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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fenômeno Fuller em problemas de controle ótimo: trajetórias em tempo mínino de veículos autônomos subaquáticos / Fuller Phenomenon in optimal control problems: minimum time path of autonomous underwater vehicles.

Oda, Eduardo 03 June 2008 (has links)
As equações do modelo bidimensional de veículos autônomos subaquáticos fornecem um exemplo de sistema de controle não linear com o qual podemos ilustrar propriedades da teoria de controle ótimo. Apresentamos, sistematicamente, como os conceitos de formalismo hamiltoniano e teoria de Lie aparecem de forma natural neste contexto. Para tanto, estudamos brevemente o Princípio do Máximo de Pontryagin e discutimos características de sistemas afins. Tratamos com cuidado do Fenômeno Fuller, fornecendo critérios para decidir quando ele está ou não presente em junções, utilizando para isso uma linguagem algébrica. Apresentamos uma abordagem numérica para tratar problemas de controle ótimo e finalizamos com a aplicação dos resultados ao modelo bidimensional de veículo autônomo subaquático. / The equations of the two-dimensional model for autonomous underwater vehicles provide an example of a nonlinear control system which illustrates properties of optimal control theory. We present, systematically, how the concepts of the Hamiltonian formalism and the Lie theory naturally appear in this context. For this purpose, we briefly study the Pontryagin\'s Maximum Principle and discuss features of affine systems. We treat carefully the Fuller Phenomenon, providing criteria to detect its presence at junctions with an algebraic notation. We present a numerical approach to treat optimal control problems and we conclude with an application of the results in the bidimesional model of autonomous underwater vehicle.

Elasticidade-PIB do Imposto de Renda Pessoa Física e Jurídica / Elasticity of income tax revenue for individuals and corporations

Leonardo Ribeiro de Freitas 03 December 2012 (has links)
O objetivo específico da presente dissertação é estimar a elasticidade-PIB do Imposto de Renda Pessoa Física (IRPF) e Imposto Renda Pessoa Jurídica (IRPJ) no Brasil entre 1986 e 2012. A pesquisa também incorpora em seus objetivos uma análise técnica a respeito da tributação e seus impactos sobre o sistema econômico, tanto a nível microeconômico e macroeconômico, além de abordar o IRPF e IRPJ em seu aspecto econômico e jurídico. No tratamento metodológico são utilizados modelos de Vetor de Correção de erros (VEC) para estimar as elasticidades-PIB do IRPF e IRPJ. Os resultados apontam uma elasticidade-PIB, tanto para IRPF quanto IRPJ, acima da unidade, na maioria dos modelos estimados, e existem períodos determinados que impactam consideravelmente sobre à arrecadação desses tributos. / This dissertation estimates the GDP elasticity of income tax revenue for individuals (IRPF) and corporations (IRPJ) between 1986 and 2012. Additionally the research incorporates an analysis of the macroeconomic and microeconomic effects of taxation. IRPF and IRPJ are analyzed in great detail, including economic as well as legal aspects. An Error Correction Model is estimated to obtain the elasticities. The results show that both elasticities are higher than unit and that reforms that took place in some periods have a significant impact on tax collection.

Deceiving Clio: a critical examination of the writing of military history in the pursuit of military reform and modernisation (with particular reference to Sir Basil Henry Liddell Hart and Major General John Frederick Charles Fuller

Whittle, Marius Gerard Anthony 01 January 2002 (has links)
This dissertation examines the practice of writing military history in conjunction with military theory. It shows that in the pursuit of establishing military theory, military history is often actively distorted and manipulated by military theorists. Those military theorists who, consciously or subconsciously, succumb to this practice are identified here as "theorist-historians". The effect of this manipulation, its implications and consequences for the field of study as a whole are examined, as is the didactic nature of military history in the light of historical accuracy. In conclusion the role and effect of the military theorist~historians are evaluated against those of purely academic historians. The unique didactic needs of military history are also highlighted. Two twentieth century British military theorists, B. H. Liddell Hart and J. F. C. Fuller, were chosen as being representative of the military theorist-historian group. / Political Science / M.A. (International Politics)

Elasticidade-PIB do Imposto de Renda Pessoa Física e Jurídica / Elasticity of income tax revenue for individuals and corporations

Leonardo Ribeiro de Freitas 03 December 2012 (has links)
O objetivo específico da presente dissertação é estimar a elasticidade-PIB do Imposto de Renda Pessoa Física (IRPF) e Imposto Renda Pessoa Jurídica (IRPJ) no Brasil entre 1986 e 2012. A pesquisa também incorpora em seus objetivos uma análise técnica a respeito da tributação e seus impactos sobre o sistema econômico, tanto a nível microeconômico e macroeconômico, além de abordar o IRPF e IRPJ em seu aspecto econômico e jurídico. No tratamento metodológico são utilizados modelos de Vetor de Correção de erros (VEC) para estimar as elasticidades-PIB do IRPF e IRPJ. Os resultados apontam uma elasticidade-PIB, tanto para IRPF quanto IRPJ, acima da unidade, na maioria dos modelos estimados, e existem períodos determinados que impactam consideravelmente sobre à arrecadação desses tributos. / This dissertation estimates the GDP elasticity of income tax revenue for individuals (IRPF) and corporations (IRPJ) between 1986 and 2012. Additionally the research incorporates an analysis of the macroeconomic and microeconomic effects of taxation. IRPF and IRPJ are analyzed in great detail, including economic as well as legal aspects. An Error Correction Model is estimated to obtain the elasticities. The results show that both elasticities are higher than unit and that reforms that took place in some periods have a significant impact on tax collection.


[pt] Compreender regras é central para entender o direito. Porém, várias questões envolvendo o conceito de regra permanecem disputadas. Uma delas esteve no centro de um debate importante na filosofia do direito do século XX. Será que regras são fundamentalmente uma função de seus textos, como pensava HLA Hart? Ou será que os objetivos morais perseguidos por regras estão embutidos no próprio conceito – uma posição assumida por Lon Fuller? Apesar de muitas décadas de debate contínuo, as duas posições ainda encontram defensores e detratores. Nessa tese, argumento que isso é em parte o resultado de um conflito entre os apelos à intuições que embasam cada posição. Hart e Fuller invocaram experimentos mentais que elicitaram intuições conflitantes em cada um deles. A ideia de que essas reações aos experimentos mentais seriam compartilhadas por uma população alvo está implícita no apelo que cada autor faz. Em outras palavras, os autores apostam que membros da população alvo têm certas crenças e atitudes. Porém, não há nenhuma evidência a respeito do sucesso dessas apostas. A filosofia experimental oferece as ferramentas necessárias para enfrentar essa falta de evidência. Ao precisar exatamente quais afirmações empíricas subjazem o debate filosófico, é possível conduzir experimentos que testam o sucesso desses apelos. Nessa tese, eu aplico essas ferramentas para tentar resolver o empasse entre Hart e Fuller sobre os papéis de texto e propósito no conceito de regra. Após reformular o debate como dois pares de teses conflitantes que fazem previsões empíricas, eu reviso artigos experimentais recentes que investigam as intuições de juristas e leigos a respeito de regras. Esses estudos envolveram milhares de participantes em diversos países e trazem implicações importantes para a análise do conceito de regra. Eles mostram que texto e propósito são prevalentes sob circunstâncias diferentes. Além disso, eles revelam diferenças importantes entre as intuições de juristas (que são mais textualistas) e leigos (que usam propósitos de forma mais frequente). Essas diferenças também se manifestam na variação das intuições entre pessoas de culturas diferentes. Leigos de culturas diferentes apresentam diferenças em seus julgamentos a respeito de regras, enquanto juristas do mundo inteiro convergem. Os resultados também sugerem perguntas de pesquisa inteiramente novas para a teoria geral do direito a respeito da natureza precisa dos propósitos e sobre as diferenças interpessoais em estilo de tomada de decisão. Eu avalio a forma como cada um desses achados se relaciona com os temas mais amplos que dividem Hart e Fuller (como o debate a respeito das conexões entre direito e moral), assim como as limitações da evidência existente. Finalmente, argumento que o modelo da filosofia experimental do direito pode ser aplicado de forma frutífera a outros debates longevos em teoria do direito. / [en] Understanding rules is central to understanding law. However, several issues about the concept of rule remain disputed. One of them was at the center of an important debate in 20th century legal philosophy. Are rules mostly about their texts, as HLA Hart thought? Or are the moral goals pursued by a rule built into its very concept – a position taken by Lon Fuller? Despite many decades of sustained debate, both positions still have proponents and opponents. In this dissertation, I argue that this is partly the result of competing appeals to intuition at the heart of each position. Hart and Fuller evoked thought experiments that elicited conflicting intuitions in each of them. The thought that those reactions to each thought experiment are shared by their target audience is implicit in each author’s appeals. In other words, the authors bet that the members of the target audience should have certain beliefs and attitudes. But there is no evidence of whether this is the case. Experimental philosophy provides the tools needed to tackle this lack of evidence. By working out precisely what empirical claims underlie philosophical debate, it is possible to come up with experiments that test the success of those appeals. In this dissertation, I set out to employ those tools to try to break the stalemate between Hart and Fuller over the roles of text and purpose in the concept of rule. After restating the debate as two pairs of conflicting theses that make empirical predictions, I review recent experimental work surveying the intuitions of laypeople and lawyers about rules. These studies involved thousands of participants in several countries and have important implications for the analysis of the concept of rule. They show that text and purpose are prevalent under different circumstances. Moreover, there are important differences between the intuitions of lawyers (who lean textualist) and laypeople (who lean towards purposes). These differences include a cross-cultural divide, with substantial cultural variation among laypeople, but convergence among lawyers. The evidence also suggests entirely new research questions for general jurisprudence about the precise nature of purposes and interpersonal differences in decision-making style. I consider how each of those findings relate to the broader themes dividing Hart and Fuller (such as the debate regarding the connections between law and morality), as well as the limitations of the existing evidence. Finally, I argue that this model of experimental jurisprudence might be fruitfully applied to other longstanding debates in legal philosophy.

Lit by the Innermost Beauty : Explorations in Balthasarian Beauty,Theological Aesthetics, and the Arts / Upplyst av den innersta skönheten : En analys av balthasarisk skönhet, teologiskestetik och de sköna konsterna

Sjöstedt Pellikka, Arvid January 2022 (has links)
I denna uppsats studeras den romersk-katolska teologen Hans Urs von Balthasars teologiska estetik. Mer specifikt utgör uppsatsen en analys av von Balthasars konceptualisering av skönhet, och hur denna förståelse av skönhet kan användas för att teologiskt belysa frågor som berör konst och estetiska uttryck. Detta görs i uppsatsen genom att ställa de teorier om inkarnationen, Kristi gestalt och skönhet som von Balthasar presenterar i bokserien The Glory of the Lord sida vid sida med den engelska konstkritikern Peter Fullers sekulära estetik. Målet med detta är att skapa en dialog mellan Fullers problematisering av modern sekulär estetik och von Balthasars teologiska förståelse av skönhet, uttryck och upplevelse. Båda Fullers sekuläraperspektiv och von Balthasars teologiska ingångspunkt behövs i denna studie, mycket eftersom von Balthasar sällan skrev om de sköna konsterna, vilket Fuller gör. Härigenom blir Fullers kritik av samtida konst och estetik relevant eftersom han skapar ett ramverk som kan nyttjas för att testa om von Balthasars teologiska estetik kan användas för att belysa de frågeställningar Fuller försöker besvara. Det är möjligt att se detta som att Fuller ställer frågorna medan von Balthasar ger ett teologiskt svar. Analysen utgör en rörelse från frågor som berör skönhet och dess grund, via en analys av upplevelsen av skönhet, till ett utforskande av hur von Balthasars teologisk estetik kan läggam grunden för en teologisk förståelse av konstnärliga uttryck. Därmed utgör en större del av uppsatsen en analys av det teoretiska ramverket som, åtminstone spekulativt, kan sägas möjliggöra användningen av von Balthasars teologiska idéer i en estetisk kontext som fokuserarpå konst. Anledningen till detta är enkel, i och med att von Balthasar skrivit så lite om konst behöver de relevanta delarna av hans teologiska estetik lyftas fram och placeras i en ny kontext, härigenom blir Fuller relevant för studien. Eftersom Fuller söker ett sekulärt svar på hur vi bör förstå konst i en ”postkristen” tid lyfter han fram frågor som kan besvaras teologiskt, vilket möjliggör en dialog mellan Fullers problematisering av samtidiga konst och von Balthasars konceptualisering av skönhet. Resultatet av denna dialog är att von Balthasars fokus på skönhetens relationalitet och okontrollerbarhet kan belysa de problem som uppstår när Fuller försöker skapa ett sekulärt estetiskt ramverk förankrat i metafysiska tankegångar. I uppsatsens slutsats presenteras två teoretiska resultat. Det första är en form av kritik av den sekulära estetiken och dess avsaknad av metafysisk grund, vilket tenderar att göra frågan om vad skönhet är till en fråga om individuell eller kollektiv smak. Det andra resultatet är att von Balthasars teologiska estetik bygger på en förståelse av inkarnationen där ”jag-Du”relationalitet spelar en viktig roll. Därmed är det möjligt att argumentera för att samspelet mellan ett ”jag” och ett ”Du” uppvisar potential som teoretisk grund för att utvidga användningen av balthasarisk teologisk estetik. Detta skulle emellertid kräva att von Balthasars teologiska estetik kopplas bort från von Balthasars egna kulturella och estetiska preferenser, detta med anledning av hans konservativa syn på konst försvårar dialogen med kontemporär konst och estetik. Denna separation mellan von Balthasars teologi och smak är dock möjlig på grund av att von Balthasar, åtminstone i bokserien The Glory of the Lord, sällan berör frågan om konst.

Antropologia filosófica e direito : um confronto entre o personalismo de Lon Fuller e o economicismo de Richard Posner

Martins, Angela Vidal da Silva January 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como finalidade demonstrar a relação entre Antropologia Filosófica e Direito a partir de duas correntes caracterizadas como antagônicas e seus respectivos expoentes: o personalismo de Lon Fuller e o economicismo de Richard Posner. Para tal, procuraremos primeiramente delimitar os conceitos com os quais trabalharemos: Antropologia Filosófica, Direito, Personalismo e Economicismo. Em seguida, apresentaremos os autores, centrando-nos principalmente na fundamentação jurídica de seu pensamento e na repercussão prática de suas teorias para evidenciar em que medida a base antropológica influencia a concepção de Direito e a ordem social. Concluiremos destacando a necessidade do conhecimento antropológico na formação jurídica no sentido de facilitar a compreensão das diversas teorias e sua consonância com os fins do Direito. / The present work aims to demonstrate the relation between Philosophical Anthropology and Law through two antagonic mainstreams and respective exponents: Lon Fuller´s personalism and the economicism of Richard Posner. For this goal, we will first offer the concepts we will be dealing with: Philosophical Anthropology, Law, Personalism and Economicism. Then, we will present the authors, mainly focusing on the legal fundamentals of their thought and practical repercussions of the theories in order to evidence how anthropological basis influence the conception of Law and the social order. To conclude, we will highlight the necessity of anthropological knowledge in legal education to facilitate the comprehension of different theories and its consonance with the ends of Law.

Flowers of Rhetoric: The Evolving Use of the Language of Flowers in Margaret Fuller's Dial Sketches and Poetry, Elizabeth Stoddard's The Morgesons, Edith Wharton's Summer, Mary Austin's Santa Lucia and Cactus Thorn, and Susan Glaspell's The Verge

Rhyner, Corinne Kopcik 05 May 2012 (has links)
The language of flowers was a popular phenomenon in the United States in the nineteenth century. This dissertation on American literature looks at several American women authors’ use of the language of flowers in their novels. I examine the use of the language of flowers in Margaret Fuller’s “Magnolia of Lake Pontchartrain,” “Yuca Filamentosa,” and poetry such as “To Sarah,” Elizabeth Stoddard’s The Morgesons, Edith Wharton’s Summer, Mary Austin’s Santa Lucia: A Common Story and Cactus Thorn, and Susan Glaspell’s The Verge. Through analysis of language of flowers dictionaries, historical studies of the language of flowers, feminist history and theory, and close readings of the sketches, poems, novels, and plays themselves, I will show that American women continued to use and be influenced by the language of f lowers for close to a decade. I will also show that these women writers’ use of the language of flowers shows evolving social attitudes toward women and standards of femininity in American society during the nineteenth and early-twentieth century.

Ανάπτυξη περιφερειακού εμπορίου και συνεργασίας χωρών της Μεσογείου (Ν. Ευρώπη, Β. Αφρική, Μ. Ανατολή), σύγκλιση οικονομικής μεγέθυνσης και περιφερειακής ολοκλήρωσης

Βαρούχας, Γεώργιος 04 August 2011 (has links)
Ο ρόλος του εμπορίου στην οικονομία και τα οφέλη που επιφέρει είναι σχεδόν τόσο παλιά, όσο και η ίδια η οικονομική επιστήμη. Τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες ο ρόλος της απελευθέρωσης του εμπορίου και τα υποθετικά οφέλη που προκύπτουν από αυτό επεκτάθηκε και θεωρείται ένας από τους επιταχυντές της οικονομικής μεγέθυνσης, αλλά και πρωταρχική πηγή σύγκλισης των οικονομιών των κρατών. Μετά το 2ο παγκόσμιο πόλεμο η σταδιακή απελευθέρωση των αγορών και πρόσφατα το «δόγμα» της παγκοσμιοποίησης άνοιξε νέους ορίζοντες στο διεθνές εμπόριο και προώθησε την δημιουργία εμπορικών συνασπισμών μεταξύ των χωρών παγκοσμίως. Σε μια εν δυνάμει παγκόσμια αρένα συναλλαγών η γνώση για την επιρροή που μπορεί να ασκήσει στην προώθηση της οικονομικής μεγέθυνσης αποτελεί κρίσιμο ζήτημα. Παρά τη μεγάλη προσπάθεια που έχει αφιερωθεί στη μελέτη του ζητήματος, υπάρχουν λίγα πειστικά στοιχεία σχετικά με την επίδραση του εμπορικού ανοίγματος στο εισόδημα των κρατών και στη σύγκλιση της οικονομικής τους μεγέθυνσης. Η παρούσα διατριβή έχει ως θεματικό πυρήνα τη διερεύνηση της επίδρασης που είχε η Σύνοδος της Βαρκελώνης το 1995, στη σύγκλιση της οικονομικής μεγέθυνσης των χωρών της λεκάνης της Μεσογείου. Για τον έλεγχο της ύπαρξης της σύγκλισης αρχικά εφαρμόστηκαν οι έλεγχοι του Dickey-Fuller και Philips-Perron. Κατόπιν στα πλαίσια της ενδογενούς θεωρίας υιοθετήθηκε η ανάλυση με πάνελ παρατηρήσεις. Τα αποτελέσματα ανέδειξαν την παρουσία σύγκλισης μετά τη σύνοδο και με την μεταβλητή του εμπορικού ανοίγματος να συμβάλει σημαντικά. / The role of commerce in economy and the benefits incurred by it, are almost as old as the science of economy itself. Over the last decades, the role of free trade police and the potential benefits of it expanded and this considered to be one of the main factor of economic growth as well as the primary source of convergence of the economies of nations. After the second world war, the gradual free trade policy and recently the “dogma” of globalization opened new horizons in the international commerce and encouraged the establishment of commercial coalitions between countries worldwide. In an existing global arena of transactions, the insight on the influence it can exert in promoting the economic development, remains a crucial matter. In spite of the great effort given on the study of the issue, there is little convincing evidence for the influence of the trade gap concerning the income of nations and the convergence of the economic development. The present dissertation has its thematic core on the study of the influence which the Barcelona summit had in 1985 on the convergence of the economic growth of the Mediterranean countries. To ensure the existence of this convergence initially Dickey – Fuller’ s and Phillips – Perron’s proof techniques were applicable. Then, in the scope of the endogenous theory the analysis through panel observations was adopted. The results proved the existence of convergence after the summit, with the variable of the trade gap contributing significantly.

Förbudet av Truppminor : En komparativ studie hur svenska fältarbetsreglementen har förändrats

Nielsen, Victor January 2018 (has links)
The prohibition of the anti-personnel landmines in 1997 have caused a great debate. The debate itself is quite unilateral, where it is mainly the supporters of the prohibition who is creating scien-tific contribution to the subject. The debate is also directed to if and why a nation should ratify the ban on antipersonnel mines, and because of that, the discussion of how a nation have or could have ratify it has been forgotten. This study examines how the Swedish counter-mobility regulations has changed after the ratification of the Ottawa-convention and the elimination of the anti-personnel mines. The purpose of this essay is to increase the knowledge how the Swedish armed forces have adapted to the ratification of the Ottawa-convention and in the long run contribute to the under-standing on how a political/humanitarian decision can affect the fighting power of a smaller nation as Sweden. Through analysis of Swedish counter-mobility regulations, it shows that some adaptations have been made, however there is still some unbalance between the methods/tactics and the available landmine equipment which results in less than maximum effect is produced with the counter-mobility actions.

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