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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyse techno-fonctionnelle des industries lithiques moustériennes des sites du Zagros : les grottes de Bisitun, Shanidar et Abri Warwasi / The question concerning normalized and non-normalized lithic productions : a case study of Zagros Mousterian; Warwasi, Shanidar and Hunters cave

Beshkani, Amir 20 November 2018 (has links)
Le but de cette thèse est de fournir une nouvelle analyse relative aux industries lithiques du Paléolithique moyen venant des grottes de Shanidar et de Bisitun. Ces grottes sont situées dans le centre de la chaine de montagne du Zagros, à l’ouest de l'Iran (Middle Est). Les nombreuses chaines du Zagros s'étendent le long du sud et ouest de l'Iran et dans le nord de l'Iraq. Cette analyse sera effectuée en utilisant une approche techno-fonctionnelle incluant également une étude tracéologique (étude des traces d’utilisation du matériel archéologique au moyen à faible et fort grossissement au moyen d’une loupe binoculaire et d’un microscope optique à réflexion). Les industries lithiques de la région du Zagros ont été fréquemment étudiées par les chercheurs (Coon, 1951/1957; ((Skinner, 1965); (Lindly, 1997) (Dibble, 1984-1993). Cependant, leurs études sont basées sur une analyse typologique comparative offrant ainsi une vision fragmentaire des productions humaines et au-delà des outils qu’ils ont produits. Mes recherches ont pour objectif de reconsidérer les chaînes opératoires de production lithiques en mettant en place une méthode d’analyse techno-fonctionnelle. Ceci afin de percevoir les outils (bruts ou retouchés) dans toute leur dynamique conceptuelle et fonctionnelle c’est-à-dire en tant qu’objectif d’une chaîne opératoire de production et moyen d’une ou plusieurs activités. Le but étant : - dans une perspective synchronique, de repenser la chaîne opératoire en fonction de la finalité et des objectifs de l’outillage : - La variété et la forme des racloirs sont étroitement liées à leurs spécificités fonctionnelles. - Le modèle de réduction, proposé par Dibble, pour ces industries moustériennes est-il valide et fiable ? - dans une perspective diachronique, d’appréhender la singularité des comportements humains, leur diversité et/ou leur variabilité au cours du temps, tout en recherchant les facteurs à l’origine de cette diversité : - environnements : spécificités environnementales de la région du Zagros etc. ; - traditions techniques et culturelles ; - “savoir-faire” et/ou “manières de faire” etc. / The purpose of the dissertation is to provide a new analysis of Middle Palaeolithic industries from Shanidar, Bisitun caves and also Warwasi rockshelter. These sites are located in the center of the Zagros Mountain Range in western Iran (Middle East). Lithic industries in the Zagros region have been frequently studied by researchers (Coon 1951, 1957, Skinner 1965, Lindly 1997, Dibble 1984, 1993). These studies are often based on a comparative typological analysis, therefor for the reasons which are explained in the text, I think the studies are offering a fragmented view of lithic productions and consequently the prehistoric world of technic. This analysis is carried out using a techno-functional approach in the way to consider the chaîne opératoire and its technical role in volumetric matrix (supports) production and the supports in action, in terms of normalized and non-normalized volumes and their potential to complete a task. My objective is also to conduct a technological analysis by synchronic and diachronic perspectives on the lithic industries unearthed from different archaeological sites in Middle East during end of MIS 5, 4 and 3. The two new definitions of the exploitations structures, it means Additional and Integrated structures are a part of structural approach to achive the purposes. The purposes of study are:- In a synchronic perspective, to rethink on the structures of exploitations according to the objectives of production and tools realisation. - From a diachronic perspective, to understand the singularity of past individual’s technical solutions, their diversity and / or their variability over the time, while looking for the factors at the origin of this diversity.The hypotheses;- The variability among the assemblages, including the scrapers are closely related to the subset of incising artifacts and cutting edge geometry.- The Reduction Model, proposed by Dibble, does present only one kind of reduction within Mousterian industries.

The development of the rule of law in ASEAN: the state and regional integration

Deinla, Imelda , Law, Faculty of Law, UNSW January 2009 (has links)
The main question in this research project is whether regional integration promotes the rule of law in ASEAN. The thesis has adopted a functional, rather than conceptual, approach to understanding the rule of law and its development in regional integration. While the approach reflects an instrumentalist function of the rule of law, the study provides a holistic and interdisciplinary approach taking account of the legal, insitutional, and political processes in the state, the region, and international relations to show the motivations and interests of member states in adopting a peculiar type of regional arrangement. The research project has taken the European Union for comparison, not as a model in the strict sense, to identify the development of legal and institutional processes that build the foundation of the rule of law and the factors that drive the evolution of state-like constitutionalism. Common legal tradition of the rule of law, leadership role of key member states, and regional institution building ??? are the main processes in the development of the rule of law in the EU and are either lacking, different, or weak in the context of ASEAN. However, an evolving form of the rule of law exists in ASEAN. The rule of law in ASEAN integration is designed to provide a stable and coherent framework for interstate relations among member states and to achieve effective implementation of the member states??? economic commitments. ASEAN has adopted an instrumentalist conception of the rule of law and one based on ???thin??? constitutionalism, as reflected in the ASEAN Charter. The features of the rule of law in ASEAN are ??? state-controlled, limited, evolutionary and resting on soft legal regime. ASEAN has chosen a different path at regional integration and globalization has offered new techniques of the rule of law. Regionalism in ASEAN remains statist in character and the ASEAN Way is still entrenched. There are significant developments towards adopting a broader basis of regional cooperation and opportunities for developing the rule of law in ASEAN. To broaden the function of the rule of law in regional integration, as a mechanism of accountability and as a form or restraint, ASEAN needs to adopt initiatives aimed at expanding political participation and respect for human rights. The European Union offer points of learning for ASEAN in achieving a broader function for the rule of law in ASEAN integration.

Les assemblages à pièces bifaciales au Pléistocène inférieur et moyen ancien en Afrique de l’Est et au Proche-Orient : nouvelle approche du phénomène bifacial appliquée aux problématiques de migrations, de diffusion et d’évolution locale / Assemblages with bifacial pieces in Lower and Early Middle Pleistocene in East Africa and Near East : new approach of the bifacial phenomenon applied to the issues of migrations, diffusion and local evolution

Chevrier, Benoît 05 October 2012 (has links)
Le modèle « Out of Africa » est profondément ancré dans les réflexions portant sur les peuplements paléolithiques. Pour le Pléistocène inférieur et moyen ancien, plusieurs vagues de dispersion des premiers hominidés à partir de l’Afrique de l’Est sont avancées, en particulier vers le Proche-Orient sur la base de trois sites majeurs : Dmanisi, ‘Ubeidiya et Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov. Cette théorie véhicule également l’idée d’imports répétés de techniques nouvelles, notamment le façonnage bifacial.Cependant, une déconstruction des mécanismes inhérents à ce modèle permet d’identifier des obstacles conceptuels et méthodologiques issus du « paradigme de la flèche », simplifiant et réduisant la complexité des phénomènes techniques et culturels.Afin de réintégrer à la question l’espace et le temps, dont l’absence au sein d’« Out of Africa » est rédhibitoire, nous utilisons une vision évolutive des techniques basée sur des réflexions de philosophie, d’ergonomie et de géographie. Cette vision, reprise par des paléolithiciens depuis une quinzaine d’années, a conduit à concevoir une méthodologie techno-fonctionnelle centrée sur les notions d’outil, de geste et de fonctionnement.Une étude approfondie utilisant cette approche a été menée sur quatre assemblages est-africains et proche-orientaux, complétée par des observations portant sur trois autres collections. Les informations obtenues permettent de discuter des processus d’évolution technique sur le temps long, de proposer une vision alternative des peuplements qui considère en particulier l’idée d’inventions du façonnage bifacial indépendantes, et enfin d’envisager des espaces culturels à différentes échelles de temps et d’espace. / The “Out of Africa” model is deeply rooted in the issues of Paleolithic settlement. For the Lower and Early Middle Pleistocene, several waves of early hominid dispersal from Africa have been proposed, especially to the Near East on the basis of three major sites: Dmanisi, ‘Ubeidiya and Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov. This theory also conveys the idea of repeated imports of new techniques, including bifacial shaping.However, the mechanisms inherent in this model are deconstructed: it allows to identify conceptual and methodological obstacles from the “arrow paradigm”, which simplifies and reduces the complexity of technical and cultural phenomena.The absence of space and time in the “Out of Africa” model is a crippling flaw. To reintroduce these dimensions in the debate, an evolutionary view of technics is used and is inspired by thoughts from philosophy, ergonomics and geography. In Paleolithic prehistory, this point of view, developed over past fifteen years, led to work out a techno-functional methodology focused on notions of tool, gesture and functioning.A detailed study using this approach was conducted on four assemblages from East Africa and Near East, with some supplementary observations on three other collections Then a discussion is offered on various topics: (1) the processes of technical evolution over long time, (2) an alternative vision of settlements, which particularly considers the idea of independent inventions of bifacial shaping, and finally (3) the ability to define cultural spaces on different scales of time and space.

Dinâmica quântica de sistemas não-comutativos

Bemfica, Fábio Sperotto January 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho está dedicado a estudar a consistência global da dinâmica quântica de sistemas não-comutativos. Nosso ponto de partida é a teoria de sistemas vinculados, dado que esta provê uma descrição uni cada da dinâmica clássica e quântica para os modelos a serem investigados. Analisamos o problema relacionado com a existência da série de Born e unitariedade e focamos, na seqüência, na formulação funcional da dinâmica quântica dos sistemas não-comutativos. A compatibilidade entre as abordagens funcional e operatorial é substanciada de forma geral. Subseqüentemente, a transformada de Weyl generalizada de índice α é usada para implementar a de nição "via time-slicing" da integral de caminho no espaço de fase, o que nos permite calcular o correspondente propagador de Feynman. Como esperado, esta representação para o propagador de Feynman não é única, mas rotulada pelo parâmetro real α. Provamos que as contribuições dependentes de α desaparecem no limite quando o "slice" de tempo tende a zero, tal qual é requerido pela consistência da formulação. Esta prova é intrincada pois o Hamiltoniano envolve, necessariamente, produtos de operadores não comutantes. A anti-simetria da matriz que parametriza a não-comutatividade joga um papel fundamental no mecanismo de cancelamento dos termos dependentes de α. Por m, estudamos a implementação do processo formulado por Batalin, Fradkin e Tyutin (BFT), o qual permite transformar esses sistemas em uma teoria de calibre Abeliana exibindo apenas vínculos de primeira classe. A adequação da imersão BFT, como aplicada neste trabalho, é veri cada demonstrando que existe um mapeamento isomór co que conecta o modelo de segunda classe com o setor invariante de calibre da teoria de calibre. Como é sabido, a quantização funcional de uma teoria de calibre exige a eliminação da liberdade de calibre. Então, temos a nossa disposição um conjunto in nito de descrições alternativas para a mecânica quântica não-comutativa, uma para cada calibre. Estudamos as características relevantes deste in nito conjunto de correspondências. A quantização funcional da teoria de calibre é explicitamente realizada para dois calibres diferentes e os resultados comparados com o correspondente ao sistema de segunda classe. Dentro do quadro operatorial, a teoria de calibre é quantizada utilizando-se o método de Dirac. / This work is concerned with the global consistency of the quantum dynamics of noncommutative systems. Our point of departure is the theory of constrained systems, since it provides a uni ed description of the classical and quantum dynamics for the models under investigation. We then analise the problem concerned with the su cient conditions for the existence of the Born series and unitarity and turn, afterwards, into studying the functional quantization of non-commutative systems. The compatibility between the operator and the functional approaches is established in full generality. Subsequently, the generalized Weyl transform of index α is used to implement the time-slice de nition of the phase space path integral yielding the Feynman kernel in the case of noncommutative quantum mechanics. As expected, this representation for the Feynman kernel is not unique but labeled by the real parameter α. We succeed in proving that the α-dependent contributions disappear at the limit where the time slice goes to zero. This proof of consistency turns out to be intricate because the Hamiltonian necessarily involves products of noncommuting operators. The antisymmetry of the matrix parameterizing the noncommutativity plays a key role in the cancelation mechanism of the α-dependent terms. Finally, we study the embedding procedure formulated by Batalin, Fradkin and Tyutin (BFT) which enables one to transform these noncommutative systems into an Abelian gauge theory exhibiting only rst class constraints. The appropriateness of the BFT embedding, as implemented in this work, is veri ed by showing that there exists a one to one mapping linking the second class model with the gauge invariant sector of the gauge theory. As is known, the functional quantization of a gauge theory calls for the elimination of its gauge freedom. Then, we have at our disposal an in nite set of alternative descriptions for noncommutative quantum mechanics, one for each gauge. We study the relevant features of this in nite set of correspondences. The functional quantization of the gauge theory is explicitly performed for two di erent gauges and the results compared with that corresponding to the second class system. Within the operator framework the gauge theory is quantized by using Dirac's method.

Dinâmica quântica de sistemas não-comutativos

Bemfica, Fábio Sperotto January 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho está dedicado a estudar a consistência global da dinâmica quântica de sistemas não-comutativos. Nosso ponto de partida é a teoria de sistemas vinculados, dado que esta provê uma descrição uni cada da dinâmica clássica e quântica para os modelos a serem investigados. Analisamos o problema relacionado com a existência da série de Born e unitariedade e focamos, na seqüência, na formulação funcional da dinâmica quântica dos sistemas não-comutativos. A compatibilidade entre as abordagens funcional e operatorial é substanciada de forma geral. Subseqüentemente, a transformada de Weyl generalizada de índice α é usada para implementar a de nição "via time-slicing" da integral de caminho no espaço de fase, o que nos permite calcular o correspondente propagador de Feynman. Como esperado, esta representação para o propagador de Feynman não é única, mas rotulada pelo parâmetro real α. Provamos que as contribuições dependentes de α desaparecem no limite quando o "slice" de tempo tende a zero, tal qual é requerido pela consistência da formulação. Esta prova é intrincada pois o Hamiltoniano envolve, necessariamente, produtos de operadores não comutantes. A anti-simetria da matriz que parametriza a não-comutatividade joga um papel fundamental no mecanismo de cancelamento dos termos dependentes de α. Por m, estudamos a implementação do processo formulado por Batalin, Fradkin e Tyutin (BFT), o qual permite transformar esses sistemas em uma teoria de calibre Abeliana exibindo apenas vínculos de primeira classe. A adequação da imersão BFT, como aplicada neste trabalho, é veri cada demonstrando que existe um mapeamento isomór co que conecta o modelo de segunda classe com o setor invariante de calibre da teoria de calibre. Como é sabido, a quantização funcional de uma teoria de calibre exige a eliminação da liberdade de calibre. Então, temos a nossa disposição um conjunto in nito de descrições alternativas para a mecânica quântica não-comutativa, uma para cada calibre. Estudamos as características relevantes deste in nito conjunto de correspondências. A quantização funcional da teoria de calibre é explicitamente realizada para dois calibres diferentes e os resultados comparados com o correspondente ao sistema de segunda classe. Dentro do quadro operatorial, a teoria de calibre é quantizada utilizando-se o método de Dirac. / This work is concerned with the global consistency of the quantum dynamics of noncommutative systems. Our point of departure is the theory of constrained systems, since it provides a uni ed description of the classical and quantum dynamics for the models under investigation. We then analise the problem concerned with the su cient conditions for the existence of the Born series and unitarity and turn, afterwards, into studying the functional quantization of non-commutative systems. The compatibility between the operator and the functional approaches is established in full generality. Subsequently, the generalized Weyl transform of index α is used to implement the time-slice de nition of the phase space path integral yielding the Feynman kernel in the case of noncommutative quantum mechanics. As expected, this representation for the Feynman kernel is not unique but labeled by the real parameter α. We succeed in proving that the α-dependent contributions disappear at the limit where the time slice goes to zero. This proof of consistency turns out to be intricate because the Hamiltonian necessarily involves products of noncommuting operators. The antisymmetry of the matrix parameterizing the noncommutativity plays a key role in the cancelation mechanism of the α-dependent terms. Finally, we study the embedding procedure formulated by Batalin, Fradkin and Tyutin (BFT) which enables one to transform these noncommutative systems into an Abelian gauge theory exhibiting only rst class constraints. The appropriateness of the BFT embedding, as implemented in this work, is veri ed by showing that there exists a one to one mapping linking the second class model with the gauge invariant sector of the gauge theory. As is known, the functional quantization of a gauge theory calls for the elimination of its gauge freedom. Then, we have at our disposal an in nite set of alternative descriptions for noncommutative quantum mechanics, one for each gauge. We study the relevant features of this in nite set of correspondences. The functional quantization of the gauge theory is explicitly performed for two di erent gauges and the results compared with that corresponding to the second class system. Within the operator framework the gauge theory is quantized by using Dirac's method.

Dinâmica quântica de sistemas não-comutativos

Bemfica, Fábio Sperotto January 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho está dedicado a estudar a consistência global da dinâmica quântica de sistemas não-comutativos. Nosso ponto de partida é a teoria de sistemas vinculados, dado que esta provê uma descrição uni cada da dinâmica clássica e quântica para os modelos a serem investigados. Analisamos o problema relacionado com a existência da série de Born e unitariedade e focamos, na seqüência, na formulação funcional da dinâmica quântica dos sistemas não-comutativos. A compatibilidade entre as abordagens funcional e operatorial é substanciada de forma geral. Subseqüentemente, a transformada de Weyl generalizada de índice α é usada para implementar a de nição "via time-slicing" da integral de caminho no espaço de fase, o que nos permite calcular o correspondente propagador de Feynman. Como esperado, esta representação para o propagador de Feynman não é única, mas rotulada pelo parâmetro real α. Provamos que as contribuições dependentes de α desaparecem no limite quando o "slice" de tempo tende a zero, tal qual é requerido pela consistência da formulação. Esta prova é intrincada pois o Hamiltoniano envolve, necessariamente, produtos de operadores não comutantes. A anti-simetria da matriz que parametriza a não-comutatividade joga um papel fundamental no mecanismo de cancelamento dos termos dependentes de α. Por m, estudamos a implementação do processo formulado por Batalin, Fradkin e Tyutin (BFT), o qual permite transformar esses sistemas em uma teoria de calibre Abeliana exibindo apenas vínculos de primeira classe. A adequação da imersão BFT, como aplicada neste trabalho, é veri cada demonstrando que existe um mapeamento isomór co que conecta o modelo de segunda classe com o setor invariante de calibre da teoria de calibre. Como é sabido, a quantização funcional de uma teoria de calibre exige a eliminação da liberdade de calibre. Então, temos a nossa disposição um conjunto in nito de descrições alternativas para a mecânica quântica não-comutativa, uma para cada calibre. Estudamos as características relevantes deste in nito conjunto de correspondências. A quantização funcional da teoria de calibre é explicitamente realizada para dois calibres diferentes e os resultados comparados com o correspondente ao sistema de segunda classe. Dentro do quadro operatorial, a teoria de calibre é quantizada utilizando-se o método de Dirac. / This work is concerned with the global consistency of the quantum dynamics of noncommutative systems. Our point of departure is the theory of constrained systems, since it provides a uni ed description of the classical and quantum dynamics for the models under investigation. We then analise the problem concerned with the su cient conditions for the existence of the Born series and unitarity and turn, afterwards, into studying the functional quantization of non-commutative systems. The compatibility between the operator and the functional approaches is established in full generality. Subsequently, the generalized Weyl transform of index α is used to implement the time-slice de nition of the phase space path integral yielding the Feynman kernel in the case of noncommutative quantum mechanics. As expected, this representation for the Feynman kernel is not unique but labeled by the real parameter α. We succeed in proving that the α-dependent contributions disappear at the limit where the time slice goes to zero. This proof of consistency turns out to be intricate because the Hamiltonian necessarily involves products of noncommuting operators. The antisymmetry of the matrix parameterizing the noncommutativity plays a key role in the cancelation mechanism of the α-dependent terms. Finally, we study the embedding procedure formulated by Batalin, Fradkin and Tyutin (BFT) which enables one to transform these noncommutative systems into an Abelian gauge theory exhibiting only rst class constraints. The appropriateness of the BFT embedding, as implemented in this work, is veri ed by showing that there exists a one to one mapping linking the second class model with the gauge invariant sector of the gauge theory. As is known, the functional quantization of a gauge theory calls for the elimination of its gauge freedom. Then, we have at our disposal an in nite set of alternative descriptions for noncommutative quantum mechanics, one for each gauge. We study the relevant features of this in nite set of correspondences. The functional quantization of the gauge theory is explicitly performed for two di erent gauges and the results compared with that corresponding to the second class system. Within the operator framework the gauge theory is quantized by using Dirac's method.

Universal electromagnetic response relations: applied to the free homogeneous electron gas

Wirnata, René 04 May 2021 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Anwendung des kürzlich entwickelten 'Functional Approach' zur Elektrodynamik in Medien auf das Modell des freien homogenen Elektronengases. Basierend auf einer ausschließlich mikroskopischen Feldtheorie wird gezeigt, dass mittels universell gültiger Relationen zwischen Antwortfunktionen sowohl alle relevanten optischen als auch magnetischen (linearen) Materialeigenschaften allein aus der Strom-Strom-Korrelation gewonnen werden können. Dabei ist es essentiell, alle Berechnungen auf dem vollen Stromdichteoperator aufzubauen, also auf der Summe aus diamagnetischem, orbitalem und spinoriellem Anteil. Weiterhin wird anhand der magnetischen Suszeptibilität demonstriert, dass im Allgemeinen die Unterscheidung zwischen eigenen und direkten Antwortfunktionen nicht zu vernachlässigen ist. Schließlich wird mit dem „Lindhard-Integral-Theorem“ bewiesen, dass nicht nur der longitudinale, sondern auch der transversale Anteil des vollen frequenz- und wellenvektorabhängigen fundamentalen Antworttensors des freien Elektronengases komplett durch das charakteristische Lindhard-Integral bestimmt ist.:Introduction I Microscopic electrodynamics in media 1 Classical electrodynamics 1.1 Covariant formulation 1.2 Temporal gauge 1.3 Free Green function 1.4 Total functional derivatives 2 Electrodynamics in media 2.1 Field identifications 2.2 Fundamental response tensor 2.3 Universal response relations 2.4 Direct and proper response 2.5 Isotropic and combined limits 2.6 Full Green function 2.7 Wave equations in media and dispersion relations II Application to the free electron gas 3 Fundamental response tensor 3.1 Electromagnetic current density 3.2 Kubo-Greenwood formulae 3.3 Diamagnetic, orbital and spinorial contribution 3.4 Spin susceptibility vs. spinorial current response 4 London model and diamagnetic response 4.1 Interpretation as response function 4.2 Application of universal response relations 4.3 Spin correction 5 Full current response 5.1 Dimensionless formulae 5.2 Lindhard integral theorem 5.3 Laurent expansions 5.4 Optical properties 5.5 Magnetic properties Conclusion Appendix A - Notation Appendix B - Formulary B.1 Basic analysis and vector calculus B.2 Special relativity theory B.3 Fourier transformation B.4 Functional derivatives B.5 Projectors and Helmholtz' theorem B.6 Complex analysis Appendix C - Yang-Mills gauge theory C.1 Field strength tensor C.2 Minimal coupling principle C.3 Gauge invariant quantities and equations Appendix D - Periodic solids D.1 Partitioning of reciprocal space D.2 Homogeneous limit Appendix E - Electromagnetic spectrum Bibliography Acknowledgements Errata / This thesis is concerned with the application of the recently developed 'Functional Approach' to electrodynamics of media to the model of the free homogeneous electron gas. Based on an exclusively microscopic field theory it is shown that with the help of universally valid relations between response functions, all relevant optical and magnetic (linear) materials properties can be extracted from the mere current-current response. For this purpose, it is essential to base all calculations on the full current density operator, i.e. the sum of diamagnetic, orbital and spinorial contributions. Furthermore, we use the example of the magnetic susceptibility to demonstrate that the distinction between proper and direct response functions is in general crucial. Lastly, with the “Lindhard integral theorem” we prove that not only the longitudinal but also the transverse part of the full frequency- and wavevector-dependent fundamental response tensor of the free electron gas is completely determined by the characteristic Lindhard integral.:Introduction I Microscopic electrodynamics in media 1 Classical electrodynamics 1.1 Covariant formulation 1.2 Temporal gauge 1.3 Free Green function 1.4 Total functional derivatives 2 Electrodynamics in media 2.1 Field identifications 2.2 Fundamental response tensor 2.3 Universal response relations 2.4 Direct and proper response 2.5 Isotropic and combined limits 2.6 Full Green function 2.7 Wave equations in media and dispersion relations II Application to the free electron gas 3 Fundamental response tensor 3.1 Electromagnetic current density 3.2 Kubo-Greenwood formulae 3.3 Diamagnetic, orbital and spinorial contribution 3.4 Spin susceptibility vs. spinorial current response 4 London model and diamagnetic response 4.1 Interpretation as response function 4.2 Application of universal response relations 4.3 Spin correction 5 Full current response 5.1 Dimensionless formulae 5.2 Lindhard integral theorem 5.3 Laurent expansions 5.4 Optical properties 5.5 Magnetic properties Conclusion Appendix A - Notation Appendix B - Formulary B.1 Basic analysis and vector calculus B.2 Special relativity theory B.3 Fourier transformation B.4 Functional derivatives B.5 Projectors and Helmholtz' theorem B.6 Complex analysis Appendix C - Yang-Mills gauge theory C.1 Field strength tensor C.2 Minimal coupling principle C.3 Gauge invariant quantities and equations Appendix D - Periodic solids D.1 Partitioning of reciprocal space D.2 Homogeneous limit Appendix E - Electromagnetic spectrum Bibliography Acknowledgements Errata

Motivace dobrovolníků: Analýza stávajících prací v ČR a doporučení pro další výzkum / Motivation of volunteers: Analyse of present papers in Czech Republic and recommendations for next research

Ficová, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
Motivation of volunteers presents one of the specific areas of volunteerism research. The paper brings main theories and thoughts about motivation of volunteers and evaluation their relevancy for Czech settings. Futher the paper presents analyse of already realized partial researchs (above all in students' papers) and proposal of framing theoretical conception for research of motivation in Czech Republic.

The missiological dimensions of African ecclesiology

Andriatsimialomananarivo, Solomon 11 1900 (has links)
The growth of the Church in Africa, namely at numerical level, is tremendous. However, we notice that her impact on society and public life is not so visible as the growth is, since Christian values are embodied by Christians. Yet, the Church has huge human resources, pastors, missionaries, lay leaders and theologians. The challenge for the Church in Africa is to incarnate and inculturate these values and the living message of the Gospel. In this thesis we question the co-operation between the Church and mission agencies, between native pastors and western missionaries. We notice that since 150 years, there has been a huge gap between these two entities. This is due to the fact that Theology and Missiology look like two lines that never meet. This situation leads us to revisit not only the current paradigm Church-Mission but also the current link between Theology and Missiology. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D.Th. (Missiology)

La théorie des villes en réseaux : un nouveau paradigme pour l'aménagement de l'espace ? : Les réseaux des villes petites et moyennes de la région Centre-Val de Loire en France / The city-network theory : a new spatial planning paradigm ? : The networks of towns in the Centre-Val de Loire region, France

Banovac, Ksenija 03 October 2017 (has links)
L’objectif de cette recherche est de promouvoir une nouvelle approche de l'analyse des systèmes urbains régionaux, tenant compte du progrès technologique et des évolutions contemporaines dans les modes d'organisation de la vie et du travail. Nous avons souhaité expérimenter la « Théorie des villes en réseau » sur notre cas étude. En effet cette approche est évoquée comme un « modus operandi » alternatif par d'éminents géographes, sociologues et économistes parmi lesquels Manuel Castells, Roberto Camagni, Georg Simmel et Jan van Dijk. La « Théorie des villes en réseau » présente deux avantages principaux en comparaison des théories traditionnelles. Ces avantages résident dans la prise en compte de deux phénomènes postérieurs aux théories traditionnelles : d’une part, la prise en considération de nouveaux contextes socio-spatiaux ; d’autre part, l’appréhension de l’évolution des processus de transmission de la connaissance. / With the purpose to promote a new approach to the analysis of regional urban systems which takes into account the technological progress and the contemporary evolutions in the ways of organizing, living and working, we felt compelled to seek the evidence of the “City-network” theory as an alternative modus operandi evoked by some prominent geographers, sociologists and economists such as Manuel Castells, Roberto Camagni, Georg Simmel, Jan van Dijk and others. The advantages of the “City-network” theory as compared to the traditional theories are in understanding that there are new socio-spatial contexts and that the contemporary knowledge travels along “pipelines” between cities, towns, cultures which are neither spatial nor strictly hierarchical. The network is seen as a structure where the nodes are cities and towns connected by the link of different nature, through which socio-economic flows are exchanged.

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