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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Testing For Rational Bubbles In The Turkish Stock Market

Basoglu, Fatma 01 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis we empirically examine whether the Turkish stock market is driven by rational bubbles over the period between March 1990 and February 2012. The bubble periods are estimated using a recently developed right-tailed unit root test, the generalized sup augmented Dickey-Fuller test of Phillips, Shi and Yu (2011a). Applying their bubble detection and location strategies to weekly price dividend ratio series, we find strong evidence for the existence of rational bubbles in the Turkish stock market benchmark indices as well as sector indices. Our located bubble periods may give early warning signals of the subsequent Turkish financial crisis.

Broadcasting the Faith: Protestant Religious Radio and Theology in America, 1920-1950

Pohlman, Mike 14 December 2011 (has links)
This dissertation argues that in the heyday of radio, religious-radio preachers sought to use their programs to counter the secularization of American culture. Ultimately, however, their programs contributed to secularization by accelerating changes already evident in both the conservative and liberal streams of American Christianity. To reach a vast American audience, radio preachers transformed their sectarian messages into a religion more suitable to the masses, thereby altering the very religion it aimed to preserve. This was one of the unintended consequences of American religious radio. Chapter 2 argues that Harry Emerson Fosdick's ministry contributed to a movement away from Protestant orthodoxy. Radio played an important role in Fosdick's successful effort to blaze a new theological trail for the modern era. Chapter 3 shows that Aimee Semple McPherson's experiential religion had an ecumenical appeal that reached areas across the world. As one of the most celebrated Christian figures of the early twentieth century, McPherson's ministry helped make the American church more accepting of important aspects of secularization. Chapter 4 argues that Walter Maier's ministry encouraged millions of people to believe in a simple orthodoxy. The message he broadcast eschewed Lutheran particulars for the bold proclamation of the basic convictions shared by Christian fundamentalists generally. Chapter 5 argues that Charles Fuller's ministry contributed to the transformation of American religion by defining it primarily in terms of evangelism. His success uncovered a particular mood in America: one tired of the militant fundamentalism of the early decades of the century but not ready to abandon the fundamentals of the faith for theological liberalism. Chapter 6 considers religious radio against the backdrop of the emergence of television as the dominant communication medium in America and draws out implications for religion in the modern age of the Internet. To make religion accessible to large and diverse audiences, radio preachers accommodated their messages in ways suited to the medium of radio. Although religious-radio preachers set forth to advance the influence of religion in American society, their choice to limit theological substance ironically promoted the secularization of the American church.

The eschatological Jesus : early Christology as interpreted by Reginald H. Fuller, Martin Hengel and P.M. Casey

Kahl, Robert M. January 1998 (has links)
What is the correct way to interpret the relationship between the message of Jesus and the kerygma, a hermeneutic of discontinuity and evolution or a hermeneutic of continuity and development? The Eschatological Jesus will argue for continuity and development. In their portraits of a non-eschatological and non-messianic Jesus J.D. Crossan and Marcus Borg raise questions about the relationship between Jesus and the kerygma but do not answer them. Reginald H. Fuller and Martin Hengel demonstrate that high Christology can be traced directly to the eschatological ministry of Jesus, especially his authority. Fuller describes Jesus' authority in terms of an inaugurated eschatology and a distinctive sonship which he extends to others. Martin Hengel describes Jesus' eschatological authority as one who acted in God's place when he called his disciples the way God called his prophets and imposed on them a divine discipline and in Lk. 13:34 which has parallels in Sir. 1:15 and Deut. 32:11. This is a messianic authority since it was the Messiah who stood in God's place at the end of time. This Jesus who is in control of the end gave rise to a belief in his pre-existence and the claims of the Fourth Gospel. P.M. Casey, on the other hand, rejects such authority as being apparent in Jesus' ministry. Unlike Fuller and Hengel who see the Fourth Gospel as the logical outgrowth of Jesus' use of 'Abbā, Casey sees the Fourth Gospel as a betrayal of Jesus and the synoptic tradition. However, Casey overlooks the synoptic gospels' portrait of Jesus' acting in God's place and Matthew's use of προσκγνεῖν and προσέρχεσθαι. The Eschatological Jesus concludes with the belief that Jesus' ministry was messianic and eschatological and that the authority he exhibits provides the basis for not only his being Christ, but divine Lord and Son of God.

Marriage in the Life and Theology of John Gill, Samuel Stennett, and Andrew Fuller

Haste, Matthew D. 18 June 2015 (has links)
This study examines marriage in the life and writings of three eminent Particular Baptists: John Gill (1697‒1771), Samuel Stennett (1727‒1795), and Andrew Fuller (1754‒1815). Eighteenth-century England was a time of great transition in society, especially related to the institution of marriage. Legal developments, shifting cultural norms, and various social issues contributed to a complex period in which many questions arose regarding marriage. This dissertation demonstrates how Gill, Stennett, and Fuller set forth a biblical understanding of marriage in their generation through their preaching, writing, and faithful leadership as husbands. Their commitment to a biblical spirituality of marriage is evidence of their theological continuity with the Puritan tradition and serves as a helpful example for Christians today.

The limitations and possiblilites of identity and form in selected recent memoirs and novels by white, female Zimbabwean writers : Alexandra Fuller, Lauren Liebenberg

Eppel, Ruth January 2013 (has links)
This study examines selected works by four white female Zimbabwean writers: Alexandra Fuller, Lauren Liebenberg, Bryony Rheam and Lauren St John, in light of the controversy over the spate of white memoirs which followed the violent confiscation of white farms in Zimbabwe from 2000 onwards. The controversy hinges on the notion that white memoir writers exploit the perceived victimhood of white Zimbabweans in the international sphere, and nostalgically recall a time of belonging – as children in Rhodesia – which fails to address the fraught colonial history which is directly related to the current political climate of the country. I argue that such critiques are too generalised, and I regard the selected texts as primarily critical of the values and lifestyles of white Rhodesians/Zimbabweans. The texts I have selected include a range of autobiographical and fictional writing, or memoirs and pseudo-memoirs, and I focus on form as a medium enabling an exploration of identity. The ways in which these authors conform to and adapt particular narratives of becoming is examined in each chapter, with a particular focus on the transition from innocence to experience, the autobiography, and the Bildungsroman. Gender is a recurring point of interest: in each case the female selves/protagonists are situated in terms of the family, which, in reflecting social values, is a key site of conflict. In regard to trends in white African writing, I explore the white African (farm) childhood memoir and the confessional mode. Ultimately I maintain that while the texts may be classified as white writing, as they are fundamentally concerned with white identity, and therefore evince certain limitations of perspective and form, including clichéd tendencies, all the writers interrogate white identity and the fictional texts more self-reflexively deconstruct tropes of white writing.

Aging sensitive battery control

Andersson, Malin January 2022 (has links)
The battery is a component with significant impact on both the cost and environmental footprint of a full electric vehicle (EV). Consequently, there is a strong motivation to maximize its degree of utilization. Usage limits are enforced by the battery management system (BMS) to ensure safe operation and limit battery degradation. The limits tend to be conservative to account for uncertainty in battery state estimation as well as changes in the battery's characteristics due to aging. To improve the utilization degree, aging sensitive battery control is necessary. This refers to control that a) adjusts during the battery's life based on its state and b) balances the trade-off between utilization and degradation according to requirements from the specific application.  In state-of-the-art battery installations, only three signals are measured; current, voltage and temperature. However, the battery's behaviour is governed by other states that must be estimated such as its state-of-charge (SOC) or local concentrations and potentials. The BMS therefore relies on models to estimate states and to perform control actions. In order to realize points a) and b), the models that are used for state estimation and control must be updated onboard. An updated model can also serve the purpose of diagnosing the battery, since it reflects the changing properties of an aging battery. This thesis investigates identification of physics-based and empirical battery models from operational EV data. The work is divided into three main studies. 1) A global sensitivity analysis was performed on the parameters of a high-order physics-based model. Measured current profiles from real EV:s were used as input and the parameters' impact on both modelled cell voltage and other internal states was assessed. The study revealed that in order to excite all model parameters, an input with high current rates, large SOC span and longer charge or discharge periods was required. This was only present in the data set from an electric truck with few battery packs. Data sets from vehicles with more packs (electric bus) and limited SOC operating window (plug-in hybrid truck) excited fewer model parameters. 2) Empirical linear-parameter-varying (LPV) dynamic models were identified on driving data. Model parameters were formulated as functions of the measured temperature, current magnitude and estimated open circuit voltage (OCV). To handle the time-scale differences in battery voltage response, continuous-time system identification was employed. We concluded that the proposed models had superior predictive abilities compared to discrete and time-invariant counterparts.  3) Instead of using driving data to parametrize models, we also investigated the possibility to design the charging current in order to increase its information content about model parameters. This was formulated as an optimal control problem with charging speed and information content as objectives. To also take battery degradation into account, constraints on polarization was included. The results showed that parameter information can be increased without significant increase in charge time nor aging related stress. / Elekriska fordon utgör en allt större andel av världens fordonsflotta. Batteriet är en komponent med betydande påverkan både på fordonets kostnadoch dess miljö- och klimatpåverkan. Det är därför viktigt att försöka maximera batteriets utnytjandegrad. Användargränser upprätthålls av batterietsstyrsystem, såkallad BMS, för att garantera säker drift samt för att begränsabatteriets åldrande. Användargränserna tenderar att vara konservativa för attta höjd för osäkerhet i tillståndsestimeringen samt batteriets förändrade egenskaper under dess livstid. För att utöka utnyttjandegraden är ålderskänsligstyrning nödvändig. Med detta avses styrning som a) justeras under batterietslivstid och b) balancerar utnyttjande och prestanda på ett sätt som passar enspecifik applikation. Ombord på fordon mäts typiskt tre signaler; ström, spänning och temperatur. Batteriets beteende bestäms dock av andra tillstånd som måste estimeras, såsom dess laddnivåeller lokala koncentrationer och potentialer. BMS:enförlitar sig därför på modeller för att estimera interna tillstånd och utföra styrning. För att uppfylla punkterna a) och b) måste modellerna som användsuppdateras ombord i takt med att batteriet åldras. En uppdaterad modellkan också fungera som ett diagnostiskt verktyg eftersom det speglar batteriets förändrade egenskaper. Den här avhandlingen undersöker identifieringav fysikbaserade och empiriska modeller från kördata. Arbetet delas in i treseparata studier. 1) En global känslighetsanalys utfördes på parametrarna i en fysikbaseradmodell av hög ordning. Som inputsignal användes uppmätt ström från riktigaelfordon i drift. Parametrarnas effekt på både cellspänning och interna batteritillstånd analyserades. Studien visade att alla modellparametrar exciteradesav strömmen från ett helelektriskt fordon. Anledningen var att batteriernaanvändes inom ett brett SOC spann samt att den dragna strömmen var stor.I fordon med snävare SOC span och lägre strömmar var inte alla parametrarkänsliga. 2) Dynamiska parametervarierande modeller formulerades och identifierades från kördata. Den uppmätta temperaturen, samt strömmens storlekoch den estimerade tomgångsspänningen (OCV) användes till parameterberoenden. För att hantera skillnader i tidsskala mellan spänningssvarets olikakomponenter användes systemidentifiering i kontinuerlig tid. Vi kunde draslutsatsen att de föreslagna modellerna var överlägsna motsvarande diskretaoch konstanta modeller. 3) Istället för att använda kördata för att parametrisera modeller undersökte vi också möjligheten att designa laddförloppet för att öka dess informationsinnheåll. Detta formulerades som ett optimeringsproblem med laddtidoch informationsinnehåll i kostnadsfunktionen. För att även ta batteriets åldrande i beaktning, ansattses bivillkor på polariseringsspänningen. / <p>QC 20220516</p>

Norrlandsskytte eller autonoma bekämpningskedjor : hur påverkas krigföringsförmågan av norsk och svensk arméutveckling på Nordkalotten?

Vainionpää, Mathias January 2021 (has links)
Både norska och svenska armén utvecklar förband på Nordkalotten, men vilka markoperativa förändringar görs och hur påverkas krigföringsförmågan av dem? Studiens syfte är att beskriva dessa reformer och med beskrivningen utveckla teorin om krigföringsförmåga. Teoriutvecklingen görs genom att kombinera teorin med analysramverken DOTMLPF-I och TURVLUS. Därigenom vässas relevansen för krigföringsförmåga som begrepp för förband och förmågor. Studien är en deduktiv teorikonsumerande flerfallsstudie, med empiri från nationella officiella dokument, den vetenskapliga miljön samt intervjuer med markoperativa befälhavare verksamma på Nordkalotten. I fallen syns satsningar både på brigadsystem och territorialförsvarsförband. Det är en blandning av framtida och äldre teknik, där frågetecken reses kring framtida krigföring i det elektromagnetiska spektrumet. Att kunna verka i den kärva subarktiska miljön är även fortsättningsvis viktigt och märks delvis i förändringsriktningarna. Studien gjorde inledningsvis en ansats att undersöka markoperativ förändring driven av klimatförändringar, men kunde avskriva det som förändringsorsak inom överskådlig framtid. Annars ses såväl ekonomiska, säkerhetspolitiska och nostalgiska skäl till förändring. Studien visar att begreppet krigföringsförmåga är brett och mångfacetterat. Vidare forskning kan utveckla begreppet genom en metodologisk breddning där kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder breddar ansatsen. Vertikal kombination av analysteorier belyser delsystemens plats och roll i större system. Den bör dock inte ske slentrianmässigt utan även fortsättningsvis kan och bör analyser med enbart TURVLUS eller DOTMLPF-I räcka till för smalare syften.

The great forge of nations: violence and collective identity in fascist thought

Corbett, Morgan 23 December 2019 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the origins and development of conceptions of the relationship between violence and politics characteristic of twentieth century fascist thought. It critiques existing approaches to fascism and fascist ideology in the interdisciplinary field of fascist studies and proposes and employs an alternate approach which centres and emphasizes the flexibility and mutability of fascist thought and denies that any particular complex of beliefs or concepts can be said to constitute an ‘essence’ or ‘heart’ of fascist ideology. Morphological studies are offered of four discursive traditions in fascist and fascist-adjacent thought with respect to violence and politics: German military theory of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries; the ‘new’ French nationalism of the fin-de-siècle; the genre of ‘future warfare’ around and after the First World War; and the work of Ernst Jünger and Carl Schmitt. The thesis concludes with some consideration of the continuities and discontinuities made apparent in the morphological studies, an argument that those results vindicate the initial framing, and some avenues for extending them into areas of concrete contemporary relevance. / Graduate

”Allting kunde ha varit annorlunda” : En medieekologisk analys av Johannes Anyurus De kommer att drunkna i sina mödrars tårar / ”It all could have been different” : A Media Ecological Analysis of Johannes Anyuru’s They Will Drown in Their Mothers’ Tears

Laudon, Sebastian January 2021 (has links)
I denna uppsats undersöks de olika samhällen som skildras i De kommer att drunkna i sina mödrars tårar utifrån premissen att de är medieekologiska landskap som samverkar med, men även påverkar, de individer som lever i dem. Anyurus roman präglas genomgående av en ständig medial närvaro, vare sig det är böcker, tv-nyheter, mobiltelefoner eller videoskärmar, som romanens karaktärer tvingas förhålla sig till. Genom en analys av interaktionen mellan romanens karaktärer och de olika mediala gränssnitt som skildras, där såväl karaktärer som gränssnitt betraktas som medieekologiska komponenter, är förhoppningen att ett medieekologiskt perspektiv kan ge en mer nyanserad och fördjupad förståelse för hur dessa samhällen upprättas och sedermera fungerar. Analysen kommer således utgå från frågor som rör den funktion de mediala gränssnitten som skildras i De kommer att drunkna i sina mödrars tårar har, och hur de kan sägas samverka i etableringen av romanens medieekologier, och följaktligen vilken effekt de olika medieekologiska landskapen har på romanens karaktärer och deras förhållande till varandra och till samhället. Vidare kommer det tidsresemotiv som skildras i De kommer att drunkna i sina mödrars tårar analyseras ur ett medieekologiskt perspektiv, genom att undersöka just hur olika konstellationer av medieekologiska komponenter i romanens två tidslinjer leder till utvecklingen av alternativa samhällen.

Engaging the Heart: Orthodoxy and Experimentalism in William Gadsby’s A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship

Ruhl, Deborah A. 25 July 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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