Spelling suggestions: "subject:"freedom."" "subject:"reedom.""
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Association Between Adaptive Sports Programs and Quality of Life Among Amputee VeteransSeay, Sean V. 01 January 2018 (has links)
Adaptive sports programs (ASPs) are important for enhancing the physical, psychological, and social aspects of life for amputee combat veterans while reducing the risk of depression and anger. Although the role of ASPs in improving quality of life (QoL) has been researched in relation to amputee combat veterans of World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War, there has been limited examination of the role of ASPs in improving QoL among veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), and Operation Noble Eagle (OND). Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess the effects of ASPs on the QoL of amputee veterans of OEF, OIF, and OND using logistic regression as well as 3 surveys assessing QoL and life satisfaction in combat veterans who suffered traumatic amputations between 2003 and 2013. The dependent and independent variables included psychosocial and behavioral factors for those amputees who participated in an ASP versus those amputees who did not. There was a statistically significant association (ï?£2(4) = 13.44, p < 0.003) between gender and perception of overall health. Likewise, there was a statistically significant association (ï?£2(2) = 15.63, p < 0.000) between enjoying life and having a meaningful life and participation in an ASP. The findings indicate that participation in ASPs may help improve QoL and overall health for amputee veterans. Public health programs and policies aimed at improving the overall health and wellbeing of amputee veterans should consider ASPs as essential therapeutic interventions for promoting health in amputee veteran populations.
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Public access to information : reaching the right balance between public and privateLarsen, Irene January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Operativ logistik ur ett teoretiskt perspektiv - En teoriprövande fallstudie på Operation Enduring Freedom och Operation Iraqi FreedomRautioaho, Fredrika January 2022 (has links)
The fact that military logistics should be studied more is mentioned by many, but the problem still seems to persist year after year. To be able to study war from a logistical perspective, theories and theoretical frameworks need to be developed. The systems and terms for operational logistics are not as clear as the terms used for the strategic and tactical level. Moshe Kress has developed properties to explain the operational logistics. This thesis examines if the properties can explain the operational logistics, through a theory-testing comparative case study of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. The results shows that Kress's properties can explain the operational logistics during the operations. The analysis of Operation Enduring Freedom shows that all four properties was fulfilled. Operation Iraqi Freedom, which had clear logistical shortcomings during the operation, however, only shows fulfillment of one property, partial fulfillment of two properties and that one property was not fulfilled at all.
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A Perfectionist Defense of Free SpeechMiles, Jonathan K. 22 December 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Free media consolidation in Eastern Europe: Citizen attitudes about political, legal, and economic media freedomStoycheff, Elizabeth L. 19 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Examining the Concepts, Situation and Inner Contradictions of the Chinese Media Through the News Reporting of Sudden Incidents in 2008Turner, Holly D. 26 June 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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When political expression turns into hate speech : is limitation through legislative criminalisation the answer?Vosloo, Michelle 10 1900 (has links)
This study investigates the interaction between freedom and limitation as applied to political expression and hate speech. The need for the limitation of hate speech, with its inherent risk of escalation into other serious crimes such as genocide, is established. The view of the South African courts is identified as pro-limitation but generally respectful of the right to freedom of expression. A lacuna in current constitutional law, common law and legislative remedies is evident and the various ways in which limitation can be effected are explored; the researcher finds for criminalisation as an effective measure to address this lacuna in hate speech regulation. The importance of complying with the international call for the criminalisation of hate speech is analysed. Insight is gained regarding what would be an effective model for criminalisation. Here lessons are taken from foreign comparatives that have successfully criminalised hate speech in the context of their cultural identity, history and social needs. Ultimately, a framework for effective hate speech criminalisation in South Africa is formulated. / Constitutional, International & Indigenous Law / LL.M
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Le statut constitutionnel des partis politiques / The constitutional statute of the political partiesFrancisci, Patricia 21 January 2011 (has links)
Les partis politiques sont devenus les piliers de la démocratie moderne. De simples groupes inorganisés, ils sont devenus des structures hiérarchisées dont l’objectif est la conquête puis l’exercice du pouvoir. Les contingences historiques ont montré la nécessité pour les démocraties de se doter d’un appareil juridique pour se protéger des partis, mais également pour garantir leurs droits et libertés. Les partis ont donc été consacrés dans les Constitutions d’après-guerre. Cette constitutionnalisation s’est accompagnée de l’adjonction de Lois des partis ainsi que de dispositions législatives règlementant le droit des partis. La question du statut constitutionnel des partis se posait, alimentée par les décisions du juge constitutionnel, amené à se prononcer sur les droits, libertés et exigences des partis, dans le cadre du contrôle de constitutionnalité.Dès lors, il était intéressant d’aborder une approche comparatiste des partis politiques, sous l'angle du droit constitutionnel comparé, en l’occurrence du contentieux constitutionnel. La constitutionnalisation structurelle opposée à la consécration fonctionnelle permet de mettre en relief les grands principes directeurs du droit des partis. Ont ainsi été dégagés les principes de liberté, d’égalité, ainsi que celui de la transparence. Les partis sont confrontés aux exigences et aux interdictions, issues aussi bien des textes constitutionnels que législatifs. Les Cours constitutionnelles allemande, espagnole, italienne, française et portugaise apportent leurs appréciations, dont les travaux proposent une analyse détaillée. Le juge constitutionnel a certes remplit sa mission de protecteur de la Constitution en assurant la protection des principes démocratiques, mais dans le même temps, il s’est révélé le protecteur des droits et libertés des partis / Les partis politiques sont devenus les piliers de la démocratie moderne. De simples groupes inorganisés, ils sont devenus des structures hiérarchisées dont l’objectif est la conquête puis l’exercice du pouvoir. Les contingences historiques ont montré la nécessité pour les démocraties de se doter d’un appareil juridique pour se protéger des partis, mais également pour garantir leurs droits et libertés. Les partis ont donc été consacrés dans les Constitutions d’après-guerre. Cette constitutionnalisation s’est accompagnée de l’adjonction de Lois des partis ainsi que de dispositions législatives règlementant le droit des partis. La question du statut constitutionnel des partis se posait, alimentée par les décisions du juge constitutionnel, amené à se prononcer sur les droits, libertés et exigences des partis, dans le cadre du contrôle de constitutionnalité.Dès lors, il était intéressant d’aborder une approche comparatiste des partis politiques, sous l'angle du droit constitutionnel comparé, en l’occurrence du contentieux constitutionnel. La constitutionnalisation structurelle opposée à la consécration fonctionnelle permet de mettre en relief les grands principes directeurs du droit des partis. Ont ainsi été dégagés les principes de liberté, d’égalité, ainsi que celui de la transparence. Les partis sont confrontés aux exigences et aux interdictions, issues aussi bien des textes constitutionnels que législatifs. Les Cours constitutionnelles allemande, espagnole, italienne, française et portugaise apportent leurs appréciations, dont les travaux proposent une analyse détaillée. Le juge constitutionnel a certes remplit sa mission de protecteur de la Constitution en assurant la protection des principes démocratiques, mais dans le même temps, il s’est révélé le protecteur des droits et libertés des partis
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Smluvní volnost a její omezení v obchodních závazkových vztazích / Freedom of contract and its limitation in the business relationshipsMajchrák, Michal January 2016 (has links)
Freedom of contract is one of the fundamental principles of private law. Most pronounced is the principle of contractual freedom in business contractual relationships, in which is admitted the highest degree of contractual freedom. Contractual freedom is often generally associated with the rule that what is not forbidden is allowed, ie. if the legal regulation does not prohibit any contractual arrangement, is such an arrangement allowed. This understanding of freedom of contract is very simplistic and misleading and thus in many cases incorrect. Given that freedom of contract is seen as a rule or principle, approach to it is fairly spontaneously and in search of answers to the question of legality or illegality of certain contractual arrangements, the progress is often intuitively and based on ad hoc reasoning the contractual freedom is in individual cases either accepted or rejected. One reason for this approach is the fact that there have been no more precise rules for a differentiation of non- mandatory and mandatory legal rules. Their differentiation is for the recipients of legal rules crucial because it gives an answer to the question, how far reaches their liberal sphere, in particular, if the contractual freedom is in the particular legal issue enabled or not. A lack of structure and...
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Frihet, forskning och ideologi : Diskurs- och ideologianalys av de senaste årensforskning kring choice overloadAlvarsson, Mattias, Ramos Serrano, Robin Alarik January 2018 (has links)
This study aims to examine and observe the discourse around freedom within academia, morespecifically within research pertaining to the choice overload phenomenon. The study isqualitative in nature and would be best described as a discourse,- and ideology analysis. Thestudy observes the current discourse around choice overload and how the phenomenon ispresented and problematized. Furthermore the study aims to examine if there are anyideological influences in this area of research. The studies being analyzed are publishedbetween 2016 to the middle of 2018 and based around the keyword choice overload,. Theresults of this study show that recent research regarding choice overload is in overwhelmingmajority conducted by marketing and hence presented in a market-minded perspective. Thestudy also finds that there seems to exist an indication of two “perspectives” when it comes tothe researchers views on choice overload. In these study these perspectives are categorized byone having a more pragmatic, solution-oriented view in relation to the phenomenon and theother one being more sceptical to its existence at all. The conclusion brings mixed results,whereas while the study shows that there are prevalent tendencies to problematize and presentchoice overload from a profit seeking perspective as opposed to a general societal healthperspective, the controlled nature of the language used in research makes it hard to draw anyconcrete conclusions. The study ends on an encouraging note, leaving suggestions for furthermore in-depth research to contribute to this field of knowledge. / Denna studie syftar till att undersöka och observera diskursen kring valfrihet inom akademia,specifikt inom forskning kring fenomenet choice overload. Denna studie är kvalitativ till sinnatur och kan bäst beskrivas som en diskurs,- och ideologianalys. Studien observerardiskursen kring choice overload och hur fenomenet presenteras och problematiseras. Vidareämnar denna studie att examinera om det förekommer ideologiska strömningar inomforskningsfältet. De studier som analyseras är baserade kring nyckelordet choice overloadoch är publicerade mellan 2016 och första halvan av 2018. Resultaten av denna studie visaratt nylig forskning kring choice overload är dominerad av marknadsföring och därefterpresenterad ur ett marknadsekonomiskt perspektiv. Studien finner även att det tycks existeraen indikation av två olika “perspektiv” när det kommer till hur forskare ser på choiceoverload. I denna studie kategoriseras dessa perspektiv av att ena har en mer pragmatisk ochlösningsorienterad inställning gentemot fenomenet, medan det andra förhåller sig merskeptiska till fenomenets existens. Resultatet av studien är blandat, då fastän studien visar attdet finns tydliga tendenser att problematisera och presentera choice overload ur ettvinst-sökande perspektiv i motsats till ett folkhälso,- och samhällsperspektiv, så förhindrasstudien från att finna konkreta resultat på grund av det kontrollerade språket inom akademiskforskning och problematiken med allmän generalisering. Studien avslutas med förslag förvidare forskning för att bidra till kunskap kring ideologi inom akademia.
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