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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Traduzindo os jogos no espaço de Saint-Denys Garneau. Uma poética do olhar em Regards et jeux dans l\'espace / Translating games on Saint-Denys Garneau environment

Vasconcelos Filho, Genival Teixeira 13 March 2015 (has links)
A partir da obra poética de Saint-Denys Garneau, em seu livro Regards et jeux dans lespace, faremos uma abordagem de sua poesia com o intuito de apresentar a tradução de alguns de seus poemas mais importantes. No decorrer desse trabalho, a presente dissertação visa introduzir o poeta e sua obra, mostrando os aspectos mais relevantes de seu fazer poético, além de dar vistas a tradução de alguns de seus poemas sob a ótica da abordagem tradutória de Mário Laranjeira. / Based on the poetry of Saint-Denys Garneau, in his book Regards et jeux dans l\'espace, we will approach the authors poetic specifically to present the translation of some os his most important poems. This dissertation aims to introducing the poet and his work to the reader, showing the most relevant aspects of his poetic, executing the translation of some of his poems from the perspective of Mario Laranjeiras translation theory.

L’interlangue dans les romans de l’Afrique francophone subsaharienne : contributions sociocritiques à la critique de la littérature francophone / The interlanguage in the novels of Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa : sociocritical contributions to the criticism of French literature

Nzang Mbele Tounga, Marie 03 July 2017 (has links)
Il est question dans cette recherche de lire les contributions de l’interlangue dans les romans de l’Afrique francophone subsaharienne. Cette notion linguistique et sociolinguistique voit sa première orientation de recherche avec Sélinker (1972). Chercheur américain attaché aux aspects linguistiques et psycholinguistiques de l’apprentissage d’une langue étrangère par les adultes avec l’élaboration du terme « interlanguage » (traduit interlangue en français) pour rendre compte des connaissances intermédiaires de l’apprenant en langue étrangère. Pour cet auteur tout comme pour d’autres chercheurs qui ont orienté les recherches sur la notion, l’interlangue est une « compétence transitoire » (Coder, 1967), « une « langue approximative » (Nemser, 1971) caractérisée par une véritable instabilité d’autant plus que les règles grammaticales de l’interlangue ne correspondent pas aux règles retrouvées dans la langue maternelle de l’apprenant ni celles observées dans la langue cible : en général, l’interlangue n’est pas destiné à évoluer vers une meilleure pratique de la langue.Or, l’observation de l’interlangue dans les textes des romanciers de l’Afrique subsaharienne d’expression française remet en cause cette définition des premiers chercheurs : dans les textes, l’nterlangue fait accroître le lexique du vocabulaire, elle réutilise les structures syntaxiques pour innover la syntaxe, en plus de cela, elle diversifie les figures de styles pour embellir la stylistique existante. Le rajeunissement lexical est visible à travers l’introduction des emprunts, alternances codiques, calques et néologies. Au niveau syntaxique, l'on y observe un emploi inhabituel des outils syntaxiques comme par exemple la détermination, les pronoms, la ponctuation et une insistance des traits morphosyntaxes. A ces structures s'ajoutent les maximes et les proverbes présentant de fait la stylistique comme un élément textuel diversifié.La sociocritique de Zima est l'approche autour de laquelle nous tenons ces informations. Elle se présente ici comme une perspective qui cerne le mieux la socialité du texte littéraire. Elle ouvre la voie à l'analyse de l'interlangue qu'elle a su identifier dans les oeuvres. Grâce à elle, l'on découvre que ce concept fait appel à la cohabitation culturelle des peuples aux microscopes différents. Il suscite la diversité des cultures et évoque le multilinguisme et l'interculturalité, deux poumons importants pour définir la Francophonie institutionnelle, linguistique et littéraire. Les principes auxquelles prône la notion de l'interlangue peuvent restructurer la relation France/Afrique / This research seeks to read the contributions of interlanguage in the novels of Francophone sub-Saharan Africa. This linguistic and sociolinguistic notion sees its first research orientation with Selinker (1972). American researcher attached to the linguistic and psycholinguistic aspects of the learning of a foreign language by adults with the elaboration of the term "interlanguage" to account for the intermediate knowledge of the learner in a foreign language. For this author, as for other researchers who have oriented research on the notion, the interlanguage is a "transitional skill" (Coder, 1967), an "approximate language" (Nemser, 1971) characterized by real instability Especially since the grammatical rules of the interlanguage do not correspond to the rules found in the mother tongue of the learner or those observed in the target language: in general, the interlanguage is not intended to evolve towards a better Practice of the language.However, the observation of interlanguage in the texts of novelists in French-speaking sub-Saharan Africa calls into question this definition of the first researchers: in the texts, the interlanguage increases the lexicon of vocabulary, reuses structures Syntactics to innovate the syntax, in addition to that, it diversifies the figures of styles to embellish the existing stylistics. The lexical rejuvenation is visible through the introduction of borrowings, codical alternations, layers and neologies. At the syntactic level, there is an unusual use of syntactic tools as well as determination, pronouns, punctuation and insistence of morphosyntax features. To these structures are added the maxims and proverbs presenting in fact stylistics as a diversified textual element.The sociocritic of Zima is the approach around which we hold this information. It presents itself here as a perspective that best identifies the sociality of the literary text. It opens the way to the analysis of the interlanguage which it has identified in works. Thanks to it, it is discovered that this concept calls for the cultural coexistence of peoples with different microscopes. It raises the diversity of cultures and evokes multilingualism and interculturality, two important lungs to define the institutional, linguistic and literary Francophonie. The principles advocated by the notion of interlanguage can restructure the France / Africa relationship.

Traduzindo os jogos no espaço de Saint-Denys Garneau. Uma poética do olhar em Regards et jeux dans l\'espace / Translating games on Saint-Denys Garneau environment

Genival Teixeira Vasconcelos Filho 13 March 2015 (has links)
A partir da obra poética de Saint-Denys Garneau, em seu livro Regards et jeux dans lespace, faremos uma abordagem de sua poesia com o intuito de apresentar a tradução de alguns de seus poemas mais importantes. No decorrer desse trabalho, a presente dissertação visa introduzir o poeta e sua obra, mostrando os aspectos mais relevantes de seu fazer poético, além de dar vistas a tradução de alguns de seus poemas sob a ótica da abordagem tradutória de Mário Laranjeira. / Based on the poetry of Saint-Denys Garneau, in his book Regards et jeux dans l\'espace, we will approach the authors poetic specifically to present the translation of some os his most important poems. This dissertation aims to introducing the poet and his work to the reader, showing the most relevant aspects of his poetic, executing the translation of some of his poems from the perspective of Mario Laranjeiras translation theory.

Famille et Violence dans la littérature francophone : le génocide des Tutsis du Rwanda. / Family and violence in the French-speaking literature : the genocide of the Tutsi of Rwanda

Tie Tra Bi Irie, Fabrice Raoul 29 March 2018 (has links)
La présente thèse questionne la famille en lien avec des tueries de masse : le génocide des Tutsi du Rwanda. Le sujet a été développé sur deux grands axes. Un point d’histoire a présenté les déterminants socio-historiques qui ont favorisé l’extermination des Tutsi rwandais. Puis une analyse littéraire a établi une corrélation entre l’idée de famille et cette violence extrême, à travers un corpus d’écrivains francophones et de rescapés de cet événement. Ce qui a décloisonné l’étude du génocide contre les Tutsi au Rwanda du seul point de vue historique pour en faire un sujet littéraire. Dans ce travail de recherche, notre propos a insisté sur la situation des familles qui ont résisté et sur celles qui ont été décimées face au génocide ambiant. Et a informé sur une tragédie qui a fragilisé les liens de filiation au sein des membres d’un même ménage et rompue les alliances, la fraternité entre familles voisines. Cette étude a également souligné les configurations possibles de l’institution familiale après le génocide. Elle a montré qu’avec les massacres qui ont déstructuré les ménages, rompu les liens de filiations, les survivants pour amorcer une résilience, recomposent de nouvelles fratries, de nouvelles familles. / This thesis question the notion of family in connection with mass Killing : the genocide of the Tutsi of Rwanda. It was developed on two main axes. A point of history presented the socio-historical determinants which favorised the extermination of the Rwandan Tutsi. Then a literary analysis established a correlation between the idea of family and this extreme violence, through a corpus of French-speaking writers and survivors of this event. What opened up the study of the Tutsi génocide from the only historic point of view to make a literary subject. In this research work, our subject insisted on the situation of the families which resisted and on those who were decimated in front of ambient genocide. And informed about a tragedy which weakened the links of filiation within the members of the same household and broke the relationship, the brotherhood between nearby families. This study also presented the possible configurations of the family institution after the genocide. It showed that with the massacres which deconstructed the household the survivors to begin an impact strength, recompose of new sibships, new families,

Le marronnage de l'exil : essai d'une esthétique négro-africaine contemporaine : des précurseurs francophones à Alain Mabanckou et Fatou Diome

Diagne, Khady Fall 12 September 2014 (has links)
Notre sujet de réflexion consistait à penser à ce qui fait lien entre la littérature francophone d’Afrique noire et antillaise, en plus de l’histoire. Nous nous sommes penché sur les stratégies d’écriture déployées par les écrivains, pour se démarquer, pour signifier leur existence, Partant de la pratique du marronnage comme phénomène historique lié à l’esclavage, nous avons amorcé une réflexion sur sa transposition littéraire, à partir de la mythification de la figure du Marron, par des auteurs comme Dayot, Houat, et plus récemment Glissant et Chamoiseau, qui ont pu développer une esthétique de la survivance, valoriser l’ identité du Marron, héraut du peuple antillais dans la résistance à l’esclavage. L’essentiel de notre travail a porté sur l’élargissement de ce thème du marronnage aux périodes coloniale et postcoloniale, en posant comme postulat l’hypothèse de l’existence d’une forme de marronnage intellectuel comme fondement d’une esthétique négro-africaine, instauré par les précurseurs de la Négritude, Senghor et Césaire, dont le travail le plus original, mais souvent négligé, a été la conquête d’une langue de la négritude. Les écrivains contemporains francophones d’Afrique noire, à l’instar d’Alain Mabanckou et de Fatou Diome, dans un contexte inscrit dans une dynamique mondialiste et un espace littéraire conditionnés par les diktats d’une critique eurocentriste, ont pratiqué une forme de marronnage ( trans) esthétique, mais aussi par une surconscience linguistique redoublée, en développant des stratégies destinées à inscrire subversivement au cœur de la langue l’empreinte d’une déviance revendiquée, comme seul moyen de signifier son identité. / Our subject of reflection consisted in thinking of what makes link between the French-speaking literature of subsaharian Africa and the Antilles, in addition to the history. We dealt with the writing strategies deployed by the authors, to stand out, to reveal their existence. On the basis of the French word “marronnage”, taking its name from Spanish “Cimarron” used to qualify this historical phenomenon related to slavery, we started to think about its literary transposition. The literary mythologizing of the Maroon by authors such as Eugène Dayot, Louis-Timagène Houat, and more recently Glissant, has enabled to develop aesthetics of the survival, to value the identity of the Marron, herald of the Antillean people, in the resistance to slavery. The main part of our work was about the extension of this theme of the marronnage to the colonial and postcolonial periods, by setting as postulate the hypothesis of the existence of a form of intellectual marronnage as foundation of negro-African aesthetics, established by the forerunners of the Negritude, Senghor and Césaire, whose most original but often unknown work was the conquest of a language of the negritude. The French-speaking contemporary writers of subsaharian Africa, for instance Alain Mabanckou and Fatou Diome, in a context of an internationalist dynamics and a literary space conditioned by the diktats of an eurocentrist criticism, applied a form of ( trans ) esthetic marronnage, but also with a doubled “linguistic surconscience”, by developing strategies intended for subversively setting at the heart of the language the print of a claimed abnormality, as only means to make their identity known.

Análise do movimento em direção a um Novo Outro: tradução comentada de um excerto de L\'enfant multiple, de Andrée Chedid, para o português brasileiro / Analysis of the movement toward a New Other: a commented Brazilian Portuguese translation of an excerpt of the L\'enfant multiple novel, written by Andrée Chedid

Renard, Carla de Mojana di Cologna 06 April 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação propõe uma tradução comentada de um excerto do romance Lenfant multiple, de Andrée Chedid, para o português brasileiro. Inicialmente apresentamos a autora e a obra, desconhecidas do público leitor brasileiro, para em seguida analisar as etapas de tradução e revisão de onze trechos por nós selecionados do original. Tendo como equivalência tradutória a busca pela reescritura do ritmo, sendo ele a organização do movimento da palavra/fala [parole] na escritura (MESCHONNIC, 1999, p. 69) por um sujeito, entendemos que a tradução é reveladora do pensamento da linguagem e da literatura (MESCHONNIC, 1999, p.11), o que nos fez analisar nosso movimento tradutório dos seguintes pontos de vista: o das normas (estratégias) como sendo intrínsecas ao ato tradutório; o da tradução como sendo um intenso exercício de crítica literária; e o do movimento do processo em direção ao Outro que, a nosso ver, é a tradução literária. Para tanto nos baseamos em Toury (1995, p.53), segundo o qual a aquisição de um conjunto de normas é um pré-requisito para o tradutor, uma vez que ele integra um ambiente cultural; em Berman (1995), Zilly (2000, 2011), Campos (2006), Pound (2006) e Britto (2011) para tratarmos do Tradutor-(re)criador: crítico por excelência, trazendo novamente à discussão Meschonnic e Toury; e, por fim, em Lévinas (1971, 1985), Laygues (2004) e outros, que nos levaram a começar a desenvolver o conceito de identidade tradutória: defendemos que o tradutor busca a alteridade para, posteriormente, eliminá-la, proporcionando assim a criação de um Novo Outro (a tradução). À guisa de conclusão, relacionamos o processo criativo da escritura (do original) com o da reescritura (da tradução) e, questionando-nos sobre a tradução comentada em âmbito acadêmico, vemo-la como um instrumento pedagógico, indutor da autoconsciência e da tradução responsável / This thesis proposes a commented Brazilian Portuguese translation of an excerpt of the L\'enfant multiple novel written by Andree Chedid. Initially, we introduce the author and her work, unknown to the Brazilian public, to analyse the stages of translations and reviews of the eleven excerpts selected from the original. Considering the translation equivalence the search for the rhythm rewriting the rhythm being the \"organization of the movement of speech [parole] in writing\" (MESCHONNIC, 1999, p. 69) by someone , we understand that translation reveals the thought of language and literature (MESCHONNIC, 1999, p.11), which made us to analyse the translation movement from the following viewpoints: the rules (strategies) as intrinsic to the translation act; the translation as an intense exercise of the literary criticism; and the movement of the process towards to the Other, which from our perspective is the literary translation. Hence, we rely on Toury (1995, p.53), who consider the adoption of a set of norms as a pre requirement for the translator, since he is part of a cultural environment; on Berman (1995), Zilly (2000, 2011), Campos (2006), Pound (2006) and Britto (2011) to treat the \"Translator-(re)creator: critic par excellence\", bringing back to discussion Meschonnic and Toury; and finally on Lévinas (1971, 1985), Laygues (2004) and others, which led us to start developing the concept of translational identity. We defend the thought that the translator seeks alterity to eliminate it posteriorly, thus enabling the creation of a New Other (the translation itself). To conclude we relate the writing creative process (from the original) with the rewriting (of translation) and questioning ourselves on the commented translation in the academic context, we see it as a pedagogical instrument, conducive to self-awareness and responsible translation

Le discours politique du dictateur dans les littératures africaine-francophone et hispano-américaine : construction et production du sens / The political speech’s dictator in the african french-speaking literature and Spanish-american literature : construction and production of sense

Moussodji, Elie Stelle 09 January 2015 (has links)
Le discours politique du dictateur dans les champs littéraires africain et hispano-américain offre des perspectives d’étude immenses. En effet, la politique étant un milieu d’échange social, étudier les mécanismes de production du discours politique du dictateur et la construction de son sens par son auditoire est un domaine que nous avions souhaité explorer. Notre thèse a pour but de montrer justement, les mécanismes de production du discours du dictateur et comment l’auditoire élabore le travail d’encodage et de décodage de ce discours. Le but étant de mettre en évidence les différentes données qui contribuent à l’élaboration de ce sens, et de voir la participation de chacun des personnages actants à ce travail de collaboration. Nous avons abordé ce travail sous deux angles qui sont aussi ceux par lesquels se construit le sens du discours politique du dictateur dans nos œuvres corpus. Cette thèse met en lumière la construction, d’abord extra linguistique, du mécanisme de production et de construction du sens du discours du dictateur dans les champs littéraires choisis comme base pour notre étude. Et ensuite, nous avons mis les éléments langagiers qui concourent à la construction du sens. Notre méthode de recherche nous a contraint à faire appel à trois champs linguistiques sans lesquels nous n’aurions pu mener à bien cette recherche. La pragmatique nous a donc permis de faire une étude des éléments liés au contexte d’émission du discours qui rentrent en compte dans le processus d’encodage et de décodage du discours. Nous avons ensuite eu recours à la rhétorique qui nous a permis de voir comment le dictateur construit sa stratégie de discours et comment il élabore son argumentation. Et pour finir, la sémiologie nous a aidée dans la mise en évidence des moyens langagiers de construction du sens. / The political speech of the dictator in the African and Spanish-American literary fields offers huge perspectives of study. Indeed, the politics being an environment of social exchange, to study the mechanisms of production of the political speech of the dictator and the constructions of its sense by his public is a domain which we had wished to explore. Our thesis aims at showing exactly, the mechanisms of production of the speech of the dictator and how the public develops the work of encoding and decoding of this speech. The purpose being to highlight the various data which contribute to the elaboration of this sense, and to see the participation of each of the characters agents in this work of collaboration. We approached this work under two angles which are also the ones by whom builds itself the sense of the political speech of the dictator in our works corpus. This thesis brings to light the construction, at first extra linguistic, of the mechanism of production and construction of the sense of the speech of the dictator in the literary fields chosen as basis as our study. And then, we put the linguistic elements which contribute to the construction of the sense. Our method of research forced to us to call on to three linguistic fields without which we would not have been able to bring to a successful conclusion this research.The pragmatics thus allowed us to make a study of elements bound to the context of broadcast of the speech which go in account into the process of encoding and decoding of the speech. We then resorted to the rhetoric which allowed us to see how the dictator built his strategy of speech and how he develops his argumentation. And to finish, the semiology helped us in the highlighting of the linguistic ways of construction of the sense.

Análise do movimento em direção a um Novo Outro: tradução comentada de um excerto de L\'enfant multiple, de Andrée Chedid, para o português brasileiro / Analysis of the movement toward a New Other: a commented Brazilian Portuguese translation of an excerpt of the L\'enfant multiple novel, written by Andrée Chedid

Carla de Mojana di Cologna Renard 06 April 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação propõe uma tradução comentada de um excerto do romance Lenfant multiple, de Andrée Chedid, para o português brasileiro. Inicialmente apresentamos a autora e a obra, desconhecidas do público leitor brasileiro, para em seguida analisar as etapas de tradução e revisão de onze trechos por nós selecionados do original. Tendo como equivalência tradutória a busca pela reescritura do ritmo, sendo ele a organização do movimento da palavra/fala [parole] na escritura (MESCHONNIC, 1999, p. 69) por um sujeito, entendemos que a tradução é reveladora do pensamento da linguagem e da literatura (MESCHONNIC, 1999, p.11), o que nos fez analisar nosso movimento tradutório dos seguintes pontos de vista: o das normas (estratégias) como sendo intrínsecas ao ato tradutório; o da tradução como sendo um intenso exercício de crítica literária; e o do movimento do processo em direção ao Outro que, a nosso ver, é a tradução literária. Para tanto nos baseamos em Toury (1995, p.53), segundo o qual a aquisição de um conjunto de normas é um pré-requisito para o tradutor, uma vez que ele integra um ambiente cultural; em Berman (1995), Zilly (2000, 2011), Campos (2006), Pound (2006) e Britto (2011) para tratarmos do Tradutor-(re)criador: crítico por excelência, trazendo novamente à discussão Meschonnic e Toury; e, por fim, em Lévinas (1971, 1985), Laygues (2004) e outros, que nos levaram a começar a desenvolver o conceito de identidade tradutória: defendemos que o tradutor busca a alteridade para, posteriormente, eliminá-la, proporcionando assim a criação de um Novo Outro (a tradução). À guisa de conclusão, relacionamos o processo criativo da escritura (do original) com o da reescritura (da tradução) e, questionando-nos sobre a tradução comentada em âmbito acadêmico, vemo-la como um instrumento pedagógico, indutor da autoconsciência e da tradução responsável / This thesis proposes a commented Brazilian Portuguese translation of an excerpt of the L\'enfant multiple novel written by Andree Chedid. Initially, we introduce the author and her work, unknown to the Brazilian public, to analyse the stages of translations and reviews of the eleven excerpts selected from the original. Considering the translation equivalence the search for the rhythm rewriting the rhythm being the \"organization of the movement of speech [parole] in writing\" (MESCHONNIC, 1999, p. 69) by someone , we understand that translation reveals the thought of language and literature (MESCHONNIC, 1999, p.11), which made us to analyse the translation movement from the following viewpoints: the rules (strategies) as intrinsic to the translation act; the translation as an intense exercise of the literary criticism; and the movement of the process towards to the Other, which from our perspective is the literary translation. Hence, we rely on Toury (1995, p.53), who consider the adoption of a set of norms as a pre requirement for the translator, since he is part of a cultural environment; on Berman (1995), Zilly (2000, 2011), Campos (2006), Pound (2006) and Britto (2011) to treat the \"Translator-(re)creator: critic par excellence\", bringing back to discussion Meschonnic and Toury; and finally on Lévinas (1971, 1985), Laygues (2004) and others, which led us to start developing the concept of translational identity. We defend the thought that the translator seeks alterity to eliminate it posteriorly, thus enabling the creation of a New Other (the translation itself). To conclude we relate the writing creative process (from the original) with the rewriting (of translation) and questioning ourselves on the commented translation in the academic context, we see it as a pedagogical instrument, conducive to self-awareness and responsible translation

Espinhos da tradução: uma leitura  de Mémoires de porc-épic, de Alain Mabanckou / Thorns of translation: a reading of Mémoires de porc-épic, by Alain Mabanckou

Nogueira, Paula Souza Dias 12 December 2016 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar ao leitor brasileiro a tradução do romance Mémoires de porc-épic (2006), de Alain Mabanckou. Para chegarmos à tradução, fez-se necessário entender alguns elementos centrais de sua poética e da estrutura narrativa do romance, assim como sua trajetória de vida e obra. Para tanto, discorremos, num primeiro momento, sobre sua visão de mundo e sobre as principais dimensões de sua poética, relacionando-os, sobretudo, ao pensamento rizomático proposto por Édouard Glissant. Em seguida, analisamos o romance em questão atentando para elementos macroestruturais, relacionados à literatura oral tradicional de algumas sociedades africanas de expressão francesa, nos baseando, majoritariamente, nos estudos feitos por Jacques Chevrier, e em elementos microestruturais, concernentes ao uso de repetições, paralelismos, interjeições, léxico africano, provérbios, responsáveis por criar o que Mabanckou chama de ritmo congolês da narrativa. Por fim, destinamos o terceiro capítulo à discussão tradutória, no qual apresentamos nosso projeto de tradução, baseado na abordagem de viés não etnocêntrico proposta, entre outros, por Antoine Berman; e nossa concepção sobre as notas de tradução, levando em consideração, primordialmente, o pensamento de Ana Cristina Cesar em relação ao ritmo na prosa. Apresentamos as notas de tradução divididas em dois blocos, o semântico e o sintático, ambos em diálogo com o que entendemos ser o ritmo da narrativa. A tradução completa é vista no anexo. / The aim of this work is to present to the Brazilian public the translation of Mémoires de porc-épic (2006), a novel by Alain Mabanckou. In order to arrive at the translation, it seemed necessary to have a more in-depth understanding of some of the central elements of the poetic and narrative structure of the novel, as well as the authors life and work. Therefore, we at first discuss his worldview and the main dimensions of his poetics; relating them, especially, to the concept of rhizome proposed by philosopher Édouard Glissant. Then, we analyze the novel in question, with attention to the macrostructural elements related to traditional oral literature in some African societies of French expression, drawing mainly on studies by Jacques Chevrier, as well as microstructural elements concerning the use of repetitions, parallelisms, interjections, African vocabulary and proverbs, responsible for creating the Congolese rhythm of the narrative. Finally, the third chapter discusses the translation and presents the translation project, drawing upon the non-ethnocentric approach proposed, among others, by Antoine Berman, and our conception of the translation notes, taking into account primarily the thoughts of Ana Cristina Cesar regarding rhythm in prose. The translation notes are divided into two blocks, semantic and syntactic, which are both in dialogue with what we understand to be the rhythm of the narrative. The full translation is located in the Annex.

Les écritures de l’histoire dans le récit magico-réaliste des Amériques / The writings of history in the narratives of magic realism in the Americas

Labourey, Marion 30 November 2018 (has links)
Le récit magico-réaliste entretient avec l’écriture de l’histoire un rapport très étroit. Entre les années 1940 et les années 1980, dans toute l’aire géographique américaine, s’est développé et a évolué une fiction magico-réaliste qui se donne comme objectif la transcription de données anthropologiques, concernant les populations dominées américaines, qu’elles soient composées d’autochtones, d’esclaves ou de descendants d’esclaves, dans un univers romanesque où réalisme et magie se côtoient sans tensions. Ainsi, en abordant les périodes passées du continent américain, les auteurs de récits magico-réalistes ont construit un type de fiction qu’ils ont façonné dans le but de permettre une expression littéraire de l’opération historiographique, qui ne peut pas se substituer à la science historique, mais qui peut donner, d’une façon qui tire parti des potentialités de la fiction, une voix à ceux qu’un discours dominant et des structures de pouvoir ont longtemps laissés dans l’ombre. Nous étudierons donc comment les récits magico-réalistes écrivent l’histoire, et notamment restituent des visions du monde longtemps ignorées, dans une perspective proche de l’histoire des représentations. Une telle entreprise littéraire et historique constitue par-là même un phénomène structurant pour le champ littéraire américain, mais aussi caribéen. Notre corpus d’étude trilingue réunit des auteurs de tout le continent américain : Miguel Ángel Asturias, Alejo Carpentier, Juan Rulfo, Toni Morrison, Wilson Harris, Toni Cade Bambara, Jean-Louis Baghio’o, Jacques Stephen Alexis et Maryse Condé. / The magical realistic narrative is deeply linked with the writing of history. Between the 1940’s and the 1980’s, throughout the entire America, has been developed and has evolved the magic realism which let the authors of such narratives to transcribe anthropological datas, coming from dominated populations of America (Natives, slaves or former slaves) in novels in which realism and magic can mix without tension. Then, by describing the past periods of the American continent, the authors of magic realism narratives have built a kind of fiction able to imitate, but not replace, the historical investigation : they can, with the help of the specific resources of fiction, give a voice to those who where kept in the dark for so long. We will study how the authors of magic realism narratives write history, et transcribe the representations of people who were not considered before. Such a literary phenomenon is fundamental in the building of an American literary filed. Our trilingual corpus gathers these nine authors : Miguel Ángel Asturias, Alejo Carpentier, Juan Rulfo, Toni Morrison, Wilson Harris, Toni Cade Bambara, Jean-Louis Baghio’o, Jacques Stephen Alexis et Maryse Condé.

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