Spelling suggestions: "subject:"c.further educationization"" "subject:"c.further education.action""
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Challenges experienced by Physical Sciences teachers with the implementation of the Curriculum and assessment policy statement in selected Eastern Cape schoolsKoti, Mandla 02 1900 (has links)
Learners who take Physical Sciences in the Further Education and Training Phase in Eastern Cape schools have been performing poorly in the subject in the final examinations in Grade 12. This raised the concern of the researcher to determine issues that underlie this. In attempting to determine the cause of the poor results, a Physical Sciences subject advisor and six Physical Sciences teachers were interviewed to gather information on this problem. The following issues were considered: the Physical Sciences curriculum, the nature and structure of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (Physical Sciences), learner performance in Physical Sciences, a review of literature on science teaching, strategies of teaching and learning, the role of science teachers, classroom interaction between teachers and learners and the challenges experienced with science teaching. Data collected through the interviews were analysed leading to the identification of core issues and recommendations on how to address these. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)
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Úmluva o právech dítěte a její konsekvence pro pedagogickou teorii a praxi / Convention of the rights of the child and its consequence for pedagogical theory and practiceHRNČÍŘOVÁ KONSTANTINOVÁ, Jana January 2007 (has links)
This thesis is covering the Convention of the rights of the child, its consequences and use in pedagogical theory and practice according to the paragraph 42 of this convention. It has three main parts, which are aiming for following the logical consequence of the topic compilation. First part is covering theoretical base of the Convention, starting with its historical development and current state, legal position, institutional arrangement, approaches to the Convention by selected European countries, including analysis of individual articles and it also presents commentary to these articles in connection with legal regulations in Czech Republic and finding the causes and deficiencies of its implementation, observing to it and its fulfilling. Second part is covering the definition of article 42 of the Convention as to the further education of adults as a tool for exercising the rights of children and to other theoretical and practical possibilities of its further efficient dissemination. Third part is related to that as it provides practical exercises, directions and games, how to get children acquainted with the document of the Convention not only during the school, but also within their free-time activities, including the chance for children to take part in the children{\crq}s parliaments or establishing own school self-governments and thus participate on public matters.
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Integrating learning with life : a study of higher education students in a further education college : 2000-2003Lowe, Janet January 2005 (has links)
In Scotland, further education colleges provide 28% of all higher education; this includes over half of part-time undergraduate higher education. This provision has contributed to wider participation in higher education in Scotland by “non traditional” students and to progress towards a mass system of higher education within a learning society. This thesis is a case study of higher education students in a Scottish further education college. It explores the nature of the students’ experience and its relevance to institutional management and higher education policy. Evidence is drawn from the college’s records, from focus groups and from a questionnaire survey of whole year groups (full-time and part-time students) over three successive years. The theoretical focus is upon a new definition of lifelong learning as learning integrated with life, drawn from literature on motive, motivation, participation and retention. The research explores the students’ experiences of combining study with work and family life. The student experience is found to be heterogeneous, complex and distinct from the stereotype of a young full-time university student. Vocational motives predominate and there is evidence of a significant investment of meaning, expectation and purpose in the experience of higher education. The students’ ability to balance and integrate learning with life is a determining factor in the achievement of sustained participation. The quality of support networks both in college and in the students’ work and family lives are found to be more significant than personal or demographic characteristics. The case study contributes to current thinking about the professional role of college senior managers in creating a student-centred institutional culture that responds to the complexity of the students’ experience. A case is made for a review of the current inequity of financial support for full-time and part-time higher education students and of the marginal status of colleges in the development of higher education policy.
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Zum Einsatz von Likert-Skalen im betrieblichen Bildungscontrolling: Vorüberlegungen zur theoretischen Aussagekraft und praktischen UmsetzbarkeitBank, Volker, Schaal, Sam F. 13 September 2010 (has links)
Der Bereich des Controllings betrieblicher Qualifikation und Bildung stellt die Controller vor erhebliche, z.T. unlösbare Probleme: Fast alles, was die Steuerung betrieblichen Lernens anbetrifft, bezieht sich auf nur schwer meßbare latente Größen. In diesem Beitrag soll die methodologische Problematik in einem zentralen Bereich der Steuerung von Maßnahmen betrieblichen Lernens angegangen werden: die Bedarfsanalyse. Zur rationalen Steuerung betrieblicher (Weiter-)Bildung ist die Ermittlung des tatsächlich vorhandenen Bildungsbedarfs unerläßlich. Nur so kann das Kriterium der Wirtschaftlichkeit von (Weiter-)Bildungsmaßnahmen erfüllt werden. Es wird dafür die Nutzung des Verfahrens der summierten Einschätzungen nach Rensis Likert (sogenannte Likert-Skalen) zur Lösung des zugrundeliegenden Meßproblems untersucht. Der Artikel liefert einen methodischen Beitrag zur Operationalisierung und Messung des Weiterbildungsbedarfs und skizziert Ansatzpunkte für weitere Forschung, um eine Anwendung in der betrieblichen Praxis zu ermöglichen.
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Teacher Developmen in Cuba : An analysis of two strategiesBuchberger, Helena January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study is to describe two strategies of professional teacher development in Cuba and analyse how they affect the professional growth of the teachers. The strategies investigated are methodological work sessions and further education at the university. Eight upper-secondary school teachers were interviewed and it was analysed how their professional growth was affected by the Cuban professional development strategies. The model utilized was the interconnected model of professional growth (Clarke & Hollingsworth, 2002).The results show that, four of the eight interviewed teachers experienced change sequences and growth networks as a consequence of participating in the two investigated strategies. The methodological work sessions promote a collaborative approach among the teachers to developing the education in their school. Further education in the university, on the other hand, encourages the teachers to reflect individually on practical school-related problems. The results indicate that the organization of the work both the professional development strategies provided acted as an incentive for the interviewed teachers’ development. / Målet med den här studien är att beskriva två lärarutvecklingsstrategier i Kuba och analysera hur de påverkar lärarnas professionella utveckling. De undersökta strategierna är metodologiska arbetsmöten och vidareutbildning vid universitet. Åtta gymnasielärare intervjuades och det analyserades hur deras professionella utveckling påverkats av de kubanska lärarutvecklingsstrategierna. Modellen som använts är the interconnected model of professional growth (Clarke & Hollingsworth, 2002).Resultaten visar att de metodologiska arbetsmötena uppmuntrar lärarna att arbeta kollektivt med att utveckla utbildningen i sin skola. Universitetsvidareutbildning, vad andra sidan, främjar individuell reflektion över praktiska skolrelaterade problem. Resultatet indikerar att den organisation av arbetet som båda lärarutvecklingsstrategierna medför stimulerar lärarna att utvecklas.
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Interkulturelle Kompetenz in der Sächsischen WirtschaftArnold, Maik, Köhler, Marcel, Leidl, Lars 07 October 2013 (has links)
Das Working Paper Nr. 1 basiert auf der Studie „Ergebnisse der Situationsanalyse“, welche von der Technischen Universität Dresden, Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaften, Institut für Berufspädagogik, Professur für Didaktik des beruflichen Lernens (Prof. Dr. paed. habil. Hanno Hortsch, Dipl.-Berufspäd. Marcel Köhler, Lars Leidl M.A., M.Sc.) im Auftrag der Staatlichen Studienakademie Breitenbrunn durchgeführt wurde. Die vollständige Studie, die für den vorliegenden Bericht durch die Herausgeberin gekürzt und redaktionell weiterverarbeitet wurde, wird nicht als eigene Publikation der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht. Diese Studie und das Working Paper sind Bestandteil des Projektes „Zusatzqualifikation zur Förderung der interkulturellen Kompetenz von Studierenden der Berufsakademie Sachsen“, welches aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds (ESF) und des Freistaates Sachsen gefördert wird.:1 Ziele und Inhalte der „Zusatzqualifikation Interkulturelle Kompetenz“
2 Gegenstand und Methode der Situationsanalyse
3 Ergebnisse der Situationsanalyse
3.1 Vorhandene Unternehmensstrukturen
3.2 Stellenwert und Bedeutung von interkulturell qualifiziertem Personal
3.3 Anforderungen an interkulturell qualifiziertes akademisches Fachpersonal
3.4 Inhalte der Zusatzqualifikation Interkulturelle Kompetenz
3.5 Zielländer/-kulturen/-regionen in der Konzeption der Zusatzqualifikation
3.6 Didaktisch-methodische Empfehlungen für die Konzeption
3.7 Befragung der Studierenden des Studiengangs Industrie
4 Fazit
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Interkulturelle KompetenzArnold, Maik, Hallmann, Katrin, Kersten, Steffen, Koch, Sylvia, Köhler, Marcel, Leidl, Lars 07 October 2013 (has links)
Das Working Paper Nr. 2 informiert über die Ergebnisse eines Workshops zum Thema „Interkulturelle Kompetenz“, in dem Vertreter der Technischen Universität Dresden, Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaften, Institut für Berufspädagogik, Professur für Didaktik des beruflichen Lernens (Dr. Steffen Kersten, Dipl.-Berufspäd. Marcel Köhler, Lars Leidl M.A., M.Sc.) und der Daetz-Stiftung (Katrin Hallmann M.A.) im Auftrag der Staatlichen Studienakademie Breitenbrunn (Dr. Maik Arnold, Sylvia Koch M.A.) eine Arbeitsdefinition und Lernziele für die Zusatzqualifikation diskutiert haben. Das Working Paper ist Bestandteil des Projektes „Zusatzqualifikation zur Förderung der interkulturellen Kompetenz von Studierenden der Berufsakademie Sachsen“, welches aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds (ESF) und des Freistaates Sachsen gefördert wird.:1 Projekthintergrund und Zielstellung
2 Arbeitsdefinition zum Begriff Interkulturelle Kompetenz
2.1 Begriffliche Charakteristika, Prämissen und Problemstellungen
2.2 Ergebnisse der Diskussion einer Arbeitsdefinition interkultureller Kompetenz für die zu konzipierende Zusatzqualifikation
3 Definition von Lernzielen für die Zusatzqualifikation Interkulturelle Kompetenz
3.1 Grobziel: Förderung interkultureller Kompetenz von Studierenden
3.2 Learning Outcomes nach European Qualifications Framework
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Interkulturell ausgerichtete Studien- und DienstleistungsangeboteKöhler, Marcel, Leidl, Lars 07 October 2013 (has links)
Das Working Paper Nr. 3 ist Ergebnis einer Recherche nach interkulturellen Bildungs-, Studien- und Dienstleistungsangeboten, welche von der Technischen Universität Dresden, Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaften, Institut für Berufspädagogik, Professur für Didaktik des beruflichen Lernens (Prof. Dr. paed. habil. Hanno Hortsch, Dipl.-Berufspäd. Marcel Köhler, Lars Leidl M.A., M.Sc.) im Auftrag der Staatlichen Studienakademie Breitenbrunn durchgeführt wurde. Das Working Paper ist Bestandteil des Projektes „Zusatzqualifikation zur Förderung der interkulturellen Kompetenz von Studierenden der Berufsakademie Sachsen“, welches aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds (ESF) und des Freistaates Sachsen gefördert wird.:1 Projekthintergrund und Zielstellung
2 Interkulturelle Studienangebote: Grundständige und aufbauende Studiengänge im deutschsprachigen Raum
3 Interkulturelle Kompetenz als Zusatzqualifikation: Trainings- und
3.1 Interkulturelle Kompetenz als Ausbildungsgegenstand: begriffliche Prämissen
3.2 Ziel der Angebotsanalyse und methodische Vorgehensweise
3.3 Ergebnisse
4 Fazit
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The management of staff development programmes at FET colleges in the Gauteng ProvinceGeel, Pieter Andrew 30 June 2005 (has links)
The fragmented and unequal system of technical and vocational education and training in South Africa is a consequence of the apartheid era. Since 1994 comprehensive legislation has been introduced to create a transformed system of Further Education and Training (FET) guided by the principles of redress, equity and lifelong learning and aimed at producing graduates who can contribute to making South Africa a key player in the global economy. In particular, the Technical College sector requires transformation. This in turn demands new knowledge, attitudes and skills from college managers and educators. Therefore, relevant staff development programmes is a key instrument of change in colleges. Against this background this study examines the management of staff development programmes in FET colleges in Gauteng Province by means of a literature study and an empirical investigation. The former addresses the management of change, human resource management, staff development and organisational development with an emphasis on the application of chaos/complexity theory. Moreover, the dynamic FET landscape in South Africa is sketched and FET policies and legislation since 1994 are discussed. The empirical investigation adopts a qualitative approach using focus group and individual interviews, observation and document analysis to gather data from a small sample of participants: educators and members of senior and middle management. Participants were selected by purposeful sampling from three former Technical Colleges (one previously advantaged and two previously disadvantaged) in Gauteng, which have recently merged to create a new multi-campus college, the Tshwane North College. The findings of the interviews present the experience of participants according to six themes: the management of change; communication during change; stakeholder involvement in change; the impact of FET legislation; human resource management and the role of staff development programmes in this process. These findings were integrated with observations of staff development programmes and their management and analysis of key documents. It was concluded that people are complex and may resist change; during change effective communication, stakeholder participation, adequate funding for staff development and its effective management are essential. Recommendations for the improvement of practice are presented based on the findings of the literature and empirical study. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Education Management)
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A historical review of the assessment of English Home Language at senior secondary school level in KwaZulu-NatalBlumfield, Brian Alfred 30 June 2008 (has links)
The National Curriculum Statement (NCS) heralds the beginning of a new curriculum for Grades 10 to
12 in South Africa. Underpinned by the South African Constitution, and based on the tenets of
Outcomes-based Education, the NCS seeks to provide contextually-relevant education for all South
African learners, so that they are able to embrace inevitable change. Although the NCS highlights the
importance of assessment, an analysis of the English Home Language (EHL) NCS reveals tensions
between policy and practice. This study attempts to contextualise the role of relevant assessment for the
21st century. It then proceeds to engage in a historical evaluation of assessment within the NSC in terms
of how assessment was conducted in the former Natal Education Department, a liberal education
department within former apartheid South Africa. The conclusions drawn from the evaluation are used
to provide recommendations to relieve the tensions identified within the EHL NSC. / Educational Studies / M.Ed.
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