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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Life Cycle Impacts of Road Infrastructure : Assessment of energy use and greenhouse gas emissions

Miliutenko, Sofiia January 2012 (has links)
Road infrastructure is essential in the development of human society, but has both negative and positive impacts. Large amounts of money and natural resources are spent each year on its construction, operation and maintenance. Obviously, there is potentially significantenvironmental impact associated with these activities. Thus the need for integration of life cycle environmental impacts of road infrastructure into transport planning is currently being widely recognised on international and national level. However certain issues, such as energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the construction, maintenance and operation of road infrastructure, are rarely considered during the current transport planning process in Sweden and most other countries.This thesis examined energy use and GHG emissions for the whole life cycle (construction, operation, maintenance and end-of-life) of road infrastructure, with the aim of improving transport planning on both strategic and project level. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was applied to two selected case studies: LCA of a road tunnel and LCA of three methods for asphalt recycling and reuse: hot in-plant, hot in-place and reuse as unbound material. The impact categories selected for analysis were Cumulative Energy Demand (CED) and Global Warming Potential (GWP). Other methods used in the research included interviews and a literature review.The results of the first case study indicated that the operational phase of the tunnel contributed the highest share of CED and GWP throughout the tunnel’s life cycle. Construction of concrete tunnels had much higher CED and GWP per lane-metre than construction of rocktunnels. The results of the second case study showed that hot in-place recycling of asphalt gave slightly more net savings of GWP and CED than hot in-plant recycling. Asphalt reuse was less environmentally beneficial than either of these alternatives, resulting in no net savings of GWP and minor net savings of CED. Main sources of data uncertainty identified in the two case-studies included prediction of future electricity mix and inventory data for asphalt concrete.This thesis contributes to methodological development which will be useful to future infrastructure LCAs in terms of inventory data collection. It presents estimated amounts of energy use and GHG emissions associated with road infrastructure, on the example of roadtunnel and asphalt recycling. Operation of road infrastructure and production of construction materials are identified as the main priorities for decreasing GHG emissions and energy use during the life cycle of road infrastructure. It was concluded that the potential exists for significant decreases in GHG emissions and energy use associated with the road transport system if the entire life cycle of road infrastructure is taken into consideration from the very start of the policy-making process. / QC 20120229

A comparative Life Cycle Analysis of new and old designs of crane truck frames : Case study at Vemservice

Khan, Mahmudur Aryan January 2018 (has links)
The main objective of this Bachelor’s thesis is to investigate and deliver the results of environmental impacts of two different designs of crane truck frames. The aim is to investigate if additional new design of crane truck frames, with less energy and transportation during manufacturing of the crane truck, can improve energy efficiency of crane trucks throughout their lifecycle. Case study object for this report is Vemservice in Vemdalen, Sweden. As basis for the report the The Life Cycle Analysis ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 are used in this report in order to evaluate and compare the environmental impacts related to the lifecycle of new and old designs of 92 tonmeter crane truck frames from cradle to grave. The data was mainly collected and calculated by using the SimaPro software 8.0.5 which is based on the Ecoinvent 3 database. This study mainly analyzes environmental impacts such as GWP (Global Warming Potential), CED (Cumulative Energy Demand) and ReCiPe environmental impacts. The results showed that although new design frame has less transportation and energy demand during the manufacturing phase of the crane truck, the overall life cycle of the new design crane truck frame has higher environmental impacts than the existing old design of the crane truck frame. This is due to that the new design frame is 213kg heavier than the old design frame, which the crane truck is carrying during its using period. This study also investigated whether the new design frame, with stronger steel (Ecoupgraded steel) and a reduction of 15% of the total weight of frame, has a lower environmental impact in the life cycle of the EcoUpgraded steel frame compared to the current new design and old design frames life cycle. / <p>2018-06-29</p>

Kartläggning av förändringen i klimatpåverkan för en fordonsflotta

Jonsson, Arvid, Toll, Moa, Friberg, Klara, Carlsson, Gustav, Åkerlind, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
From the year 2018 to 2020 Uppsala Skolfastigheter AB changed their vehicle fleet to follow Uppsala municipality’s goal of a fossil-fuel-free vehicle fleet. Fossil-fuel-free, according to the municipality’s regulations, means that a vehicle can run on fossil-free fuel. To evaluate Skolfastigheter’s initiative, this report will examine both the change in greenhouse gas emissions as well as the usage of fossil-free fuel from the year 2018 to the year 2020. The report will also evaluate what the most appropriate fuel for Skolfastigheter’s vehicle fleet is. The results showed that even though the vehicle fleet had used more fuel and traveled longer distances, the levels of greenhouse gas emissions were lower in the year 2020 than the previous two years. To compare different fuels the greenhouse gas emissions were calculated as GWP (Global warming potential) and divided by megajoule (MJ). The two fossil-free fuels, HVO100 and biogas, had the lowest quotient compared to diesel, bio diesel and petrol. The usage of fossil-free fuel increased from 35 % to 89 % between the years 2018 and 2020. As the fossil-free fuels have the lowest GWP/MJ quotient, the increasing use of these could be one of the main reasons that the greenhouse gas emissions were lower in 2020 than in both 2018 and 2019. A method was created in order to properly evaluate the fuel types mentioned in this article. Five criterions were chosen to classify the fuels; If the fuel was fossil free, its greenhouse gas emissions [GWP100/MJ], its accessibility outside urban Uppsala, and its affordability [kr/MJ]. The criterions were also weighed differently in accordance with Skolfastigheter’s request. The compared fuels were diesel, bio diesel, petrol, biogas and HVO100 as these are the ones that Skolfastigheter have used in the examined time frame of 2018 to 2020. The fuel should also be applicable to the vehicles Skolfastigheter have. With this method HVO100 was concluded to be the most appropriate fuel, however, the biogas is locally produced and more affordable which can make it more appropriate. The conclusion was that, for Skolfastigheter, gas vehicles should use biogas and diesel-powered vehicles should use HVO100. / Från år 2018 till 2020 har ett aktivt arbete utförts av Uppsala Skolfastigheter AB för att i linjemed de kommunala miljömål som finns ha en fordonsflotta som är fossilfri enligt definitionerna fossilfri och förnyelsebara drivmedel. Frågeställningen som rapporten är uppbyggd kring ärutformad för att utvärdera resultatet av arbetet mot detta mål samt hur arbetet kan vidareutvecklas. Det totala utsläppet av koldioxidekvivalenter orsakat av drivmedel under åren 2018 till 2020, samthur stor del av detta drivmedel som varit fossilfritt, ger en summering av resultatet av arbetet.År 2018 vad det totala utsläppet av växthusgaser 27 ton koldioxidekvivalenter jämfört med år2020 då det hade minskat till 20 ton koldioxidekvivalenter. Och andelen fossilt drivmedel somförbrukades år 2018 var 18 % medan endast 4 % år 2020. Trots att en ökning har skett i hurmånga mil fordonsflottan har kört respektive år har den totala mängden utsläppta växthusgaserorsakade av förbränningen av drivmedel minskat från år 2018 till 2020. Det är ett resultat somberor på en ökad användning av drivmedel som enligt Uppsala kommun definieras som fossilfriaoch förnyelsebara. Dessa drivmedel, främst biogas och HVO100, har en låg kvot av koldioxidekvivalenter mätta i kg per MJ som utvinns ur bränslet. Denna kvot är den som rapportenfrämst har fokuserat på för att avgöra vilken klimatpåverkan ett drivmedel har. En låg kvotinnebär låga halter växthusgaser i förhållande till förbrukad energi och är ett rimligt sätt att kunna jämföra drivmedel med varandra när de varierar i både aggregationstillstånd samt energidensitet. Vilket drivmedel som är mest lämpligt att använda i framtiden är även det något som rapporten behandlar och lägger fram en slutsats om. Genom att ha arbetat fram en metod där olikakriterier för drivmedel vägs mot varandra går det att i slutändan få fram det drivmedel som kananses vara mest optimal med de förutsättningar som finns för Skolfastigheters fordonsflotta. För attdrivmedlet ska anses som bra ska det ha ett lågt utsläpp av koldioxidekvivalenter per energienhet,ha hög andel förnybar råvara, finnas tillgängligt på de tankstationer som fordonsflottan har tillgångtill samt vara priseffektivt. Av de drivmedel som fordonsflottan har använt sig av under åren 2018-2020 var det HVO100 samt biogas som fick bäst resultat enligt metoden och som anses vara detmest optimala drivmedel för Skolfastigheter att i dagsläget driva sina fordon med.

Transition to a Sustainable Circular Furniture Economy : Integrated environmental and economic impact assessment of circular changes

Führer, Sophie January 2021 (has links)
The circular economy is presented as a solution to reconcile environmental protection with economic endeavours. However, only 9% of the global manufacturing currently deploys circularity. Within the furniture industry, with its intensive use of resources, the adoption remains limited. However, the application of furniture remanufacturing practices in Europe is currently estimated to be a €300M turnover while presumably avoiding around 3.3 to 5.7 Mt CO2 eq. The literature on the transition to circular furniture has not yet identified the success factors and practical insights to facilitate the adoption of circularity. Therefore, this research sets out to evaluate the economic and environmental benefit that could be achieved by transitioning from a business-as-usual furniture product to a circular one. The analysis is conducted in cooperation with two European companies – a circular kitchen start-up and a traditional public seating retailer. A cradle-to-grave life cycle costing and life cycle assessment investigates the two case studies regarding their change trajectories for their costs and environmental impacts. With its novel design and changed material composition, the circular kitchen reduced the global warming potential of a standard kitchen by about 40%, which comes at a cost premium of 5%. Likewise, the circular transformation in the second case indicated similar environmental impact changes and economic benefit compared to the conventional product. The total life cycle costs decreased by 10%, while the results reveal a coincidental lowered global warming potential by one fourth. The integrated assessment also reveals the pre-production and production phase for both case studies as the most impactful even after the application of circular strategies. The outcomes coupled with the qualitative assessment further demonstrated decisive internal and external factors accompanying the successful transition of the furniture companies. Still, a vast amount of similar case studies is necessary to validate the change trajectories to facilitate the industry-wide adoption of circular strategies, as discussed in the present study. / Den cirkulära ekonomin presenteras som en lösning för att förena miljöskydd med ekonomiska mål. Dock använder endast 9% av den globala tillverkningen cirkuläritet i dagsläget. Inom möbelindustrin, med sin intensiva resursanvändning, är cirkuläritet fortfarande begränsat. Samtidigt uppskattas återtillverkning av möbler i Europa omsätta 300 miljoner euro och undvika omkring 3,3 till 5,7 miljoner ton koldioxidekvivalenter.  Litteraturen om övergången till cirkulära möbler har ännu inte identifierat några framgångsfaktorer eller praktiska insikter för att underlätta övergången till cirkuläritet. Denna studie ämnar därför att utvärdera de ekonomiska och miljömässiga fördelar som skulle kunna uppnås genom att övergå från en möbelprodukt som är business-as-usual till en cirkulär produkt. Analysen görs i samarbete med två europeiska företag – en cirkulär köks-startup och en traditionell återförsäljare av möbler för offentliga rum och ytor. Genom livscykelkostnads- och livscykelanalys undersöktes de två fallstudierna.  Med sin nya design och förändrade materialkomposition minskade det cirkulära köket den globala uppvärmningspotentialen i ett standardkök med cirka 40%, vilket skedde till en kostnadspremie på 5%. På samma sätt visade den cirkulära omvandlingen i det andra fallet liknande miljökonsekvensförändringar och ekonomiska fördelar jämfört med den konventionella produkten. De totala livscykelkostnaderna minskade med 10%, medan även potentiell klimatpåverkan minskade med en fjärdedel. Den integrerade bedömningen visar också att förproduktions- och produktionsfasen för båda fallstudierna är de faserna med mest signifikant påverkan, även efter tillämpningen av cirkulära strategier.  Resultatet demonstrerar tydliga interna och externa faktorer som medföljer en framgångsrik övergång för möbelbolag. En stor mängd liknande fallstudier är dock nödvändiga för att validera de kvantitativa fynden och facilitera bredare applicering av cirkulära strategier inom sektorn.

Klimatpåverkan av kontorsbyggnaden Juvelen : En undersökning om koldioxidutsläpp för kontorsbyggnaden Juvelen med LCA som verktyg

Backman, Jonathan, Shakhnasarjan, Hajk, Willberg, Charlie January 2021 (has links)
The Swedish government set a climate goal until the year 2045, to not produce any greenhouse gases until 2045. This study is based on the problems surrounding the climate impact from the construction and real estate sector in Sweden. The construction company Skanska has made a major contribution with the recently new project Juvelen, which today is Sweden's most sustainable building. The demand for constructing buildings with lesser environmental impacts is increasing and constructions as Juvelen may be an important factor to achieve climate goals. Purpose: This study was done to determine the carbon dioxide emissions during the construction phase of Juvelen, which includes the production phase and transports to the construction site, as well as the operational phase. Method: This study is based on a literature study, case study, and a reference object. During the case study, interviews were conducted with various people who have participated in the production of Juvelen. The carbon dioxide calculations consisted of EPD reports obtained from Strängbetong and VSAB. The carbon dioxide calculations for the operational phase were performed through different scenarios with three different scenarios types of energy. Results: The result for Juvelen's carbon dioxide emissions during the construction phase, based on the quantitative data that had obtained from Strängbetong and VSAB, was approximately 3,568 tonnes of CO2e. Renewable High had an emission of 96,472.61 kg CO2e during the 50-year analysis period. Renewable Medium received a sum of 2,519,339.7 kg CO2e and Renewable Low 11,961,913.29 kg CO2e. The 100-year analysis period for the operational phase showed the double value of the 50-year analysis period. Based on the current study and an interview with Ambjörn Gille, it appears that Skanska is making efforts to achieve climate goals by 2045. Conclusions: The conclusion that the work came to was that to achieve the climate goal of net-zero emissions, its necessary that the entire construction and real estate sector needs to adapt, apply new and innovative technology. The differences that emerged from the comparison of the production, operating phase for Juvelen were the choice of material, construction process, and method for construction of Juvelen and the choice of energy scenario.

Life Cycle Analysis and Life Cycle Cost Assessmentof a Single-family house Energy Renovation : Case study Växjö, Sweden

Abou Ghadir, Mohammed, Aghaei, Zahra January 2022 (has links)
Humans are increasingly influencing the climate and the temperature of the Earth by burning fossilfuels, destroying forests, and raising livestock. This adds massive amounts of greenhouse gases(GHG) to those already present in the atmosphere, amplifying the greenhouse effect andcontributing to global warming. The building sector accounts for a significant amount ofgreenhouse gas emissions. Decarbonizing the building industry can result in significant emissionreductions in the future years. Sweden's energy and climate goals have been updated, and some ofthem include reducing GHG emissions in the building sector, increasing energy efficiency, andmaking electricity production 100 percent renewable. In Sweden, energy renovations in singlefamily houses (SFHs) have the potential to reduce GHG emissions and improve energy efficiency,but the rate of energy renovations remains low because of financial, social, and behavioral barriers.This thesis aims to use LCA and LCC methodologies to assess energy renovations on SFH inVäxjö by combining various combinations of energy efficiency measures (EEMs) to reduce energyuse. The energy performance and eight different renovation scenarios using different EEMs havebeen evaluated for the selected single-family building. To evaluate building renovation measures,we developed a method based on life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle cost (LCC) thatincorporates building information modeling (BIM). Five different renovation measures werecombined in eight scenarios in this research, including different thicknesses of thermal insulationfor walls and roofs, triple-glazed windows, and doors with different U-values, air-source heatpumps, mechanical ventilation with heat recovery, and solar photovoltaic. The present cost valuesof renovation measures over 50 years for LCC calculation were calculated. The global warmingpotential (GWP) of each renovation measure was estimated over 50 years using One-click LCA.According to the findings of this thesis project, scenarios 1 and 8 had the lowest and highestreductions in primary energy number, respectively. Scenarios 5, 6, 7, and 8 are the most costeffective in comparison to other scenarios. All scenarios resulted in a reduction in GWP impactfrom an LCA perspective in which scenario 7 resulted in the highest reduction in GWP impact.

Livscykelanalys av en härvsats

Brodin, Gustav, Johansson, Klara Mia Johanna January 2022 (has links)
Livscykelanalys (LCA) används för att beräkna produktsystemets potentiella miljöpåverkan och identifiera hotspots i livscykeln. Resultatet kan användas för att tilllämpaåtgärder på produktsystemets hotspots för en minskad potentiell miljöpåverkan. SCC AB är specialiserade på tillverkning av härvsatser, som är en delkomponent ielmotorer och generatorer. En härvsats består av lindningstråd gjord av koppar ochisoleringsmaterial. Syftet med denna studie är att redovisa kvalitativa- och kvantitativadata om härvsatsens potentiella miljöpåverkan under tillverkningen genom att– beräkna potentiell miljöpåverkan från vald härvsats– identifiera var det finns störst potential att göra förbättringar i livscykel– redovisa förbättringar för att minska potentiell miljöpåverkan i livscykeln. Den funktionella enheten (FE) är definierad som nytillverkning av generatorlindning tillrenovering av elektrisk utrustning. I jämförelse med andra härvsatser är den av mellanstorlek ochinte den mest producerade härvtypen på SCC. Den har en märkspänning (Un) på 13,8 kV ochbestår av 100 härvor gjorda av 1650 kg koppar och 230 kg isoleringsmaterial. Resultatet erhålls för miljöpåverkanskategorierna Global uppvärmnings-potential(GUP), försurnings-potential (FP) och abiotisk resursutarmnings-potential (ARP). Global uppvärmning beror främst på smältverket och koppargruvan som står för 43%respektive 38% av det totala bidraget på 9106 kg koldioxidekvivalenter (CO2e). Detär främst smältverket som bidrar till försurning på 63% av det totala bidraget på 279kg svaveldioxidekvivalenter (SO2e). Abiotisk resursutarmning beror till största delenpå koppargruvan som står för 82% av det totala bidraget på 3330 kg kopparekvivalenter (CUe). Förbättringsanalysen är baserad på ett materialflödesbaserat cirkularitetsmått (MEM),vilket beräknas genom att jämföra användning av primär- och sekundär kopparråvarai produktionen. Analysen visar att det finns sekundärproducerad lindningstråd påmarknaden som kan användas i tillverkning och kan beställas till en extra kostnad. Slutsatsen är att sekundärproducerad lindningstråd kan ersätta primärproduceradlindningstråd till en extra ekonomisk kostnad för att tillämpa en open loop mellan SCCAB och smältverket. Det kan bidra till en potentiellt minskad miljöpåverkan och enfrämjad CE. / Lifecycle assessment (LCA) is used to calculate the products potential environmentalimpact and identify hotspots in the life cycle. The result can be used to apply measuresto the product system hotspots for a reduced potential environmental impact. SCC AB specializes in the manufacture of coils, which are a sub-component in electricmotors and generators. A coil set consists of winding wire made of copper and insulating material. The purpose of this study is to present qualitative and quantitativedata on the coil set during production by– calculate the potential environmental impact from the selected coil set– identify the greatest potential to make improvements in the life cycle– report improvements to reduce the potential environmental impact in thelife cycle. The functional unit (FU) is defined as the manufacture of generator coil set for the renovation of electrical equipment. In comparison with other coil set, it is of medium size and not themost produced coil set on SCC. It has a rated voltage (Un) of 13.8 kV and consists of 100 coilsmade of 1650 kg of copper and 230 kg of insulation material. The result is obtained for the environmental impact categories global warming potential (GWP), acidification potential (AP) and abiotic resource depletion potential(ADP). Global warming is mainly due to the copper smelter and the copper mine,which account for 43% and 38%, respectively, of the total contribution of 9106 kgcarbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e). It is mainly the copper smelter that contributesto acidification of 63% of the total contribution of 279 kg sulphur dioxide equivalents(SO2e). Abiotic resource depletion is largely due to the copper mine, which accountsfor 82% of the total contribution of 3330 kg of copper equivalents (CUe). The improvement analysis is based on a material flow circularity measure (MEM),which is calculated by comparing the use of primary and secondary copper materialin the production. The analysis shows that there are secondary-produced wires on themarket thar can be used to produce the coil set. The conclusion is that secondary produced winding wire can replace primary windingwire at an extra financial cost to apply an open loop between SCC AB and the smelter.It can contribute to a potentially reduced environmental impact and a promoted CE.

Housing an illegitimate aristocracy : an urban profile of a coloured community in Greenwood Park from the 1950's to the 1970's

Francis, Lynette Crysta-Lee 01 1900 (has links)
There is no historiography on Durban coloureds . This work is an attempt to change that . This dissertation is an urban study of a small coloured community in Greenwood Park (GWP) during the apartheid era - a study in which housing is used as a vehicle to examine this community's response to their changing economic and socio-political status from the 1950's to the 1970's. Because of the absence of historical data , this study relies heavily on the contributions of other social sciences . It also uses oral data to fill the many gaps in the story of this marginal group . Chapter 4 and 5 explores housing as a complex physical and social phenomenon. Chapter 6 explores the GWP community's response to their housing environment . In this chapter, the association between housing and socio-economic status is explored . From 1950 to the l 970's, housing became the single most defining entity which kept coloureds trapped in the vortex of privilege and oppression . / History / M. A. (History)

Life cycle assessment of the semidetached passive house "Röda lyktan" in northern Sweden : A comparison between the construction phase and the use phase / Livscykelanalys av det tvådelade passivhuset "Röda lyktan" i norra Sverige : En jämförelse mellan konstruktionsfasen och användningsfasen

Svensson, Michelle January 2013 (has links)
This report is a life cycle assessment of a relatively newly built semidetached passive house/low energy house located in Östersund/Jämtland. The analysis concentrates on the building materials in the construction phase and the energy in the use phase for 50 years. The construction phase include frame, foundation, interior and exterior walls, ceiling and roof, middle floor structure, floor coverings, interior and exterior doors, windows, interior staircase with banisters, stove and FTX-ventilation system. The inventory to obtain the volume of each material has been made with the help of blueprints and interviews. The inventory of the use phase has been made using measurements from a parallel study by Itai Danielski of the energy use in the house (Danielski, Svensson &amp; Fröling, 2013). The database Ecoinvent has been used to get a result for the volume and energy values. The inventory data is allocated and the characterization methods GWP, CED (cumulative energy demand) and USEtox are used. The aim of this study was to compare the construction phase with the use phase to see which phase that has the highest energy values ​​and environmental impact. Another goal was to examine which materials in the construction phase that has the highest embodied energy and environmental impact. The result shows that in a comparison between the construction phase and the use phase, and when considering the parameters included in this study, the use phase has the highest values for global warming potentials (around 54 %), cumulative energy demand (around 80 %), ecotoxicity (around 56 %), human non-carcinogenic toxicity (around 77 %) and total human toxicity (around 75 %). The construction phase has the highest values for human carcinogenic toxicity (around 57 %). Even if the use phase has the highest values in most categories the construction phase also has high values. As buildings become more energy efficient and with increasing use of renewable energy, the construction phase becomes more important from an environmental perspective. This means that the material choices which are made in passive houses become increasingly important if passive houses should be considered to be environmentally friendly also in the future. The study also shows that the FTX-ventilation system, some of the insulation materials (with cellular plastic sheets and rock wool in top), metals (with sheet metal roofing of steel in top), glued laminated timber and wood fiber boards  have some of the highest values of environmental impact and the highest embodied energy. These materials should in future buildings be considered, if possible, to be replaced with materials with less environmental impact. / Den här rapporten är en livscykelanalys av ett relativt nybyggt passivhus/lågenergihus som också är ett parhus (ett hus delat i två separata lägenheter) beläget i Östersund/Jämtland. Analysen koncentrerar sig på byggnadsmaterialen i konstruktionsfasen och energin i användningsfasen under 50 år. Konstruktionsfasen inkluderar stomme, grund, inner- och ytterväggar, inner- och yttertak, mellanbjälklag, golvbeklädnader, inner- och ytterdörrar, fönster, invändig trappa med trappräcke, kamin och FTX-ventilationssystem. Inventeringen för att få fram volymen på varje material har gjorts med hjälp av ritningar och intervjuer. Inventeringen av användningsfasen har gjorts med hjälp av mätvärden från en parallell studie av Itai Danielski på energianvändningen i huset (Danielski, Svensson &amp; Fröling, 2013). Databasen Ecoinvent har sedan använts för att få fram ett resultat för volym- och energivärdena. Inventeringsdatan är allokerad och karaktäriseringsmetoderna GWP (globalt uppvärmingspotential), CED (kumulativt energibehov) och USEtox (toxicitet) har använts. Målet med studien är att jämföra konstruktionsfasen med användningsfasen för att kunna se vilken fas som har högst energivärden och miljöpåverkan. Målet är också att undersöka vilka material i konstruktionsfasen som har högst förkroppsligad energi och miljöpåverkan, i syftet att eventuellt kunna byta ut vissa material till miljövänligare alternativ, för att få ett miljövänligare hus i framtida liknande byggnationer. Resultaten visar att i en jämförelse mellan konstruktionsfasen och användningsfasen, och med hänsyn till de parametrar som ingår i studien, att användningsfasen har de högsta värdena för globalt uppvämingspotential (runt 54 %), kumulativt energibehov (runt 80 %), ekotoxicitet (runt 56 %), human icke-cancerogen toxicitet (runt 77 %) och total human toxicitet (runt 75 %). Konstruktionsfasen har högst värden för human cancerogen toxicitet (runt 57 %). Även om användningsfasen har högst värden i de flesta kategorierna så har även konstruktionsfasen höga värden. Ju mer energieffektiva husen blir och med en ökad användning av energi från förnyelsebara källor, desto viktigare blir konstruktionsfasen ur ett miljöperspektiv. Det betyder att materialvalen som görs i huset blir väldigt viktiga om passivhus ska fortsätta anses som miljövänliga även i framtiden. Denna studie visar också att FTX-ventilationssystemet, några av isoleringsmaterialen (med cellplasten och stenullen i topp), metallerna (med plåttaket av stål i topp), limträbalkar och träfiberskivor har några av de högsta värdena av miljöpåverkan och den högsta förkroppsligade energin. Dessa material borde i framtida byggnationer övervägas att om möjligt ersättas med andra material med mindre miljöpåverkan.

Housing an illegitimate aristocracy : an urban profile of a coloured community in Greenwood Park from the 1950's to the 1970's

Francis, Lynette Crysta-Lee 01 1900 (has links)
There is no historiography on Durban coloureds . This work is an attempt to change that . This dissertation is an urban study of a small coloured community in Greenwood Park (GWP) during the apartheid era - a study in which housing is used as a vehicle to examine this community's response to their changing economic and socio-political status from the 1950's to the 1970's. Because of the absence of historical data , this study relies heavily on the contributions of other social sciences . It also uses oral data to fill the many gaps in the story of this marginal group . Chapter 4 and 5 explores housing as a complex physical and social phenomenon. Chapter 6 explores the GWP community's response to their housing environment . In this chapter, the association between housing and socio-economic status is explored . From 1950 to the l 970's, housing became the single most defining entity which kept coloureds trapped in the vortex of privilege and oppression . / History / M. A. (History)

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