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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

World oil supply and unconventional resources : Bottom-up perspectives on tight oil production

Wachtmeister, Henrik January 2018 (has links)
Oil is the world’s largest primary energy source. It dominates the transportation sector which underpins the world economy. Yet, oil is a nonrenewable resource, destined not to last forever. In the mid-2000s global conventional oil production stagnated, leading to rising oil prices and fears of permanent oil scarcity. These fears, together with the high prices, receded with the unforeseen emergence of a new supply source: tight oil. This licentiate thesis investigates unconventional tight oil production and its impacts on world oil supply in terms of resource availability and oil market dynamics, and in turn briefly discusses some possible wider economic, political and environmental implications of these impacts. The thesis is based on three papers. The first investigates the usefulness of bottom-up modelling by a retrospective study of past oil projections. The second looks at how unconventional tight oil production can be modelled on the well level using decline curve analysis. The third derives typical production parameters for conventional offshore oil fields, a growing segment of conventional production and a useful comparison to tight oil. The results show that tight oil production has increased resource availability significantly, as well as introduced a fast responding marginal supply source operating on market principles rather than political ones. The emergence of tight oil production has altered OPEC’s strategic options and led to a period of lower and less volatile oil prices. However, this condition of world oil supply can only last as long as the unconventional resource base allows, and, at the same time, total fossil fuel consumption will have to fall to limit climate change. It is concluded that this breathing space with lower oil prices could be used as an opportunity to develop and implement policy for an efficient managed decline of global oil use in order to achieve the dual goals of increased human economic welfare and limited climate change, and in the process preempt any future oil supply shortage. Unconventional tight oil production can both help and hinder in this endeavor. Accurate models and analyses of oil production dynamics and impacts are therefore crucial when maneuvering towards this preferred future.

Stabilisering av tjärförorenat sediment i området Kolkajen-Ropsten / Stabilization of tar contaminated sediments in the area of Kolkajen-Ropsten

Sterud, Erik January 2017 (has links)
Sedimenten i området Kolkajen-Ropsten, Stockholm, innehåller höga halter av tjäroljor till följd avtidigare produktion i gasverket på området. Stockholms stad planerar att utföra byggnation i detnuvarande vattenområdet, vilket ökar risken för spridning av föroreningar. För att skydda arbetandeunder planerad byggnation och framtida boende måste föroreningssituationen åtgärdas. Tjäroljornainnehåller höga halter av polyaromatiska kolväten (PAH) och det är föroreningen av PAH-16 som styråtgärdsbehovet för området. En metod som använts med god framgång i flera projekt i Norden ochandra delar av världen är stabilisering och solidifiering, s/s, av sediment. Metoden går ut på att blandain utvalda bindemedel i sedimenten som då härdar. Därigenom minskar föroreningens mobilitet och degeotekniska egenskaperna förbättras. Om kravet på skjuvhållfasthet (>140 KPa), låg permeabilitet (10-8-10-9 m/s) samt minskad utlakning uppfylls kan de stabiliserade massorna utgöra grunden för planeradbyggnation.För att utvärdera möjligheterna av denna åtgärdsmetod analyserades en sats av prover från området föratt tillhandahålla information om platsspecifika parametrar. Analysen visade att sedimenten hade högvattenkvot och organiskt innehåll, dominerades av fina fraktioner samt en föroreningsgrad av PAH-16på 13000 mg/kg TS. Utifrån dessa parametrar och med stöd från en litteraturstudie valdes fyra receptpå bindemedel ut, med olika mängd bindemedel. De bindemedel som använts är: Bascement frånSkövde som är ett portland-flygaskecement, Monofill som består av 20 % cement och 80 % granuleratmasugnsslagg samt aktivt kol. De olika recepten blandades med sediment från området och lämnadesatt härda under 28 dygn. Efter härdningen utvärderades de stabiliserade massorna med avseende påminskad utlakning av PAH jämfört med obehandlat sediment, skjuvhållfasthet och permeabilitet.Analyser av de fyra blandningarna visade att kravet på skjuvhållfasthet och permeabilitet uppfylldesför samtliga tillsatser av bindemedel och överlag innebar större mängder tillsatt bindemedel högreskjuvhållfasthet och lägre permeabilitet. Resultaten från laktester indikerade att en större tillsats avaktivt kol minskade utlakningen av PAH.Tillsatsen av bindemedel som bedöms vara bäst lämpad för stabilisering av sedimenten från områdetvar en total mängd av cement och Monofill på 250 kg/m3 (30 % cement och 70 % Monofill) samt entillsats av aktivt kol på 5 % av TS.Inblandning i sedimenten enligt receptet ovan resulterade i en skjuvhållfasthet på 413 KPa samt enönskat låg permeabilitet. Utlakningen av PAH-16 reducerades med ~45 % jämfört med obehandlatsediment. / The sediments in the area Kolkajen-Ropsten, Stockholm, have shown high levels of tar oils due to thegasworks in the area. The city of Stockholm is planning construction in the area which increases therisk of contaminants spreading to the surrounding area. In order to protect workers during the plannedconstruction and future inhabitants, remediation has to be carried out. The tar oils have highconcentrations of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and it is pollution of PAH-16 that dictates theneed for remediation.A remediation method that has been used in similar projects, with good results, is stabilization andsolidification (s/s) of the sediments. This is done by mixing binder materials with the sediments whichharden and it results in lowered mobility of the contaminants and improved geotechnical properties ofthe soil. If the shear strength is high enough (>140 KPa), the permeability is low enough (10-8-10-9m/s) and the leaching is reduced sufficiently, the stabilized sediments can be used as a foundation.To evaluate the possibility of this remediation method, a batch of sediment samples from the area wasanalyzed to obtain information about site specific parameters. The analysis showed that the sedimentshad high water content and were rich in organic matter. They were dominated by small particlefractions and had a PAH-16 concentration of 13000 mg/kg DM. With regard to these site specificparameters and a literature study, four different recipes with different amounts of binders wereselected and tested in a laboratory study. The used binders were: cement from Skövde which is aportland-fly ash cement, Monofill composed of 20 % cement and 80 % granulated furnace slag, andaddition of activated carbon.The sediments were mixed with binders according to the recipes and left to harden for 28 days.Following the 28 days of hardening, the stabilized mixtures were evaluated with regard to: thereduction of leaching of PAH in comparison to the untreated sediments, shear strength, andpermeability.Analyses of the four mixtures showed that the desirable values of both shear strength and permeabilitywere achieved for all mixtures, and that a higher concentration of binders resulted in a higher shearstrength and lower permeability. The results from the leaching tests indicated that a higherconcentration of activated carbon resulted in a lowered leaching of PAH.The mixture of binders that was deemed to be most suitable for stabilizing the sediments from the areawas a total amount of cement and Monofill at 250 kg/m3 (30 % cement and 70 % Monofill) with anaddition of activated carbon at 5 % of DM (dry matter).Addition of this binder mixture to the sediments resulted in a shear strength of 413 KPa and a desiredlow permeability. The reduced leaching of PAH-16 was ~45 % compared to untreated sediments.

The challenges and Opportunities of the Grand Renaissance Dam for sustainable Energy - Water - Food - Ecosystem services Nexus in Ethiopia. / The challenges and Opportunities of the Grand Renaissance Dam for sustainable Energy - Water - Food - Ecosystem services Nexus in Ethiopia.

Handiso, Bisrat Woldemichael January 2018 (has links)
Ethiopia has been challenged by multidimensional poverty. However, it has the potential to minimize the threat through an integrated multipurpose development process. In this regard, hydropower has a significant role to reduce energy poverty and enhance the multipurpose use of natural resources efficiency. Hydropower is a source of clean, sustainable and renewable energy. It has a contribution to reducing carbon emission and maintaining environmental sustainability. In Ethiopia, it is the major source of electricity. The country is rich in natural resources, including water to produce energy, however, electricity supply is still uncertain. The data shows that the country has the potential to produce 50,000 MW energy from water resources. Yet, it exploited 3,822 MW in 2018, approximately 7.6 % of its potential. Moreover, the country faces issues with energy security. Additionally, water and food supply also face an uncertain future. In this case, the country has planned the growth and transformation plan I and II for 2015 and 2020 to increase the energy production to 10,000 MW and 17,000 MW energy respectively. Consequently, the government launched different multipurpose hydropower plant projects. This project focuses on the multipurpose use of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, particularly for the sustainable energy-water-food-ecosystem service nexus at the national level. I applied the combination of methods such as the energy-water-food-ecosystem nexus, the SWOT analysis and the sustainability assessment as they are suitable for the complexity of such a project. Indeed, the GERD has benefits for the country in producing renewable and clean energy, generating income and increasing the water storage capacity at the national level. However, the project neglected the values of ecosystem services integration with the dam and its sectors. As a result, the dam affected the existed terrestrial biodiversity and ecosystem. Therefore, the GERD had not been the well-prepared plan that considers institutional cooperation and sectoral integration to use for multipurpose function and its sustainability. In these regards, unless the dam to take proper management of the project and natural resources, the hydropower plant would not have been generating sustainable energy production. / <p>The paper shows that how to use the reservoir hydropower plant for multipurpose, such as for energy, water, food, ecosystem services integration at local level</p>

Kan Soil Security-konceptet bidra till ökad hållbarhet vid åtgärder av förorenade områden?

Bergman, Karin January 2018 (has links)
Områden som antas vara förorenade utreds idag med hjälp av Naturvårdsverkets vägledning för förorenade områden. Vägledningsmaterialet baseras till stor del på miljömålet giftfri miljö och vilka risker ett förorenat område kan utgöra för människor och ekosystem. Soil Security-konceptet är relativt nytt och är främst utvecklat för att bedöma jordbruksmarker och bygger på att jordförvaltningen ska leda till att jordresursen bevaras eller förbättras. I detta projekt har en utvärdering utförts om Soil Security-konceptet skulle kunna användas för att arbetet med förorenade områden ska leda mot hållbarhet. Nio indikatorer som alla indikerar att biomassaproduktion fungerar har tagits fram och sedan använts som underlag för jämförelsen mellan Naturvårdsverkets vägledning och Soil Security-konceptet. Dessa indikatorer har även använts för att utreda vad som utförs i det praktiska arbetet med förorenade områden. En analys av hur markmiljön värderas i det praktiska arbetet och om de åtgärder som utförs leder till fungerande markekosystem har också genomförts. Slutligen har Magdalena Gleisner på Naturvårdsverket intervjuats eftersom projektet har en koppling till den utvärdering de utför av vägledningsmaterialet. Vid jämförelse av utgångspunkterna bakom Soil Security-konceptet och Naturvårdsverkets vägledning hittades både skillnader och likheter. I stora drag är Naturvårdsverkets vägledning främst inriktad på vilka risker en förorenad jord kan utgöra och ser inte jorden som ett skyddsobjekt som behöver skyddas eftersom den kan utföra funktioner som är till nytta för människor och ekosystem. I Soil Security- konceptet är utgångspunkten att skydda markfunktioner för att de senare ska kunna bidra till att lösa globala samhällsutmaningar som exempelvis säker tillgång på livsmedel och vatten. När ramverken jämfördes med avseende på indikatorerna för biomassaproduktion fanns de flesta av indikatorerna med i Naturvårdsverkets vägledning, antingen direkt eller indirekt. Hur indikatorerna sedan analyserades för att bedöma jordens tillstånd var den största skillnaden mellan ramverken. I Soil Security- konceptet används indikatorerna för att avgöra om växtetablering kan ske och även jordens status, medan i Naturvårdsverkets vägledning bedöms istället vilka risker föroreningarna kan utgöra. Tre praktiska fall har också utvärderats och i dessa har Naturvårdsverkets vägledning följts till största delen. Markmiljön har bedömts skyddas av åtgärderna i två av tre fall, dock är det enda kravet på återfyllnadsmaterialet att det inte bidrar till ökade föroreningshalter. För att markfunktioner ska fungera och åtgärderna ska leda mot hållbarhet krävs även att markmaterialet exempelvis har en god jordtextur, ett gynnsamt pH-värde och innehåller näring. För att arbetet med förorenade områden ska leda mot hållbarhet behövs en ny vägledning där Soil Security-konceptet beaktas, nya studier tas fram och delar av den gamla vägledningen används. / In this project, today’s work with contaminated sites was evaluated. In Sweden when assessing sites that probably are contaminated, a guideline made by the Swedish EPA is used. This guideline was compared with the soil security concept both by comparing the foundations, and which indicators that differs between the frameworks. The differences in the foundations were that in the Swedish EPA guideline focus is on the risks contaminated sites could have on humans and ecosystems. The soil security concept on the other hand focuses in functioning soil functions to contribute in global societal challenges. In the comparison evaluating the indicators, nine indicators for the soil function production of biomass were formulated. All of the indicators are mentioned in the soil security concept and even in the Swedish EPA guidelines most of them are mentioned either direct or indirect. The biggest differ between the frameworks is how the indicators are analyzed. In the Swedish EPA guidelines, the risks the indicators could provide are analyzed, while in the soil security concept the indicators are analyzed to know if plants can be established in the area. The practical work with contaminated sites was also evaluated in the project. The same indicators where used to see if differences could be found between the actual work and the Swedish EPA guidelines. Three studies were evaluated and they followed most of guidelines. The soil ecosystem was assessed to be protected in two of the three studies, even though the filling material that could be used only has one requirement that it not contributes to increasing contamination levels. This could lead to non-sustainability due to soil material that is incapable of plant establishment and other important soil functions. If the work with contaminated sites should reach sustainability a new framework needs to be produced which has parts from the Swedish EPA guidelines, the soil security concept and even new research.

Petrophysic of the Host-rock to the Ore in the Lovisa Mine, Bergslagen / Petrofysik hos det malmnära sidoberget i Lovisagruvan, Bergslagen

Gilljam Päärt, Oscar January 2019 (has links)
The Bergslagen region has three base-metal mines operating today, and one of them is the Lovisa mine, which host a Zn-Pb-Ag deposit. The Lovisa mine is located in the Guldsmedshyttan area north of Lindesberg. The mine is part of in the X-Mine H2020 project that includes four different mines with the aim of an improved environmental resource management. The project aims at reducing the environmental impact from transport, ore processing and chemical handling as well as result in lowering the costs per produced amount of metal. The purpose for this thesis is to determine the petrophysical characteristics of the host rocks to the thin tabular mineralised units in the Lovisa mine with petrophysics. Petrophysics is used to obtain information about the physical properties of rocks, which is then is integrated with geophysics and the geology, to obtain an improved understanding about the different geophysical anomalies. The petrophysic methods used here, reviled three different physical properties of the rocks: density, magnetic volume susceptibility and natural remanent magnetization. These properties were measured on five different drill cores and correlated with the literature data and lithologies of the core. The lithologies close to the ore correspond to literature data for volcanic siltstone, volcanic sandstone, massive rhyolite, skarn (calc-silicates) and dolomite. Dolomite is not present in the cores and corresponds to breccia, volcanic sandstone and skarn. My conclusion for this method, is that in order to do a lithological interpretation based on the measured petrophysical properties, is that a good knowledge of the lithologies as well as a good understanding of the geological processes that have affected the rocks in the investigated area are required. / I Bergslagen finns det idag tre aktiva gruvor som bryter sulfidmalm, och en av dem är Lovisagruva som är en malmkropp Zn-Pb-(Ag)-malm. Lovisagruvan ligger i Guldsmedshytteområdet, norr om Lindesberg. Gruvan är en del av X-Mine-projektet som bl.a. undersöker små, komplexa malmkroppar i syfte att reducera miljöpåverkan och effektivisera produktionen. Syftet med detta kandidatarbete är att bestämma petrofysiska egenskaper hos lithologin i det malmnära sidoberget vid Lovisagruva. Petrofysik används för att ta reda på bergets fysikaliska egenskaper, och dessa egenskaper används sedan inom geofysik, för att få en förståelse för de olika avvikelser som visas i andra geofysiska mätningar. De petrofysiska mätningarna som utfördes, gav tre fysikaliska egenskaper hos varje prov, densitet, magnetisk susceptibilitet och den naturliga magnetiska remanensen. Resultaten från varje prov korrelerades sedan med litteraturdata och jämfördes med borrkärneloggar från Lovisa. De petrofysiska mätningarna utfördes på prover från fem olika borrhål. Resultatet visar att det malmnära sidoberget korrelerar med litteraturdata på vulkanisk siltsten, vulkanisk sandsten, kalksilikat, ryolit, skarn och dolomit. Dolomit finns inte i kärnorna utan representeras av bl.a. breccia, vulkanisk sandsten och skarn. Min slutsats är att det går att bestämma lithologin med dessa fysikaliska egenskaper, men man måste ha en god kännedom om vilka bergarter som förväntas att förekomma i området samt vilka geologiska processer som påverkat dem. / H2020 X-mine

Integrated hydrodynamic and socio-economic damage modelling for assessment of flood risk in large-scale basin : The case study of Lower Chao Phraya River Basin in Thailand

Pumchawsaun, Phat January 2018 (has links)
Thailand has been often affected by severe flood events over the past century. The 2011’s Thailand Flood Catastrophe was the costliest in country’s history, and it was ranked to be the second most damaging natural hazard in the world in terms of economic losses. The Chao Phraya River Basin was noted to be the most vulnerable area prone to flooding in Thailand. The dynamics of flood risk in the river basin have changed drastically over the past fifty years. In particular, flood exposure increased due to rapid urbanization and population growth. Since 2012, integrated flood risk management has been addressed to be the major framework of water-related disasters with the goal of losses and damage reductions. However, there is currently little research in Thailand on how to quantify flood risks and mitigate flood inundation damage on the relation between the occurrence of flood events and their consequential socio-economic implications. In this study, a tradition method in flood risk assessment is implemented by integrating 2D hydrodynamic modelling and the assessment of socio-economic impact of floods into the Chao Phraya River Basin. More specifically, the fully 2D version of the LISFLOOD-FP model code was used to model flood inundation processes. The output of the model was then used to map inundation depth and assess the levels of physical/environmental risk associated to flood hazards on multiple receptors/elements at risk. The European Flood Directive and the KULTURisk methodology were applied to quantify flood risks in monetary terms for residential, industrial, and agricultural sectors. The 2011 flood event was used for model calibration, while a hypothetical flood event with a return period of 100 years was simulated to identify the potential flood losses. Depth-damage functions comprising of JRC-ASIA, the Flemish, and JICA models were used to estimate potential damage for residential and industrial structures. The results showed that LISFLOOD-FP could satisfactorily reproduce the flood inundation extent obtained from satellite imagery in 2011. The model performance (Critical Success Index or F1) was of 56%, with a Bias of 112%. The latter meant the total inundated area was 12% larger than flood extent’s observation. Moreover, the model could simulate flood levels with overall Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 2.03 m a.s.l. and 1.78 m a.s.l., respectively. For the estimation of flood damage and losses, the Flemish model showed the strongest agreement with the reported flood damage in the residential sector, while JICA-ASIA model underestimated flood damage for industrial sector by just 1%. The KULTURisk methodology also well-estimated crop losses in the 2011 event which an overestimation about 21% from the reported value. Apart from that, fully 2D numerical method could not perfectly represent 1-in-100 year flood inundation due to non-consideration of important features such as the precise river channel topography, hydraulic infrastructures, and flood protection schemes in the river basin. Lack of such features results in an overestimation of flood damage and losses for 1-in-100 year flood comparing to the national flood hazard map and damage assessment which are simulated and estimated by JICA’s study. Such features can be better handled by using a coupled 1D/2D numerical method in order to simulate flood inundation extent more realistically and estimate flood losses. This could help the Thai government to better prepare a budget for flood risk prevention. In addition, even if the Flemish model indicates a good representation of relative flood damage to housing structures, the government should establish depth-damage curves specific for Thailand.

Tvådimensionell grundvattenmodellering av påverkansområdet inför tunnelkonstruktion i Glömstadalen / Two-dimensional groundwater modelling of the influence area ahead of tunnel construction in Glömstadalen

Johansson, Emelie January 2018 (has links)
When building tunnels in rock, an inflow of groundwater is likely induced. Depending on the hydraulic properties of the rock and the surrounding soils, the inflow may cause a decline in the groundwater level above the tunnel line with possible consequences for nearby well facilities or groundwater dependent environments. Discharge of the inflowing groundwater represents an operation of water (vattenverksamhet in Swedish) according to the Swedish environmental law, meaning that permission must be applied for at the Environmental Court. In the application, the operator presents an area of influence for groundwater, which defines the area where the groundwater levels could change due to the planned operation. In this work, the area of influence has been defined as the area where the groundwater level is lowered by more than five centimeters. As part of the project Tvärförbindelse Södertörn in southern Stockholm, the Swedish Transport Administration is planning for the construction of a tunnel in rock adjacent to Glömstadalen in Huddinge municipality. The aim of this master thesis was to investigate the extension of the area of influence of the tunnel through two-dimensional groundwater modelling. A site-specific model was created in the program SEEP/W by establishing a cross-section orthogonal to the tunnel and through examination of the hydrogeological conditions in the area. Steady-state modelling of both unsaturated and saturated flow was then carried out including and excluding the tunnel. Through this, the change in groundwater levels due to the tunnel could be reviewed. Since the development of the model required simplifications and assumptions of the site-specific conditions, a simple sensitivity analysis was also performed where a few model parameters were altered to examine how the area of influence changed. The modelling results showed that the tunnel, when sealed suitably, at most changed the groundwater levels 680 meters north and 840 meters south along the studied cross-section. The smallest effect on the groundwater levels was observed 400 meters north and 560 meters south of the tunnel. Differences in the extension of the area of influence were noticed depending on how the outflow of groundwater in Glömstadalen was represented, and which sealing properties around the tunnel were used. Furthermore, the modelling showed that the hydraulic conductivity of the rock is of major importance for the location of the groundwater table, and therefore it is considered relevant to perform hydraulic tests in the rock to increase the reliability of the model.

Temporal och spatial variation för pH och relaterade parametrar i Bastuån, Jämtland / Temporal and spatial variation of pH and related paramters in Bastuån, Jämtland

Enetjärn, Albin January 2018 (has links)
Anthropogenic emissions of acidifying substances, mainly sulfur dioxide, during the second half of the 20th century caused a widespread acidification of many European freshwater environments. Even relatively remote areas, such as inland northern Sweden, experienced reduced pH-values, much due to low buffering capacity in the environment. Extensive liming has taken place in Sweden over the past fifty years to counteract negative effects on limnic ecosystems. Despite a general increase in pH over the last decades, problems with acidification still occur. However, this can be hard to separate from natural acidity due to a large landscape variability. This study aims at describing the temporal and spatial variation of pH and pH-related parameters in Bastuån, a 46 km2 watershed in Jämtland, Sweden, which is being investigated for future liming measures. Existing water chemistry data sets were analyzed and extended with an additional field study, sampling the twelve largest tributaries to Bastuån. Results show that pronounced high and low pH values has become increasingly rare while the average is basically unchanged between 1999 and 2017. Low pH is mainly associated with high discharge during snowmelt or rain events. Anthropogenic SO42- concentrations seems to contribute relatively little to pH-depressions while organic acids plays a more important role. Large water chemical variations in the tributaries indicate that several different biological and physical properties within the watershed regulates pH. However, any credible function that can predict pH using such properties remains to be found.

Global Partnerships for Sustainable Development - a case study of the Global Deal for Decent Work and Inclusive Growth

Palling Huusko, Susanna January 2018 (has links)
This thesis discusses global partnerships for sustainable development. Global partnerships have come to be considered as key tools for the implementation of certain international sustainable development goals and there is a growing literature on the subject. Nevertheless, no study has yet been done of the Global Deal Partnership for Decent Work and Inclusive Growth, initiated by the Government of Sweden in 2016. The partnership is presented as a concrete input to several of the Sustainable Development Goals, especially numbers 8, 10, and 17. This provides an important opportunity to make sense of the Global Deal partnership, in particular since it is the first attempt of its kind to unite all stakeholders on the global labour market to work together to provide decent work and inclusive growth for all. What are the goals of the Global Deal, how was it formed, and how is it being implemented? The analysis presented in this thesis is based on a literature survey, documentary analysis, and interviews with the Global Deal Partnership’s support unit at the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs. This thesis argues that the Global Deal partnership is a textbook example of a global multi-stakeholder partnership, developed through an inclusive goal-setting process, and implemented with monitoring and reporting functions.

Excise taxation to protect our planet: a point of view from students in the global North : A case from Södertörn University, Sweden

Wallenborg, Angelique, Eriksson, Amanda January 2018 (has links)
Background: Flying is a mode of travel used mainly by the wealthier part of the planets’ inhabitants, while it is the poor parts of the world that suffer the consequences from climate change the most. Coping with climate change is one of the largest challenges of the century, especially for low-income developing countries. Important stakeholders have realized that it’s a global responsibility to lower the anthropogenic impact on the climate. Political ecology will be used to place the problem with unequal distribution of consequences in a larger context, while environmental economics will be used to examine the flight tax implemented in Sweden on April 1st2018. Purpose: Toexamine student’s attitudes towards excise taxation as an incentive to reduce emissions from air traffic, and whether there was a difference in attitudes between students from different disciplines. Research question: What are Swedish students’ attitudes towards excise tax onflights to reduce emissions? Is there adifference in attitude towards the flight tax depending on the students’ field of studies? Method: Quantitative approach with questionnaire responses as the main empirical data material for analysis. Conclusion: A majority of students participating were positive towards the newly implemented flight tax. Students from an environmental discipline were positive to a greater extent than other students.

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