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The education of hydraulic engineers in the GDRPohl, Reinhard 11 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
More than 40 years the political, social, economic and technical development in the two German states went
different ways until 1990. This also applies to the education of civil engineers in the field of hydraulic engineering. The author undertakes the attempt to trace a picture of the related development in East Germany. During the GDR-period the Dresden University of Technology was the major place for university education of hydraulic engineers (GDR = German Democratic Republic).
This is why the development of the education in Dresden and its relations to the hydro practice will be mainly considered here. In this paper the facts, the problems and the achievements are told and discussed. / Bis 1990 ging die politische, soziale, wirtschaftliche und technische Entwicklung in beiden deutschen Staaten mehr als 40 Jahre getrennte Wege. Das trifft auch für die Ausbildung von Wasserbauingenieuren zu. Die Autoren unternehmen den Versuch, das Bild der zugehörigen Entwicklung im Osten Deutschlands nachzuzeichnen. Sie konzentrieren sich dabei auf die Technische Universität Dresden als den Hauptstandort der damaligen universitären Wasserbauausbildung in der DDR. Im vorliegenden Aufsatz werden die Tatsachen, die Probleme und das Erreichte dargestellt und besprochen.
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Die Blätter werden bunter. Zur Presselenkung in der DDR und ihrem Ende im Herbst 1989Rank, Martin 03 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Konst eller Kitsch? : Konst producerad i DDR speglad genom utställningar efter 1990 / Art or Kitsch? : Art produced in the GDR reflected through exhibitions after 1990Svedbäck, Kerstin January 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores how art produced in the former GDR has been looked upon, handled and exhibited after the reunification of Germany in 1990. Swedish Art History has paid little attention to art in the GDR. The debate starting in the 50s between the spokesmen for abstract art and the defenders of figuration restrained for a long period the ability to look upon art from the GDR without prejudices. This led to a rejection of all figurative art in the GDR and sweeping judgmental attitudes, like it´s all “kitsch”. Comparatively few artists in the GDR however, painted in the style prescribed by political leaders. An open issue in this study was, against background: Has GDR art gained in interest and respectability? This study focuses on two exhibitions The Divided Heaven in Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin and an exhibition in Kalmar konstmuseum, Sweden, named Maintaining the Order of Things – the Aesthetic of Modernism in Commercialism, Nationalism, Elitism and Socialism, 2011. The exhibitions have been analyzed along several dimensions: The number of works from the GDR, strategies for hanging them, the presentation of the exhibitions in information brochures and the homepage of the museums. Descriptions of the works give information on typical motives in the GDR over time and some information as regards the artists. The way the building has supported visitors in experiencing an exhibition has been considered and its importance as an institution. The study of the two exhibitions illustrates two different strategies for showing art from the GDR, in contrast or integrated. The Swedish exhibition which primarily exposed paintings from the 60 s focused on comparing GDR paintings and the Swedish sketches on commissioned etchings on vases from Orrefors glassworks. The German exhibition exposed GDR art together with art from other countries, along thematic lines. The study indicates an increasing interest in the art from the GDR, which is confirmed by the great number of exhibitions 2012. Also projects researching the art from this period in German history and the construction of a new museum for it supports the idea that interest in and respect for art produced in the former GDR is gradually established. This increased interest has not yet included the officially promoted style – Socialist Realism. / <p>Vid den elektroniska publiceringen har två bilder tagits bort från den ursprungliga versionen av upphovsrättsliga skäl, bild 21 och 26.</p>
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Kunst im Werden21 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Wo beginnt die Kunst? Mit der Idee oder in einer ersten materialisierten Form? Welche Stufen gibt es, und: Sind sie tatsächlich zu trennen von dem, was allgemein als fertiges Werk gilt? Die Ausstellung »Kunst im Werden« zeigt anhand 18 verschiedener Positionen das breite Spektrum einer Entwurfspraxis von Künstlerinnen und Künstlern einer mittleren und älteren Generation, die eben diese Fragen evoziert und vielleicht Antworten darauf liefert.
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Critique of realism and reality in the short fiction of three East German woman writers: Helga Schubert, Helga Königsdorf and Monika Maron.Petzl, Julia Theresa Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis sets out to analyze the work of Helga Schubert, Helga Königsdorf and Monika Maron. It concentrates on their neglected short prose, undertaking an in-depth analysis of the authors themes as well as examining their responses to reality. The overwhelming sense of entrapment in a stagnant society is the primary pre-occupation of all three authors; yet they each communicate this in different ways. Schubert endeavours to remain apolitical, although her criticism is aimed increasingly directly at the GDR. Königsdorf is party-loyal and sees societys ills as a product of a distortion in values linked to industrialization. Maron, the dissident, consciously attacks the regime in her writing, using literature itself as means to expose the corruption of the state. By focusing on women, this study intends to further the establishment of female writers in mainstream academic discourse. The thesis reflects not just the political concerns of GDR writers, but also their philosophical and social approaches to life. An analysis of their short fiction provides a more complete overview of the authors development, thereby complementing studies of their novels. These womens writings have become valuable documents of an era which is irrevocably past. Such studies as mine, therefore, provide a useful key to understanding post-Wende literature.
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A cidade da infância e a cidade dos anjos: a busca de si em duas narrativas de Christa Wolf / The city of childhood and the city of angels: the search for you in two narratives of Christa WolfPatricia Miranda Dávalos 26 March 2015 (has links)
Em uma conversa com Hans Kaufmann, publicada sob o título de Subjektive Authentizität (1973), Christa Wolf afirma a necessidade de se encontrar um tipo de escrita que alcance um alto grau de realismo na apresentação de temas relevantes, mas polêmicos para o indivíduo e seu grupo. Na ocasião da entrevista a autora já trabalhava em Kindheitsmuster, publicado pouco depois (1976). Este trabalho parte da hipótese de que as novas técnicas narrativas exigidas pela autora, a qual se posiciona na ocasião contra a política cultural da RDA e o realismo socialista, seriam visíveis não apenas no romance mencionado, mas em toda sua trajetória a partir de então, e mais decididamente retomadas em Stadt der Engel oder The Overcoat of Dr.Freud (2010), o qual se aproxima muito do livro da década de setenta tanto por sua estrutura e recursos narrativos adotados, quanto por tratar-se novamente da narração de experiências autobiográficas cruciais em sua trajetória. Por meio da comparação dos livros citados procura-se analisar alguns dos recursos estilísticos e estratégias literárias utilizados para configurar a experiência em dois momentos temporais bastante distintos, bem como o modo pelo qual acontecimentos pessoais e da história contemporânea são apresentados em estreita ligação. Por meio de diversas técnicas literárias e de uma determinada posição diante de si e do público, a autora cultiva uma escrita ao mesmo tempo objetiva e subjetiva, a qual traria o indivíduo para o centro do texto e produziria um tipo especial de realismo e de autenticidade por ela almejados, devendo-se, contudo, atentar para as especificidades de cada contexto. Do jogo entre subjetividade e objetividade presente nos dois textos deriva-se ainda um outro, entre a factualidade e ficcionalidade, de modo que os textos da autora se aproximam de uma tendência surgida nos anos setenta: a da autoficção. Trata-se de um conceito bastante versátil e polêmico da teoria literária, o qual deve ser primeiramente definido, para assim ver como se configura no caso específico de Wolf, cujos textos são declarados pela autora como ficcionais, mas recebidos por público e crítica como autobiográficos. O caráter ficcional de seus textos estaria antes no emprego de técnicas metaficcionais, de encenação de processos de escrita e de rememoração na obra, que na ficcionalidade dos episódios. / During conversation with Haus Kaufmann published under the title Subjektive Authentizität (1973), Christa Wolf affirms the necessity of establishing a mode of writing with the purpose of reaching a high degree of Realism and combining social polemic with thematic literary presentation. At that moment, Wolfs Kindheitsmuster was already in progress; it would be published three years later, in 1976. This dissertation has as its claim that Wolfs new narrative techniques, vindicated at the same time of the authors rupture with Socialist Realism and GDR cultural politics, are visible not only in Kindheitsmuster, but also through her entire career thereafter. In order to demonstrate that, we propose the evaluation of Kindheitsmuster in comparison with Wolfs 2010 novel Stadt der Engel oder The Overcoat of Dr. Freud. In this novel, Wolf recovers some of the narrative techniques first developed in the 1970s, and, following the example of Kindheitsmuster, plunges herself into important autobiographic material. By the way of this comparison, our aim is to analyze some of Wolfs stylistic devices and strategies put in use so as to present close interconnection between historical moment and personal experience in two quite different moments. Through those devices and strategies, combined with Wolfs own public position, the author blurs the traditional boundaries between fictionality and factuality, subjectivity and objectivity, by bringing into attention her concept of subjective authenticity and a new idea of Realism as well. Behind Wolfs achievement, there is a quite specific understanding of autofictionality, based upon metafictional techniques and the mingling of literary representation and recollection processes, and which is our task to interpret.
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Die Revolution im StadtzentrumLässig, Sophie 07 December 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Sophie Lässig analysiert das Relief "Kampf und Sieg der revolutionären Arbeiterklasse", welches vom Künstler Johann Belz geschaffen wurde und 1977 in der Chemnitzer Innenstadt installiert wurde.
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"Ich schlage es für Herausgabe vor!" Obraz české beletrie v NDR 70. a 80. let / "I recommend its publication": A Portrait of Czech Fiction in the GDR in the 1970s and 1980s.Kultová, Petra January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the translations of Czech prose published in the 1970s and 1980s by Volk und Welt, the second largest publishing house in the German Democratic Republic (GDR). Using the publisher's and other paratexts, the empirical research aims to reconstruct the image of Czech literature that Volk und Welt helped to create. The issue under scrutiny draws methodological as well as theoretical inspiration from Anton Popovič, the Slovak translation scholar who inter alia postulated a theory of metatexts, André Lefevere and the Manipulation School, as well as Gérard Genette, who came up with a theory of paratexts. The publishing activities of Volk und Welt are painted against a broad political and cultural background. By analysing the publisher's reviews, required for the books to be approved for circulation in the GDR, as well as by dissecting other paratexts, the author uncovers strategies whereby the selected books of Czech literature found their way both to the reviewers and the general public.
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Ilko-Sascha Kowalczuk, Stasi konkret. Überwachung und Repression in der DDR: Buchbesprechungen 19.-21. JahrhundertSchmeitzner, Mike 14 July 2020 (has links)
Der Autor gehört zu den produktivsten und kreativsten Historikern der jüngeren Generation (Jg. 1967) von DDR-Forschern. Nach Standardwerken zur Hochschulpolitik der SED, zur Geschichtswissenschaft der DDR, zum Volksaufstand von 1953 und zur Friedlichen Revolution legt der Projektleiter der Abteilung Bildung und Forschung der Stasi-Unterlagenbehörde nun eine Geschichte der Staatssicherheit vor. Gerade auf Grund seiner beruflichen Stellung und Erfahrung erscheint Kowalczuk zweifellos besonders geeignet, um die kaum noch zu überblickende Flut an Spezialliteratur zur Stasi zu systematisieren und in ein eigenes Forschungskonzept zu integrieren.
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Hacks/Müller: Dramatická tvorba NDR ve vztahu k literárním tradicím a socialistické přítomnosti / Hacks/Müller: The drama of the GDR in relation to the literary traditions and socialist presenceŠemberová, Daria Magdalena January 2021 (has links)
(anglicky) This dissertation joins a conversation in German literary studies about East German literature's role, identity, and characteristic features. The thesis discusses the phenomenon of autonomy of the dramatic compositions written by Peter Hacks and Heiner Müller in the 1960s and 1970s in the GDR. The theoretic background of the research consists, among other things, of a short introduction to theoretical concepts developed by Kenneth Burke (particularly his New Rhetoric approach presented in The philosophy of literary form), Raymond Williams (including his cultural materialism), as well as Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno (Critical Theory). Furthermore, the dissertation deals with the idea of metatheatre, and it discusses elements of metadrama (Karin Vieweg-Marks) in the selected plays. The symbolic boundaries of research are the Berlin Wall's construction in 1961 and the expulsion of the German poet and songwriter Wolf Biermann in 1976. By analyzing the authors' concrete strategies, the thesis demonstrates that their plays articulate both the European literary tradition and the (East) German socialist project.
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