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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La carrière de Claude Jean-Baptiste Jallier de Savault (1739-1806) : architecte du règne de Louis XV à l’Empire / The career of Claude Jean-Baptiste Jallier de Savault (1739-1806) : architect from the reign of Louis XV to the First Empire

Plouzennec, Yvon 24 November 2018 (has links)
L’architecte Claude Jean-Baptiste Jallier de Savault est une figure méconnue dont la redécouverte est relativement récente. Né en 1739 à Château-Chinon, il est élevé dans une famille bourgeoise de culture protestante. Au cours des années 1750, il s’installe à Paris et intègre l’agence de Jacques-Germain Soufflot, alors en pleine effervescence. Le cursus académique qu’il mène en parallèle de cette formation pratique, est couronné par deux seconds Prix en 1758 et en 1760. Soutenu par son maître et par Charles-Nicolas Cochin, il obtient un brevet d’élève architecte de l’Académie de France à Rome et séjourne au Palais Mancini en 1762. À son retour, il poursuit son apprentissage auprès d’Ange-Jacques Gabriel avant d’entamer une carrière au service des financiers d’Ancien Régime. Cette clientèle, à majorité protestante, lui offre l’opportunité de réaliser divers projets à Paris, mais également dans le nord-est du royaume, ainsi qu’en Suisse. Les dernières années du règne de Louis XVI, marquées par l’accession de Jacques Necker à la Direction générale des Finances, constituent le moment fort de sa carrière. Les deux succès publics qu’il remporte à cette époque (Place royale de Brest et hôtel de la Caisse d’escompte) ne voient pourtant jamais le jour, du fait des événements qui agitent le royaume. Après une parenthèse politique dans les premiers temps de la Révolution, il est employé par la Commission des travaux publics avant de devenir architecte des bâtiments civils sous le Directoire. Ce poste, qu’il occupe jusqu’à sa mort, en 1806, lui accorde un statut officiel qui constitue finalement l’aboutissement de la quête de légitimité qu’il mène tout au long de sa carrière. / The architect Claude Jean-Baptiste Jallier de Savault is an unsung figure whose rediscovery is relatively recent. Born in 1739 in Château-Chinon, he grew up in the Protestant milieu of a tradesman family. In the 1750s, he moved to Paris and joined the office of Jacques-Germain Soufflot, then at the height of its activity. The academic course he followed in parallel with this practical training was crowned by two second prizes in 1758 and in 1760. Supported by his master and Charles-Nicolas Cochin, he was accorded the status of a student architect of the Academy of France in Rome and resided at the Palais Mancini in 1762. Upon his return, he continued his apprenticeship with Ange-Jacques Gabriel before starting a career in the service of financiers of the Ancien Régime. This mostly Protestant clientele offered him the opportunity to carry out various projects in Paris, in thenorth-east of the kingdom, as well as in Switzerland. The last years of the reign of Louis XVI, marked by the accession of Jacques Necker to the Directorate General of Finance, was a propitious time in his career. Given thekingdom’s worsening political and financial situation, however, his two public commissions from this time (the Royal square of Brest and the Paris headquarters of the Caisse d’Escompte) were never built. After a brief engagement in political life in the early days of the Revolution, he was employed by the Public Works Commissionand subsequently became an architect of civil buildings under the Directory. With this post, which he held until his death in 1806, he finally gained something of the official status and legitimacy that had long eluded him.

Democracy and representation in the French Directory, 1795-1799

Kim, Minchul January 2018 (has links)
Democracy was no more than a marginal force during the eighteenth century, unanimously denounced as a chimerical form of government unfit for passionate human beings living in commercial societies. Placed in this context this thesis studies the concept of ‘representative democracy' during the French Revolution, particularly under the Directory (1795–1799). At the time the term was an oxymoron. It was a neologism strategically coined by the democrats at a time when ‘representative government' and ‘democracy' were understood to be diametrically opposed to each other. In this thesis the democrats' political thought is simultaneously placed in several contexts. One is the rapidly changing political, economic and international circumstances of the French First Republic at war. Another is the anxiety about democratic decline emanating from the long-established intellectual traditions that regarded the history of Greece and Rome as proof that democracy and popular government inevitably led to anarchy, despotism and military government. Due to this anxiety the ruling republicans' answer during the Directory to the predicament—how to avoid the return of the Terror, win the war, and stabilize the Republic without inviting military government—was crystalized in the notion of ‘representative government', which defined a modern republic based on a firm rejection of ‘democratic' politics. Condorcet is important at this juncture because he directly challenged the given notions of his own period (such as that democracy inevitably fosters military government). Building on this context of debate, the arguments for democracy put forth by Antonelle, Chaussard, Français de Nantes and others are analysed. These democrats devised plans to steer France and Europe to what they regarded as the correct way of genuinely ending the Revolution: the democratic republic. The findings of this thesis elucidate the elements of continuity and those of rupture between the Enlightenment and the French Revolution.

Constance de Salm (1767-1845) : une modernité contradictoire / Constance de Salm (1767-1845) : a contradictory modernity

Sharif, Maryam 21 January 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans un mouvement de redécouverte et d’inscription dans l’histoire littéraire des femmes auteurs longtemps considérées comme mineures. Son objectif est d’étudier le statut d’une écrivaine au tournant du XVIIIe et du premier XIXe siècle français à travers la carrière littéraire de Constance de Salm (1767-1845) et l’analyse de celles de ses œuvres qui traitent directement de la condition de la femme écrivain. Nous avons étudié la position de l’écrivaine sur le statut de la femme auteur à travers son traitement d’un sujet antique (Sapho, 1794), sa prise de position face à un débat d’actualité (l’Épître aux femmes, 1797) et finalement à travers le regard qu’elle porte sur sa propre carrière littéraire dans son autoportrait en vers (Mes soixante ans, 1833). Notre but est de montrer les raisons de l’oubli puis de la redécouverte d’une écrivaine chez qui un féminisme précurseur contraste avec des pratiques littéraires qui sont en apparence désuètes, même de son temps. Cette étude nous a révélé l’originalité d’une femme auteur qui voyait et revendiquait les implications politiques de ses idées et de l’acte d’écrire. Par ailleurs, pour éclairer la place qu’occupaient la réflexion et les pratiques de Constance de Salm dans les milieux intellectuels nous avons tenue compte des différents états des textes et de leurs variantes ainsi que des articles et des comptes-rendus que lui a consacrés la presse contemporaine. L’ensemble de ces documents constitue les annexes réunis dans le deuxième volume de notre travail. / This dissertation is part of the rediscovery movement of women writers within literary history, who were long considered insignificant. Its aim is to study the status of a writer in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries in France through the discovery and analysis of the life and career of Constance de Salm (1767-1845) whose works deal directly with the condition of the woman writers. The writer’s position is studied in relations to the status of the woman writers through her analysis of a subject from antiquity: Sappho (1797), the stance she took on a contemporary debate in the Epistle to the Women (1797), and finally the way in which she regards her own literary career in her autobiography in verse, My Sixty Years (1833). The goal is to show the reasons for which this writer was forgotten and then rediscovered, a writer whose avant-garde feminism contrasted with her literary practices that were considered antiquated even at the time. This study has revealed the originality of a woman writer who recognized and accepted the political implications embodied in her ideas and the act of writing. Furthermore, in order to clarify the position that Constance de Salm’s thoughts and actions occupied within intellectual circles of the day, we have reviewed texts in various states and their variants as well as articles and reports that the contemporary press dedicated to her. All these documents are attached as appendices in the second volume of this work.

Petit Trianon and Marie Antoinette : representation, interpretation, perception

Maior-Barron, Denise Cristina Ioana January 2015 (has links)
This interdisciplinary thesis belongs to Marie Antoinette studies. The contemporary dissonant commodification of the controversial historical character of the last Queen of France, detected at her former home, Petit Trianon, drives the course of the thesis research. Considering the complexity and controversy of the subject, the thesis seeks to make a contribution to extant scholarship by clarifying important modern history issues through a fresh approach: by using art history as an indicator in assessing the historical truth of the narrative of Petit Trianon, the residence identified as home to the last Queen of France. The thesis examines Petit Trianon and Marie Antoinette in the context of four major narratives - the historical, cinematic, architectural and heritage narratives - relevant to the contemporary heritage interpretation of Petit Trianon as well as its visitor perceptions. In addition to sourcing evidence for the arguments originating in art history information, the thesis relies on the data collection provided by a tailor-made survey for the topic, placing the results in the wider context of a hermeneutical interpretation of data found in either history or contemporary popular culture. The array of Marie Antoinette’s images detected by the analysis charts the commodification of this historical character at Petit Trianon: its production and consumption. It is through the assessment of this commodification that the present thesis reveals the misconceptions surrounding the historical character best known as Marie Antoinette. The thesis argues that the true role of the last Queen of France was successfully obscured through juxtaposition with her perception by the French collective memory. In other words, the perception of Marie Antoinette had subverted historical truth. Furthermore, the commodification of her historical character is perpetuated in an endless chain of representations fuelled by postmodern consumerism.

Louis de Bonald homme politique, de la fin de l’Ancien Régime à la monarchie de Juillet. Modernité d’une métaphysique en action face au réel historique / Louis de Bonald, Political Figure from the late Ancien Régime to the July Monarchy. Modernity : Metaphysics in Action vs History in the Making

Bertran de Balanda, Flavien 12 September 2016 (has links)
On retient généralement de Louis de Bonald (1754-1840) la paternité d’une doctrine contre-révolutionnaire, comme son rôle de chef spirituel des ultras sous la Restauration. Une relecture de l’œuvre du philosophe, confrontée à des sources moins étudiées (articles de presse, opuscules, discours parlementaires, correspondance), mais surtout complétée par un matériau inédit (dont des extraits sont produits en annexes) a permis une approche transversale de la vie et de la carrière de cet homme politique au sens le plus contemporain du terme : de la fin du règne de Louis XV à celui de Louis-Philippe, ce métaphysicien à la théorie globalisante (on a pu le considérer comme le père de la sociologie) a sans cesse mobilisé cette dernière pour agir sur le réel historique, tout en l’enrichissant, voire la redéfinissant progressivement. Induisant une méthode pluridisciplinaire et s’inscrivant dans une chronologie vaste, ce travail a tenté de déconstruire l’image stéréotypée d’un penseur figé dans la nostalgie d’un Ancien Régime dont il aurait souhaité le retour, et dont la postérité se cantonnerait aux divers courants conservateurs ultérieurs. Personnage de son temps, s’inscrivant pleinement dans le propos régénérateur de l’époque post révolutionnaire, Bonald se présente au contraire sous une facette inattendue, celle d’une incontestable modernité : de l’âge romantique à l’âge industriel, les questions qu’il pose à son temps, et, partant, au nôtre, sont bien souvent terriblement actuelles. Quant à ses réponses, elles nous ont conduit à suggérer des pistes d’interprétation nouvelles autour de concepts tels que ceux de contre-utopie ou encore de contre-subversion. Bonald, en somme, est tout autant moderne dans son rapport à son siècle que dans sa dimension atemporelle, qu’on pourrait qualifier d’intempestive. / For most readers, of his time and until now, Louis de Bonald (1754-1840) was the father of a counter-Revolutionary doctrine, acting as a spiritual leader of the Ultras under the Restoration. A closer reading of the philosopher’s work, confronted with less-studied sources (articles published in the press, monographs, parliamentary speeches, correspondence) and completed by some unpublished material (extracts of which are published in our appendix) opens up a more transversal approach to the life and career of this politician, in the most contemporary sense of the word: from the end of Louis XV’s reign to the beginning of Louis-Philippe’s, Bonald, who is considered to be a forerunner of sociology, unceasingly mobilized his all-embracing theory of metaphysics to impact real history in the making, bringing enrichment and, gradually, even redefining it. Drawing on a multidisciplinary method, and taking into account a broad chronology, we have endeavored to deconstruct the stereotype of a thinker considered to be frozen in time, yearning for the return of the Ancien Régime, whose thinking put him on the path of an ultra-conservative heritage. A figure of his time, participating to the full in the post-Revolutionary discourse on regeneration, Bonald, unexpectedly and undoubtedly, reveals the face of a Modern. From the Age of the Romantics to the Industrial Age, the challenges which he defined in his time, are still incredibly relevant to ours. As for his answers, they lead us to put forward new interpretations of concepts such as counter-utopia or counter-subversion. Overall, Bonald is just as pertinent for his contemporaries as for our century and beyond. His thinking could be construed as timeless in nature.

Élites, pouvoirs et vie municipale à Brest, 1750-1820 / No title

Baron, Bruno 23 June 2012 (has links)
Brest, ville portuaire et arsenal militaire, est une cité où quelques individus mènent de front une carrière publique et privée en s’appuyant parfois sur les circonstances politiques.Sous l’Ancien Régime, négociants et hommes de loi contrôlent la sphère municipale mais sont dominés par les élites sociales (officiers de marine, intendants de marine, noblesse de l’armée de terre) qui constituent l’essence du pouvoir dans la ville.Avec la Révolution, un nouveau personnel politique se met en place, on assiste alors à un renouvellement des élites. La noblesse militaire perd ses positions, les anciens notables se trouvent relégués à un rôle subalterne et une nouvelle génération de notabilités issue des changements révolutionnaires est toujours bien présente quand la monarchie fait son retour en 1815.Le rapprochement des évolutions institutionnelles et des parcours politiques des élites permet de dresser un état précis des structurations politiques et sociales locales au cours de ces soixante-dix ans.Au cours de cette période, les élites municipales brestoises parviennent à s’imposer à leurs concitoyens mais ne réussissent pas à imposer leurs vues quand il s’agit des relations avec les autorités supérieures. Elles sont toujours sous la coupe d’un commandant militaire ou d’un représentant direct de l’État. Le pouvoir municipal subit des changements et connaît des fluctuations importantes dans la réalité de ses pouvoirs et dans sa marge d’autonomie. / Brest, harbour city and military arsenal, was a city where some individuals managed public and private careers at the same time sometimes by relying on political circumstances.Under the Ancien Régime, traders and jurists controlled the municipal sphere but they were dominated by the social elites (naval officers, Navy quartermasters, Army nobility) who constituted the gist of the power in the city.With the Revolution, a new political personnel was set up, we attended to a renewal of the elites. The Army nobility lost its positions, former notables were relegated to a subordinate role and a new generation of notabilities stemming from revolutionary changes was still very present when the monarchy came back in 1815.The link between institutional evolutions and the political careers of elites enables us to draw up a precise state of local political and social structurings that occurred during these seventy years.During this period, Brest’s municipal elites succeeded in imposing upon their fellow countrymen but did not manage to impose their views concerning relations with superior authorities. They were always under a military governor or a direct representative of the state. The municipal power underwent changes and knew important fluctuations in the reality of its powers and in its degree of autonomy.

Révolution et figaromania. Réception, usages et significations du théâtre de Beaumarchais (XVIIIe-XIXe siècles) / Revolution and Figaromania : The reception, roles and meanings of Beaumarchais’ plays throughout the 18th and 19th centuries

Yvernault, Virginie 17 November 2017 (has links)
Beaumarchais n’est pas seulement un dramaturge célèbre du XVIIIe siècle, c’est avant tout le père de Figaro, cette figure familière qui s’invite dans le débat public dès qu’il est question de liberté d’expression ou de lutte contre l’injustice. Récusant le concept de mythe, dont les études de réception sont friandes, cette étude s’interroge sur la manière dont l’usage systématique de Figaro dans des domaines extra-littéraires détermine l’ensemble du discours critique sur Beaumarchais. Aux origines de la figaromania, il y a un parcours de la subversion à l’institutionnalisation, qui s’opère à la fin du XIXe siècle, lorsque la Révolution « entre au port », avec l’avènement des républicains. Cette enquête propose donc une histoire de la réception qui puisse montrer la convergence entre les significations d’une œuvre appartenant au patrimoine national et les multiples usages et appropriations dont elle fait l’objet, envisagés dans leur diversité à l’échelle européenne. / Beaumarchais is not only a famous 18th century playwright, but first and foremost the architect of Figaro; the well-known character who slides his way into the public debate as soon as liberty of expression or the fight against injustice is evoked. Challenging the idea of a myth, endorsed by other reception studies, this study analyses how the systematic use of Figaro outside the literary domain shapes the entire critical discourse on Beaumarchais. At the origins of figaromania, there is a transition from subversion to ‘institutionalisation’ at the end of the 19th century as the French Revolution came to an end, with the arrival of the Republicans. Therefore, this study proposes a historical context of the reception of Beaumarchais’ work, at the European level, that shows the convergence between the meaning of an oeuvre that belongs to the national cultural heritage and the many different roles and appropriations that this oeuvre assumes.

Origines de l'état de siège en France (Ancien Régime-Révolution) / Origins of State of Siege in France (Ancient Regime – French Revolution)

Le Gal, Sébastien 12 December 2011 (has links)
En France, à la suite de précédentes constitutions, la Constitution de la Ve République consacre l’état de siège (art. 36) ; à l’étranger, de nombreux pays l’ont adopté. Ce constat laisse béant un paradoxe suivant : si la France adopte, la première, une législation d’exception, elle n’offre pas pour autant de réflexion approfondie sur ce qu’est l’état d’exception. L’étude des origines et de l’histoire de l’état de siège met au jour les raisons d’un tel paradoxe.L’état de siège est originellement une disposition technique du droit militaire (loi des 8-10 juillet 1791), qui prévoit que, dans certaines circonstances, l’ordre public et la police passent de l’autorité civile, compétence par principe, à l’autorité militaire. Ainsi, la loi prévoit le renversement du principe selon lequel l’autorité civile prime sur le militaire. Au cours de la Révolution, cette disposition est utilisée afin de réprimer les troubles violents qui se multiplient à l’intérieur du territoire. Durant le XIXe siècle, les régimes successifs y recourent également, jusqu’à ce que la Cour de cassation, en 1832, donne un coup d’arrêt à cette pratique. Le législateur est donc contraint d’adopter un texte – la loi du 9 août 1849 – qui encadre précisément son usage. Cette loi est, véritablement, une législation d’exception, au sens où elle contrevient à un principe consacré par l’ordre constitutionnel, en fonction de circonstances déterminées, pour un temps et un lieu circonscrits. Elle accorde également à l’autorité militaire des pouvoirs étendus qui restreignent les libertés publiques, et consacre la compétence des juridictions militaires pour juger les non-militaires. / In France, following previous Constitutions, the state of siege gained acceptance under the Constitution of the Fifth Republic (art. 36); many countries abroad adopted it. This fact leaves a gaping paradox: even if France adopts the first emergency legislation, it does not mean that it provides an in depth reflection on what is the state of emergency. The study of the genesis and history of the state of siege reveals the reasons for such a paradox. Originally, the state of siege was a technical measure of military law (law of July 8-10, 1791), which provided that in certain circumstances, public order and police would transfer from the civil authority, competent on principle, to the military authority. Thus, law foresaw the reversal of the principle according to which the civil authority takes precedence over the military. During the Revolution, this measure was used to suppress the violent unrest that became more frequent inside the territory. Throughout the nineteenth century, successive governments had also recourse to it until the Supreme Court put an end to this practice in 1832. Consequently ,the legislator was forced to pass a bill - the Law of August 9, 1849 - which would frame precisely its use. This law truly is an emergency law, which means that it contravenes a principle enshrined in the constitutional order, depending on specific circumstances, for a circumscribed time and place. It also gives to the military authority enlarged powers which restrict civil liberties, and establishes the jurisdiction of military courts to judge non-military courts.

Adélaide Labille-Guiard and Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun: Portraitists in the Age of the French Revolution

Carlisle, Tara McDermott 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis examines the portraiture of Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun and Adélaide Labille-Guiard within the context of their time. Analysis of specific portraits in American collections is provided, along with an examination of their careers: early education, Academic Royale membership, Salon exhibitions, and the French Revolution. Discussion includes the artists' opposing stylistic heritages, as well as the influences of their patronage, the French art academy and art criticism. This study finds that Salon critics compared their paintings, but not with the intention of creating a bitter personal and professional rivalry between them as presumed by some twentieth-century art historians. This thesis concludes those critics simply addressed their opposing artistic styles and that no such rivalry existed.

Konspirační narativ Protokolů sionských mudrců v kontextu židovsko-křesťanských vztahů / Conspiracy narrative of the Protocols of the Elder of Sion in the context of Judeo-Christian relationships

Hlaváčová, Kateřina January 2022 (has links)
This paper deals with the anti-Semitic pamphlet The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which is placed in the historical context of its origin, considering political and social causes behind the formulation of many previous conspiracy theories and anti-Jewish narratives and their motifs, which are eventually reflected in The Protocols. This complex conspiracy narrative is then subjected to structural analysis, which seeks to identify dominant themes structured into binary oppositions, through which it aims to capture a potential "meaning" or significance of the narrative that was relevant to readers of its time but also addresses contemporary conspiracy theorists. Finally, the work attempts to outline one of the root causes that makes Jews ideal adepts for a major role as conspirators in conspiracy narratives, that lies in their extraordinary, liminal state, defined by their relationship to the majority, in this case, Christian society.

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