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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Genusperspektiv på sjuksköterskestudenters examensarbeten vid Uppsala Universitet

Elharbiti, Chadia, Olsson, Caroline January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskeyrket har sedan 1800-talet ansetts vara passande för endast kvinnor. Så sent som på 1900-talets mitt blev det accepterat för män att utöva yrket. Forskning visar att sjuksköterskeyrket fortfarande domineras av kvinnor och präglas av fördomar och stereotypa bilder med förutfattade meningar om vem sjuksköterskan är och hur en sjuksköterska ska vara. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilken subjektsform sjuksköterskestudenter vid Uppsala Universitet använder vid benämning av sjuksköterskan i godkända examensarbeten, att analysera detta ur ett genusperspektiv samt att se om det har förändrats över tid. Metod: Deskriptiv, kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod. Resultat: I den kvantitativa analysen benämndes sjuksköterskan neutralt med yrkestitel i samtliga granskade examensarbeten. I åtta av 60 granskade examensarbeten användes benämningen “han/hon” och en neutral benämning med yrkestitel. I totalt 9 granskade examensarbeten gjorda 2009 benämndes sjuksköterskan som ”hon” och genom neutral benämning med yrkestitel, medan benämningen ”hon” aldrig användes i examensarbeten gjorda 2012. Benämningen ”han” och/eller ”hen” användes aldrig vid syftning på sjuksköterskan. I den kvalitativa analysen framkom att sjuksköterskan beskrevs som en ödmjuk, empatisk, förstående och vägledande person med kommunikativa förmågor. Slutsats: En mer könsneutral benämning på sjuksköterskan har utvecklats under de senaste åren men stereotypa bilder om vem sjuksköterskan är och hur en sjuksköterska ska vara lever omotiverat kvar. / Background: The nursing profession has since the nineteenth-century been considered suitable for women only. As late as the mid 20th -century, it became accepted for men to practice the profession. Research shows that the nursing profession still is dominated by women and characterized by prejudices and stereotypes with preconceptions of whom and what a nurse should be. Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate which subject nursing students at Uppsala University uses in their mention of the nurse in approved candidate theses, to analyze this from a gender perspective, and to see if it has changed over time. Method: Descriptive, qualitative and quantitative method. Results: In the quantitative analysis the nurse was referred to in neutral terms and / or through title in all audited candidate theses. In eight of 60 candidate theses the term “he/she” and a neutral appellation with the title was used. In a total of nine candidate theses from 2009, the nurse was called “she” and a neutral appellation with the title, while the same appellation of “she” never was used in candidate theses made in 2012. The term “he” or/and the Swedish neutral word “hen” were never used in allusion to the nurse. The qualitative analysis showed that the nurse was described as a humble, empathetic, understanding and guiding person with communicative skills. Conclusion: A more gender-neutral term for the nurse has developed over time, but the image of the nurse lives on, unmotivated, with stereotypical notions of who and how the nurse should be.

Genusperspektiv på barnavårdsutredningar : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares erfarenheter av att ta hänsyn till könsperspektiv i utredningsarbete av barn och unga / Gender perspectives on child welfare assessment : A qualitative study on social workers experiences in using gender perspective when assessing social needs in children

Palm, Viktoria January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine social worker’s own experiences of dealing with gender perspectives in child welfare cases. With a constructionist perspective, this study is based on a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews. Six social workers were asked to reflect on their work and their methodology, and how it relates to gender perspectives when assessing children and adolescents in child welfare services.The result shows that there is a lack of control and review that children are given a gender neutral treatment. It also shows that there was no explicit protocol for how to take a gender perspective into account when assessing children and adolescents needs of welfare services. The respondents find that the BBIC-model offers support for applying a gender neural approach to their work. Moreover, the social workers feel they treat all children and adolescents equally, despite the lack of protocol. Dedicated time for reflection and specific support for gender perspective in BBIC is missed, and a high workload means that more organizational support is needed to improve the use of gender perspectives in child welfare cases.

Gender in Pre-school

Rubina, Jamil January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to understand how do some pre-school teachers and parents in Pakistan perceive the concepts of gender and gender equality. The study has been completed through interviews based on four key questions, which are: How do two pre-school teachers in Pakistan understand their teaching practice in relation to gender? How do two parents think of treating their children equally regardless gender in pre-school and how do they think girls and boys should be raised? The method I have used for this research is qualitative method. I have been interviewing two pre-school teachers and two parents in a pre-school environment, located in Karachi Pakistan. In order to analyze the result and to get a deeper understanding of the collective knowledge gathered from the interviews, theories surrounding gender equality and Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory have been used. Earlier research done within this area has been used to put this study into perspective. The results of this study shows that the teachers perceive gender as a social construction and that gender is a creation of social interaction. In the study's results, shows that parents believe that boys and girls should get equal treatment at pre-school regardless their gender.

Genusperspektiv på relationen som uppstår sjuksköterskor emellan och mellan sjuksköterskor och patienter. : En litteraturstudie / Genderperspektive on the relations that emerges between nurses and between nurses and patients. : A review of the literature.

Eriksson, Annika January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Genus avser den socialt konstruerade delen av att vara kvinna, man, flicka eller pojke. Det handlar om hur människor samspelar med varandra, hur vi tänker om kvinnligt och manligt och vilka normer och värderingar vi har. Inom vårdvetenskaplig forskning har genusperspektiv inte funnits med i någon större utsträckning trots att det finns statistik som visar att det finns skillnader mellan kvinnor och män på en rad områden inte minst vad gäller sjuksköterskans arbetsområde och patienters upplevelse av att vara patient. Ett genusperspektiv skulle därför i likhet med kulturell känslighet kunna bidra till en personcentrerad vård. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att undersöka hur genusrelaterade aspekter med relevans för relationen mellan sjuksköterskor och relationen mellan sjuksköterska och patient beskrivs i vårdvetenskaplig forskning. Metod: En litteraturöversikt har gjorts enligt Friberg (2012). Resultatet är baserat på tio vetenskapliga studier. Studiernas resultat har delats in i teman efter de likheter som hittades. Resultat: Kön, ålder, hur sjuk/graden av beroende hos patienten, hur man tänker kring vad som är manligt och kvinnligt samt bilden av sjuksköterskan påverkade upplevelsen av intimomvårdnad och vilka arbetsuppgifter som uppfattades som passade för kvinnor och män samt hur patienten upplevde vården. Diskussion: Genus påverkar i hög utsträckning hur individer beter sig mot varandra, vilka förväntningar de har på varandra och hur de värderar varandras arbete. Detta påverkar i sin tur relationerna mellan individerna. Resultatet relateras till Hildegard E. Peplaus teori om mellanmänskliga relationer i omvårdnad. / Background: Gender intends to describe the socially constructed part of being a woman, man, girl or boy. It discusses how individuals interact with each other, how we understand femininity and masculinity and what set of norms and values we have. There has not been much room for a gender perspective in healthscience even tough statistics show that there are several differences between women and men not least when it comes to the field of nursing profession and patients experiences of being a patient. Much like cultural sensitivity, a gender perspective could contribute to a more person centered care. Aim: The aim of this literature review is to explore how gender related aspects relevant to the relationsship between nurses and the relationship between nurse and patient is described in healthscience. Methods: A litteraturereview has been done according to the method proposed by Friberg (2012). The result is based on ten scientific studies. The studies has been seperated into themes based on the similarities that were found. Results: Sex, age, how sick/the degree of dependence of the patient, the thoughts about what is masculine and what is feminine and the image of the nurse affected the experience of intimate care and what job assignments that were seen as appropriate for women and men and also how the patient experienced the care that he or she recieved. Discussion: Gender affects the way individuals act towards each other, their expectations on each other and how they value each others work. This affects the relationship between individuals. The result is related to Hildegard E. Peplaus theory about interpersonal relations in nursing.

Genusperspektiv i psykoterapi / Gender perspective in psychotherapy

Forell, Lisa January 2017 (has links)
Inledning: Enligt en statlig utredning från 2016 slås det fast att kvinnors ökade psykiska ohälsa har samband med det större ansvar än män för barn och hushåll kvinnor tar. Krav att ta ansvar för andra medför att många kvinnor gör det på bekostnad av de egna behoven. Det finns få studier om genusperspektivets roll och användning i psykoterapi. Syftet med studien är att beskriva hur en grupp legitimerade psykoterapeuter använder sig av genusperspektiv i det terapeutiska rummet och hur de definierar begreppet. Frågeställningar: Hur definierar psykodynamiskt inriktade psykoterapeuter genusperspektivet och dess betydelse för dem? På vilket sätt använder de sig av genusperspektivet i det terapeutiska arbetet? Metod: En kvalitativ undersökningsmetod har använts där fem legitimerade psykoterapeuter, samtliga kvinnor djupintervjuades. Resultatet av intervjuerna har analyserats genom kvalitativ forskningsansats vilken har bearbetats genom en tematisk analysmetod. Resultat: Deltagarna delar en medvetenhet om mäns och kvinnors olika villkor i samhället. Studien visar att terapeuterna har olika förhållningssätt till praktiken med genusperspektiv. Några anser att öppenhet och transparens med genusperspektivet gentemot patienten krävs medan andra tar med den såsom en tyst kunskap i terapirummet. Diskussion: Resultatet diskuteras utifrån tidigare forskning om feministisk teori. Problemet med att koppla de egna kunskaperna till praktiken stämmer med tidigare forskning och studier. / Introduction: There are few studies about the role of gender perspective and it’s use in psychotherapy. The purpose with this study is to describe how a group of legitimized psychotherapists use gender perspective in the therapeutic room and how they define the concept. Question formulations: How do psychodynamic orientated psychotherapists define gender perspective and its meaning for them? In what way do they use gender perspective in the therapeutic work? Method: A qualitative investigative method has been used where five legitimized psychotherapists, all women was interviewed in-depth. The result was analyzed and processed through thematic analysis method. Result: The participants share awareness of the different conditions between men and women in society. The study shows that the therapists have different approach to the practice with gender perspective. Some of the informants believe that openness and transparency with gender perspective towards the patient is required while others bring it as a silent knowledge into the therapy room. Discussion: The results are discussed from earlier research on feministic theory. The problem with connecting the own knowledge to the practice agree with earlier research and studies.

Genusproblematik i barnlitteratur : En genusinriktad litteraturstudie av äldre och nyare barnlitteratur / Genderproblematics in children's literature : A gender oriented literature study of older and modern children's literature

Hjelmqvist, Josefin January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to gain knowledge about how gender is presented in old and modern children’s literature. In this essay I am going to use text analysis as a method in order to be able to clarify the gender perspective. The method will be useful since it will give me the opportunity to study children’s books from a deeper perspective. In the analysis it will be shown that both boys and girls are allowed to show different emotions in the chosen literature, in all the childern’s books that are used interactions are proceeded between the charechers wherein different power relationships but also how the gender perspective can be expressed. Knowledge about how children when listening to older and modern childern’s literature get affected by the gender perspective and also how the chosen children’s literature brings the opportunity for children to become future citiezens of the society in which they are born in to.

Kvinnor avbildar kvinnor : en komparativ studie avseende kvinnoporträtt av Lena Cronqvist, Cecilia Edefalk och Sara-Vide Ericson ur ett genusperspektiv / Women depict women : a comparative study regarding female portraits by Lena Cronqvist, Cecilia Edefalk and Sara-Vide Ericson from a gender perspective

Augustsson, Britt-Mari January 2018 (has links)
Denna uppsats är en komparativ studie där kvinnoporträtt av konstnärerna Lena Cronqvist, Cecilia Edefalk och Sara-Vide Ericson analyseras semiotiskt. Analyserna sker ur ett genusperspektiv i syfte att studera hur de olika konstnärerna avbildar kvinnor och vad som är utmärkande för deras gestaltningar. Urval har skett avseende två verk föreställande kvinnor av respektive konstnär. Efter analyserna sker jämförelser av kvinnobilderna rörande likheter och skillnader. / This essay is a comparative study and a semiotic analysis of female portraits from the artists Lena Cronqvist, Cecilia Edefalk and Sara-Vide Ericson. The analysis are made from at gender perspective in the purpose to study the artists way to depict women and the artists characteristic in these pictures. Two female portraits from each artist has been chosen for the study. After analysis follows comparison concerning similarities and differences.

En analys av en lärandemiljö i teknik för flickor / An analysis of a learning enviroment in technology for Girls

Johansson, Sophia January 2020 (has links)
In this case study, I focus on how coaches’ at Programmering AB work with girls’ engagement in a technology setting. The purpose of this study is to study coaches’ different strategies to encourage girls’ engagement in technology, and what obstacles and possibilities they see with girls’ engagement in technology. The study uses a qualitative method using 5 semi-structured interviews with all coaches’ and the CEO of the company. I based my analysis of the interviews on Ottemo´s broad culture studies education theory. The result of the analysis showed that there are three areas that are important to develop for improving girls’ engagement in technology. These areas are environment and learning, passion and relation and added value. With my study I hope to contribute to a better understanding of the importance of a good technology environment that can be inspiring for girls to explore and feel passionate about and where they are valued for their ideas.

Sexuella övergrepp mot barn : Berättelser om barn och ungas upplevelser av symptom och känslor av skam ur ett genusperspektiv / Sexual assault towards children : Children and adolescents stories about experiences symptoms and feelings of shame through a gender perspective

Olsson, David, Rubin, Hannes January 2020 (has links)
The aim with this content analysis was to describe and analyze how children may react to sexual abuse and also elaborate if there occurs any specific reactions or symptoms. Furthermore we analyzed children's feeling of shame after sexual abuse. Our focus was not only on the symptoms and feeling of shame that a child who’s a victim of sexual abuse may show, but also if there was any difference between how boys and girls react to the abuse. More specific if the symptoms and feelings of shame differed based on gender. This was done with a gender perspective in order to get a deeper understanding if one's gender lead to different symptoms or levels of shame. The study was done by analyzing a number of six autobiographies of people who were victims of sexual abuse as children and study how they described feelings of shame and their symptoms. Our result showed the existence of difference between genders regarding symptoms. For example the female authors described more and deeper mental symptoms than the male authors, even though some of the symptoms were the same. The physical symptoms were completely different between the males and the females. While the females described symptoms that were related to their mental state the males described bleeding, sickness and pain. However both genders described feelings of shame, regret and self-blame. But even here the females describe more in detail.

Wellbeing among women post immigration in to Sweden : A study of factors contributing to wellbeing of women immigrants in a mid-sized Swedish city

Hussein, Ali Abdirizak, Odhiambo, Vivian Amondi January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how immigrant women in middle-sized community municipalities in the middle of Sweden describe factors of importance for their wellbeing. Five semi-structured interviews were conducted with the women and different themes were identified from the data collected using thematic analysis. The themes included family and relationships, Employment and economy, language, education, culture, and spirituality. These themes describe the factors of importance in the wellbeing of the immigrant women. To analyze the data, we applied the PERMA framework as our basic concept, because it describes the five important factors of the wellbeing and happiness that is reflected in our results. The results describe personal, social conditions and the community factors that positively affected the wellbeing of the immigrant women and helped them achieve a life of fulfilment, meaning and happiness.  The result from this study showed that family, employment, economic stability, language, education, culture, and spirituality were important factors that contributed to immigrant women’s wellbeing.

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