Spelling suggestions: "subject:"freedom."" "subject:"reedom.""
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Newspaper Editor Attitudes Toward Matters Involving PrivacyLaRocque, Paul R. 08 1900 (has links)
The primary purpose of this study is to determine whether there has been a change in attitude of newspaper editors toward privacy matters. The study examines a 1976 survey of editors on some specific situations involving privacy and compares that survey with one done for this paper in the spring of 1983. The study also seeks to determine whether such factors as circulation size, type of readership and political philosophy have any influence on privacy decisions made by editors. The study shows that there has been a change in attitudes. A chi square test showed that the comparison of the two surveys was significant at .01. Figures gathered to determine influences on privacy decisions were scattered among many categories and too small to be statistically significant.
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Trälbunden vilja för frihet : En studie om frihetsbegreppet i Martin Luthers skrift Om den trälbundna viljan.Svedmark, Maja January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Like Nixon to China: The Exhibition of Slavery in the Valentine Museum and the Museum of the ConfederacyNaile, Meghan Theresa 02 December 2009 (has links)
This study analyzes two successful exhibitions on American slavery in the South: In Bondage and Freedom: Antebellum Black Life in Richmond, Virginia, 1790-1860 by the Valentine Museum and Before Freedom Came: African American Life in the Antebellum South by the Museum of the Confederacy. It puts the exhibitions in the context of the social history movement, and explains the difficulties exhibiting a sensitive topic. It examines the creation of the exhibitions, the controversies because of the subject, both real and potential, and the overwhelmingly positive reaction.
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Smluvní volnost a její omezení v obchodních závazkových vztazích / Freedom to contract and its restriction in business obligationsPrieložný, Milan January 2012 (has links)
Freedom to contract and its restriction in business obligations (Summary) This thesis deals with freedom to contract and its limitations in the field of business obligations. It introduces the possibilities that parties have when entering into contracts as well as it outlines the boundaries which they cannot cross. It aspires to clarify the topic by referring to a wide scope of related judicial decisions which have evolved throughout the years. The first chapter briefly describes and classifies business obligations; hence it specifies cases in which freedom to contract and its restriction apply. The second chapter then characterizes freedom to contract and sets it to the context of other fundamental principles governing private law. It also clarifies the normative roots of this freedom and describes the nature of legal rules that can be freely deviated from in a contract. The following chapter reviews particular manifestations of freedom to contract with special focus on free determination of contract's content. The last chapter looks into various kinds of restrictions that limit contracting parties entering into business obligations. It deals with certain issues regarding mandatory rules and mentions some formal requirements regarding legal acts. Then the analysis of restriction of freedom to contract set...
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A liberdade religiosa no direito constitucional brasileiro / Religious freedom in the Brazilian constitutional lawTeraoka, Thiago Massao Cortizo 30 April 2010 (has links)
A liberdade religiosa é o direito fundamental que tutela a crença, o culto e as demais atividades religiosas, dos indivíduos e das organizações religiosas, e consagra neutralidade estatal. A religião deve ser entendida em termos amplíssimos. Abrange toda atividade ligada ao sobrenatural. A religião não se confunde com ideologia, filosofia, sociologia. O Estado neutro não pode se posicionar a respeito do acerto ou desacerto de uma determinada crença religiosa. No entanto, pode controlar a sinceridade. Há três aspectos: individual (indivíduos), coletivo (organizações religiosas) e institucional (Estado). Em relação aos indivíduos, destacam-se o direito de isonomia (tratamento diferenciado), de crença e de privacidade religiosa. Em relação às organizações religiosas, destacam-se seus aspectos societários, cíveis, trabalhistas e tributários; a liberdade de culto e de proselitismo. Em seu aspecto institucional, a neutralidade impõe que o Estado não tome partido em favor de nenhuma religião; reconhece um valor positivo geral à religião. Temas analisados: direito penal; abuso de direito; transfusão de sangue; tratamento de saúde diferenciado; sacrifícios de animais; curas espirituais; proselitismo, pregação contrária ao homossexualismo e a crenças afro-brasileiras; rádios comunitárias; desconto e pagamento de dízimos e ofertas; direito urbanístico e de vizinhança; uso de símbolos religiosos por particulares e pelo Estado; ensino e casamento religiosos, entre outros. / Religious freedom is a fundamental right that protects beliefs, worship and other religious activities from individuals and religious organizations and ensures state neutrality. Religion ought to be widely comprehended. It comprehends all sorts of activities related to the supernatural. Religion should not be confused with ideology, philosophy and sociology. A neutral state must not take a stand about the strengths or weaknesses of a certain religious belief. Nonetheless, it can control sincerity. Religious freedom has three aspects: an individual one (regarding individuals), a collective one (regarding religious organizations) and an institutional one (regarding the state). In terms of individuals, the right to isonomy (equal treatment), religious belief and privacy is to be pointed out. In terms of religious organizations, social, civil, tributary and labor aspects are to be pointed out as well as freedom of worship and proselytism. As for the institutional aspect of religious freedom, the neutrality principle prevents the state from taking any stand concerning any religion and generally recognizes religion as something positive. Topics discussed: penal law; abuse of rights; blood transfusion; privileged health treatment; animal sacrifice; spiritual healing; proselytism; preaching against homosexuality and African Brazilian beliefs; community radio stations; withholding tithes and offerings; urban and neighborhood law; use of religious symbols by individuals and the state; religious teaching and weddings, etc.
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Proteção à privacidade e a liberdade de imprensaMatos, José Francisco 17 June 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:30:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2010-06-17 / This dissertation situates the question of protecting privacy against press freedom from the historical perspective of its elaboration ranging from the origins of western world fundamental rights to the current conflict between these rights. It analyzes these concepts taking into account the different meanings of the word to privacy. It demonstrates the process of formation of press freedom from the beginning until the present day. It also underlines the relationship between these two rights the deep areas of collision exist. It search overcome these conflicts, using techniques of measurement, with prestige to the principles and basic ideas of the Federal Constitution / A dissertação situa a questão da proteção à privacidade frente a liberdade de imprensa, a partir da perspectiva histórica, desde a elaboração e fixação dos direitos fundamentais no mundo ocidental, até os atuais conflitos, envolvendo esses direitos. Analisa esses conceitos, levando em conta os diversos significados atribuídos à palavra privacidade. Demonstra o processo de formação da liberdade de imprensa, desde os primórdios até os nossos dias. Põe em relevo a relação desses dois direitos, com as profundas zonas de colisão existentes. Busca ultrapassar tais conflitos, empregando técnicas de ponderação, com prestígio aos princípios e ideias basilares da Constituição Federal
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A liberdade religiosa no direito constitucional brasileiro / Religious freedom in the Brazilian constitutional lawThiago Massao Cortizo Teraoka 30 April 2010 (has links)
A liberdade religiosa é o direito fundamental que tutela a crença, o culto e as demais atividades religiosas, dos indivíduos e das organizações religiosas, e consagra neutralidade estatal. A religião deve ser entendida em termos amplíssimos. Abrange toda atividade ligada ao sobrenatural. A religião não se confunde com ideologia, filosofia, sociologia. O Estado neutro não pode se posicionar a respeito do acerto ou desacerto de uma determinada crença religiosa. No entanto, pode controlar a sinceridade. Há três aspectos: individual (indivíduos), coletivo (organizações religiosas) e institucional (Estado). Em relação aos indivíduos, destacam-se o direito de isonomia (tratamento diferenciado), de crença e de privacidade religiosa. Em relação às organizações religiosas, destacam-se seus aspectos societários, cíveis, trabalhistas e tributários; a liberdade de culto e de proselitismo. Em seu aspecto institucional, a neutralidade impõe que o Estado não tome partido em favor de nenhuma religião; reconhece um valor positivo geral à religião. Temas analisados: direito penal; abuso de direito; transfusão de sangue; tratamento de saúde diferenciado; sacrifícios de animais; curas espirituais; proselitismo, pregação contrária ao homossexualismo e a crenças afro-brasileiras; rádios comunitárias; desconto e pagamento de dízimos e ofertas; direito urbanístico e de vizinhança; uso de símbolos religiosos por particulares e pelo Estado; ensino e casamento religiosos, entre outros. / Religious freedom is a fundamental right that protects beliefs, worship and other religious activities from individuals and religious organizations and ensures state neutrality. Religion ought to be widely comprehended. It comprehends all sorts of activities related to the supernatural. Religion should not be confused with ideology, philosophy and sociology. A neutral state must not take a stand about the strengths or weaknesses of a certain religious belief. Nonetheless, it can control sincerity. Religious freedom has three aspects: an individual one (regarding individuals), a collective one (regarding religious organizations) and an institutional one (regarding the state). In terms of individuals, the right to isonomy (equal treatment), religious belief and privacy is to be pointed out. In terms of religious organizations, social, civil, tributary and labor aspects are to be pointed out as well as freedom of worship and proselytism. As for the institutional aspect of religious freedom, the neutrality principle prevents the state from taking any stand concerning any religion and generally recognizes religion as something positive. Topics discussed: penal law; abuse of rights; blood transfusion; privileged health treatment; animal sacrifice; spiritual healing; proselytism; preaching against homosexuality and African Brazilian beliefs; community radio stations; withholding tithes and offerings; urban and neighborhood law; use of religious symbols by individuals and the state; religious teaching and weddings, etc.
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Etableringsfriheten för bolag i den europeiska gemenskapen / Freedom of Establishment for Companies in the European CommunityFors, Mathias January 2001 (has links)
<p>This thesis analyses the scope of the treaty articles 43 and 48 concerning the freedom of establishment of companies. The interpretations of these articles made by the Commission and the European Court of Justice are analysed to see whether they are consistent. The analysis encompasses the provisions and directives in the field of EC Company Law as well as the essential case law from the ECJ regarding these issues. The conclusion that must be drawn from this thesis is that the Court of Justice adds the momentum in these issues whilst the Commission is held up by political considerations.</p>
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En global logistikkedja : En deskriptiv studie av doktriner och på den nya globala Försvarsmaktens krav av logistikkedjan vid strategisk nivå / A global logistics chain : A descriptive study of the doctrines of the new global Swedish armed forces logistic chain at thestrategic levelKarlsson, CarlOtto January 2010 (has links)
<p>Den nya globala försvarsmakten ställer nya krav, inte minst på logistikkedjan där avstånden ökar och förutsättningarna för insats inte är lika klara som under det kalla kriget. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka krav ur en doktrinär synvinkel som kan komma att ställas på logistikkedjan på strategisk nivå kopplat till en strategisk rörlighet vid en framtida Svensk insats. Som empiri i uppsatsen används de doktriner och reglementen som finns i Sverige och i NATO som avhandlar logistikkedjan på strategisk nivå och strategisk rörlighet. Samt en fallstudie från Operation Iraqi freedom för att exemplifiera de krav som kan komma att ställas på logistikkedjan på strategisk nivå. Uppsatsens metod är deskription och fallstudie där fallstudien exemplifierar de problem som kan komma att uppstå. Empirin ligger sedan till grund för en analys och diskussion där ett antal slutsatser utkristalliseras. Slutsatserna som uppfyller syftet med uppsatsen är att krav på en precis logistikkedja ökar för att leverera i rätt tid vilket möjliggörs av kravet på ett bra logistikledningssystem.</p> / <p>The new global Swedish armed forces are putting new strains, especially in the logistics chain where the distances increase and the conditions of operation are not as clear as during the Cold War. The purpose of this paper is to examine the requirements from a doctrinal perspective that might be claimed in the logistics chain at the strategic level, coupled with strategic movement at a future Swedish operation. As empirical evidence in this paper the doctrines and regulations are used that exist in Sweden and in NATO, which deals with the logistics chain at the strategic level and strategic mobility. A case study of Operation Iraqi Freedom is used to exemplify the requirements that may be imposed on the logistics chain at the strategic level. Thesis method is description and case study. The case study exemplifies the problems that may arise. Empiric then forms the basis for analysis and discussion and a number of conclusions emerge. The conclusions that meet the purpose of this paper is to call for a precise logistics chain to deliver in time increases this is made available by the requirement of a good logistics management.</p>
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Etableringsfriheten för bolag i den europeiska gemenskapen / Freedom of Establishment for Companies in the European CommunityFors, Mathias January 2001 (has links)
This thesis analyses the scope of the treaty articles 43 and 48 concerning the freedom of establishment of companies. The interpretations of these articles made by the Commission and the European Court of Justice are analysed to see whether they are consistent. The analysis encompasses the provisions and directives in the field of EC Company Law as well as the essential case law from the ECJ regarding these issues. The conclusion that must be drawn from this thesis is that the Court of Justice adds the momentum in these issues whilst the Commission is held up by political considerations.
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