizace pracovního a rodinného života v představách studentů VŠE / Title of the Master´s ThesisMládková, Alžběta January 2013 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is focused on the students illustrate the variety of perspectives on future work and family life. Mapping the different attitudes of students on how they feel able and ready to lead a harmonious family and working life .An important part of this thesis is to the author's views on the possible impact of different activities, which students take during their studies and finding connections between them. Based on the findings from the literature collected in the theoretical part and preparation of secondary research on the issue was worded few expectations, among which the author tries to find a connection and possible links. The sample was determined to be men and women in their last year of studies. In the selection of respondents was focus on diversity, especially in terms of family background, free time activities, access to education, or different values.
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