Spelling suggestions: "subject:"freedom."" "subject:"reedom.""
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En global logistikkedja : En deskriptiv studie av doktriner och på den nya globala Försvarsmaktens krav av logistikkedjan vid strategisk nivå / A global logistics chain : A descriptive study of the doctrines of the new global Swedish armed forces logistic chain at thestrategic levelKarlsson, CarlOtto January 2010 (has links)
Den nya globala försvarsmakten ställer nya krav, inte minst på logistikkedjan där avstånden ökar och förutsättningarna för insats inte är lika klara som under det kalla kriget. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka krav ur en doktrinär synvinkel som kan komma att ställas på logistikkedjan på strategisk nivå kopplat till en strategisk rörlighet vid en framtida Svensk insats. Som empiri i uppsatsen används de doktriner och reglementen som finns i Sverige och i NATO som avhandlar logistikkedjan på strategisk nivå och strategisk rörlighet. Samt en fallstudie från Operation Iraqi freedom för att exemplifiera de krav som kan komma att ställas på logistikkedjan på strategisk nivå. Uppsatsens metod är deskription och fallstudie där fallstudien exemplifierar de problem som kan komma att uppstå. Empirin ligger sedan till grund för en analys och diskussion där ett antal slutsatser utkristalliseras. Slutsatserna som uppfyller syftet med uppsatsen är att krav på en precis logistikkedja ökar för att leverera i rätt tid vilket möjliggörs av kravet på ett bra logistikledningssystem. / The new global Swedish armed forces are putting new strains, especially in the logistics chain where the distances increase and the conditions of operation are not as clear as during the Cold War. The purpose of this paper is to examine the requirements from a doctrinal perspective that might be claimed in the logistics chain at the strategic level, coupled with strategic movement at a future Swedish operation. As empirical evidence in this paper the doctrines and regulations are used that exist in Sweden and in NATO, which deals with the logistics chain at the strategic level and strategic mobility. A case study of Operation Iraqi Freedom is used to exemplify the requirements that may be imposed on the logistics chain at the strategic level. Thesis method is description and case study. The case study exemplifies the problems that may arise. Empiric then forms the basis for analysis and discussion and a number of conclusions emerge. The conclusions that meet the purpose of this paper is to call for a precise logistics chain to deliver in time increases this is made available by the requirement of a good logistics management.
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Adherence to Psychotherapy for Post-Traumatic Stress in Veterans of Military Combat in Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom) and Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom)Angeli, Nicolle C. 01 December 2009 (has links)
Elucidating factors associated with adherence to treatment for physical and mental health conditions is important, given well-documented associations between non-adherence and poor treatment outcomes. Researchers have worked to identify such factors; however, most studies focus on adherence to medical, rather than, psychological treatments. Clarifying variables that predict adherence to psychotherapy is particularly important for individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), for whom treatment, which typically involves exposure to trauma-related stimuli and imagery, can be aversive. It may consequently be associated with high nonadherence rates, even though studies indicate that greater adherence to PTSD treatment relates to better treatment outcomes. Research needs to identify factors that increase or decrease the likelihood that affected individuals will enter and complete therapy. Although several studies to date have examined adherence to treatment for PTSD, this literature is limited on several fronts. First, studies on psychotherapy adherence have identified few consistent predictors of treatment adherence. Second, adherence to psychotherapy is rarely a central focus of treatment-related research; more typically, researchers treat adherence as secondary in importance to treatment outcomes. Third, little research on psychotherapy adherence has been theoretically driven. Fourth, little adherence research has focused on combat veterans with PTSD, who tend to have particularly poor treatment outcomes. Especially lacking is knowledge about predictors of adherence in veterans who have recently returned from combat; most research focuses on veterans of the Vietnam War, many of whom were initially traumatized decades earlier. The study tested the hypothesis that elevated reports of a specific type of PTSD symptom--avoidance/emotional numbing-- predicted poorer adherence to treatment in 160 veterans who received psychotherapy. No significant associations between avoidance and emotional numbing symptoms and adherence were found. However, emotional numbing was negatively related to psychotherapy adherence. Other variables typically related to PTSD and treatment outcomes were found to be important predictors of psychotherapy adherence and completion/noncompletion of therapy.
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Privatsphärenschutz vs. Pressefreiheit: Eine rechtvergleichende Untersuchung zum deutschen und russischen Recht im Lichte der EMRK / The right to privacy vs. freedom of expression: a comparative analysis in German and Russian law in the light of ECHRSokur, Ekaterina 27 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Žodžio (išraiškos) laisvės teisės ribų problema / The issue of legal free speech limitsStepanauskaitė-Kubilienė, Renolda 25 January 2008 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjama žodžio (išraiškos) laisvės teisės ribų teisinio reglamentavimo Lietuvoje problema.
Aptarti žodžio (išraiškos) laisvės teisės istorinės ištakos, raidos etapai, žodžio (išraiškos) laisvės teisės vieta žmogaus teisių sistemoje. Pabrėžiama, jog žodžio laisvė nėra absoliuti, o norint apsaugoti svarbesnius visuomenės interesus arba atskirų asmenų teises nustatomos tam tikros žodžio laisvės ribos. Taip pat prieita nuomonės, jog žodžio laisvės teisė ir informacijos laisvės teisė yra dvi skirtingos fundamentinės žmogaus teisės – informacijos gavimo teisė yra socialinė kategorija, tuo tarpu žodžio laisvė, kaip žmogaus saviraiškos būdas, yra greičiau dvasinė kategorija.
Analizuojant žodžio (išraiškos) laisvės ribojimo pagrindus, aptarta teisės ir moralės santykio problema. Aptariant minėtą problemą, rėmėmės I.Kanto žmogaus valios autonomija. Paaiškėjo, jog teisėta veikla išplaukia ne iš išorinio reglamentavimo, o iš vidinio asmens apsisprendimo veikti moraliai, iš pagarbos proto principams. Moralės dėsnis “įrašytas” žmogaus dvasioje ir žmogus yra laisvas, jei jis veikia vadovaudamasis moralės įstatymu.
Filosofiniu požiūriu analizuota žodžio (išraiškos) laisvės teisės struktūra. Žodžio (išraiškos) laisvės teisę lemia tiesos ir gėrio filosofinės kategorijos. Žodžio (išraiškos) laisvė sietina su tiesos skelbimu gera valia ir gėrio siekimu. Tiesa sudaro intelektualinį žodžio (išraiškos) laisvės naudojimo aspektą, o gėris valinį aspektą.
Darbe... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In this Master’s paper the legal regulation issue of free speech limits in Lithuania is analyzed.
Historical fountainhead of free speech, its process and position in the system of human rights are discussed. It is emphasized that the freedom of speech is not absolute, and on purpose to protect the public interest that are more important or the rights of each individual person some particular limits of free speech are set down. It has also been considered that freedom of speech and freedom of information are two different kinds of fundamental human rights. The freedom of information is a social category whereas the freedom of speech that is like a way of a person’s self-expression is rather a moral category.
While analyzing the basis of free speech limits the problem of relation between law and morality has been discussed appealing to I. Kant autonomy of human will. It appeared that good will is one that acts from duty in accordance with the universal moral law that the autonomous human being freely gives itself. This law obliges one to treat humanity — understood as rational agency, and represented through oneself as well as others — as an end in itself rather than as means.
The structure of free speech has been analysed philosophically. It occurred that freedom of speech is conditioned by the philosophical categories of the truth and the good. The free speech is related to proclamation of the truth, good will and endeavor to seek the good. The truth makes an intellectual... [to full text]
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The freedom to farm in an urban environment: a constitutional review of Saskatoon's prohibition on urban micro-livestocking2015 June 1900 (has links)
This work considers the legal impediments to farming in an urban environment with a particular focus on the municipal bylaws that prohibit the keeping of hens in Saskatoon. The jurisdictional competency of Saskatoon to prohibit the keeping of urban hens is challenged under both municipal law and constitutional law, and more broadly, under the general premise that liberty interests should often prevail where a bylaw is arbitrary, misinformed, and restricts the pursuit of truth and human flourishing. Saskatoon’s urban hen prohibition is argued to be premised more on a form of moral reasoning that unnecessarily distinguishes between rural and urban environments, and less, if at all, on empirical evidence.
Urban agriculture is often undertaken to address the environmental and social shortfalls of the global food system, such as the system’s connection with climate change, animal welfare issues, and challenges associated with the distribution of food. Moreover, urban agriculture is a means of protecting the rights of producers and consumers, as articulated by the food sovereignty movement. In this work, a claimant’s desire to advance food rights (including food sovereignty) through the keeping of urban hens is argued to engage the guarantee to freedom of expression and freedom of conscience under Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
This work explores the possibility of protecting the manifestation of social and environmental action through the guarantee to freedom of conscience. This work develops a cursory test for determining where a claimant’s guarantee to freedom of conscience is violated, drawing on the well established protection of freedom of expression and freedom of religion.
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Public access to information : reaching the right balance between public and privateLarsen, Irene January 2002 (has links)
This thesis examines the change towards a property-based view of information in the fields of copyright, database protection and data privacy. Focus will be placed on the United States and the European Union, as those territories together are responsible for more than half of the world's Internet population. The thesis will attempt to show that a view of information as personal property is not actually benefiting society in general and is dangerous for future progress: economic, scientific and social. The thesis suggests balancing the restrictions on access to information as a whole, meaning viewing the restrictions in copyright, database protection and privacy laws to see how they together affect access to information. It argues that these fields of law should supplement each other in maximizing social welfare through a baseline of public access as opposed to a baseline of monopoly.
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Die Religionsfreiheit in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika unter spezieller Berücksichtigung der jeweiligen Methodik der Verfassungsinterpretation : eine rechtsvergleichende Studie /Fülbier, Ulrich. January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Köln, 2002. / Literaturverz. S. [326] - 351.
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Academic Success and Well-Being Following OEF/OIF DeploymentJanuary 2012 (has links)
abstract: As many as one-third of OEF/OIF soldiers and combat veterans may be struggling with less visible psychological injuries. Military/veteran students may face heightened difficulties as they are not only adjusting to civilian life but also transitioning to college life. University administrators and staff have been charged to address their transitional needs and to promote their academic success. Despite significant influx in enrollment with the passing of the Post-9/11 GI Bill, research on OEF/OIF service members and veterans in higher education remains limited. Utilizing self-report measures, the current study examined the psychosocial functioning of 323 military/veteran students enrolled at Arizona State University who served at least one combat deployment as part of OEF/OIF. The study further investigated whether enlisting for educational benefits and utilizing campus programs/services were associated with more positive academic persistence decisions. Participants were also asked to rate ASU's programming for military/veteran students as well as suggest campus programs/services to promote their academic success. More PTSD symptoms, depression, anxiety, and anger/aggression were found to be associated with less cultural congruity and lower perceived social support. Cultural congruity and social support were significant predictors of academic persistence decisions. Participants who reported utilizing more campus programs/services also tended to endorse more positive persistence decisions. No significant differences in persistence decisions were found between participants who enlisted in the military for education benefits and those who enlisted for non-educational reasons. Approximately two-thirds reported utilizing academic advising services and Veteran Benefits and Certifications. Library services, financial aid services, and ASU sporting events were the next most frequently utilized. More than 91% rated ASU's programming satisfactory or better. Over 71% of participants indicated that increasing recognition of their military experience would facilitate their academic success. Nearly 40% recommended a military/veteran student lounge and improvements to VA education benefits counseling. Another 30% recommended that ASU provide professional development for faculty/staff on military/veteran readjustment issues, improve the re-enrollment process following deployment/training, offer a veteran-specific orientation, and establish a department or center for military/veteran programming. Findings are discussed in light of Tinto's interactionist model of college student attrition, and implications for university mental health providers are presented. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Counseling Psychology 2012
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Texas School Librarians' Perceptions on Censorship and Intellectual FreedomVrabel, Terri Boucher 08 1900 (has links)
This study was conducted to ascertain library media specialists' perceptions of the trends in challenges to intellectual freedom in Texas public school libraries and the factors influencing the outcome of challenged materials.
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Fenomén internetové svobody v kontextu současných politických režimů - Srovnávací analýza Čínské lidové republiky, Spojených států amerických a Ruské federace na základě šetření organizace Freedom House a jejích studií Freedom on the Net 2011 až 2015 / The Political Regime and the Internet Freedom - A Comparative Analysis of the People's Republic of China, the United States of America and the Russian Federation Based on the Freedom House Organisation's Survey and its Studies, Freedom on the Net 2011-2015Ali, Sabina January 2016 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the behaviour of the largest world superpowers, the United States of America, the Russian Federation, and the People's Republic of China, in terms of internet freedom. The aim is to examine in what manner and to what extent these countries limit or protect their citizens' right to freedom of expression on the internet. The resulting data should reveal or disprove significant discrepancies between the character of the political regimes which the selected countries represent, and their real practices towards the freedom of speech on the internet. The subject of the analysis is to compare these countries' data which were presented in the Freedom on the Net 2011-2015, a series of reports by the independent non- profit organisation of Freedom House. The data are compared through comprehensive graphs and charts, which help to illustrate and map the development of the individual countries' behaviour in time. The thesis is complemented by a chapter focusing on the historical development of internet, illustrating who participated at its birth and who has a major influence on its current form.
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